So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on May 5, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except for the location. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, or it offends you or you are not of legal age to read this than please do not read.

The author retains the copyright to this story. Nifty has the posting rights. You may not publish it or any part of it without authorization from me.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me. I really enjoyed the feedback, good and bad! Please let me know what you think of this chapter, it sets up what happens next. I hope you enjoy it. Please email me at

Chapter 3

Now it was my turn to return the favor and give my first blow job. Jake was sprawled out on the carpet with a big pillow under his head; fingers locked behind his neck and was looking down at his dick and getting ready to enjoy the show. I crawled up between his legs and leaned in to inspect his long hard shaft. I knew that my inexperience would never let me get the whole thing in my mouth, so I put a fist around the base of his cock and started to lick the head like a lollipop.

"Oh yeah, that's so cool. Keep doing that," Jake said.

After doing that a little while, I started licking and swirling my tongue around his cock. I noticed that his dick was leaking liquid and it tasted really good and smelled kind of musty, like my dad's old army jacket. I found that I could run my tongue over his piss-slit slowly and then mix some of my saliva with Jakes dick juice, making the mixture into a string. I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it a little bit to see how far the dick-juice-string would stretch. I did this a few times, but I could feel Jake getting impatient.

"That looks cool, but why don't you put my cock back in your mouth now?" he asked pleadingly.

I opened my mouth up wide and dove in, wrapping my lips around the salty shaft. I bobbed up and down like Jake had done to me, hoping that I was doing this the right way. His dick was hot in my mouth and it was still leaking, and I was really beginning to enjoy the taste. Suddenly, his legs went stiff and I knew that I was about to get a mouthful.

"Get ready, I'm about to blow."

And blow he did. Five big squirts of teen boy juice blasted into my mouth. Like Jake, I couldn't hold all his load in my mouth and some of it drooled down my chin. When he was done shooting, I got up off his cock and wiped up the drool with my finger. Sticking them in my mouth, I looked over to Jake and said "Yum!"

We both started giggling. I rolled over and sat on the pillow next to Jake.

"That was so bitchin', Ryan. Do you think that we could do that again tonight?" He asked.

"You bet," I said. "That felt really, really good. Hey, if you want to try something else that's fun, we can hike bare-ass up the trail behind the tree house. Nobody can see us there. I made a little clearing a ways up and we can stop there and blow each other off again under the stars. It's my secret place and I've never gone back there with anyone before, except for Sloan and she doesn't really count. It's fun walking around naked."

"Let's do it. That sounds neat."

"OK," I said.

After a while I told Jake, "We better get dressed and head back to the house. I'm getting hungry and everybody is probably wondering where we are. Rinse out your mouth in the sink so you don't smell like cum breath."

"You're the one with cum breath. You were really getting into my jizz," he kidded me.

"It's so tasty, too. Just like candy," I laughed in my best Lucy Ricardo voice.

After we got dressed and cleaned up, we climbed down the tree and met up with everyone around the pool. Dad was at the grill and the  Lulus', as we were now calling our mom's, were setting plates and napkins on the patio table, laughing and talking away. We were going to have a late lunch/early dinner. I noticed that the refreshments that my dad had made were really kicking in now. All of the adults were in a happy mood, and starting to act a little sloppy. Looking around, I saw that my brother Jordan and Jake's sister Lisa were sitting on the other side of the pool, playing a game of cards. So Jake and I wandered over and plopped down beside them.

After looking at me and then at her brother, Lisa said in a sing-song voice "Looks like somebody made a special friend."

Jake instantly turned bright red. "Shut up Lisa. At least I have a friend. Maybe if you didn't shebang the whole football team you would have friends, too," Jake blurted out without thinking.

Looking up at me, Jordan asked "What's  shebang' mean?"

For a minute nobody said anything, and I wondered how I was going to answer this. Then I had an idea.

"Go get us some Cokes with some ice and I'll tell you when you come back," I replied. "And bring us some chips, too. But wash your hands, first. They look dirty."

"OK, but don't look at my cards," He said getting up. "Shebang! Shebang!" Jordan sang as he bounded towards the kitchen. He was a good kid and would usually do anything that I asked him.

Once he was out of earshot, I looked at Lisa and asked incredulously "You did the entire football team?"

Now it was Lisa who turned bright red. But she didn't say anything. After a few seconds of silence, Jake looked from Lisa to me.

"Ryan, you might as well know. Sorry, Lisa. You're bound to find out sooner or later. One of the reasons that we moved here was to get away from our old high school. Lisa likes to make out with guys, and when I say guys, I mean a lot of guys. Different guys. And guys like her. Well, her big boobs. Anyway, one night last year after a CIF football game we went to a party over at this guy named Wilson's house. Like I said, Lisa has always dated a lot of guys, but this time she pulled a train with most of the team. I was in the living room drinking a beer with Wilson's brother Tyler. When Ty went to go get us another beer, one of the guys on the team came by me and told me what a great sister I had. I didn't know what he was talking about so I asked him why he had said that. When he told me what was going on in Wilson's bedroom, I couldn't believe it.

"So," he continued after catching his breath, "I walked back to the bedroom. Guys were lined up along the hallway, rubbing their dicks, apparently waiting their turn. So I jumped past them and opened the door just in time to see Rod, the quarterback of the team, pumping his dick between Lisa's tits and start shooting his wad all over her face. I don't know why I wasn't freaked out by it, but I wasn't. I turned around and behind me all of the guys out in the hall were sticking their heads in the door trying to get a good look. So, I grabbed Lisa a towel out of the bathroom and told her we had to go, now. She got dressed and we left the party out the back door and Lisa drove us home. All of the guys standing in the hallway were really pissed that they had missed out.

