So Far So Good

By memnoch lasher

Published on Oct 17, 2022



Well, guys, voila the second chapter of "So far so good", sorry It took me too long to post it, in fact it was almost ready 3 weeks ago, but my teachers didn't want to give me the time to finish it! Can you believe that? Damn teachers! !;o))

Very huge thanks to all of you who have written me !!! It's really nice to know that someone reads what I wrote and likes it!! I hope you still like this chapter and next and next ... ...!!

Ahh, by the way, when I posted the first chapter I guess I did something wrong because It was not published as a serie but as a single chapter. So I hope this fixes the problem, and you can find both part of the story in a directory...

Well, now the part nobody reads:

This is the typical disclaimer. This is a work of fiction and nothing that is said here had really happened, except for what really did, but you should guess which is which !:o)))

This story may have explicit sex descriptions among different teenager boys if that offends you, you are in the wrong site! So bye!

I say 'may' because I'm not sure yet if that's what I want. Instead, I plan to write about real friendship and love, and the process of growing up for a couple or a group of friends, I don't know yet that! hope you can give me a hint !:o))

If you are not older that 18/21 years old, you shouldn't be reading this. If this kind of material is illegal in your country or state you shouldn't be reading this either. If you are so closed minded that you think us gays are really sick people you really SHOULD read this (or others stories alike) and if you are REALLY intelligent you can see the truth by yourself but if you don't change your mind after that, let me tell you that you have a really BIG problem man and you should get help!

This is the very first story I've ever written and hope you like it and let me share with you more of this story. Please, be as critical as you can and let me know what you think, good or bad, that's the way to make better things!

Here we go!

So far so good == === == ====

Chapter II: Truths and More Meetings by Memnoch

"Well, I thought you were ... ummm "


"I thought you were ..., oh, damn! I thought you were gay"

"you WHAT?!?!?, What the hell did you just say?"

"Remember: you just promised me that you wouldn't get mad!!"

"I'm not mad!!"

"But, you are screaming!! be silent or everybody will hear you!"

"Ahh, but I just cannot be silent!!! Gay, gay?, that's what you said?" In my head, there was in an hurricane of sensations and ideas and I wasn't able to control my thoughts anymore and mechanically I thought:

'But, how in the hell could he have found it out???'

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.." I heard Otso saying, "umm, wait a minute!!!!!, you just said 'found it out'?"

"...???" How did he heard that!

Laughing, "That means that you are gay! doesn't it? I knew it!!"

"Umm, well, yes, I am"

Mental Note: Anthony, don't even trust in your own thoughts!

"Well, don't worry, I just knew it, and you don't have anything to worry about, ok?" If before I was confused, at this moment I already was an idiot unable to put in clear my ideas! So my mind only let flow all of them before exploding:

"Ahhhhhhh, Stop! What the hell is happening here? How could you know I'm gay?, Why do you take it as the most natural thing in the world?, and What the hell does it get to do with the 'Tony' thing? SHIT, I need a drink really bad!"

"Hey, I have some vodka, well no orange juice but ..."

"You're kidding? I don't need any orange juice. Bring your vodka over here!" Ok, too many things in my head at the same time and the vodka sounds like good idea at this moment, in fact anything that gives me some time to think is good idea!

"Just calm down, ok?" Said Otso as he was looking for some cups we stole from the university restaurant.

"OK, hurry up, and mine double please!"

After drinking the first one, and being served the second, the conversation went on..

"Ok, let's begin from the very beginning, ok? Tell me how could you possibly know I was gay?" I said feeling my mind just a little clearer or more dizzy?, well, anyway, the fact is that I was more relaxed.

"Well, that's obvious! well, at least for me"

"Don't get me confused again! Speak clear, ok?"

"Well, the thing is that I'm gay too" Smiling quite widely.

"ahh, no shit!".

"yes, it's true!. Do I have to prove it?" Smiling even wider, if that's possible!

"Umm, ok, I take your word! if you try to prove it I'm going to pass out right away" 'Ok, he's gay but how could he know I was gay myself' I thought.

"Well, that's easy too"

"Ohh shit, how do you read what my mind?" I was about to lose it.

