Snow Day

By Jason Calme

Published on Jun 30, 2005


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behavior of the actual person.

Copyright 2005 Jason Calme. This story is the sole property of its author and may not be copied in whole or in part or posted on any website without the permission of the author.

Questions and commentary can be sent to: "". My blog:

Snow Day - Chapter 4

I slept badly, waking several times, finding it difficult to go back to sleep and feeling miserable. I finally fell asleep around dawn, and was awoken just after 9 by my Mother standing over me.

"I brought you coffee," she said softly. "I know how you need it to function," she smiled.

"Thanks," I grunted.

My mother stood there and I figured there was more. She pointed to the bed, and I shifted over a bit and she sat down.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Okay," I said evenly.

"You want to talk about last night?"


"I'm sorry about..." she paused, seemingly unsure what to say. "I probably shouldn't have just pushed my way into things last night..."


"I know," she smiled. "You're old enough to solve your own problems. I didn't mean to embarrass you by butting in and playing mother. It was just Howie was..." she paused. "Very upset, and you were obviously upset, and I was worried. I guess I imagined all kinds of things."

"It's okay Mom," I said thoughtfully.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"No Mom. It's okay. I really don't mind."

"Okay," she nodded, and patted my arm.

There was a long uncomfortable silence.

"So I'm going to take Howie down to try and find his car."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Then he wants me to take him to a motel."

I sat there thinking about it. So he was leaving. Well that was okay, wasn't it? Probably for the best. Yet why did I feel so miserable?

"Are you going to come?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Okay," she said.

There was a long pause.

"He wants to talk to you," she said quietly.

"Mom, I can't"

"He would have been down here already but I told him not to...I thought it would be best to give you a chance to wake up."

"I don't want too..."

"Don't you think you should give him a chance to apologize before he goes?"

I sighed.

"What did he tell you?" I asked.

Mom sat there for a moment. "Do you want me telling him what you tell me?" she asked.

I shook me head. At the same time I figured that meant he had told her something. Either that or made up some weird story. Suddenly I was intrigued. He'd told my Mother something, but what? And why was she on his side; trying to get me to talk to him? If she were upset with him she would have seen him out the door in a flash.

"No," I said.

"So what do I tell him?" she asked.

"Tell him...I don't know...I just don't want to talk to him."

"Okay," she said, and then she got up. "I just don't want you having any regrets later on," she said, and then she walked out.

I sighed. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I was more confused than ever, and I didn't know what to do. So I just lay back down and closed my eyes.

Five minutes later I heard a thump, thump, thump, as someone came walking down the hall. I could tell it wasn't my mother.

There was a tentative knock on the door. The door was open, but he didn't come in.

"What do you want?" I asked, not opening my eyes.

"Can I come in?" Howie asked timidly.

I wanted to tell him to go away. I was still angry and confused. And now I was mad that my mother hadn't kept him from me. Part of me suspected that she might have even sent him.

"Yeah," I said.

I opened my eyes and watched as he came in and kind of hovered in the center of the room. There was a long silence and I kept expecting him to say something, but instead, there was just...silence.

Finally I decided to say something. "So you're going to get your car?"


Another silence.

"Mom said you're going to go and stay at a motel."

"Yeah...uh...thought it was probably for the best."

I nodded.

Another long silence.

"I'm sorry Sam. I'm really sorry," Howie almost whispered.

I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. I just lay there, trying to think of what to say, but nothing came.

There was another long silence.

"Well...I'm gonna leave you alone..." Howie said finally, but he just stood there.

"Okay," I said.

He stood there for a long moment, his shoulders sagging, then he turned and started to walk out.

"Why?" I said to his back, and he stopped in his tracks.

He turned around, looking upset. "I...I..." he stuttered.

I'd been lying down, but figured maybe I should show a little more interest in what he had to say. I sat up, pulling myself partly out of the sleeping bag, but that just seemed to upset him more, as he looked all around the room, except at me.


"I'm sorry..."

"I know," I said, getting a little annoyed. "I just...I want to know why I miss read..."

"It's not your fault," he interrupted. "You didn't do anything wrong. It's all my fault, I didn't mean to..I just...I don't know..." he trailed off.


He wouldn't look at me.


His eyes finally fell on mine.

I pulled my legs up and patted the bed in front of me. Howie stood there for a moment, and then he walked over and sat down nervously.

