Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on May 24, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

Colin's story continues. These side stories continue to vist the characters from teh main story The Society Boys.

Happy reading, and please remember, Nifty could use your donations. They have to buy giga..somethings to have space for more stories for everyone.

Colin Chapter 16

"Happy 16th birthday, son!" Ethan said as Colin walked into the kitchen for breakfast. "How's it feel?"

"The same as yesterday," Colin admitted.

"Happy birthday, honey," Margaret said as she gave her son a kiss.

"Thanks, Mom."

"So, any big plans today?" his Dad asked.

"I might have a big orgy tonight to celebrate," he teased.

"Sounds fun, and how will you pass the time after the party until your grounding ends on your 17th birthday," Ethan said without missing a beat as he took a sip of his coffee.

"You know I was kidding right? I'm off to get my driver's license! Then I was just gonna have my friends over and have a regular party."

"Come to my study when you're finished breakfast, and check with Carter when we're done. I think he's got something planned for you."

"Really! What?" Colin asked excitedly as the chef placed pancakes, bacon and eggs in front of him with a lit candle in the middle of the pile of pancakes.

"You'll have to discuss that with him," Ethan said with a half smirk not letting out any details. Colin blew out the candle and made a silent wish, as is required for all candles blown out on your birthday, at any age. He shoveled the food in at a rapid pace, grabbed a coffee and filled it with cream and sugar to kill the terrible taste, and raced to his Dad's study with it. He entered and sat in one of the big chairs.

"You like coffee now?"

"Of course," Colin lied as he took a sip trying not to make a face as he drank it. "Us men gotta have the caffeine to get through our day ya know."

"Us men huh? Alright, I'll buy that," Ethan said grinning as he sat next to Colin and handed him an envelope. "Happy birthday son!"

"Thanks Dad," Colin replied as he put the coffee down and took the envelope. He opened it to find a birthday card with another smaller envelope inside that. He read the sentimental card and nodded. "Thanks. That sounds like me. Especially the part about being a perfect son," he grinned as opened the other envelope, and pulled out a cheque. He looked at it and read it twice before he responded, his mouth hanging open slightly. "Ummm, is this a real cheque, or one of those joke ones?" He asked just to be sure.

"Oh it's real. On your 16th birthday you get 1% of your trust fund to do with as you wish. That's why we've spent the last year teaching you how to invest money and be responsible with it. You get additional funds from the trust when you turn 18 and the remainder when you turn 21."

"Fuck me! Oops, sorry Dad," he apologized for the language.

"Acceptable under the circumstances. Plus, you're 16. I hardly need to be filtering your conversations."

"Three million one hundred fifty thousand dollars? What do I do with this?"

"Well first you need to take it to the bank. I figure we can go there this morning and make all the necessary changes to your account. We can work on an investment strategy after you've had a bit of time to think about it."

"Cool. Let's go!" Colin said leaping up and giving his Dad a huge hug. "Thank you! Oh my God, this is insane. I have three million dollars! Holy crap on cracker."

Ethan had Mark pull a car up and the two `men' headed for the bank. They were greeted by the bank manager as soon as they entered the building and ushered to his office.

"So how may I help you today Mr. Worthington?" the manager asked looking directly at Colin, knowing exactly what the meeting was about as it had been set up by the senior Mr. Worthington in advance.

"Ummm, I'd like to cash this cheque please," Colin said handing it over after looking at it one last time.

"You mean deposit it," Ethan corrected.

"Nope. Cash. All singles!" Colin grinned almost giddy.

"Son, banks don't carry that kind of money, and even if they did it would take multiple trucks for that many bills."

"Okay. Three one million dollar bills, one hundred thousand dollar bill and one fifty thousand dollar bill."

Both men laughed. "They don't make bills in that currency," the manager explained. "The largest bill made is the 100 dollar bill."

"Colin, I know you're excited, but no bank is going to issue that much cash. It's just not done. We invest the money, and if we need larger amounts, we do it electronically. How about you take out a thousand dollars and deposit the rest until you decide how to use it."

Colin shrugged. "Okay, but can I take a picture of the cheque first?" He asked pulling out his phone. The manager handed it back to him and waited until Colin took several pictures and handed it back.

"I'll be right back," the manger said as he left with it. He returned a few minutes later with a statement and a thousand dollars in cash. He got Colin to sign the deposit slip and counted out the cash to him. "I'm guessing a happy birthday is in order," he smiled. "What's the first plans for the day?"

"After I go get my driver's license, I'm not sure yet. My big brother is planning something."

"We need to change his banking access while we're here," Ethan said getting down to more formal business. His daily cash withdrawal limit should be increased to $2,000 with a $50,000 purchase access."

"I've already taken care of that," the manager replied.

"Two thousand? How come?" Colin asked looking at them.

"It's a security issue. That way if you lose your card or someone tries to force you to withdraw money, then most they can get is the daily limit," the manager explained.

"Oh. That makes sense. So, can I withdraw money at any time?"

"Of course. The automated banking machines are only set up to dispense a maximum of a thousand dollars at a time, so if you needed more cash than that you'd have to do multiple transactions up to your daily limit."

"I don't recommend carrying that much cash, Colin," his Dad advised. "You have your credit card which is now set up to be paid automatically from your account so that you avoid interest and fees. Additionally, you also have your Visa debit card. Either of those will allow you to buy what you need."

"Make sense."

"Do you have any other questions?" The manager asked.

"Does the money make interest?"

"Of course. The Worthington accounts have dedicated financial advisors monitoring it to ensure the highest return. If you need to meet with them at any time, please call and we'll happily set up a meeting."

"That's okay. I have my own financial advisor. Carter. He helps me when we decide stocks and shit...uhhh...things."

"He's a good resource, but we are here to help if you need us."

They shook hands and Colin, the newest family millionaire, walked out with his cash, ready to continue his birthday. He hugged his Dad as soon as they got back outside.

"Try not to spend it all today," Ethan remarked as they headed for the car to have Mark take them back home.

"I couldn't spend that much if I tried, Dad. But I think my pizza party is gonna be off the chain tonight!"

They arrived back at the estate with Carter waiting in the driveway as they pulled up.

"Thanks again Dad. This has been the best day of my life so far and it's not even noon!"

"Have a good day son. Your Mom will be home at lunch time. Try to be back for it."

"Got it," he grinned as he jumped out of the car and ran to greet Carter.

"Happy Birthday little brother! So, did Dad give you your trust fund money?"

"Yeah, I'll say! 3 million bucks! What should I buy?"

"We can discuss that later. How about I tell you what you're gonna be doing today?"

"Sure!" Colin said excitedly.

"First, we'll go to the DMV to get you your driver's license."

"Yes!" Colin said thrusting his arm back with a fist.

"Then we're back here for lunch with Mom and Dad before we go shopping."

"For a new car?" Colin said hopefully.

"No, clothes."

"Clothes? Boring! What am I...a chick?...Don't answer that!"

"You need some new stuff for your birthday, plus what are you bitching about, it's on me."

"Then Rodeo drive here we come!" Colin said. "Then what?"

"It'll be a surprise. I've arranged a full day for you."

"Wicked, I can't wait!" he said nodding his head.

"Mark would you bring the car around?" He asked of their driver, who was waiting nearby.

"Can I drive?" Colin asked eagerly.


"In a half hour, I won't even need YOU in the car if I want to drive myself somewhere," Colin added with a grin. "Sounds like some major road trip action coming up, bro!"

Mark pulled the car around and handed Carter the keys. Colin immediately became excited. "Is this a new one?"

"Yep. The limited-edition black Camaro concept car. These won't even be in production for at least a year."

"This is the coolest car I've ever seen," he gushed as he walked around the pitch-black vehicle with black rims, blacked out windows and lights. I am SO driving this!"

Carter tossed him the keys.

"You're serious? You're gonna let me drive it? What if I get into an accident?"

"Then I guess we pile it up with my Porsche and add it to the bill," he smirked. Colin called Brooks almost too excited to talk and told him they'd be there in 0-60 seconds. When they arrived, Brooks was almost as excited as Colin about the car and asked if he could try driving it later. The first stop was for Colin to get his driver's license and the guy who administered the test seemed more interested in the Camaro than he was in the actual road test. Colin was focused like a laser beam as he was tested with a merge onto the freeway, parallel parking, and watching for changes in speed limits while listening intently to all instructions. He completed the road test, and with only one small mistake, received his license. He raced out of the DMV to show the guys and another exciting landmark in his life had been completed. The three guys made their way to Beverly Hills to do more shopping in the exclusive Rodeo Drive shops. Colin almost skipped from store to store buying clothes and accessories. Carter bought anything Colin wanted. Brooks not wanting to feel left out, also made plenty of purchases. By the time they returned to the car, they almost needed a bigger one to put everything in. Colin let Brooks drive for a bit which meant he had to sit in the back as Carter was required to be in the passenger seat as the supervising adult, since Brooks still only had his learner's permit. Not that Colin minded at all as it gave him a chance to check out the rest of the car, take pictures of Brooks driving and go through all the stuff they'd bought, and reach over to crank the music. By the time they got home for lunch, the adrenaline was racing through both boys as if they were each celebrating a birthday.

"Thanks for letting us drive your car, Carter. That was wicked," Colin said as they got out and he wandered around to check it out again, brushing any marks or fingerprints with the bottom of his shirt.

"Oh, it's not my car, buddy, but you're welcome," Carter replied as he leaned against it.

"It's not?" Colin asked surprised. "So, you just borrowed it or something?"

"Nope. It's not my car. It's yours. Happy birthday!"

"No way! No fucking way!! You're giving this to me? Holy shit! You're like the bestest best big brother on the planet!!" Colin almost shrieked as he raced around to slam into him and hugged him tight. "I can't fucking believe it. This is for real mine?"

"It's yours for real. Check the glove box."

"Did you buy me gloves too?" Colin asked cheekily as he entered the car and pulled out the registration. "Fuck! Check this out Brooks!" He said waving the paper in the air before showing Brooks that the car truly was in his name. That got another round of hugs, only this time with Brooks joining in. As the three boys stood hugging, George exited the house and announced that lunch was being served on the back lawn.

"Dude this has been the best birthday of my life," he said to Carter as he let him go. Wait...why is lunch being served on the lawn? Did we have to sell the furniture to pay for this car?" He giggled as the boys raced around the side of the house, almost jumping out of their skin when everyone yelled surprise and leapt up from behind obstacles.

"Shit, I almost peed myself!" Colin complained as he looked around at all his friends, who began moving toward him like a hurricane driven dust cloud.

"Happy birthday," Dylan said as he gave him a hug. This was repeated by everyone else, except the few girls that were there who gave him a kiss. Lunch consisted of every type of food a teenager could want from hamburgers to hot dogs, pizza and pop. Plus all the junk food to match. He took them all around front to see his new car and it was like locusts swarming all over it as they opened the hood and trunk to check everything out thoroughly. Margaret, Ethan and Carter came out with a massive cake as everyone sang happy birthday, and he had to blow out candles and cut the first slice.

"As soon as lunch is over, everyone get into your old clothes as we're going to paintball," Carter announced, eliciting cheers from the group who quickly sorted themselves into four teams of five. Colin's team consisted of Brooks, Austin, Preston, Dylan, and himself. While Martin, Blaine, Maddy, Kaitlin and Grayson were on another. His other friends were divided between the other two teams. Everyone had brought a change of clothes, as they knew where they were going, but Colin and Brooks needed to run up to Colin's room to get changed. The rest of his team went with him and as they sorted out clothes, Dylan provided some instructions on how to stay in formation like Navy Seals, and gave them a few hand signals like you'd see on TV.

"Do you wanna take point or stay on my six?" He asked Colin.

"I can stay on your six," Colin replied as he quickly changed into some old clothes, specifically camouflage pants and shirt. They practiced a minute to make sure they had it all down perfectly and then raced back to the group, many of whom had also brought some type of camouflage for the activity. By the time everyone gathered in the driveway, a bus had pulled up to the house to take them to the paintball range. They piled on, and each team hung together to talk strategy during the 20-minute drive to the activity.

Colin's team wasn't the winning team, but all of them had a lot of fun hiding behind everything from haybales to outlines of houses. One thing they all agreed on was that getting hit with a paint pellet really stung and they could see why you wouldn't let little kids do this. Colin had a nice red welt on his upper thigh by the time they were done, but not as bad as the one right in the middle of Dylan's back.

"Shoulda worn my Kevlar vest," he complained.

"You have one?" Colin asked looking at him as they washed off some of the paint as they all cleaned up.

"My Dad does. He has full body armour. I should have used that. Next time we'll come at night and I'll use his night vision goggles."

"That'd be sweet," Colin agreed. "Not sure he'd like his body armour all covered in colorful paint though. He'd look like a rainbow Navy Seal."

"Instead of being on Charlie Two, he could be Fabulous One."

"You're not planning on telling him that are you?" Colin grinned.

"Not if I want to see MY 16th birthday I'm not. My Dad's idea of a good birthday is to take me to the base to run the obstacle course before hitting the range and trying out the guns. Although he did take me to sniper training last year. That was wicked fun."

"What type of guns?" Brooks asked listening next to them.

"All of them, including the M4A1's. They have specials guns with silencers and there's this course you go through to see if you'll kill only bad guys, or if you'd hit civilians too. It's a test to see how they handle things in stressful environments. The rules of engagement are that you can only shoot someone if they shoot first."

"Sounds dangerous. Can't imagine going hunting with my Dad and letting the deer or pheasants have guns, and only being able to shoot AFTER they'd gotten off a shot. I say fuck `em all up. Shoot everything and you don't need to sort them out."

"That's why you don't get to be a Seal," Dylan laughed. "Dad says if they kill a civilian, shit rains down on them, except if they get killed as collateral damage in a missile strike from overwatch.

"I don't even understand why we even waste our time in those countries. Can't we just send a thousand drones in and launch everything? Flatten the whole place. Isn't that scorched earth syndrome or something?" Brooks asked.

"I have no idea, but you can't go killing women and children."

"Why not? Most of them are carrying Russian AK's. I think they even go to the grocery store to buy bread packing heat."

"So do a lot of Americans," Dylan reminded him. "Doesn't make any of us bad."

"I think shooting a sniper rifle at a target would be cool," Colin admitted. "I'd love to see how far away I could hit a target. That'd actually be a great day out. As long as I wasn't killing something."

They all agreed that a sniper rifle would be awesome.

Half of Colin's friends had to leave after the paintball, so they were driven home. The rest went back to the house to clean up and get ready for the next activity which Carter told them to be out front for in half an hour. The group that remained consisted of Colin, Brooks, Dylan, Martin, Preston, Grayson, Austin, Blaine, Maddy and Kaitlin. To expedite cleaning up for their evening, they split into groups to use various bathrooms. The girls dragged Blaine with them into the guest bathroom, with both Brooks and Martin complaining that that seemed unfair. They really might have complained if they'd known he was put in the shower with them as well.

They dressed up nice for the evening out as Carter had instructed, and returned to the main foyer of the house where Ethan and Margaret insisted on a group photo of everyone looking so `dapper'. Once again, parents embarrassing their kid, but no one seemed to mind.

Carter came in and said their ride was here and they all headed out to a stretch limousine. They piled in excitedly, none of them knowing where they were going or what they were doing, only that it required being dressed nice. The limousine took them to the John Wayne airport where the family jet was waiting.

"We're flying somewhere?" Martin asked. "I should probably let my parents know."

"I've already informed everyone's parents," Carter assured them. "That's why you guys are here. Some of the parents weren't comfortable with their kids flying by themselves."

"Sucks to be them," Colin grinned. "Are we going to Vancouver?" He asked almost hopefully, getting a nudge from Dylan who just grinned at him. "Do you know where we're going?" He asked.

"No clue, but I'd vote for Vancouver for sure. Partying with Mason would be a great night."

"Who's Mason?" Maddy asked.

"Just a friend I know up there," Colin replied.

"`A friend', right!" Dylan laughed. "It's Colin's sex tutor."

"You can get a tutor for sex?" Kaitlin grinned. "All boys should get one of those before they try to get us into bed. Might make it a lot more fun for us!"

"So where are we going, Carter?" Colin asked.

"You'll see when you get there. Have a fun night. There'll be a limo waiting for you at the other end and everything is set up already. If you have trouble, just call me, but you shouldn't encounter challenges. Everything is under the Worthington name. Have a good birthday, bro," Carter said giving Colin a fist bump, only to receive a big hug from him in return. Most guys his age wouldn't have been comfortable hugging their parents or siblings in front of their friends, but Colin didn't care about that at all.

"You're not coming with us?"

"No. This is your birthday. Have fun kid!"

They piled on the plane and buckled in for takeoff after being introduced to the pilot and co-pilot. They were told that the trip would take 40 minutes.

"40 minutes?" Martin repeated thoughtfully. "Maybe we're going to Vegas."

"Nah, Vegas is over an hour by plane," Brooks replied. "We could be going to Bakersfield. That's about 40 minutes."

"Why the fuck would we be going to Bakersfield? What the hell would be there?" Preston asked looking at Brooks like he was a moron.

"My Uncle is there," Brooks replied. "We go all the time."

"So, you think we're going to Bakersfield to see your Uncle on Colin's birthday? You're an idiot."

"I didn't say we were going to see my Uncle, just that Bakersfield was 40 minutes from here."

"It could be San Luis Obispo," Maddy suggested.

"Why would we be going there?" Blaine asked.

"Maybe we're visiting a museum or something," she replied.

"That's the birthplace of Zac Efron. Maybe we're going there," Dylan offered, and got booed by everyone, almost instantly. He just shrugged it off figuring it had to be that.

"Mexico?" Preston asked.

"No. No passports," Brooks reasoned and then snapped his fingers. "San Diego. Maybe we're going to Sea World."

"All dressed up and at night?" Grayson said frowning slightly.

"Maybe they have a special night for VIP's or something. You know, eat sushi with the whales or something," Preston said thoughtfully. They all agreed that Sea World was a distinct possibility.

"Or it could be the zoo. Maybe they're going to put Colin and Dylan in as a new exhibit," Austin laughed.

"Fuck you!" Colin chuckled.

"Maybe we're getting a tour of the USS Midway. My Dad took me there once and it was pretty cool," Dylan suggested.

They all kept thinking of places nearby, but none of them seemed as likely as San Diego, so they all ended up agreeing that at least they had their destination figured out, but not what they were doing once they got there, but did agree that Sea World might be the most logical choice.

The landed 40 minutes later and once they exited the plane, the pilot did indeed confirm that they were now in San Diego and a limousine was waiting to take the to their first stop.

"Our first stop?" Grayson asked. "Maybe we're doing a pub crawl."

"Right, because Carter would set up a pub crawl for a bunch of 15 and 16 year olds. What are we gonna be drinking, root beer and non-alcoholic Coors?"

Instead they stopped at a popular steakhouse for special dinner before heading on to their final destination.

"What is this place?" Martin asked as the limo driver opened the door and they stepped out and looked at the long line.

"Looks like a nightclub, but not for adults by the look of everyone," Preston reasoned as the line had only those under 18 in it. "Are we supposed to line up?"

"I'll check," Colin said walking up to a guy who looked like he was in charge. "Ummm, Colin Worthington. Party of 10. Are we supposed to line up or do we have reservations?" Colin inquired approaching the doorman.

"Welcome Mr. Worthington. You have a reservation. Please follow Amber and she'll take you to a table we have arranged for you," he replied after checking his list and opening the red rope barricade like you'd see on every Hollywood movie, ever. Colin's entourage followed him in and were taken to an area with a reserved sign on the large table surrounded by comfortable couches. They plopped down and immediately ordered drinks.

"Do we pay you for the drinks?" Colin asked as their server delivered them.

"No, we have instructions to just let you have whatever you want," the lady replied.

"Yes!" Dylan said excitedly. "Is that guy behind the bar available for an hour?"

"God!" Colin said rolling his eyes, but agreeing that the guy was pretty cute. "Ignore him, he got three extra shots of hormones at puberty and can't control his mouth."

She obliged and ignored them, wondering why she wasn't working at a real bar. They ordered drinks, all non-alcoholic, but pretty fancy to look like cocktails. The music was thumping and they had a great light system that made the place that much more interesting. It didn't take long before the whole group was on the dance floor together enjoying themselves and getting into the whole feel of the club.

