Somewhere Only We Know

By Jesse Skyline

Published on Nov 15, 2010


Welcome to the next installment of Somewhere only we know. The feedback received from chapter 1 was amazing. I love hearing that people are reading my story and enjoying it. I responded to everyone that inquired and I will continue to do so.

With that being said here is the boring part Disclaimer: If you're not of age (18 or in some areas 21) then leave. The situations in this story are from my mind with some influence from personal experiences. So I'm not writing about YOU. It's all me. Oh yea the story might get graphic too. Always practice safe sex and please don't steal my shit. Writing is my art form.


Jesse Skyline

PS Tell me where you're from if you email

Somewhere only we know - Chapter 2

I returned to my room and changed into something comfortable to lounge around in. I love my clothes. Some of them are years old but you just can't replace them. The feel and look. It reminds me of home. I quickly put on an old t-shirt and pair of old jeans and nothing on my feet. Being barefoot is amazing to me. It's a sense of freedom that can't be described. It feels so good to just wiggle my toes and have them be liberated.

I looked at the clock to see it was only five and my stomach was rumbling. I put on some flip flops and began to make my way to the door. I had the idea of going to the student center to grab some grub. As soon as I slipped my feet into the flops I turned and banged my foot on something. After cursing myself and looking to see what it was, I smiled. It was the box my dad left.

"Might as well open it now." I said to myself

I opened the box and smiled. There quite possibly was a tear that dropped too. In there were pictures, newspaper clippings and what looked like old school stuff from growing up. I pulled them all out and found three empty scrapbooks. Scrapbooking was my pop's thing when we were growing up. He did one every year.

As I was perusing the items in the box I heard my stomach rumble. I decided to just order some pizza online and have it delivered. Not exactly the most healthy thing in the world after my workout but this was the perfect way to me to spend my first night in the next chapter of my life.

I awoke the next morning to have the sun beating down on my face. It wasn't exactly the greatest way to wake up but it symbolized something to me. It was my first full day at my new life. I can be anybody here. I will be me. I will let myself grow and be open minded.

I grabbed my towel and headed to take a nice hot shower. In case one may have not noticed by now I LOVE taking hot showers. I usually stay in until the hot water runs out. I know I'm going to have to change that for my roommate out of consideration. There is something about letting the water cascade over my body. The water running down my body makes my skin feel like it is being purified back to when I was a new born baby. I imagine it looks rather beautiful if someone was watching and I contour my body when letting the water wash away the remnants of the soap and shampoo. Sometimes I get caught up in the beauty of it and find myself almost pleasuring myself from the way the water surrounds my body.

After toweling off and getting dressed I made my way down to the campus bookstore to pick up my books for the semester courses. I had most of the books in my hand and was looking for one more book. I went to grab the book and dropped one of out my hand. I bent down to pick it up and someone called out my name. "Yo Luc with a C!"

I turned to see Gio walking towards me. I chuckled to myself as I realized that there was the high probability that I was going to be getting a new nickname soon. "What's up Gio?"

"Nothing bud. Just grabbing some books here with Shane after our morning practice. We still meeting up with you later?" he replied.

"Oh yea of course. Noon right?"

"Yup." said someone behind me.

I turned around to see Shane standing there with a lot of books. He had this look about him. I don't know if I can quite convey it through words but here goes. He had this jet black hair that was perfectly trimmed and spiked up in the front. His skin was blemish free with this complexion that wasn't incredibly tan but not pale. It suited him. Then his eyebrows were naturally shaped and above a set of the bluest eyes I have ever laid eyes upon. They made his glances seem so inviting and trusting. The light scruff strategically placed on his upper lip and chin, that was jet black as well, made him seem so proper. His soft yet manly voice brought all these features together to make him a guy you just want to get to know.

"Hey Shane." I said.

"How was your first night freshman?" He chuckled.

"Great! Um are you guys not freshman?" I asked.

"Nope," he began, "Gio and I have been here for a few years. I extended my curriculum so I have two more years left. This is Gio's last year."

Guess who disappeared when we began talking?

"Oh very cool. Is there some freshman initiation I should know about?"

"Good question. Guess you'll just have to trust me later on today." He winked at me.

