Soap Bits

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jul 11, 2021




"Soap bits" is just what it says. Bits out of soap operas. Sexy, sex from those handsome male characters YOU love so much.

Foe this first chapter I chose characters from EastEnders (UK) and Neighbours (Australia).

Hope you enjoy them!

Stay safe, Ryan



Bobby Beale was so horny and in complete and utter lust after his first ever girlfriend, some broad called Dana, and especially after losing his virginity to her a couple of weeks before, that he couldn't stop thinking about the special occasion that it was.

He couldn't believe that a geek ass super nerd such as himself had his modest 5.5 fifteen year old teenage dick inside the pussy of that beautiful human being. Every time he took a shower, like he was doing at this point and time, he would lovingly curl his hand around his young and potent fuck hard it would become, filled with his young, youthful blood and exuberance.

Even as he used the towel to himself dry afterwards, he would look at his scrawny body with new found respect, as if seeing it for the very first time. God, he was so skinny, he didn't have much abdominal definition, and forget about muscle tone, but the mere fact that Dana allowed him to fuck her threatened to annihilate all that good and proper. To himself, he was a stud for bedding a beauty like her. And no one could tell him otherwise.

"Nan? Peter? Anyone down there?" he yelled after he had switched off the warm water. There was very few times in this damn house that one had any privacy whatsoever, it was always like a stream of people had come and gone every day. There was no answer, but in his experience he thought it better to actually go down and check.

With only a towel wrapped around his skinny ass teenage waist, he trotted down the stairs to the Beale living-room, but there was indeed no one. Even the kitchen was deserted. Nan was probably at the market stall and Peter was probably tailing some girl, he never really did much work. Oh well, better make use of the current Bobby felt his 5.5 incher stiffen and thicken underneath his towel.

He raced upstairs to his room and wanted to close the bedroom door...but then again he had to stay open, because he needed to hear the back door just in case his Nan or Peter came back. They are the LAST two people he'd wanna have walk in on him. He smiled and removed the towel form his waist, having the early morning brisk air float around and envelop his teenage genitals. His cock was already rock solid head, the foreskin totally rolled back and the red, purple fifteen year old non virgin cock was ready and waiting for any action it might be receiving.

Bobby Beale lied down on his bed, stretching himself out in his totality, his dick hard as steel and pointed towards the ceiling. With a sigh and a sinking of his stomach he grabbed that fuck tool and began rhythmically stroking the young phallus upwards and downwards. He closed his eyes and saw Dana inside his mind's eye. How her teenage pussy firmly but gently grasped his entire geek cock inside of her, how he had watched his naked, skinny, white body move his ass up sheer musicality as he pumped his cock inside her.

Bobby's breath was static, his eyes opened and rolled back inside their teenage sockets. His dick was on fucking red alert as his wannabe abs and lower abdomen contracted with every solid stroke he gave his teenage penis. His hand flew up his dick whilst, as if on sheer potent instinct, he started to caress his milky geeky body with his remaining hand.

He was so in thought and in sheer lust with the feelings generating from his steel hard spike, that he never heard the backdoor open and close...

Bobby's legs shook with the hormones flooding through him. His dick was like lava inside its tube, heating up, warm and fuzzy and all things nice. His balls bounced around inside their full sacks, which hadn't been emptied ever since he cream pied Dana's pussy. His fingers swirled around his dickhead and down his own humble length when he suddenly felt a different sort of WET WARMTH devour his cock...a warmth that surely wasn't the inside of his own fist...

"Jesus! Callum!" he shrieked as he finally opened his eyes as saw the former copper, the sexy ass geeky dude in his own way, the VERY handsome bloke who also just happened to be married to his half brother...the good guy turned bad, Callum Highway making sheer love to his teenage fuck stick. Bobby sighed and reached down to solemnly touch Cal's gelled hair as he was in two solid minds whether to stop him or edge him on, and therefore simply ran his fingers through it. His right arm and hand, no longer needed, dangled limply at his side, his fist balled at every twist, turn and caress Callum was giving his fifteen year old penis.

Callum, or "Halfway" as he was affectionately around Albert Square, didn't dare come out until his late twenties. Always scared, always afraid of what his father and his nan might say, not even to mention his brother Stewart. And therefore, he had to hide his sexuality all his life, that was of course, until he had met his current husband, the sexy rogue outlaw of Walford, Ben Mitchell.

