So Far So Good

By memnoch lasher

Published on Oct 17, 2022



Well, this is the typical disclaimer. This is a work of fiction and nothing that is said here had really happened, except for what really has, but you should guess which is which !:o)))

This story may have explicit sex descriptions among different teenager boys if that offends you, you are in the wrong site! So bye!

I say 'may' because I'm not sure yet if that's what I want. Instead, I plan to write about real friendship and love, and the process of growing up for a couple or a group of friends, I don't know yet that! hope you can give me a hint !:o))

If you are not older that 18/21 years old, you shouldn't be reading this. If this kind of material is illegal in your country or state you shouldn't be reading this either. If you are so closed minded that you think us gays are really sick people you really SHOULD read this (or others stories alike) and if you are REALLY intelligent you can see the truth by yourself but if you don't change you mind after that, let me tell you that you have a really BIG problem and you should get help!

This is the very first story I've ever written and hope you like it and let me share with you more of this story. Please, be as critical as you can and let me know what you think, good or bad, that's the way to make better things!

Ok, that wasn't too bad, was it? So, Rock 'n Roll !

So far so good == === == ====

Chapter I: Meetings by Memnoch

Ahhh, At last! FREE!! I'm FREE !! I thought that this day would never arrive. 5 years, for five fucking years I've been waiting and at last it's here! I'm free like a bird!

Oppsss, Well, sorry for the enthusiastic expressions of happiness, but I really feel like I don't fit in my own body anymore! But, I guess that for you to understand completely why I'm so happy I should tell you what's going on: where I am and what I do right now. Ahh, I'm writing this in my mother language (which, as you can guess, it's not English) and then I'll translate it for you. Sorry and I hope that the English I know would be enough to make all of you enjoy and live with me all the experiences of ... umm, What? Have you already forgotten it? YES, of my new freedom!!

Well, too much chit chat which doesn't say anything, right? So it's time to begin answering your questions. Let's begin for the easiest one: What am I doing right now? well, actually I'm doing nothing, you see?, that was really easy! !:o)))

Where am I? ahh, that's easy too: this is my first week of my first year at college. Well, actually we could say that it's the year ZERO. Year ZERO? Let me explain it to you: I took a test in my country and got an scholarship to attend to an university abroad, cool, no? Ahh, the best news is that that isn't my unique incoming. There's another one, but we'll talk about it later, ok? Don't be impatient!

I'm already in my new room in campus waiting for my roommate and I don't have any idea who he is or where he comes from, and you know what? I don't care! I'm sure we'll get along very well. I always get along with everybody!

Yeah, it's true, I haven't answered the principal question: Why the hell am I so happy? Well, because I'm alone, and the only person who takes the decision about what I have to do or not is me and just me!!! The only rules that I should obey are the ones I make myself, well, if I really decide to make any ;-)

Almost all the freshman at college depend on their parents until graduation, but for me, that's not the case. I'm fucking independent! YES!!!!!!! First of all, thanks to the scholarship I got, and secondly because my very beloved grandparents created a trust fund for my college studies, so this summer I just got the first part to cover the first expenses of my new live, c'est cool, no?

Please, don't misunderstand, I'm not a rich man, no, I'm very far from that but the money I'm getting every month for the scholarship is bigger that the salary from a part time job and that is more than enough for covering the payments for the room and food. The grant covers the expenses for the books and the material I'll need at college (and there's money left), but beginning next year because this one would be year ZERO!

That means that what I need to think about is how to get more money to get ... FUN! Of course, what did you think? that I wanted more money for books? No thanks, that's not me, ha ha and beside the first year is for learning the language. And due it's not English the scholarship will pay the language courses (If I had chosen an English speaking country, I would've had to begin without any course!! scaring no?)

Thanks God my grandparents created this trust for each one of their grandchildren (we are 4, two cousins of mine, my brother and moi (me)). Like that, my parents don't have to give me money for my studies. But I should've had to find a job to pay to the books and room and where the hell I'd get the money for the FUN? I don't even want to think about it!

