Solitude Series

By Alain Mahy

Published on Jul 19, 2020


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Aidan was not naïve. When I told him about the overbooking and the flat battery, he looked suspicious. I put an end at his suspicion.

-Aidan, please believe me that it is the only explanation you will get. You can suspect whatever you want, but you won't get any different information. George and I are a couple and we have the right to keep information to ourselves, whatever that information is. Stick to what I told you.

Aidan accepted what I told and never again asked about it. I didn't think Aidan would ever find out the real story behind the event. Jeez, it was even difficult for me to assimilate what George had told me. Was he living a lie? He probably was, but due to the circumstances I could live with it. It was after a serious lovemaking that he told me his true story, revealing his real name and birthday. I didn't make any effort to even save it in my memory as I was not even supposed to know it. He also told me that if one day he had suddenly to disappear again, he would always know a way to contact me and bring us back together, whatever the circumstances would be.

Believe it or not, but George's confession brought us even closer to each other. He was right when he said that a shared secret would keep us together for life. He knew it would be hard for me and explained that it was even harder for him as he had had to abandon everything in his life, even his own family. Then again, if the criminals that were after him had succeeded, he would be really dead anyway. George wanted us to be together forever and after yet another "convention" he told me he had talked to his superiors about his relationship with me and asked the permission to reveal his real self and his story. He got the permission but there were some conditions attached to it. They warned him that they would have a thorough investigation about me. There was no doubt they would know EVERYTHING about me up to what I had for breakfast. If their investigation would come out clean (for them) they would probably demand that we get married as to include me in their program if ever George had to be moved away again. They admitted that with the complete change of face and image, the risks that it would happen, were very small and almost inexistent. They would let him know at his next "convention". George made me promise to not attempt surprising him again and risk to jeopardize the perfect cover he had.

The idea of getting married appealed to me as I loved George so much. Nonetheless, his superior made clear the wedding had to be discreet and not attract any attention. So, a big party was out of the question. Before the next "convention" I was called to a very discreet place and I was tested, mentally, psychologically and emotionally. They already knew perfectly about my sessions with Aidan which didn't surprised me at all. They had to hack Aidan's computer as my complete file laid in front of their guy when I was interviewed. George insisted very much for me to be honest a hundred percent because the slightest lie would bring the complete project of a wedding in danger. I was nervous as hell when I had to go to the interview, but George calmed me down and the guy who was asking all the questions was quite nice as well.

Finally, they agreed for our wedding. A few of the older and more conservative guy were hesitant about it. Of, course, they knew George was gay and as long as he did his job, it had not bothered them, but giving their official permission to a gay wedding was a little harder. The reasons for this wedding were obvious and after what seemed like a real debate, they agreed to it.

There were not a lot of people present. It was done one early Monday morning at town-hall and after the official part, we went to a discreet venue with Aidan, Veronica and David on my side and George's boss at the real estate agency and one colleague, plus a colleague from the piano bar. We didn't go on a honeymoon as to keep it all as discreet as possible. For us, that date would be burned in our hearts anyway. We were both so proud of the golden wedding rings we had at our fingers. It was really the most beautiful day in our lives.

Our love grew day by day. The only moments we were not together were when we had to go to our jobs, but even then we texted each other several times a day. I was financially secure with my job and George was even wealthy with his retirement fees and the commission on sales of the real estate. We could afford whatever we wanted as long as we kept low key. The purpose was to blend in society and be as anonymous as one can be. It wasn't easy to have George being retired and still under control of his bosses. It looked a bit contradictory to me, but who was I to doubt about the way the Special Forces were doing their job? Despite his retirement, George was supposed to keep an eye open to any suspect activity or people and to report immediately if anything like that occurred. Retired, yes he was but as he said, with the Special Forces you are NEVER really retired.

Our lives entered a kind of routine as we both worked full time. Each morning, when we left for work, it became harder and harder to separate. I felt a hundred percent secure when George was around and lost a bit of that safe feeling when he was out of my sight. Yes, I admitted it that I was always scared that despite the total change of look, one or another of his old enemies would have suspicions about who he was. I sometimes dreaded to go out of the apartment, fearing something would happen. In other circumstances I would go to Aidan, asking for help to get rid of that fear. In this case I couldn't do it. I too had to sign a confidentiality paper before getting married to George. Fortunately, George was very understanding and most of the time he could help me. He also knew that if my fears would get too strong, that he could talk with the psychologist of his former work.