"I'm sorry...I..." he began tentatively and then he stopped. I just sat and waited and eventually he started again. "When I found out you were gay I didn't care, but then yesterday we had so much fun and...well I could tell that you liked me and I was having fun and it just seemed okay to go with it, you know?"

He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded.

"I guess it didn't really occur to me that I might be leading you on," he went on. "I don't know why. Okay, duhÉI'm a fucking shit," and he made a really cute 'dumb' face and I almost laughed. He smiled too, and then the smile vanished and he continued quietly.

"But then last night I was still kind of just going with it...I wasn't intentionally leading you on..." he paused and took a breath. "I guess I was maybe trying to see how far it would go because it was just fun up until then..." he looked at me nervously for a reaction. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just sat there.

"This all sounds so stupid. I'm so sorry," he said quietly.

"Howie I..."

But he interrupted me. Clearly there was more he wanted to get off his chest.

"And I was thinking about..." he paused and noticeably reddened, "Uh..."

"It's okay Howie,"

"I don't know, maybe I was kind of curious I guess, you know?" he whispered, and blushed. "But you looked so...I knew it was more than just experimenting for you and I knew I had to tell you...warn you...I don't know. I just couldn't go on with you thinking it was more than it was."

I sat there trying to absorb it all. The truth was somehow even harder to take than my imaginings.

"I'm sorry," he repeated. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Everything had gone so..." and he trailed off.

I reached out and patted his hand. He looked at my hand and then up into my eyes and smiled nervously.

His eyes were wet and he sniffed and wiped at his face with the back of his hand. He stared at me with blinking eyes and I smiled at him and he smiled back nervously.

"Well, I better get going," he said finally.

"Okay," I said.

He got up and walked to the door, stopped and turned back. "Sam, I'm sorry I was such a shit. I really had a great time yesterday. You're a great guy."

"Uh...thanks, Howie," I said.

He nodded sadly and then walked out.

I sat there for a moment, and then sighed. Well, fuck it.

I jumped out of bed, wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and walked down to the kitchen. Howie and Mom were standing there; he looked upset and she had her hand on his shoulder. They both looked up in surprise as I walked through.

"Morning," I said brightly, and went to the cupboard in search of a breakfast bar. I found one and pulled it out. Turning around, Mom and Howie were still staring at me with a mixture of surprise and bewilderment.

"So when are we leaving?" I asked.

"To dig out the car?" my Mom asked.



"Okay, well I just have to get changed," I said. "Back in a minute," and I hurried up the stairs to my room.

I was picking my jeans up off the floor when Howie came into the room.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey," I said.

"You'''s okay?" he asked.

"No it's not okay," I said and I saw him stiffen. "I'm totally pissed at you."

He looked down.

"It's probably gonna take me most of the day to forgive you," I said. "But if I just...well if you go while I'm still mad at you I'll be mad at myself for weeks."

He nodded, giving me a small smile and I just wanted to hug him. But I resisted the urge.

"You know you don't have to..." he began.

"Don't be stupid," I interrupted him. "It'll take you all day on your own."

"No it won't," he said. "You Mom was gonna help," and he grinned.

Dammit, I had to smile back at him. I couldn't help myself.

"Dork!" I said.

"Doofus!" he smiled back at me.

My Mom drove us out to find Howie's car. The idea was that we'd find the car, dig it out, then call the garage and they'd come and tow it in to be fixed. I just hoped we'd find it whole, and without any damage.

I sat up front, since it was felt that I'd have a better idea of where the car was; Howie's memory was decidedly hazy.

As it turned out, we missed the car the first time. We drove about a mile beyond it before I realized that I'd seen a building that I'd passed before picking up Howie. So Mom turned around, and back we went - rather slowly - until we came around a corner and it felt familiar.

"I think it's up here somewhere," I said, and my Mom drove even slower until I noticed a large mound.

"That's it!" I yelled.

My mother pulled over and we all got out and went to see if the mound was actually Howie's car. Howie took a snow brush and started to swat at the top of the mound. Then he jabbed the handle in and there was a clunk. He looked at us and grinned. After a few more seconds, a bit of the car was visible, but it was clear we had a lot of digging and snow clearing to do.

My mom surveyed it. "So how long do you think it will take to dig it out?" she asked.