"Missing the girlfriend?" Brooks said as he flopped down next to Preston and thumped him in the nuts.

"No, not really."

"Then what's with the erection?"

"It's like that 24/7. Lauren has so many rules that I can barely keep them all straight."

"Like no sex until marriage? I still think you're crazy to agree to that," Brooks said, with Colin and Dylan agreeing.

"It's not like I have a choice. But she also said I'm not allowed to masturbate either as it's a sin to enjoy `sexually immoral sins against your own body'. We can only kiss or hold hands, and then only if she says we can. I have to go over to dinner at her house at least once a week, where her parents almost grill me on how my week went and the things I got up to. Half the time I feel like they're testing me to see if I've broken some insane bible rule. They tried to get me to stop hanging out with Colin and Dylan as they said homosexuality is a sin and that anyone who did that was going directly to hell.

"Awesome!" Dylan exclaimed. "Hell has the best fucking parties from what I hear. Full of gay guys and sinners all looking for a good time, as opposed to heaven where they're all dressed in white being all goody two shoes."

"Don't worry, I told her that I wasn't going to stop being your friends no matter how they saw it, but they made me agree not to be naked around you in case you were tempted to come after me in lust," he laughed.

"Dude, I've seen you naked. Nothing to lust after," Colin replied teasingly.

"Fuck you!"

"Wouldn't that would be one of those temptation things?" Austin asked grinning.

"Wait, back to jerking off." Brooks commented. "You're not allowed to do that? That's a ridiculous expectation. It's actually unhealthy if you don't do it. Tell her not to go on her period then. Same thing."

"Not exactly."

"My Mom told me some stuff to use on these church bible bashers if it ever came up," Dylan told them. In the bible there's tons of weird shit, and once you start in on them, you'd win because the only thing they keep coming back to is homosexuality and they ignore every other rule they break."

"Like what?" Preston asked as the guys drank and ate.

"Eating a cheeseburger, or anything that combines dairy and meat. Eating shrimp. Worshipping Idols.

"Shit, there goes me voting for the next American Idol," Brooks laughed.

"Also cutting the hair on the sides of your head or trimming the beard. That's the one I like as we all get haircuts. Plus, you can't wear clothes made of more than one fabric. Being uncircumcised is a big one too. No tattoos either, sorry dude! Also, if two men are fighting and a woman tries to stop you and touches your genitals, you have to cut off her hand."

"Ummm, why would a woman try to stop men from fighting by grabbing their genitals?" Brooks asked. "Seems very specific."

"Dunno. It's just a rule. Maybe men fought naked back in the day. Who knows," Dylan replied. "How about the rule that if you curse at your parents, or are stubborn and don't listen to your father you can be stoned to death."

Grayson laughed. "I guess I'd be dead already."

"Me too," Martin agreed. "I'm pretty sure no kid would make it out of that one. Any others?"

"If a guy's brother dies before his wife has any kids, then his brother is supposed to have sex with her until she's pregnant. The best one of all is if you disobey any of god's rules, he'll get mad at you and you have to eat your kids. Most of that weird crap is in Leviticus."

"That's some sick shit. How do you know all that?" Blaine asked.

"My parents are big into religion. They believe in God and stuff, just not the stupid shit in the bible, so they make sure that anyone who spouts crap from it, knows what else it says too."

"I love it! "Colin admitted. "I hope I can remember some of that for later when someone brings stuff up about me being gay."

"I'll write it down for you when we get home," Dylan offered. "My Mom said that if a woman tries to tell you that homosexuality is a sin, just ask her if she's trying to teach you that, and if she says yes, quote Timothy 2 which states she's not allowed to teach or have authority over men. They are to be silent."

"Wait! Actually, I like that one," Preston laughed, with the guys all agreeing in jest. "Maybe I'll tell Lauren to shut the fuck up when she starts talking church shit."

"You wouldn't need to tell her to shut up if you could get her to suck your dick," Grayson laughed. "You could just slam it to the back of her head and hold it there."

"Nice!" Brooks said as they fist bumped.

"Finally, in the same chapter, or whatever they're called, as the one that says homosexuality is a sin, it says that you can't avenge, or bear a grudge against children of the people and you have to love your neighbour as yourself. Which pretty much means you may think homosexuality is a sin, you just can't go around gay bashing."

"Ummm, the love your neighbor as yourself thing?" Blaine grinned. "So, if I love myself my jerking off, I should do that to my neighbor? The dude next door would be stoked!"

"I was just thinking about moving next door to you," Colin joked.

"Yeah, except you forgot the rule about not being able to jerk off," Preston reminded him bringing them back to where the conversation started.

"I think the rule was that you couldn't jerk yourself off. Nothing says I couldn't do it for you," Dylan offered.

"Except the whole homosexual thing."

"Nope. That only says a man may not lie with another man as he does with a woman. So you stand up and I jerk you off or blow you, and we've not committed a single sin that they can come up with. Sex in the bible is intercourse."

"Seems like a pretty major loophole," Preston pointed out.

"Were you looking to plug the loophole or bust a nut?" Brooks asked laughing.

"Touché! Of course, if I omit telling her anything, then that's probably a loophole too since I didn't lie."

"But if you have sex outside of marriage, or jerk yourself off, or lust over another woman, those are all specifically forbidden. Nope, sorry dude. Dylan is right. The only way you can get off is to let some guy masturbate or fellate you. It's the loophole of God!"

Colin looked at Brooks and smiled. "Some people are really into loopholes," he teased. Brooks blushed and said he was heading back to the dance floor. Grayson ran after him.

"Hey, can I crash at your place tonight?" Austin asked Colin. "Unless that's a sin."

"I don't think it is as long as you don't lie beside me. You can sleep on the floor, unless you're in need of some loopholing," Colin laughed.

"If I stay over, then maybe you and I can sin together, and loophole Austin so he is sin free," Dylan suggested. "Blaine, you might as well stay and sin or loophole too."

Preston just looked at them confused. "Are all of you guys having sex with each other?"

"No. Some of us just loophole," Dylan joked causing a round of laughter from them all, and they quickly headed back out to the dance floor to join the girls and others.

A short while later Preston sat down next to Colin. "Were you guys serious earlier about jerking each other off or giving blowjobs?"

"I dunno. I think we were all just having fun with that bible crap. I don't believe in any of that shit. I mean if I did, I'd already be in trouble since I've had sex with quite a few guys, so it'd be too late for me anyway. But if I have it all figured out properly, all you need to do is ask to be forgiven for your sins and it all goes away. So, I'm gonna live my life, and just before I croak, ask for forgiveness, just in case there's something else after death, and presto I'm covered. Save all this worrying and trying to figure out the rules shit. It's like a get out of hell free card."

Preston laughed. "Never thought of it like that. That was close. I was almost ready to let you jerk me off or give me a blowjob."

"You might want to check the facts on that forgiveness thing, though. I might be wrong. I'd be happy to loophole you if you need it though. After all we're good enough friends to help each other out in times of need, right?" Colin grinned.

"I'm sure we are," Preston said adjusting his crotch.

"Can I ask you seriously, are you really not masturbating because your girlfriend said you can't?"

"I'm trying, but dude my balls hurt and my dick is hard constantly. I have to walk around my room naked half the time because when it rubs against my pants it makes it worse."

"Fuck that. Hit the shower, whack away and no one will know. If you feel that bad about it, as soon as you're done ask forgiveness, if that's how it works. Personally, I'd get a new girlfriend that's a little less stuck up, but that's just me. I thought of another loophole that might make more sense. Since some of us are already guilty of a bunch of sins, how about we grab you, hold you down and make you cum. That way you have no control over it and don't have to worry about whether you sinned or not. We'd be the ones with the black mark against us. But like I said, I plan on doing what I want and asking for forgiveness near the end anyway."

"Your big plan would be to rape me?" Preston asked slightly amused.

"Not so much rape, as hold you down, strip you and play with you until you blow a huge load. Then tie you up and keep you like that until you get hard again and we relieve you of another load, until you can't cum anymore."

"Sounds like rape."

"Nah. Consider it forcing you back to sanity. I think rape is fucking. Unless you want to try fucking. I mean between Dylan, me and Blaine, you can either try being a top or a bottom if you're that curious."

"Nope. Definitely not that curious," he said shaking his head. "Have you ever done anything with Brooks, like jerking off or a blowjob?"

"Brooks? Dude, he's allowed to jerk off or have sex since he doesn't have a stuck-up religious girlfriend. We're only suggesting those options to you to help you out and avoid some mortal sin that might cause your girlfriend's family to stone you, or cut off your hands, or throw you into a volcano, or whatever punishment they have on the books for this stuff."

"Nice reply, but that didn't really answer the question," Preston said smiling as he leaned in to talk into Colin's ear, although with the music so loud no one would have been able to hear them anyway. "Don't worry, he already told me you were good at it."

"He told you that?" Colin asked surprised.

Preston just smiled. "No, but I guess I know now, don't I?"

"No! I was just surprised that he'd say something like that. Maybe he was trying to trick you into getting us to do it with you. Dude, the best thing you can do is jerk off, regardless what your girlfriend or her weird family says, or you're gonna go insane. I mean you're straight and seriously considering letting your friends jerk you off or give you head. How whack is that? Reality check, Preston!"

He nodded and they stopped talking about it and moved on to other things.

Dylan and Blaine were grinding against each other as they danced and having a good time while Brooks was infiltrating a group of girls with Martin and Austin. Colin wandered back to their table and spent a few minutes with Grayson as they talked about the club and how his birthday was going.

"Best day of my life!" Colin gushed. "I got my driver's license. My brother bought me a car. My Dad gave me some of my trust fund. All my friends showed up and we played paintball, and now we're here in San Diego for a night of partying. I'm livin' the dream baby."

"Sound like it. Can I ask you something serious though? Are you and Dylan really broken up `cause it kinda seems like you're still together. I mean what's actually different between before and now?"

"I dunno. I guess we just undefined our relationship. Gay guys our age should be free to explore our options, and dating seemed to stop some of that. People figured we were unavailable. So now we have the best of both worlds."

"I don't get it, but as long as you're happy I guess it makes sense."

"Sure. Like you said, nothing really changed. We're friends and we're both gay and have sex together when we're in the mood, but not tied down like Preston and his girlfriend, which obviously is driving him to the point of crazy."

"I know right? He's a walking boner."

"That's hardly new. But he's a walking boner with blue balls that he can't take care of it," Colin corrected. They both laughed as the guys returned and sat down. Colin looked around for Dylan and didn't see him anywhere, with Blaine explaining that he thought he was off chasing some guy he saw.

"Sounds like Dylan," Brooks nodded.

"I have to go take a piss," Colin announced as he got up to head to the bathroom.

"50 bucks says he's off to find Dylan," Brooks suggested after he'd left. "Those two are so full of shit about being broken up. They can't stay away from each other for five minutes." The others agreed.

Colin headed into the bathroom as he really did need a piss and wasn't at all looking for his ex. He stood one urinal away from the other guy in there, and noticed he kept glancing back towards the stalls. He looked back to see what the guy was checking out but didn't see anything. The boy looked over at Colin and smiled as he saw him looking over as well. Colin frowned and shrugged as if to ask what he was looking at. The guy held up two fingers and pointed to the stall as he glanced at it again. Colin took the opportunity to check the kid out at the urinal as he could see he wasn't pissing anymore, but still had his dick in his hand. Colin bent down slightly and could see two pairs of feet in the stall. He zipped up and walked to the next stall putting his finger up to his lips to tell the other boy to be quiet. He left the stall door open and quietly stepped up on the toilet seat and peeked over. He rolled his eyes when he saw Dylan bent over being fucked by an older boy. Neither were paying attention to what was above them and when Dylan made a slight moan, Colin bent down and grinned as he turned to look at the kid at the urinal. He made the signal of fucking by putting the finger of one hand through a ring of fingers on his other hand. The boy opened his mouth in surprise as Colin waved him over. The guy zipped up and came quietly into the stall as Colin quietly got off the toilet to change places. As the guy got up on the toilet seat, Colin slowly closed and locked the stall door before watching the boy peek over. He watched for a few seconds before crouching back down and mouthing a `holy shit' to Colin who nodded and smiled. He grabbed his own crotch and showed the boy the outline of his boner at being excited at seeing it. The kid blushed as he looked at Colin and then stood up to peek over again.

Colin took his opportunity to reach for the bulge in the front of the guy's pants and felt him up. The boy quickly turned to look at Colin, who put his hands up to his lips again to tell him to be quiet. He grabbed the pants with his other hand, popped the top button and lowered the zipper to see the underwear underneath before reaching for the obvious excitement filling it out.

The boy gasped, and Colin just held him in place as he yanked the boy's pants and underwear down to his ankles and quickly took the hard cock into his mouth. The boy put his hands on Colin's shoulders to try and push him back, but Colin just moved his hands and looked up with a another finger close to his mouth to warn him not to make a sound. He sucked the boy off and held his ass firmly. The boy patted Colin's shoulders in a panic before shooting his load. Colin swallowed it fast and stepped back to watch a bit more of it drip out of the tip before leaning in to lick it clean. The boy pulled up his pants, jumped off the toilet seat and pushed past Colin as he unlocked the door to get out of the stall. He raced out of the bathroom so fast that Colin could only smile as he walked out to the surprise of another boy at the urinal. Colin shrugged and suggestively licked his fingers one at a time before heading to wash his hands and head back to his friends.

"Did you find Dylan?" Brooks teased.

"Dylan? No. I just went for a piss."

"Has he been back yet?" Colin asked innocently.

"Nope. We figured you two were off somewhere having fun."

When Dylan finally did return and sat down, Colin leaned over and whispered to him. "Did he have a nice cock?"


"The guy fucking you in the stall?"

Dylan grinned. "You saw that?"

Colin just nodded. "Who was he?"

"Dunno. Just some guy," Dylan shrugged.

"How old was he?"

"No idea. It was a fuck. I didn't get his life story. If you want, I could swab my ass and get his DNA to send it in to CSI if you want to find out more about him."

Colin laughed. "I'll pass. I have no idea how you find guys that fast," he said not mentioning what he'd done in the stall right next door."

"It's a gift," Dylan giggled.

Martin and Kaitlin showed up in front of them in just their underwear, covered in bubbles. "Dude, what the fuck happened to you?" Brooks asked as they stared.

"You gotta check this out. There's a whole other room in the back where it's like a foam party. You dance around in your underwear in a shitload of bubbles."

"Where are your clothes?" Preston asked.

"They have lockers," he said holding up his ankle to show the key on it. "You gotta check it out."

The whole group followed them to the back room where they couldn't believe it. Like he said, the room was full of bubbles and the music was pumping as everyone danced around in underwear. They quickly left their clothes in lockers and joined in. Colin leaned over to Preston. "At least the bubbles are helping you hide the boner."

"Yeah, but seeing girls in bras and panties isn't. It's like being at the beach, only somehow sexier. Thank god the bubbles are chest high."

Colin laughed and went to dance with Dylan and as soon as their bodies touched, they both found that the slipperiness of it made it so hot they never wanted to be apart. Dylan dropped the front of his underwear while at the same time doing it to Colin and pressed their penises together. "This is like full body lube," Dylan laughed.

"Oh great. Just what you need," Colin replied but agreeing that it felt insane as they rubbed together, both ending with erections in a few seconds. Brooks appears beside them and couldn't really see what they were doing, except that they were dancing up against each other. "We should make a party like this at home. It'd be the talk of the school for years," Brooks suggested.

"I agree," Colin replied. "If I had one of these in my house, I'd never leave it," he yelled over the music. They danced together for a bit as Colin and Dylan put their penises away and just enjoyed the fun of it all.

Martin was sandwiched between Maddy and Kaitlin, desperately trying not to get too close as he also had an erection that was making him more than nervous in case anyone saw it. Others were piling the bubbles on friend's heads or making beards with them. Colin went over to Preston who was dancing near a couple girls. "How's it going?" He yelled. Preston leaned in to talk into his ear.

"Check them out. They aren't wearing bras. They have their boobs covered in bubbles."

Colin looked but could really see as they had a lot of bubbles on them. He reached for Preston's crotch and felt him up. His friend almost collapsed at the touch.

"Dude, this probably isn't helping make you less horny," Colin yelled as they danced.

"You have no idea. My balls hurt so much it feels like they're gonna fall off."

"This is stupid, bro. Pull your cock out and I'll take care of it for you."

Preston looked at Colin who had let go of him and was just dancing. He swallowed and nodded. The next time Colin reached over for a feel, Preston had lowered the front of his underwear and tucked it under his balls. Colin just kept dancing and tried not to make it obvious as he jerked off his friend for the first time. Preston put a hand on Colin's shoulder as he looked at him with panicked eyes and then grunted loudly as he shot a massive load into the bubbles. Colin let go and Preston put his underwear back up, still holding onto Colin.

"I think I almost passed out," Preston revealed. "Thanks for that."

"Anytime. Now you know one of the loophole benefits of a gay friend."

Preston nodded and they headed over to their other friends not discussing what just happened in the slightest. Dylan was grinding up against another new boy from behind, and when Colin saw him, he just shook his head. Dylan stuck out his tongue and danced even harder. Colin didn't bother to get closer to see if he was doing more than just dancing. By the time they were done in the foam room, they were completely exhausted as they helped each other get the bubbles off before getting back into their clothes and return to the main room where they had more drinks and hit the regular dance floor. They all agreed that the foam party was a hundred times better, and all thought it was the highlight of the night.

By the time they all got back on the plane to head home they fell asleep for most of the 40-minute return flight. It was almost 1am by the time they landed. "Are you guys staying over, or do you have to head home?" Colin asked not wanting the night to end.

"We're all staying if that's cool with you. Carter said it might be best not to inconvenience our parents with this late a return," Brooks replied.

"Wicked!" They all got dropped off at the house and quietly headed up to Colin's room. He smiled when he saw that the sofa bed had been prepared as well as mattresses made up on the floor. They quickly decided who was going to sleep where. "I don't even want the night to end," Colin admitted to his friends.

"It doesn't have to. You haven't even had birthday sex yet," Kaitlin smiled.

"Well, I will when all of you go to sleep, right Dylan?"

"What? Me? Why do I have to put out? Anyway, it's after midnight. It's not your birthday anymore," he said trying to sound innocent.

"Like you don't want sex. God, who are you kidding. It's still my birthday until we fall asleep," Colin told him quoting the international rules of birthdays that all teenagers lived by.

"I think this should be like the birthdays we had when we were kid," Grayson suggested. "Remember when you went to a kid's party and you were the one that got a goody bag when you left, so that no kid went without a present to open?"

"Yeah, those were pretty stupid rules. Probably some kid went home crying one day 20 years ago, and the parent got on social media and complained about how unfair it was and ever since then all kids had to have a present at a birthday party for someone. Probably the same lame parents that thought participation ribbons were a good idea," Martin said shaking his head.

"Or the rules when you were little that sports don't keep scores so that everyone wins. Fucking dumb. Every kid knows who wins a game even if the parents are too dumb to figure it out."

"So back to me," Grayson said clearing his throat in a cough. "Like I was saying, I think it should be like when we were kids. Everyone gets a present. If Colin gets birthday sex, we all should get birthday sex, so we don't feel left out."

"Yeah, those were amazing rules when we were a kid. Totally the best idea parents ever came up with," Martin smiled, doing an immediate 180 on his previous rant.

"Ummm, okay, but I don't think I can do all of you. I might get through two or three, but I'm pretty tired," Colin joked.

"I was thinking maybe more like the girls would want to do the straight boys?" Martin grinned as he fist bumped Grayson.

"Really?" Maddy said smirking as she sat on the sofa bed. "There's two gay guys, 5 straight boys, two girls, and one Blaine."

"What's that mean?" Blaine asked.

"I think you'd be happy with either a boy or a girl, right?"

"I dunno. Maybe, but only because I'm pretty tired," Blaine said quickly glancing at Colin and Dylan hoping they wouldn't out him to everyone.

"I agree that Colin should have birthday sex. How about for the first guy to give him a blowjob, I'll let you see me naked."

"I don't wanna see a girl naked," Dylan replied sticking his tongue out as if it might be the worst idea ever presented.

