So Much Cum

By Badgod69

Published on Dec 6, 2003



A few years ago I performed in a summer theatre production. On the first night of rehearsal, about 2 weeks after the cast had been selected, I walked into the rehearsal hall and saw my fellow cast members for the first time. There were 8 males and 4 females in this production. Most were around my age (40) or younger. I immediately zeroed in on 2 or 3 guys who I thought were hot for one reason or another. None of the women really did it for me in this group. The guy I thought was sexiest turned out to be 26 years old. He was playing a small role and he clearly didn't know anyone else in the cast. That summer was a hot one and the hall stayed warm even during the evenings when we rehearsed.

As a result, most everyone showed up for rehearsals wearing typical summer attire - shorts, t-shirts, etc. This guy always wore cargo shorts and a sleeveless tank top or a t-shirt, and sandals or hiking boots. His name was Ben. He had thick, dark brown hair that fell into his eyes and made him appear to be even younger than he actually was. He was clean-shaven but he had a heavy 5 o'clock shadow. His muscular calves were very hairy and so were his forearms. I learned later that his father was an Israeli jew and his mother was Guatemalan. I assumed he was straight so I decided to buddy up to him and try to find out more about him. Over the next 2 weeks I arrived about 15 minutes early each night because I knew that Ben did too.

We talked a little longer every night and finally one evening a few weeks later - just when I was getting bored with the whole thing - he pulled his car up to mine as I was preparing to back out of my parking space after that evening's rehearsal. He motioned for me to roll down my window, so I did. I figured maybe I had left something in the rehearsal hall and he wanted to tell me. He leaned over towards his passenger window and said something to me over the music blaring from inside his car.

I yelled at him that I couldn't hear what he was saying, so he turned the volume down and said, "Do you smoke out?"

At first I didn't know if I had heard him right, so I said "What?"

He said again, "Do you smoke out?" and from that moment on I knew something was gonna happen.

I said, "Yeah I do."

"Want to get together some night after rehearsal and smoke out, then?"

"Sure thing," I said. We smiled at each other, said good night, and he backed up and sped off. I was smiling the whole way home, wondering what this was gonna lead to.

The next night after rehearsal we walked to the parking lot together after saying good night to the rest of the cast and staff. Ben had a wicked sense of humor and together we made lots of jokes about the current state of the production and our fellow actors since we were getting close to opening the show. As we got to our cars, Ben asked me when I wanted to hook up to get stoned.

I told him "What about now? What about tonight?", his face lit up and he asked me if I wanted to take a drive in his sporty muscle car into the hills where we could get high in relative safety.

I climbed into his car and away we went! Normally I would never do anything like this with someone I didn't really know. But over the last few weeks I had developed a casual friendship with Ben and I didn't think he'd do anything crazy. We drove up into the hills and it was pitch black when we pulled off the road and he turned the ignition off. He pulled out his stash, filled his pipe with weed, and we starting passing it back and forth. Ben had excellent marijuana, really potent but mellow stuff.

We talked about all sorts of shit, mostly about our prior acting experience, but gradually the conversation moved to more personal topics. I have to admit that even though I was pretty wasted by now I was still tuned-in to any innuendo or openings for finding out more about what Ben had in mind. I learned that he was not currently in a relationship, having recently broken up with his girlfriend of 3 years. He told me that he was horny all the time now, and we joked about how masturbating can be a lifesaver. We talked for awhile and laughed and listened to some music and then we headed back down into town and then to the theatre's parking lot where my car was.

As I got out to get into my own car, Ben asked me if I wanted to go to a movie some evening when we didn't have rehearsal and I said "Absolutely!"

He beamed his big jock smile at me, eyes glassy and obviously stoned, and told me to pick out a movie and name the day. The next night after we were through with rehearsal, we drove in my car back up into the hillls and I shared some of my weed with Ben. We realized that there wasn't a day that worked for us both to go see a movie until after the play opened. We laughed about it, and said we'd have to do this more often until then.