Neither of us had any idea.

"Maybe an hour?" I said to Howie.

He nodded. "Yeah, probably."

My Mom glanced at the car once more. "Well the cell phone doesn't work, so I'll go call the garage. You two get to work."

Howie and I set to work, digging just far enough apart not to get in each other's way. We hadn't really had any time to talk, but I think maybe Howie didn't have a whole lot to say. I didn't really have much to say either.

After about half an hour we had most of the front of the car cleared. Howie stopped for a moment and was leaning on his shovel. I stopped to take a breather too.

"Almost done," Howie said quietly.

"Yeah," I nodded.

A minute or so went by without a word being said.

"Thanks for helping, Sam," Howie said shyly.

I grinned at him. "If I didn't help you'd never leave," I said, and meant it as a joke, but Howie flinched a little and I instantly regretted saying it.

"Well I'll be...your Mom is going to drop me off at the motel after this."

I stared at Howie and he turned away.

"Don't be an ass," I said, but he ignored me. "Hey," I said. Howie still wouldn't look at me. "Hey!" I said again and finally he turned to face me. He looked miserable but was trying to appear disinterested.

"You're welcome to stay Howie," I said.

"I don't think I should," he answered quietly.

"Why not?" I said.

Howie sighed, but didn't answer.

"Why not?" I repeated.

"Sam...I don't want to hurt you," he said, and started back to shoveling. I stood there watching him, thinking he might stop, but he seemed intent on ending the conversation, so after a couple of minutes I just started shoveling too.

We had pretty much finished - or were close enough to be done - when my mother arrived, bringing with her hot chocolate and apple Danish. It made me feel like a kid again, but who's going to turn down something like that after a cold hour of shoveling snow?

Howie and I sat in the back seat of Mom's car, eating Danish and drinking hot chocolate, while my mother sat in the front seat and made small talk. She'd been off shopping and the front seat had some bags on it; which was why I ended up in the back with Howie. Later I would wonder whether she'd put them there intentionally.

I'd barely finished my pastry when Mom said "Here they come," and I looked through the windshield and saw a tow truck coming towards us. We hastily stored our cups and got out.

The driver turned the truck around, backed in and jumped out and had the Explorer hooked up in about a minute flat. He then came over and had Howie sign a couple of forms, gave a copy to Howie and jumped in the truck and was gone. It happened so quickly it was anti-climactic.

With that taken care of we started back. Howie and I were still in the back, still not talking. I noticed my Mom glancing at us in the rear view mirror every few minutes.

"Did you give them our phone number Howie?" my mother asked.

"I gave them my cell," Howie said evenly. He glanced at me and then turned away.

I knew he thought he was doing the right thing, but it felt like I was being punished, and I hated it. Fuck it! He knew I was gay. He knew I liked him.

Okay, I was embarrassed in the beginning, but now I'd had time to get over it. Despite everything I'd rather spend more time with him - any kind of time - than have him just disappear.

But I didn't know how to say it without it sounding wrong, and I realized it probably was wrong. Only a fool persists in chasing someone that doesn't want to be chased. But if I could be love's fool, I was more than willing to sign up right here and now.

"So what are you two going to do this afternoon?" my Mother asked.

I looked over at Howie, but he didn't look at me. Instead, he leaned a little forward to better talk to my mother.

"Can you give me a ride down to the motel? You've been really kind to me but I've over stayed my welcome and I think it'd be better if I stayed there. I just need help to get my stuff there," he said. Then he added, "If it's too much trouble I can get a cab."

I seethed. I felt like he was abandoning me without so much as a second thought. And then to ask my Mom to take him down there instead of me! After I'd helped him out and even come and dug out his fucking car! Hurt and indignation turned to anger, but instead of saying anything I just sat back in the car and looked out the window. Okay, if he could ignore me, then I could ignore him too. Fuck him! That was my new motto.

"Howie," my Mom said. "You haven't overstayed your welcome at all. You've been a very polite guest and I know Sam and I both will be disappointed if you don't stay with us until your car is fixed."

'Yeah, sure,' I thought to myself, but I didn't say it, I just stared out the window. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much he was hurting me all over again.

There was a long pause. Howie glanced at me.

"Uh...I don't know..." he finally said.

"Well," my Mom said. "You can figure it out once we get home."

I looked over at Howie and he turned away and stared out the window. Fuck!

