
By Whitney Ross

Published on Apr 22, 2004


This is fantasy fiction intended for an audience of gay males over the age of 18. It contains detailed description of homosexual activity and if you find this offensive you should not read on.

This story in no way reflects the true sexual preferences of any of the characters or actors who may have portrayed them and should not, in any way be taken as a true representation of any activities that have ever been performed.

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Chris raised his head to answer Clark. Their faces were just inches apart. Clark couldn't resist as he leaned forward and gently kissed Chris on the lips. He froze for a moment worried that Chris would be angry but he wasn't. Chris returned the kiss and the two young men sat on the bed gentle kissing each other and holding each other in a comforting embrace.

As Chris gradually calmed down Clark tucked him into bed and gave him one final good night kiss, then headed back to his own room, wondering what the next day would bring.

The next morning Chris slept late and the Kent family was careful not to disturb him. They quietly discussed what had happened the previous evening as Clark explained how Chris had been bothered by a bad dream. His parents understood how traumatic it must have been for the young man and knew that they should do something to help him. After all, Chris was still like a second son to them and they felt a certain responsibility.

"I wonder what we could do to help Chris out" asked Martha

"There may not be anything you can do" responded Jonathan. "Sometimes you just have to let people work through it"

"Well Clark seems to have the ability to calm him down." said Martha with a smile.

"Come on mom, it wasn't anything." said Clark, hoping they wouldn't notice his blushing.

They did notice and gave each other knowing glances. They had long suspected something was different about Clark and they had noticed how close he had been with Chris.

"Maybe it would help if you guys got away for a while. The farm is pretty quiet and since today is Friday so you could leave after school. I think that maybe the surroundings are bringing back bad memories" suggested Martha.

"Well actually." said Clark "We had talked about checking out the meteor shower. We could go up to the lake and check things out, make a weekend of it."

"Sounds like a great idea" said Jonathan

They paused in conversation as they heard movement upstairs. A few moments later a sheepish looking Chris came walking down the stairs.

"Sorry I was such a hassle last night and now I'm sleeping all day" said Chris

The Kents smiled as only on a farm could getting up at 7am be considered sleeping all day.

"Don't worry about it Chris" said Martha.

"Hey man, I was just talking to my parents about the meteor shower and they say we should go for it. We could leave this afternoon and stay for the weekend."

"Well I don't know," said Chris, "I came here to help and I don't want to run off just when I got here."

"Don't worry about it" said Martha

"Yeah, you'd do us a favor, leave this beauty and I some time by ourselves" said Jonathan as his wife made a mock protest

"Then it's settled," said Clark as he looked intently at Chris

Chris was still a little reluctant but when Clark Kent looks at you with those eyes it's hard for anyone to say no, let alone someone who was dealing with other feelings about Clark.

"Ok. I give in," said Chris and the issue was settled.

Chris insisted on working a hard day before they left and Jonathan was impressed at how hard he worked. As the two men stood out in one of the new fields they discussed what crops might be planted and what sort of rotations to use. Most people failed to understand that farming was increasingly a science of proper planning, crop rotation and so on. It was a very complicated process and required a great deal of careful planning.

"Ok Mr. Farmer Boy, how would you suggest we organize these fields?" asked Jonathan in a somewhat joking manner.

"Is that a serious question?" asked Chris

"Of course, I want your opinion. Tell me what you think." said Jonathan.

Chris walked out into the fields and looked around for several minutes. He picked up the soil and examined it in great detail, smelling it, tasting it, letting it run through his fingers. Jonathan was impressed at the careful manner in which Chris examined the situation. It was a rare farmer these days who still recognized the importance of feeling the soil, of knowing by scent or taste or touch what kind of soil it was.

Of course even the most traditional farmer still sent soil away for analysis. What Jonathan hadn't told Chris was that he'd already analyzed the soil. So he knew the kind of crops that were best suited for this area. But even then it had taken days of analysis and instinct to decide exactly how to proceed. He still hadn't figured out what to do with a small field in between the two larger ones and there were water and wind issues to be dealt with.