Over the next few nights we seemed to direct the conversation to sexual things more and more frequently. Finally he asked me if I was straight or gay. I told him that I am basically queer and also occasionally bi, but enjoy getting it on with guys a lot. He got super quiet and at first I thought I had blown it. Confused straight dude overload. I had frightened him off.

But, no. He said softly, "Well, that's cool. Hmmmm. Yeah, that's cool."

A friend of mine had asked me earlier if I would house-sit for her while she and her husband went out of town for 4 days. I had told her yes, and my house-sitting stint was going to be starting in a few days. I thought that it would be cool if I could get Ben to come over to her house with me after our opening night, which was only 2 days away. She lived way up in the hills looking over the city and the house was big, old, and beautiful. And we'd have it all to ourselves... By now we were spending time after final rehearsals getting stoned first and then finding somewhere to get something to eat.

Theatre is hard work and by 10 or 11 o'clock you're ready for another dinner, almost. While we were waiting for our food to arrive, he asked me if I thought that any of the guys in the play were hot. I told him yeah, 1 or 2 (by now I'd changed my mind about number 3).

He said, "Who?"

So I told him the first guy I thought was sorta hot and then I told him the other one was him. He flushed and looked down and lowered his eyelids; he looked so fucking sexy!

Then he glanced up at me and said, "You think I'm hot?"

"Yeah, of course," I laughed.

Then he just got happy and buzzed almost, I don't know how else to describe it. He changed the subject completely and asked me if I was excited about opening night. I told him yeah I was and that it was also cool because I was gonna be house-sitting at this awesome old house in the hills. He said it sounded like it would be a fun place to be. So I asked him if he wanted to come over and spend the night there after the show. He said "yes" right away and smiled and then laughed.

We looked at each other and he said "Is something gonna happen there?"

And I said "Only if you want it to, but I'd say yeah, probably. What do you think?"

And he said, after a pause, "I'd say yeah, probably, too. I've never done anything with a guy before, not really anyway, but I admit I'm curious and I like you a lot. You're a really cool guy."

After the opening show, which went great, we drove our cars to the house, about a half-hour drive into the hills. When we got inside, we went out onto the deck and smoked some weed from his ever-present pipe. It was a warm summer night and the stars were much clearer at that elevation, away from the lights of the urban sprawl. After we were loaded and nice and mellow but still excited and nervous, I asked him what he wanted to do now? He asked if we could take a bath and I said sure thing. As we undressed, I got to see the rest of his body even though by now just the sight of his hairy legs made me want to fuck around with him. His chest was smooth and his nipples were brown and big. His upper arms were smooth except for the thick black forest of hair in his armpits. The hairline leading down to his crotch was thin but spread out a little on his lower belly.

This led to his pubes, which were black and lush, a really nice thatch. His cock was still soft and sort of scared looking which made sense cuz so was he. But it looked brown and thick, with a biggish head and a full, brown, hairy sack of nuts. His upper legs were lightly-haired and the lower you got to his feet, the hairier they got. When he turned around, I saw his ass which had smooth cheeks and a hairy crack. When he saw that I was starting to get hard, he smiled, said "wow!", and climbed into the big, sunken bath, large enough to fit at least 3 people. We sat facing each other and I reached under the water to play with his dick. He was still soft and he laughed low and reached over to grab my cock. I was hard by now and he sort of squeezed it and then figured out that he needed to stroke it. I washed his chest and his hair for him and he did the same for me.

When it was clear that he still wasn't getting hard, he said, "I'm really nervous."

I said, "Just relax, dude. It's ok if more happens and it's ok if it doesn't. Just enjoy what your body is feeling."

I figured he might get more into it if we kissed, cuz that has always worked for me.

Well, I leaned in to kiss him and that did the trick. He hardened in my hand pretty quickly and I started jacking him off. He was getting into it now and we fooled around some more for a little while. We were both super tired, so we got out and dried off and went to bed.

After we turned the lights out he said, "Can we try one more time? I really wanna get off."

