
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Jul 31, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated.

Snaked Part Six

I had never been to Snake's house, but I had a good idea where he lived. I pulled into his driveway ready to take charge. There were no lights on in the house, so at first I wasn't sure if he was even home. I tapped quietly on his back door and it was answered by Snake wearing my `Official Dallas Cowboy's Training Shorts', they were beginning to show stress points along the middle seam, no surprise. They were strong enough for cowboys, but not the horse. I began my prepared speech; well truthfully I didn't say a word, because my breath was being sucked away by Snake's lips against mine. Man he was so hot, I decided to put off the speech for just awhile.

"Ryan you really sucked tonight", he said in between kisses.

"Speaking of sucking, it's been so long, let's get you undressed", he took my hand and I followed him to his bedroom.

Snake's bedroom was more like the recovery room at the zoo. There were animal cages everywhere and a distinct stink. There was a ferret near the door and next to it was a rabbit that must have eaten a bad carrot, it was going through a bad gastric experience. On a pole, in the corner there was a large cage with a parrot inside. It went "Awk Pretty Boy" when I came in.

I stepped back a little, but I was pushed inside by Snake's hands exploring my ass. It didn't take long for him to undress me, he was good at it and as always I let him have his way. It's important to be nice, don't you think?

Now stripped of everything and hard as a rock, thanks to Snake's man handling. I hoped for the best. That's when Snake said,

"Ryan I really want to suck you off, but I want it to be the best blowjob you have ever had and the only way that's going to happen is for you to show me exactly how you like it. Show me how to turn you on", he said while guiding me to my knees.

Snake was great, this time when I blew him it would be for me, and I would be able to show him how I wanted him to do it to me, what a guy!

His dick was there, inches away from my lips. I bypassed it starting with the balls. Licking the ball sack is the best turn on. Then slowly licking up the shaft and rounding the corner, slipping the head between my lips and then going back down again along the shaft. Snake was enjoying the instructions and I felt that it was important to take my time so he would get it right when he did me. I went up and down, using my tongue to stimulate him. As my speed intensified and I continued to take more of him into my mouth, again and again, faster and faster and more and more, then the reward, down the shoot, while the parrot said "Awk, suck it up baby Awk".

As I licked up the last drops, Snake said, "So do you like Long John?"

I looked up at him holding his dick and said, "You've name it?"

"No silly the Parrot, his name is Long John", he replied.

"Oh, yeah, sure, nice bird", I replied.

"With short breathes he said, "Ryan you are the best, I can't wait to do you, but Randy should be here soon, do you have twenty bucks so I can order some pizza?"

"Pizza" I cried in frustration.

"Well of course Ryan, we need to feed our guest. I hope you don't expect Randy to do all this for nothing; that would be rude", I was chastised by Snake.

"Well, no of course not, but you said guest, who else is coming", I asked a little weary?

"Oh Randy needs to baby-sit his little brother tonight, but don't worry we'll keep him busy", I was assured and Snake took a twenty from my wallet.

I dared to ask, "So Snake will I be getting my blowjob now?"

"Of course Ryan, I can't wait, it will all be part of the natural animal experience I want to give you okay", he asked?

"Animal experience", I asked with my eyebrows and dick rising in anticipation?

"Yeah, Ryan you're going to love this, you're such a nature lover, I thought I would introduce you to sex like it's done in the wild", he smiled nicely.

"In the wild", I asked with my eyebrows and dick rising more in anticipation?

"Sure, you know that in every pack or herd there is an Alpha and all the others are at his pleasure. The Alpha picks the pack member he wants to be with and it lets the Alpha have his way. Of course Ryan, I choose you, it will be really cool", Snake assured me.

"So does that mean I get my blowjob" I asked with my eyebrows and dick rising even more in anticipation?

"Sure, sure, but let me order the pizza and I think Randy just pulled up, we'll be back to get things started, so just stay naked and hard, this is going to be great", at that Snake ran out of the room.

I heard the doorbell and some commotion, standing naked and hard in the middle of Snake's bedroom. In a minute the door pushed open and in ran a little kid. I froze.

He stood there staring at my obvious display and said,

"Wow I came in to see Long John, but look at the big pee pee you have."

We all know It's a matter of perspective, but I couldn't resist being proud for a moment and then, I realized I was probably breaking a few laws. Without covering it I asked,

"Who are you"? Long John not helping "Awk Jail Bait Awk"

"Oh I'm Randy's brother; he's got a nice one too, but not a fat as yours. I can't wait until Monday at school; I know what I'm going to talk about at Show and Tell."

"Well kid, maybe that's not a good idea, how about I give you a few bucks to forget about this", I asked in a pleading voice?

The kid thought for a minute and said,

"For a few bucks, I could forget about it until Tuesday, but for twenty it never happen", he smiled ever so sweetly.

"Yeah, sure, my wallets in my jeans over there help yourself", I told him. He did and ran out the door.

As I recovered, I heard footsteps and then Randy came sashaying through the door. His hair was brown, with tips of orange and his perfume helped displace the aroma from the sick rabbit. He stood looking at me with the same dreamy eyes I have seen before, but this time they came from a guy, I guess.