Chris stood and examined the fields for some time before returning to Jonathan. He looked at him and to the elder Kent's amazement proceeded to suggest exactly the same planting schedule that he had already planned on. Not only that but he also offered solutions for the smaller field and also solved most of the problems that neither Jonathan nor the local farm agent had been able to resolve.

For a moment Jonathan wondered if Chris had somehow read the planning reports but he knew that it was not possible. Most of them had been prepared before Chris even arrived and he'd been careful to keep them secret, as he wanted to surprise Martha and Clark with the new expansion. It was clear that Chris was a natural born farmer. But it was more than that. He'd been able to do complex calculations in his head as if he were adding 2 plus 2.

"Well... uh that sounds about right" stammered Jonathan. "In fact I'll tell you what, we'll consider ourselves partners on these fields, and if things go as well as I think they will it should put a lot of money in your college fund. Maybe you and Clark can go together"

"That would be great," said Chris with a little too much enthusiasm. "I mean going to school and all"

Jonathan smiled to himself as he realized that his suspicions about a budding romance were probably correct. It didn't matter to him especially if it got Clark to go to college. He didn't want his son to be trapped without options.

"We're happy to do this," said Jonathan as he put a hand on Chris' shoulder. "I hope you realize that we still consider you to be a part of our family and we want to do all we can".

"Thanks, but I think you did pretty well with Clark," responded Chris

"So do I son. And speaking of Clark it's about time we headed back to the house so you can get cleaned up for your trip"

The two hopped in the truck and headed back to the house. Martha was in the kitchen preparing food for Clark and Chris to take along, it looked like she had enough for an army. Chris headed upstairs and took a shower to clean the dirt and dust of the farm off. He was really looking forward to his weekend with Clark but was a little scared as well. Based on last nights kissing he suspected that Clark had much more experience than he did and he was concerned about what might be expected of him.

As he stood in the shower he realized he was getting quite hard because of the thoughts about Clark. He imagined what it might be like to have Clark in the shower with him. He imagined Clark working his lips down his chest and down into his crotch where he would begin to envelop his hard shaft. His eyes were closed and he could almost feel things happening for real. Then he heard a door slam and realized that he could be caught in here. He didn't want to cum in here, he was afraid that someone might see it. He quickly shifted the shower to extremely cold water and gradually calmed himself down.

Chris exited the shower and headed to his room to pack. He took unusual care in selecting what he would take and was surprised to realize that he wanted to make himself appealing for Clark. He shook his head at how silly it was. Clark was nice enough but he was really out of his league. But at least he could give it a shot and see what would happen. He'd always had part of him that wanted to explore and this seemed the perfect occasion.

Chris finished packing and headed downstairs. He checked with Martha about the camping equipment and she told him it was in the barn. Chris headed out to the barn and found the tent, sleeping bags and cooking equipment. He carefully cleaned everything and packed them up for the trip. While he was working he heard Clark's truck drive up and he glanced to see Clark head into the house to pack.

Chris was reviewing the schedule for the meteor shower when he heard the barn door open. He turned to say hello to Clark but was struck dumb by what he saw. Clark was always good looking but now he was absolutely stunning. He had changed into a dark blue shirt that matched his crystal blue eyes and seemed to be molded his powerful upper body. His jeans were a perfect match, giving Chris a great view of his firm ass as well as other parts of his anatomy. It was almost enough to make Chris faint and it certainly helped to firm up his own body.

Clark walked over to Chris and grabbed him around the waist. Clark had taken a shower of his own and Chris could smell the freshness of his body. The scents of soap, cologne and shampoo merged into an almost erotic scent. Clark moved so that he was standing behind Chris, his powerful arms wrapped around his body. Chris could feel Clark's crotch pressed up against his ass and it was clear that Clark was 'awake' as well.

