So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Aug 8, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except the location. All characters named are figments of my imagination. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, etc., well you know the drill.

Also, because it's based in the past, some of it may not be politically correct as I have tried to be true to 1969.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me, I appreciate the tips and feedback. Please let me know what you think of this chapter. Flip

Chapter 17

Lisa drove us home in the hot afternoon sun and once we jumped out of the microbus we headed into my house so Jordy could call Chris to see if he could go over and play. Chris lived around the corner and was one of Jordy's best friends, although since Lisa moved in next door they hadn't spent much time together lately. The two kids had known each other for a long time, being born just two days apart in August, and living only six houses from each other. Plus, Jordy and Chris were good friends because they both had swimming pools and both boys liked to swim, although they usually swam at our house `cause our pool was a lot bigger and we never had to wear any clothes. Chris was a good kid, but being almost eleven he was prone to being pretty hyper, more so than Jordy. I think his mom told my mom that he had hyper-gly-semeninya something or other like that. I don't remember exactly what it was. I just knew that he was a cool kid and was fun for Jordy to have around.

Chris had an older brother that was a year older than me, named Emanuel, but everybody called him Enzo, because of his last name being Ferrari. Maybe because he was older than me by a year was the reason that we never really hit it off and had never spent any time together. He hung out with a different group of guys than I did, and to me he always came off being better than everybody else. While I couldn't say that we weren't friends exactly, we would say hi if we ran into each other in the hall at school. Enzo was a good swimmer, but not a great swimmer. He was one of two sophomores that made the swim team last year, but he never swam all that well and I don't think he won any of the competitions. I think he was more into water polo, and those guys could be real dicks sometimes. I didn't like the bullshit that they did under the water, like kicking you in the balls and stuff like that when the ref's weren't looking. I'd rather play fair. I had heard that he was pretty good at it, though, even if I had never seen him in action.

I barely had my bike put away when Jordy came running at me and said, "Chris doesn't want to play cars `cause it's too hot at his house because their air conditioning is busted. Can he come over here and we'll go swimming, and I promise that we'll stay in the pool and leave you guys alone? Please Ryan?"

I looked over at Jake and Lisa and they just shrugged their shoulders. So I told them, "I guess we can hang out in the shade by the pool and talk. I'll need to keep an eye on Chris though, cause he can get out of control sometimes, he's sorta excitable and antsy. We can still cool off in the pool cause he's been over here skinny dipping with Jordy and us forever, and knows that we all go naked. It won't be a big deal. Is that cool with you guys?"

"Yeah, it's all good. Just so you guys can tell me your story about seeing Dad," Lisa said. "I want to hear what happened and I don't want to wait all day."

"But Ry, can we please go smoke some grass first? That whole thing was a freakin' bummer and I need to relax," Jake whispered in my ear.

"Reading my mind, man! Jordy, go call him back and tell him it's OK to come on over in about ten minutes and then let me talk to his mom for a minute, OK?"

"Shebang!" he said running for the phone over on the kitchen wall and then stretching the beige cord across the room and into the family room.

Once the little man was out of earshot I whispered to Jake to run up to the tree house and bring my stash box out to the pool house. I figured we could get away with a quick smoke out there before the little dudes showed up out by the pool.

Then to Lisa I said, "Why don't you go grab us some cold Cokes out of the fridge and then get us some towels out of the pool house closet. I'll meet you guys out there in a second or two. I've got to tell Chris's mom that we'll be here to keep an eye on him, otherwise she won't let him come over."

"OK, sweetie. We'll wait for you out there. You're so nice to do this for your brother."

I loved Lisa. She has such a good spirit.

"Ryan! Telephone!"

"Jordy, you don't have to yell, I'm standing right here, you pickle head."