The moments I had no fear whatsoever was when we made love or preparing to do so. In the intimacy of our place, being it the bathroom or the bedroom (or any other room inside our place as a matter of fact) I felt safe and could really be myself. George had such a vivid imagination to wake up my senses and get me to have a hard-on in no time at all. It had happened more than once that I was busy in the kitchen, preparing a meal, and that George would "attack" me from behind, having my trousers on my ankles and his manhood in me before I could finish peeling a potato. It was nothing new that we didn't see the end of a movie on television because we got in a 69 position and were more interested in each other. The hottest place to start anything was without doubt, the shower. Under pretense of saving water, we almost every time showered together. The closeness of two naked bodies always got us going whatever the time of the day was. Feeling his naked body against mine was always a delight. There was nothing more erotic than to feel his wet skin against mine and always caused our cocks to be erect in record time. We used almost industrial quantities of soap and had our hands glide over our bodies. It eased our excitement to climb to new heights and despite the fact we were living together for quite some time, these heights got higher and higher. Each new arousal made us discover a new hidden pleasure. The old pleasures were repeated over an over again. We knew exactly which buttons to push to reach sexual satisfaction. The underside of George's cock was so sensitive that each time he penetrated me, he gasped for air. When he was in my mouth, I paid extra attention to that part, even more than his cock-head. It was the perfect trigger to receive his juices, being it precum or his seed.

Another thing that changed with time was the fact we couldn't get satisfied with a quick stroking and cumming. A "go-and-blow" was not our cup of tea. We'd rather wait to be able to have proper lovemaking and taking our time. Even if we shot our loads in the five-first minutes, it was because we knew there would be a round two that would allow us to enjoy the lovemaking to the fullest. Being both versatile it had no importance who would penetrate or being penetrated. We didn't have to make a decision before we started. We just followed the flow. George was a little more of a top and I was (fortunately) a bit more of a bottom, but there was never protest when we switched places. It often happened we both played both roles in the same session. In a nutshell, we were more than compatible. With time we also discovered that we had a kind of underwear fetish. Some types of underwear excited us more than others. It was no surprise, when we talked on the phone, being both at work, that we asked each other what we were wearing. George was the one to find most of our sexy underwear, mostly on-line. Every occasion we had, such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas and so on, we always had an underwear present. Our favorites were the skinny and adjusted bikini briefs. Jockstraps and thongs were also in our collection of underwear. We also found briefs but that didn't cover the ass and loved them, but the most exciting thing was when we got out and we didn't put any underwear on, going commando. It excited us because we knew that under the trousers we would immediately find what we were looking for, but nobody else knew. No, we were not perverts, we just loved some very soft kink.

On a Saturday night, coming back from the piano bar, George started kissing me in the elevator. That was an undeniable sign he was horny and that we wouldn't sleep immediately. Already in that lift he pinned my arms above my head while kissing me with certain force. We both knew the other's limits when we used some more strength and would never hurt each other. From time to time George loved to take a more dominant role and I always changed my chip to be submissive when I noted it. He took a scarf out of his pocket and blindfolded me. It was not that he was taking me to some place I didn't know. He guided me into our apartment and directly to the bedroom. What was new, was that he left me at the foot of our bed and ordered me to undress in a quite hard tone. He was not asking me, he was ordering me, obliging me. I followed his demand and once I was completely naked, except for the blindfold, I was already hard. I couldn't see it, but suspected he was smiling when he saw it. I had not heard a thing, but knew he had undressed as well. He had positioned me in such a way that with a simple push I fell on the bed on my back. I waited for any order coming from him. He kept silent but got on the bed and pulled me higher so that my feet were not on the floor anymore. What I felt next was unexpected. I didn't know where he got it from, but I felt ropes being put around my wrists and attached to the bedposts. He then did the same to my ankles. I was unable to move, spread-eagled and completely at his mercy.

