Something Else

By Irda Majere

Published on Jan 31, 2000


Here are parts 3 and 4. Since you're here, you must be reading it, but I actually haven't recieved one comment about this story. I got a few for my other story, but not this one. I find that kinda funny, 'cos this one is much better! Oh, well. Enough of that, and I hope you like this part! It's even got some sexy stuff in it. Just a bit, though....

Disclaimer: This story does not imply anything about the sexualities

of Ronan Patrick John Keating of Boyzone, Shane Steven

Filan of Westlife or Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne of

Westlife. And if you're not old enough or something, go

away. Otherwise, e mail me and tell me what you think.


Send your comments to: (hey, you can be optimistic, can't ya!)

Something Else by Irda Majere

Part III

Nicholas led Ronan into a large dressing room, which was packed with clothes, mirrors, chairs but fortunately no people. Ronan thought he'd seen enough of strange people for the day, and he'd heard that he was supposed to change clothes and he sure wouldn't have wanted to do that in front of a bunch of people.

"Well," Nicholas said as he closed the door behind them, "you can start by taking a shower." Then he said in a lower voice: "You need it..."

Ronan was very embarrassed and made his way into the bathroom which contained a big, roomy shower, the most beautiful thing Ronan had seen since he'd run away from home. It hadn't been very nice, not being able to shower for days, and now when he finally got a chance to he decided to enjoy it. He removed his clothes and got in the shower, lavishing in the warm water for as long as he could, forgetting all about his meeting with his supposed-future boss. But suddenly the peace was broken when the door flew open, startling Ronan to death.

"Come on, pretty-boy! The big man doesn't have all day, y'know!"

Ronan hurried out of the shower and to his surprise, Nicholas was still standing there, and as he dried himself the other man watched him carefully.

"Those legs are gorgeous, how do you do it?" Nic exclaimed; making the naked youngster extremely embarrassed.

"I used to be a track runner," Ronan replied meekly as he quickly wrapped his towel around his slim waist. But the towel didn't hide much for it was quite small, so Nicholas continued studying his exposed body.

"You're very lucky, Areq is quite a leg-man. He's a sucker for a nice pair of thighs." With a glance at Ronan's behind and a wicked smile, Nic added: "And he also loves a nice ass, which makes you the perfect candidate for the job."

Ronan could barely believe what he was hearing. What sort of a "personal assistant" was he supposed to be, anyway? He may have been cold and starving, but he was not down to the level where he was willing to sell his own body.

"Nicholas?" Ronan ventured as they reentered the dressing room.

"Yep," the other man replied as he searched through some clothes hanging in one of the many closets.

"If I would get the job," Ronan said, nervous about what he was going to ask, "would I have to.... sleep with him?"

Nic stopped what he was doing and turned to face him.

"Most likely, yeah," he said matter-of-factly. "But not like all the time, he doesn't usually fuck his assistants. But, you know, if the mood catches him..."

Ronan turned pale. He sure wasn't prepared to sleep with some stranger when "the mood caught him", as Nicholas so bluntly put it.

Nicholas noticed Ronan's discomfort.

"You are gay, right? Shaq and Eve must have made sure of that!"

"Well, yeah, but-" Rona stammered.

Suddenly, it was as if Nicholas had thought of something.

"How old are you, kid?"

Ronan looked down before he replied.


Nicholas looked appalled.

"Fifteen?! You're just a kid! I thought you were like 18 or something! Didn't those eejits down there ask you?"

Ronan shook his head, glad that maybe now he could get out of here. He didn't want anything to do with his Areq, the man sounded plain scary.

Nic sighed.

"But you're so perfect for him!" He looked at Ronan hopefully. "What if we make him promise not to have sex with you unless you want to? He probably wouldn't, anyway, Areq's not a child molester."

Ronan didn't like how the older man always referred to him as a child, but didn't say anything.

"I don't know," Ronan said, not sure whether he could trust this promise. "Maybe I should meet him first, before I decide on anything. And there's always a chance he won't like me."

Nicholas grinned and gestured to Ronan's unclad form.

