Somewhere Only We Know

By Jesse Skyline

Published on Apr 14, 2011


Good day readers!

Life is quite amazing. I hope that all of you enjoy it as much you can. If my story inspires you then do something about it. I most definitely try to make the most out of everything I do. Not quite an excuse for my poor performance in posting but yet it is haha. Here is the next installment. I'm on a plane going cross country and was inspired to pen this. I hope you enjoy it and if you do, spread the word. Share my section on nifty.

With that being said here is the boring part Disclaimer: If you're not of age (18 or in some areas 21) then leave. The situations in this story are from my mind with some influence from personal experiences. So I'm not writing about YOU. It's all me. Oh yea the story might get graphic too. Always practice safe sex and please don't steal my shit. Writing is my art form.

Enjoy, Jesse Skyline

PS Tell me where you're from if you email

Where we left off:

We finished up breakfast and headed towards the doors of the hall. "Holy shit! It's still pouring out." Shane exclaimed.

"After that meal, I'll hurl if I run." I told him

"Ditto. Let's just walk and get wet." He winked at me as he opened the door.

We begin the walk and were instantly drenched. Our t-shirts clinged to our bodies as we walked back over the green. Rain tag was still going on. I guess I started a new game.

I chuckled as Shane made a comment about me starting a new sport. Then he got a little quiet. "So do you umm wanna grab dinner later tonight?"

Did he just ask me out on a date?

Somewhere only we know - Chapter 5

I looked at Shane and wondered where this was going. Could there be the chance that he is interested in being more than just friends? Could I handle putting myself out there? I needed to get away and clear my head. "Is it cool if I take a rain check? Just kinda wanna do my own thing tonight." I asked.

"Sure!" He looked kinda hurt and let down.

I figured it was best. Hanging out all the time could lead to something else. Besides, I could be building this up in my head. What if it was just friends and I let my feelings show. I would lose the company of a great compassionate and empathetic guy. I don't want to lose that, I need that!

"I'll hit you up soon, See ya!" he said as he jogged off rather quickly.

I stood there in the pouring rain. I kept asking myself what I had done. He is an amazing guy who just spent the past few days opening himself up to me and showing me who he is. I'm an idiot. I can't just put my fears aside and let someone in. That's probably why I am alone.

I began running as fast as I could. It didn't matter where I was going. I just needed to run and punish myself. I ran off campus and into the woods. The trees became a blur. I was drenched and my hair was matted to my face. Anyone would have thought that I had just gotten out of the shower.

I stopped running to catch my breath. I bent over and put my palms on my knees to hold me up. It felt good. Running just does something for me. It doesn't make the pain go away but at least this way I can stand it.

I stood up as I caught my breath. I decided to take in my surroundings. I couldn't believe it. How ironic that me just running brought me here. I hope Shane didn't mind me being in his own oasis without him. I decided to take off my shirt and lose the sneakers.

I jumped in the water. It was so cleansing. I'm not a fan of running away from your problems. I highly believe that they will always be there. You can go ahead and move away, run away or just ignore them, but they will always be there. However, there was something about jumping into that water that just made them disappear, for now.

I quickly swam to the surface once I broke the water's surface with a cannonball. I smiled to myself as I treaded the water to stay afloat. Then I remembered something that my mom once told me when I was growing. I always had a short fuse and she gave me a piece of advice once. "Honey, you need to just breathe sometimes. And hell if that can be anyway. When you get upset I want you to try something. Just yell. Stick your head in a pillow and let it all out. Believe it or not, it will make you feel better."

So I decided to put a little twist on it. I got out of the water. I sat down on the grass and looked around. Pretty confident I was totally alone and there was no one around for awhile, I laid on my back. Then I closed my eyes and just let loose. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

I quickly sat up and looked around. I started laughing uncontrollably. Amazing. Fucking amazing.

As my laughter subsided I sat up and grabbed my shoes and shirt. I felt like walking back bare foot. As I turned around I saw something that shouldn't of shocked me but did.


"What are you doing here?" he asked panting and trying to catch his breath.

"I honestly don't know. I just ran and this is where I ended up."

"Should you be running?"

"Well obviously I can handle it."

I have to admit that response was not exactly the most friendliest of responses. He actually looked hurt. This was not what I wanted for him. He did not deserve this at all.

"Did I do something?" he asked looking kind of hurt.