This...sucking off a teenage boy, was very much NOT on the cards back then, even though that was ALL he had ever craved in high school. Sure, he had the apartment and the gorgeous husband now who ploughed his handsome ass every night but in seeing Bobby Beale like all his skinny ass glory...just a naked fifteen year old jacking his todger until he creamed was high on his bucket list as his lust simply got the better of him.

Callum slurped up and down the rigid young penis, determined to have what could of course be his only ever chance at sucking a boy this young, and enjoying it every fucking step of the way. Bobby's pre cum was like manna from Heaven, as he tasted and savoured the rich, sweet tangy flavours that seemed to POUR from the kid's dick, that typical teenage acidity that only teenage boys could produce.

Above him the sexy geeky teenager was preaching, moaning like he was being stabbed with a knife. The groans, the shudders and the flexing of his flat kiddie stomach gave way to how much he was enjoying a man give him a blowjob. So much better than Dana did...fuck sake...he couldn't even take that back if he tried, it was so damn true.

Callum began to crave this young gun's sperm more than he had ever craved Ben's and he doubled his efforts, eliciting a solemn moan and a trashing around the kid's bed from Bobby. Cal smiled as his lips curled around Bobby's exposed dickhead...never did he knew a boy could get THIS hard, but there you were. He winked at the almost unconscious teenager and stuck his tongue straight into Bobby's pee hole, eliciting another shudder from the young man who only a week before was still a nerdy virgin geek.

Cal was an experienced cocksucker these days though, what with Ben being the alpha male in their marriage and he knew what was coning when he saw the youngster's ball sack contract together. God, he was surprised the fifteen year old had lasted as long as he fucking did! He bobbed his head up and down at a ferocious pace, determined to sample the boy juice of the notorious sister killer Bobby Beale.

The blond teen launched his groin upwards and a moan which somewhat resembled a hurt lion cub escaped his throat as he face fucked Callum Highway the only way he knew how. Callum released the stone head teen dick and leaned forward on natural instant and started to devour Bobby's teenage sperm makers, still jacking the boy's dick, without letting up an inch. Bobby clawed his bedding inside both fists as his balls finally gave in, they simply couldn't withstand Callum's onslaught any longer.

Globs...spurts of teenage ball cream flooded Callum's face, from where he was still giving the youngster's balls a good ole gobble, and he quickly placed his mouth over the boiling cockhead. Jesus...he had dreamed of this all his life. Tasting potent teenage boy sperm, because there simply wasn't a better kind. Thick virile cum leaked everywhere he fucking looked and it crossed his mind just how much like a slut he must have looked like now, desperately tonguing every where he saw a thick speckle of white sauce.

Bobby hissed at catching his breath and winced as Callum once more licked a droplet of left over watery sperm which had been left behind. Smacking his lips, he caressed Bobby's naked flat tummy and upper chest, feeling the soft, yet hard teenage abdominal muscle underneath the palm of his bed.

"Let's not tell Ben, hey?" Callum giggled, once more savouring Bobby's sperm taste in his gullet, before standing up, clearing his throat and getting the hell outta the Beale household, leaving Bobby with a wet, and still VERY hard cock.



David Tanaka was furious at his husband Aaron, aka Azza at that point and time. Once again, like it always seemed to be these days, Saint Nicolette has rejected any help from them in the quest to produce a healthy baby from herself and of course for David and Aaron themselves, but the way she was carrying on these past couple of weeks, you would swear SHE was gonna keep and raise the baby HERSELF with Chloe, than instead of David and Azza. It was driving David up the proverbial WALL that his beloved Boo couldn't see what was right before his eyes.

"David, I told you, we have to be careful when it comes to angering Nicolette. She has all the power right now, she's carrying that child, and..."

"...and we're just nothing at all, is that what you're saying?"

The two husbands started at each other until they heard the front door open just a tad. They never even realised they had any kind of company, the way they were poking shots at the other across the room. Peeking inside his head was the one and only Ned Willis, the oh, so gorgeous hunk of Ramsey Street. One of many, to be fair.

"Sorry guys, didn't wanna intrude..." he said before closing the door and leaving David and Azza on their own some once more.

"Great! Now it will be across the whole entire street that we're fighting! Thanks for that!" Aaron sneered and held his head in his hands.