Well, my grandparents created the trust initially for my brother and me because they knew very well ... how could we say? (I don't want it to sound rough). Ahh, ok. they knew very well my dad's no-saving-money-for-the-future tendency, so to be sure that my brother and me didn't remain without college studies and due they had 4 grandchildren they decided to do created the trust for all of us: just for not hurting anybody's feelings by leaving them out. I'm the first to get to college my brother (which name is Randal) is 2 years younger than me, and my twins cousins are a year younger that Randal. They all are really hoping they can join me. Well, one side of me too, but the other.. I just don't know.. maybe it would be cool if they don't have problems with me being gay, I know Randal don't have any, in fact he is the only person in the family who knows. Well, we'll have to wait.

Returning to the economic aspect, there is a bad news and is that I should get an average of grades, if no, the payment of the trust would be cut until my average returns to, at least, the minimum established by my grandparents. Well, that's how they wanted it to be! Life couldn't be so perfect, Don't you think?

Now, all of you have an idea about how happy I am? I hope you do! So it's time to deal with less impersonal things. Although, the previous lines have already given away a little part of my personality, but here it's most explicit:

I'm guy very happy, amused, kind of extroverted and mainly very optimistic. My zodiacal sign is Aries, ahh, I bet you haven't yet guessed!! ha ha. Well, before going on, let me clarify something to you: it's absolutely the biggest lie in the world what people say about us the Aries! OK? We are not prone to have accidents! That is completely false!!

What really happens it's that people realize that we are Aries (due to our magnetic and overwhelming personality) and ZAZ, begin to place and move things so that we trip and/or fall down, that's all!! So, as you can see it is not our fault, we are so naive that we never think that people around us want to do that kind of tricks to us and ZAZ we fall and turned out to be the make-me-laugh of all! Well, what could we do? Life is like that and it's necessary to go on even with all its injustices !:o)

Another thing about me, I have a slogan that I almost never break! And it says something like this:

"If somebody does anything to you that you don't like, remember that it's necessary to move 34 facial muscles to show an angry expression, and just 4 to raise your arm and nail them straight in the face!"

Like that, the life is more simple and calmer, well, at least for me. Well, I'm not sure of the number of muscle for each situations but I'm not a doctor, what did you expect it? But you get the idea!

Ok, Ok, I know!! I speak too much and I don't go to the point! (did I already say that? !:o))) ) Sorry but I cannot help it, whenever I take a keyboard I cannot stop writing everything that passes through my mind and most of times in absolute disorder! Umm, too much brain activity and not too much coordination, I guess. Well, my unique excuse is that I'm a fustrated writer! I had to choose among Humanistic studies, journalism or computer science. I was kind of difficult because I really love to write but I had to think which of them would give more opportunity to makes obsene amount of money, and as it's really difficult (if not impossible) to achieve it with the two first so I chosen Computer Science! An now, look at me! I'm a freshman at a very important university and I got it by myself! So I'm very satisfied, what could be wrong? So far so good!

Ok, now, let's speak about me, I already told you, in general terms, how I think it's my personality, that is what really matters, but I guess it's unavoidable to think about the physical aspect, no? Ah, and that will give me the chance to explain and clarify to you the facts of the supposed stupidity, and I repeat: it is not so!

I'm an 18 years old guy, I'm 6'3", and weight 190 pounds, I have reddish hair and my eyes are green emerald. Kind of "big" for my age, no? Well, at the beginning that gives me some problems because the others guys are afraid to play basket with me. Ah, the idiots think that I'd hurt them or something like that. Can you believe that? Ummm, although, in fact, I have two friends of mine who got some fractures as we crashed against each other when I wanted to gain the ball for my team. The fact that both guys were of MY team was just a coincident! Well, I repeat: "It was not my fault!!".

Anyway, returning to my description, according to my mom, I don't have anything to envy from movie actors, but you know how mothers are: They are kind of exaggerated and beside mother's love blinds them and makes them think that their children are the most beautiful beings all over the world ha ha ha. Anyway, I don't complain at all, the physical attributes doesn't really matter but our personality. It's true (and I'm conscious) that the physical self can make some differences, since it's the first thing people see and marks the beginning of the treatments that other give you (remember the guys that didn't want to play with me!) but the rest depends on us. And there, I'm good, I like too much to interact with people. And I always get alone with everybody.