Neither of us said another word the rest of the trip.

As we walked in the door, my Mom said, "I have some work to do," then she turned and fixed us both with a stare.

"Now you two, go figure out what you're going to do; I don't want to see either of you until you've worked things out." And then she turned and walked off to her office.

I looked at Howie and he looked at me and I think we both felt foolish.

There was a long moment of silence. Finally I decided to try and break it.

"Look, Howie..."

"I better go pack my bags," he interrupted, and he stood there for a moment, and I was just staring back at him with my mouth open and he turned and walked upstairs.

As I watched him go, I just got madder at him. That was his idea of working things out? Shit! Well fuck it! If he was going to solve his problems by just ignoring them, then fuck it, I could do that too!

And I was just about to storm upstairs and show him how well I could ignore him, when the doorbell rang. Great!

I thought about letting Mom get it, but she was working. So being a good son - and since I was five feet from the door - I turned around and opened it.

And what did I get for my well meaning action? Louise in my face. Fuck! Could this day get any worse?

"Hi Sam!" she said with fake enthusiasm.

"Hey," I said.

"How are you?"

Her interest in my health made me wonder; 'Why is she asking how I am?' She wants something.

"Okay," I admitted begrudgingly.

She glanced in the door.

"Is Howie around?"

Ah! Should have known it! Of course she was here to ambush Howie and drag him away to her mountain lair where she could pray on him at her pleasure. For a second I imagined her dining on his entrails, but it was a poorly unsatisfying vision.

"Yeah," I said and turned and yelled up the stairs.




"Sam!" my mother called from her office. "Do you have to scream?"

I was about to point out that she was yelling at me - I was really in a bitch of a mood - when Howie appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Someone here to see you," I said.

He came down a couple of steps, but paused when he saw who was standing behind me. I saw the hesitation, but he recovered well and continued down the stairs.

He walked up to us and said "Hi," to Louise.

They were staring at each other in an unreadable way, and I was feeling nauseous.

"Are you feeling better?" Louise asked.

"I'll leave you two alone," I said before he could reply, and quickly walked into the kitchen.

Things were going from bad to worse. If he was going to go out with her then I was glad he was going to stay at a motel. I couldn't stand much more of this.

I could hear them talking softly, and I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop. But of course I was listening as closely as possible. Only snippets floated into the kitchen and I couldn't figure out what they were talking about.

Fuck this! Hanging out in the kitchen was just getting me more frustrated. Slamming the door of the fridge closed in frustration I decided to go back up to my room. I could hang out there until Howie came to get his stuff.

I went back out into the hallway, intending to go up to my room without listening to too much they were saying.

"Sam!" Louise almost yelled at me, stopping me in my tracks.

"What?" I asked.

"I invited Howie to the movies, but he won't go unless you come."

I looked at Howie. What was this about? Was it a ruse to get out of going to the movie, or did he really want me to go? Or did he just feel guilty?


"You don't want to come do you?" she asked, in a tone that suggested there was no reason why I should.

"Ahh..." I stared at Howie, but his face was impassive.

Louise was looking back and forth between the two of us.

"Oh my God!" she said.

"What?" I asked, turning back to face her.

"Are you two..." and she pointed her finger back and forth between us quickly, then she turned to face Howie. "Are you gay?" she demanded.

"Howie's not gay," I snapped, but Howie just looked at Louise and shrugged.

"What's wrong with being gay?" he said in a voice that was almost too casual.

"There's nothing wrong with..." I began.

"I'm just trying to figure you out," she said accusingly.

He grinned. "Well now you've figured me out. Sorry," he shrugged.

"He's not sorry, He doesn't have to be sorry," I said, but it seemed that neither of them were listening to me.

"So you're dating...him?" she continued.

I didn't like the way she said 'him,' at all.

"No, he's not!" I said, as if either of them paid the slightest attention to what I was saying. It was like I was some inanimate object they were arguing over. Oh My God! Had I become the cuddly bear? Was I now going to be torn apart by them?

Howie shrugged, seemingly unable to define what exactly our relationship was.

"I don't believe you," she said. "You two are up to something."

Howie rolled his eyes. "Well...duh!" he said.

"We are not dating," I repeated, but Louise wasn't listening to me.

"Prove it!" she said.

"Prove what?" asked Howie innocently.