David usually struggled to miss the bulging biceps and washboard stomach abs that his husband possessed but today, it was like everything else was a blur.

"Its YOU who doesn't care about anything and anyone else except that nagging bitch! There. I said it. Because THAT'S how she's been treating us these past few days!"

Aaron sighed.

"You never heard how fucked-up pregnancy hormones can make you? And you call yourself a doctor?"

That was it. The final straw. David wasn't prepared to take ANY more flack from Azza. He hated him at that moment, as much as he ever had loved him.

"I'll be staying at my Dad and Terese's. We need space, Boo. Let's talk tomorrow when we're calmed down and when there isn't so much anger between us."

"Yeah, good luck with that," Aaron mumbled, shaking his head in disbelief. His husband just as good as walked out on him. How the fuck were they supposed to get back from that?

Later that night, after repeatedly telling Paul, Terese AND Roxy that he wasn't hungry and he would just like to get some much needed sleep, David finally managed to get some shut eye. That didn't last long however, as his dreams were flooded with a taunting Nicolette holding a baby hostage inside her womb refusing for it to come out. He woke up in a panicked sweat, his lips so dry it felt like it could be used to fucking sandpaper.

"Water..." he whispered whilst running his fingers through his thick, dark hair, which was CRYING out for a trim. As he wandered off into the kitchen, he saw that the light was in fact on. Oh...maybe Harlow was still up, he thought. It would be great to get her point of view in all of this, because after all, she could relate as a woman.

David opened his eyes slowly as his viewers gradually got used to the dimmed light, only it wasn't Harlow, or his dad, or even his step mother Terese. It was Ned. David's eyes widened just a wee tad as he saw that the handsome bloke was shirtless. He was only wearing boxers and the rest of his naked body was on full the kitchen wall. What a fucking pity.

David swallowed. Slowly. Everyone knew Ned Wills was an incredibly good looking rooster, but...he hadn't actually seen Ned without his shirt on that many times. The opportunities that he did, he sure more than appreciated the handsome dude before him, but he was married. He simply didn't look at other guys. But geez gorgeous was this hunk of a man?


David swore under his breath as he solidly bumped his knee sideways on the sideboard in the passageway. He winced...and yes, that was enough for Ned to get startled and turn around and actually face David.

" scared me there. What are you doing up?" Ned asked, with that beautiful, mischievous smile he always seemed to conjure up when you needed it most.

David tried his best to ignore the bulge in Ned's boxers before he hobbled to the sink and poured himself a glass of water, as if it was the most important thing in the world to suddenly do.

"Couldn't sleep. You probably heard I had a tiff with Boo...I mean, Aaron."

Ned nodded...and David's eye caught the chest hair on the guy's otherwise smooth and unblemished did he not EVER see this before? How has he lived in the same town as this hunk and not noticed how insanely sexy Ned Willis is?

David's cock stiffened. He was married. This was wrong. Ned wasn't even gay, to begin with.

"You're still up though...?" David then mentioned, just to make conversation. Yeah. Right. He wanted to hear Ned's voice. Even if he didn't wanna admit it.

Ned yawned and as he did so he stretched his arms out over his head...David nearly collapsed at the sight of Ned's armpits. He smelled so good...his upper chest was hairy and strong. His torso was sculpted to fucking perfection. His treasure trail didn't leave much to be desired. David swallowed. Ned was not a small boy. That was at least seven inches.

"Dunno if you know but me and Amy had gotten close these past few weeks. And then all of a sudden she wants nothing to do with me. Always being a nice guy sucks, man. Look, I haven't even had sex since Yashvi. God...please don't tell that to anyone. When I'm depressed, I just talk and talk."

Ned turned directly towards David and smiled sadly. It was then, his eyes fluttered downwards, unintentionally, and saw David Tanaka's hardon.

"Mate...?" Ned whispered, sheer confusion spread across his beautiful features, and David had NOTHING he could defend himself with.

"Look, I...maybe we can make a deal...?" David said, his face still bright red from the level of embarrassment of Ned knowing he was hard and horny for his ass.

"Yeah? What kinda deal? Because the way it looks, your cock is hard. And there's no one else here. So unless you're turned on by yourself...?"

"You're fucking hot, I couldn't help it!" David hissed and turned around, away from facing Ned. How did this even escalate to this? He and Ned were friends! He was married to Aaron and Ned was straight!