"I was thinking more like the first straight boy to blow Colin would get to go into the bathroom with me and see me naked."

"You know none of us are gonna do that, right?" Preston said quickly.

"What about if I get naked too?" Kaitlin offered, upping the stakes.

"Still not gonna happen," Preston said swallowing slightly.

"Okay, we'll both be naked in the bathroom and make out while you watch us," Maddy said. "All you need to do is give Colin a birthday blowjob."

"Would that blowjob be in the bathroom, or out here in front of everyone?" Austin asked with a slight grin. Colin could feel himself getting hard at the idea of this challenge.

"Out here in front of everyone," Kaitlin said quickly.

"Pass," Grayson said.

"I'll do it if I get to sleep naked with both of you tonight," Austin counter-offered.

Kaitlin and Maddy looked at each other, and seemed to be communicating telepathically before Kaitlin looked at him. "Deal."

Everyone decided to have quick showers, letting the girls go first. Half the boys went into the bathroom together and talked excitedly as they shared the shower in pairs.

"You're really gonna suck Colin's cock to be able to sleep with the girls?" Martin asked.

"Sure. No big deal dude. It's just a blowjob. We're all friends. Plus, I'll be naked in bed with two hotties. You do the math. I'll bet my dick accidentally slips into one or both of them before the night is over."

"Yeah. `Accidentally,'" Brooks laughed.

"Hey, you all had the opportunity to man up and go for it."

They finished showering and headed back to the bedroom just in underwear and selected a bed. Dylan and Blaine were with Colin in his bed, while the girls got the sofa bed. The others shared the mattresses on the floor, not shy about sleeping next to a friend.

"Okay, make it sexy, Austin," Maddy said as they sat on the edge of their bed to watch.

"Yeah, you never know how horny it'll make us when we see two boys together?"

"Is that true?" Martin asked. "Do girls get turned on seeing guys make out?"

"Do you get turned on seeing two girls make out?" She asked back.

"He gets turned on seeing two squirrels make out," Grayson teased.

"Shut up!" Martin replied as everyone laughed.

Colin lay back on the bed propped up against the headboard with his hands behind his head. "Yep! Best birthday ever!!" He grinned as he watched Austin crawl onto the bed beside him. Blaine and Dylan had moved aside to let them have space. Everyone else was watching, almost not convinced that Austin would actually go through with it.

"Well? Colin grinned. "It's not gonna suck itself," he challenged. Of course, no one in the room except Dylan knew that Austin had no problem with this, but the pretense and build up made it a lot more fun.

"I think you have to take your underwear off first," Austin suggested as he sat there.

"She said make it sexy. You have to take it off," Colin said basically ordering him to do it. "With your teeth, boy," he added.

"Yes, sir," Austin grinned looking at Colin with a knowing smile. He straddled his legs and leaned down to pull the underwear off using only his teeth, which took a lot longer than if he'd just yanked them down. Colin was now lying naked on the bed for everyone to see.

"Shit. I can't believe he's actually gonna do it," Grayson remarked, wanting to look away from where he was sitting on his mattress next to Martin, but unable to. Austin moved slightly so he could push Colin's legs open and then lay down between them. He took hold of the erection and for the benefit of everyone else, he closed his eyes and took the penis into his mouth. He got a few surprised quiet cheers, and `oh damn's' from the others. He pretended to gag on it and pulled off several times. Colin thought his acting had greatly improved. Then as Austin got into it, both Dylan and Blaine found themselves with their hands down their shorts stroking their own erections as they watched. Colin finally announced he was gonna cum, and everyone stared as he shot his load and, although they couldn't see it, were shocked when Austin sat back up to prove he'd swallowed it.

"Gross," Preston said first. "You swallowed it? What'd it taste like?"

"I dunno. Nothing really. I just need some water." He got off the bed and raced to the bathroom, trying to hide the fact he had his own boner from the fun. He returned as soon as he had himself back under control, and made a big point of dropping his underwear as he stood beside the sofa bed before climbing in with the girls who were now naked under the covers. The straight boys wore their underwear as they slept with each other, while Dylan, Colin and Blaine were naked. In the middle of the night, Colin slipped his cock into Blaine, causing Dylan to wake up and feel over to them doing it. He shuffled under the covers and gave Blaine a blowjob until he came. Colin shot off, and they all went back to sleep as if nothing had happened. In the morning, Maddy woke up first and took hold of Austin's morning wood to feel it.

"Do all boys have boners in the morning?" She whispered quietly.

"Uhhh, if they're sleeping next to two naked girls they do," Austin replied.

"Do you wanna fuck me?" She inquired bluntly.

"I don't have a condom," he said almost ready to shoot his load as it was. "Wait, Colin has some," he said. Before Maddy could reply that she was on the pill, he shuffled down the bed and walked silently over to the main bed to get a condom out of the night table, his erection proudly leading the way. He returned to bed, put it on and rolled on top of Maddy for some morning fun. He looked over as he felt Kaitlin's fingers reach between his legs and feel his balls. That's all it took for him to squeak and shoot off into the condom. He pulled out and removed it, tossing it to the floor. Both girls checked out his penis more closely, despite him being spent. He finally ran to the bathroom for a piss before returning.

As everyone finally woke up, Maddy was back in her curious mode and asked all the boys if they woke up with boners.

"Not every morning," Grayson admitted. "Just lots of times."

"What about now?" She grinned. "Who has one?"

"Dylan and I do, but that's pretty normal when we sleep together," Colin replied before looking under the covers. "Blaine has one too," he revealed pushing the covers down to expose him. Blaine grabbed them quickly and yanked them back up, blushing.

"Who else?"

None of the straight boys admitted anything.

"Oh, come on. We're all friends, right?"

"Fine. I do," Brooks admitted causing Preston to give an over emphasized jump to the left to get away from him. "Oh please! You're a perma-boner with Lauren not letting you jerk off or have sex.

"I don't," Martin said, with Grayson agreeing.

"Oh really?" Maddy said in a teasingly seductive voice as she pushed the covers off and crawled out of bed and stood up to reveal herself completely naked. "What about now?" She asked fondling her boobs. "I mean Austin's had one since he got into bed."

"Hey, not fair to reveal that," he complained. "But it's true. I have," he laughed. "So, would all of you."

"Okay boys, truth time. We're all friends and we shouldn't have any secrets. I double dare all of you to stand up naked and show it off." She looked back at Kaitlin who got out of bed and stood next to her naked as well, giving each other a kiss.

"Well, I have a boner, now," Grayson chuckled nervously. Dylan was the first out of bed.

"Might as well show off the big one first," he said standing proudly for everyone to see him. Not like they hadn't seen it before, on many occasions, as Dylan was the least shy of them all. Colin and Blaine stood up next. Austin shrugged and got out of bed to reveal his 7½ inches. Brooks stood up next and dropped his shorts to show off his. One by one they all did it, with Martin going last. No one mentioned anything about sizes or the looks of them, but Maddy grinned at her accomplishment. She took Kaitlin by the hand and they headed to the bathroom for another shower. The guys all returned to either their bed or their underwear.

"Well, that was embarrassing," Grayson admitted. "Never shown my boner off to a room full of dudes before."

"You should. It' a nice one," Dylan remarked looking over the side of the bed. "You need help getting it to go down?"

"Pass, thanks,"

"Okay, but the offer is always there."

It wasn't long before everyone had gotten up, showered and dressed with all sex talk coming to an end as they headed down for breakfast. Once everyone had departed, Colin and Austin were the only two left and lay on his bed worn out. Colin turned to look at his friend. "Did you have sex with them last night?"

"Just Maddy. She had hold of my dick, so it seemed rude not to." He grinned. "When does that opportunity ever come up?" Austin turned on his side almost lying right against Colin and stared at him. "Are you jealous?"

"What? No!...of course not. I'm glad you got laid. But honestly who's better, me or Maddy?"

"No contest dude...Maddy," he joked getting a punch from Colin. "Just kidding. You are."

"That's better, or you'd be getting tied up and flogged for the day."

"Okay, I was just kidding. Maddy was better," Austin teased.

"Fine, ropes it is," he smirked as he reached under the bed. "That was the most amazing birthday I've ever had, "Colin said turning to Austin with the ropes in his hand, "but I think one last fuck is in order and you're gonna give it up, right now!"

"Yes, sir," Austin grinned as he let Colin tie him tight as they played for another couple hours.

Chapter 17 Blaine followed Colin over to the showers and watched as his friend soaped up after a tough game, and one of their first losses of the season. "Oh, I have some news. Thought I should be the one to tell you in case you heard rumours or anything," Blaine announced. "Jeremy and I are together now."

"Together, together? Like boyfriends?" Colin said stepping out of the spray and wiping the water from his eyes to look at his friend.

"Yeah, but we're keeping it a secret. Neither of us would be as comfortable being out like you and Dylan, but we made it official yesterday."

"Congrats! I think you two will be great together."

"Ummm, one other thing and I hope you won't be mad or anything, but we talked about sex and agreed that we didn't want an open relationship. At least not right now as we're still both new to this."

"What about the club? Are you gonna quit that?" Colin asked slightly disappointed.

"No, we'd be cool with all the things we do there, we just don't wanna have sex with anyone outside the club when we're not at meetings or activities. That's all I meant."

"Whew. That's good. The club would be worse off without you guys in it. I'm happy for you."

The following day at school, Dylan leaned up against the locker waiting for Colin to get his books. "Hey, I know we're not boyfriends anymore, but do you wanna go to the junior prom with me? Unless you have a date already," he asked.

"No date yet. I dunno. Do you still put out?" Colin replied with a straight face.

"If you're a good dancer I do. We can go to the junior prom and then hit the party on the beach afterward."

"Yeah, that'd be sweet. I'll arrange the car to take us there," Colin offered with a cheeky smile.

"Epic. You wanna rent tuxes and stuff?"

"Duh! We can go on Saturday and get fitted for one. I have a tux at home, but I've probably outgrown it. We'd need something super cool. I mean we still have reputations to maintain. I'm thinking we go with classic black tuxes and super colorful shirts with funky bow ties."

"Nice. I have some money saved up that should cover it."

"Nah, don't worry about that. We have a family account we can put them on as my parents buy lots of formal wear. Save your money for alcohol and pot. That'll help make it really fun night!"

The boys quickly headed to the student council office to buy their tickets. "One couple's ticket, please," Colin said handing over his 50 bucks.

"Thanks. Write down your name and the person you're taking please," she said handing over the signup sheet.

Colin wrote his name and Dylan's before handing it back. She looked at it and then at the two boys. "Guys, the school won't let me sell you a couple's ticket. It has to be a boy/girl couple."

"Fine, I'll dress in drag," Dylan laughed. "I'll be Darlene."

"Oh god, not Darlene again. If she shows up, I'll be fighting off straight boys all night. I'll never get time with you," Colin joked.

"Sorry guys. It's not up to me. It's the school rule. I'd sell it to you if I could. I think it's a stupid rule."

"Me too. It's discriminatory. Perhaps I should call my lawyer, or the ACLU, or the Gay Liberation Front, or perhaps the L.A. Times or CNN would like to hear about this," Colin said standing firm.

"I'd be totally with you if you did, Colin, but it's not my call. Single tickets are only 5 bucks more each." He was going to say something else, but instead just reached into his wallet and handed over the 10 bucks and the two single tickets were issued.

"You haven't heard the last of this. Equality for all!" Colin said in as defiant and `power to the gay people' type stance as he could make. He took Dylan by the hand and left the ticket line.

The gay liberation front?" Dylan asked.

"I made that up," Colin giggled as they rounded the next corner.

"What are you really gonna do? It's not gonna ruin the dance is it?"

"Nah. I promise not to make a scene. I'll just go talk to the principal and tell him that the rule needs to change. After all, that's why it's called a junior prom. It allows us to see what one is like for when we plan our senior prom. Plus, everyone gets to go to this one, and not just seniors, but by that time, fags everywhere will be able to buy a couple's ticket...with liberty and equality for all!" He said defiantly.

"I believe you," Dylan grinned as he leaned over and kissed Colin, who was already beginning to climb on his soap box as he planned what to say to the administration. It turned out he didn't have to try that hard. The principal met with both Colin and Dylan and said that the rule was already being discussed at the school board and he expected they would be changing it in plenty of time for that year's senior prom. He apologized, but assured them that they were still all inclusive of anyone that wanted to go. The guys left reasonably satisfied, and called off the invasion force.

At the next practice, the Colin made an announcement. "We'll have a team pool party at my place Friday after school," Colin offered. "Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and pop! Bring your appetites, and swim suits if you need them as the pool and hot tub will be available."

"Ummm. What do you mean if we need them?" Kent asked.

"My place is secluded, so suits are optional."

Once practice was over and the boys were back at their lockers after showering, Jackson took the opportunity to talk to Colin. "You wanna get together Thursday after school before our team party? Maybe we can come up with new strategies."

"Yeah. You and I should definitely spend more time together," Colin acknowledged.

Thursday after school, Jackson arrived at Colin's locker. "You still up for hanging out?"

"Of course," he acknowledged. They headed out to their bikes and rode to the house.

"Fuck, I heard you had a huge place, but this is insane," Jackson commented as they rode down the long driveway.

"Meh, it's alright. You probably heard wrong. Someone probably said I had a big one, and you automatically thought house, not penis!" He joked.

"Well we know that's not true. I`ve seen you in the shower," Jackson laughed as they dumped their bikes near the garage. "Dude, seriously, this place is massive. I think some states are smaller than your property."

"Not quite." Colin replied as he showed him around, with Jackson in awe. He was extra polite as he met Mark and George, as well as Margaret. They ended in his room where he was just as impressed.

"I can't believe you have a couch in your bedroom."

"It's good when I have lots of friends sleeping over. It unfolds into a double bed if I need it. With three or four in my bed and two there, I can have six sleep over pretty easily without anyone having to be on the floor."

"God, in my room, I can get me in my bed and maybe two on the floor. I love this room. It's like a whole house all by itself. And your windows are massive. I'd be always looking out at the ocean."

"You get used to it," Colin said as the guys jumped on the bed and fired up the video games as they started planning things for the team as they played.

"We need a tradition to help bond us," Colin suggested. "You know like football players don't wash socks during playoffs or something, others don't get haircuts or shave all season. Something like that, but less gross."

"Speaking of gross, my friend's best friend plays on the Beverly Hills water polo team. Guess what their tradition is."

"No idea, but they're one tough team. They've won tons of titles."

"Yeah, no shit. One of their core rules is that the team is not allowed to masturbate for two days prior to the game. Apparently, they started it like a billion years ago and every team since has followed it. They believe it makes them testosterone driven to play harder."

"No pun intended," Colin laughed.

"Yeah. I never thought of that," he nodded.

"I'd probably have tons of energy to play harder if I hadn't masturbated in that long. Thank god the water is cold or we'd be trying to dodge their boners," Colin reasoned. "But that doesn't sound like gross tradition. At least not like dirty socks or underwear."

"That's not the gross part. Once they win, they have a celebration party afterward and get into a big circle jerk to relieve the pressure."

"Doesn't sound that gross, unless they all cum on someone's carpet or get it all over each other," Colin chuckled. "We could do something like that to ensure we have lots of energy. No masturbation for the entire season."

"I think the whole team would quit," Jackson laughed.

"Probably true, but think how aggressive we'd be as a team. I think I've heard of that before. A lot of teams don't let their players do anything sexual the day before the game to build up the energy, so there must be something to it. All I can say is thank god Dylan isn't on the team. He can't go two hours without sex, never mind two days."

"TMI," Jackson laughed. "Are you and Dylan broken up completely?"

"As boyfriends yeah, but we're still friends and we'll hook up when we're horny. I mean we're teenagers after all," Colin acknowledged.

"Ummm, if it's not too personal to ask. Have you ever been in a circle jerk?"

"Not like the one you're talking about with a whole bunch of guys, but I've seen guys jerk off before. What about you?"

"God no. I'm not sure I could do that," Jackson said shaking his head.

"You mean masturbate or do a circle jerk?"

"A circle jerk."

"Have you ever beat off with a friend or anything?"


"Is that because you'd be too shy? I mean we see each other in the showers and change room, and you don't seem shy there. Do you jerk off when you're alone?"

He laughed nervously. "Wow, I don't even have conversations this personal with my best friend."

"Really? I talk to my best friend pretty much about everything. But then we kinda grew up together, so anything one of us learned, we shared with the other one. My big brother is nine years older, so whenever I wanted to learn something, I just asked him. He never hesitated to tell me, so I probably found out stuff before most guys my age. Then I shared it."

"Cool. I have an older brother, but mostly if I ask him stuff, he just tells me to fuck off."

Colin laughed. "Carter's told me that too, but mostly he was pretty patient. How much older is yours?"

"Two years. Jeremy, he's 16. He's on the diving team."

"Jeremy?" Colin said surprised.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"I've seen him around," Colin replied, not letting on just how well he actually knew Jeremy. "So, you never answered my question. Do you jerk off when you're alone?"

"You're pretty blunt about this stuff, but sure, doesn't every guy?"

"Definitely. You ever got caught by your brother?"

"Not that I know of. I accidentally caught Jeremy in the shower once, but I never let him see me or he'd have killed me."

"I caught Carter too. He told me to leave. I was 10 and he was 19, so I wanted to know what he was doing; and once he recovered from me barging into the bathroom, he explained it and let me watch until he finished. He wasn't quite that accommodating when I caught him in bed having sex with both a guy and a girl."

"That would be one of those times when he told you to fuck off?" Jackson smiled.

"I'll say. I didn't even ask if I could watch that time. I just ran out and hoped he wouldn't kill me."

"What did he do?" He asked curiously.

"Waited until they left and then talked to me about it. Answered my questions."

"Like why he was in bed with a guy and a girl?"

"Pretty much. Like he said though. Sex is meant to be fun and you should never be ashamed of enjoying it. Would you be freaked out if someone caught you?"

"Having sex? God yeah! I don't mind being naked, but I'd probably die of embarrassment if I got caught having sex or jerking off, or even with an erection."

"That's what I thought too, but Carter got even and caught me and Dylan together. I think he did it deliberately to scare us, but the joke backfired. Dylan has a huge crush on my big brother, so once he got over Carter busting in on us, he went right back to having sex with me, almost as a way of showing off."

"Damn, you have a wild life. I'd be traumatised with every part of that."

"Can be fun though. Seeing how others do it. That's how a lot of people learn. Since we're talking pretty openly, what about sex? Have you done it yet?"

"Actually, it's you that's talking openly, I'm just trying not to freak out," he said with a nervous smile.

"Dude, you should never worry about sex talks. Be bold. Own it. Hell, even your brother owns it."

"How do you know?"

"Like I said, I've seen him around. I saw his boner in the locker room shower once before practice."

"Jeremy? No way."

"It's not like he stood and jerked off in front of me," Colin said fabricating a story. "He just turned away and kept showering as if he didn't have one. Like most of us would do, but he didn't try to hide it or anything. So, come on tell me...have you had sex?"

"I did it once."

"How was it?"

"Bad. Really bad. We did it in the woods and it was terrible."

"Was it a girlfriend?"

"No, just a hookup kinda thing. Total mistake. I think she knew more than me, so I looked like an idiot. I had no idea what I was doing."

"It gets better with practice. Trust me. You got a girlfriend now?"

"No, not yet. Hopefully soon though," he replied.

"It should be easy. You have a good body and you're cute. I mean we run around the pool in a Speedo; let's let girls watch our practices and you'll have tons trying to date you, and wanting to rip your trunks off."

"I wish," he smiled.

"You just have to go slow and be patient. First time I did anything, like jerked off with a friend, gave a blowjob or had sex, it was awkward, but each time it gets easier and I got more confidence. Just like anything, even water polo.

"Makes sense. I think all boys are curious about sex though," Jackson said nodding almost to himself. He paused the game and looked at Colin. "Can I ask you something? You don't have to answer it if you don't want to, but how do you keep from getting a boner at the worst times?"

Colin laughed. "Dude, if I had the answer to that, I'd be a billionaire. At our age, boners are in charge. If they want to go up, they go up. All you can do is minimize the collateral damage. Me, I wear the trunk type boxer briefs. Keeps it a bit snugger so the boner doesn't show as easily. Cold water always helps. Probably why I spend hours in the pool. Of course, right after you jerk off it goes down for a bit too. Nope, no real trick though."