"From what I've seen, I'm almost sure he'll be smitten."

At Nic's words, Ronan realized he was still just wearing his towel.

"So what am I supposed to wear," he asked, wanting to get dressed as soon as possible. He didn't really like the other man's eyes roaming his bare figure.

"Here you go," Nic said, handing the younger man some clothes he'd picked out. "The boss will love you in this."

What Ronan had in his hands was a pair of tight leather trousers and some sort of a leather T-shirt with a zipper on the back. The fifteen-year-old almost blushed at the sight of this suggestive clothing and totally disliked the idea of having to wear them. But out of curiosity he squeezed the tight fitting trousers on, and slipped on the also-tight top, before asking Nicholas to help him with the zipper.

When Nicholas had zipped up the top, he quite subtly pressed his hand against Ronan's behind, making him jump as if he'd been stung by a wasp.

Nicholas ignored his reaction and said: "Very nice. So firm and well shaped. I'm sure you'll get the job."

Ronan, quite infuriated by the man's nerve, said nothing. But then he realized his feet were still bare.

"I still need shoes," he commented.

Nicholas went back to the closet and brought back a pair of very nice leather boots. They looked quite expensive, and Ronan wondered what they'd cost. He knew that he would never in his life be able to afford such footwear.

"What about socks?" he questioned.

Nic shook his head. "No socks," he said, "can you think of anything less sexy than socks? I mean, come on.."

"But I'm not applying for a job as a male escort, am I?" Ronan said, getting annoyed with all this concentration on his looks and body.

"Yes, you are," Nic replied to Ronan's terror, "of sorts, anyway. You'll go everywhere with Areq and he'll want to show you off. So, you must look nice."

'But what does that have to do with socks?' Ronan wondered, but decided not to say anything. It would be in vain to try and make any sense of his situation. He sighed.

"Well, am I ready now to meet 'the big man'?"

Nicholas looked him up and down before nodding approvingly.

"Yep, all set."

Ronan suddenly got very nervous, his heart pounding like mad. He didn't know what this Areq person would be like, and from what he'd heard, he didn't sound too pleasant. He took a deep breath.

"Let's go," he said with a sigh, wondering why on earth he was doing this....

Part IV

The two blondes made their way up to the club, which was filled with people and loud music sounded from the numerous speakers. Ronan had never been to a club before, and he looked around with interest. As he did, he noticed that most of the couples were men. Even though quite uncomfortable, he was also fascinated. He'd always felt like he was a freak of nature, that no one in the world was gay but him. But he also noticed that his suggestive attire was provoking approving looks from the club's guests, and that made him feel even more uncomfortable than before.

"Come on, Ronan, this way," Nic said, gesturing to a flight of stairs next to the bar.

As they reached the platform at the stairs end, Ronan and his escort came face-to-face with two extremely large and intimidating men, who were standing in front of a door, obviously guarding whoever was within.

"Who's he?" one of them asked Nicholas, eyeing Ronan suspiciously.

"He is a possible replacement for Josh," Nicholas replied, appearing not even slightly intimidated by the two giants, who, Ronan noticed, looked remarkably alike.

The giants wordlessly stepped aside, letting Ro and Nic by. They entered a big room, which contained a bar, some sofas and something which appeared to be a jacuzzi. Ronan found this to be a quite peculiar selection of furniture, and also noticed that the room was incredibly soundproof. The noise from downstairs could hardly be heard, the only sound in the room was soft music coming from a stereo in the room's corner.

"Areq," Nic said, "I've got someone I'd like you to meet."

"Who is it," a deep voice sounded from the steaming jacuzzi.

"His name is Ronan. Me and your brother are pretty sure you'll like him, even Yvonne thinks he's your type."

A very tall man stepped out of the jacuzzi, and the sight of him made Ronan's eyes widen. He was dark-skinned, and completely naked. He towered over both him and Nicholas and was an almost amusing contrast to the two white-skinned blondes. Every part of Areq's body was perfectly sculptured, and he carried himself as if he knew. He slowly walked over to them with the air of complete superiority.