I wasn't ready yet. I couldn't let him in it. I couldn't handle it.

"No. I gotta go." I said as I began to walk away.

"Push me away all you want. I'm not going anywhere."

I stopped walking and let my head drop with my back to him. I don't care how quick he is to pick up on what I'm thinking. I can't let him in. He'd hurt me up. I'd disappoint my family if they met this great guy and I fucked it up somehow. That's what I do: Fuck things up.

As I began to take another step there was a had grabbing my bicep. I quickly stopped. I looked down on the hand then turned my head to look back at Shane. My look must have not been too inviting as Shane quickly dropped his hand. "Sorry." He said as he looked at the ground.

I began walking away when I heard him say "Fuck it."

I suddenly found myself being turned around and looking Shane in his face. His eyes looking deep into my eyes with this pleading look practically screaming to let him in. I froze. I didn't know what to do.

Then it happened.

He inched in closer and connected those amazing soft smooth lips against mine. His muscular arms engulfed my smaller frame into his. He held me and slowly showed me what true passion was. I was mesmerized.

He broke the kiss and looked at me. Those eyes of his spoke to me even when his lips didn't move. He was looking for some approval or acknowledgment of what just happened.

I looked back at him and without thinking I said it. I said what was on my mind. For once I didn't hold back. I didn't care what he thought. I just said what I had to. If he bailed then fine.

"Don't hurt me." I whispered to him.

Even though it was still pouring the only thing I could here was Shane stepping closer to me. That one step was so loud. I was petrified. He looked me in the eye and said one thing. One word. "Never."

I put my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a little bit more of heaven.

I broke the kiss to look him in the eye. For once in my life I felt at ease. I'm usually the strong one who takes care of someone else. I've never had someone make the first move or take care of me. From day one he's taken care of me. Made sure that I'm okay and been there for me. "This has to go slow Shane."

"What do you mean?"

"Well that feeling of having our naked bodies rolling around in the grass as we explore and learn about each other needs to be ignored." I replied with a smirk on my face.

Shane looked at me in the eye and kissed me again. He had his hands around my waist with no space between us. My hands were holding Shane's face. He broke this kiss and said, "Right now while that sounds absolutely amazing there is only one thing I want to do.:

I looked at him inquisitively. He began singing to me:

"When you came to me, With your bad dreams and your fears. It's easy to see you've been crying.

Seems like everywhere catastrophe reigns, Who really the profits from the dying. I can hold you in my arms, I could hold you forever."

Shane started to sway us and continued singing. We were dancing and he was singing to me in the rain. I think my status of hopeless romantic disappeared at the moment. The thoughts of being in a fucking fairytale disappeared. I decided right then and there not to be someone who is constantly thinking that this is too good to be true. I have an amazing guy holding me and telling me how great I am and the feeling is most definitely for sure mutual.

Shane then took my hand and we stared walking back to campus. "So how about dinner tonight?"

"Yes." I said with a big smile.

He walked me back to my dorm with a promise to pick me up in this spot at seven tonight. I made my way to go up to my room. I was actually hoping my roommate would be there to hangout a bit.

Shane turned around to make his way to his dorm. He had this intense smile on his face. He decided to be a little kid and jump in this massive puddle. He chuckled as he was soaked even more with the murky water. He then began running and just wanted to tell Gio so bad that he finally made a move.

The minute he got to his dorm the rain stopped. He looked up at the sky and walked in the building. He made his way down to his room and busted through the door. He found Gio laying in bed watching TV. "Duuuuuuuuuuuude." he said as he closed the door to Gio.

"What's poppin'?" Gio asked.

"I finally did it! I made the move."

"FINALLY dude. It was getting depressing around here. Jake was a great guy but moping around for over a year going on date after date with all these losers was getting depressing. I was two seconds away from calling Oprah."

Shane removed his tshirt that was soaked to his torso and chucked it at Gio. Gio being a big guy surprised Shane as he moved quickly across the room and picked up Shane. Shane looked scared but then began laughing hysterically.

Shane began pouring his feelings out to Gio and they calmed down. "Every fucking guy I met was okay but none of them made me forget about Jake. I always thought about him. Sometimes I even thought about him just to get through a date. I never even made it to bed with them."

"Just take it slow bud. Luc is a chill guy. I like him."

End of chapter 5

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