"Ryan, this is a special moment for me", I heard his high pitched voice for the first time.

Randy went on, "I have wanted to see you naked and dreamt of having sex with you for a long time, of course all the gay guys at school have", he told me.

"I asked surprised, "There's more gay guys at school?"

"Hundreds of them", he informed me.

"Oh My"

Standing there, I watched Randy remove his shirt. I decided this show would be better if I took my place on the bed and fluffed up the pillow to get a better view. He had to wiggle a lot to get those tight jeans down his thin legs and I was enjoying the male strip show, not that I'm into that. Now down to his silky underwear I had a better look at his body. He looked like he had fallen into a vat of white chock, so I asked him,

"Don't you ever get out in the sun?"

"No I spend a lot of time in darken rooms", he informed me.

"Oh My"

Slowly he released his dick from behind the cloudy silk. Randy stood naked and very hard. My first surprised was he was completely hairless. He reminded me of an eleven year boy.

Now don't get the wrong idea, I don't necessarily go around checking out young boys, but sometimes when I'm camping with the Cub Scouts, they're are few of them who like to get naked and sneak into my tent. Before you know it, one of them has removed my shorts and they are all piling on all over me in a kind of wrestling frenzy. Sure enough one of those slippery bodies, usually its Sarah's brother Mark, what a cutie, will slide right up my chest and rub his little four inch spike against my lips. Anyway, we'll leave all that for another story.

Randy is not only hairless, is dick is about as thin and hard as a Number 2 Ticonderoga pencil. He moved over and stood in front of me and said,

"Ryan, I can't wait, but Snake says you are the best cocksucker around, would you mind showing me how's it done?"

How can you resist someone so polite, after all he just wanted me to help him improve his craft? So I did. Having Randy in my mouth after Snake, felt like I had room for three more. Just the vision of that made me more excited. Randy was obviously excited too, in just a minute he unloaded his sweat tasting cum and to make sure he completed the course; I showed him how to take it down the shoot.

It didn't take long for Randy to recover, at this age and this situation, I'm not surprised, I mean to have sex with the Former MVP is truly something special, I guess.

Randy's slight frame moved around so that his slim tool was pushing against my hole. I didn't know he had entered me until I saw him pushing in and out. Snake says I tight, but there was room for more than Randy, that's for sure. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but when Snake poked his head in the door, I had to tell him I didn't think this was going to do the trick. I wanted to be ready for Snake; not being ready could turn out badly.

Snake examined the situation like a site supervisor. The only thing missing was a clipboard. He instructed Randy to continue to do his best and raced out the door.

In a few minutes the door opened again and I was beginning to feel like I was on the special rack at Wal-Mart or something. This time it was none other than Jimmy Dowlas.

As Randy pumped away Jimmy undressed, getting ready to go in and finish the project.

Other than in the cafeteria the other day, I had not seen Jimmy naked since our early teens. Seeing him now brought back wonderful memories of days passed exploring each others body. We had never gone past the touching and jerking, but as Jimmy came in closer, now hard and hot, I reached up and pulled him towards my mouth.

"Oh, Ryan, damn why didn't we figure this part out years ago", he asked? "Ryan you are so hot, how do you do that with your tongue, OMG Ryan? Randy, you're looking good too, nice slim dick you've got there, can I play with it later", Jimmy asked nicely?

"Sure, I'll be wrapping up here soon. By the way where's my little brother", he asked while humping me?

Jimmy said, "Oh he's playing with the snake."

I pulled off of Jimmy asking somewhat worried, "Isn't he a little young for that?"

"No, I mean the real Snake in the basement. He's down there keeping the raccoon you almost killed company", Jimmy informed me.

"Oh sorry about that", I said and went back to work on what had developed to be a very nice dick. I couldn't remember why I stopped playing around with Jimmy, then as everything heated up I was reminded.

Both Randy and Jimmy were at the point of explosion, Randy gave one more pump and I tweaked Jimmy balls and he screamed my name and both he and Randy shoot at about the same time. It was more than I could stand and without anyone touching me I shot my load, Jimmy screamed "Ryan" again. Now I remember why we stopped.

"Awk, there she blows, Awk"

We rested for a few minutes and then Jimmy took over. It was really great of him to pitch in like this and I thanked him while he slammed me with his much thicker dick. Jimmy was no match for Snake, but I was sure he would help make thing easier for later.

It never took Jimmy long, and he screamed my name as he came again.

I rested for awhile after Randy and Jimmy had left the room. I hadn't seen Snake in hours and wondered where he was. Jimmy stepped into the room still naked and told me that Snake wanted me to take a shower and he would be in shortly. I cleaned all the important areas carefully and crawled back into bed. I guess I dozed off for awhile. All that sex had made me sleepy.

Then in the moonlight slipping through his bedroom window I saw the door fly back. My eyes were suddenly wide open; I had never seen anything like this before, I had no idea what to think. I had no idea what was going to happen next, I just had no idea, that's all I'm saying. This was beyond my imagination.

"Awk Holy Cow Awk" sounded Long John.

To be Continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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