"Do you still get unwanted boners?"

"Like you the worst times. Shit, I've got one now, just talking about them."

Jackson laughed a little. "Yeah, I kinda do too. That's why I asked. Sometimes I'll just be sitting in class, and for no reason, they happen. Totally sucks."

"I heard that's got something to do with pheromones. People naturally put them out, and you pick up on them causing a reaction. I'm mostly gay, so I think maybe it's worse for me. I smell everyone's pheromones. I'm surprised I can walk upright half the time. I think it's hilarious that we're just barely getting to know each other and we're lying here with hardons, taking about hardons. How about we keep going and ask blunt questions to learn things about each other? Just ask whatever shit you want. Like I'm curious if you have a bigger dick than your brother?"

"I dunno. He's older, so he's probably bigger, right?"

"Not necessarily. You could be bigger. You said you saw him."

"So did you," Jackson challenged back.

"True, but I haven't seen yours, so I only know half the answer. You've seen both."

"I didn't really stop to stare at him. I just saw him jerking off for a second and left fast."

Colin almost asked to see Jackson's erection, but figured that might be a bit forward at this point. "Your turn. Ask anything."

"Am I supposed to be asking sex questions, like trying to see if I can embarrass you or something?"

"You couldn't embarrass me. I'm pretty open. So, whatever you want to know, go for it. I'm a couple years older, like your brother, but I'd never tell you to fuck off."

"How many people have you had sex with?"

"Boys or girls?"

"Both. Either," he replied.

"Boys, I dunno maybe a dozen. You kinda lose count after a while. Girls, I guess technically three. Two were just riding my cock to try it out, so I'm not sure it was real sex, but I did cum, so it might have been."

Jackson smiled. "Girls just rode your penis? How does that happen?"

"When you're gay, girls feel more comfortable around you so they wanted to see what a penis was like. I lay down and they checked out my dick and then sat on it."

"Dude, that's a sick plan! I should tell them I'm gay. I'd get tons of experience without even trying."

"That might be true, but you'd probably have to prove you're gay first. Chicks aren't stupid. I mean me and Dylan have been going out for a while and the girls have seen us making out. If you faked being gay, that shit could go sideways real fast and you wouldn't be getting laid until after college."

"How could it go sideways?"

"Uh, think about it. You get some girl interested in the `gay guy' and somehow sex comes up and she wants you to prove you're gay first. Are you gonna be able to hook up with a guy in front of her, or worse, you bone up when she pulls out her boobs, or gets naked? That's a real giveaway that you're not gay. I can keep my cock down looking at boobs and pussy. Could you, if you had a naked girl sitting on you letting you feel her up and talking dirty?"

He moved his hands underneath himself to make adjustments. "No, I can't even keep it down just talking about a naked girl," he admitted. "Was Dylan your first boyfriend? Did you ever have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, and no. Yes, Dylan was my first real relationship, and no I've never dated a girl. Sex sure, dating no. I prefer boys for that. Way cooler to hang out with."

"I can see that. Girls like way different stuff than boys."

"True. I was thinking. You seem pretty cool, and since we're gonna be captains of the team together, we should maybe work on being friends too since we're gonna hang out a lot planning team stuff."

"Yeah, that'd be cool," Jackson nodded with a smile.

"Well, if we're gonna be friends, then we can't be shy around each other. Friends need to be able to share everything and not keep secrets, right?"

"I guess," Jackson said somewhat less enthusiastically.

"Okay, stand up," Colin said as he bounced over Jackson and stood at the side of the bed.

"Right now? I can't," Jackson said swallowing hard.

"Why? Because you have a boner? Who cares, so do I," Colin said looking down at his crotch. "Come on stand up."

"Just give me a minute," Jackson said again.

"Dude, we'll never be friends if shit like boners bother you. God, I get them a hundred times a day. I'd never be able to hang out with anyone if I worried about it."

"You should do what I do. I just put my backpack over my crotch, or sit down or something."

Colin laughed. "You know that's the first sign a guy has a boner, right? He carries something in front of him. It almost focuses everyone's eyes right to it."

"Shit, seriously?"

"Next time you're in school watch. Most guys will carry their backpacks on their backs, then suddenly at random for no apparent reason, start to rummage around in them, and then bizarrely carry them in front of them as they walk. Boner city!"

"Oh my god. I do that. Shit. So everyone knows?"

"Probably. But then your friends do it too. Want a secret? Ignore it. If you bone up, just don't react."

"But everyone will see."

"Not if you're not attracting attention to your crotch they won't. Like the secret of a magician with misdirection. Don't focus on the real thing, focus them where you actually want them to look. If some guy sees you have a boner in your pants, it means he had to look to see it. Call him on it. You like looking at boners?' or Yeah, I was thinking of your sister and me last night.' Something that turns it back on him. How about `Yeah, 9 inches of grade A bone buddy. Sorry yours isn't big enough to cause a bulge in your pants.'"

Jackson laughed. "God, I wish I were that cool."

"Why wouldn't you be? Come on, stand up."

Jackson smiled and nervously sat up and swung his legs off the bed, adjusting himself for minimal impact before he stood to face Colin.

"You okay?" Colin asked. Jackson shrugged. "I dunno what you're worried about, I can't see anything."

"Was that a burn?"

"No," Colin laughed lightly. "Most of the time when we get them, we think everyone can see, but usually they can't. Do you think I have one right now?"

Jackson took a quick glance down at Colin's crotch and then looked back up almost as fast. "No, probably not."

Colin just smiled as he pulled off his shirt. "Want a secret?"

"Definitely," Jackson nodded.

Colin undid his shorts and dropped them to his ankles, leaving him in just his underwear. "Now do I have a boner?"

Jackson looked and felt himself go a bit red as he looked back up. "Uhhh, yeah."

"Dude, the trick is to wear tight underwear and loose shorts. I always wear boxer briefs or trunk boxers to school. Keeps my junk firmly in place and I put my dick up to the side so if it gets hard it's not trying to poke straight out. Then wear looser shorts," he said as he pulled them back up and re-fastened them. "And presto, hidden boner. Tons of guys our age are wearing baggy boxers. No way to hide anything in those."

"That's for sure," Jackson said as he felt like he were naked in front of a spotlight as Colin looked at his crotch.

"I can already tell you have a boner and it's off to your left," he grinned.

"I thought you couldn't see anything," Jackson said putting his hands in front of himself.

"I lied," Colin smiled.

"Shit," Jackson said going bright red.

"I dunno what you're worried about. We see each other naked all the time in the showers."

"Not with erections."

"It no big deal. Well, I mean it's big...just not a problem," Colin joked as he blatantly adjusted himself before jumping back on the bed to lie face down. Jackson almost gave a sigh of relief as he lay back on the bed beside him. "But that's what I'm talking about. If we're gonna be friends, we can't be freaking out shit like this. I've seen all my friends with boners and we pretty much ignore them now. Unless we get horny and stuff."

"God, I could never do that. They'd call me a fag. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that," he said nervously.

"Nah, I get it. I don't get insulted by shit like that. If your friends are that insecure, that's their problem. Damn, I never thought. Are you okay around a gay guy? I should have asked before suggesting we be friends."

"Dude, I'm totally fine around you, and even Dylan, although he's a bit much to handle when he goes full flamer sometimes. Ummm, is that offensive if I say that?"

"Not when it comes to Dylan. The dude bursts into flames at the worst times sometimes," Colin laughed. "The only thing that puts that flame out sometimes is a huge explosive charge." He giggled to himself at just how accurate that was.


"That's how they extinguish big flames. They use explosives to cut off the air and stop it," he explained. Of course, in Dylan's case the explosion wasn't from dynamite, but he kept that analogy to himself.

Jackson gave a small laugh.

"Anyway, if you wanna be friends you just have to be less uptight. I like hanging out with guys that are open about anything and everything. It's the only way to be real friends."

"I'm pretty open, I think. My friends and I talk about sex all the time and which girls are hot. Plus, I'm not scared of being naked in the locker room around other guys. Even around you and Dylan. Not that that matters or anything."

Colin grinned. "Yeah, that's a good start. You've really never let a single one of your friends see your erection, or seen theirs?"

"God, no. Never."

"Have you seen any erections up close?"

"Sure," he grinned. "Every day in my shower."

"Funny. I mean other than your own."

"In porn."

"But never up close and in person?"

He shook his head.

"Have you ever had a gay friend before?"

"Not that I know of. If any were gay, they never admitted it. You're kinda the first guy I know who is out. Well, you and Dylan, but you're way more normal than he is. If you didn't tell me you were gay, I'd never know it, so maybe some of my friends are and didn't say anything. I know some guys are probably scared to come out."

"That's true. But that's the cool thing about being out. Lots of guys will come and talk to me at random and you can sometimes tell they want you to know."

"Anyone at our school?"

"There's a few, but I'd never out them. That's not cool."

"Respect for that."

"Actually, like my best friend said, there are some seriously cool benefits to having a gay friend."

"Like what?" Jackson asked turning slightly sideways to look at Colin, having gotten his erection back under control.

"Like having tons of girls hanging around."


"Girls like gay guys because they know we're not trying to have sex with them. They hang out with us and treat us like one of the girls. My guy friends hang out, and by association are hanging with tons of girls."

"Nice. That would be a cool benefit. Are there others?"

"Yeah, but it might not be cool to tell you since we're not really friends yet."

"Come on. Tell me. I like learning new stuff. You said if we're gonna be friends we should share and not have secrets."

"I did say that, true," Colin smiled. "Okay, but I'll deny it if anyone asks. I mean when you have a gay friend, it's pretty easy to get laid when you're horny if you don't have a girlfriend at the moment."

Jackson just stared at Colin for a few seconds before speaking. "Laid? You mean like have sex?"

"Sort of. I mean like one of my friends wanted to know how to kiss as he didn't want to look stupid when he went on his date, so he asked me and we practiced together. I think we did it so long our lips were sore."

"I'd never be able to do that with my friends."

"Duh! Your friends are straight. How would that make sense? Like I said, it's the benefit of having a GAY friend. Not all the time, obviously. Once they know how, then they don't need to do it again. Girls can be pretty cruel if you suck at kissing, or worse, cum in the first few seconds, so practice with a gay friend to get used to it. Mostly my friends just get horny and jump on the bed for a blowjob."

"If we were friends would I have to let you blow me?"

"It's not a `have to' situation," Colin laughed. "It's a gay friend benefit thing. Not to sound super gay or anything, but I've seen your penis before. It's pretty good, so if you wanted a blowjob, I'd happily give you one."

"Yeah, not gay at all," Jackson laughed as he rolled back onto his stomach and grabbed the video controller to start up another game. "I know this is gonna sound stupid considering I'm fully dressed, but I feel way more naked right now than when we're showering in the locker room."

"Doesn't sound stupid. Your brain is telling you that you have an erection and sending out signals that it's something sexual. You just need to ignore it and tell your brain to shut the fuck up."

"I dunno how you're so comfortable with it."

"I grew up with Carter. He's seen my boner from the moment I got them, probably at age one, and never made me feel it was bad, ever. When my balls dropped, he even complimented me on how I was growing."

"Wish Jeremy would be like that instead of always trying to sack me in the nuts when he thinks I have one."

"Sack him back," Colin laughed.

"Yeah, right."

"I could talk to him. I'll bet I could get him to walk into your room and teach you how to jerk off while he shows you how he does it."

"That's a bet you'd lose. Plus, I already know how to jerk off. I just do it in private." Jackson replied.

"That's a waste. Jerking off with friends is tons of fun. Have competitions to see who can shoot first, who can pump the most, or shoot the farthest."

"Right. I'll get right on that," Jackson said sarcastically. "I don't think all straight guys would do that."

"Probably not, but friends comfortable with each other would, and especially if one of them is gay," Colin grinned as he turned his attention to the video game they'd begun. "Should we get some girls over here and you can feel up some boobs? Lick a few nips. Maybe touch some pussy?"

"Are you serious?" He said staring at Colin as he blinked a couple times.

"No. I was just trying to keep you hard," he laughed.

"It worked asshole. That's so not fair."

"Hey, I could have put porn on if I really wanted to be unfair."

"I wouldn't advise that. I'd end up making a mess all over your bed."

Colin laughed. "You're talking to gay guy. Seeing some guy cum isn't my definition of a bad thing."

"Right, I forgot," he said with a slight smile. "Since we're talking openly, can I ask you a gay question?"

"Dude, you can ask me anything anytime anywhere."

"Okay. When you see guys naked in the change room do you think about having sex with them all the time? I know I would if I changed in front of a room full of girls?"

"Great question. I think I used to when I first figured it out, but now I find I only kinda glance at other guys, much like most straight boys do. You know, to see how we compare to each other. A change room isn't really the best place to start staring at other guys and boning up," he admitted.

"I wouldn't be able to do that, if I were around girls I mean. Do you like all boys, or just certain ones?"

"Just certain ones. Just because I like boys, doesn't mean I like all boys. It's like if you were in a room full of naked girls. You'd probably like some more than others, and have no interest in other ones."

"I dunno dude. If I were in a room full of naked girls, I'd probably cum in seconds and then pass out from embarrassment," he joked. "What if some boy hits on you first? Would you have sex with him? I heard most gay guys do that before even a first date."

"Same thing. I'd have to like the guy. I mean Dylan and I changed in front of each other, and we don't bone up and have sex every time. It gets way easier to control yourself the more sex you have, and the more naked people you see."

"I guess."

Colin just smiled and nodded. "It's like with the team. I see everyone naked at least three times a week and I don't go all out of control horny. Its just guys hanging out. If one of them got a boner in front of me and started jerking off, I might react differently, but that doesn't usually happen."

"Usually? Has it happened?"

Colin just grinned. "Wouldn't you like to know? But seriously dude, since we're team captains now, you and me should be like brothers and be so comfortable around each other that we don't care about stuff like this."

"Uhhh, you forget...I have a brother. Not the best example to use about being open around each other. He'd rather beat me up than talk to me about anything personal."

Colin laughed. "Well then we'll be brothers like me and Carter. We make a pact right now that anything we discuss together, stays between us. Think of this as us bonding as Captains on our way to being friends."

"Deal," he agreed as they fist bumped.

"So, your next challenge on our way to being friends, is that the next time you get a boner around me, show it off and don't be shy about it."

"Right!" Jackson laughed. "You first."

Colin leapt off the bed, and almost as soon as he landed pushed his shorts and underwear down to his knees exposing the boner he still had.

"Dude, I was joking!" Jackson said as he moved back slightly but kept looking at it almost as if he couldn't make his eyes look elsewhere.

Colin pulled his pants back up and jumped back on the bed beside Jackson. "At least now you can say you've seen an erection up close and in person now."

"Sure, I'll slap that right up on Facebook."

"Cool. Want a pic to go with it?"

"Again...joking! But you really don't care about this stuff, do you?"

"Nope, not at all. Hopefully, one day you'll be cool enough to not care either. It just takes time and some ability to shoot your friends down if they try to make fun of you for things."

"Yeah, that's the worst part," Jackson admitted. "So, before we change the subject so I don't have to go home thinking about gay things and remembering your boner in my face, I'm just curious. Would you really want to see my erection, or are you just joking about all that?"

Colin turned on his side to look at the younger guy. "Dude, do you want me to be super honest right now?"

Jackson nodded.

"Okay, here it is. If the coach hadn't made us captains together, we probably wouldn't have had a reason to friends, but since we are, I think we could be amazing friends. I'd be very uncomfortable around you though if you got all weird when we were naked around each other. Would I want to see your boner? Absolutely, but only as a result of you being open enough to not worry about showing it. So, bluntly, if you stripped and asked to learn to kiss, get a blowjob, or even fuck, I'd be up for it in a heartbeat." He paused and grinned. "Does that answer you question?"

"Yeah. Thanks," he replied looking extremely nervous.

"Dude, I know from my friends that having a gay friend takes a bit of getting used to, but once you get over all the straight boy stereotypes about gays, you'll probably think it's pretty cool."

"I just have to learn to be more open I guess. Maybe it gets easier over time."

"Definitely. Now you gonna whip it out that bone so I can suck it or what?" He teased. "Joking! Dude, you should see the look on your face right now. But just for the record...the offer stands."

On that note, they stopped talking about it and moved on to discuss their party tomorrow and some plays they could practice while they were in the pool. They followed that up with a list of food and drinks for their first event. Finally, the two of them made a list of other activities like paintball, laser tag, morning runs before school, movie nights, workout routines, and other such things as a team.

Colin dropped off the food list to the kitchen, and the chef offered to pre-cook most of it so all they would need to do was heat it up on the barbeque. The guys thanked him before Jackson headed home. Colin raced back to his room, ripped his clothes off and had quick wank thinking of Jackson before getting on with his homework.

After school the next day, the water polo team had their pool party, and as Colin guessed, everyone ended up skinny dipping at some point. Some much more open than others. Two of the newest members of the team, who were also the youngest at 13, were the last ones to join in. They appeared to be checking out how the older boys acted before deciding that they probably shouldn't be left out. Most put shorts back on whenever they got out of the pool, but a couple stayed naked. At one point, the guys all played `nut' tag in the pool as they tried to punch each other between the legs. It made for a lot of strong swimming and dodging around each other, which they all agreed might be useful in being a team. Nut tag was officially adopted as one of their team activities.

"I know how we could make it more challenging," Levi said as the game paused. "I have a cool timer on my watch that can be set to go off at random. We keep playing tag and if the timer goes off, whoever is it' has to get out of the pool and run around the deck naked before getting back in." Everyone agreed and the game resumed after Levi set his timer. As the first timer went off, Ron was it' and the team cheered as he got out and raced around the pool deck. The intensity increased as the guys tried to get to someone else and whack them so that they weren't next. Quinn, one of the 13-year-olds, ran with a hand over his junk only to get booed by the rest of the team, but he wasn't the only one to do so, and it was all in fun. Everyone agreed that the game was a success.

As Jackson and Colin got food from the barbeque, Colin turned to look at him. "Oh, hey. I asked a kinky chick I know if she'd have sex with you."

"And?" he said as his eyes lit up.

"She asked if you were any good."

"What did you tell her?"

"The truth. That I didn't know."


"Like I said, she's kinky and likes to push the envelope. She'd probably expect you to do it all."

"Like what?"

"Kissing, sucking on her tits, eating pussy, 69ing, lasting during a blowjob...fucking," he replied bluntly.

"Who's fucking?" Shawn asked as he strolled up beside them to get a burger.

"Me. With your Mom," Colin replied bluntly.

"Gross!" He said as he turned and left with his burger.

Jackson laughed. "I love how you deal with people."

"It's a gift."

They ate and returned to the pool with the team. Jackson froze in place as he turned his head towards the house. Colin stopped to see what he was looking at. "SHIT! It's my brother," Jackson said almost in horror as he raced to the side of the pool to grab his shorts. "What the fuck is he doing here?"

"I invited him. He's crashing at my place tonight," Blaine grinned as he got out of the pool naked and went to greet him. Colin took Jackson's shorts out of his hands and flung them towards the deck chairs.

"Dude, relax. You shouldn't be shy, especially in front of your brother."

"Uhhh, yeah I should. He's an asshole. Plus, he hasn't seen me naked since puberty."

"Then it's time you two got along better. He's certainly not worried about taking his clothes off. Watch."

As promised, Jeremy dropped his shorts at the lounge chairs and went with Blaine to get food. He was as smooth as everyone else, and Jackson couldn't help but look at his big brother while trying to stay hidden in the pool.

"I thought this was just gonna be for the team."

"It doesn't matter. Everyone is welcome. Plus, maybe if I talk dirty to your brother, I'll get to see just how big his dick really is," he teased.

"Don't you dare," Jackson warned. "I'm not even sure if he's cool around gay guys."

"No better way to find out than to offer him a blowjob while he's eating and getting a tan," he said smirking as hitched up out of the pool.

"Colin! Dude! Don't!" Jackson panicked trying to yell at him but be quiet at the same time.

Colin ignored him and went to give Jeremy a bro hug.

"Dude, you're getting me all wet!" Jeremy complained.

"That's what she said," Colin laughed.