"Well, stop thinking OUT LOUD if you don't want anybody to "read" it! that's the way it works, you know? Look, I think it'd be a good idea if we call it a night, ok?"

"No way! First just tell me how did you knew it!"

"Well, you're really a big pain in the ass, ok but just one word! And we'll go to sleep, ok? Well, actually, me to sleep and you to think about it!" Fucking smile!

"Ummm, Ok, Which word?" I said hesitating, knowing that that word would not be enough.

"Gaydar, good night" Damn it why the hell does he has to smile and what is this shit 'gaydar'? that doesn't exist at all.

"What are you talking about? that's a myth!!"

"Good night!" as he turned off the light.

"no, wait!"

"I said 'Good night' my friend" Even with the light off I could see him sliming!

"And I said, wait, for God sake!".

"Ok, I think that drastic actions are needed!"

"umm, and what is that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see"

What happened then was the last thing I would have expected: he just stood up, walked towards me, and kissed me in the fucking lips!! And what did I do while one of the most gorgeous guys I ever seen was kissing me? Nothing but stay breathless like the idiot!

With that, he went back to his bed and say:

"Now, Good night"


Needless to say that I couldn't sleep too much. First, the kiss and secondly all the thought I had in my mind: Gaydar? gaydar? what a bullshit! That does not exist, does it? Of course It doesn't! that or mine came out of order. I've never been able to know who It's gay and who isn't. I've had 3 boyfriend till now and I didn't even suspected they were gay, they always did the first move, I don't know how they knew I could be gay! Anyway, everything is the same, It's not working. Then and there a thought went through my mind: maybe I'm too obvious and that's how Otso realised, God Damn it! What am I to do???

Next morning Otso waked me up by 7am to get ready for breakfast and then we had to go to the fucking test. I was kind of silent still thinking about the events of the previous night. Otso began to speak:

"Are you ok?"

"umm, yes, sure"

"Hey, stop worrying, everything is cool"

"yes but I'm still thinking about the gaydar thing, I don't understand it yet, or maybe I'm too obvious and everybody can see I'm gay."

"Ahh, please, you don't really believe that! Do you? You are not obvious!!" his lips showed a light smile.. "well, except when you see a hot guy! It's like your eyes could not do anything but just stare like idiot as your mouth waters and your dribble begins to get out of your mouth and ..."

"shut up!! That's not true!!" well, at least he made me laugh.

"ahh, of course it's true! Remember when we went to international service and you were staring at Gilles? Well, I made up a story of having to go because I thought you would raped him right there!"

"umm, I wasn't staring.."

"no shit, you where like spellbound!"

"ookkkk, so that's what you meant by the 'Tony' thing?"

"uh hum, you are getting more perceptive! And the thing is that I'm almost sure your 'guy' is gay too"

"my 'guy'?"

"ahh, come on! you know who I'm talking about!"

"Ok, ok. And you really think he's gay?"

"I'm almost sure, I think he looks at you in the same way you look at him"

"at me? you're really sure?" I said getting anxious.

"as I told you I think so, but we can wait and see"

Ok, by, now the possibility that Gilles could be gay and more important that I possibly cause him the same sensation that he causes me made me forget all what I was thinking, and who wouldn't?

Then we soon decided to go to breakfast (fucking breakfast) and then to the fucking French test! ahh, yeah! The test, how was it? Well, let's just say that I spent to much time trying to figure out what each question was about, and then just feeling inept to answer any of them.

Some questions were easy to know what they were asking since the roots of the words are very similar in most of the western languages. Now to answer them it was necessary to know the French grammar to choose which prepositions, articles, conjunctions and interjections were the correct ones. And guess what? I did not have any idea! So the answers were chosen in random fashion! I love simple choice question!

Anyway, after finishing the test, our heads weighed more than the rest of our bodies and the only thing we could think about to release the stress was to do some sport so we went to the main gym. Then we managed to obtain a basket ball, not without spending a some deal of time trying to make ourselves understood, thanks God that people are quite obliging with us foreigners who still don't speak their fucking language.