Taking the phone away from him I said, "Hello? Hi, Mrs. Ferrari, how are& Fine, thanks. Sure, it's no problem. My new next door neighbor Jake and I are going to swim some laps so it's all right if Chris comes... No. He's 15, like me. I know& Yes, he can be a handful sometimes. Yes, we'll both keep an eye on him& Yes, Jake is a good swimmer, too. Uh-huh. Enzo said that, huh? Well good for him. No, we've got plenty of towels and... They should be home in a couple of hours or so. Yeah it's Friday and sometimes& No, he goes out with his buddies after work to play darts at the pub. No, she's probably out shopping& with our new neighbor; you know how she likes to shop. I think she said she was going to a sale at I. Magnin& Sure, I'll have her call you& Yes, I know, but they've been very busy the last couple of weeks. OK, send him over. No it's fine, really& You're welcome. I know he's a handful& Yes, I'm sure you could use a break. I know& You're right. OK then. I gotta go. Bye& OK. Bye."

"Geez!" I yelled out loud as I slammed down the phone. Now I see where Chris gets his goofy thing from. Actually, now that I think about it, Chris just seems like a normal high-strung bouncy little kid, but maybe his mom is the one with that hyper-gly-semeninya thingy.

"Is he coming?" Jordy asked.

"Yeah. Go wait by the front door and then when he gets here come straight out and get us from the pool house. Don't go in the water `till were all out there, OK little man?"

"Sure Ryan, you're a good brother! Thanks."

Well, that's a first, I thought to myself. He must be growing up! I headed out the door and into the pool house hoping to catch a buzz before the two little devils started terrorizing us. Jake had the pipe loaded for me as he and Lisa had already had a couple of hits, and handed it to me as soon as I walked in the door. They were pretty mellow by the time I got there and were trippin' a pretty good buzz.

"Man, after the weird day that we are having, I really needed this," I said. Blowing out a hit, I told Jake, "I know who one of the juniors is that's going to be training with us. He's Chris's older brother Enzo. I hope this works out `cause he can be kind of a jerk. He's not that great of a swimmer but I hear he's pretty good at playing water polo. I wonder who the other guy is going to be? You guys ready to jump in the pool for a second and cool off and then we can hang out in the shade and bring Lisa up to speed?"

"You sure it won't be a problem for Chris to see Lisa naked?" Jake choked out some smoke and started giggling. "If he's as goofy as you say he is he might get hypnotized by her boobs!"

"So? All boys are hypnotized by my lovely boobs. They are absolutely riveting for the guzzonga connoisseur. Well, except for maybe you two boys!" And with that we all cracked up.

"Is this Enzo guy as goofy as Jordy's friend?"

"He's not goofy in the same sense, but he's kinda stuck-up. I've never had a problem with him but he and I were never really friends. I hope it'll be cool, though. Coach picked all of us for a reason, I guess. C'mon, let's go."

The three of us shucked our clothes and jumped into the pool, splashing each other and having a bitchin' time. A few minutes later Jordy and his friend Chris flew out of the kitchen door like a couple of banshees and stripped off all of their clothes along the path to the pool. They tried to cannonball bomb us but we were faster and swam out of the way just in time. We had a couple of good splash fights but the best one was when Jake and I teamed up against Lisa, Jordy and Chris. It got so loud and so splashy that even Sloan got in the action by barking and trying to catch some of the splashes in her mouth without falling in the pool. So much water sloshed out of the pool that I had to get out and turn on the filler valve so my dad wouldn't get pissed `cause the water level was low.

Lisa called for a time out some time later and got out of the pool to get some sunshine. Then Jake and I grabbed the volleyball that was floating nearby and after a quick whisper I grabbed Chris and surprised him by putting him on my shoulders while Jake did the same with Jordy. They both squealed with delight as we fooled around throwing the ball and trying to dunk each other. After a while the little guys were getting pretty rowdy and I was getting tired of getting kicked in the ribs by Chris, so Jake and I dumped the brats into the deep end and then we got out of the pool and pulled a couple of lounge chairs around so we could sit by Lisa and still keep an eye on the little munchkins.