"At first nothing happened, but then everybody at school must have heard about it because a few days later they started to point at us giggling and calling Lisa a slut. Then at home our phone wouldn't stop ringing with guys wanting to see her."

"Did your mom find out?" I asked.

"Not at first. My mom used to give guitar lessons after school but after a while she started to get a lot of cancellations. Then one day one of the kid's moms called to cancel and told her what was up with Lisa. Mom didn't get too mad though, did she Lisa?"

"Not at me. But she was pissed that nobody wanted to take guitar lessons anymore," Lisa answered. Lisa didn't seem to be too embarrassed anymore.

"Wow," I said. "Everybody at school knew about it? That must have been rough for you."

"Yeah, for a while, I guess. But the guys treated me OK, I think, because if they were friendly to me they just might get some more action. The girls were the real bitches, though. They were just jealous because I look better than they do, and I have bigger boobs. Plus, they were pissed because their boyfriends cheated on them-in front of everyone at the whole party. And then this one girl, the head cheerleader named Fiona, was really pissed at me because she was dating Rod, the quarterback. She was totally embarrassed because she and Rod were supposed to be the  it' couple at school, and supposedly they had a virginity promise, and wanted to be prom king and queen. They broke up after that because she was totally embarrassed, and because Rod couldn't keep his eyes off me. In fact," she started to say then stopped, looking at her brother. "Maybe I shouldn't tell him, Jake."

"No, it's all right. Go ahead. You're gonna love this," Jake said grinning.

"Yeah, Lisa, I want to hear. Tell me," I said, catching Jakes eye. "Before Jordan gets back here."

"OK. Well, Rod liked what we did and wouldn't leave me alone so I hatched a plan with Jake to get even with that bitch Fiona, since she was the one spreading what happened all over school. I invited Rod over to our place one day after school when I knew Mom was going to be out. I had Jake hide in my bedroom closet with a Polaroid camera and told him to open the door and take a picture of Rod just as he was about to blow. I knew that Rod and his teammates would pound Jake if they knew that he was taking the picture, so I dressed him up in my old clothes and put one of mom's hats on his head so he looked like a girl. I figured with that and the flash going off Rod wouldn't be able to tell who it was, and Jake would have time to get out of the apartment without getting caught. And it worked perfectly! Rod was really pissed, and he grabbed his clothes and stormed out. The picture came out great. You could even see the freckles on Rod's mug as he turned to face the camera, but you couldn't tell it was me, so it couldn't have worked out any better."

"What did you do with the picture?" I asked, laughing at the thought of Jake dressed up as a girl.

"Well," she continued, "It took me a few days to figure out what to do with it. Rod was really pissed and kept asking me where the picture was, who took it and who had seen it. I just played along with him and told him that I wanted it for my  collection'. That seemed to satisfy him. Then one day I sat next to Fiona in my American History class. She kept looking over and giving me the stink eye. So, I started to dig through my purse pretending to look for something and pulled out the picture of Rod and started fanning my face off with it. When she finally focused in on the image, she let out a little chirp. It was hilarious. Her friends Becky and Bren were sitting next to her and they saw it too. I just stuffed it back in my bag and ignored them for the rest of the class. Afterward, as we were walking out the door, she asked me what I was going to do with the picture. I told her that if she kept her big freakin' mouth shut and stopped calling me a slut, nobody would ever see that picture again. And that was it. For a while, anyway." She added softly.

"So where is the picture now," I asked.

"It's locked away, along with some others."

"Some others!" I said incredibly, sitting up on my knees.

"Yeah, some other pictures."

"Pictures of what?"

Jake was laughing and looking back and forth between Lisa and myself. Finally, he blurted out "Other guys!"

"Wait. Who were the other guys and who took the pictures? How many do you have? When did you take them?"

"We did the same thing that we did to Rod with most of the team, only this time we used a regular camera instead of the Polaroid, because it was quieter. So Jake wouldn't get caught we turned on the bedroom lights and put the radio on loud. He just stayed in the closet and took the pictures through the louvers, or, when they weren't looking, he would peek out and take a picture from the side of the door."

"We would send the film through the mail to a photo processing center out of state so no would know what we were doing," Jake added.

"Wow," I said, shaking my head. "That's unbelievable."

"What's unbelievable?" Jordan asked as he ran up to us from the house. We hadn't even seen him coming. The cute little guy had his arms full of drinks, glasses and chips.

"Oh, Lisa was telling us about her photography hobby," I laughed.

"You can take my picture if you want," he told Lisa grinning, obviously forgetting about  shebang'.

"Thanks, sweetie, I just might. You'd make a handsome model."

I wanted to hear more, but couldn't with Jordan here. I looked over at Jake and then to Lisa. Everybody had gone quiet.

Then Lisa, reading my mind, reached out and rubbed Jordan's arm and said "Hey, pussycat, can you go over to our house and find my purse and bring it back? I think I have an instamatic camera in there and we can take some pictures. The house should be unlocked."

"OK, Lisa. You bet!" Jordan said jumping up and taking off.

"Hey Jordy, don't look inside my purse, OK?" Lisa added.

"Shebang!" was all he said as he flew out the gate. I guess he hadn't forgotten.

"Your brother is so cute. That should take him a little bit to find my purse. I don't even remember where I put it. So where were we?"

"You were telling me about Rod and Fiona."

"Oh, yeah," Lisa said.

"Well, it gets worse," Jake said sighing and then looked over at Lisa.

"How could it possibly get any worse?" I asked.

Next chapter coming soon. Please let me know what you think

Next: Chapter 4

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