Do you know how boring is a game when each team is formed just for 1 person? Well, let me tell you that after 30 minutes is really boring! And now, try to imagine this: late August, we playing basketball outdoors! Good, we didn't really pay much attention and stayed concentrated in the game!

After awhile, some guys approached to ask us to play with us, thanks God one of them speak English so we could communicate pretty well, 3 of them were from Germany, 2 from Rumany and the other from Italy. I'm not even going to try to write their names, well, just Lukas (the Italian) Wow, that guy was really gorgeous! I should've had gone to Italy!

Anyway, we formed 2 teams of 4 guys and play basketball until it was 6pm, fuck! we were really dead after that but the purpose of forgetting the test was completely achieved!

Then, we decided to go to shower before eating and I thought it was a great idea to sleep the whole weekend. But the day was not finished yet. Back in the our room.



"I'm not feeling well"

"why, what happens?"

"I don't know, but I'm feeling kind of dizzy and have the greatest of the headache I've ever had"

"uhh, that's bad, the infirmary must be closed at this time!"

"shit!, well, do you have some analgesic?"

"yes, let me get you some"

I opened the windows so we could at lest have fresh and then we went to sleep. The night went really fast, at least for me, Otso could not sleep too much.

"WOW, you look like a shrimp! I know what you have!"

"and that is?"

"you got a fucking fried insolation! the worse I've ever seen!"

"you kidding?"

"No really!! you are not to much used to take sun, are you?"

"well, no like yesterday"

"ok, I guess that European guys are not so used to get sun as tropical guys, look at me, I'm just tanned, well pretty tanned but don't have an insolation!"

"ok, as you seem to be an expert in the subject, how much do you think I'll need to be ok?"

"don't worry! It's not that bad, I guess that for tomorrow or Friday you'd ok, but no sun for you, ok?"

"as if I'd like to take any!"

So the next 2 days went kind of slow, we went to eat and again to the bedroom. Otso read some Anne Rice books, man, he's really vampire obsessed freak! He has already read 14 books which deals with all kind of version about the vampiric life. well, anyway everybody has an mania in one or other way. So I decided to try to write a little about my new life in France.

"What are you doing?"

"umm, nothing"

"Well, It must be something: you look quite concentrate and amused, so what is it?

"umm, I write ummm, ee, some letters."

"thay must be really interesting"

"no, no really" I said as I thought thanks God, Otso can't read Spanish.

"I'm going for a walk, wanna come"

"with that sun outside, no thanks!"

"oppss, sorry dude, I forgot it"

"ok, don't worry, my book is too interesting to stop reading right now anyway, ahh if you see any hot guy just invited him to come over, ok?"

"yeah, sure!"

"hey, what's up?"

"guest who I just saw"

"no idea"


"really? but why that face? that's no the face you have after you see him"

"well, he kind of ignored me!"

"how so?"

"I saw him walking out of the student building and so I approached to say 'hi' but he looked me really indifferent, I don't know how to say it, he told me 'hi', but really impersonal as if he had never saw me before, and then walked away with some other guys"

"umm, that's strange. I guess I was wrong about him then"

"you know, I have only talked with him 2 or 3 times but this made me feel a little bad.

"It's my fault. I gave you hope about him!"

"ah, don't worry, I'm not going to cut my wrists for that!"

"I got an idea, let's get out and try to drink all the beer that there left in the city"

"no, I'm not feeling in the mood for that, and beside you are still a little sick"

"yes, but there's no sun in the night, so no problem!, it's settled, after diner we're going to Centre Ville (downtown)"

"You're feeling better, Anthony?"

"umm? Well, I'm so drunk that I cannot feel anything" I said giggling without being able to stop!

"yes, so I see"

"ahh, but you haven't told me about Monday night!"

"about what? what happened Monday night?"

"Why did you kiss me? What else?" I said very loud.

"Don't speak so out loud!! Everybody can hear what you say!"

"yeah, as if anybody could understand us! so, tell me"

"umm, well that was the only thing that I could think to shut you up, and I was right: you shut up!"

"just for that?"

"sure, you don't think I was hitting on you, do you?"

"umm, well, yes, that thought crossed my mind"

"don't be ridiculous, Anthony! I was not!"