Handing us each a cold coke, Lisa said, "So tell me what happened. And please cut to the chase. Just tell me the whole thing, OK? I'm dying to know what's going on."

"All right. I'll start `cause it was kinda my idea. Remember when we told you about meeting the coach at the high school gym? Well, we asked him how we could learn more about sex, you know, um& sex between Jake and me and what other sort of stuff guys do together, besides blow jobs," I said, surprisingly not too embarrassed like I was at first.

Leaving out just a few details, I continued, "He said that he had a friend from college who was writing a book about various sex techniques and that he would check with him to see if he could answer our questions. Then he sort of slipped and said that there was an X-rated theater in downtown Pasadena that had stag films in the back that showed two guys getting it on and doing different things with each other."

"Yeah, they were butt fucking!" Jake added excitedly.

"So? I could have told you that. Why didn't you just ask me? You know that shit doesn't bother me, oops, sorry, no pun intended! You guys can always ask me stuff. I know all about butt fucking and it doesn't really bother me."

"We shoulda asked you first. It would have been so much easier!" Jake said.

"Well anyway, he told us not to go downtown `cause it was very dangerous for a couple of kids and that he'd check with his friend first, but then we got curious and couldn't wait so we decided to go anyway. It really was scary down there. We got off the bus and we were walking up the street and we were almost at the theater when& "

"Dad comes walking out of a tattoo parlor next to the theater. At first I think he was pissed, but then he thought it was funny to see us and then after that he got weird and marched us over to the owner of the theater. We were really scared `cause we weren't sure what was going to happen. I didn't think that we were going to get inside, but he seemed to know everybody and then& "

"This crazy looking skinny black guy dressed all in red comes over to us while we were standing in the reception area and started to talk to us all weird like. He looked like he was dead `cause his face was all ashen and his big afro was going gray," I continued.

"His name was Mr. Jimmy. Does that sound familiar?" Jake asked his sister.

"No, not really."

"Hey Lisa? Can Chris touch your boobies?" Jordan yelled from the pool. "He doesn't think that they're real. I told him they were but he doesn't believe me."

"Shut up you two and go back to swimming. Go do some dives off the diving board and let us finish talking," I yelled back at him.

"No, it's all right, Ryan. Chris, come up here and see me," Lisa yelled at him.

"Really?" he croaked.

"Yes, really. You two Jordy."

The two almost eleven-year olds got out of the pool, naked and dripping wet, marched up to Lisa and stood right next to her, sprinkling water on her towel and chair from their glimmering little bodies.

"What makes you think that these babies aren't real?" she asked them, grabbing hold of them in her hands and hefting them up for everyone to see.

"Well, I know that they're real. I've felt them up before," Jordy boasted.

"But, but they look so big. Won't they pop?" Asked Chris seriously, but making us snicker.

"OK, hotshot, not to be mean, but is your dick real? It looks kind of tiny," Lisa said, pointing to Chris' little wiener. "Won't it shrivel up and fall off? How do I know that you didn't scotch tape it on?" She asked him seriously but not in a mocking tone.

"My wiener is too real! It's just cold from the water `cause it got all wet!" he yelled.

"OK. So, just to be perfectly clear, you think my boobies are fake because they are big and I think your wiener is fake because it's small, is that right?" she said, playing some sort of crazy mind trip game with him.

"I dunno. I guess so." Chris mumbled. "They just look so big. I've never seen any titties that big before."

Jake and I were really trying hard not to bust out laughing. The look on Chris's face was a mix of confusion, excitement and embarrassment, and it was priceless. I wished that I had had a camera. Jordy was standing there looking equally puzzled, and absentmindedly rubbing his tiny ball sack.

"OK," Lisa said, turning to Jordan after thinking for a minute. "If you were the Judge in the courtroom for the case of the Nude Teenagers vs. the Nude Little Dudes, how would you decide this case?"