Jeremy rolled his eyes. "Thanks for the burgers. I'm guessing Blaine told you about us?" He asked as they moved to the loungers and he lay out. Blaine lay on the one beside him, and Colin sat sideways on the edge of Blaine's chair.

"Yeah, congrats. I was thinking we'll have to make that a celebration at our next club meeting. You and Blaine consummate your relationship in front of us and we'll all celebrate like at a wedding."


"You know, after the bride and groom get married, they run out of the church and everyone throws confetti at them. We'll just throw cum all over you."

"Ummm, not to pick holes in that, but don't they throw confetti BEFORE the bride and groom consummate the private!"

"Yeah, but what fun is that?" Colin laughed. "Oh hey, you know your brother is here, right?"

"SHIT! Are you serious? Dude, you can't say anything to him. He hasn't a clue."

"I'll say. The kid doesn't know shit about sex."

"How do you know?"

"We've talked. He's my assistant team captain."

Jeremy sat up and swung his legs to the side and leaned in towards Colin. "I'm serious dude. Don't tell him about me and Blaine. I'm not ready for that yet."

"I'd never do that, not my place. You should talk to him about sex, though. He's even asked if I know any girls that would want to hook up with him."

"That's a simple answer. No! He couldn't get laid in a whore house farting hundred-dollar bills."

"That's not true. He's cute and has a nice bulge in his speedo. Once word gets out he knows how to have sex, he'll be Mr. Popular."

Jeremy stared at Colin. "Please tell me you haven't fucked my little brother."

"No. I haven't fucked your little brother. Not that he doesn't have the cutest little bubble butt begging to be enjoyed. That kid almost has a panic attack when he gets a boner. As his big brother, you should be teaching him how to control it. Show him how to masturbate. Give him a blowjob so he knows what to expect," Colin grinned teasing Jeremy.

"Gross. He's my brother. That's never gonna happen."

"Now you're sounding like my big brother," Colin laughed.


"Dude, you at least gotta show him that it's no big deal for the two of you to be naked around each other. He almost had a heart attack when you showed up just now. I had to throw his shorts half way across the yard to stop him getting dressed. He'll stay in the pool until he drowns just you don't know he's naked."

"He's not shy. He showers in the locker rooms. So do I."

"He said you've never seen him naked since puberty."

"That's not true," Jeremy said as he paused and then looked up as he contemplated it. "Yeah, maybe that is true. I guess we never shower together in the lockers or anything. Shit, I don't care if he sees me naked."

"No, but he sure cares if you see him. Go talk to him and let him know it's cool. Act like it's not even a thing," Colin said as he got up and walked back to jump in the pool.

"What were you talking about?" Jackson said as he swam up to Colin keeping low in the pool to avoid detection.

"I just told him that you were here and that he should say hi. Oh, and I asked his permission to fuck your brains out in a three-way."


"Relax. I'm joking. I only told him that you were here and nervous about being naked around him."


"And he said that was stupid as you're naked all the time in the lockers."

"Why did he have to show up? Dude, this is freaking me out."

"You freak out a lot, huh? God, you'll be a wreck by the time you get some pussy."

"Maybe I should take meds for it," Jackson said, only half joking.

"Or just man up. Be yourself and don't give a shit what others think. Look at me. I'm technically bisexual but everyone thinks I'm gay, and I don't care. If they don't like me, then I probably won't be interested in them either."

"That makes sense."

"Of course it does. Now get that cock hard and go wave it around in front of your brother. Show him who's boss."

"Pass," he grinned. "Oh shit!" He panicked as he moved closer to the edge of the pool. Colin looked over and saw Blaine and Jeremy approaching. They jumped in the water and swam over.

"Hey bro! I figured you'd be here. Congrats on your last win."

"Uhhh, thanks. What are you doing here?" Jackson asked pressing himself hard against the side of the pool as he leaned his head on the edge of it.

"Blaine invited me. We're hanging out at his place afterward, so I figured I'd show up, get some food and go skinny dipping. Surprised you'd be here swimming naked, since you're such a little prude and all."

"I'm not a prude! Fuck you, asshole."

"Whatever dude. Your ass is so white they can see it from space. You blush if you see an ad for underwear. Hey Colin, thanks for letting me come over," Jeremy said fist bumping him.

"Anytime. Sorry we don't have a 10-metre tower for you to practice on."

"In the nude? That might not be good for the junk at all."

"Be great for the spectators. You might actually get people to show up for your competitions," Colin joked. "I'd be there with an air horn and clapper sticks for every practice and meet."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Jeremy grinned and turned his attention to Blaine. "That new video game you have, I'm gonna finally crush you tonight."

"In your dreams," Blaine said as the guys swam off.

"Fuck. He knows I'm naked in here," Jackson said looking at Colin.

"Dude! We're ALL naked including your brother. Think he'd mind if I swam between his legs and copped a feel?"

"Only if you didn't mind losing some teeth or having your arm broken," he joked.

Jackson finally got out of the pool while Jeremy lay out tanning beside Blaine. He watched amused as his kid brother streaked across the pool deck, hands over his crotch, making a bee-line for his shorts.

"Dude. Get some sun on your ass, or at least bring me sunglasses. The glare is blinding," Jeremy yelled at him.

"You should put that thing away before birds try to peck it off thinking it's a worm," Jackson snarked back, as he jumped into his shorts and tied them tight. He went and played basketball with some of the other guys so he didn't have to deal with Jeremy. When he did return to get food, he was near Blaine and his brother when he overheard them talking.

"Those two should just fuck and get back together already, or at least give us a good live show," Blaine remarked as they watched Colin and Dylan running around the pool.

Jackson shook his head. "Gross."

"Seriously, you gotta drop the `tude, bro. I may know you're a prude, but it'll kill your rep if others think you are," Jeremy said as he reached into his shorts, having put them back on earlier. "Dick adjustment."

"Are you hard?" Jackson asked his big brother.

"Fuck off perv. Like I'd tell you that."

"How can I be a perv and a prude?" Jackson challenged.

"You're a perv because you like to watch and a prude because you're too shy to participate."

"So that makes you a perv and a prude too," he reasoned.

"I'm not perving on them, asshole. I just said they should get back together. They're supposed to be broken up, yet still fool around more than any straight couple I know. I mean Dylan gives a great blowjob, so why would Colin want to give that up unless he had to."

"Isn't that the truth!" Blaine nodded.

Dylan had stopped to talk to Shawn, and was all smiles when he came and sat next to Colin. "That should be fun!"

"What should?"

"Shawn. He's agreed to give up his ass after school."

"Bullshit. That dude is super straight. Why would he let you fuck him? Blowjob, maybe if he were drunk. Fucking? Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!" Dylan grinned. "He's failing history. I told him I'd tutor him, and even do his history paper, but he had to give it up for me."

"And that worked?"

"He's failing a class, and you know what happens if your grade drops below a C!"

"Yeah, he's off the team."

"Exactly. I tutor him so he gets a C+ or B- and stays on the team, and I've shredded some straight boy pussy."

Colin just shook his head. "He has a pretty big ass."

"Some junk in the trunk baby. Soft and fluffy, but firm where it's needed. Like fucking a bean bag chair."

"Which you've done a lot?" Colin joked. "Will it be a one-time thing, or each time you tutor him?"

"He thinks it's a one-time thing, but once he's had me once, we know he'll be back for more. At the very least, he'll be studying naked, and I'll be getting him to cum each session."

"You know who I think is gonna end up being gay?"

"Who?" Dylan asked looking around.

"Quinn. He's brushed past my dick like half a dozen times now, and every time I get out of the water he checks me out."

"Really? How did I miss that?"

"You're losing your touch. Maybe your gaydar batteries are getting low," Colin joked. "I'll prove it. You swim away and I'll sit on the deck. See what he does."

Dylan took off and Colin jumped up onto the deck with his feet dangling into the pool. He spread his legs and did a slight dick adjustment when he saw Quinn glancing over at him. Like a magnet, the youngest player on the team swam towards Colin who had now leaned back on his hands moving his feet back and forth in the water casually.

"Hey Quinn!" Colin said as the boy got near him. "Enjoying the party?"

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. Never been skinny dipping before."

"Not a lot of difference between this and being in those tiny speedos, except our junk can breathe better," Colin laughed.

"I suppose," he grinned as he stared at Colin's crotch.

"How'd you get to be the captain?" Quinn asked.

Colin felt like answering that it was because he gave it up for the coach, which is truly the only reason he could think that he was actually offered it over others. "I guess he just thought I'd be a good leader."

"Cool. I'd like to be captain one day," Quinn remarked as he hung on the side of the deck next to Colin.

"Then just make sure the coach knows who you are, and that you're interested in the job. When I graduate, Jackson might take over, but he'll need an assistant who then becomes captain."

"Thanks Colin," he grinned.

Colin sat up and slid back into the water. He made a point of letting his hand slide down Quinn's side and touched his ass cheek as he did it. Quinn pretty much stared at Colin as he watched him swim off.

"Dude, you were totally right. He stared at your dick the entire time," Dylan beamed. "I think he has a thing for you. You should give him your thing."

Colin just shook his head. "He might just be looking up to me since I'm the captain and younger guys always check out older guys to compare themselves to, but he definitely is paying more attention than the other guys."

"Okay, but if you need me to pinch hit for you, just let me know. Meanwhile I'm off to see if anyone else needs tutoring."

The boys parted and Colin made his way to the indoor hot tub, which wasn't currently in use. He could see out of the corner of his eye that Quinn was watching, and smiled to himself. He got out of the water slowly, almost making a show of the water running off his ass as he lifted up. He walked over to the hot tub and got in. Less than a minute later, Quinn got in next to him.

"Whoa! This one's way hotter than the one outside," he said lowering himself slowly.

"That's why I like it," Colin grinned as the younger guy sat right beside him. "It's better for the muscles. Helps relax you. Well, almost all of you. The worst thing about going from the cold to hot water is that you end up with a boner when your dick warms up. Good thing we don't do water polo in warm water," he joked.

"Yeah," Quinn said looking into the bubbling water to see if he could see anything.

"It could be the jets hitting my back that do it though, I'm never sure. Thankfully it only takes a few minutes to get back under control. Last thing you need is the guys making fun of you as you walk across the deck with a huge erection waving around. It usually because they're jealous they don't have one," he joked.

"That would suck," Quinn agreed. "Ummm, do you ever get them in cold water? Erections, I mean?"

"Sure. Sometimes. I don't think they know when it's appropriate or inappropriate to show up unannounced, and sometimes unwelcome, like a pop quiz."

Quinn laughed. "I hate pop quizzes."

Colin turned just slightly towards Quinn as he talked to him, allowing their legs to touch. "What's your favorite subject?"

"I dunno. Math maybe. I'm pretty good at that," Quinn said as he also turned a little and added a bit of pressure against Colin's leg.

"That's cool. I think I like chemistry myself. Making shit blow up or changing colors of foam and stuff. That's so cool."

"Yeah, that's fun," he agreed.

Colin moved his hand so that it rested on Quinn's thigh and gently rubbed it. "You're pretty good in the water. You just need to work on that kick, and staying a little more buoyant and you'll be amazing out there."

"Really? Thanks Colin," he replied as his breathing became slightly shallow.

"I'm glad you showed up today. It's a great opportunity for the team to all have fun together. Plus, it's great bonding when we don't have any hang-ups around each other."

"Yeah. I think skinny dipping may be my new favorite thing," Quinn said with a smile.

Colin agreed. "I'm just glad I have a pool at home. Can't imagine going to the public pool or the beach like this."

Quinn laughed. "We'd get arrested."

"Probably. The only down side is the boners. At least in shorts you can kinda hide them. Naked, you have to stay in the water until you get them to go down. Like right now, I might be in the hot tub until I go all pruny," he joked.

"You have a boner?" Quinn asked swallowing hard.

"Yeah, and it better go down soon or you'll have to jump out and get me my shorts."

"Ummm, I kinda have the same problem," he admitted.

"I figured. It's pretty natural," Colin replied casually as he moved his hand up so that the back of it brushed against Quinn's balls.

"Uhhh, yeah. Sorry. I've been trying to get it to go down."

Colin turned sideways, sitting on one leg so he could face Quinn. "It takes a while to learn to control them, but you'll get the hang of it. You had sex yet?"

Quinn shook his head. "No. How old do you have to be to have sex?" Quinn asked.

"You can cum, right?"

Quinn nodded.

"Then you're old enough. I was 13 my first time. My big brother got his friend to teach me. He was 18."

"That would be awesome. I wish I could learn from someone older."

Colin moved his hand over Quinn's erection and began to gently stroke it. "That feels pretty big for your age. Thicker than most, so that's cool. What are you, about 6, 6 and a half?"

"Yeah. I guess. Ummmm, how big is yours?"

"Seven and a half," Colin replied nonchalantly as he moved to grab Quinn's free hand and wrap it around his erection. The boy almost stopped breathing, then gave a horrified look and blushed brighter than normal for someone in warm water. He quickly let go of Colin's penis.

"You just came huh?"

"Sorry. Please don't hate me. I can clean the hot tub if you want."

"Relax dude. That was the point. Help you get it back under control. Maybe next time I'll actually get to see it do it. I've cum in here so many times the filters and chlorine work overtime to keep up with me. Plan to sleepover sometime, I'm sure we can figure out a few other things that you'll enjoy, but for now, I should get back to the party". He leaned over and whispered. "Maybe we can even pop that cherry if you're horny enough."

Colin got out slowly making sure he faced the younger boy, letting him see his half inflated penis before he stepped out and walked away to rejoin Dylan.

"Well? What happened? I half expected you to bend the kid over and fuck him stupid."

"He's gay. He came from just feeling my dick, and told him I wanted to take him to bed. I even invited him to sleepover."

"So, when are we doing that?" Dylan grinned.

"We're not! I am. Last thing I need is you shoving that monster cock up his ass five minutes in."

"I'm not that bad. I could wait 7 or 8 minutes easily!!" He laughed.

"Such a slut!"

"Uhhh...this coming from the guy who just asked a guy to sleepover so he could take his virginity," he grinned.

The party wrapped up shortly afterward and everyone thought it had gone well. The team had completed their first bonding event and planned to meet up Monday morning on the school track to run a few laps for additional training. The entire team showed up before class and ran their laps, all of them able to keep up, except Dylan, who stopped after lap three, and went to talk to a cute boy he saw sitting on the bleachers. Colin just rolled his eyes. Since Dylan wasn't technically a player on the team, he could be a player in other things. The guys hit the showers and got ready for the class, agreeing that they should do this most mornings.

After practice a few days later, the coach asked to see Jackson and Colin in his office. He closed the door as the boys entered and turned to look at them.

"I called you both in here because I wanted to see how you boys are doing with the bonding. First, go ahead and slip out of suits and get dried off. You don't need chafing or a chlorine rash," he said as he went around the back of his desk.

"Coach?" Jackson asked.

"Get the speedos off, and I'll give you some aloe vera to help put the moisture back into your skin." The boys stripped and quickly dried off before wrapping the towels around themselves.

"That's better," the coach nodded. He had Colin put his hands on the desk before removing his towel and tossing it aside. "This is the aloe vera," he said showing the bottle to Jackson as he poured in onto Colin's back and began to rub it in. "Don't forget to get right in between the cheeks. A lot of boys forget that and you end up with rough skin and red bumps. This is the same type of lotion that Dylan uses after he finishes shaving you. Helps stop the irritation as well as everything else." He shoved his hand right into Colin's crack and worked it in thoroughly, before coating each cheek and then working down the legs. "Go ahead and spread your feet and I'll get inside your thighs too," he said as his hand came back up. Colin spread wider and felt the coach grab his testicles and rub them, before reaching right through and stroke his penis until he was fully hard. "Most of the time you can do your own front, but to do the whole back, sometimes you need a helping hand.

"Your turn Jackson," he said maneuvering the boy beside Colin and yanking his towel off quickly. He repeated his actions, coating Jackson thoroughly in the cream. "That's a nice firm ass on you. Just like your brother."


"You have other brothers?"


"Then, yes, Jeremy," the coach laughed.

"Do you do exercises to keep them that tight?"

"No, just normal stuff, I guess," Jackson replied as he jumped a bit as the coach's fingers ran over his rosebud and pressed against it.

"Naturally firm, I like that."

The coach moved over to Colin, put additional lotion on his finger and shoved it deep into Colin's ass. Colin grunted and then let out a big breath of air as the coach reached his prostate. "You should make sure you put a bit inside your anus as well to keep it from cracking due to the chlorine. A lot of boys forget that and find themselves with an itchy ass after a while. Have you experienced that at all?"

"Sure, I guess. I didn't know you needed lotion though," Jackson replied.

"Not something they teach you very often. That's why it's good that you and Colin are working together. He can mentor you on things like that. I mean he's older and has had plenty of extra experiences. Of course, once you put lotion inside yourself, you may also find your prostate, which is a whole other level of fun between friends. You liked learning that with Dylan, didn't you, Colin?"

"Sure, coach. I mean we're gay, so it was bound to happen at some point, right?"

"True, but even straight boys love a good prostate massage. That's why anal sex is so enjoyable, despite most never admitting they've done it. Do you and Jeremy talk about sex at all, Jackson?"

"Sure, coach all the time. I ask him things, and he tells me to fuck off and stop being a perv," Jackson joked.

"Well, now you have Colin to ask, and I know he'll enjoy teaching you whatever you want to know. Isn't that right, Colin?"

"Of course, coach."

"Good," he said as he finger fucked the teen while they talked. That's the great thing about Colin and why I picked him to be the team captain. He's outgoing and not afraid to take on new challenges. Eventually you'll be taking over from Colin, Jackson, and you'll have an assistant of your own. Learn what you can in the meantime. I picked the two of you as I think you work well together. Get creative with plays in the pool, push the team to work hard, and don't be afraid to make them try new things. Are you good learning new things, Jackson?"

"Of course, coach. I think it's how we get better," he replied.

"Good to hear. Stand up."

As soon as he did, the coach poured lotion into his hand and reached out to take hold of Jackson's cock, causing Jackson to tense up at being touched by someone other than himself. As the boy became erect, Jackson wasn't sure where to look.

"That's a good size cock on you. Make sure you don't forget to use the lotion on it and rub it in thoroughly, especially the testicles," he explained as he acted as if he were demonstrating what he meant.

"Uh, coach. You should probably stop or I might have an accident."

"It's fine Jackson. Nothing healthier than emptying your testicles of sperm. Keeps things ticking along properly, and helps you relax after a stressful game. Isn't that right Colin."

"Sure, coach."

"Colin here knows the benefits of having his prostate stimulated while being masturbated at the same time. He's got it down perfectly. That's why he'll be a good captain to teach you thing like this. I hope you'll get over your nerves and the two of you can help each other out on a regular basis. The best teams are those that are comfortable with their bodies around each other."

"Uhhh, coach," Jackson said beginning to panic. "I'm gonna cum."

"Excellent. Let it go. Enjoy the feeling. It's one truly great thing about being a boy. Of course, having a gay friend to help can make that even better." The coach jerked Jackson off faster, and watched as the boy grabbed the desk, and closed his eyes while his cock erupted several jets of cream all over the floor. Colin watched and smiled to himself, but felt a bit sorry for Jackson as he knew how he'd feel as soon as the orgasm was over.

"Nicely done, Jackson. Draining a load that size will help you sleep tonight."

"Let's see if I can't help you out as well, Colin. Bend over the desk."

The coach quickly turned his attention to the team captain, dropped his shorts, coated his cock and rapidly entered Colin in one thrust. He pushed Colin down onto the desk, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. He held his other hand on the hip and fucked him hard. Jackson couldn't believe what he was seeing and as much as he tried to look away, he couldn't, but did reach for his towel to wrap around his waist. The coach got into his rhythm before moving a hand to reach around to jerk Colin off rapidly.

"Aaahhhh, I'm gonna cum," Colin announced suddenly. The coach picked up speed to stimulate him further.

"That's it! Yeah, empty those nuts. Drain all that stress out," he panted as he watched Colin arch up and spray his load all over the desk. "Nicely done boy!" he said grunting, as he arrived at his own orgasm inside the tight ass of the team captain. He pulled out and slapped his cheek.

