So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on May 13, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except for the location. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, or it offends you or you are not of legal age to read this than please do not read.

The author retains the copyright to this story. Nifty has the posting rights. You may not publish it or any part of it without authorization from me.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me. I really enjoyed the feedback, good and bad! Please let me know what you think of this chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Please email me at

Chapter 4

"You know that our parents are divorcing, right? Apparently my dad was a real hose monster and before they split up my dad was seeing other women behind my mom's back, especially when he was on the road."

"Jake, you're being too nice. Our dad is a real prick. And one of the `women' he was fucking was on the PTA at our school," Lisa added angrily.

"Wait. No way. How do you know?" I asked looking from Jake to Lisa and back again.

With a deep sigh, Lisa began "This story gets long and complicated. But here goes: I know because after Fiona saw the picture of me and Rod, and even after I told her I wouldn't show the picture to anyone, she was still pissed. Pissed at me, pissed at Rod. I think she was pissed at everybody. So she took her time as she plotted her revenge. And boy, was she good."

"She even went out of her way to bug me, and I'm two years younger than her and not in any of her classes," Jake said interrupting Lisa. "She used to wait for me after lunch and follow me to my fifth period class. She would walk behind me and say stuff that only me or my friends could hear."

"Stuff about what?"

"That my sister was a slut, that she was having sex with all the guys at school, including the old bald teachers, like Mr. Johnson, and the greasy janitor, Rick. She even said that she was sorry for me because she knew that Lisa wanted to have sex with me& you know, just a bunch of shit like that."

"How did you take it? Your friends must have been pretty embarrassed too," I asked.

"Yeah, they were. But one of my best friends, Dickie, he's Rod's younger brother. I know, I know, `Rod and Dickie'. Their real names are Roderick and Richard, but get this: they have a younger brother named Peter! Anyway, Dickie was with me the day she said that about Lisa wanting to have sex with me and it really pissed him off. He knew her from when his brother and her were dating. He had always liked her and she had treated him nice. But this really pissed him off. So after he got home from school he asked his brother if he could get Fiona to lay off me. Apparently, Rod didn't really want to get involved. But Dickie hounded him and told him that if he didn't help, Dickie, me and some of our friends were going to do something to really embarrass her, and maybe him, too. So Rod finally agreed."

"What did he do?" I asked.

"Nothing at first. I think he was hoping the whole thing would blow over. That was until Fiona started to tell everyone that Rod had got crabs in his pubes from having sex with his dog. That got him really pissed, and that's when we got together and hatched our plan. It's so crazy I can't even believe we thought it up." Jake said, opening up a Coke that Jordan had brought us.

"So Rod, me and Dickie met in his bedroom one day after school. We sort of compared notes so that everyone was up to speed as to what had been going on. I told him about how Lisa and I took pictures, and he told us about what Fiona was saying. Then we came up with a plan. Rod was going to invite Fi over to his house after school with the idea of getting back together. But he really had no intention of getting back together with her. He figured that since I had experience with hiding out with the camera and taking incriminating pictures, we could pull the same prank on her as Lisa and I had done on him. Only this time we were going to setup Fiona with Dickie's and Rod's eleven year-old brother Peter. It was ingenious and worked out perfectly.

Taking another swig of Coke, Jake continued "So we told Peter that we would give him ten dollars and let him pick out a few of Dickie's old comics to keep if he would take off all of his clothes and hide in Rod's bathroom. Then, when the time was right, we would signal for him to come out and he was to jump up on the bed, on top of Fiona and pretend that they were having sex. He was totally excited. To get Fiona to relax and lay down on the bed, Rod was going to spike her Coke with some of his parent's vodka that was in their liquor cabinet. At first I didn't think it was going to work. Dickie, Peter and me hid out in Rod's bathroom with my camera.

Pausing for some more Coke, he said "Not much happened at first. Rod and Fiona were yelling a lot, but she kept drinking the vodka and Coke, telling Rod how good it was. Then Rod told her how much he loved her and would never look at any other girl again. She seemed to cool off then and that was when Rod and Fi started to make out.

"They were going at it good and heavy for a while when Rod told her to lie back on the bed and that he had a special surprise that would make her feel really good. She mumbled something incoherent and then he took off her shoes and sprawled her back across the bed, as she closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. He rubbed her feet for a while until she was asleep. That's when Dickie, me and naked Peter moved silently out of Rod's bathroom. Rod maneuvered next to Fi's ear and started whispering something to distract her, but he didn't need to because she was out cold. Then Dickie and me pointed to Peter to get up between Fi's legs, on his knees with his little boy boner sticking straight out. Once they were in position, Dickie and Rod backed away so I could take a picture. I took a couple of pictures of her with Peter naked between her legs. Since she still didn't even notice, Rod lifted Peter up toward Fiona's head, still straddling her. He was practically sitting on her boobs! She didn't notice as I continued to take pictures. I was almost out of film when Rod whispered to Dickie to pull down his pants and put his dick on her lips, next to Peters. Man, what a shot! I got a great picture of Dickie's and Peter's hard cocks touching each side of Fiona's mouth. After that, Dickie, Peter and me ran out and down the hall over to Peter's room to get Peter dressed. Then we gave him the ten dollars and a stack of comic books and made sure that he promised he wouldn't tell anyone what happened," Jake leaned back, stretching out on his tan arms.

