Something Else

By Irda Majere

Published on Mar 9, 2000


Why do I keep posting this? sigh I still haven't recieved ONE comment for this story... Oh, well. Have you guys read Bad Boys yet? I hope you like it, and you must read Diana's other story, Intimate Stranger. It's GREAT, I'm telling you. I'm just so sad it's ending soon! :( Well, read away since you're here! And I hope you like it! It's even got some sex in it this time...! All comments go to:

Disclaimer: This story is fiction, of course. The last time I checked,

Ronan Keating was 23 years old and in a band... I'm not

claiming that Ronan or anyone else in this story is gay.

Don't read this if you're not supposed to, and if you

don't want to read about gay guys, why are you here??


Something Else by Irda Majere

Part VII

As Ronan showered, he started wondering about Areq's generosity. Why had he bought him all those things? Did he misjudge him, was he a real nice guy after all? He decided to wait and see, he did not want to get his hopes up when the guy might turn out to be a complete asshole after all.

He got out of the shower and dried himself. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he made his way back to the bedroom. Areq stood in the middle of the room, startling Ronan a bit with his ominous presence.

"Hi," the blonde said tensely. "Did Nic have something?" he added, noticing Areq holding something quite frightening in his hands. It looked like...nah, couldn't be....plastic??

"Put these on," Areq said, handing the now-worried boy what he was holding. Ronan inspected his new attire suspiciously. He was right, it was plastic. Black, shiny, tight plastic. His eyes widened as he inspected the trousers-or maybe the lack there off....

"What is this?" he said in a horrified tone.

"They're called hot pants," Areq said helpfully. "Go on, try them on." Then he added with a half-grin: "You won't be needing any underwear for those."

Ronan removed his towel and squeezed the tight garment on. They were kind of tight over his thighs, but they fit his waist perfectly.

"And the top," the black man ordered.

Ronan put the top on. It was made from the same material as the hot pants, and was just as skimpy. It was sleeveless, and so short that his bellybutton showed. The sides of the thing were held together with buckled straps, so his sides were also on show. He looked himself up and down in the mirror, and just the sight of the outfit made him blush slightly.

"Very nice," Areq said contently. "But you need to wax your legs, you can't go out like that. I'll get Nicholas to help you."

Ronan was astounded. "Wax my legs?! There is no way I'm doing that, Areq! Sorry!"

The big man grabbed the front of Ronan's hotpants and pulled him to him. "Yes you are."

Ronan forced himself to stand his ground, though he was almost shaking at this point. And Areq wasn't even angry yet... "Why?" he said defiantly.

Areq slipped his hand down the younger man's pants and began stroking the blonde's shaft, making Ronan catch his breath. He was very startled and tensed up at first, but soon relaxed. The pleasure from the bigger man's touching made him close his eyes and he let out a low moan as his cock got harder and harder. But all of a sudden Areq stopped, making Ronan open his eyes, staring straight into his boss' dark eyes.

"Because I say so, Ronan," he said in Ronan's ear. With that, he removed his hand and walked out, leaving Ronan standing in the middle of the room, shaken and angry. 'Why did I let him do that?' the young man thought to himself, 'I can't just let him use me like that. And now he's going to make me wax my legs!' He walked over to the bed and flung himself on top of the numerous pillows, and soon started crying bitterly. 'I just have to face it,' he thought to himself as he sobbed, 'I'm a pimp's sextoy. Whether I like it or not.'

Then there was a knock at the door. "Ronan, you in there?" a voice called. "It's me, Yvonne. Areq said I was supposed to help you with the waxing..."

Ronan got up and opened the door, drying his tears as he let the blonde woman into his room.

"What's wrong?" Yvonne asked, her concern obviously genuine. "Did Areq hurt you?" she added carefully, unwilling to think what might have happened. Areq seldom asked for permission when he wanted something.

"No," Ronan replied, "it's nothing. Just homesick, I guess." He wanted to tell her the truth, he really needed someone to talk to, but he still wasn't sure if he trusted her enough. Maybe she didn't want to hear about all his problems; maybe she was on Areq's side. After all, she might still be mad at him for his reaction when he'd found out what she did for a living.