"hey, hey, hey, wait a second, why in the hell is that ridiculous?!?!?!"

"opps, well, don't take it personal, it's just that you're not my type of guy for a relationship"

"What do you mean?"

"well, you're really good looking, great body and all" with that I began to blush.

"and, yes, you're cute when you blush but there's not 'the click' when I see you. We've know each other for almost 4 days and you seem like a nice guy so I prefer to keep you like a friend instead of just have sex which could possibly mess up the friendship, you know sex could complicate the things, do you understand my point?"

"yes, all except one thing"

"what thing?"

"are you sure you're gay?"

"umm? what are you talking about? I already told you I was, didn't I?"

"yes, but that's why I don't understand"

"to the point!" ok, it's not to difficult to mental-play him !

"How can you not feel attracted to a incredibly gorgeous guy with the most magnetic personality like me if you are gayt?"

"ooohh, man!! you're either the cockiest guy in the whole world or the drunkest!" with that we laughed till somehow (don't asked me how) the bottles of beer fell down from the table.

"Anthony, be careful!"

"what? me? I didn't do anything! they just fell down by themselves! I swear!"

"yeah sure!"

"it's true, didn't you see it?"

"nope, anyway have you seen again the guys we played basket with?"

"No, I haven't. You know, we should've asked their telephones so we could get together again for another game, they were really nice guys but after that test even the hot beer would be nice for me"

"What about Lukas?"

"what about him? Nice like the rest" I said as somehow my new beer got out of my hand and fell down again but this time all over the table and my lap!

"Damn it!"

"ahh, I was right! Ha ha ha"

"Right about what? What are you talking about, sometime you are so weird, you know" I said already knowing where he was getting at.

" me? weird? Ahh, ok! Don't even try to change the subject, you know what I mean!"

"No, I do not" This time I'm not going to let him do it.

"Yes, of course you do! You like Lukas, didn't you?"

"ah, God Damn it! How do you do that?"

"well, my friend, we don't need a nuclear scientific to see he sent you to the space! And beside, he's really cute!"

"Stop, I saw him first!"

"we'll see. Ah by the way, you act like almost every guy you see is the most attractive one in the whole world!!"

"well, yes, there's a lot of guys who are not too bad"

"too bad? You look like you are about to pass out each time you see a guy... So you are horny or what?"


"you heard me! Are you horny? When was the last time?"

"Oh, man, I cannot believe what you're saying!!"

"what? What did I say? Every body like sex! So, what's the problem?"

"Man, you are really gross!!"

"You are not virgin, are you?"

"well, not, but that doesn't mean that ... "

"what? Cannot I ask? Ahh, come on! Everybody speaks about that!"

"not me!"

"well, if you don't tell me details how do you expect that I'd tell you anything"

"and that means?"

"If you tell me, I'd tell you some hot stories about my experiences"

"really?" he's trying to set me up!

"hell, sure, I have some really hot stories when I was in California, imagine this: two hot guys and me in a dessert beach in California, well, thanks god, there was not too much sun"

As I thought 'it sounds really interesting' my inseparable friend began to wake up!

"I knew it! You are ah hypocrite sex maniac freak just like me!!"

"Ok, it sounds interesting, that's all"

"so, when you want to begin?

"umm, I am not sure about this..."

"ahh, come on, you know you'd like it, what do you thing about to night?"

"but we are drunk! That would be dangerous!"

"scared to succumb to my tempting personality?"

"That's the cheapest psychology I've ever heard! you don't really think that that's going to work with me, do you?"

"ok, ok. But you're in or not?"

"ummm, I know I'm going to regret it. But you go first"

"umm, fair to me, let's go!"

"So, what exactly we're going to talk?" I said as we came into the bedroom.

"what about our first contact with sex?"

"ok, go ahead! And I hope it's worth while!"

"well, I was about 12..."

"12! No shit!"

"yes, I was 12 years old. I was watching television with a cousin of mine"

"you did it with a cousin?"

"I haven't said that, I just said we were watching television. Anyway, I got bored and decided to go to one of my friend's."

"then, you did it with him!"