The sensations I got, without being able to see anything and not being able to move, were strange and exciting at the same time. George started a travel all over my body, kissing every bit of body, grazing my skin till it started to tickle. My muscles were super reactive to all his touches and I wiggled under his touch. I couldn't see what he was doing or where to expect the next touch. At one moment he could be kissing my lips and the next sucking on my toes. I tried very hard to hear where he was moving to, but it was almost impossible. What I heard was the stroking of a match, imagining he was lighting a candle that was on the nightstand. I didn't know what he planned but soon knew when I felt a drop of melted wax on my chest. It didn't hurt at all. It surprised me, yes. The drops followed with a short time between each of them and I started to like the feeling. They were like small electric chocks that woke up the nerve endings just beneath my skin. When a drop landed on my nipple, I gasped. This was so new for me and my excitement reached new levels. A quick succession of three drops of the hot wax just above my bellybutton, told me he was traveling south. Then suddenly there was nothing. Was he waiting for the wax to melt and have more quantity? Probably as a few seconds later there was quite a lot of it dropping next to my rock-hard cock and one drop straight on my shaft, followed by several more, drawing a line on my hard manhood, making their way to my scrotum. As I always shaved my balls, the drops of wax fell directly on them. I moaned and groaned and wiggled under George's touches. The candle was discarded and he licked all the places where there were drops. Human skin doesn't let wax stick to it. The drops came off my skin one by one in George's fingers. After removing each drop, he kissed the place and licked it with a lot of spit. The most sensitive spot was, of course, when he removed the wax from my shaft and balls, bathing everything with his saliva and finally engulfing my cock in his mouth, twirling his tongue around my cock-head and pulling softly but firmly on my balls. I couldn't believe what he was doing to me, but was certainly not complaining. God! He got me so close to orgasm already.

As he sensed I was ready to blow my load, George suddenly stopped everything he was doing, leaving me unattended till he saw my orgasm was fading away. That was the moment he waited for to untie my ankles. I thought he was going to untie me completely. I was wrong. What he did was tying my ankles next to my wrists. Doing so, my ass was open for the world to see. He spat on it and dove in, eating out my hole as if it was the last and only meal he would get. I was screaming from pure pleasure, still not being able to move an inch and being at his total mercy. He had a way to French kiss my rosebud that drove my as wild as possible. If I had not been tied up, I would be wiggling and convulsing. I would have put my hands on his head and draw him deeper. I could feel his tongue pushing into me. Once again my orgasm was very close and once again he stopped all actions till it faded away. I could beg him to let me cum, but he didn't listen to my prayers. My manhood was about to deflate when he started it all over again. This time he added his fingers to his tongue, opening my hole. He wanted me to relax my muscles and with the fading orgasm it was a bit easier.

I felt him move on the bed, not knowing what he was going to do next. I didn't have to wait long to know his intentions as he grazed his cock-head on my puckered hole. He had left so much spit and was adding even more precum that the entry would be smooth and easy. What I hadn't expected, was that he entered me to the root in one powerful thrust, pushing the air out of my lungs and throwing my head backwards on the pillow. He was in me, possessing me, making me his so completely. I took a deep breath and clenched my ass-muscle around his shaft, capturing it and hold it in place. While adapting to the invasion, George untied my ankles and wrists, without taking off the blindfold. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. Our kiss made us melt into one being. His hips started to move and I begged him to go deeper, making me feel his, touching my soul with his lovemaking. In record time he got me on the verge of climax again, but didn't stop this time. He went into me with force and determination as if he wanted to push my seed out of me with his thrusts and in a way, he did. I had been on the verge of cumming three times and I just needed to release all that pent-up energy. My balls were full and needed to be emptied. I shot my load between our bellies and it triggered his climax. He pulled out as quickly as he could and put his almost erupting cock in my mouth, filling it with his seed. After the last spurt he came down and we shared his semen in a passionate kiss while taking off the blindfold. What a way to end a day of work! I loved it and loved my husband even more. We were too lazy to come out of bed and shower. In the morning we would regret it. We didn't care. We were where we wanted to be: in each other's arms and that's how we fell asleep, drifting of to dreamland.