We started kissing and took our underwear off and I sucked his cock for a while. He tried to blow me but he wasn't any good at it so I just had him jack me off. I came pretty quick, he tried but couldn't, and then we fell asleep. He had to get up early to go to work on that Saturday morning, so he left way before I did. When I woke up I thought about how awful the previous night had been with him. It was just me getting off and him not being really into it and it didn't feel good. I figured I'd tell him to let's forget about it and not have it happen again, later at the theatre that night.

I was gonna tell him after the performance, so as we were walking out to our cars he said, "Hey, let's sit in my car for a while, ok?" I thought this would make a good place to have our talk, so I said ok.

When we got in and the others had mostly left, he said, "All I could think of today was how fucking hot I think you are and how awful last night was and I wanna try it again. You want to?"

Well, that took the steam out of my speech, so I asked him when? He leaned over and kissed me hard and started rubbing my dick. He fumbled with his belt and then pulled away to open his pants up. He was rock hard and his dickhead was glistening with prejiz.

He said, "I wanna do this. I decided today I really wanna do this."

Then he opened my pants and started licking my hard cock and my balls. We shifted our positions and we had a great time sucking and licking and shooting hard and long. When he came he did a weird thing, he covered his cock head with his t-shirt and came into it. I couldn't tell how much he came because there was so little light coming into the car, but he seemed to spasm about 6 times and I figured that was a good sign. When I asked him why, he said he didn't want to mess up his car, cuz he came a lot. It was all good!! After that, we got together as much as we could. Ben was insatiable, and I found out quickly that he was a little kinky, like I can be, too.

When we got together again it was a few days after the opening weekend, and it was at my place. He looked around my apartment and noticed my old black leather motorcycle jacket hanging on the wall along with some other jackets in the hallway. He asked me about it and I told him that I used to be a skinhead and I wore that jacket sometimes back then. I still did, I told him. He asked me if I still had my steeltoe boots, and I told him hell yeah, I still wear them a lot. When we moved in to my bedroom, he asked me if I'd wear the jacket for him. I took it off its hook and brought it with us. Once we were in my bedroom, Ben started taking off his clothes quickly. I didn't want to rush things so I stopped him by holding him and kissing him hard and deep. His cargo shorts were already opened up and his tank top was off and the feel of his smooth, hot skin felt electric under my hands. I reached into his shorts and cupped his hard cock in my hand through the loose fabric of his boxers. He was hard and wet, and as I massaged his stiff dick I could feel his precum moisten my palm. This got him relaxed and amped at the same time.

He asked me if I'd put on my leather jacket and boots after I got undressed, so I did. I caught my reflection in the full length mirrors on the wall that face my bed, and I have to admit I looked sexy as hell. My dripping cock was sticking straight up and out, twitching and throbbing with a life of its own while my balls roiled and churned with all the hot, potent sperm they were manufacturing for him. My black leather jacket contrasted with the white skin and dark hair on my chest and my hairy legs ended in heavy, mean-looking black steeltoed boots. Ben sat down on the edge of my bed and started jacking himself off as he played with my hard dick and squeezed my ass cheeks. I started fucking into his fist as he milked me, and this turned him on a lot. He pulled me down on top of him, and we lay back on the bed, the coolness of my leather jacket contrasting nicely with the heat coming off our naked, sweating bodies. As I adjusted my position on top of him, I kicked his shin with my boot by accident and he gave a sharp intake of breath and then laughed a little to himself. I was wild with fury and lust by now, and I worked Ben over good.

To my surprise, Ben gave as good as he got. We started to play a little rougher, and in a short while we were wrestling and pinning each other in obscene ways and saying nasty shit to each other about fucking and cumming and how badly we both wanted to watch each other shoot. When we were both getting close to orgasm, Ben asked me if I would cum point-blank in his face and I told him that was what I had been planning. I told him I wanted him to cum all over the back of my jacket and my boots, and he eagerly agreed to do it. I whipped off my jacket and tugged off my boots and placed them in a heap next to us on the bed. Ben scooted up and leaned against my headboard, jerking his fat cock furiously. I straddled his chest and aimed my swollen prick right at his face. I would lean into him so that as I jacked my dick, the head would poke him right between his eyebrows and my fist would lightly punch him in the face. He closed his eyes and started to breathe heavily through his open mouth. I warned him by starting to growl deep in the back of my throat and he opened his mouth wider and told me to plaster him with my jiz.