"Well, let's see," he said deep in thought, and stroking his chin like Perry Mason did in the re-runs we'd sometimes watch after school on channel five. "Well, I know your boobies are real cause I've laid on them and touched them. And I think his wiener is real cause I've seen it before and it looks the same now only shrinkier. Plus I've seen him take a wiz. So I think you're both even."

"I object, Your Honor! As a Judge you wouldn't be able to make that decision," I told Jordy, "because the Judge wouldn't have that first-hand experience, so to speak. A real Judge wouldn't have touched and seen said `Boobies and Wieners' before, and therefore that information would not be allowed in Court," I said, getting into her trippy mind game.

"Your Honor, I must object, too, but on the grounds that just laying' and seeing' said `Boobies and Wieners' are not sufficient evidence to prove that both are indeed real," chimed in Jake. "Laying on and touching does not prove for sure that the are real. They could be excellent forgeries," he said, smirking.

"Huh?" said Chris.

"They could still be good fakes, you know, not real."

"Oh. I guess."

"Quite the dilemma, isn't it, Judge Jordy?" Lisa smiled over at Jordan. "Can you come up with some other solution to decide this case?"

Now he was really thinking hard and started looking back and forth at his friends little dick and Lisa's big boobs, holding on to his little wiener like he had to go pee. After a minute he said, "I have an answer. I think we should play this game for reals and Jake has to defend Chris and Ry has to defend Lisa. One of you dickheads has to prove the case to me for sure to win it."

The three of us looked at each other surprised by Jordy's answer, surprised by his logic and surprised that he turned the game around on us. We stared at each other and silently affirmed our intention to play another round of this silly little game.

"OK," I said. "Let's do this: Let's all dry off and then go into the `Courtroom of Naked Pasadena', otherwise known as the pool house, and set up a big chair for Judge Jordy and four chairs for the defendants. Jake and I have five minutes to confer with our clients and then we have to make our presentation to the court. Is that acceptable?"

Everybody agreed, so we got up and headed into the refreshingly cool pool house. I pushed a big chair in the middle of the room for Jordy and then Jake and I slid the two sofa-bed couches opposite of the chair so it sort of looked like a courtroom. Then Jake put his hand on Chris's shoulder and leaned down and started whispering to him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Chris was nodding up and down and it looked like they both were planning some really good strategy. I guess Jordy picked Jake so he and Chris would win. Then I started to think of ways that we could win this game, because I was determined not to lose.

Lisa and I went over to the other corner to determine our own scheme. "So how are we going to win this?" I asked.

"Simple. You're going to have to suck on my tits."

"WHAT? Oh hell no. You have got to be kidding!"

"No. it's a simple solution. You just suck on each nipple and then tell the Judge that they are real."

"Oh, come on. That's the best we can do? Really?"

"While you're doing it, close your eyes and think of my brother's hard dick!" Lisa whispered and smiled at me.

"You're funny, really, really funny. But just sucking on them isn't going to prove that they are real."

"I know. I have a plan."

"Fine. Do whatever you want. But I'm going to pretend to be the District Attorney and set some ground rules first, like whatever happens in this `Courthouse' stays in the courtroom, OK? I don't want Chris blabbing this all over the neighborhood."

"That's perfect." Lisa went over and sat on the couch facing Jordy, a big smart-ass grin plastered on her face, waiting for the proceedings to begin.

Jake and his client Chris were wrapping up their conference session and sat down on the opposite couch seconds later.

I started this game by standing up and asking Jordy, "If I may, Your Honor, I'd like to have you agree to some basic ground rules first in this special convening of the naked courtroom. I must strongly ask that anything said or anything that may be witnessed in here be strictly private. By that I mean that no one in this room is to talk about anything that goes on in here, with anybody outside of this room. Ever! Do I have everybody's agreement?"