Life was wonderful. George and I were surrounded by very good friends. There were not a lot of them, but they were the best. The numerous dinners we had at the apartment were always a real festivity. We had some cooking contests where everybody was involved. If you never did, I can surely advise it. George's colleague, Daniel, who was at our wedding found his soulmate in the person of Laura. My God! I had never seen two people so in love as these two and it was a surprise to nobody that they soon announced she was pregnant. If Daniel was already covering Laura with a million attentions, it became even worse once she carried their baby. It was endearing to see how they interacted and understood each other. She was lucky to have a problem-less pregnancy and when she entered labor a few fiends, us included, went to the hospital to give support to Daniel. He didn't want to enter the labor room. He said he didn't want to see his wife suffer and would surely faint anyway. So we waited patiently that the doctor would come out and announce Daniel was the father of a baby. They had refused to know if it was going to be a boy or a girl. With each passing minute, Daniel got more and more nervous, wondering why it took so long. When finally the doctor came out, he had not a happy face as we expected.

The baby was a boy and was healthy, but it was not the same for Laura. There was no reason whatsoever, but she had fallen into a coma exactly at the moment the baby boy came out of her womb. Daniel turned as white as a ghost and followed the doctor inside to see his wife who was not reacting at all. The nurses put the baby boy in his arms. He held Daniel Jr for a few minutes and then gave it back to the nurses and went back to his wife. Daniel was suddenly very quiet. He didn't say a thing. He was just standing there, holding his wife's hand, totally motionless and with no expression on his face at all.

The following days and weeks were very hard for everybody. The hospital insisted he would take his son home, but Daniel didn't show any interest in his son. When he was at the hospital, he would stand next to his wife's bed, like a statue or even a zombie. George and I talked it over because it was so obvious Daniel would not be prepared to take care of his son alone. We told him to temporarily move to our place so that we could keep an eye on Junior. Daniel moved input was literally absent all the time. There was only one solution for him and that was to enter therapy with Aidan. I suggested to George's boss to substitute Daniel for the time being as I was at the piano bar anyway when George was playing. At home, we had to take care of Junior as Daniel was sitting on the sofa from the moment he entered till he went to bed. That is son was crying or had to be fed seemed to be something completely foreign to him.

Aidan was not the kind of guy to discuss his professional life to anyone, but one evening he talked to us because he couldn't get to Daniel. The therapy was a total fiasco. The more sessions they had, the more Daniel shut up and closed himself to the outside world. I recognized a few signs of what I had been going through when in total loneliness. Nothing interested him and even less his son. It was George who was in charge to register the baby at town-hall. The doctors had no idea what happened and couldn't say what to expect. It could take days, weeks and even months for Laura to wake up. It was the only time we heard Daniel's voice when he asked if there was a risk she would never wake up. Unfortunately the doctors had to say it was an existing possibility. Coma was and still is a total mystery even for the best available doctors. They also suggested to transfer her to a specialized clinic that had only patients who were in a coma and made Daniel sign a paper for his approval. We were not sure he knew what he was signing.

From the day of the transfer of Laura, Daniel stopped visiting her. Day in, day out he was sitting in the sofa without moving. He didn't even go to bed anymore. When at the table, he almost ate nothing. Once he stopped even showering, we knew we had to do something, but didn't have a clue as what we had to do exactly. Aidan was as lost as we were and even asked the opinion of some of his colleagues and other professionals. Even if he was awake, psychologically, he was in the same coma his wife was in. Aidan had the idea to all the clinic Laura was in to see if they had been facing similar problems in the past. They had indeed and even made the suggestion to let him stay at the clinic. They taught he would probably sit next to his wife all day, but nothing else. The problem was of course the custody of Junior. It was once again the clinic that came up with a "solution" in the form of having Daniel sign the custody over to George and me. The day before we took Daniel to the clinic, we presented him the paper, trying to explain to him what it meant, but not knowing if he realized the full extend of it. That he understood or not, he signed the paper without hesitation.

There was of course the problem of the payments in the clinic. They said that for the moment everything was covered by the insurance but had been warned the next payment of the insurance was due in a very short time. George didn't hesitate one moment to contact the insurance company and promise them he would be in charge of the necessary payments.