"God damn it, Anthony, Could you JUST let me fucking tell you the damned story without being interrupted every freaking sentence I fucking say?"

"WOW, WOW, WOW, that's what I call a really flowered vocabulary!! How do I get one myself?"

"For God sake, you wanna listen or not?" ok, now, I'm sure how to give him a bad time as he have been doing with me! Now, he are in fair ground, God, I love this!

"Ok, ok, what a bad attitude! go ahead, I won't interrupt you"

------------------------------------------------------ Otso's first sex story (narrated by Otso's)

Well As I was telling you: A cousin of mine and me were watching TV and I got bored so I decided to go to Andy's house. No body answered the door so I went to the back door, and there I found him, almost naked playing with his dick!! I was speechless, what a big dick he had for being just 13 years old! I thought I would pass out!

When I was getting back my breath I decided to go home without making noises, when going out I just threw something down to the floor and Andy came back from his 'high moment' and realised I had been looking at him.

"errr, hi Otso?"

"hey, Andy... look, sorry to bother you"

"umm, no bid deal, man!, every guy do that, don't we?"

"umm, yes, I guess."

"ahh, come on, don't tell me you have never done it!"

"yes, but I wouldn't like anybody to see me at it, it must not be something really nice, you know?"

"well, I don't really care about it, as I said no big deal, beside I was really bored and it's the only thing that I can do when James .. err, I mean, Rachel is not here to do it with me "

"umm, James? I knew it, you're always together! And I always thought that Rachel was just a cover!"

"damn, no, it's not that, really!"

"ah, don't worry, I won't say anything, you don't know but I'm gay too"

"you what? You kidding me?"


"wow, I thought we were the only ones around here! And you have a boyfriend?"

Then we began to talk about his relationship with James and that they had a fantasy of having sex with another boy, kind of a threesome, and then he told me they always thought I was the most gorgeous guy in the school. Hint? !:o))

"ahh thanks!!"


"um, so what?"

"don't play hard to get! You're interested or not?"

"ha, ha, well actually yes, that could be fun! But I must tell you that I haven't err, that'd be my first time"

"really? Well, don't worry it'd be ok, we won't do anything you don't want to"

"cool, so, where and when?"

"what about here when James comes around, in some 30 minutes?"

"that fast?"

"chicken out?"

"umm, no, it's ok, when James comes around then"

well, then when James arrived, Andy told him what was up, and he said that it'd be great! Ahh, I haven't told you, Andy and James really gorgeous guys in very different kind of ways! Andy was 13 and James 14 years old. Andy, blond with the clearest blue eyes you could ever see! Really built body for his age, he's kind of overwhelming-looking like he was a God, he is very outgoing guy, he is always speaking to everybody and everybody likes him no matter what he says, beside he radiates some kind of nice energy or something that makes you want to be near him! In the other hand, James seemed kind shy guy, he is the kind of guy that you contemplate from distance because you think he could die if you talk to him. But indeed, it's really nice person to talk with. And he's not that shy, well he's not shy at all, it's just how he looks like, well, I don't know how to explain it. But, he is really a very cute guy!

Anyway, we decided to jump in the pool to get clean as we began with our game!

I was a little shy to begin anything, and trying to get the guts to, at the same time, when I felt Andy's hands touching my shoulders and then he began to kiss them very softy (I almost passed out, it was hot, I mean it was my first time). I close my eyes to enjoy the feeling and just then I felt another pair of lips working in my neck, I knew It had to be James but yet I couldn't imaging him (the shy guy) doing that and nevertheless I was not able to open my eyes.

I was really breathing heavy! They were moving all around me kissing and licking my body and I couldn't say which was each one. Then someone began to kissed me in the lips, really soft, and I just began to kiss him back until I felt his mouth open and then something wet and hot touching my lips I just couldn't help it, I immediately open my mouth and began a very hard tongue battle! Pushing and sucking, things began to get really hotter then, somehow I felt the other pair of lips going his way to mine, there the three of us were tongue-kissing at the same time, well, it was kind of difficult because there could not be much mouth closing without leaving one of us out, but we manage to go on for a while, then some of them broke the kiss and said

"let's go up to my bedroom the get dry and I mean really dry!!" It was Andy.