Jordy nodded, looked around at all of the naked kids sitting around the room and then settling his stare on Chris said, "Nobody talks about this outside of this room, OK?"

Everybody said OK.

"Secondly, I ask the court for each side to limit their defense to five minutes. Is that acceptable?"

"Yeah, that's OK," Jordy said.

"And finally, since Chris brought up this motion in question, their side starts."


"Your Honor, I have one item I'd like to add if I may?" Jake said standing up. It was kinda fun to play court when you're completely naked. I looked over at Jake's long dick and wished that he was on my defense!

"Go ahead counselor," Jordy started laughing, really starting to get into this crazy game now.

"I ask for permission that boners are to be allowed in the courtroom."

Everybody started laughing. "Order in the court!" Jordy yelled. "Permission granted for boners, except for Lisa." Then, looking over at Sloan who was sitting next to Jordy and paying rapt attention, he said to her, "Sloan, please take note that boners are allowed."


"Mr. Jake, you're up first. Oh wait. Everybody rise."

We all stood up, even Sloan.

Does everybody here swear to tell the whole truth and& well, and the, umm, all that other stuff?" Judge Jordy asked.

We all said yes and Sloan barked in the affirmative.

"Go ahead then, Mr. Jake."

"Very well, Your Honor. Our intention is to prove that just because my client is young, and while his wiener may be small, for now that is, that it is indeed a real live young man's wiener subject to normal growing and shrinking."

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"May I demonstrate?"

"Of course. Please proceed."

"Chris, please stand up. I will demonstrate that his dick is not taped to his body as the defendant so wrongly suggests, but rather it is a fully working boy boner that would make anybody happy to have."

Jake walked around behind Chris so that Chris was facing us, his little dick starting to plump up all on its own, having returned to its normal size now that we were out of the cool pool. Jake hocked up a big wad of spit and then slowly dropped it into his hand so everybody could see. Then he reached over Chris's shoulder from behind him and started to rub the wet stuff all around the little boy's dickhead and shaft. Almost instantly Chris sighed with pleasure and fell back into Jake as Jake continued stroking his dick to full hardness, a job that took almost five seconds. It wasn't huge by any means, but for an almost eleven year old it was over three inches long. Pretty decent, I thought.

"Objection!" I stood up saying. "Leading the witness, Your Honor"

"Why? It's gone from small to big right in front of us. That's no trick."

"But he could have un-taped the other one and put on a fake big hard one, hiding them in his hand sorta like a magician might do" I said, smiling.

"Your Honor," Jake said coming out from behind Chris and showing off his own rock hard seven-plus-incher. I present as evidence article items one and two. Chris's boner and my boner. Would you please allow us to enter our hard dicks into evidence?" Jake said, grinning at me.

"I guess," Jordy said, looking at me for encouragement. "Approach the bench."

Both boys walked up to Jordy with their dicks sticking straight out. Jordy wasn't quite sure what to do next, now that he was eye level with my friend's big hard dick and his friend's littler hard dick. Finally, he grabbed Jake's in one hand and Chris's in his other hand and pulled them up and down and then left and right, then let them go, as fast as he could.

"You both may sit down. I determine that those two boners are attached to their bodies and are not fake. They bonered up all on their own."

"Thank you, Your Honor," Jake said, giving Chris's dick a quick squeeze before sitting back down.

"Mr. Ryan, please go ahead."

"All right. I'd like to call my first witness. I call Mr. Jake to the stand."

Everybody looked around wondering what I was doing. Since we hadn't made a witness stand I told Jake to stand between Jordy and Lisa, so everyone could see him.

"Please tell the court the nature of your relationship to Miss Lisa."

"She's my older sister."

"How many times have you seen her naked?" I asked, smiling.

"Hundreds, maybe thousands. We're not shy in our family," he said grinning.

"Did you see her naked when she was little before she started to grow her boobs?"


