Something Else

By Irda Majere

Published on Jan 21, 2000


Now here's part two! I wrote and posted this before waiting for a comment on part one, but I hope you liked it, anyway. I'll be adding to it very soon, so watch this space.

The usual disclaimer applies.

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Something Else by Irda Majere

Part II

One day, though, a man approached Ronan and kindly asked where he had got the dog.

"I found it in the street," he replied. "Why?"

The man smiled and said that it was his dog, that he'd lost it a few weeks ago and had been searching for it like mad.

"My kids really miss him," he said apologetically, obviously a bit ashamed of having to take Dimitri away from his new owner.

"But how do I know he's yours?" Ronan asked suspiciously.

The man reached inside his coat and took out a photo of two smiling children and a large black dog, which was obviously Dimitri.

"Oh," Ronan said, obviously disappointed.

"I'm really sorry," the man apologized. "You can always get another dog if you go down to the dog pound. There are lots of dogs there in search for a good home."

"Yeah, thanks," Ronan said with a smile. He was not ready to share with this stranger that he didn't have a home, so he excused himself and said that he had to be leaving.

"You can come and visit him if you like," the man said, and handed Ronan a card with his name, number and address on it. Ronan thanked him and put it in his pocket.

"Take care of yourself," the man called as Ronan began walking away. But the boy didn't reply, he just waved his hand and smiled. As he turned away from the man, tears began rolling down Ronan's cheeks.

He was very lonely after the dog left. And even though he had one less problem to solve, now that he didn't have to worry about getting the dog over to England, he still missed Dimitri more than anything. He had been his only friend in the whole world, the only one who wouldn't judge him or condemn him.

But things soon got even harder for Ronan, because he only had so much money and the weather was getting colder and colder. One night, about two weeks after he ran away, it started raining like mad. Ronan had been walking around downtown when the rain started, and because he was hardly dressed for the weather, he searched for a place where he'd find shelter. He soon found a passage to an underground tunnel and made his way down the stairs into the dark. He had been clever enough to bring a raincoat with him, and he quickly removed his backpack and began looking for it. But when he had put it on, somebody grabbed his shoulder.

"What do you have there, boy?" the man said as he tried to grab Ronan's backpack.

"Please, I don't have anything valuable," Ronan pleaded. He had never been so frightened in his life. There was no one around to help him, and even if someone would stumble upon the scene, they probably wouldn't interfere. In this neighbourhood it was every man for himself.

"Oh, yeah? I'll check myself, if you don't mind." The man let go of Ronan and started looking through the bag. On impulse, Ronan suddenly snatched his bag from the thief's hands and ran away as fast as he could, which was quite fast because the young boy used to be a very good sprinter. The thief never stood a chance against the terrified youngster, but Ronan still felt like his attacker was right on his heels. He fled into an alley, and was afraid to leave in case the thief was out there looking for him, so he frantically searched for a place to hide. He spotted a door and decided to try to see if it was open. To his immense relief, the handle gave way and before he knew it he was standing in a quiet, dark hallway. It was so nice to finally be inside again, Ronan didn't stop to worry whether there might be someone around who didn't want him there. He just stood there, lavishing in the warmth and silence of this unknown haven. But suddenly, Ronan heard someone approaching. He quickly went over to the next door and let himself in, taking the chance that there might be someone in the room. There wasn't. The room was almost completely dark, only the lights from the street outside lit the big room he had trespassed. In case someone checked the room, he sat down in a corner where he probably wouldn't be discovered until someone turned on the lights. He knew he was taking a big chance, but he just couldn't get himself to leave the warm, quiet room. He had had enough of living on the streets, and decicded to enjoy being inside for as long as he possibly could. That is, until someone found him and threw him back out. Now that he had found a hiding place and his eyes had adjusted to the darkness, Ronan looked around the room to try and figure out where he was. After checking out his surroundings he decided he was in an office. There was a big desk by the window, and shelves with files and folders lined the walls. He realized he had entered the rear entrance to the club he had passed when he was looking for shelter from the rain, and this office was probably the owner's workplace. He was trying to remember the name of the club when he drifted off to sleep. But the sleeping youngster was suddenly awoken when someone entered the room, almost startling him to death. The intruder turned on the light and went and sat down at his desk. From where Ronan was hiding, he could see the man quite clearly, even though the man had fortunatley not noticed him yet. He was a tall, black man with a shaved head and handsome features. As Ronan watched him, the dark man took out a packet of cigarettes and lit one. Inhaling deeply from his cigarette, he leaned back, his eyes closed and an overall exhausted look on his face. "God, what I wouldn't do for a blow job right now," the man said with a sigh. His secret guest blushed deeply at the bigger man's comment. But then, all of a sudden, the black man stood up and began walking towards Rona, who froze on the spot. He watched the man open a refrigerator which was situated near his hiding place and fetch a can of beer. And as he was about to open the chilled drink, he spotted the intruder.

"Who the hell are you?" the surprised man exclaimed.

"I-I'm-," the boy stuttered, "I'm Ronan."

"And what the hell are you doing in my brother's office!?" the man questioned further.

The boy stumbled across his words, barely managing to answer the bigger man.

