Somewhere Only We Know

By Jesse Skyline

Published on Dec 27, 2010


Hey readers. I'm back! My apologies for the hiatus. One great thing I enjoy about my life is how hectic and busy I can get. Let's not forget to add complications to it. But hey, variety is the spice of life. I hope most of you didn't think that chapter 2 was the final installment. It by far is not. I have high hopes for this story. I've poured my heart and soul into the first two chapters. And I believe that writing is a true art form. It's my art form. So without further side bar conversation, here is part of my heart for you all. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, spread the word. Share my section on nifty.

With that being said here is the boring part Disclaimer: If you're not of age (18 or in some areas 21) then leave. The situations in this story are from my mind with some influence from personal experiences. So I'm not writing about YOU. It's all me. Oh yea the story might get graphic too. Always practice safe sex and please don't steal my shit. Writing is my art form.


Jesse Skyline *


PS Tell me where you're from if you email

Somewhere only we know - Chapter 3

The race back to campus was more of us laughing and playing tag. Shane has this classic look about him. His dark short hair was very clean. He had this white skin that pulled together perfectly by his blue eyes. He just had this look about him. Not quite your Abercrombie & Fitch look but more James Dean. I found him to be very attractive.

I had just tagged Shane and turned to run as I was laughing only to trip and fall down. All I saw was a blur of grass, trees and blue sky. I ended up rolling down a big hill and flopped down into a small river. I landed on my stomach on the bank of the river. Which was basically a combination of mud and branches.

"Luc!! Luc!! Are you okay!?!" Shane was yelling as he was running down the hill towards my landing pad.

I looked at him as he slid down the hill and came to a stop right next to me. He sat down in the mud and rolled me onto my back. I looked into his eyes. It felt like I was looking into them for the first time. "Um yea. I think. Nothing feels broken." I said as I held my head.

"Dude you took a pretty big tumble there. Are you sure you're alright?"

He looked pretty worried. Maybe it was just my imagination. No way a guy on the football team like Shane is gay. He's too perfect. Looking into his eyes, yet again, I can see his life planned out for him. Graduate from college, marry his longtime girlfriend the day before he announces his run for the state senate. In five years he'll have 2 kids, a dog and a cleaning lady. I can see it now and I'm not bitter about it.

"Yea. I'm ok. Can I uh get up?" I said as I notice I was still in his arms.

He stood up and picked me up with him. Now, I'm not a small guy. Dad and the gym kept me fit. But I'm five foot eleven. One hundred seventy pounds and only ten more to get to my goal weight. It's not solid muscle but I'm getting there. My waist is a thirty one.

I stood there in his arms. Soaked in mud with leaves stuck to me. So was Shane due to his compassion and empathy. I was quite surprised by his emotions and how he was reluctant to take care of me. He looked in my eyes and then let me go to look down at my legs. There was a little bit of blood on my knee. Small scrap and price to pay for being in his arms. "You're bleeding." Shane said as he pointed out my small gash.

He insisted on walking me to the campus medical center. He wanted to make sure that I didn't have a concussion or anything like that. I had a small limp as we walked back to campus. Shane held me up with one arm. "I'm ok to walk." I said to him.

Shane simply looked at me and said, "You're my responsibility right now. I'm taking care of you until you get better."

He kept his face stern when he said this and kept walking back to campus. It obviously took us longer walking back than getting there. We got to the medical center and saw the doctor right away. She looked at me and quickly ran to my side. "This I'm dying to here." She said as she grabbed the other side of my body and helped me into the examination room with Shane.

I laid down as he described to her the story of my clumsiness. He did leave out exactly where we were. It was our place. It was cute when she asked where we were exactly. He smirked and winked at me as he said that we simply went for a hike.

"Well Luc, I'm Dr. Polluzi. I'm going to ask you a few questions and examine you at the same time. Is that ok?"

"Sure Doc."

"Did you want Shane to stay in here?"


Shane sat down on a chair in the corner of the room as the examination began. Dr. Polluzi began by cleaning off my face and knee. She looked at my pupils and felt around my head to see for bruising and what not. She asked me a few questions along the way.

"Where are you from?"

"New York."

"What is your middle name?"


"Yankees or Mets?"

"Like you have to ask...Yankees!"

Shane came up to me and high-fived me for that response. Dr. Polluzi chuckled and continued examining my body. " What month were you born in?"


"Favorite color?"


"Favorite Disney character?"

"Goofy." I responded as I began to feel like this questions were quite bizarre.

"You're fine hun. How do you feel?" She asked as she winked.

I was a little confused. She was a very nice doctor, a little unconventional in my mind, but so sweet. I'm usually a baby when I'm hurting or sick but she made all that go away, or maybe it was having Shane there. "I have a little headache." I replied.