"Did you see her naked while her boobs were growing over the past few years?"

"Yes. A few times."

"Have you any reason to suspect that they are not real? And I must remind you that you are under oath." I had to bite my tongue to stop from giggling.

"No, they have always just been hangin' there, flippin' and flopping in the breeze."

"Thank you, Mr. Jake. No further questions." Turning to Judge Jordy, I continued, "If the court pleases, I'd like to take one quick minute to confer with my client." I said.

"OK. A one minute recess," Jordy announced. "Sloan?"


I bent down to talk in Lisa's ear, "Remember when you told Jordy that you'd have a special surprise for him? How about if I call him as the next witness and he can suck on your titty? No offense, but I really don't want to do that."

"Excellent! Good thinking and none taken."

"Your Honor, I call Mr. Jordan as the next witness."

"Objection! He's the Judge," Jake said, standing up.

"Overruled, Mr. Jake," Jordy said, standing up too. "We all have to make do for the good of the court. Proceed, Mr. Ryan."

"Mr. Jordan, what is your relationship with Miss Lisa?"

"She is my friend who lives next door."

"Do you have any reason to believe that her boobs are not real?"

"Not at first, but now I don't really know for sure. This has me kinda confused."

"If it pleases the court," I said looking over at Jake and giving him a big grin and then winking, "I would like for you to approach Miss Lisa's boobs and feel them up."

"Objection," Jake laughed. "Is that legal?"

"I touched your dicks. So I think I must touch her boobs, too. Overruled." Judge Jordy ruled, his little boner beginning to pop straight up again.

"Would you please place your hands on the boobs in question and tell the court what your impressions are?"

Jordy reached up and carefully fondled both of Lisa's boobs, running his hands all over them.

"They feel very nice, and warm. Soft like pillows."

"Can you determine if they can come off?"

"How would I do that?" Jordy looked up at me with huge saucer eyes and his mouth wide open. When I looked over at Jake and Chris, Jake was covering up his mouth to keep from laughing and Chris was innocently stroking his little hard cock in his lap, his eyes wide open too, and locked on Lisa's big melons.

"Your Honor? May I address the court?" Lisa asked quietly, with just a hint of a smile. "May I suggest that you take one of my nipples into your mouth, suck on it for a while to see what the results might be?"

"Oh, um, yes& why of course. Mr. Ryan, you should have thought of that. I should hold you in tempt."

"Don't you mean `contempt', Your Honor?"

"Objection, Your Honor. He, I mean you, could be biased. I think that in all fairness, that Mr. Chris should be able to suck on one of those big nipples as well as Mr. Jordan so as to determine once and for all the real reason that we are all standing here in this courtroom today all with raging boners. Lisa excluded, of course, since she doesn't have a boner." Jake pronounced, barely able to keep from laughing, his eyes filling up with tears.

Funny, I hadn't realized that even I had boned up. "I agree with counsel, your Honor. Let `em all have a go!"

"All right Chris, you take the left one and Jordan, you take the right," Lisa said in a sing-song voice. I had a pretty good idea what she was going to do next.

Jordy didn't waste any time clamping down onto her huge nipple and he started sucking away. It took Chris a few seconds to realize that this was really happening here and when Jake gave the back of his head a giant shove, he took Lisa's free nipple right on into his mouth.

"Oh, boys, that feels so good. Oh, my gosh, have you done this before? Oh Jordy, oh baby, you're a pro! And Chris, oh, oh, Chris, you boys are both soooo good! I love it," she said, rubbing the backs of their heads.

Jake and I just stood there watching the show, Lisa holding her boobs while the little dudes sucked on her big nipples. We both were getting pretty excited and our dicks were getting harder, but we thought better than to start getting it on in front of the little guys. Jordy might not freak out, but I wasn't so sure what Chris might do.

"OK, you both win. Jake and I are going to the tree house so you boys can claim your prize. You can tell us about it later on out at the pool. Have fun!" I said, but I don't think any of the three of them heard me.

