Some Enchanted Evening

By Dantesprayer

Published on Feb 2, 2000


Some Enchanted Evening by Dante

As before, all usual warnings and precautions apply. If you can't or don't want to read this, then go to or someplace else... And I am not, in any means implying about the sexuality, lifestyles, food preferences, or bathing habits, etc. of the Backstreet Boys or any other character in question.

You can e-mail me your comments at I also can be found at ICQ (18288122) or on AIM (MilanTraveler)

I wanna say thanx to AD (author of Tests of Friendship), Alex, Yuli, Kelley, Matthew, Phil, Tonny, and last but certainly not least, Matt and Dean :-) I love the late-night chats, even if I do sleep in class the next morning! Y'all have given me support to continue with the story, despite my schedule from hell!

And now, on with the show... *****

Chapter 3

I hopped into the van, back seat, where Nick was sitting. Howie was in the drivers seat, fooling around with the rear-view mirror, and Brian was sitting next to him, trying to find a decent radio station. They seemed to be in their own little worlds, chatting with each other once in a while. I buckled in, and turned to Nick, who was staring off into space.

"Nick, is there anything that I can do for you? You look kind of...bummed..."

He shook his head, startled at the sudden break in his concentration. "Honestly, I don't know. I think that I just need to think to myself for a bit, but now isn't the time." He sat there for a minute, while I directed Howie to get back onto a main road. I noticed that he got a little grin on his face, and then it hit me. Suddenly, I was sent flailing with hysterics, as Nick attacked the sides of my torso with his fingers. I could not stop one weak spot...I am incredibly ticklish!

"Hey, you bastard! Stop!" I had to gasp for air, I was spazzing and laughing so much. "Stop!" Relentlessly, he continued the barrage of pokes and brushes against my chest. Somehow, he had ended up unbuckling himself, so he could get better access to my right side, and had unbuckled my belt, so I wouldn't hurt myself. "Dude, I am gonna piss my pants if ya don't stop!"

Suddenly, he stopped, his body tensed up, and he fell onto my chest. I looked to my right, and saw Brian, snickering. It wasn't until I reached around to Nick's back, and felt his water-soaked shirt, that I understood his reaction. The water felt really cold! "Hey Nick, I love ya too, bro, but this might be considered indecent exposure. Besides, my legs are losing circulation from your weight!"

Nick slowly rolled off me, and stood up as much as he could...the van was spacious, but not enough for his tall frame. "Brian, remind me to kill you later, that was harsh!"

"Oh come on, Nick, you should be used to us cooling you off! Besides, Howie needs directions from Ben...he is a typical guy, and won't ask for them himself." Brian laughed a little bit, as Howie turned to him and punched his arm.

I gave Howie the directions to the nearest main route and turned to see Nick with a huge grin on his face, and his hands behind his back. "Okay, I don't think I want to sit back here anymore, he has an EVIL grin on his face, and I am startin' to get afraid!" I said, pleading for sanctuary.

"Sorry, Ben. I called shotgun, and I'm not giving it up!" Brian called back.

I kept my eye on Nick for a couple of minutes, until I was relatively sure that he was just trying to get me worried, and turned my head toward the road...not that I could see much. Cloud coverage had muddled the pure rays of light from the moon, casting an eerie glow on the fog-covered fields. Every once in a while, I saw a couple of deer far off into a field, the buck's antlers catching the hazy moonlight differently than the fog.

I realized the error of my actions, as I realized that Nick had lulled me into a false sense of security. I felt a slight movement on the back of my neck, and then a little more movement. I immediately threw my neck back, trying to protect it. "You might not want to do that...unless you want to see the consequences!" I whispered, emphasizing the 'consequences'. Unfortunately, he didn't quite get what I meant, and continued to tickle the back of my neck. I could feel blood rushing both to my face and head... as I tried to think of the nastiest thoughts mother in bed with Bob Dole, now that aught to do it! Unfortunately, the concept of Bob Dole didn't work, ever since I saw him advertise for viagra. That and the fact that I was hanging out with this cute blonde and his two friends, I would have to just deal with my apparent problem. Luckily, I was decided to wear a pair of my baggier track pants, so it wasn't so obvious.