Opps, I believe that I haven't told you something yet, sorry! I bet you've already forgotten too! (I hope not to be getting you dizzy). Well, I haven't told you in which country I am. Well, I'm in France! what do you think? I chosen a country whose language (being a Latin language) was alike to mine. So, this year is going to be piece of cake, and I'll be able to dedicate much time to know the city and people! COOL!

The trip according the other people was a normal one but for me it was nothing less than excellent. The airplane took off at 20:00 and I arrived at Paris to the 11:30 local time, that is, they were 10 flying hours! Well, you cannot make the math because you don't know which country I'm from, but doesn't matter right now, you'd find out any time, here the gadgets run like the water! !:o))

After being in the "Charles de Gaulle" (one of the airport in Paris) for 6 hours waiting the connection, I took my flight to Lyon. The plane was smaller than the previous one and there was some turbulences but I didn't pay attention to them at first. I imagined that if everybody else was calm there wouldn't be any reason for me to be worried. The stewardesses were serving drinks and after making a great effort to make her understand that what I wanted was tomato juice, I began to enjoy my drink. I was admiring all the wonderful things I have never seen, including the Eiffel Tower, through the window of the airplane. Well, that was the first time I ever saw it. There were still turbulences, but I made a effort to stay calm thinking "there's nothing to worry about" and the landscapes through the window were spectacular! and like that was the rest of the trip, until the captain said something, in French of course, that I didn't understand but all the stewardesses disappeared. That's when I thought:

"Well, Anthony, that was your life, drink calmly your juice and enjoy your last times in this world" ahhh, Yes, my name is Anthony! I forgot to tell you but you didn't ask it anyway, so no complaints, ok? !:o)))

Well, a while later the airplane got higher and the turbulences stopped, 20 minutes later we were landing in the Satolas airport at Lyon. And I was safe and alive. so far so good!

It was supposed that there would be a group of local students waiting for all the foreign students, in fact, with the acceptance folder they had sent us a map of where these students would be. But, guess what? There was nobody! I was walking around in the airport to see if I could find something but I saw nothing! So there I was with my suitcases (very heavy, by the way) without knowing what to do, so I decided to take a taxi to go to the university. And suddenly some questions (which I hadn't thought) came to my mind:

'How do I get a taxi in French? And how do I tell him where I want to go? and If he doesn't understand me and gets me to another place? and how to understand how much I must pay? And what if he wants to rob me for being foreign? Damn it! What do I do?'

So, the only thing that came to mind was to go to a Information Desk and see if, in fact, the 8 years studying English had been really useful. So I approach to the Informations Desk and asked if they speak English in my so particular French. Personally I believe that the girl just understood the word "Anglais" (English) and deduced the rest. She answered me:

"Yes sir, I do" Sir? who this woman is speaking to? to me? Am I already a 'sir'? Cool!

"Great, well, as you can guess I'm a foreigner and I need to get to this place before 18:00, How do I do to get a taxi?" I said showing her a paper where was written down the university address, I'm not so stupid! ;-)

"Are you going to study at INSA university?" She asked me with a smile that tranquilized me: she was understanding me, and the accent was not that difficult to understand, well just a little.

"Ah, yes, that's where I'm suppose to study" I answered her feeling that I had already gotten the answers to my problems.

"Ah, ok, so you don't need to get a taxi. See those guys over there?" she told me while she was pointing to a table where there were 3 guys and a girl seated reading some folders, and on the table there was a poster that said "STUDENT TO INSA". I nodded already ashamed. "Well, they are the committee for the new students, so you only have to go there and tell them you are going to the INSA" she finished with a smile that made me feel like the perfect idiot!

"Ahh, ok. thank you" trying no to show that I felt like the perfect stupid!

Ah, well, I'd seen seen the movies that people who was supposed to wait for you at the airports were there with posters in which was written your name! SO I didn't pay attention to anything else! Well, I shouldn't have thought that there would be a person waiting just for me. So idiot no?

Mental NOTE: Stop believing everything you see in TV or the cinema.

Anyway, I approached to the students and I said to them in English:

"Hi, My name is Anthony Lombard, Are you the students from INSA university"

Then, one of the guys looking at the poster and with a ironic smile told me:

"Noooooo, what does makes you think such a thing?"