Once in the bedroom, we began to dry and the next I knew we were in the bed and both of them were sucking me off! I didn't last too much, I came (the first time) without being able to warn them! But as It seemed they didn't really care, instead they swallowed it all!! When I came back to earth they were sucking each other, so I joined Andy and began to suck James's rock hard dick. And then James and me sucked Andy's dick for another 20 minutes. I don't know how both of them managed to not cum as fast as I did! Well, I was still sucking Andy when James just stopped and then I felt his tongue going down in my body until I felt it touch my ass, I almost sank my teeth into Andy's dick. GOD, what a great sensation!! We stayed like that for another 10 minutes and I was about to cum again as James was putting one finger into my ass I was really near! They were breathing heavy too but neither of them seemed as cumming soon.

Awhile later they asked me if I wanted to try the sandwich position, as I told them I didn't know what it was. They said that two of us would get fucked like if each of us were the wagon of a train, and that I would be the last wagon for being still virgin. So, we did, I was the last 'wagon' then Andy and the first one was James, We kept at it for about 5 (I think) minutes before I was about to cum, so we stopped for a while to give me time to get my breath back and for them to switch position! This time I just keep it going for just other some minutes before collapsing in James back; but this time they were about to cum too (thanks God, so I wouldn't feel like the inexperienced I was). My God, Anthony, we stayed in the bed, legs and arms everywhere and in any direction possible! Until we got our breathes back!

"So Otso, what do you think? You liked it?" said James.

"Hell, yes!"

"so, you'd be ready for next round in about 15 minutes?" said James beaming with excitement!

"what? Man, I'm fucking drained"

"already? Well, just lay down and we'll play with you"

"God, where did I get myself into? You are just like manic sex machines or what?"

"ahh, don't be hypocritical!! You loved it!"

"of course, but it doesn't mean I want to die, you have to tell me how you guys do to keep it going for so long without cuming!"

"ahh, well that's easy, you only have get a lot of practice! But don't worry, we'll help you out!"

"ohh yes, I'm sure about that"

well, needless to say we did it again that afternoon! And so many many many afternoons and nights after that!

"WOW, that was kind of HOT! Now, I won' be able to sleep!"

"Well, Anthony, you can always use your hand, but please don't do it in front of me, ok?"

"ha, ha, very funny Mr. Dick head!" Anyway, I did use my hands! I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the bathroom for a while to release umm, the 'stiffness' !:o))

Thursday went as slow as well, I began to write again until...

"why do you make that face when you write?"

"what face?"

"umm, I don't know, you just make a face as if you were in the bathroom or doing something really weird!"

"well, I don't know what you're talking about! Anyway, I have never seen my face when I write!!!"

"and what are you writing?"

"umm, a letter to ... err my mom!"

"really? and why did you write the word 'sexo' and 'homosexual' if it's for your mother?"

"ahh, you were reading it?"

"oh, sorry but the window was open when you went to get water and it just fell down, I took it up and put it on you desk, I didn't meant to read it"

"ok, no big problem, I guess. But now, you know that it's not a letter, don't you?"

"of course, it's like a sort of story, a sex story if I may say"

"shit, well, yes, it is!"

"and what do you do it for?"

"well, there's some sites in internet where you can post them"

"really? cool!! And how much do you get?"

"umm, you mean money? Nothing! It's just to write and express some ideas and you get to know people from different places, it's quite cool. Now, I have to translated into English before posting it!"

"really, and can I read it?"

"yes, I guess, but when I'm done"

"and I could write something too?"

"well, anybody can do it, well almost anybody, I think you are too boring to be able to write something interesting!!" well, that earned me a flying pillow in the head!

"God, what a bad attitude you have!"

"whatever! And you write about what?"

"ahh, umm, about my life here"

"you mean that you talk about me?"

"um, well yes, you are part of it, but don't worry it not a big part, anyway!" ok, this time was a shoe that almost hit me!

"Hey, that was close! Don't worry, I changed all the names!"

"it's kind of strange that a lot of people I don't know will be reading about what I do, but sounds interesting, maybe I can write something"

"if you really think so.."