Yvonne wasn't sure if she believed him, but decided to let it be for now. 'He's so young,' she thought to herself as she watched the blonde boy dry his tears, 'why did I make him take the job? He's only a child, and no child should work for Areq. Hell, no child should know he exists!'

"Come on," she said in a comforting tone, "let's get the torture over with. The sooner it's done, the better." With that she led Ronan into the bathroom and showed him how it was done. Ronan took it like a man; his screams could be heard all over the house, making the other inhabitants wonder who was torturing that poor cat.

When Areq and Ronan arrived at the club, all eyes were on them. Both of them could see the same question on everyone's face: 'Who's the new kid? Is it Areq's new boy? Is he a new hooker?' As they walked towards the bar, the throng of people parted not unlike the Red Sea did for Moses. The looks on their faces were filled with curiosity. This reaction from the crowd to his presence almost made Ronan crack up, but he soon lost the urge when he felt his boss' hand on his PVC-clad behind. He expected the big man to remove it, but he just kept it there like it belonged on the blonde's ass.

After they had got their drinks, they went and sat down at a table which was obviously reserved for the owner of the club. When Areq had taken his seat, he gestured for Ronan to sit on his lap. 'He must be kidding,' Ronan thought in disbelief. 'What, is he going to tell me my bedtime story so early?' he added to himself sarcastically, but dared not but obey. He sat himself down on his boss' lap, feeling more embarrassed than he'd ever been in his whole life. He glanced around at the people around them, expecting to see grins on their faces; everyone cracking up at the sight of him sitting on the big man's lap like a baby. But to Ronan's surprise, everyone acted as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 'He obviously makes all his "boys" sit on his lap,' Ronan thought to himself grimly as he reached for his glass of water.

"Bored already?" Areq asked loudly so that he'd be heard over the loud music. He then placed his hand on the younger boy's thigh and began stroking it absently, as if stroking a cat. Ronan glanced down at the hand caressing his leg, but said nothing.

"No, I'm fine!" he replied in the same loud tone. Areq just smiled in reply, his hand never ceasing it's stroking.

A short while later they were joined by a short, mean looking man accompanied by two very large men, probably his bodyguards. The short man greeted Areq and began talking with him, not even acknowledging Ronan's presence. The blonde soon got bored with listening to the two pimps talk and one time when the little git was taking a sip from his glass, he asked Areq if he could go dance. Areq replied with a nod, and Ronan stood up and left for the dance floor.

He didn't feel like dancing, he just had to get away for a while. Plus, it wasn't very comfortable sitting on someone's lap for so long. But he knew that he would have to get used to it, sooner or later. The young man sighed as he looked around at the people dancing and having a good time. He envied them. Why couldn't he be here just to have a good time, and not to be an escort for some groping pimp everyone feared?

As he watched the clubbers doing their thing on the dance floor, he started noticing numerous eyes were on him, and unlike earlier, these were not looks of curiosity, but looks of wanting. Ronan started getting a bit worried when he saw more and more guys checking him out, and decided he'd better hurry back to Areq's table. Then all of a sudden two men approached him.

"How much?" one of them asked, looking the boy up and down as he spoke. Ronan was appalled at this question.

"Excuse me?" he stammered, hardly believing he had actually been asked that.

"I said," the man said as he grabbed Ronan's behind with both hands, "how much for that ass, pretty boy?" Ronan quickly removed his hands and stepped away.

"Sorry," he said in the sternest voice he could manage, "but I'm not for sale. Excuse me," he said as he started walking past them towards Areq's table. The idiot's friend, who was considerably bigger, grabbed his arm and almost threw him back to the shorter one.

"Well that's just better," shorty said with a grin, "then we won't have to pay for fucking that cute little ass of yours." As Ronan struggled frantically to get away, he added: "And don't even try to tell me you don't want it, I know you're dying to have this in you," he said as he grabbed his crotch. The two men began leading Ronan away from the dancefloor, and away from Areq's table.