"Kiss him!" she said, pointing to me.

I think my mouth just about hit the floor. Did she just tell Howie to kiss me?

"What's that going to prove?" Howie half laughed.

"See? You won't!"

"You're not going to tell me too..."

"Do it! Go on."

Howie shrugged.

"This is stupid," I snapped, and started towards the stairs, but Howie grabbed me, pulled me to him and gave me a quick, chaste kiss on the lips. It was over before I'd really registered that it had started.

He released me and I spluttered. "What the!"

"You call that a kiss?" Louise hooted. "My grandmother kisses better than that."

I was trying to think which grandmother she was referring too, but that went nowhere before Howie was in my face again. This time I had a little warning, and could actually brace myself for it. His lips went over mine and I opened my mouth as he opened his and his tongue rubbed against mine and it tasted sweet. He tasted like candy. Oh yeah, the Apple Danish. His arms were around me now and he was actually pulling me into him and I wasn't resisting. Now my arms were around him and it seemed like his tongue was half way down my throat, and I was getting a boner.

I heard Louise mutter "Jesus!" and Howie suddenly released me and stepped back. I felt like sagging to the floor, but somehow managed to stay on my feet. Howie looked a little dazed too, and I tried to remember what it was I was doing before I got dragged into this.

Oh yeah, I was going upstairs to sulk.

Howie looked at Louise and raised an eyebrow.

Louise shrugged. "Boys don't know how to kiss," she huffed.

I beg to differ.

"Okay, well I gotta get going," Louise said.

There was silence.

"Oh, okay," I said.

"See ya," I heard Howie say, and he turned and ran up the stairs.

I followed Louise to the door. She stopped, and turned to face me.

She stared at me for a moment, and I stared back, wondering what bitter comment she was going to make.

"That was the first time he kissed you, wasn't it?" she whispered.


"I thought so," she smiled. "You so owe me for that, cousin," and she smirked and started out the door.

"Wait! You...I thought you wanted him?"

She shrugged. "If I can't have him, might as well keep him in the family," and she walked down the driveway.

I watched her go, stunned by everything that had happened in the last ten minutes. Clearly the world was no longer operating by rules that I understood. Cute boys were making out with me, and my evil cousin was helping set me up with them. Had a pig flown out of the sky and delivered a singing telegram, I probably would not have been more surprised.

I closed the door and started to go up the stairs when I glanced down the hallway and saw my Mom standing there, a curious expression on her face.

"What?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "So I take it Howie's staying?" she said, a huge smile on her face.

"Ah...uh..." I stammered. "I don't know."

"Okay," she said. "Well I was just going to tell you that there's things in the freezer, or soup in the fridge for lunch."

"Okay," I said.

"You might see if Howie wants to eat...something else for lunch," she said. Then she turned and walked back to her office, and I wasn't sure if I didn't hear her laughing to herself.

The bedroom was empty. There was no sign of Howie. On the other hand, his bags were still on the floor in disarray, so he hadn't fled or done anything to pack. But where was he?

I went down the hall and found the door to the bathroom closed. I wondered if he was throwing up or something. I was half trying to listen, half gathering the nerve to knock, when the door opened and there was Howie standing in front of me. We both shot back a little in surprise, and then I smelt the cigarette smoke.

"If Mom catches you doing that she'll have a fit," I pointed out.

He blushed.

"Well at least leave the fan on to try and clear the air," I said.

"I had the window open," he said.

"That's why it's so cold," I observed, hitting the switch for the fan. "Why didn't you go outside?"

"It's fucking freezing, and I really needed it," he said.

"It makes your breath stink," I said, and I remembered the kiss and the taste of him, and wondered whether he'd taste bad now.

He shrugged. "I've got mouth wash," he grinned at me.

"You want lunch?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Uh..I was going to finish packing," he answered.

Was this where I was supposed to coyly say that he didn't have to go? He knew I wanted him to stay. It was too demeaning to keep asking him.

I idly wondered why neither of us had said anything about the kiss. It was all so complicated.

So I just said "Okay," and stared at him.

He held my stare for a moment and then turned away, his eyes not really focusing on anything. "I guess if it's okay with you..." he said quietly, and then his eyes came back to mine.

"It's okay with me," I replied, and though he didn't exactly smile, he gave me a small nod. "You want soup or something else?" I asked.

