
By Rocky

Published on Nov 29, 2024


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"The computer you are allowed to use is the one on the left. I have downloaded Paul and Susie's images to that computer. Photoshop is already on there. The photos are downloaded with an image number in .jpeg format. You will process them and add "Paul and Susie..." to the front of the image number in the file name. When you are done with the session, I will inspect your work. If I am satisfied, I will delete all the files with just the image number keeping the fully named files. I don't want fancy bizarre work. For each pose, just chose the best images. Crop them, adjust the color, lighting, contrast, brightness, gamma, etc. With proper initial composition we only need to correct the camera and lighting errors. Paul and Susie want artistic beautiful nude photos. They are not into porn or traditional wedding style photos. So, this will challenge you. I have no idea of your talent. So, I am not expecting bad or good. I just want to see your native abilities. We can work on any improvements later. So, don't worry. I won't be mad at you. I will keep all the original images unless or until I'm satisfied with the end product. Show me your photographic eye and have fun. I'll do the other two clients.

I get my two clients' photos done in the time it takes Snowflake to do his one. I expected that. I've been doing this for so long my fingers just fly through photoshop. But his final products were beautiful! He does have a good eye. I made a few suggestions and a few changes. But I was very impressed. We were done well before lunch. "Great work. I like your eye. We will work well together. If you will just remember that I run the show, I think we have something great going on here. You just need to remember that I'm the elder here." "I'm sorry for this morning Sir! And, the other day Sir. I just forget the rules sometimes. I just get so excited. This is just so nice and fun; I sometimes forget my place! I'll try to be Good." "I know you will. I won't send you away. But I may need to correct you at times." "Thank you, Sir. Just don't send me away."

I can't tell his belly had gone down much. He did have to go pee several times during the morning! Every time I stood next to him or touched his shoulder his cock responded. He's a character! You can't help but like him. He's insubordinate at times. But I think if I just keep correcting him and loving him, he will be OK.

Next: Chapter 17: Binkgo

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