'Isn't anyone going to help me?' the boy thought as they dragged him to an unused room in the back of the club. Tears started forming in his eyes when the bigger guy closed the door behind them, destroying all of Ronan's hopes to be rescued.

"Please don't hurt me," he pleaded as the tears started running down his smooth cheeks.

"Aww, cry baby," the short one said as if soothing a child. "Don't worry, if you do what daddy tells you it'll all be over soon." He started loosening his belt while the bigger one attempted to remove Ronan's hotpants.

Then, suddenly the door was kicked open and it crashed to the floor, startling everyone in the room. Ronan looked up and saw Areq standing in the doorway, a look of pure fury on his dark face. The boy immediately ran to him and neither of his attackers attempted to stop him. Both their gazes were locked on the big man, both knowing they were in big trouble. Areq turned away from them when Ronan reached his side, wrapping his arm around the blonde.

"You okay?" he asked in a surprisingly gentle tone, compared to the look he'd given the two idiots when he entered the room.

"Yeah, thanks," Ronan said shakily as Areq lifted his hand and wiped his tears. Then the big man let go of him, and turned his attention back to the attackers who were by now scared shitless. Areq grabbed the short one and slammed him against the wall, high enough so that his feet didn't touch the ground.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?" he roared as he tightened the grip on his victim's shirtfront. When he got no reply, Areq removed one hand and punched the shorter man in the jaw.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you, white boy!" he said as he again pinned the pathetic figure up against the wall. Quite a crowd had gathered behind Ronan, everyone waiting excitedly for the answer.

"I-I didn't know he was yours, Areq, I swear!" the loser finally managed. Still holding him up, he threw the cowering little man out of the room, causing a few onlookers to trip over when they were hit by the flying man.

"Get out of here!" he yelled. Then he stormed over to the other attacker, who was trying to sneak out. Areq turned the coward around to face him, and with all his strength, brought his knee into the man's stomach, making him double over from the blow. Areq picked him up and threw him out of the room. "And take your friend with you!" he yelled after them as they stumbled out of the club.

When Areq emerged from the scene of the show, everyone applauded. He just stood there for a moment, breathing hard and looking around at the people cheering with disinterest. Then he went over to Ronan who was standing up against the wall, still shaken from the whole incident. Without a word, he picked the younger man up into his arms and carried him out of the club into the limo, with all the clubbers watching with their mouths hanging open. They had never seen Areq do anything like that for anyone. Except maybe for his twin, Shaqur, who was then just coming up the stairs from his brother's office. He came up just in time to see his bigger twin leave the club, holding Ronan in his arms. He joined the crowd, his jaw also dropping at the sight.

"What the-?" he said to himself. Not even he had known his brother to do something like that. As he pondered his brother's actions, Nicholas came up to him.

"What happened?" Shaq asked.

"Some two guys tried to rape his precious Ronan," Nic replied. As an afterthought he added: "You know, I don't think I've seen Areq so smitten for quite a while-if ever!" Shaq glanced at him.

"Well, at least not since Ira," he replied with an emphasis on the last word, knowing Nic would agree. Who could forget Ira? Shaq sighed. 'I hope that's not going to happen again,' he thought to himself. 'I love my brother, but he's a pain in the ass when he's broken hearted.'

When Areq and Ronan arrived at the big house, Ronan went straight upstairs to his room, bidding Areq goodnight hurriedly. Even though he didn't really feel like being alone, he didn't feel like being with Areq, either. If anything was like a bloody box of chocolates, it was Areq. You never knew what to expect from him next.

Ronan quickly undressed and crawled into bed, hoping it wouldn't take him too long to fall asleep. He lay there for a while, not able to prevent himself from thinking about the night's events and how close he had been to being raped. He could still remember his attackers' faces, and the boy shivered at the memory. But thanks to Areq he had got away from them. He didn't want to think about what would have happened if Areq hadn't shown up when he did. But his boss' reaction still puzzled him. Throwing the guys out was to be expected, but his concern for his young employer had amazed Ronan. Did he really like him that much? Ronan didn't know what to think of the big man's apparent admiration, though in a way he was flattered. These less distressing thoughts helped him fall asleep, but his rest was disturbed by nightmares and he soon began thrashing and yelling in his sleep before waking up with a start and sitting up in his bed, breathing hard and close to crying. Just then he heard a knock on the door.