As he reached them, Nic reached for a towel which lay on a table next to them and handed it to the dark man who accepted and began drying himself, obviously oblivious to the fact that he was stark naked.

When he had finished drying off, he went and got a black silk robe which was so long that even on his shoulders it touched the floor. As he tied the belt on the robe around his waist, he looked his potential escort up and down, making Ronan very self-conscious. The boy glanced at Nic, who had an I-knew-it look on his face, for he could clearly see Areq's approval of the potential employee.

"How old is he?" the big man asked, making Ronan feel like a horse being sold in a market. He expected the big man to check his teeth next.

Nic cleared his throat, appearing nervous about having to answer this query.

"Fifteen," he said quickly.

Areq frowned slightly.

"That's a bit young," he said thoughtfully.

Then he looked Ronan straight in the eye.

"Why do you want to work for me?" he asked the boy in a voice which gave you no choice but to answer, and fast.

"I need the money," Ronan replied truthfully, deciding that telling a lie would only get him into trouble later on.

Areq smiled, amused at the boy's honest answer.

"At least he doesn't lie," he said. After a moment's thought he added: "Leave us alone."

Ronan turned to leave, but Nicholas grabbed his shoulder.

"He meant me, pretty boy," he said and left the room.

Embarrassed about his mistake, Ronan shifted his gaze shyly to Areq who was looking at him intently.

"Come here," he ordered.

Ronan dared not but obey, and with his heart beating wildly in his chest, he walked over to the big man. When he was face to face with the towering figure, Areq reached behind him and zipped down his top. Ronan was for a moment sure that he would faint; though he was not sure whether from fear or excitement. When Areq had removed his top, he ordered Ronan to remove his trousers and shoes as well, which he did, if a bit shakily. He had no idea what the man wanted with him, but he wished it were not the worst.

Ronan now stood before Areq wearing nothing but his underwear.

"Take them off too," Areq ordered.

Ronan stripped himself of the tight boxers he had been given to wear, and was now completely naked and even more scared than before. Areq walked up to him and placed his big hands on the small of Ronan's back. Then, bending down to kiss his neck, he ran them over the blonde's well-formed ass, making every muscle in Ronan's body tense. No one had ever touched him that way before, so the sensations in his body were new to him. He had only touched himself, which had felt very different to Areq's deliberate touch.

After a short while, Areq removed his hands and stepped away from the shocked youth.

"Put your clothes on and fetch Nicholas. You can wait outside."

Ronan quickly obeyed and hurried out after he had dressed. He told Nicholas Areq wanted to see him, and when Nic had entered the room and closed the door behind him, Ronan went and leaned against the wall beside the door.

The two guards paid him no heed as he started sniffling quietly. He felt so used and invaded, somehow. He knew feeling like that wasn't logical, it wasn't like he'd been raped. But that had been his first intimate moment with a man, and it hadn't been any of what he'd imagined. Ronan had always been a romantic at heart, and had long ago decided that he'd never even touch someone he didn't love. But now he'd been groped by some thug he didn't even know, just to get some stupid job he wasn't even sure he wanted. But he knew he didn't deserve anything better, not after what he almost did to his family. He needed this job and he knew it. Even if it meant letting some stranger use him for his physical pleasures "when the mood caught him".

"So," Nic inquired a bit excitedly, "what did you think?"

"He'll do," Areq replied matter-of-factly.

Nicholas had a feeling Areq really liked the kid, but didn't say anything. He knew Areq would have his head if he dared push the subject. He decided he'd get all the facts from Areq's little brother later, they told each other everything.

"Okay, good. Do you want us to take him home?"

"Doesn't he have to go and get his stuff first?"

Nic shrugged.

"He's homeless, he doesn't have anything."

Areq cocked his eyebrow.

"He obviously hasn't been on the street for long, he looks too well to be starving. Wonder what happened to him."

Nicholas agreed that Ronan did look a bit healthy for a homeless person.