I let Nick have a little fun before I grabbed his wrist, and got the feather out of his hand. "First of all, I don't even want to know why you have a feather, and secondly, please, kind sir, I implore you, stop doing that!"

He looked at me, with a confused expression on his face. I had to stop myself from getting lost in his eyes; they glistened with a fire so energetic, I could feel it surging toward me.

"Let me explain something to you. On some people, they have sensitive areas on their body. And when these areas are stimulated, well, situations tend to arise!" I said, smiling and emphasizing the arise to the occasion.

"Oh my God, I am soooooo sorry!" Nick turned a bright shade of red, and scrambled to his corner of the seat. "I didn't even realize. I...umm...just shoot me!"

"Oh come on, its not a problem...well, it is, but the cool night air or a quick dip in the lake will take care of it."

"Why don't you just.. relieve the tension manually? Blue balls suck, man!"

I had to stop myself from laughing. I found it hard to believe that I was having a conversation about masturbating with a guy that I had just met a few hours prior. "Well, whippin' it out and jerking it right now would be rude, and I don't want to make you feel insecure about your manhood," I joked, "and I don't think that y'all would appreciate it if I jerked off in your tent! But thanks for the offer!"

"Okay, whatever floats your boat." Nick calmed down, and started humming some song. I had never heard it before, so I just listened. Meanwhile, Nick was thinking about what just happened. 'Why did I just suggest that? Am I a moron or something! I wish he would though, he is kind of cute...way hotter than the guys usually at the concerts...and he is older and...there. It'll never work, I have no idea how to approach do I even let him know that I am gay without making him think that i just want in his matter how nicely he fills them out...Ronald Reagan and the Partridge mom...Ronald Reagan and the Partridge mom...I gotta stop thinking about him, or he'll see my reaction...'

I listened to Nick hum his melody, trying to recall if I had ever heard it before. It was very simple, yet elegant. It had a hint of hope, but it was very lamentous and somber. I could tell that he was thinking by the solid, heavy look on his face. 'Definitely not a good time to bug him...' I thought to myself, so I turned to Brian, and started to talk to him. I realized just before I said something that he had turned the radio off, and was humming along with Nick. Not the same melody, but a countermelody that filled in some of the shallow spots of the song. 'What are they, psychic or something...' And then Howie started doing it. So I was sitting in some strangers van, with three guys who were humming apparently the same song, without any communication prior. I wanted to say something, but I decided against it, just listening to their music and the sound of the tires passing over the concrete. It was very relaxing, and I started to fall into a light, comfortable sleep.

"Ben. Come on, Ben, we are here." Slowly, I woke up from my nap, not wanting to open my eyes. I slowly recognized the sounds around me, people walking on pine needles and the zipping of tents. I could hear Brian talking to someone, but getting no response...'must be on a cell'. I eventually succumbed to opening my eyes, only to see Nick's smiling face a foot away from mine. As soon as my eyes opened, he started poking my sides, agin making me twist an dontort my body in ways that Olympic gymnasts only wish they could. Unfortunately for me, it was an involuntary thing, and neither fame nor fortune would follow this talent.

"You know, I never did go pee from last time, and I don't think I brought too many pairs of boxers to change into." I said, trying desperately to get up and away from Nick. Fortunately, he did get off me, and backed away. "Now that you mention it, I have to go too. But the bathroom is all the way up there, its about 5 minutes away." I got up, and adjusted my shirt. "No it isn't, I see lots of trees. just whip it out and water the land...just do it away from your tent, and its all good!"

With that, I stood up, and wandered off a way from the campsite, in search of the perfect spot. I heard footsteps behind me, and heard Nick catching up to me. "You know what, you are right! Who is going to know, anyway!" I laughed at him, and found a large oak tree. "This one looks like its thirsty, lets give Mother Nature a hand!" I said, walking up to it and unbuttoning my pants. Nick followed suit, and we relieved ourselves, laughing at the obscene sounds that we were exaggerating.

We got ready to set up for the night, piling the sleeping bags in the huge eight-man tent. Howie started up the camp stove for coffee, while Brian put some wood on the deep red coals. Nick and I took care of setting up the sleeping bags and unpacking the rest of the car. We set up Brian and Howie in the left 'room' and Nick and I in the right, since that was where they threw their bags. I noticed that Brian had a cute little teddy bear that looked incredibly worn out. I placed it gently on his pillow, and smiled. When I went into Nick and my 'room', I saw him quickly stash something under his pillow. "What are you hiding, there feather-boy?" I said, smiling.