"Who's there?" he asked warily, a part of him imagining it was his attackers who had come back for him.

"It's Areq," came his boss' deep voice, "can I come in?" Ronan sighed in relief and stood up to let his saviour in.

"Are you okay?" Areq said as Ronan closed the door behind him. Areq was wearing a long, black robe, exactly like the one he'd been wearing when Ronan met him for the first time at the club.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he lied. He was having a hard time holding back the tears forming in his eyes. Luckily the room was dark so Areq couldn't see them.

"Are you sure?" Areq pressed, "I heard you yelling like you were having a nightmare. It's only to be expected that you're still a bit upset after what happened." Ronan tried to tell him that he was fine, that he should just go back to sleep, but all that came out were sobs and the tears began streaming down his cheeks. Areq gathered him into his arms and raised one hand to stroke the blonde's hair soothingly.

"Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?" he whispered as Ronan cried, his face buried in the bigger man's chest. Ronan just nodded and Areq took his small hand in his and led him to the master bedroom.

Areq's bed was huge. Even Areq himself could stretch in whatever direction if he wanted, and he was well over six-foot tall and broad to match. Ronan got under the covers, which were pitch black and made out of silk, just like his own white ones. He lay on his back and was disturbed to see his own face staring back. Apparently, Areq had mirrors above his bed. Ronan had never seen the point in that; who wants to watch himself having sex? But then he saw something that shocked him more. From both bedposts at the head of the bed hung a pair of handcuffs, just waiting to be used. 'What sort of a sex life does the man have?' Ronan thought as his boss got into the bed next to him.

"Don't you like them?" he asked Ronan teasingly when he saw the boy staring at his restraining equipment. Ronan just gave him a 'do I look like I do?' look and lay his head on the pillow, lying on his side so that he faced his boss. Areq lay down close to him and wrapped his arm around him, placing a kiss on the top of his head. Ronan gave in to his need to be comforted and snuggled closer to the black man, wrapping his arm around the man's big body. Areq had a strong and distinguishing smell, and Ronan found himself liking it. It was very masculine, and it made Ronan feel safe, somehow. After a while, Areq turned over onto his back, and so letting go of their embrace.

"Come here," Areq said softly, raising his arm so that Ronan could move closer.

Ronan raised his head and lay it on Areq's chest, who again draped his arm around the boy's small frame. Ronan placed his leg between Areq's and lay his arm across his stomach. Areq had been lusting for the boy since he'd first let eyes on him, so the feel of his bare skin against his made his heart beat faster, his lust increasing considerably when Ronan started fiddling with the golden ring Areq had in one of his nipples.

"Didn't hurt?" Ronan asked, not noticing Areq's sudden stiffness.

"Not really," Areq replied, deciding he wouldn't be able to take this much longer. 'If he doesn't stop fingering my nipple, I can't be responsible for my actions,' he thought to himself as he felt his crotch throb and his arousal become greater.

Ronan then noticed that Areq's heart was beating much faster and that his breathing was heavier. He knew he should get off his boss' chest and preferably leave the room, but Areq's reaction to his nearness excited him. Without a word, he let go of Areq's piercing and hesitantly ran his hand down the black man's stomach 'til it reached the waistband of his black satin boxers. There he hesitated again, while Areq held his breath in anticipation. After a short pause, which to the aroused Areq seemed like an eternity, Ronan lightly ran his small hand over the big man's clothed erection. Ronan's eyes widened at the size of the organ, but it only increased his excitement and his growing curiosity. He brought his hand back up to the waistband and carefully slid his hand inside the boxers. Then he wrapped his hand around Areq's erect shaft and began stroking it, bringing it to full hardness and making the head produce a stream of precum. Areq made no sound, though his pleasure was obvious from his fast breathing. The black man reached down and wrapped his big hand around Ronan's smaller one and guided him, making the strokes faster and firmer, until he finally erupted. Areq shot his load, covering both his and Ronan's hand in the warm, white liquid.