"Oh, man. This story just keeps getting better and better," I said.

"Yeah, I know," Jake replied finishing off his Coke. "Lisa, tell him the rest."

"This is the part that I hate, `cause it's not so good. Not so much for me, but for Jake and my mom. Anyhow, it turns out that when the guys were plotting to get Fiona drunk and take pictures, Fiona had been plotting a little revenge of her own, too. Remember when I said my dad was a prick and he cheated on my mom? Apparently Fiona's mom divorced her dad when Fi was little and her mom had become the town tramp. She would sleep with any guy she could pick up. Fiona knew that my mom had kicked my dad's ass out of the house-shit like that was always well known in a school as small as ours. Anyway, after Rod dropped her off at home after he got her drunk, she was furious. She didn't know about the pictures, yet. But she was pissed that Rod got her drunk. So she put her plan to work.

"Her friend Bren was working in the school office doing filling and so Fiona had Bren pull our family information card and got my dad's work telephone number. Then she called up my dad, and pretended to be her mom, twisted him into meeting her at some PTA function that her mom chairs. Why my dad went to that is beyond me. My parents never went to any of those things before. So somehow, as unbelievable as it sounds, my dad hooked up with Fiona's mom and they started seeing each other."

"How did you find out?" I asked Lisa.

"One Friday night in May, just a couple of weeks before school was out, I had a date with this guy. We met some of his friends at the bowling alley and we got a lane and started bowling. Halfway through our last game my dad and Fiona's mom started bowling on the lane next to us! Can you believe it? I didn't see them at first, and he didn't see me, but when I did I stormed over to Fiona's mom and punched her right in the nose. I broke it! Blood was dripping everywhere. So anyway, they had to separate us and everybody was wondering why I was so mad. Then to make matters worse, who walks in right then but Rod and Fiona! I was livid. I was going to kick her mother-fuckin' ass! But all I had time to do was throw my Coke all over her dress before we were separated," Lisa smirked.

"So the cops came and took a report. Fiona's mom wanted to press charges and have Lisa arrested, but my dad talked her out of it. The cops called my mom and we had to go pick up Lisa at the bowling alley. So that was sort of the end of it. Since it was almost the end of the school year, we studied at home and then Lisa and I took our finals in the principal's office on a Saturday morning, so we wouldn't see anybody and get into any more trouble. After that we packed up our apartment and moved here. Plus, after my dad embarrassed my mom by dating Fiona's mom, my mom says it will be easy to get a big alimony check out of my dad," Jake said, finishing up the story and looking kind of sad.

"What happened to the pictures?" I asked.

"We still have them. I'll show them to you when we get our stuff delivered."

"That's a crazy story, Jake."

"Here comes the little pickle-head," Lisa said. "You didn't find my purse?"

"No, I looked everywhere. Even in your VW," Jordan said.

"Well, thanks anyway, honey. We'll look for it later."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes, finishing off our drinks and munching on the snacks, enjoying the warm Southern California sunshine.

Then Jordan let out a big burp, and not to be outdone, Sloan ripped a fart, and started wagging her tail. We all started cracking up.

"Hey guys, how many burgers do you want?" My dad called out, interrupting our laugh-fest.

We all shouted our replies.

"OK. Get cleaned up. Food will be ready in a few minutes."

We slowly made our way into the pool house to wash our hands and then headed over to the patio table and sat down, bringing our sodas with us. Everything looked delicious. The Lulu's had made baked beans, a salad and brought out all of the condiments you could think of for the burgers. Dad did his usual great job with bar-b-queuing. Everybody dug in.

"These burgers are really good, Mr. Miller," Lisa mumbled with a mouthful of food.

"Call me Wiley. Everybody does. I'm glad you like them, Lisa."

"Yeah, Mom, everything tastes great," I said.

"You'll have to thank Lulu too. She helped."

"Oh, phsussh. It was nothing. I'm just glad that you were able to feed all of us. I can't thank you enough for all of your hospitality," She said, trying to sound like a grande dame.

We all cracked up. Try as she might, she couldn't really pull it off.

"Hey, Mom. They haven't delivered Jake's bed yet. Do you think that Jake and I could sleep out in the tree house in sleeping bags tonight?" I asked.

"I don't see why not, honey." Turning to Lulu, she asked "Where are you and Lisa going to sleep? You know we have plenty of room over here. Why doesn't everybody spend the night over here? Then in the morning when your moving truck arrives we can all go over and help you unpack and get settled."

My mom didn't give anyone time to reply.

"OK, listen up. Ryan, you and Jake are in the tree house. Jordan, you can sleep in Ryan's room. Lisa can have Jordan's room and Lulu can sleep in the guest room. There, that's all settled."

"Can Sloan sleep with us out in the tree house?" I asked my mom.

"I don't see why not. What do you think, Willy? Uh, I mean Wiley", she slurred and started giggling.

Everybody cracked up. My mom was toasted.

"Sure, that sounds fine with me. Let me go get you another drink, honey" my dad said, looking at her from the corner of his eye.

I could tell this was going to be a long and interesting evening!

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Next: Chapter 5

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