Song For Amanda

By Shay ...

Published on Sep 5, 2002



This is a copyrighted work of fiction and by the author, and cannot be reproduced elsewhere without permission. The two poems are by the author and are also copyrighted. It depicts acts of love between women. If this offends you, or you are under 18,don't read it.

A word to my readers: If you are looking for a quick O, this story may not fit the has sex, of course, but is more about emotions...if that appeals, please read on!


Oh, I swore I wouldn't do this. I have often pictured Amanda as a bride, but seeing her in her beautiful white dress, right there in the flesh, well...her beauty sent a shockwave right through to my heart. My eyes filled and I couldn't help it, I cried right in front of everybody.


The world changes without notice. Morning comes and the troublesome joint has stopped aching, the hated boss transfers to another state, the slot machine pays off with flashing lights and ringing bells.

The first time I saw Amanda, I had just come back from delivering my mail route and was unloading my empty trays and buckets on the loading dock. I looked up and saw this tall, golden-haired woman standing in the sun being sucked-up to by the usual middle-aged married guys who descend like vultures on any presentable new female hire.

But who could blame them? Her hair was tied back and fell softly down her back. She was wearing shorts, and her tanned legs were to die for. She wasn't slim, but neither was she fat. She was...ample. Truly, a big beautiful woman. I tried not to stare at her too obviously. I wanted to drop to my knees in front of her and press my lips to her thigh. I wanted to lick her inner thigh and trace my fingers along the outside. But, I just gathered up my empty lunch cooler and satchel and went in the building.

The guys quickly found out she wasn't interested in them. I resolved to get to know her; I would spot her working with Barb, or Linda, or one of my other friends she had been assigned to help, and I would make up some reason to go over and try to be charming to my friend, so that Amanda would hear and be drawn into the conversation.

But she never joined in.

Still, fate seemed to want us to meet each other. So often it would happen that I would head out a door just as she would be coming in, or I would turn a corner and there she'd be, passing the other way. I would smile and say something, and Amanda would say just enough not to be rude and keep walking.

Just when I figured, okay, screw you, beautiful, she approached me.

"Need any help?" she asked, standing before my letter case. it is so odd how sometimes, as soon as you stop being nice to somebody, they soften up. I looked up at her, into those gorgeous blue eyes.

"Yeah, thanks." I quickly invented some job that I could easily have done...anything to make her stay and talk. My heart was pounding. Letter cases are quite small, so we had to stand back to back as I sorted letters and she sorted magazines into their respective slots.

Her hair was like a honey waterfall down her back. I wanted to gather it in my hands, press it to my face, kiss it, moan aloud. Even now, whenever I think of Amanda, I think of all her glorious golden hair.

I purposefully jostled her, hip against hip. "Move it, you're hogging all the room, what's your problem?" I teased, not looking at her.

She gave me a good bump back. Pretty soon we were bumping back and forth and giggling like fools. She turned her head and smiled that smile of hers, and I felt weak. Her face was strong, more handsome than pretty.

"Don't fuck all my mail up, retard. If it's wrong cause you were fooling around, I'll come looking for your rookie butt."

"You'll never find me. You'll be to busy backing up and crossing the street and stuff."

So it was humor that broke the ice.

One day shortly after that, I put rubber bands around the dividers on the case I knew she would be sorting at that day, so that when she tried to put a letter in the slot, it would bounce right back out.

The next day I went to pull out my stool to sit down and write up my certified mail. I pulled, but it stayed under the letter case. I leaned down and saw that the legs of the stool were tied to the legs of the case with the straps we use to hold mail bundles together.

Another day I had gotten back from the route early and was sorting the next days mail in the quiet and mostly empty office. Then I heard a faint voice behind me saying "hey."

I looked around and saw no one. Then I heard it again. "Hey." I looked around, and then behind me and up. There was Amanda, standing on the ledge of the case behind mine, looking down at me from next to the light affixed to the top of the case, and aiming a rubber band at me with an evil grin. "Think fast!" she said and let it fly. I rolled up a Newsweek and ran around the corner of the case and pretended to beat her over the head with it before she could get down and make her escape. We were both laughing like fiends.

She found out I loved root beer barrels and I began to find them stuck in my case in the morning.

Soon, the first thing I would do when I arrived each morning, was to look for her green Tracker in the lot. Sometimes I would leave phony tickets under her wiper, for crimes such as "general bad attitude."

We started to occasionally grab dinner after work at the Chinese place across from the post office. After one such dinner together, we found that ours were the only vehicles in the lot and the doors to the p.o. were chained and locked. My heart was pounding as I made a decision.

"Your Tracker is so cool. I'll trade you," I said, as an excuse not to walk to my own car. As she opened her door and turned to say something to me, I screwed up my courage. I was so scared! But I stood on my tip-toes, took her face in my hands, and kissed her on the lips. At first, she tried to pull away, but I held her face there and pressed my lips to hers. I thought I would die when she began to kiss me back. I moaned, and leaned into her. She gently disengaged, looking around, although there was nobody there.

I pressed on. "Come to Annie's with me!" Annie's was a bar and burger place a woman had taken me to when I was a fledgling femme. It had been a weeknight and the only other people there were six women at a table playing cards.