"Maybe it's the same old story, maybe his parents threw him out when they found out he was gay," he said, making sure Areq heard the last part. To Nic's satisfaction, Areq looked up when he said Ronan was gay.

"He's gay?" Areq asked. When Nicholas confirmed, Areq added: "That will certainly make things easier....for him. Remember Sebastian?"

Nicholas sure did. Sebastian had been a guy who had worked as Areq's escort for about a month. Poor kid had taken the job 'cause he needed the money, but it came to his disadvantage that he was as straight as an arrow. He'd eventually quit, but not before becoming a certified coke-addict.

"But," Nicholas added, "I'm pretty sure he's a virgin, so don't do anything he don't want you to do. He's really scared of that, so if you don't want him pulling a 'Sebastian', be nice."

Areq smiled slightly at his employee's lecture, both of them knowing Areq would do exactly what he wanted.

'Sorry kid,' Nic thought to himself, 'can't say I didn't try to save your ass...literally.'

"You can go now," he said and turned around, removing his robe and letting it slip to the floor as he returned to the jacuzzi. "Tell the twins I don't want to be disturbed," the black man said to Nicholas as he reentered the warm, bubbling water.

Nicholas left the room and closed the door, informing the two bodyguards of their boss' order.

When Nicholas was gone, Areq started thinking of his new escort. He was strikingly beautiful, and Areq's need for him was almost painful. But for some reason he did not want to hurt the young boy. Maybe it was because he was so young and helpless. Areq smiled at that thought. Everyone was helpless around him. No, it was something else. He seemed so innocent, so pure. Areq didn't want to ruin that. If it had been anyone else, Areq would have had his way with him then and there instead of just stripping him naked. But God, was he beautiful.

'I need some relief,' Areq thought to himself as he felt his midsection throb at the thought of the young blonde. He reached for his phone which was beside the jacuzzi and dialed one of the twins' number.

"Get Filan for me," was all he said before putting the phone back down. He didn't have to wait long, and before he knew it he heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," he called and the person entered.

Filan had just started working for him about a week earlier, and was still quite wet between the ears. And still terrified of his boss.

"Yes, Areq?" the dark-haired boy said, trying to prevent from stuttering from nervousness.

"Take your clothes off and get in," Areq ordered the nervous youth.

Filan obeyed, removing his tight jeans. He had been on duty so he wasn't wearing anything on top; nor underwear for that matter. The boy gave a small sigh, one which his boss hadn't heard.

'Oh, well,' he thought to himself, 'I guess Areq beats being with a customer. At least he's good-looking.' Filan thought for a minute before adding to that thought: 'Make that stunningly gorgeous.....'

He stepped into the warm water and sat down across from Areq. Areq just looked at him. Filan realized his mistake and moved to sit astride on the big man's lap.

"Hope you didn't have a customer," Areq said, already getting aroused from the young man's position on his lap. He started grinding Filan's hips into his, making both men eager to continue.

"No," Filan sighed as Areq lowered him onto his huge member. He didn't give Filan time to adjust to the size of his cock, but pushed him all the way down, making the smaller man gasp from pain. Everyone who had had sex with Areq knew he wasn't easy to take, such was the size of his tool. But Filan wasn't a blushing virgin, and was soon riding his boss' cock; the pleasure making the latter tighten his grip around Filan's waist. Soon his grip became so tight it started to hurt, but that only added to the eroticism of the moment, making Filan move faster and eventually making Areq shoot his load deep inside Filan's body.

Filan had by then become intolerably aroused, and hoped that his dominating lover would take care of it. But he wasn't so lucky.

"Go back to work," Areq said into his ear and lifted him of off him. Filan dared not but obey and got out of the water, dried himself, got dressed and hurried out.

Even though he had got some relief, Areq's thoughts were still on Ronan. He sighed.

"Get a grip, Areq," he said to himself. "Imagine how hard Shaq would laugh if he knew how you think of that kid." But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get his blond angel off his mind.

Thanks for reading! Please send your comments to I'll be adding to it soon, so watch this space!

Next: Chapter 4: Something Else 5 6

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