"Well that's normal Luc. Here is some Motrin to help with the pain. Take two now and take two before bed and two tomorrow morning. Do you have a roommate?"

"Yup. He just moved in today. Well he was suppose to."

"Good. Just ask him to keep an eye on you tonight. If you feel nauseous or the headache gets worse then call me on my cell." She handed me her business card.

"Thanks Doc." I said as I took the card.

"Yea thanks a lot Doc!" Shane chimed him from the chair.

"Anytime boys. Shane can you get him back to his room?" She asked.

Shane nodded his head yes and he came up behind me and helped me off the bed. We left after the nurse finished bandaging up my knee. Shane again helped me up to my room with one of my arms over his shoulder. He was so attentive to make sure that I wasn't in pain.

We got back to my room and it was empty. My roommate had moved in but he wasn't around. Shane helped me to my desk chair and asked where my roommate was.

"I have no clue." I said as Shane sat down on my bed.

He quickly shot up as he realized that he sat on a piece of paper. He grabbed the paper and began reading it. "Hey Luc. Thanks for the welcome. This is a great campus. Mom and Dad unpacked me and then surprised me with an overnight trip to a water park nearby. I'll be back tomorrow."

Shane looked at me with a worried look. I looked back at him kinda confused. "What's up bud?" I asked.

"You'll be alone tonight." He said with a sad face.

"Ha yea I guess I will. No biggie."

"Big biggie. That's not gonna fly with me. I'm not leaving you alone." He said as he whipped out his cell phone and began texting like a mad man.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Telling Gio to bring over a change a clothes, my wallet, sleeping bag and a pillow."

I realized that no matter how much I began to protest Shane was not going to back down. I admired how compassionate he was. He truly wanted to take care of me. "You should probably take a shower."

"Good idea." I replied as I grabbed a towel and made my way to the bathroom.

"Leave the door open," he said as I stopped and turned on my heels to look at him, "just in case."

I turned around to head into the bathroom. I quickly undressed and hopped in the shower. I turned on the water and let the water cascade against my body. There are certain instances where I feel like sometimes I'm taking more than a shower. It's as if I am washing away more than soap and grime. I feel like a layer of skin is coming off and I'm reborn. I savoir showers like this.

"Are you okay Luke?"

I was awaken from my ultimate oasis in the shower. I took my head out from under the shower and quickly brushed the water out of my eyes. "Yea I'm fine. Just kinda had a moment."

"Understandable. Hey I hope you don't mind but I ordered some pizza for us."

"Sounds great. Be out in a moment."

I heard Shane leave the bathroom and quickly finished up my shower. I reached around the shower curtain for a towel and dried myself off before moving the curtain and stepping out of the tub. I wrapped the towel around my waist as I cursed myself out for not grabbing a pair of shorts before coming into the bathroom.

I walked out into the room to see Shane sitting on my roommates bed. He was going through his cell and had the TV on. I looked to the floor next to him and saw his sleeping bag and other stuff .

"Guess Gio came while I was in the shower?" I asked.

"Yup. Cool if I grab a shower?"

"Sure." I answered him as I handed him a clean towel.

I watched as Shane walked into the bathroom and then quickly grabbed a pair of shorts and a t shirt. I turned around to check my computer and saw him pop his head in the room as I sat down on my bed. "How's your head?" he asked.

"It's fine. Just going to relax while I watch TV."

"Cool. I'll be out in a second. Pizza should be here soon. "

It was nice seeing Shane in his sculpted state. His nice smooth chest and abs. His arms were a nice addition to the package soon. This guy was great looking and super nice. He showed me where he likes to go think and he is taking care of me. Too bad he's not gay huh?

I flipped through the channels and saw Shane walk out of the bathroom as I settled on a documentary about how the universe was made or theories of it. Shane walked in and looked at the TV. "Oh score! I love this series" he said as he plopped down on his sleeping bag on top of my roommate's bed.

We sat there and watched the show for a little bit before Shane's cell phone went off. It was the pizza dude calling to tell us that he was downstairs with the food. Shane went downstairs refusing my contribution but caved on allowing me to cover the tip. He returned moments later as I was pulling out paper plates and a few bottles of water for us. We sat on the floor and ate quickly while we watched TV.

"Hawaiian pizza. Good choice."

"Glad you agree."

I pushed my food away as I got a pretty severe headache. "What's wrong?" Shane asked.

"My head hurts. I'm gonna lay down. That cool?"

"Yea of course."

I put my plate in the garbage and pulled back my covers as I laid down. When I rolled over my back Shane was standing there with two Advil and a bottle of water. I popped them in and put my head back on the pillow. He then proceeded to clean up our little picnic on the floor and turn out the lights. Then I thought he was going to lay down but instead he took his sleeping bag off my roommate's bed and put it on the floor next to me with his pillow.

All I could do was smile.

Next: Chapter 4

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