Son of Firewitch

By Deb Jones

Published on Oct 30, 2011


The X-men and other well-known superheroes are the property of Marvel and DC. This story takes after the 3rd X-men movie, but Jean has been resurrected by her powers and in the process Phoenix has been integrated into Jean making her a whole person again. Thanks to Dr. Moira MacTaggert and Forge the Professor and Scott are alive again as well. I'm new at this so everyone please keep that in mind when u read this story. If you like the story and want to comment or give some ideas for it please e-mail me at: Thank You! I hope u enjoy the story! You can also follow me on Twitter:!/ghettodeb

These symbols are for telepathic conversations. [ ] Visions are { }

Son of Firewitch By: DJ

Chapter Five:

It's about 9 pm now. All the X-men are quiet. We're getting close to Phoenix cause I can since my family and friends. I can also sense great power. All of a sudden the jet starts to shake. Logan yells " What the hell is going on?" Aunt Jean says " A major battle. I can sense some Brotherhood members here. The two young mutants are battling them. I can also sense another mutant. One with a shit load of power. Her psychic signature is simaler to Ben's." I use my powers to find out who the young mutants are. Once I locate them I know instantly who they are. " Scott lower the hatch and let me out here. I know the two young mutants. Their my best friends Abby and Matt." Logan looks at me and says " Your not going out there by yourself! I forbid it!" I use my tk to open the hatch I walk over to it, I look back at Logan and say " You may be my Dad, but no one tells me what to do!" then I jump out of the jet. Once I'm out of the jet and flying down tords the middle of town were the battle is going on. I see my friends and the brotherhood battling. I create a psionic blast inbetween them knocking them away from eachother. I land in the center of them and say " This ends now! Brotherhood I suggest you leave or else feel my wrath! Abby, Matt, and whoever you are this battle is over your safe now!" All of sudden a car comes flying at me. I rip it apart before it hits me. I look up and see Magneto coming my way.

Magneto is close, but he stays hovering in the air. He looks down at me and says " Hello Ben, it has been a very long time. Your Mother was a very gifted mutant. I see she has trained you well. I was very sorry to hear of her passing. Now I want to offer you a place with my Brotherhood." The nerve of this old fuck! I levitate up till I'm level with him. " I don't know how you know me or how you knew my Mother, but I suggest he leave my town. You may be able to take on the X-men, but I'm a different story. I will rip you apart. I have no problem with killing you and your Brotherhood, Magneto!!!" He looks at me with an excited but yet angry look, then says "You are as stubborn as your Mother was. Charles doesn't care about you and you can't trust him or any of the X-men. But if it's a fight you want then here you go!" He uses his power to send several vehicles and any other bit of metal around straight at me from all sides. I use my tk to rip every bit of it apart at the same time. I look at Magneto and smirk then say "Is that all you got Granny, well lets see if you can handle my flames!" All of a sudden my body is surrounded by fire, then fire shoot out in a cyclone like beam from my chest and heads straight for him. Avalanche makes a wall of rock shoot up infront of Magneto and as soon as my flames hit it, it explodes. Magneto then makes a bunch of metal fly infront himself, but it melts as soon my flames hit it. He puts up a shield of magnetic energy to protect himself. My flames completely coat the outside of his shield and I just keep turn up the heat. I start laughing as I can sense him getting weaker. "What's the matter Mag can't stand the heat, well how about some tk pulses with it!" I then start hitting his shield with tk pulses. He so can't hold on much longer.

The X-men and my friends, as well as the Brotherhood are watching us from below. Storm looks at Aunt Jean and says "Ole my Goddess, what are we going to do, Jean? Ben is killing him!" Jean looks at them and says the only thing we can do! We half to knock Ben out. The only way we can do that is Matt, Pearl and I need to hit him at the same time with our combined telepathy. That should be enough to knock him out!" Logan gets up in Jean's face and says " I don't fucking think so. You'll have to find another way!" " There is no other way Logan! I know he is your son, and I don't want to hurt him either. But we can't let him kill Magneto no matter how much he may deserve it! So we are doing this and you can either stand aside or I'll knock your ass out right now! Either way we're stopping Ben!" Logan looked shocked, but after a few moments he stepped aside. Jean looks over at Pearl and Matt then says " You guys ready? We'll only get one shot at this, so you need to focus all of your telepathic energy into this. If we don't knock him out instantly I don't think will be alive long enough to try again! Ben is in control of his powers at the moment, but that could end instantly if we fail." They nod their in the affirmative. The three of them stand together, close their eyes and focus.

Meanwhile up in the air my Pk and Tk attack on Magneto's shield was still going on. I am startling to get annoyed. This Old guy is pretty tuff, but his shield is moments away from giving out. A few minutes later his shield starts to give way and at the same time my mind is hit with a major telepathic blast. The pain is overwelming! I start sending out waves of Psionic and pyrokinetic energy. Jean, Pearl, Abby, and Matt combine there different aray of powers together and create a huge powerful protective shield over everyone. Magneto was now laying unconscious on the ground below. Up in the air I'm holding my head and screaming. The pain is so intense. Just when the pain starts to subside I'm hit with another major telepathic blast, but this one knocks me unconscious and I start falling tords the ground. Logan jumps up and catches me before I hit!