There were more problems to face. Daniel and Laura's house was place they rented. We had to empty it and give up the lease. We moved all their possessions to the apartment of George, next door, that George still hadn't used as he lived with me. At the piano bar, Steven, George's boss, had to contract somebody new to replace Daniel. I was ready to help him out, but was not looking for a second job. Certainly not now that we were in charge of a baby boy.

You needed ten minutes to read what happened, but in fact it was spread over several months.

We remodeled the second bedroom into a baby room as the situation seemed to be more permanent than what we ever thought. Each week we went to the clinic to find, as was expected, Daniel sitting next to his wife's bed. Daniel who had been a beautiful example of the masculine human race, was not even half of what he had ever been. He had lost so much weight. Even if we went into the room, it seemed he didn't recognize us anymore. We always had Junior with us, but Daniel didn't even look at him. Laura didn't wake up.

Our lives were turned upside down, literally. George and I had never talked about children and had no wish to have them. Junior made our hearts melt. He was the example of the perfect baby, eating when he had to and sleeping whole nights, being as wonderful as babies can be. Whatever happed, there was no way anybody could take him away from us. Daniel and Laura's situation being what it was, it was time for us to start the legal adoption of Junior. We faced even more paper work, lawyers and social services. George's previous work provided a lawyer and just by the look of him, we knew nobody would see with him! That made the whole adoption procedure a lot easier.

When one morning we got a call from the clinic, we instinctively knew why they called. Indeed, Laura had passed away. We also knew that it wouldn't take a long time for Daniel to follow her. We just prayed his agony would take too long. Our prayers were answered the very next day. We suddenly had a double funeral to organize and attend to. We had to go through all their personal belongings to see if there was anything on paper concerning their last wishes. The only thing we found was a life insurance that would guarantee Junior's upbringing and education. While searching through their belongings, we also found a wonderful picture, beautifully framed, of Daniel and Laura's wedding. We decided to put it in Junior's room.

It was about a month later that we were called to attend another "convention"... together and with our adopted son. George had no idea what it was about, but also knew we could not refuse to go. It was a long drive, but when Junior was in his baby seat, he was the happiest baby on the planet. We got quite a lot of stares at the headquarters. Two men and a baby was not really a common sight in those offices. We soon enough discovered we were called as to add Junior to the program if it ever would be necessary. I met George's immediate superior and that man was not at all like I expected him to be. For me, Special Forces was associated to rough, masculine and military men. George's boss was more a kind of grandaddy type who was immediately seduced by Junior. As all the paperwork was done in less than five minutes, the General (yes, he was) looked seriously towards George.

-I want you to keep your eyes wide open George, as there are rumors that the son of one of the guys you put in jail, is coming your way. There is no way he could ever recognize you and that will be your biggest asset. I guess I don't have to tell you to warn us as soon as you ever see him. I prepared a file for you to go through right now. You know you can't take it with you, so... go through it and memorize it. Don't worry about Junior, I'll keep an eye on him!

Have you ever seen a General sitting on the floor, playing with a baby? It's worth looking at. Anyway... George read the file and asked me to just memorize the face I saw on a picture. The details of the face of the suspected criminal was the only thing he wanted me to remember. I was stunned when George said he knew all the details as it had costed him almost no time at all. I guessed his brain was trained to memorize anything very fast. The General was almost disappointed that he couldn't go on playing with Junior.

It was a good thing we had the "convention" as only a week later the guy on the picture made his entrance in the piano bar. George saw Steve and the thug in an animated conversation, although without hearing them. Steve's face was not a happy one. The first thing George did was to warn the headquarters. Then, after receiving permission from higher level, he got Steve apart and told him he had seen the picture of the man Steve was talking to, insisting that it was not the best acquaintance to have.

-Tell me about it, Steve almost shouted. That guy came out of nowhere, telling me I would have too pay for his protection. I didn't ask for protection God damned! This sounds so much as pure Mafia doings. On top of that, he gave me a week to have the money ready.