"I was being followed, you see, and-"

Suddenly someone burst in. It was a woman of about 25 years, dressed in a very short skirt and a low-cut top.

"You better come up, Shaq," she said in a warning tone of voice.

The dark man; who was obviously called Shaq, Ronan noted, seemed exasperated.

"Now what?" he inquired in a tired voice.

"Josh walked out," the girl replied as she crossed her arms. "Well, ran out is more like it."

Shaq sighed. "Now what did he do?"

"Apparently, Josh overslept this morning and Arek had to pick us up himself. And you can just about imagine how pissed off he was. We hardly dared to breathe on the way home."

"It's not like he hasn't walked out before," Shaq said, a hint of desperation in his voice. "Did anyone go after him?"

"Yep, Nic did and he said Josh was definitely not comin back."

At this news, Shaq went and slumped down into his chair.

"What are we going to do? We must find someone before tomorrow, and Arek is so picky on escorts."

Then suddenly the woman spotted the cowering youngster.

"Who's he? Another one of your victims?" she said with a smile, obviously mocking the big man.

"Hey, none of my bedmates are victims, they're all lucky bastards. And no, that's not one of 'em."

The woman looked Ronan up and down, checking him out.

"He's cute," she commented as the boy blushed again, though not as deeply. She looked at the big man and added meaningfully: "Wonder what he'd look like in a pair of tight leathers."

Shaq looked bewildered, but realization soon dawned on his face.

"You're right, he is Arek's type, ain't he?"

Now obviously quite excited, Shaq stood up and walked over to Ronan.

"Stand up," he commanded and the boy quickly obeyed.

The black man looked him over approvingly.

"Are you homeless?" he asked excitedly, surprising Ronan with his tone of voice when asking such a question.

"Yes, I am. Why?" the boy inquired carefully.

Shaq grinned broadly.

"How would you like a well payed job, with free food and accomodation? Plus, you'll travel a lot, all expenses paid."

Of course Ronan thought it sounded great, but wanted to know what was the catch to such an offer.

"What will I have to do?" he asked skeptically.

"Well," Shaq began, looking to the woman for help.

She gave him a glance which said something like: 'Can't you do anything on your own?'

"Well, you see; Arek, Shaq's brother," the woman said, indicating the dark man with her hand, "is a business man, and he travels around a lot."

This comment almost made Shaq laugh, but a meaningful glance from the girl stopped him.

"And he likes to have someone with him, you know, to run errands for him and stuff."

Ronan frowned, hardly satisfied with the answer.

"What sort of errands?"

"Just, you know, making calls for him, getting him coffee, organize his wardrobe-that sort of thing," the girl finished, hoping the boy wouldn't ask what exactly it was that Arek did.

"What do you mean, organize his wardrobe?" Ronan asked, "is he in a wheelchair or something?"

Shaq burst out laughing at the boy's comment.

"No, he's fine, believe me. You see, my brother hates going shopping, especially for clothes. He likes looking good, but he doesn't like choosing the clothes himself."

Wondering what sort of a weird person this Arek guy was, he mulled the offer over. It didn't sound too bad. I mean, free food and lodging? Travel all around the world for free? Good money? And the job didn't sound too difficult. Actually, it all sounded a bit too good to be true. 'I mean, what sort of a guy is he if that Josh guy walked-no, ran out on him?' Ronan thought to himself.

"Can I meet him first?" Ronan said at last. The pair had been observing him intently, waiting for his decision. "Wow, this is obviously very important to them,' he thought to himself. 'There has to be a catch to all this.'

"Of course," Shaq replied. Then he looked the boy over with a scrutinizing gaze and added: "But I think you're going to have to...freshen up a bit first."

Then he walked to the door and shouted: "Nicholas! Get your arse in here!"

Moments later a young man walked in. He was about the same height and build as Ronan, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was wearing tight clothing which didn't do much to hide his becoming figure.

"Yes Shaq baby?" Nicholas said as he walked in. He went up to the black man and slipped his arms inside the bigger man's coat. "Anxious, aren't we?" the boy said teasingly as he reached up to kiss Shaq's neck.

Dismissing the Nicholas's actions with a smile, Shaq removed his arms from his waist. It was obvious he was used to those sort of antics from the blond boy.

"Take-" Shaq paused and looked at Ronan. "What was your name again?"

"Ronan," he replied, still staring at Nicholas and his strange attire.

"Take Ronan here and dress him up nice. He's about to go meet his new boss."

Nicholas swiftly turned his gaze to Ronan.

"He's going to be Arek's new boy?"

"Well, I haven't made up my mind yet," Ronan said defensively.

Nicholas walked over to him and looked him over, as if examining him more closely.

"Yeah, well, he is what the big guy usually goes for."

Then he took Ronan's hand.

"Come on, let's go dress you up. Gotta look all pretty if you're gonna meet the big guy."

And with that the two blondes exited the room, Nicholas dragging the confused newcomer behind him.

The woman sighed. "What have you gotten the poor kid into."

Shaq casually placced his hand on her lower back.

"I don't know, all I know is I have to keep big bro happy. Or it's my neck."

Next: Chapter 3: Something Else 3 4

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