The woman I was with said, "See them? Most of them are each other." I think she thought I'd be shocked.

"When?" asked Amanda softly.

I thought quickly. "Tomorrow?" I knew I sounded ridiculously hopeful and unsure.

'Okay," she said, and got in her Tracker and started the engine. "See ya tomorrow," she said, and with a little wave and a toss of her hair, was gone, leaving me standing alone in the big parking lot.


The next day I didn't see Mandy at all, even though I knew she was there. All morning I looked for her, and again when I came back from the route. I set my cooler on my ledge and took a stroll around the building, but no Amanda. My heart sank cause we hadn't decided on a time, or who was picking up who or anything. I figured I'd call her when I got home, but I was really afraid she'd changed her mind and was avoiding me.

I was worrying about all this when I was standing in my kitchen and opened my cooler to take out the little freezy cube and put it back in the freezer. When I opened my cooler, my mood changed instantly, and I laughed out loud.

My cooler was filled to the brim with rubber bands from work and there was a little note on top. "Pick you up at seven," it said, with her usual goofy smiley face drawn on the side. I picked up a fistful of rubber bands, and dropped them back in. "Oh, I'm gonna kill you, Mandy!" I groused delightedly.

I took a shower and thought about what to wear. I put on a long-sleeved white tee shirt that set off my long curly black hair nicely, and some skin tight jeans. Very simple, but it made the most of what I had. I only have three really good physical hair, my eyes and my ass...and I wanted Mandy to notice all of them. I carefully put on some make-up and then waited for her to arrive.

I was nervous waiting. When she pulled up in front of my house, I practically leapt out the door. I slid in and reached my hand to her face, then leaned in to kiss her.

"Your neighbors will talk," she said as she put the shifter into reverse. I moved back to my side and looked at her. She looked great. She was wearing an oversized white shirt with the sleeves rolled loosely halfway to her elbows, and jeans. Her hair was loose and gorgeous.

I liked watching her shift. She had a little charm bracelet on her wrist that swung and sparkled appealingly.

Walking through the parking lot at Annie's I put my arm around Mandy, but she didn't react, so I dropped it back to my side. But when we got inside and I slid into a booth, she slid in after me, on the same side. She leaned close and I could smell her clean scent. We looked into each other's eyes and then kissed, slowly, lingeringly. I scooched closer and I pressed myself close to her and played with her hair as her tongue entered my mouth. "Mmmm," I purred.

Amanda seemed to have changed completely as soon as we were inside Annie's. We couldn't get enough of each other. We were in each other's arms kissing, stroking each other, making out like mad fools. We got hungry after a while, and I fed her french fries, one at a time, practically sitting in her lap. I knew I was soaking wet. I had wanted her for so long and now she was letting me know she wanted me, too.

The place began to fill up, with it being Friday night. People were dancing, and Mandy stood up and took me by the hands, drawing me toward the dance floor and smiling. Just as we got out there, the song changed from a fast one to Joan Jett singing "Crimson And Clover."

Mandy drew my arms around her and I lay my head on her shoulder and we moved as one.


I try to know a perfect moment when it comes, always unexpectedly, like a gift from the Spirits. Amanda and I danced for a couple of hours, slow dances, fast dances, everything. Usually, I am not really graceful, but it seemed I could do no wrong at Annie's that night. Sometimes it's like that and I try to grab on when it does.

I went to get a drink at one point, and Mandy danced with a cute woman in a green-and-white striped sweater and white slacks. I thought, enjoy yourself for a couple of minutes. sweetie, cause that glorious woman is with me.

We finally left Annie's, flushed, happy, arms around each other and kissing, all the way through the parking lot. In Amanda's Tracker, we were at each other like horny playful animals. As we kissed, I took her lower lip gently between my teeth, then put my tongue in her mouth, my hands in her hair, everywhere. All night while we were dancing, I had kept playing with her amazing long hair that hung to her waist.

There in the semi-dark of the parking lot, I began unbuttoning her shirt, and kissed my way down her neck to her collarbone, making urgent sounds of desire and pleasure as I cupped her breast through her bra and kissed between her breasts. Mandy stroked my hair, kissed my ears, whispered my name. Oh god, my name whispered from her lips, that is one sound I will remember till I die.

"Shay....take me home," she breathed in my ear, and I felt such a thrill to hear the desire in her words. I reached over to where her keys hung silently in the ignition, and gave them a turn, starting the engine.

"Drive fast, lover," I said, smiling.

I sat right next to her, caressing her body as she drove the short way to my house.

"Stop it, I'll wreck us!' she would complain, laughing, which only made me lean over and tongue her ear and tell her I was going to make her scream.

Somehow we got there, and as we stood at my front door and I dug madly in my purse for my keys, Amanda turned the tables on me and ran her hand from my ass to between my legs. "Mmmmm," I purred as I turned my key in the lock. Then, as soon as the door was open a crack, Amanda actually picked me up in her arms and carried me into my own house. She set me down, my heart racing, my pussy soaked, and we left a happy trail of clothes down the hall and into my bedroom.