When the orgasm subsided, Areq caught his breath before reaching for a towel which lay on the floor beside the bed and handing it to Ronan whom accepted it gratefully. When he had dried his hand, he handed the towel back to his boss who cleansed his own hand before throwing the towel and his now-dirtied underwear on the floor. Then he moved up and sat next to Ronan, who was sitting up against the headboard.

"Why did you do that?" Areq asked as he took the boy's hand in his. While Ronan pondered the question, Areq brought the hand up to his lips and kissed it. At that, Ronan glanced at him and smiled shyly.

"I don't know," he replied, "I guess I just wanted to try it." Areq could see Ronan was not too keen on discussing the subject further, so he dropped it. It didn't matter why he'd done it, anyway. Even though it had only been a handjob, and from a novice, even, it had been the best orgasm Areq had experienced in a long time. His feelings for this young boy were stronger than any he'd felt in a long time, and it both scared and delighted him. He was scared because he wasn't sure if Ronan would ever feel the same way, and delighted because it had been a long time since he'd had someone special in his life. He would have to wait and see whether the boy would return his feelings. But it wasn't going to be easy, not when the boy was living under the same roof.

'God, he's beautiful,' Areq thought to himself as he watched Ronan. The blonde was obviously thinking very hard about something; his eyes were downcast and he was staring at his free hand which occupied itself by playing with the satin duvet. Areq just couldn't resist him, and letting go of the beautiful fingers, he sat up. He threw the duvet to the foot of the bed and placing his hands on the boy's waist, he gently dragged him to a lying position. Ronan was very startled, and Areq thought he also saw a bit of fear in the clear blue eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Areq said softly as he stood up and walked over to the light switch. He dimmed the lights, and to complete the mood he put an R Kelly CD on and played it on low volume. He wanted to do everything to relax his virgin lover, and hoped the lights and the music would help. 'Perfect,' he thought to himself as he returned to his nervous lover. Sitting himself down next to Ronan, he placed his hands on the boy's boxers.

"May I?" he asked. Ronan nodded carefully, obviously not too sure about all this. He had no idea what his boss was up to, and that frightened him. Areq removed the black boxers and then placed himself on top of the blonde's naked form. Closing his eyes, he placed his full lips on Ronan's, making the boy tense up. Then the black man slowly but firmly pressed his tongue against his lover's thin lips, and they carefully parted, accepting the probing tongue. When he felt Areq's tongue play with his own, Ronan started to relax and really get into the kiss. To the bigger man's delight, Ronan placed his hands on the back of Areq's bald head, and returned the kiss more eagerly.

When the two lovers had been kissing for a while, Areq reluctantly let go of the blonde's thin lips, and as he opened his eyes he gazed straight into Ronan's beautiful, blue orbs. The black man smiled, and the young boy returned it, if a bit insecurely. Areq bent down and flicked his tongue against Ronan's nipple, making the blonde draw a sharp breath and tighten his grip on Areq's head. The big man kissed and licked his way down the blonde's white, soft body until he reached his goal. Ronan's member was by then half-erect, and Areq quickly engulfed it in his warm mouth, bringing a loud moan from the surprised youth. Areq was far from new at giving head so he easily swallowed Ronan's whole length down his throat. To the black man's surprise, Ronan was quite vocal and let out loud moans as he was deep-throated by the older man. Hearing his name called out only urged Areq on, and before long the blonde came down his throat, yelling out his lover's name one last time as the black man swallowed all that Ronan had to give.

While Ronan came down from his high, Areq slid up beside him and gathered his exhausted lover in his big arms. Ronan rested his head against the black man's broad, muscular chest.

"Thank you," Ronan said in a sleepy voice as he drifted off to sleep. The youth's breath soon became regular, letting Areq know that his young lover was asleep. Resting his cheek on Ronan's blond head, the big man smiled.

"You're welcome," he whispered before drifting off to sleep himself, with R Kelly singing his heart out in the background.

Next: Chapter 6

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