"hey, wait a minute! What if you write something about me that's not true! I think you should let me read it so I can verify that!"

"no way! Its' my story, and it's going to be the way I wish!"

"ahh, really? Well, then I should write from my point of view"

"ahh, no, you can not do that!!"

"Of course I can! But if you let me write some chapters of the story, I'd be ok, what do you think?"

Ahh, perfect, now Otso is inviting himself to be co-writer of my story, Shit!

"ok, let me think about it, and what kind of rules we should follow if I accept, ok?"

"cool! Well, now let's go to dinner and then you own me a story, remember?"

"umm, you know? I'm not feeling really erotic right now"

"ahh, you're a chicken out!"

"no, no, really, I'm kind of down"

"ok, well, I know you are still thinking of Gilles, let's do it next week, ok? I can wait!"

"ok, then, next week!"

The rest of the week went nice, we went to Lyon to visit the Roman ruins, they are really great, if you ever come to Lyon, you have to visit them, you won't be disappointed. In fact, Lyon is a old Roman stile city.

Then we tried to find where the gay bars were, but with no very much luck. Wait!! What do you expect? That we could ask it openly to anybody? No way! Well, in fact, I have a friend that when he realised he was gay, the first thing he did was to ask 'where can I find a gay bar?' to the first guy he thought was gay, can you imagine that? He's really crazy! Anyway, Sunday, just before beginning classes, Otso had finished his vampire book and was kind of bored.

"what do you say if we go to play basket?"

"you're sure? remember how you got last time"

"don't worry, I bought sun blocker, let's go"

So, we went to the main gym, there we met with some to other guys: 4 of England, a Canadian and an American and after the corresponding introductions and the common commentaries on the fucking French test all of us were tortures with we decided to play volleyball, we made two equipment and we played for a while before diner. Then we went to our room to take some rest before the first day of the intensive course, imagine 5 hours each day for 5 days a week for a whole fucking year, that's what I call scaring!!!

Ahh, yes, I haven't told you about the guys that we met, well, there's not too much to comment but their names. They were nice but nothing spectacular, well, except for one of them: The American is Benjamin, the Canadian is Andrew. By the way, he is red-haired also although smaller than me, we could say that he is an ok guy but he's not my type, he is the self-sufficient type and at certain moments king of arrogant, maybe it is just the first impression but until now that is my opinion. Anyway, the English are Mark, Paul, Matt and my Chris. Ahh, my Chris!! he is smaller than me, something as well as 5'5", brown eyes, smooth brown hair neither short nor long but almost without combing which gives him a quite cute look, almost childish and when he smiles he does it with every pore of his face, man, what a spectacle, his smile illuminates the room where he is. I could fall for him really easy!

What was I saying? Ahh, yeah: after eating we decided to go to sleep when our new friends kidnapped us to go to consume all the alcohol possible and so we did! We returned to the residence at 4am. Can you believe that the closing time for a discotheque in France is 3 am? And then you have to return walking or pay a fucking taxi! For God sake! I can not believe it yet!

Anyway, none of us have spirits like going to sleep that early! Come on, you know the sensation, after 4 hours taking and speaking of any thing in a discotheque, the last thing you want to do is to go to bed, umm, well not if you have to go alone!

"Somebody willing to sacrifice himself by drinking a bottle of vodka I have in our room " Said Otso and was not necessary to wait but of 1 second to get a unanimous answer, I bet you cannot guess which it was!:


"But it would pure vodka because there is not orange juice"

"Not problem, I have orange juice and tomato juice too " said Mark.

"Ok! then, in F302 in 5 minutes "

We were in the room until 5m in the morning taking of everything that crossed came to our mind. Several times Matt, (if my memory serves me right) said something to me like:

"Anthony I think It'd be a good idea if you try to speak when you're not eating"

"baz, I noeating"

"umm, for me looks like you have a big apple in your mouth!!"


"hey, man, just try to articulate better, I cannot understand what you say"

With that everybody laughed, so you guys can imagine the drunkness state that we were in when laughing for stupid things like that, hey, it was nothing funny. But anyway I laughed with them and I tried to make another joke myself:

"well, I think its a good idea if you guys stop drinking 'cause you are getting blurred!"

