Somewhere Only We Know

By Jesse Skyline

Published on Nov 10, 2010


From the writer: I've only written a story once and it was a short one. It was ok and 3 years later im ready to start again. Let me know what you think. Feedback is key

Disclaimer: If youre not of age (18 or in some areas 21) then leave. The situations in this story are from my mind with some influence from personal experiences. So i'm not writing about YOU. It's all me. Oh yea the story might get graphic too. Always practice safe sex and please don't steal my shit. Writing is my art form.


Jesse Skyline

Somewhere only we know - Chapter 1

I watched as he put the last box on the ground next to his SUV and turned to me after he closed the back door. "Well this is it. No turning back. I wouldn't exactly say your a man now but you're on your way."

"Thanks Dad."

He reached out and hugged me. I was gonna miss that smell of my dad's cigarettes in his clothes. Marlboro Reds. Tried one once and it made me high and nauseous. Still, I love the smell of it and I will miss it. I hugged him hard back. He knew how much I needed him in my life and that this wasn't good bye. It was our thing. "And would you PLEASE date a decent guy this time?"

Dad was not the biggest fan of my "whatever the fuck you want to call him" back home. He was pretty much referring to the guy I was seeing since I graduated high school and came out tot the rest of my family and friends. Dad has known since I was 16. I'm not the type to shout it from the roof tops but I just wanted my family to know. Dad handled it amazingly well. We were really close, he was a stay at home dad, and great at it. Mom was the corporate big-whig for a major bank. She on the other hand, did not. Let's just say that they didn't see eye to eye on it and split up. Dad re-assured us, my brother and 2 sisters, that it wasn't because of the gay thing. It turns out that Mom wasn't really the motherly type. She was more of the make everyone happy type. She never remarried after my dad. Unless you consider her job as her other half. She makes a brief appearance at all major holidays but that's about it. Oh yea, and the money. She paid for all our college tuitions and sent us cash on holidays and birthdays.

"Ha yea sure! I'll head off to the store and pick one up right away." I was known for my sarcasm.

Dad chuckled as he lit up a Red and walked towards the driver door. I was the baby of the family and felt bad about leaving my dad. He knew I felt bad too. We had this connection that none of the others shared. There was no bad blood between us about it.

"Have fun. Study. Experience new things, safely of course. Use a condom and call once in awhile. Did I get everything?"

"For the most part Pop. You gonna be okay?"

"I'm the parent here!" He chuckled as he closed the car door and rolled down the window to ash his stoogie.

"Yea I know but..."

He interrupted quickly, "But nothing. You go act your age and be you! I'm going to start doing what I always wanted to...relax."

We both laughed as he drove off blasting some Eric Clapton. I just shook my head and picked up the box. I turned around as I was trying to remember what was in the box to see my future home for the next 4 or 5 years. Oddly enough, I was wasn't scared. I was anxious. Anxious to see what my future was going to be.

The walk back to my dorm room wasn't too bad. It was just down a hill, through a pathway between two big buildings, past another dorm hall and then behind what looked like some type of a student center. I took in as much as I possibly could so I wouldn't seem lost on my first day of classes. It was a nice campus for being in the middle of nowhere. Who knew Pennsylvania was so pretty?

I walked up to my room on the third floor and put the box down. My dad insisted on setting everything up before he left. Except this box. Which I have no fucking clue what is in there. I set it down next to my desk and decided to just relax before opening it up. My roommate didn't get here yet. Most people didn't get here until tomorrow. Dad had mom pull some of her connections to get me in here a day early. We figured moving day would be hell.

I looked at the clock, three o'clock and nothing to do. I decided to head down to the gym and get in a nice workout in and have it to myself. I pulled out the map of the campus on computer to find it was two buildings down on the pathway in front of my dorm. I quickly changed and headed down.

I walked in to find there were a few guys in there already working out. I grabbed a treadmill to start my usual cardio workout. I popped in my headphones and began my warm up walking. I looked over and noticed the guys in here talking and looking over at me. I didn't care. I put my music louder ("Million Dollar Bill" by Whitney Houston, the freemasons mix) and began my run. The gym is where I got away from the rest of the world. Just me, my music and some good working out.

I must have gotten lost in my thoughts because I looked over to see two guys standing next to me talking but I couldn't hear a word they were saying because my head phones were on. I pulled them off and asked, "Sorry, I couldn't hear you with these in. What's up?"

"I'm Shane," began the one on the right,, "this is Gio. We are on the football team. We don't remember seeing you when practice began a few weeks back. Are you on the team?"

I stopped my treadmill and extended my hand out for handshake to them. "I'm Luc, with a C. I'm actually not on the team."

"Nice to meet you Luc!" Gio said a little too excited.

He didn't look like the sharpest tool in the shed. Gio is a big guy, looking a bit taller than me and I'm five eleven. He was definitely on the football team judging by his build. Big neck, big shoulders, big waist, etc. Shane on the other hand is tall like me but a regular build. It was no secret he had nice arms and a chest because he was wearing a cut off.

"How did you get in here early if you're not on the team?" Shane asked.

"Oh my mom is BFF with someone on the school board and got me in here a day early to avoid all the craziness tomorrow."

Did I really just say "BFF"? Insert homo here!

"Ah cool." Shane replied.

I spent the next 10 minutes bullshitting with Shane while Gio wandered off at some point. Turns out I have a lot in common with a jock who knew. I wasn't exactly a nerd but I was no stranger to a good book and classics were awesome. Not to mention the whole gay thing. Apparently I'm not like your every day gay. Trust me on this. Back home in the city you can usually pick out at least 3 when you're walking down the block. Don't get me wrong to each his own but that just wasn't me.

"Come on guys!" an elderly gentleman hollered at Shane from the gym entrance.

"Ah shit, I gotta go. Do you want meet up tomorrow while everyone moves in?"


"Nice. Meet me outside the gym at around noon. Cool?"

"Yup. See you then"

"Awesome Luc with a C."

Shane grabbed my upper arm as a gesture similar to a handshake. I looked at him and smiled. I noticed his deep blue eyes as he turned to walk away.

I finished up my workout and then began my short walk back to my room. I quickly made my way up to my computer and had a nice jerk off session with my proud seven and a half inches of pure cock.

One nice thing about my room is the attached bathroom. I made my way into the hot shower I had running and let the water run over my shoulders. I smiled as I soaped myself up and realized where I

End of chapter 1

Bitching? Ranting? Comments? Suggestions?

Next: Chapter 2

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