Well, the confusion face that I should have shown must've been wine to Greek Gods, because the all of them were laughing to death while speaking in French. Damn It, I didn't understand it at all!

Then, one of the to other guys told me:

"Don't pay attention to Gilles! Yes, we're the student from the club of international student from INSA. I'm Thibauld, these are Matthieu and heidy, and the funny one is Gilles, nice to meet you Anthony" Ahh, what so strange names! How can anyone remember how to write them?

"Ok, nice to meet you too. Well, I'd want to know what I'm supposed to do now", I asked them more relaxed but with desires to hit the shit out of the 'funny one'. Although any permanent damage to a so CUTE face would be a pity! umm, I bet you hadn't guessed that yet, I'm gay!! But of course you already knew it if not, you wouldn't be here reading this! But if you didn't know it, I should tell you that if you are under 18/21 years old and BLA, BLA you should BLA, BLA, what was I saying? I got sleepy !:o))

"Well, just fill this and wait for a while, then by 17h00 we'll go to the INSA to do the rest of you application, ok?"

"Ah, perfect" I said as I thought 'they're not bad at all', but they aren't the greatest looking either, well with the exception of the 'funny one' umm, ah yes! Gilles!

He has a similarity with Ricky Martin but with a face of serious man and not of a little boy.

Well, and voila, here I am in my room after doing the initials registration procedures (which I'm sure you are relieve not to hear about), thanks God they aren't too much because after a long travel one is enough tired to seat to fill endless amount of papers and to speak with everybody in a completely strange language.

Now, here I am, arranging my stuff in my new room, as I arrived before than my roommate I took the best side of the room. when I was finally falling asleep somebody was trying to open the door: 'That must him' I thought. So I stand up to open the door for him since apparently he was having some problems.

"Hi, You must be my roommate! Can I help you?" I said trying to articulate the best I could, as I saw one of the most beautiful face I've ever seen, wow, what a man!

"$%&$./:!%$*" was what he answered me but his face told me he had understood none of the words I had said.

"What????" I said, and surely my eyes were to the double of their normal his size!

"Umm, desole, pas francais" (sorry, not French) I realized that he had make a great effort to say just those 3 words. And well, it is not necessary to be a genius to understand that he was saying that he did not speak French, but that would not be a problem, me neither!

"SO? me neither" I said smiling. Well, ok, it's true I smile too much, but with a face like that I cann't help it!

To my surprise, the guy told me again

"Desole, pas francais". that was when I realized it 'Shit, don't tell me that he doesn't speak English!!'

This guy doesn't speak French (that really isn't a problem) but doesn't speak English, God damn it! Well, as he had 3 suitcases I helped him so he could arrange his stuffs. So I decided to take a shower in the meanwhile.

Now, let's think about it: How do I ask him that language he speaks? or What his name is? And what the hell are we going to do before learning French, SHIT, SHIT, and more SHIT!

Back in the room, he had already arranged one of his suitcases and the other two were under his bed so I imagined their content was still in them. Nobody is that fast!

Well, I was sitting in my bed and he in his, the silence was so unconfortable and I was beginning to feel like cutting my veins!!, see I can not be with someone without speaking!!! Ok, we cannot stays sitting like idiots without even try to do something to solve this fuck up situation and right away!

"Anthony" I said pointing one finger to myself.

But now, it came a some sounds which didn't say anything to me, SHIT, this isn't going to be that easy! But for God sake! it cannot be so difficult either! Then I watched him with an unmistakable what-the-hell-did-you-say expression.

"Oto", he answered slower.


"No, Otso" he answer slower.

"Ahh, ok." It worked, I already have his name, a very strange one but it's his name! Now, I must know the language he speaks, well, obviously is not my mother language so I should try with:

"English" I said using the same technique. And after a short pause he said:

"Ahhh, you speak English!!!" After cleaning the words of the strange accent and weird pronunciation I realized that he was speaking English!

"You do speak English too, so why didn't you understand when I asked you if I could help you?"

"Ahhh, that's what you said? ha ha, sorry, but I didn't understand you, I thought you were speaking in other language and beside I'm fucked up with the trip" He said with another smile which showed all his teeth. God, what a beauty!

"Ok, I must have been my accent." Then we began to speak, asking each other the mandatory begin-to-know-each-other questions for awhile until we decided to go to bed, well, each one to his own bed.