'Oh, nothing..." he replied, looking away, with a slight red in his cheeks. "Whatever...I don't care if you have a blow-up doll with you, just don't get anything on me!" He looked shocked, with his jaw open slightly. I could tell that he was trying to think of something to say, but couldn't quite do it. Score one for Ben.

I left the tent before he could get revenge on me, and went out to see if Brian or Howie needed some help. They, of course, had everything under control...not that it takes much to build a fire and boil water, but one never knows. Nick came out after a minute, and whispered something to Brian, who in turn started talking to him...secretively, of course.

"...So, Howie, what's on your mind?" I said, trying to start up a conversation. "Eh, not much, just thinking about the last time I was camping. My sister and I went out for a week in was a lot of fun." He looked very happy, remembering his experiences. Little did I know that his sister had passed on shortly after. "I haven't been out since then, I couldn't deal with it. After she died, I just became a basket case. We were so tight. But I had to do this, to remember her, and to get out of the freaking house! You don't know how horrible it is to live in a hotel room and a bus!"

"Umm...I guess that I don't...but I can imagine that it sucks as bad as being in a dorm room with a skank-ass roommate who doesn't know what the word 'shower' means... Why would you be living on a bus and in hotels? I'm lost!"

" didn't know? oh..." Howie looked a little startled. "Usually, people are practically screaming our names...but I guess that you wouldn't know about us. Brian, Nick, and I are part of a music group..."

"If you are part of the pop, grunge, rock, or country scene, I wouldn't have the foggiest idea who you are. But you don't look too grunge or country...I'll bite, who are you?"

"Have you heard of the Backstreet Boys? We are part of them."

"Oh, cool. That sounds like fun. I think I might have seen something about you guys online somewhere, probably at e-bay or something. I hope you don't think that I am ignorant or live under a rock...only my favorite musicians do!" I joked.

"Oh, no. I think its really awesome that you aren't a huge screaming fan. Hell, I think its cool that you haven't even heard of us besides e-bay! It gives us a chance to live and hang out with someone who isn't star-struck. I am just surprised that Nick didn't say anything about it to you. You two seem to be hitting it off fairly well, if I don't mind saying."

"Well, he found my one true weakness... he tickled me." I said, laughing.

We chatted a little bit about stuff in general, until Nick and Brian came back. Nick stood behind my back, and put his hands on my shoulders. We continued to chat about absolutely nothing, and I soon realized that Nick was rubbing his thumb mindlessly up and down my neck. Unfortunately, as soon as I realized this, I also realized its effect on me. I shifted around, hoping not to be obvious about my current state; I didn't think that Howie noticed, but I saw Brian get a smirk on his face. I quickly turned to look at Nick, who was just staring into the woods. I nudged him in the thigh, which brought him back to reality, and he quickly drew his hands off my shoulder, blushing. I looked at him, and grinned slightly, which only made him blush even further. Since the conversation had died down, I suggested that we go for a swim in the lake. I knew that Nick would remember from our earlier conversation, but I didn't expect him to was kind of cute.

The others agreed, and we grabbed towels and trunks. Howie changed in his room, giving me a nice shot of his if I didn't need any more stimulus. Brian decided to change outside, as did Nick. I decided to turn around, and change as quickly as possible. Thankfully, I had learned how to do that in the Army, when we had surprise inspections or were interrupted in the middle of the night...its usually not a good thing to greet your superior in the buff, and saluting him twice! So, in a few seconds, I managed to get into my black sheer trunks.. thankfully not Speedos...and adjusted myself so not to loot too obvious. We grabbed our towels, and headed off to the lake.

***** Sorry that this episode is so short, when my editor sent it back to me, it got all screwed up, so I had to rewrite the entire thing! OMG, it soo sucked! But FYI, next time, she is proofing the chapter on my computer! LOL!

Also, sorry for teasing you about the changing thing... I hope that it keeps ya intrigued in my story, and there will eventually be a relationship...but with who? I haven't yet introduced the other two... /Dante/

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