"What kind of soup?"

"I dunno. Let's go see," and with that I turned around and Howie followed me down to the kitchen.

Neither of us liked the look of the soup, so we made sandwiches. I got out the bread and found a couple of tins of tuna. I gave Howie the cans and the can opener, while I got the other things out of the refrigerator. When I came back Howie had finished opening the first can, and was having trouble getting the can opener detached from the can.

He glanced at me, a look of embarrassment on his face.

"I do know how to use a can opener," he said, shaking it.

"Yeah, it's one of those European things. Nobody can figure it out. We like to give it to visitors, and then we laugh at them."

"You could have warned me," Howie growled, obviously frustrated.

"You push this," I said, leaning over and pushing a knob on the front and the can dropped free. Howie was watching what I did closely, and then he looked up, there was a wry smile on his face.

"That really sucks," he laughed.

"Yeah," I laughed too, and as I did my hands moved back and touched his and we both startled a little.

I stepped back, and Howie busied himself with the can opener.

"I''m gonna get a bowl to put the tuna in," I said.

"Okay," he nodded, picking up the second can.

I grabbed a bowl and put that on the counter and poured the contents of the first can into the bowl.

Howie came over and put the second can down beside the bowl.

"Thanks." I said.

"I figured it out," he joked.

"I knew you would," I looked up and smiled at him. "I knew you were a smart one."

Howie grinned and I turned back to the bowl.

"So never said anything about earlier..." he said quietly.

"Earlier?" I asked, acting dense, though I knew he was talking about 'it.' I just needed time to think about what I was going to say.

"The kiss," he said.

"There was two as I recall..." I said.


I stopped and turned to face him and he was staring at me pensively.

"Uh...The second one was better," I continued.

"It was okay?"

I pretended to be thinking. "Yeah, it was really pretty good."

"No, I was okay that I...kissed you."

"Oh. Yeah. I liked it," I said, trying to act unconcerned. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"It didn't weird you out or anything? I didn't mean to do that if I did," he said shyly.

"Ehh...why would it?" I asked. "It was a good kiss."

"Well, because of what happened before, I just thought..."

"It's okay, Howie. I know you were pulling a prank on Louise."

Howie frowned.

I shrugged. "Well, it wasn't bad, whatever the reason you did it."

"You liked?" he said, grinning.

"Of course I liked."

We both grinned at each other, and then Howie suddenly looked very embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking away.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked him.

"I'm leading you on again," he said, finally turning to face me.

"Howie, I like you as a friend."

"I like you as a friend too," he parroted back to me, but he didn't look very happy.

"Okay, so we're just friends, right? And we'll leave it at that," and I nudged his shoulder with mine and a small grin appeared.

"Yeah, we're juuuust friends," he said, and he nudged me back.

And we went back to making the lunch.

We were sitting side-by-side at the counter, eating our lunch, when Mom came in, smiled at us and looked at the plate we'd set out for her.

"This looks nice," she said. "Can I join you, or do you two want to be alone?"

"Mom," I groaned.

"Oh, we definitely want to be left alone," Howie said with a huge grin on his face.

I bumped him with my knee. "Dork," I said. Damn, he could make me laugh, even when I was confused with him.

"Doofus" Howie sing-songed back to me, and nudged me with his knee, and he left it there. We were touching now, just part of our legs, but I was suddenly feeling very warm. I pushed very gently against him and he pushed back. I casually tried to pick up my pickle but my hand was shaking and I dropped it on the floor and Howie snorted.

I made a face at him and got off the stool and picked up the pickle. I tossed it into the sink, then sat back down and Howie moved his leg against mine again.

I looked up to see my mother staring at us with a smile on her face.

"So Howie, you're staying then?"

"Uh..." Howie glanced at me and I stared back at him to see what he was going to say. "Yeah, if it's not too much trouble," he said.

"That's fine, isn't it Sam?" my mother said.


"Thanks," Howie said, looking at me, and grinning.

"You're welcome," my mother said, and Howie glanced back at her to acknowledge her, but then turned back to look at me.

We smiled at each other and I nudged his knee and he nudged mine back. I was still confused about where this was heading, but it was a whole lot of fun and I was gonna just go with it as far as I could.

A tiny little voice in my head said stop, but one smile from Howie and I shut that out.

----------------- to be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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