Umm, well, Here I am: my first night in my new country, in my new university, my new life, and with my new roommate who is one of the most handsome men I have ever seen in all my life. So far so good! although him being so handsome would give some problems, but I take the risk! I love danger !:o))

Ahh, the following day after walking around campus we found the student restaurant, we had breakfast, well, that if it's really possible to call that a breakfast! The French breakfast consists of a cup of chocolate or tea with one or two pieces of bread, butter and a little of honey, That's all!! God, I'm going to starve! I'm a growing boy so I need to eat! Well, no way to protest, here nobody is going to understand me!

Well, later we went to finish the rest of the application formalities and after that to the office of the group that is in charge of the international students. There, Thibauld informed us that the French test was for the following day and that the first module of the intensive course would begin following Monday.

"French test? you can save that! I don't know any Word in French" I said laughing.

"Yes, That's obvious" he answer yawing an eye, WOW, What does it mean? Is he gay? Is this some kind of hint that I should get? Well, I'll have to wait to see. Understand that I am not going to ask him, 'Say, are you gay?'.

"But, the test is mandatory, and all of you have to take it!"

"Ok, but, be sure, I'm going to sing my name and hand it in"

"me too" said Otso also laughing.

"umm, sorry, but it's not going to be that easy, you have at least to try to read it and try to do your best"

"Yes, but don't worry, French is really easy! when I was 3 I already spoke it" this time was Gilles.

"HA HA HA" was all I could manage but very very sarcasticly.

"Ahh, I already told you not to pay attention to him, he's a jerk I don't know how he is still here in the club" said Thibauld smiling again. If this guy smiles again I'm going to pass out and then to kiss him !

"Well, because I'm charming! Well, sorry Tony, but what Thib said is true, you AT LEAST have to give it a try" Tony? he's calling me Tony! WOW, he isn't so jerk as I thought! ahh, and the holes that he had in his cheeks when smiling are just WOW! Definitively this country is full of gorgeous guys!

"Ok, thanks and by the way, you are not as jerk as Thib says" now I was the one who smiled.

"Thank you, nice someone realize it!" Our glances totally interlaced with nothing to interrupt them!

"Well, we gotta go, right 'tony' ?" Shit, who is speaking? Who dares to break a moment like this! ahh, it must be Otso!


"Umm, yeah, right" Why we got to go? I don't know, but we are enjoying ourselves! I thought.

"Well, see you guys"

"ah, wait a second, there's something else you have to know..." said Thib.

"And what could it be?" I said knowing I wouldn't like what he was about to tell us.

"Well guys, after the beginning of the second week of your French course..." smiling again! SHIT! ok, I cannot kiss him here! SHIT

"Yes...?" Otso and I said at the same time.

"Well, we can NOT talk to you in English anymore"

"WHAT????????" both of us again!

"Sorry guys, but that's true and rule are rules, but there's nothing to be worried about! as I told you before, French is really easy, when I was 3..." said guess who!

"Yes, you did already say that!" I cut him with another smile but this one had written 'say it again and I beat you' ... well or was it I kiss you, or kiss you and after beating you...' umm, whatever!

"Bon, On y va!, salut" said Otso with one smile of son of bitch!

"Oui, au revoir" Answered Thibaoult and Gilles with same fucking smile! Ok, What the hell did they just say to each other? SHIT

"What the hell means 'oniva'?" I asked Otso not being able to contain my curiosity.

"Ahh, that? well, I don't know I just heard it this morning and wanted to know if it'd work with them, and I think It did" With the same irresistible smile! Why everybody smiles?

"Ha ha, ok, well, looks like is a way to say bye or something"

"Yeap, that's it! hey 'tony'?"


"'Tony' what do you say if we go around to begin to know our new city?

"Yes that'd be cool"

"Ok, 'tony', let's go"

Umm, Why the hell is he calling me ' tony' in each sentence he says and in that way? and why with that smile? There's something going on here. Is he gay? Is he trying to tell me something? Damn it, It must exist a way to know who is gay and who is not! Without asking them!