"That's what I'm talking about Jackson. Try new things. Keep bonding with each other and in no time at all, I suspect the two of you will be better friends than ever, and the entire team will be stronger for it. Hit the showers boys."

The guys grabbed their speedos from the floor, and rushed to the locker room to hit the showers.

"Oh, god! Did that just happen?" Jackson said still panicking. "I'm sorry, Colin. He busted in on Dylan shaving me yesterday and I had a boner. I thought I was dead. I told him I'd do anything if he wouldn't tell my parents. I had no idea he'd jerk me off, or make me watch while you got fucked. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Jackson. Coach probably planned that. He and Dylan have been having tons of sex together. Dylan likes older guys. It's one of the main reasons we broke up. Trust me, coach is fucking more than just me. I can guarantee it. How did it feel having someone else jerk you off?"

"I was freaking out, but after he got going, it was intense. I don't think I've ever cum that hard, but then when he started fucking you, I thought like I shoulda left. Sorry. I didn't know what to do."

"It's cool. I love being fucked, and having someone watch makes it way hotter. It's not like that's my first dick," Colin grinned.

"Did he cum in you?"

"Sure. It's good for the prostate, and it obviously means they like my ass. You should try playing with your prostate sometime. It'll make you cum harder than you can imagine. If I'm being honest, it would have been more fun just you and me though. I don't really like old guys like the coach. That's more Dylan's jam."

"Did you and Dylan do it with coach together?"

"Long story. Really long story..." Colin said shaking his head. "Let's just yes and leave it at that."

"Wow. If I were gay, I think I'd only want people my age."

"Me too buddy. Or at least around my 14 to 20? Not to make you uncomfortable or anything, but I'd way rather have your cock up my ass than the coach's, and trust me if you ever let me show you about your prostate, you'll be happy I did." They finished their shower and dried off before heading to the lockers. Colin dropped his towel on the bench before opening his locker.

"Have you...ummm...have you done stuff with other guys on the team too?" Jackson asked.

"Yes. Don't ask me who though, as that wouldn't be fair to them."

"Have you and Jeremy done stuff? I mean liked...fucked?"

Colin laughed. "That's the same as asking who? If you want to know things like that, you'd have to ask him. He's your brother, you should be able to talk."

"Yeah, right! I'll bet he won't even admit to being shaved by Dylan."

"You won't know unless you ask," Colin smirked. "But just for the record. Your cock is bigger than your brother's."

"What!?" he said turning to stare as they dressed.

"If I were you, next time he calls you out on it, challenge him to prove it. It'll sure stop him teasing you! You seriously gotta chill out more."

"Do you think coach is gonna make us do that again?"

Colin laughed. "If I know the coach, he'll sure look for opportunities to try. Just tell him you don't want to. He won't force you if you say no. I let him because I'm okay with guy on guy sex, and I like being the captain. If the coach is happy, he makes it easy on all of us."

Jackson laughed. "So, you really are taking one for the team?"

"At least one."

The boys left and headed home. These were the times that Colin liked having Dylan around as he could tell him stuff like this and talk about it. Dylan usually got excited, which led to sex, whereas others might be more judgmental about the whole thing. He didn't get a chance to connect with Dylan right away as Brooks strolled into Colin's room, and turned on the video games as Colin worked on his homework. The boys were so used to each other that they didn't even need to really acknowledge each other when they hung out. A short while later, Brooks sat on the end of the bed and put the controller down.

"You wanna come down to Tijuana on Saturday?"

"Sure. Who's going?"

"Grayson, Treyvon, Preston, You, Me. Austin said he'd go if he doesn't end up having a call time Saturday. Ask Dylan if you want."

"I think Dylan's got family plans this weekend, but sure, I'm in. What's the plan?"

We'll leave Saturday morning and drive down. If you can borrow the SUV, we can all go in one vehicle. We'll hit the town, get hammered at the bars and pick up some hookers."

"Really? Hookers?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure they have cute boy hookers for you too."

"I hope we're taking penicillin too," Colin said having no interest in picking up a hooker of any gender. "Will they let us drink? We're only 16."

"Don't worry. I got a recommendation for the hotel we're staying at. They'll serve us as long as we tip them nicely."

"Great, should we take extra cash to `tip' the cops too for when we get arrested?"

"Dude, don't worry about it. Everyone goes to Mexico to get hammered and laid. We gotta live, Oreo.

Colin agreed to go, and by the time Saturday rolled around, Austin had dropped out so it was just the five of them. Crossing was barely a stop on their way into Tijuana as they headed for their hotel.

"There!" Brooks said pointing to it.

"Why did you pick that shithole?" Treyvon asked.

"Because THAT shithole will serve us alcohol, numbnuts. Expensive places card you. A couple guys I know said it's a real party hotel. That's what we want, right?"

They checked in and made their way to their room. It only had two double beds, but they had planned ahead and brought sleeping bags. Colin and Martin won the draw to get the beds, so the others would be sleeping on the floor.

"I'm fine with sharing," Colin offered, and then with a smirk said, "just sleep naked and face down." Surprisingly, he got no takers for his offer. They all changed and got ready to hit the town, sharing the bathroom with no hesitation. Once they were ready, it was off to enjoy the town. They spent time at the beach, and later found a bar that would let them in to drink. The straight boys thought it was great as the local girls were all over them, trying to get their attention. Most weren't the type that they wanted, but they found it fun regardless. By the time they headed back to the hotel they were all pretty wasted. It didn't stop them from stumbling back to their room and changing into swim shorts to hit the pool, where things were getting pretty lively. Several of the girls were topless which had the attention of many of the male guests. Martin and Grayson were the first two to break off from their friends and head for boobs. Other peoples were making out on lounge chairs, or screaming and doing flips into the pool. Loud music was playing throughout the pool area, and with it being such a warm evening, waiters were scrambling to keep drink flowing. No one seemed to care at the noise level or craziness going on. There were many who appeared to be non-guests, selling souvenirs, ranging from sombreros to jewelry. Colin lost count of how many people he'd said no to. He was in the pool covertly checking out who was doing what to whom. He swam under water several times and found more than a few couples going at it. He wished he could hold his breath for longer than a couple minutes and sit on the bottom of the pool and watch. He was hanging on the side of the pool taking a sip of his drink as he tried to take everything in. He doubted that in his current state he'd remember even half of it.

"You want a blowjob? Only 10 American dollars," a voice said from beside him. Colin turned to see who was asking and he was shocked to see a young boy of no more than 10 years old.

"Uh, no. How old are you?" Colin said looking at the big eyed, eager boy.

"Old enough. I'm good. Only 10 dollar and I make you cum," he added.

"No thanks. I'm not into that?"

"Every boy likes penis blowjob. I'm not supposed to, but if you want to bum me, I can do that for 25 American dollar. I have a nice bum," he said as he lifted himself up out of the pool to show off his ass, and the fact he was naked. "Do you like?"

"Uh, yeah you have a nice bum, but you're way to young."

"I'm old enough," he complained. "Please mister. I like American boys."

"Have fun, but not tonight, okay?"

"Maybe later," he said as he swam off. Brooks was quickly beside Colin.

"What? You didn't want the boy? Only 25 dollars for his ass."

"Shut up bitch. If I want a sloppy hole for 25 bucks, I'll pay for yours."

"Not even you have enough money for this ass, Oreo. If you wanna get laid, lose the shorts and I'm sure someone will be all over you in no time."

"I'm good, dude. I'm pretty wasted."

"Yeah, it's fucking awesome down here!" Brook yelled as he took off.

What seemed like hours later, Colin, hanging out with Martin, and yet another drink, heard the group begin chanting `Jump. Jump. Jump!' He looked up to see what they were all looking at.

"Holy shit!" Martin yelled. "It's Brooks!" Colin moved to get a better look and saw his best friend, completely naked on the outside of their second-floor balcony leaning forward with his hand holding the railing behind him. The crowd got louder, and before Colin could react and race to their room, Brooks jumped. He hit the center of the pool in a perfect belly flop. The crowd cheered and danced around to celebrate. Brooks wasn't moving and both Colin and Martin dove into the pool to get to him. They turned him over to see his bright red stomach and that he was out cold.

"Shit! He's unconscious!" Martin yelled. The boys dragged him to the side of the pool and got others to help drag him out onto the deck. Colin didn't hesitate as he gave him mouth to mouth. It was only seconds later when Brook coughed awake. He sat up and raised his arms in the air, and the crowd around him cheered.

"That was epic!" Brooks said staring at Colin who had sat back on his heels relieved that his best friend was alright. "This place rocks!" Again the crowd cheered. "Shit my stomach hurts," he said looking down at himself. "Ow!!"

"You did a full belly flop," Martin told him.

"I need a drink."

"And some shorts?" Colin suggested.

They partied for another half hour before deciding it was time to call it a night, and the five guys headed to their room. Everyone passed out to sleep it off. Sometime during the early morning, Colin awoke to find Treyvon in bed with him. He went to move over to give him some room, but Treyvon grabbed his hips and pulled him back.

"What are you doing?" Colin whispered.

"Shhh, I'm horny. Will this lotion work?" He asked quietly, showing Colin the bottle as he opened it and poured some on his cock. He fumbled with Colin's ass to try and find where to put it as Colin tried to scramble forward out of his way. Treyvon rolled on top of him and pressed his full weight down on his friend and entered him. "That's what I need. Thanks buddy," he whispered as Colin's head hung over the side of the bed looking down at Brooks half in his sleeping bag below him. As Treyvon fucked, Colin began to moan from the pounding he was receiving.

"Shhhh!" Treyvon said as he put his hand over Colin's mouth and fucked him harder, taking very little time to relieve himself of his pent up load. "Damn, you're good. Nice pussy," he said as he pulled out and slapped Colin on the ass before dropping back to the floor to get into his sleeping bag. Colin shuffled back into the middle of the bed and returned to sleep wondering if Treyvon was actually aware of what he'd just done. In the morning, he wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't, but he quickly determined from the cum that ran out of his ass when he hit the toilet, that at least part of it had been real. He almost smiled to himself that his totally straight friend had fucked him in a state of horniness. He wondered if Treyvon would remember it. Nothing was said between them and it took the boys almost the rest of the day before they were fully recovered. The drive back home took a lot long than the trip down, as they kept stopping to get air and water.

When the guys returned to school on Monday, they agreed it was the best trip they'd ever taken. Brooks showed that his stomach was still red from the belly flop, and the guys could now joke about how stupid it had been.

Chapter 18 By the time the junior prom rolled around Colin & Dylan had secured their tuxes and arranged Mark to take them in the Rolls. "Don't you two look amazing," Margaret said as the boys came downstairs, holding hands, all dressed up. "Does this mean you're back together?"

"No. It just means we're going to the dance with each other, and we're gonna be the best looking, sexiest, ex boyfriend, non-couple there," Colin replied with a grin.

"Let me get some pictures. Stand on the step," she said as the camera came out.

"God, Mom. Don't make it a thing," Colin complained as the boys posed for her, including back to back. They really didn't mind, but as a teenager it's required that in order to keep your parents in line, you must complain about things that may be seen as embarrassing. Taking pictures of you with your date always falls into that category. It's only a tenth as bad as being hugged or kissed outside the school when being dropped off, and one fiftieth as bad as when they use spit to wipe a smudge off your face. The guys jumped in the car, having made sure they threw a change of clothes in their backpacks for later.

The dance was amazing with blue and green being the main color schemes of an underwater motif. There was the required picture area for couples, and the boys made sure to get theirs taken which somehow was much less embarrassing than when Colin's Mom took one, despite other's watching, and the cameraman insisting they get closer. There was plenty of food and drink, as well as the required awesome music. Colin and Dylan danced together, even during some of the slow dances, and others continued to question whether they were really broken up or not. The only other gay couple that danced together were Kylan and Brian. None of the other gay or bisexual guys had enough nerve to dance with a same sex partner, so when they hit the floor it was usually in a group. Blaine and Jeremy danced with Brooks, Grayson, Preston, Martin, Colin and Dylan while Maddy, Kaitlin, Jessica, Kristen, Lauren and others also joined in. Colin and Dylan did get pulled into other slow dances with girls, but both of them found it much more awkward than when they danced with each other.

Kylan came and sat at the guys table at one point during the night. "Hey guys! Looking good tonight!"

"You too, Kylan!" Colin acknowledged.

"Are you heading to the afterparty on the beach later?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Excellent. That's where the real fun is. Do you guys need to score some weed for it at all?"

"No, we're good. We scored weed earlier," Colin replied.

"Excellent. I thought you two broke up, or did you get back together again?" He asked looking at the guys in their matching tuxes.

"No, we broke up," Dylan answered. "But we're still friends...with benefits!"

"Good. Be sure to save some of those benefits for later. I'll definitely will be in the mood to tap those asses."

"I'm up for that!" Dylan grinned excitedly.

"I'll be sure to tell Brian. Later boys."

"You scored weed?" Grayson asked when Kylan left.

"No, but I know where to get some. Do you guys want it for tonight?"

Not wanting to be left out, they all agreed they should have some for later. Colin said he'd be right back. "You guys seen Emerson?" He asked a couple of people getting food at the table.

"Bathroom," one of them answered. He thanked them and made his way to the main boy's room. He found Emerson with a couple of 15-year-olds talking to him.

"I don't have all night, guys." he was saying, as he turned to see who was entering.

"Hey Colin! Now boys, this is a guy who knows how it works. You looking for some party favors?" he asked, putting his arm around Colin's shoulder as he pulled him in beside him.

"Yeah. That's why I came looking for you," Colin admitted as he looked at the two younger guys standing there, who looked more scared than a guy about to bungee jump without a bungee.

"How many you want?"

"Uhhh, ten?" he said quickly counting up his friends figuring they'd all want a joint.

"See guys, decisive. 150 bucks," he said to Colin as he got them out.

"150? Why so much? I thought it was only 10 a joint," Colin asked.

"Supply and demand. Tonight, it's party pricing. I'm also delivering, so there's a shipping and handling charge." He looked at the other two boys. "What's it gonna be boys? I don't have all night and my supply is limited."

Colin doubted that last part as Emerson could just run back across the street and get more from his house if he ran out. He handed over the money and got the joints. He thanked Emerson and raced back to his friends to confirm they now had weed for the real party later. They danced, ate, and had a great time until the final slow song ended the night. Colin and Dylan danced together in each other's arms, once again fueling the conversation that their breakup was totally false, and that they had some other reason for wanting people to believe it.

The after party began almost as soon as everyone could changed out of tuxedos and get to the secluded part of the beach they'd decided on. They had Mark drop them off, along with their friends which included; Brooks and his date, Jessica. Martin, who had managed to get Kaitlin to say yes, and Grayson had Kristen as his date, but she was unable to go to the after party, leaving him to go it alone. Preston had arranged his own ride for him and Lauren.

Once they arrived, the party was well under way with a roaring fire and a good supply of alcohol, including several kegs of beer on the back of one of the senior's trucks, which had been pulled onto the beach. It didn't take long before a lot of the group were drunk and stoned, and getting loud with each other. Plenty of couples were making out on blankets or sitting cuddled together by the fire as the music blared. Several guys dared each other to race into the water, and it started tamely enough, but as all parties do with hormone driven teens focused on one-upmanship, it wasn't long before they were challenging each other to all sorts of things. From arm wrestling to real wrestling, to push-ups, belching and bragging about who had had the most girls. Colin held his own against the older boys with push-ups and earned himself some respect by how many he could do. Some boys were dared to run bare-assed into the water and as soon as their shorts were down, everyone cheered as they watched the white asses streak away from them. On one race, after they'd reached the far end of the beach, one guy suggested giving the girls a thrill by daring them all to run back naked, which of course drunk boys were always happy to do. They took off their underwear, most putting them on their heads, and sprinted back towards their dates who were laughing and cheering them on. Girls were a little more reluctant to strip completely, but the first one to take her bra off and go topless was whistled at loudly by the boys, who now needed the cold water just to keep themselves under control.

A football game had broken out where the only rule was that there were no rules, and most boys were down to their underwear. The boys seemed to like it when the girls joined in as they found it fun to tackle them, but much more gently than they tackled boys. Joints were passed around, and in general the entire group was pretty fucked up within an hour of arriving.

All the girls thought Dylan and Colin were cute together, and kept telling them how they shouldn't have broken up, or that they were upset that they had. It wasn't long before couples wandered off down the beach holding hands to find a secluded spot for themselves. Colin and Dylan left their shoes and socks near the fire, rolled up their pant legs and walked along the edge of the water together.

"This is nice," Colin remarked. "So romantic."

"I love the sound of the ocean and the moonlight," Dylan agreed. It felt like the ending to a Hallmark movie. He turned and kissed Colin as they hugged, turning them both on immensely. They pulled their faces apart after an extended kiss. Dylan pulled Colin by the hand towards nearby rocks, where they continued to make out, removing each other's shirts so they could get skin to skin contact and feel each others heart beating. They were totally lost in each other when they heard a voice beside them.

"Nice. Figured I'd find you guys out here."

They both looked at once to see Kylan standing there, cock in hand as he jerked off watching them.

"Hey Kylan. We didn't hear you come up."

"Obvy. Don't let me stop you. If you two are broken up, then I'm straight. You two are so fucking hot together," he said as he took off his underwear and moved up beside them. "This is so much hotter than watching the breeders fuck drunk chicks, although some of those nerds look pretty confused about where the hole is." Dylan resumed kissing Colin as he felt Kylan's hands run down his back and squeeze his ass. Kylan did that for a minute before moving behind Dylan, dropping to his knees and reaching around to unfasten the boy's pants before yanking them down. He pulled Dylan's ass cheeks apart and pushed his face in between to give him a deep rimming. He stood up again and leaned in to kiss Dylan's shoulder as he fumbled with his erection at the wet entrance. He pushed inside forcing Dylan up against Colin.

"Oooohhh!" Dylan gasped. "Oh, god yeah!" He panted as he felt the older boy slide deep inside him. "Is Brian here too?" Dylan asked as he paused kissing Colin for a second.

"Yeah, he set up shop at the other side of the rocks near the boardwalk."

"Set up shop?"

"Yeah, you know weed, `E', coke, blowjobs. Whatever the guys need," he replied. "You should go say hi later. I'm sure he'd even throw a few party favors your way, if you let him use this body tonight."

"Sounds like a plan," he nodded.

"Good. I wouldn't mind watching the two of you together. Shit, you have a sweet hole, Rogers. You like my big cock in your tight ass?" He panted in lust.

"Mhhhmmm, God yeah! Fuck me harder," Dylan replied as he leaned against Colin while being drilled.

Kylan obliged and increased his speed. "Shit, I didn't wanna cum this early in the night, but I can't help myself. Unggghhh," he grunted as he thrust hard into Dylan and held himself there as he emptied his balls into the tight cavity. He waited until he was sure he was done, and then pulled out. "Wow, that was intense. Thanks! You two are such good lays. Enjoy the rest of your night, guys." He grabbed his underwear and headed off.

Dylan backed up a bit and both guys looked down. "I hate it when they fuck and then just leave me with a boner. Makes me all crazy horny."

"If only you had someplace you could stick it to help," Colin teased.

"If you turn around and drop your pants, I think I know some place it could go," Dylan grinned.

"God, what do you take me for, some sort of a slut?" Colin said trying to sound incensed. "Just because I'm your date for the night, you think I'll just bend over whenever you bone up?"

"Ummm, aren't you the one that asked if I put out in order to be your date for the night?"

"Oh yeah. Okay, go ahead then," Colin giggled as he turned around and dropped his pants.

"I want to, but let's wait until later, when you sleepover?"

"Oh my God! Are you dying? Is something wrong," Colin said spinning around and feeling Dylan's forehead with a smile. "You're passing up sex? It the end of the world as we know it."

"No. I just want tonight to be special. Not just a quick fuck on some rocks."

"Says the guy who literally just had a quick fuck on some rocks, and still has cum running out of his ass."

"Yeah, but not YOUR cum," he grinned as he pulled his pants up, and they both grabbed their shirts before returning to the party. The others teased them about their romantic walk, before all going to refresh their beers and hang by the fire to generally be rowdy teenagers.

A short while later, Dylan looked over when he heard the guys who were playing football cheering. He saw Colin racing naked down the beach. He ran up to William, one of the seniors. "Where's he going?"