That was pure extortion and George knew he had to act fast. In less than a week, the real problems would begin. He appreciated Steve too much to let it happen. From the file he had read, he suspected something like that could happen and wondered how far the thugs already went with other businesses in town. Extortion was punishable by law. Everybody knew that. The problem was to know the connections the criminal organization already had. George had been used to this way of handling things and the first thing he did was to have a mic, hidden in the flower he had on the reverse of his tuxedo, connected to a recorder hidden in his locker where he kept his street clothes. The recorder had a capacity of three hours recording and that was just enough for George.

The very next day, the thug was back in the bar, but didn't go to or speak with Steve. This time he came in and directly sat at the piano, watching George play and apparently enjoying it. He asked for a few songs that George played immediately. The thug was all smiles and George was flabbergasted when he started to flirt with him, winking almost constantly at the gorgeous piano-player. George stayed as professional as he could be and answered the winks with a smile, crossing his fingers that the thug would go a little further and reveal his true intentions.

It was obvious to George that the thug was a rookie in this business, not suspecting for one instant who he was dealing with. In the first thirty minutes the thug didn't say anything, but then started to try to seduce George who kept smiling and hoping the tug would make at least a fatal mistake. It didn't happen on that first night, nor on the second. The third night the thug offered ... protection, close protection! And he even said he wouldn't take no for an answer. When George showed him his wedding ring, he laughed.

-I am not jealous! Once you will have experienced my "close protection" you won't want anybody else anyway. You can pay in cash for your protection, but I'd rather you pay me with your body. It will be more pleasurable for both of us...

George stayed calm although he was boiling inside. What did that stupid kid think? George was so tempted to just give him a punch in the face. Did that kid really think everything was due to him? On top of all that, the kid always came alone to the bar, without any bodyguards or other company.

George asked Steve to repeat as faithfully as possible what the thug had told him. He automatically recorded it and the very same night, he sent the recordings to the headquarters, asking them to do something about the situation before the week was over. The bad guy was due to come back and talk to Steve on the Friday. His former colleagues were ready to receive him. Steve was flabbergasted to see such a deployment of equipment and people. He had no idea how these people were updated about the events and George was certainly no going to tell him. Very discreet cameras were installed and before the bar opened, Steve got a mic fixed on his chest. From the undercover agent in that organization, they knew the young thug was sent to our town for a kind of test to see if he was ready to handle serious business. When he came in, he went straight to the bar and started to talk to Steve who stayed as stoic as possible, asking the questions the guys from the Force had told him to ask. Of course, the whole conversation was recorded and ready to be used in court. When they had what they needed, they gave a sign to Steve.

-I would appreciate it that you leave this bar and never come back, not even for a drink.

-I will be back, that is something I can assure you. You'll never know when but you will remember me and it will definitely be too late to ask for any protection.

-I never needed any protection, Steve said, and I think that the only protection I will ever need is to be protected from you. Now, please, you know where the exit is and you can use it NOW !

The thug still had a mischievous smile on his face when he turned around and used the exit door. What he didn't expect was that a bunch of rough guys were waiting for him and took him away in an anonymous van. The evidence was more than effective when they accused him of extortion, blackmail and so on. He would be behind bars for quite some time. All the equipment the Force had installed stayed in place and a recording device was installed in Steve's office. That bar was more secure than a bank. Nobody could ever come in or go out without being seen on the recorder.

George ended his shift that night with a more relaxed state of mind, knowing Steve was out of danger for the moment. Steve was intelligent enough to not ask any questions and just take the things like they were. He got a list of instructions and several phone numbers to call if anything similar ever happened again. George sent a discreet "Thank You" to the General. When he reached home he found me with Junior in my arms. The whole time that George had been in a kind of danger, Junior had not slept as if he knew his second Dad was in an awkward situation. The whole evening George had been on high adrenaline levels and as soon I had put Junior in his bed, I could sense George had to get all that adrenaline out of his system. The best way was ... yes, indeed, making love till the early hours before sunrise. He took me to heaven and back several times and he even wanted me inside of him. It was one of those nights where we switched places more than once and enjoyed the pleasures of gay sex. We were not even completely asleep when Junior woke-up. Was it that that people called the benefits of parenthood?

With my husband and our son, I dared to believe the Solitude was finally over.

The End

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