Somehow I had got a scented candle lit, and we sat on the comforter on my bed, legs scissored together, kissing like madwomen and grinding ourselves against each other. I wanted to get inside her, to merge with her. I have never been so hungry for another person, ever.

We caressed each other's breasts and kissed until the friction of our pussies on each other's legs made us come, together. We were frantic. It was only a warm-up.

I laid her out on my bed and took her face in my hands and kissed her gently, then fiercely. We said each other's names like a prayer. I kissed her shoulders, and then under her arms. She didn't shave their and the fur was soft. I licked under her arms and she shivered. I kissed and sucked on her neck and then her breasts. They were small, but perfectly shaped. I mean truly perfect, utterly beautiful to me as I sucked and kissed them. When I drew away from her nipple, I pulled her nipple, still sucking on it till it came free with a little wet pop. I trailed kisses down her tummy, I grasped her hips and then..and then...I looked up at her, saw her mirroring my absolute vulnerability, and kissed her sex. I licked her lovingly, flicking my tongue up and down her slit and then moving it rapidly across the tip of her clitoris. She grasped my head, sighing "Ohhhhhhh Shay..."

I put one finger, then two inside of her. I kept sucking and tonguing her clit as I moved my fingers--three now--in and out of her sweet wet cunt. I thought I might come from the joy of pleasuring her. When Amanda came, I held on tight to her bucking hips, pressing my lips to her clit, and keeping my fingers deep inside her. Then the strong, beautiful contractions came, and my love squeezed my fingers in that delicious, unmistakable sign of a woman experiencing ultimate pleasure.

"God, I love you," I told her, lying in her arms afterwards. I kissed her face and traced circles around her nipple with my fingernail.

"So write me something," she challenged. "You're the lady poet, aren't you?"

"Yessss," I admitted, grinning. I into her eyes. "Just like that, huh? You want a poem on the spot, girl?"

She propped herself up on one elbow and smiled at me. 'Yeah, lover. I do."

So, I reached over and opened my night table drawer and took out a little notebook and pen that I keep there in case I dream something up in the night.

I sat cross-legged in front of her and after a moment's thought, began scribbling. In less than a minute, I tore off a sheet and handed it to her.

"Roses are red," she read, making a face, "violets are blue." Her amusement came through in her voice. "How sweet it is to be fucked by you." Then she threw it at me and laughed and gave me a little push that I let tip me over till I was looking up at her sideways, in an absurd posture.

"What?" I asked, impishly.

"I want a real poem, Shay. For me." The sweetness in the way she said that last got to me. So, I wrote her a poem that night. This is the poem:

I am the moon, watching you, sweet cat All day you have chased gazelles under a melting sun All day you have pursued them, knowing I would be here, Tonight, At our sweet oasis, Waiting for you

to bring them back to me... Here, Where you're more lovely than Cool water Mmmmm,

my Lioness.

We slept in each other's arms in my bed that night. Well, we did sleep a little! And when I slept, my dreams were almost as sweet as when I lay awake, watching Amanda.


I was in love, and I couldn't keep away from Amanda at work, although I quickly noticed that it didn't seem to be mutual. I would seek her out, say good morning, touch her all that I could get away with. But she was formal, there, just as she had been in the beginning. Her indifferent "Hi's" cut my heart. Only her eyes betrayed her real feelings. And the more I tried to draw her out, the more she withdrew.

One morning, she walked right past me without saying anything. I know people keep their personal feelings hidden at work all across the world, every day of the week. But I can't. And when Mandy just walked by without so much as a glance, it crushed me.

It must have showed all over my face, cause this fat jerk named Leo was looking on and he said, "Awww, is that your girlfriend, Shay?" he sing-songed the word girlfriend.

I turned and looked at him. Then I said, "Is that your FACE, Leo?" And then I walked out to my car, and I sat there and cried. I'm such a fool.


So, that is why I was sitting in a coffee shop across the street from Saints Peter and Paul Church the day of Mandy's wedding. I'm a sucker and a fool. My waitress noticed me staring out the window at Amanda and her new husband coming out of the church in a spray of rice and happy voices.

When the waitress saw my tears, she said, "Uh oh. The one that got away, huh?" She looked out the window, too. "Oh hell, honey. He's nothing special, you'll find somebody better!" And I cried and laughed at the same time.

"It wasn't him."

"Ohhhhh...." she said, nodding slowly.

She was so kind, she sat down in the booth with me and handed me napkins and gave me a little hug. Then she got up and brought me a piece of cake. "Chocolate cures all," she said with a wink. "On the house, sweetie."

I sat there and did what I do...I wrote a poem on a napkin. This is the poem:

You gave me a small piece of your life Wrapped in dancing and music, Crimson and Clover You gave me just one night And now it is over

I ache to take your face in my hands To treasure and never lose it But there is no more dancing and no more bands And more music

I loved you. Goodbye.

Well, that is my little story, my song for Amanda, and so you see, I have no sense, no self-control and no caution.

But life goes on, I guess, and the new replaces the old,whether we want it to or not. I got up and paid my bill at the register. But I had torn off half of it.

Oh, didn't I mention? My little waitress's name and number were on it.

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