"Who knows. One minute we were talking about the freedom we'd have after school was over, the next he's naked, yelling `freedom!'" William replied as Colin kept running.

"Shit! Colin! Come back here dude!" Dylan yelled as he grabbed Colin's underwear and raced off after his date...the naked Flash. The rest of the guys laughed and watched as both guys disappeared into the darkness.

"They'll find him under the Santa Monica pier in the morning wondering how he got there," William joked as the guys drank.

Colin meanwhile wasn't as drunk as they all thought, and had already slowed to a walk near the boardwalk when Dylan caught up to him. "Dude, let's go back to the party and you can put your clothes back on," Dylan said as he grabbed his Colin's hand.

" could take your clothes off," Colin suggested. Before Dylan could answer, Treyvon and his best friend Darnell ran up, followed by Martin.

"I thought he'd be halfway to San Diego by now," Treyvon laughed. "Bro, that was epic. You got balls, man."

Colin went back to his faked increased drunkenness as he looked down at his crotch. "I know! They're right here," he slurred pointing to them and lifting them up for everyone to see. "Who's up for swimming?"

"Yeah, that should help sober him up. You guys in?" Dylan asked.

"Under the boardwalk with crashing waves. What could go wrong? I'm in," Darnell said quickly.

Colin tried to undress Dylan. "I got it babe," Dylan grinned. You're so drunk you'll take all night to undo one button. He quickly dumped his clothes on the beach and stood as naked as Colin. Treyvon and Darnell followed his lead, with Martin moving just a bit slower.

"Damn, D! I forgot how big that pole of yours was," Darnell whistled appreciatively. "You sure you're not half black?"

"I think I got in the penis line twice when they were handing them out. I liked that line," Dylan replied.

"Last time I saw one that big, I was looking in the mirror!" He joked.

"Did you leave that one at home then?" Treyvon teased as he looked at Darnell's crotch.

"Fuck you, it's just cold. I was in the water earlier," he said trying to fluff it up. "Col man, you seriously take that up the ass?"

"No," Colin giggled again. "It has to be hard first. It would be like trying to push cooked spaghetti in your ear."

Martin looked at the guys, and when he realized he was checking out their crotches, he quickly averted his eyes and looked towards the water. "So, are we hitting the water or what?"

"Last one there sucks dick!" Treyvon yelled as he took off to the water. Colin just stood there.

"Come on dude!" Dylan encouraged.

"You heard him...last one there sucks dick. I just have to tie my shoes and I'll be right there," Colin said staggering slightly for effect.

"You're not wearing shoes," Dylan laughed.

"Oh, then I guess I'm ready. Damn, I might end up being last."

They ran into the water to join the other three, only vaguely aware of the roar of it as it crashed against the boardwalk pillars. "Guess I'm last," Colin announced. "Who gets his dick sucked first?"

Darnell laughed. "I guess that was a dumb thing to say to a gay guy. Do you really suck, or is that just like an urban myth that all gay guys suck any dick they see?"

"No, I think it's real," Dylan replied. "Colin's more reserved than me though. At least Colin knows how. It took him a while to deep throat this monster, but now he got it down, brah!" Dylan said almost trying to sound black as he talked to Darnell. He didn't even know he was doing it as he was well and truly intoxicated, as were all of them. They figured Colin was the worst, but he was more acting than drunk. They played around in the water for a bit, splashing and being noisy like most guys.

"Maybe he can handle a white boy dick, but some monsters can't be tamed, man. Like no chick can take all of this," Darnell said as he cupped his junk as it showed just above the water line.

"Colin ain't no chick. Me neither for that matter."

"That's true," Colin said nodding his head almost animatedly causing himself to fall over in the water. He jumped back up and the guys figured he was totally trashed. He was going for an Oscar winning performance tonight. "I have a penis. Girls don't have penises."

"Speaking of chicks. Guys...shhhh!" Treyvon said as he pointed to the beach and they all looked and went silent, dropping to their knees as they got into the shallower water. Off in the distance there was a guy and girl doing each other. "Dude is shreddin' that pussy." The others nodded in agreement as they made their way out of the water to the beach. Darnell nudged Dylan and pointed to some voyeuristic guys hiding behind pillars not far from the couple. Dylan grinned and snuck away to head around behind them.

Treyvon grabbed his cock and began playing with it while they all watched the live sex show. Darnell nudged him to try and get him to stop, but Treyvon just flipped him off. Martin also got hard watching, but chose to hide his excitement between his legs as he didn't want the guys to see. Colin changed his focus to watch Treyvon as he was more interesting than a couple way off in the distance that he could just barely make out. He also looked around for Dylan as he hadn't seen him leave, and shook his head as he saw the three boys jump when Dylan snuck up behind them. They all sank to their knees at once to hide better.

Once the guy and girl finished with each other they took off, leaving behind several very horny guys. Dylan returned with the three younger boys who had been spying. "They live up the beach and saw our party," Dylan explained.

"We thought we'd come and see if we could snag some beer," one guy said. "But that was way hotter. "I'm Kevin, that's John and Chris."

The others introduced themselves as Treyvon looked at them. "How old are you guys? Isn't it a bit late for you to be out?"

"We're 14," John replied almost as if he felt insulted. "We're always out this late on weekends. It's the beach man."

"So just looking for beer, or babes too?"

"Whatever goes," Kevin smiled nodding. "When you live on the beach you see it all."

"At least you know they're horny," Dylan smirked. "Check this out." He reached over to Kevin's shorts and yanked them down enough to fish the boys' cock out. "I got over there and the three of them were whacking themselves stupid. With a cock that thick, we gotta get them laid."

"Good luck with that," Darnell laughed. "Best you might get is a blowjob."

"I'm fine with blowjobs," Kevin said quickly putting his cock away after Dylan let go of it.

"Damn, he IS horny," Darnell said nodding his head. "There you go Dylan. I got you a date."

"He has a date," Colin replied. "Me!"

"You're saying you'd pass up cocks to suck?" Darnell asked with a grin. "What about this monster?" He teased spinning his cock around like a windmill.

"No, he's not saying that," Dylan answered quickly as he watched it spin hypnotically. "He's just saying that he wouldn't want me to suck cock alone."

"So, what are you waiting for? You heard the boy, he's into getting head."

Martin looked at the group and became instantly uncomfortable. "I should be getting back to Kaitlin," he said as he ran to get his clothes and race back to the party.

"Well?" Darnell said holding his cock out to Dylan. "You gonna suck my big black cock or not? Take it while I'm drunk, or say goodbye to it forever."

"Guys, head over to the party and grab some drinks. I'll catch up in a bit. Looks like my work isn't done here," he told the younger guys. They took off and Dylan turned his attention to Darnell. "Now where is this dark meat that needs attention?" He dropped down and began to suck the large black cock he'd been offered.

Darnell held onto Dylan's head as he moved slightly to face fuck him. "Damn this fag know how to suck cock. Everyone should have a queer for this whenever they need it."

Colin looked at Darnell. "Are you allowed to call us fags and queers? What if we called you a N..."

"DON'T finish that sentence, unless you want to lose teeth," Darnell snapping his head around to look at Colin. "I'm allowed to call him that because he's sucking my dick," he explained. Colin didn't agree that that made sense, but kept quiet and watched Dylan working on the task at hand...or at mouth, as the case may be.

"God, I'm fucked up," Treyvon said as he moved away and lay down near the pillar where they had all gathered, his erection still as hard as before. Colin glanced over and watched Treyvon slowing stroke himself as he stretched out.

"Yeah. That's how it's done. Thanks buddy. Fuck you're good at that," Darnell complimented as he squeezed his dick to let Dylan have his load before pulling out and going to grab his clothes.

"I'm gonna check on the newbies," Dylan said grinning. "Who knows, maybe they'll all enjoy a great blowjob, or maybe even a huge cock up the ass. You know how us horny teens are."

Colin just shook his head as Dylan took off. "What a night, man," Colin said as strolled up beside Treyvon. He thought black guys in the dark were like totally camouflaged, but didn't say anything.

"I hear ya buddy," Treyvon replied. "Beer and boners. What could be better?"

"I could think of something? Want some help with that?"

"I just gotta lie here and close my eyes for a minute to stop things spinning," he said as he put an arm over his eyes. Colin just looked at Treyvon sprawled out, not sure he had permission to blow him or not, but when Treyvon spread his legs and pushed his cock upright, he had his recognized green light. Not that it would have mattered. He figured Treyvon owed him for the fuck in Mexico. Colin had only planned on giving Treyvon a blowjob, but since he had lubed himself up earlier when they'd changed, he figured why waste it. Treyvon was good and trashed, which helped. He straddled his friend's thighs and took hold of the big cock. He dropped some spit on it to thoroughly coat it, as Treyvon gave appreciative moans laying there being serviced. Once Colin was convinced that his friend couldn't get any harder, he wiggled forward and aimed the large black cock at his ass. He rubbed it up and down his crack to prepare for entry and when Treyvon didn't move or say anything, he lowered himself down on it hard and fast, almost instantly realizing just how big the guy was, but determined to take it. He had to take several deep breaths and relax every muscle in his ass to get all the way down on it, but he felt proud of himself when he realized the whole thing was in. As soon as he began to bounce up and down, Treyvon moved his hand and looked at Colin sitting on him.

"Yeah, ride that big cock," he moaned. Still tighter than pussy." Treyvon put his hand back over his eyes and lay back. After a minute of Colin riding him hard, and bouncing up and down like he was on a thick pogo stick, Treyvon suddenly gave a couple of loud grunts before pushing Colin aside onto the sand. He stood up to run down the to edge of the ocean. Colin lay on his side with his own boner now. He reached back to feel that his ass was dripping, and smiled to himself, kinda congratulating himself for getting Treyvon to give it up again, and feeling insanely horny right now. He always thought that black guys should have black cum. He hand dried himself the best he could and then looked around for his underwear that Dylan had thrown somewhere. He pulled it on and ran back to the bonfire to warm up and dry off. He sat down beside Grayson. "You seen Dylan?"

"Yeah, super blond guy," Grayson giggled. "Looks so fake."

"I mean do you know where he is?"

"No. With you somewhere, maybe."

"That's helpful," Colin replied sarcastically.

"You're welcome," Grayson smiled as his attention returned to the roaring fire. Colin got up and went in search of his date. He saw the two of the three young guys from up the beach watching some older guys fondling a wasted girl, but she had her hand down one of their pants, so it looked like things were gonna heat up soon with that small group. Colin wandered over to the big rocks where several people were nestled into private spots making out. He headed around to the back side and quickly found Dylan. He climbed up and moved in beside him to see who he was doing. He smiled as soon as he saw that it was Kevin. He had Kevin completely naked with the boy's knees on his shoulders as was down between his legs.

"Hey!" Colin said as he lay beside the naked younger boy, who jumped as soon as he acknowledged Colin. Dylan just held him down.

"Chill, it's just Colin. You're not going anywhere until we're done," Dylan said bluntly. "That was our deal."

"What deal?"

"I promised to get him and his friends some girls, as long as one of them gave up their cock. Kevin volunteered. The boys' not bad at sucking cock either. You should let him go down on you."

"I'm good. Let me fuck him. Wouldn't mind trying out that ass," he said bluntly as Dylan went back down on the thick pole of the younger guy.

"Damn, someone gets horny when he's drunk," Dylan grinned. "What about it straight boy, wanna flip over and let my boy fuck you?"

Kevin shook his head.

"Sure you do. He gives you a nice boning, and I'll get you so much pussy your dick'll be sore for a week. Turn over," Dylan said as he manhandled Kevin onto his stomach and opened his legs. He reached into his shorts and pulled out the lube to quickly finger some into Kevin while holding him down. He handed the bottle to Colin who stripped out of his underwear, coated his cock and got between Kevin's legs. Dylan held the boy's ass cheeks apart and watched as Colin pushed into the crack. Kevin cried out as he felt himself being penetrated, so Dylan quickly clamped his hand over the guy's mouth. "Shhhh! Take his cock and you'll be getting your own big dick into some pussy tonight. He held his hand over Kevin's mouth as Colin entered him and began fucking. The boy was crying out so Dylan figured he should give him something different to shut him up. He quickly lowered his shorts and underwear and shuffled up to sit in front of the kid aiming his erection at the boy's mouth. He moved his hand and shoved the cock in to muffle his complaining.

"Fuck, I love horny drunk straight boys," Dylan grinned as he watched Colin fucking the virgin ass off the kid. It didn't take much for Colin to cum inside such a tight hole and he dropped on the boy hard as he finished up.

"Nice ass. Call me if you wanna go again. It'll be worth it."

Dylan pulled out and put his dick away. Okay, Kev. A deal's a deal. Let's go get you some pussy." Colin put his underwear back on as Kevin turned around and sat up looking for his clothes.

"Leave the clothes and follow me, dude," Dylan said grabbing Kevin's wrist and pulling him upright. The kid followed along obediently, but slowed down considerably as they approached the big group around the fire. "Girls!" Dylan called out. "I have a horny virgin boy looking to get his cherry popped. Who wants him? Don't let the boy go home a virgin. Do your civic duty tonight and help out the underprivileged."

A couple girls ran up immediately. "Hey cutie. I wouldn't mind helping you out," one said as she took hold of him. The other leaned in to kiss him.

"Have fun Kevin! Find me if you need more afterward," Dylan said as they left him to his impending deflowering. Impending straight deflowering. He turned to Colin. "Holy shit dude! You're becoming me. Just right up to him, flipped him and fucked his cherry ass off. Props, man."

"Thanks. I was just in a mood."

"I like that mood. Bang me around like that later in my room!"

"I can't even believe that your parents are letting me stay over. The guy with the gun and the military friends is actually letting me sleep in your room."

"Yeah, they were surprisingly cool about it. I asked if you could sleep over after prom and they agreed as long as we were safe."

"Like not doing it under a boardwalk when the tide is coming in?" Colin giggled. "Or safe as in not in a rat-infested alley with crack whores watching?"

"No, I think they meant to play safe if we were going to have sex together,

"Like with helmets and knees pads and stuff, and don't lick electrical outlets?"

"Probably. I'm guessing they don't want us to get so active in the bedroom that we roll off the bed and get hurt, or break our boners. They know we broke up so they probably think we aren't planning on sex," he joked.

"They have met you, right? What if they hear us?"

"Then they'll know they were wrong about the sex thing," he laughed as they grabbed another drink and sat down against each other.

"You think that's a good idea?"

"I think it's a GREAT idea. If you want to," Dylan said staring into Colin's eyes.

"God yeah! Like let's go make babies right now!"

"You know we can't actually do that right?" Dylan grinned.

"But we can screw ourselves to death trying. Guess they should teach gay sex in school then if they want us to know this stuff for real."

"Yeah! Let's go make babies," Dylan giggled.

"Aww, don't you two look adorable all snuggled together in your under garments," Brooks commented as he approached with an arm around his date, Jessica.

"We look cute even when we're not cuddling to stay warm," Colin replied.

"Are you staying in a hotel tonight?" Asked William who was nearby on an adjacent log.

"Nah, we're going back to Dylan's place," Colin replied.

"Together?" William asked slightly surprised. "I thought you broke up."

"We're still friends! Don't you have sex with your friends?" Dylan said as if it were dumb to even think otherwise.

"Not usually," Martin interjected, looking at them. "But you're doing it at home?"

"Sure. Our parents are cool about it. Why? You looking for some fun?"

"Jules wants to get a room somewhere. Thought maybe we could double with you guys and share the cost."

Brooks and Jessica sat down next to William. "You know they're gonna be doing homo stuff together right?" Brooks said bluntly.

"So? Not something I'm into, but chicks love seeing guys make out together. Makes `em wet, right Jessica?" He grinned looking at Brooks' date.

"You know you're a pig, right William?"

"Oh baby, you didn't say that when you watched me and Jules do it in your room."

"Uh, because I was to traumatized to talk. I had to burn those sheets after you left," she said trying to sound disgusted by him.

"Yeah right. You probably got off on them after we left thinking about me."

"Nope. I can definitely say I NEVER think about you."

"Whatever. You guys should join us. I get the benefit of a horny chick watching you make out, and we all win. You're such a homophobe, Balterhouse."

"I am not. My best friend is the town fag, and I'm cool with it."

"Sounds like it," William sneered slightly. "Prove it. Take your clothes off in front of him."

"I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else. Colin knows I have no issue with homosexuals at all. We grew up together."

"He's right. We've been naked around each other since we were babies," Colin agreed.

"Yeah, but have you ever seen his boner and thought I'd love to go down on that?" William smirked. "What about you Jess? You been smokin' my boy's pole yet? I saw how you looked at the two gay guys when you walked up."

"You're an asshole, William. I'm gonna go get something to drink," she said as she got up and left.

"That's very uncool." Brooks agreed quickly.

"What? Please tell me that you're at least getting some head from that stuck up virgin."

"That was the plan tonight, if you haven't ruined it," Brooks replied.

"Dude! You gotta take charge if you want your chick to put out. Shit, I had Jules' legs spread on our second date. Had her so wet eating her snatch that she was literally begging me to shred her pussy. I'm telling you man, once you get them started, they won't stop, but you gotta make the moves or they stay frigid. Stick your fingers in her and she'll be all up in your shit tonight. You guys know what I'm talking about, right?" He said looking at Dylan and Colin.

"No clue," Dylan admitted with a big cheesy grin. "But straight boys take forever to get laid. Second date? Dude, I had his legs open on our first date!"

"That's such a lie!" Colin said turning to stare at him, trying to frown. I let you shred my pussy before our first date to see if you were good enough to date, bitch!"

"Oh, right. That's true," Dylan said chuckling. "You wanna shred my pussy?" Dylan asked William as he put his head on his shoulder and looked up at him batting his eyelashes.

"You two need a room?" Jules laughed as she sat down next to her boyfriend. Dylan sat back up. "What were you two talking about?"

"Shredding pussy," William replied bluntly.

"He's good at that," she admitted.

"So we've heard," Brooks announced.

She smiled. "Show them your big pussy shredder babe," she said as she reached over and untied his shorts and pulled the Velcro top apart before sliding her hands inside. "He's pretty proud of this thing. If I let him, he'd be using it all over school."

Dylan put his hand up. "Ooohhh ooohhhh...I'm all over school!"

A couple of them laughed. "Down boy," Colin said. "You'll get your own pussy to shred later."

Dylan smiled. "I know. I'm gonna fuck that cute ass off you all night."

"Oh, you think so?" Colin grinned.

"Count on it!" he giggled. Colin shrugged and then nodded in agreement.

William continued with Brooks. "Hey, if Jessica won't give you any action, maybe pick up another one of these drunk chicks and join us at the hotel. We can share them. How big's your dick?"

"Big enough. Never had a complaint." Which was true. The only person that had ever used it, apart from himself was Colin, and he hadn't complained once. "Jules, how many dates does it take before a girl will let a guy have sex with her?" Colin asked trying to embarrass William.

"Dunno about all girls, but we did it on what, our second date?" Jules said looking at William as she had her hand down his pants. "But with something like this, you don't wanna wait," she grinned as she pulled out his now hard cock for everyone to see. William didn't even flinch.

"Told you boys, one you get them started, they're wet for it all the time," William grinned proudly

"How do you shred anything with that?" Colin asked squinting. "That's not a cock. THIS is a cock," he said in his best Australian accent and reached for the front of Dylan's underwear and pulled it down to reveal his ex's package.

Brooks laughed. "Colin, what do you think? You want William in a hotel room?"

Colin licked his lips in a seductive way, and ran his hand over Dylan's chest. "Oh my god, look baby. A naked guy right in front of us. I dunno if I can control myself. Hold me back, I dunno if I can be trusted not to drop to my knees and go down on him," Colin said as he rubbed himself all over Dylan.

Dylan got into the act and put his arm around Colin as if to hug him. "Stay strong babe. You know what the therapist said. Count to ten to give them a head start, and remember not to use teeth even though you see them as food."

Brooks was laughing at their antics. William didn't know them that well. "Are you guys serious?"

Colin broke into laughter. "Relax William. Just because we may be gay, doesn't mean you're our type."

"Why not?"

"Why are you not my type?" Colin asked with a grin. "Let's see. You're straight for one. You don't trim the pubes so it would be like going down on a carpet."