He quickly licked the head of my cock as I inched towards exploding on him, and the feel of his tongue flicking over my shiny, purple cockhead pushed me over the edge. I leaned back a bit and roared as the first rope of hot cum smashed straight into his forehead and coursed down the side of his nose. Another blast, and his eyes were sealed with my sperm. I shot about 4 blasts of juice right in his face and lots of it was falling onto his flattened tongue. He would quickly swallow it and then stick his tongue out for more. I licked the warm cum off of his eyelids and fed it to him on my tongue. This made him crazy and he pushed me off him, got onto his knees as his hands fumbled with my gear, getting it in place for his load. I still hadn't actually seen him shoot yet, so I was excited and curious about what he meant when he had told me that he came lots. I wasn't prepared for what I saw, though. Just before he shot he sucked in his breath through his teeth and then opened his mouth as he roared out "aaaahhhhhhh!", and then he let loose.

The first jet flew out of his dick like a comet, shooting about 4 feet over my gear and splashing onto the carpet. Jet after jet of his liquid dna spewed out and over everything, my bed, my pillows, the floor, the wall closest to my bed. My leather biker jacket and steeltoed boots were being drenched with his bleachy smelling sperm and it looked for a few seconds like it was raining cum. I was ecstatic at seeing this hot young dude pumping out his juice all over my room. This is one of the few times I have been able to cum twice that fast, but the sight of this magnificent fountain of hot sperm was like a religious vision to me at that moment and I jacked my dick about 5 times and I shot again. I won't even bother to describe it cuz how can I top Ben's godly orgasm?

Ben laughed and said, "See? I told ya!"

We both laughed and I kept saying how unfuckingbelieveable that spectacle was. He said yeah, but that his girlfriend hated it and he was always sort of embarrassed by it. I told him that if I was a porn producer, I could make a fortune off him . He blushed and gave me a hug. My jacket was basically plastered over with thick ropes of his cum. My boots and especially the laces were dripping with his steaming white nectar. I was still stunned.

Finally I said, "I'm gonna let all that cum dry on my jacket and boots." He asked me why?

"It's like you just baptized them. And how fuckin nasty can you get?? I'm gonna know your jiz has seeped into my stuff while I wear it in public. Thats fuckin sexy as hell, dude!"

He laughed and said that yeah, he thought it was helluv hot, too. Damn, that guy liked to do nasty shit. One night at a performance, in act 2 there was an extended period when neither of us was onstage. We crawled up onto a catwalk above the stage. There were a few of them; this was a fairly large theatre. The one we were on was behind the back wall of the set, so no one could see us, and we were pretty much in darkness. When we got up there and listened to the scene onstage for awhile, Ben reached over and grabbed my dick. I was already getting a little hard anyway, cuz almost anytime we were alone for a few minutes, Ben would get some sexplay going. Sometimes even I had to tell him to back off, and that's saying something, hahah! Anyway, we both undid our costume pants and pulled out our hard cocks and started jacking off while we kissed. We were playing with each other's asses by this time, so with our free hand we were both stroking and probing the others asshole. It was hot, very hot.

Pretty quickly we both came, me first, mostly in anticipation of seeing him shoot, the actual seeing of which never failed to get me to nut. I pumped out about 3 good squirts over the railing and watched it splatter on the boards below. We snickered like kids and then Ben's face began to tighten up. In seconds he was pumping out hot, smelly, bursts of cum up and over the railing. I looked over the rail fast cuz I wanted to see it raining Ben's cum. And again, that's what it looked like for a split second. Phenomenal. The women in the cast were all hot for Ben and he flirted with them constantly. I loved watching him do this cuz it got me hard as hell. The secret part of us was our inside joke and we'd make eye contact all the time and smile about it. It made it all hotter somehow, our nasty little secret. We stayed fuck buddies for about a year after the show closed, but then he moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting full time, last I heard. Maybe one day you'll see him on a movie screen or on TV. Who knows? And if I do, I'll let you know!

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