Jake and I ran out the door and headed up to the tree house. "Let's sixty-nine so we both can get off. I'm so horny I could fuck a cow," Jake said.

"Let's have a quickie and then later tonight we can take our time and practice some of those moves we saw earlier," I added.

After climbing up the tree we laid down on the rug, both of us on our sides and both of our faces pressed into each other's horny crotches. We were both rock hard and our dicks were pointing straight out, throbbing with anticipation. I took hold of Jakes hot dripping cock by the base and guided it towards my open mouth, sticking out my tongue. Wetting my lips, I slobbered and sucked all around the head, getting it nice shiny and moist. Some of his boy goo was starting to slide out of his piss slit and I was able to start stroking his hard member easily while I licked and sucked all around the head and sensitive glans.

Meanwhile, down at the other end, Jake was doing the same thing to me only he was starting to drive me wild because he had learned that sticking his tongue underneath my foreskin and rolling it around in there was super sexy for me and it really turned me on. My dick would start leaking pre-cum too, but not as much as Jake's, and he loved to lap up those special juices. Sometimes he'd pull the skin all the way back and then dive in and take as much of my cock into his mouth as he could. He actually was getting good at this, taking almost two-thirds of my fat cock down his throat.

We both were going at it good and hard, each of us sucking on the others hot rods. I was using my right hand that I was leaning on to stroke and guide his cock into my mouth, while my free hand and arm rubbed up and down the side of his tan thigh and big bubble butt, sometimes rubbing between the crack. God, he had a beautiful ass! I loved the hot feel of his skin and I know he liked the sensation too, because every time I would rub my hand over his ass cheeks, his cock would throb in my mouth and he would push it deeper into me, his bush hairs tickling me in the face.

He has really sucking on me now, too, and bobbing up and down on my plump cock, making it all nice and slippery. Suddenly he stopped and looked over to me.

"Hey bud, I'm getting close. Let's both jack each other off and shoot in our mouths at the same time. That would be really hot!"

"Right on. I'm getting close too."

I fisted his stone hard dick and then started jacking up and down in a fast pace, sticking out my tongue and laying it on his piss slit, something that's not easy to do when his cock was bouncing all around. I wanted to get a good taste of his jizz when it shot out of the tip, but more than likely it would cream all over my face!

He was doing the same thing to me, but he had rolled over slightly so he was more on his back and I was more on top of him. This made things easier and our dicks were better positioned to meet our wagging tongues. Taking his mouth off my cock for just a second, he mumbled, "Get ready, I'm gonna blow."

That's all I needed to hear, because I was ready to go, too. Once he lobbed his first jet of cum on my tongue, I started shooting wildly all over his mouth. We both had big loads to shoot, since we had been super horny all day long, and now we were both bucking wildly around on the floor for what seemed minutes, but in reality wasn't really. When we each were finally done shooting, only small globs of cum was leaking out the tips of our dicks.

This part was my favorite, because I could concentrate on sucking out the residual sperm from his tube and savoring it around on my tongue. I liked licking up the spilled drops from his stomach, too, and he was doing the same thing to me, although most of my load had landed on my balls. I looked up at him and he had my cum smeared all over his face and some of it hanging off his chin and that gave me an idea. I leaned up, grabbed his arm and pulled him into me and then opening my mouth. I French kissed him hard so that our tongues almost hurt while we were swapping each other's jizz. Then I broke our kiss and started licking all around his face, sucking up my gooey nectar, making him giggle `cause it was tickling him.

"Gimmee another kiss, you," he said. This one was slower and more passionate.

"You know, I really like doing this with you."

"Same here, bud, same here."

A special thanks to Jason T. who did a great job helping me edit this chapter. And thanks to Trent who I forgot to thank for his help with great music tips last chapter. Sorry, dude.

Next: Chapter 18

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