Well, that was worse joke that the previous one, but anyway everybody was laughing almost to the point of pissing in our trousers, well AT least I almost did, I didn't check the others. After calming Otso said he had one of its 'great' ideas, man, He's really crazy!

"What do you think if we play 'PUN' with the rest of the bottle before call it a night?"

"Sure, good Idea" every body said.

"ok, but what is that?" I think nobody knew the game even we had agreed to play it too, what do you want? coherence from drunks?

"it's really easy, we choose a number and then the first of us says 1, next says 2, and so on, always in the same order, that means that if I say a number just before Anthony, he cannot say anything but just after me and nobody else can say anything, everybody clear?" he said.

I thought, 'this guy is really drunk, he cannot even bring together what he says'

"I'm not that drunk 'TONY'" Damn it, he can hear me thinking even when he's drunk.

"But you are not thinking, Anthony, you're speaking so you're the drunk one!!" said Chris with a smile and with his brown eyes pointed directly to nowhere, wherever it is! And I don't know why everybody was laughing!

"ok, back to the game! But, I think I don't see what does the bottle have to do with the game and why it's called PUN and why we have to choose a number anyway!" Said Matt trying his best to articulate reasonably well! At least i was his mother language, for the not English-speaking (Otso and me) was quite more difficult!

"ahh, that's the best part of the game, each of us has to say a number except if the number we are suppose to say is multiple of the number we choose then the person has to say PUN, and if someone says something incorrect, like a number instead of PUN, or PUN instead of the number, or even a wrong number, he has to drink directly from the bottle for 2 seconds without stopping!, what do you think, it's cool, isn't it?"

"Yes, let's do it" I said even if could feel the was a really stupid game even for drunk people, but anyway they are drunk! And yes this guy is really crazy!!

As there was almost half of the bottle left, we played PUN just for a little over that an hour (ok, we looked for another bottle). Anyway, It was really funny, when someone made a mistake all the rest were lying in the floor trying to breath through the laughing and the worse part was that the next one wasn't paying attention to the number he had to say and he made a mistake too! It was a endless drinking loop!

At six of clock we were practically dead in the floor, nobody had the smallest intention nor strength to go to their room, so everybody just dropped themselves everywhere and nowhere. I managed to climb to my bed and lied there until 3pm (ok, we didn't go to classes the first day). Man, when I waked up, I felt something hot attached to my body. I opened my eyes and saw Chris laying beside me in the bed with his arm above my chest and his face buried in my neck, man what a sensation! Well, I soon forgot that sensation !! All my body was screaming! Ahh, god, how can a body aches as bad as mine right now?!?!

I was experimenting the worse hangover ever existed in the wide world! and there was something else but I just couldn't figured it out yet and didn't have the time to think about it, I needed to go to the bathroom right away and in the hurry, I awaked up my Chris! But I didn't have time to apologise!!

When I came back to my bedroom, Chris just stared at me trying to say something but he couldn't take it out.

"what's wrong, Chris?"

"ahh, Anthony, I'm sorry, I err, I have to go!" then, he was out of the bedroom!

"what was all that about?" Said Otso as he waked up.

"umm, I don't have any clue"

"umm, what do you have in your neck?"

"in my neck? Nothing, why?"

"yes, you have something, it's king of red... ok! I know what it is!"

"you still drunk?"

"nope that much to not realise you got a hickey!!"

"I what??"

"ok, I guess I know what happened!!" with that he begin to laugh as crazy

umm, how, could I have a hickey? What was Otso talking about? AHHH, GOD, my head hurts as hell !!! What is going on???

Ok, guys, this was the second chapter, let me know if you want to hear again from 'Tony' and the forming gang! I have some ideas as to where it is going but you can always help me. Again, if you have any suggestions, critics (the good and no so good ones) please let me know them. I'd really want to know all of them, I can be found at or at ICQ# 70159244 I'll answer all you: if you take part of your time to write me some lines, I should get the time to answer you! It's fair, isn't it? See you in the next chapter or in my inbox folder!


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