"But do you think I'm good looking? Would I be your type if I trimmed the pubes?" He said looking down at his package as Jules played with him.

"You'd still be straight, Wil," he pointed out.

"You'd like this cock, boys," Jules said as she kissed him. "He knows how to use it."

"Wait. You were serious about that being his cock?" Dylan said pretending to be stunned. "Shit, I thought it was three acorns wrapped in a fuzzy blanket." The other guys laughed, forcing William to put his cock back in his pants.

"Come on babe. Some people just don't appreciate perfection," he said as he grabbed his shirt and they took off.

"Perfection? Narcissist," Dylan laughed as he pulled his underwear back up.

"Are your parents going to be waiting up for us when we get home and make this weird, or will they be asleep?" Colin asked Dylan.

"I dunno. Probably asleep. They're old so they go to bed early."

Jessica came back with beer and sat down, handing one to Brooks. "What are you guys doing after the party?" she asked.

"Colin and I are heading back to my place. What about you guys?" Dylan answered.

"I told my parents I'd be home by 1:30," she replied bursting Brooks' bubble with one shot.

"Are you sure? We could get a hotel room, order some room service, have a jacuzzi," he said trying to be romantic. "Tell your parents you stayed at a friends house."

"I have to get home. They basically said no excuses for not coming back."

"That sucks. You maybe wanna go for a walk down the beach then?"

"Sure," she replied. Brooks got up and gave her his hand and helped her up. As they walked away, he looked back and gave the guys hang loose hand sign.

"Dude, we should get going. I have a 1am curfew and if I'm late, my punishment would be to not allow you to sleep over," Dylan said looking at Colin after checking his phone.

"Then we gotta jet! Later Guys!"

Colin called the car service that he was to use when Mark wasn't working, and the boys raced to Dylan's house. They were both relieved to find his parents asleep, but quietly headed up to his bedroom to ensure they didn't wake them. After a nice warm shower, they curled up in bed together to make out, and ended up falling asleep before they got to anything. When they awoke in the morning, they made up for it and shredded each other to take care of the morning wood.

"`Morning boys," Dylan's Mom said as they strolled down for breakfast. "Or should I say good afternoon. Was it a good dance?"

"It was great. Best was the afterparty on the beach though," Dylan told her as they rounded up food and sat at the table.

"I'm glad you had a good time. Dylan, your father and I need to speak to you at dinner tonight, can you ensure you're back please."

"Shit! Did I do something wrong? You said Colin could sleep over, and you kinda knew we were gonna have sex, right?"

"You're not in trouble and let's keep the talk of your sex life to yourself. I really don't need details."

"That's good, because I wasn't providing any...even if you waterboard me."

The boys finished breakfast and went back upstairs to get ready for the day. Colin borrowed some of Dylan's clothes, and headed out to meet the rest of their friends who looked just about as exhausted. They spent the day chilling at Brooks place with none of them very active until it was time to head home.

Colin answered the door well after dinner to find Dylan standing there with tears in his eyes. He immediately put his arm around him and pulled him in for a firm hug. "What happened? Are you okay?" Colin asked frantically concerned. Dylan just shook his head.

"What happened? Should I call someone?"

"No. I just need to talk to you," Dylan sniffed, wiping his eyes on Colin's shirt. The boys made their way to the bedroom and climbed onto the bed together. Dylan looked at Colin and began crying even harder before leaning over and wrapping around him in another hug.

"Dude. You're scaring me? What happened?"

"He took the job," he said suddenly leaning back and wiping his eyes. Colin reached for tissues and handed them over and waited until Dylan blew his nose and handed the tissue back. Colin took a careful hold of the end of it and dropped it into the wastebasket.

"That one in DC?" Colin said as his whole body went cold.

"Yeah. He's going to be at the Pentagon."


"My Dad leaves tomorrow night. My Mom and I don't have to leave until the end of the school year, but that's like only three weeks. I don't want to go."

"So don't. Tell them you want to stay here."

"I already tried that, but my Dad used the military approach of grow up, be a man. Be there for your mother'...bullshit, bullshit, etc. etc. I even told him I'd run away from home and he told me that failure to commit' is not an option, but that when I'm 18 I can move anywhere I want."

Colin hugged Dylan tighter.

"This hurts so bad," he cried. "I have a life here. You're my best friend, and we have our club and I'm finally having fun being me."

"Want me to go with you to talk to them together. I could let them know that you can live here. You can have Carter's room, or any other one you want. We could be like brothers."

Dylan smiled a little as he wiped his nose. "So, we went from boyfriends, to friends with benefits and now brothers? I think we've covered everything. It doesn't matter, they won't listen. My Dad is all about family and duty to the country. They don't care that they're spraying their `doody' all over me, and making it stink."

"I'll get my Dad to talk to them. He can be pretty persuasive."

"Can I stay here tonight? I already told my parents I wasn't coming back."

"Do you think they'll think you meant forever?"

"Who gives a shit? Let them try to find me. I'm a military kid. I know how to survive," he said turning his tears into defiance.

Colin just pushed him back slightly to look in his eyes. "I'm pretty sure this is the first place they'll look. We could go off the grid, head into the hills and live off the land, or stay at Carter's and live out of his fridge," he said trying to joke. "Did you turn your phone off?"

"No. Why?"

"First rule of going off the grid, dude. Turn off the phone so they can't track you. Don't you ever watch movies? They take out the battery and use burner phones to communicate, or leave coded messages in trees. If your Dad is at the pentagon, they have like super spy satellites that can probably see right in my bedroom."

"I don't fucking care. He's a shit!" he said lifting his finger up to the window to flip off the spy satellites. "Can I spend the night?"

"Yeah, of course."

Dylan smiled and cuddled into Colin where they stayed before finally falling asleep wrapped in each other's arms. When they awoke, they showered together and made their way down to breakfast. Once the cook saw the looks on their faces, he suggested pancakes and bacon might be in order without getting involved in what was actually going on.

"What should we do?" Dylan asked, hoping Colin had some answers.

"I dunno, but we should spend as much time as possible together. Maybe you can live here and we can try to convince your parents it'd be a good thing to leave you behind."

"Before you have Dylan moving in, he needs to contact his parents," Margaret said as she wandered into the kitchen.

"Do my parents know I'm here?" Dylan asked.

"Yes. They called last night to make sure you were safe. Dylan, I understand your situation and I'm sure it feels like the end of the world right now, but you need to talk to them and work it out."

"They'll never listen to me, but right now I don't care. They'll have to pry you from my cold dead hands before I go willingly," he said defiantly to Colin.

"So, will you be actually dead while holding me?" Colin said trying to make a joke. "Because that'd be kinda creepy, dude."

"You know what I mean. If they want me on that plane, they're going to have to kidnap me, and I'll call child services and say I'm being abused."

"Dylan," Margaret said as he leaned against the island looking at the boys. "I know it feels like your parents don't care, but it'll get better. You'll meet new people in Washington. Have entirely different and new adventures, and in a couple years when you turn 18, you can decide for yourself which of the places you've been were the most interesting to you. Your friends here and in Texas will still be around. Your Dad is probably doing it because he believes it's best for your family's financial future. Maybe even to ensure you have the money for college."

"I rather not go to college if it means moving," Dylan sniffed slightly.

"I'm sure it felt like that when you moved here from Texas too, and look how that turned out. You've had an amazing time here, right? Who says Washington won't be even better?"

"It won't be. I have such cool friends here and everyone just accepts me."

"And they will in Washington too. You're a lovely boy and people can't help be drawn to you."

"Yeah, Dyl! You're a lovely boy!" Colin mimicked. "Just lovely!"

"Shut up," Dylan grinned slightly as he pushed Colin. "Thanks Mrs. Worthington."

"I'm here anytime you want to talk. Try to enjoy your day, boys," she said as she headed out, putting a hand on Dylan's shoulder for support as she walked by.

"You really are simply lovely," Colin continued to mimic before lowering his voice. "People are drawn to your big dick and those pouty lips, and that tight round ass."

"Shut up!" Dylan grinned.

"We should go over to your house and talk to your parents. Maybe convince them together," Colin suggested.

"Fat lot of good that'll do. I told you that they were all about making me disappear if I got too close to someone. He probably begged for a promotion and transfer so that we couldn't see each other anymore."

"I don't know much about the military, but I don't think they give promotions to avoid someone's son from dating another guy."

"Oh, I wouldn't put it past them."

"Dude, I'm pretty sure they're cool with you being gay, or they would have stopped us dating long before this. And they sure wouldn't have let me sleep with you after the dance."

"They probably did that so they could sneak in while we were sleeping and measure us for coffins."

"Dude! Harsh!" Colin laughed.

"We gotta go to my place anyway so I can get some clothes and stuff."

"You can just wear mine. I like it when we share like that. But I agree that we gotta go to your house. Stand up and show them you're serious. Wanna go over to Brooks' first to get some Kevlar?"

"Might be smart. I hope your will is filled out." They headed over to Dylan's house after breakfast and Dylan stomped in as if he were invading it. Colin walked in behind him a little less aggressively. "I'm just back to get some of my clothes. I'm gonna be staying at Colin's."

"Honey, come in and talk to us," his Mom said acknowledging his return.

"What?" Dylan said folding his arms as he faced both parents. While he looked tough, Colin knew him well enough to know that he was nervous and shaking.

"Son," his father began "We know this isn't something you wanted, and that it's going to be difficult..., but this is what life is. A series of decisions, some good, some bad, some that disrupt others, but it happens. You'll understand when you have a family of your own."

"You said we'd never move again. You lied!! In Texas, I got a boyfriend but didn't let myself get too attached because I knew you'd move us. This time you promise. You promised we wouldn't move, so I made wicked awesome friends and started a life. Now you're just ripping it away from me as if I'm some inanimate object you can throw in a suitcase because you want to be a big shot in Washington. Why don't YOU just move and leave us here? I fucking HATE this!!" He said breaking down and attacking with full force and volume.

"Are you done?" His father asked calmly.

"Yes sir! Prisoner 7014 is done sir!!" he said standing his ground again, and saluting. Colin almost laughed, as did Dylan's mother.

"It wasn't my intention to lie to you. We had every intention of staying here until you decided to move out on your own, but this offer was too big to pass up. We also looked at the possibility of letting you stay here with someone, but the Pentagon insists that the family be in one place for security reasons. You need to be with us."

"This sucks balls," Dylan said. "I like it here in California. I hate both of you!"

"You have a choice son. You can spend the next three weeks with your friends having the opportunity to say goodbye, or you can be grounded and say goodbye to Colin for the last time right now. Choose wisely."

"Or I could become a prancing mated minor, or divorce you or something. If I'm not part of the family, I don't need security and I can stay here."

"The fact that you don't know what it's called, proves you're not old enough to be emancipated," his father replied.

"Well FUCKING figure it OUT! I'm not moving!" He screamed and turned to run up to his bedroom. Colin paused for a second looking at Dylan's parents before he looked back at Dylan disappearing up the stairs, and then back at the parents, before turning and running after him. He watched as Dylan began throwing things into a backpack. He took Colin's hand and literally pulled him along with him as they returned back downstairs, where Dylan's father was standing like a true military man ready to confront the enemy.

"Let him go, honey. Give him time to calm down," his mother said to her husband. "Son, we're still leaving in three weeks. Take the time to say goodbye to your friends properly."

"Fine. Goodbye. Enjoy D.C. Maybe you can visit at Christmas," Dylan said as he darted around his Dad and out the door with Colin following along quickly.

As soon as the door closed, Dylan turned back to the house and gave it the finger, visibly shaking. He hugged Colin and held onto him for several minutes before they headed off.

"Did you talk to your parents?" Margaret asked as the boys entered the front door.

"Yes, Ma'am. They said we're still moving. I'm living here if that's okay."

"And your parents agree?"

"Not exactly," he replied honestly.

"How not exactly?"

"Not exactly at all, exactly. They said I had to go with them until I was old enough to move out on my own. I probably need a lawyer," he replied.

"Can he use ours, Mom?"

"Boys," she said taking them into the living room. "Unfortunately, you're not old enough yet to be released from parent's custody. Dylan, you have two years until you're 18. Don't be in a rush to grow up. Washington is a great city. Take the time to explore it while you can. California will still be here if you decide you want to come back. Family is important and I'm sure your parents aren't doing this to hurt you."

"Well, it sucks!" Dylan replied. "Would it be okay if I stay here until they move?"

"I'll have to confirm that with your parents, but I have no problem with you being here. Colin, you can set him up in the guest room next to yours."

"That's okay Mom, he can stay in my room. I mean it's not like we don't sleep in the same bed anyway."

"Just show him the room anyway, in case he gets sick of you. God knows, you're a handful 24/7."

"But am I a lovely boy too?" Colin said batting his eyelashes. The boys giggled and raced upstairs. "That's the guest bedroom," Colin pointed out as they walked past it and he opened the door. "Usual stuff. Bed, dressers, TV, couch, bathroom. It's yours if you want it, or you can sleep naked with me."

"Yeah. That! Let's do that!" Dylan grinned as they went to Colin's room and dumped Dylan's stuff before jumping on the bed and doing...that!

At dinner time, Dylan joined Colin and his parents at the table as the meal was served.

"Dylan, I heard about your situation with your family moving," Ethan said as they helped themselves to food. "I sympathize as I know how disruptive it can be, especially at your age when you've made such good friends."

"Exactly, sir. My parents don't get it. They think I'm just some `thing' they can wrap in bubble wrap and cart off."

"They get it. Believe me they do. I'm sure this wasn't an easy decision for them, but I'm sure they believe it is the right decision for your family. Margaret and I have talked to your parents and they're fine with you staying here until you move."

"YES!" Colin said as they high-fived excitedly.

"However..." Ethan said holding up his hand to stop the boy's momentary enthusiasm. "Colin, your Mom and I don't think it's the best thing for either of you to do that."

"What? Why the hell not?" Colin asked as he stared at his Dad.

"Enough of the language. I don't think it'll help things for you to live with each other. You stopped being boyfriends, but have remained friends. If the two of you were living together for three weeks, things might start up again, and it would make it even more difficult when the time comes to part."

"What's that mean?" Colin asked glaring at his Dad, almost accusatory.

"It means that if Dylan is living here, we suspect the two of you might get back into a sexual relationship and that is much harder to say goodbye to."

"God, Dad! We're still sexual with each other. I mean we just did it...four times!!"

"Let's keep the graphic details to yourself," Ethan replied trying not to let on that he already knew they were still sexual with each other. "There's nothing wrong with spending time together, especially if it's with all your friends, but use that time to say goodbye and wrap up your day to day friendship, and get ready for the next phase."

"So, you're kicking him out to go live on the street, wandering around like some lost homo?"

"I think you mean hobo?" Ethan said giving a light smile.

"Whoa! Offensive much, Dad? They're called `housing free street residents' now. Where's he supposed to go?"

"He should go home. He's not a prisoner. I'm sure you could spend quality time together during the day and go home at night to talk to your parents."

"Talk? You mean they talk to me and try to brainwash me into going with them, while I have to sit and listen like a good little boy? Blech! I'd rather be a housing free resident homo," he said bluntly.

"Can he at least stay tonight. It's too late for him to go home right now," Colin pleaded.

"It's 6 pm," Ethan said looking at the clock.

"I know, but he's already unpacked and put his stuff away, and we still have some activities planned. Then it's like a ways away to get to his house..."

"It's 10 minutes to his house, and haven't you had enough personal time already today?"

"Dad. I'm 16. You can say sex, ya know."

"I prefer not to encourage you," he smirked.

"Like I need encouraging. Sheesh! Come on Dad. Let him stay tonight at least. I already changed the sheets on the bed and everything."

"Tonight only, and maybe try NOT to have sex. I promise it'll only make it harder for you to say goodbye to each other."

"You hear that dude, you're gonna make it harder," Colin giggled.

"And that's enough of that," Ethan said quickly. "This is your fault," he said looking at Margaret. "I told you I wanted girls."

"Yeah right Dad. Girls? I don't think so. They wouldn't be this fabulous!"

"No, but I'd be able to use my guns on any male callers."

"Now you sound like my Dad," Dylan grinned.

"I dunno Dad, I think that sounds sexist. You might wanna rethink that."

"Good point. Dylan, meet me in the basement in the morning. That's where I keep my guns."

They finished dinner with other, more pleasant conversation about their day before the boys ran upstairs to hang out.

"Was your Dad serious about the gun thing?" Dylan asked.

"Nah, not at all. I doubt he even knows where his guns are. Now if this was Brooks' house, you'd already be stuffed and mounted on their wall."

"By Brooks? That might actually be pretty hot. He could mount and stuff me anytime."

"Really? Brooks? I remember when you got here, you said you didn't like him that much as he was stuck up."

"He grows on you, or in you, if you do it right. I've gotten used to him. He's actually an okay guy."

"Told ya."

"So, you never told me have you two ever really had sex together?"

"Nope. Just what you already know. I've given him blowjobs and I rimmed his ass once. Your turn, since we're talking about possible secrets. Who have you done that you never told me about?"

"Dude! We only have three weeks. How can I tell you all that?" Dylan chuckled as they set up the video game.

"I mean of people I know. Not like all the randos, or one offs that you do in the woods and shit. Tell me one thing you did with any of our friends and I'll tell you one."

"Hmmm...just one. Let's see. I fingered Grayson's ass while he was jerking off."


"That first orgy party we went to a few years ago."

"Oh shit! I knew it! You fucked him too, didn't you? I knew I saw that. I figured I was so fucked up I was imagining it."

Dylan just grinned. "Okay, your turn."

"At my party when we were all dancing in the foam stuff. I gave Preston a handjob and made him cum all over the floor."

"Nice. Tame, but nice."

"Who else have you done?"

"Let's not talk about this. I mean you still have to live here with all your friends. I wouldn't want to say something that might make it weird between you. Same as you wouldn't if the roles were reversed," Dylan said swallowing slightly as he knew Colin would either be pissed or jealous if he knew he'd at least blown everyone of their friends at one time or another, conscious or unconscious.

"Fine, but tell me one thing. When you went to Scout Camp with Grayson, did you and he end up doing anything together? You told me of a couple boys, but was Grayson one of them?"

"No. I never did anything with him," he answered honestly. "I did suck off at least half the other guys, and the Scoutmaster fucked me so many times, I figured I should have at least gotten a merit badge for it."

"Okay, what's the kinkiest and wildest thing you've ever done that you never told me about?" Colin asked. "It doesn't have to be with people I know."

"Seriously? God, there's been so much stuff, but you already know most of it. Hell, you've been at most of it. The first poker night we went to at Coach's was right up there, but I don't think I told you about the weekend party I went to there."

Colin shook his head. "No, I don't think so."

"It was crazy wild. Me and this other boy were there and we must have serviced like 30 older guys in total. They did tons of kinky thing with us."

"How come I never heard of it?"

"I dunno. You don't really like older guys, so I didn't think you'd find it interesting like the parties we went to with guys our age."

"True. I just can't believe you did it for a whole weekend."

"Dude, it was wicked fun. When I got too much cum in me, they used some douche thing and just hosed us out while others watched. I got double fucked a few times. Those hurt and I think my ass didn't recover for a week, but it was by far the wildest time ever. They duct taped me and the other guy together at one point and we had to kiss while guys used our asses. While we were kissing, they kept pouring water on us so we could lap it up."

"Holy shit. There's no way I could have done that. I thought it was crazy enough at the parties you and me have been to."

The boys slept curled up together, and in the morning, Dylan reluctantly moved back home, telling his parents that he still wasn't planning on moving and that he'd claim squatter's rights in the house. They basically ignored his rant.

For the next three weeks, the guys stayed as busy as possible doing everything they could pack into a day. The whole group tried to hang out together, only leaving Dylan and Colin alone when they headed off to have sex with each other, which was more frequent than if Dylan had just lived with Colin.

They were at the beach surfing as a group, where even Austin had showed up having free time between his filming. It would be one of the last times they'd hit the waves with Dylan before he left in a few days.

End of Chapter.

Oh no! Dylan's leaving. How will Colin deal? With only 37 million people in California how will he ever get laid now? What will happen to the `Handie Boys?'

Next: Chapter 11

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