We were walking for awhile trying no to die cause it was really hot, it was half August and the French summer is in its Maximum expression. As we saw a cafe I rushed in it realizing that my throat was screaming for a coffee or even better a cappuccino! Well, I'm not vicious but 8 or 10 coffees par day don't do any damage to anybody, no? !:o))

After making ourselves understood for the 10000th time in the day, we seated to enjoy the best cappuccinos I ever took in my life! (Well, I think the same whenever take one, I cannot help it, they are too good).

"'Tony', what do you think of our first day in campus?" The same smile that gives me concentration problems!

"Great, it's been great" ok, if he says 'Tony' again I'm going to ask what's going on. Ok, I'm not Sherlock, but not stupid either.

"And what you think so far?" I asked, giving the foot for another 'Tony'...

"Really good, it's been really nice" Damn it, he didn't say it! but He continued to smile.

"What?" I ask after a while.

"What what?" Shit, even his accent makes him sound irresistible.

"I don't know, you were just looking AT me and I thought you have something to say..."

"Ahh, no, not AT all." Same smile, ok. he's playing with me, it cannot be unconsciously.

"Umm, say, why do you call me 'Tony' in that way?" I asked almost nervously, trying to ask the question in a way he could not turn it back to me...

"Umm, in which way?" SHIT, he did it!

"Umm, I don't know.. you just have been saying it too much in a way that makes me think there's something else".

"Ahh, ok" was all he answered.

"Well?" I pushed.

"Well what?" with the same fucking-killing smile! SHIT.

"AHHH, STOP IT!!!, you know what I mean!!" Ok, I don't have much patience! Otso began to laugh like a mad!!!

"Ok, ok. Just wanted to know how patient you were, and I think you're not too much"

"Ok, I'm not, and now can you tell me what's going on?"

"About what?"

"Ahhhhhh, man, don't do that again!!!" I already was on the verge of getting all the information from him with the help of my hands if necessary.

"God, you are not really patient at all, are you?"

"I ALREADY told you that" trying not to lost it because I am not going to let him play with me. I'm not going to let him confused me! Nothing that he tells me will get me confused!

"Yes, you did. But, it's really necessary that I give you an answer? You must already know it, it's too obvious!" Ok, that did it, I'm confused!


"Ahh, man, you must know it... ok, waitaminute... ahh, SHIT, no, nothing. I thought you..."


"Nothing, It's nothing, man really, forget it. Ummm, it's already late and we have to be up early tomorrow for the test, so let's go home, ok?" he said and without waiting for an answer he stand up, so I followed him trying to figure out what he has meant in the cafe as we were walking home silently, each one deep in our own thoughts...

'What the hell just happened in there?' 'What was he thinking and could not say now?' None idea at all but there's one think I was sure about: 'I'm not going to forget it'.

Ok, this is another thing about me, I don't stop until everything is clear! In a way or another I'm going to find out what's going on!

After taking a bath, we went to bed. But I knew that I couldn't sleep until I knew what was what Otso thought.

"Ok, shoot" I told him looking him straight in the eyes.

"What do you mean?, I don't understand you" With the face of the cat who ate the cat.

"Ah, come on, of course you do, tell me!"

"Ahh, I told you to forget it, it was nothing"

"Ok, if it's nothing, there's no problem if you tell me, isn't there?, so, tell me and beside, I'm not going to let you sleep until you tell me" directly into his eyes to fortify my case. We'd had known each other for less than 24 hours, but, we were already friends, not great friends but I knew somehow we'd share a great friendship and beside I was sure that I was in advantage: he was kind of worry for what he thought and could not say.

"Ahh, you are really a pain in the ass, you know?" he paused, but I kept the visual contact. So, he resumed:

"Ok, but promise me that you won't get mad, ok?"

"ummm, ok, I'll try"

"Not, try is not good enough!"

"Ok, I won't get mad" now, I was worried! What have I just promised? only God and Otso know...

Ok, guys, this was the fist chapter, let me know if you want to hear again from 'Tony' and the forming gang! I have some ideas as to where it is going but if you have any suggestions, critics (the good and no so good ones) please let me know them. I'd really want to know all of them, I can be found at I'll answer all you: if you take part of your time to write me some lines, I should get the time to answer you! It's fair, isn't it? See you in the next chapter or in my inbox folder!


Next: Chapter 2

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