Sunday morning at 6am I wake up. I sit up and look around. I'm in the Med Bay again. I don't see anyone by my bed. How and when did we get back here to the school? What happened to the Brotherhood? I have questions, but no one around to answer them. I decide to goto my room and take a nice hot bath, but I don't feel like walking so I teleport. After I take my bath I decide to go down and get some breakfast. When I walk into the cafeteria everything and everyone goes quiet. Everyone is just staring at me and it is very creepy! " Why the hell is everyone staring at me? Take a fuckin picture already and quit staring at me, damn it!!!!!!" Aunt Jean walks up to me and pulls me out of the cafeteria. Then starts draging me down the hall. " Aunt Jean, Were the hell are you taking me and Why was everyone staring at me?" Aunt Jean stops turns around looks me in the eyes then says "We are going to see the Professor and you had everyone worried. Storm went to the Med Bay to check on you and you weren't there." I put on my sad sweet and inocent face then say "I wasn't there because I teleported to my room and took a long hot bath. I also wouldn't have been in the Med Bay anyways if you, Matt, and whoever that class 5 mutant girl was wouldn't have knocked me out with combined telepathy!" "Ben, it was the only way to stop you from killing Magneto! Now come on the Professor is waiting!" Aunt Jean and I continued are walk to the Professor's office. Once we get there I look around and I see Logan, Scott, and the Professor already talking. The Profeesor looks at me then says "Ben, please sit down. We have alot to talk about." I sit down in one of the chairs infront of his desk and say "If this is going to be some lecture about how I shouldn't have tried to kill your old friend Magneto, just save it! He tried to kill me first, plus you guys should have killed him years ago!" The Professor looks at me with disscust then says "Killing someone isn't the answer to anything! You could have stopped him without trying to kill him! But that isn't the main reason I needed to see you."

I give the Professor a very cocky, stubborn look then reply "Yea, well your old friend said that you and the X-men couldn't be trusted. I know I shouldn't listen to the words of a psychopath, but my instincts tell me he's right! I can sense that there are alot of things that I'm not being told, but I'm not worried because the truth always reveals itself in the end! Now what else could you possiblely have to tell me, Pro?" There is silence for a few minutes and I can sense that everyone is staring at me. Why the hell is everyone so shocked when I tell it like it is?! A few moments later the Profesor clears his throat then continues "First of all against my better wishes the X-men want you to join the Junior team. As well as be taught how to use Cerebro. Which means you'll need to come up with a codename and a uniform. There are three junior teams and they are Omega, Alpha, and Beta. Now you'll be on team Omega. So you'll have to speak to Colossus since he's the team leader. Now your friends have been enrolled and moved in. Now the other girl Pearl Marie Starcher has been move in to the room beside yours. The reason we put her there is so you can get know eachother better, because we have found out that Pearl is your twin." " What do you mean this Pearl Starcher is my twin! How is that possible?! My Mom must not have known about her, considering she never mentioned her! I guess this explains why she's a class 5 mutant!" Aunt Jean walks over hugs me and says "It's going to be okay Ben. We are going to find out everything about her birth and her life. I promise! Now just breathe and calm down. You have a twin Sister and she is as shocked as you are. So just talk to her and get to know her."

After my meeting with the Pro I decide to clear my head, so I go out and sit by the lake. No one is outside cause they all have classes. I have classes, but I don't feel like going to them. I sit on a huge rock right beside the lake, I look at my reflection in the water and start to cry. As I'm crying small water molecules start floating up from the lake. A few minutes later I hear behind me, "I thought I was the twin with elemental control!" I jump and all the water falls back into the lake. I turn around and standing right behind me is my gorgeous almost identical twin sister, Pearl Marie Starcher. She looks so much like me. I mean just give me double D boobs, a vagina, and longer hair and we would be completely identical. Finally after watching me stare at her for ten minutes she says " Yo Bro, could you please quit staring at me! It's very, very creepy!" I stop staring and start laughing my ass off. She looks at me with a wierd what have you been smoking look. I finally stop laughing and say "I'm sorry, Sis. WOW! That was wierd to say, but it feels natural and good to say. Sis! I can't believe I have a twin Sister! I have always wanted a sibling." She comes over sits beside me and we talk. I tell her all about me and my powers and she tells me about hers. Pearl's powers are full elmental manipulation,Magnetism, super agility, flight, telepathy, and self healing factor of course. Her Class 5 potential only affects her elemental manipulation, which makes her pretty much evenly matched with me. I think it's going to be nice having a twin Sister around and not to mention having my two Best Friends from home around. Mathew Page Enoch and Abby Lynn Mitchell my bestest best friends! I wonder what their powers are?!

Next: Chapter 6

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