"Ha! This I'm dying to see."

Shane excused himself to go find Gio and pay. He explained that they had to head back to their dorm room because the coach was having a team meeting broadcast over the school's website. I personally thought that was pretty amazing and convenient for the players.

I continued finding my books and some reference books that I thought would be helpful during study time throughout school. Then as I was about to head to the register I thought I should probably pick up some school spirit stuff. I picked up a hoodie, gym shorts, baseball cap and a beanie. $673 later I was on my way to the student center to grab some grub to bring back to my room. I wanted to work on the scrapbooks a bit more before heading down to meet Shane and Gio.

I made my way down to the rec center to meet up with the fellas. The old me would have been nervous hanging out with these guys but not the new me. It's a nice feeling.

As I get to the center, I see Shane hanging out there but not Gio. "Hey!" Shane says as his face lights up. I imagining this? Did his face light up? Maybe I'm just reading to much into it. I ignore it and greet him back.

"Yea you're gonna have to get changed." Shane told me.

"Why is that?"

"Well I thought we could go hiking. The school has some pretty sweet trails. Thought it would be cool." he said, almost in a pleading way.

"That sounds awesome. Let's go back to my room and I'll change. Cool?"

"Yea sure."

We make our way back to my room. We were making light conversation getting to know each other. Shane told me that Gio decided to stay behind because his girlfriend was moving back in to her room and they wanted some alone time.

We got back to my room and I put on a dark t-shirt and pair of cargo shorts. I pulled a pair of hiking boots. "You have hiking boots?"

"Yea. Even though I grew up in the city my dad always made sure that I we got out of the city as much as possible. It was kinda cool to try new things."

We left my room after I left a note for my new roommate welcoming him to the room and letting him know that I'll be back later.

Shane led me down a path that wrapped around the football field and into the woods. We began down these marked hiking trails and got to know each other.

I told Shane about my family. I explained my mother was more of a working lady than a mother lady. I explained how it never really bothered me growing up because of my amazing father. I told him how they are divorced now, omitting the gay card for the time being.

He told me that his parents act like they are newly weds after twenty five years of marriage. He uses them as a role models into what he is ultimately trying to achieve when it comes to his love life.

"Watching them as I grew up," he began, "was remarkable. I can truly say that they married their best friend. They don't do any of that sappy shit but they just go so well together. They share the same sense of humor and they are so laid back and open minded."

"That's amazing. I'm glad you are so proud of them."

"Oh Luc I didn't mean anything by that."

"Ha I'm serious Shane. Not bitter. I don't see a healthy reason to ever be bitter about anything. It's a waste."

He smiled at me and then playfully jabbed my arm and took off running. I took that as my cue to follow him. Little did he know that I used to run track and was pretty damn good at it. He ran off the trail and took off into the wild. I followed him to a small clearing and then he jumped. I came to a stop to see something quite amazing.

We were on a small cliff and I was overlooking a waterfall over in the distance that was much higher than we were. It was the most tranquil thing I have ever seen. I thought I was in a movie. The small lake where the waterfall ran looked so refreshing. There was Shane swimming in there. He waived me in. And I jumped.

I landed in the beautiful lake. I swam over to Shane and he smiled. "This place is amazing. I think I'm the only one in school that knows about it. I've been coming here for a few years."

"It is amazing. I'm glad you brought me here."

"Yea me too. "

He playfully splashed me and then we swam over to go sit in the sun and dry off. I took it in some more. I couldn't believe that something like this actually existed. Shane asked me about my siblings.

"Well let's say having a dad like ours made us quite an eclectic bunch. I have two sisters and a brother. My oldest sister Stacy is 29 married with two kids. Jake is 28 and living with his girlfriend of two years. Then there is Sam. She is 24 and just got down with her honeymoon. I love my brother in laws and my brother's girlfriend."

"That's pretty cool. I'm glad for you. I just have an older brother who is 30. His name is Nathan. He has three beautiful kids and a wife who adores him."

We decided to get up and head back. More on the account that we were hungry than anything else. As we were walking back Shane stopped and looked back at the waterfall and then looked at me. "Our secret?" he asked.

"Ours." I replied.

End of chapter 2

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Next: Chapter 3

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