His ass was suddenly being made David shriek and stiffen up...and so did his dick. No...nah uh...this had to be a dream...but no. It was very much real. Ned's hands were on his globes. His backside.

"That deal you mentioned...tell me, when was the last time you had Azza's dick inside you?" came the whisper and sheer goosebumps spread alongside the Tanaka twin's skin in desire and magnitude. Oooh shit...was that Ned's phone poking his backside or was Mr Willis just happy to see him?

"We can help each other out...Azza wouldn't ever have to know..." came that voice again...smooth as beautiful as the man who owned it.

"Fuck me..."

"What did you say?"

David swallowed and bit his bottom lip as he always did when he was nervous.

"Fuck me, Ned. Jesus Christ, please fuck me..."

He felt Ned's fingers at his sides and collectively place them at the hem of the pyjama bottoms that David was wearing. He felt the material give away as Ned worked his magic...and his entire ass was exposed to the Willis kitchen household.

"Enjoy it...never had any complaints before..." Ned whispered softly...letting David know he was still a "good guy", in theory. David's bottoms fell to his ankles alongside his underwear...what would happen if Paul, Terese, Roxy or Harlow would happen to walk in here now...fucking hell...

He felt Ned's tip of his penis against his back door. David was used to getting fucked by Aaron's monster...but just the fact that Ned was straight and that he was like, the sexiest man in Erinsborough, made this all the more of a turn on.

"Oh god..." David hissed and clenched his fists as Ned pierced his ass with his dick. He wanted this. He needed this.

"Ahhh...mate...oh mate...yeah..." he moaned as the rest of Nate's modest seven inches barrowed through his hole.

David sighed and bent over the kitchen sink with his upper body to accommodate the rock solid hard penis inside of him, and his cock sprayed a whiff of pre cum as he felt Ned's chest hair against his upper back.

Ned withdrew his cock and then proceeded to gently slam it back into the abyss, god knows he was straight and always enjoyed pumping his virile and manly Willis DNA into the several girls he had dated over the years, but there was nothing that quite felt like this, ever before. David's hole wasn't tight...but it felt good. It felt fucking good. He placed his arms around David's body and started to fuck the man good and proper. David struggled to breathe as Ned's warm breath caressed the back of his neck muscles all the while slamming his seven incher into him over and over and OVER again.

The subtle, gentle slapping of Ned's balls and knowing what was inside them and knowing that precious juice was going to be inside his guts in a few minutes pushed David to glory heights he hadn't been to before. Azza might have had a bigger dick but Ned more than knew how to use his own, much better than Brennan. David shuddered and wiped away some sweat as Ned's cock stroked and pleasure's his prostrate like never before. The dick was like a warm volcano ready to burst, and knowing that sexy man was naked and THRUSTING behind him was all too much.

David came...and came...his body wrecking and shook violently with sexual pleasure, without even so much as touching his dick as Ned continued to drill his lily white ass. He held onto Ned's arms which was encircling his body for dear life, caressing the dark, thick body hair that he found on there.

"Gonna cum...need to cum..." Ned whispered once more and David answered his call by pulling the sexy bastard even more into him. Gay, straight...what was the difference...Ned was fucking his dick into a warm hole and at that point he didn't give a single shit to what gender it belonged to. It felt good. That's all that mattered.

Ned grunted and his formidable torso was on full bull display as he emptied himself into David, rocking against the older man with gusto, eager to get as much of his sperm into the Tanaka twin as possible. David closed his eyes and held Ned to him...he wasn't quite ready to ever let go. That was...the BEST sex he had EVER a country mile.

He felt Ned gently withdrawing, his cum slowly seeping out of his used and drilled hole as he did so. Jesus.

"We...uhm...better get some sleep. You okay? I mean..."

Always the good guy, was Ned Willis.

David sighed and smiled at the same time. He turned around, his ass still on full display and he nodded.

"Never better", he whispered, his eyes once more, one last time, adoring the sight of Ned's penis. Upwards to his naked body and chest...Ned Willis naked before him. This gorgeous, gorgeous man.

"Yeah. Never better."



The idea is to have two scenes per chapter, of any well known soap out there. We're talking Emmerdale, Corrie, Days of our Lives, General Hospital, Home and Away, Neighbours etc etc.

Want some more? You gotta let me know LOL!

Any feedback and characters you like to read about? Please email me.

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