Clark nuzzled Chris' neck and gently kissed him on the throat and cheek.

"Mmmm...... You smell wonderful and feel even better. I can't wait to get alone with you for a weekend." purred Clark.

"Yes.... oh yes" hissed Chris in response, melting in the embrace and returning the affection.

The two stood there for several minutes, with Clark gently ministering to Chris. Chris did his best to return the affections but Clark quietly told him to stop, that he wanted Chris to enjoy the moment. Clark considered reaching down to unbutton Chris' pants, to give him the ultimate release of pleasure. But he sensed that it wasn't a good idea right now.

"Not now" said Clark. "We don't want to go to fast. I want you to enjoy this, I want it to be special for us. Every first time, every first moment should be special"

If Chris hadn't been in love with Clark before he knew he was now. The gentleness was just what he'd been looking for. He wasn't sure that he could fully return the physical aspects of love, but he knew the emotions were there. As to the physical, they would find out soon enough.

The two men took a few moments to compose themselves and then headed out of the barn to load up the truck. They walked into the house and emerged with mounds of food from Martha. Clark placed a hand on Chris' knee and smiled as they drove out of the farm and up into the nearby hills. Martha and Jonathan watched them depart and both hoped that this weekend would bring happiness to both of their sons.

Most people think of Kansas as being entirely flat but the truth was that there were a number of hills and even a few peaks over 1000 feet. It took them about an hour to arrive at a parking lot and loaded up for the hike into the lake. As they walked Clark told Chris about where they were going to be spending the night. He explained that he'd found the lake several years ago when he was on a trip with some friends.

Many people camped at a larger lake and stream a few miles away but as far as Clark knew nobody had found this one and he'd never told anyone about it. It was his private place that he went to when he needed to think or be alone. Chris was deeply moved that Clark trusted him enough to reveal this special place. They hiked for another hour or so to a quiet lake hidden alongside a hill.

They had to skirt along a deep chasm to get to a large plateau. Chris could see why few people had discovered the place but he was really amazed at what he could see. The lake was situated almost like a balcony, with a magnificent view of the flatlands below and an even better view of the sky above.

"Wow, This place is amazing," said Chris

"Wait till tonight, if you sit on the lake and look up it's almost like being in the middle of the sky," responded Clark

"I'm looking forward to it," replied Chris.

"Let's get things set up and then we can relax before tonight."

"Sounds good to me"

The two worked for the next hour or so setting up camp, gathering wood for the evening fires, clearing an area for observations. Clark also showed Chris around the area so he would be familiar with it before dark.

By the time they finished setting up camp it was nearing dark and they decided to get a meal in before going out to watch the shower. Martha had, as usual, packed way too much food and the two gorged themselves on lots of good farm cooking. Chicken, ham, salad, potatoes, fruits and cookies, it was a real feast and they ate way too much.

When they finished eating and cleaned things up Clark suggested that they maybe take a swim. They might even be able to watch the meteors from out on the lake if they timed things right. Chris agreed it was a good idea but they soon discovered a problem. There was a bag missing and it was the one with their swimsuits in them. They must have left it back at the truck and that was way too far away. They sat pondering things for a moment before Clark spoke.

"Well uh" Clark said, "we are by ourselves here so we could just well...". He looked at his feet and shifted awkwardly as he suggested the idea of skinny dipping.

"Uh yeah" said Chris " that sounds ok to me"

Secretly both men were thrilled at the idea of being naked with the other but neither wanted to be too obvious about it. They headed down to the lake and began to strip down. Both snuck looks at the other as they did.

Clark glanced over his shoulder as Chris removed his shirt and he was thrilled at what he saw. Chris had that wonderful body and the tufts of reddish blond hair reminded Clark of a strawberry field just after planting. His eyes followed down Chris' chest to his abs and then below his pants. As Chris continued to remove his clothing Clark nearly drooled as he imagined the hair continuing down to the one thing Clark really wanted to get his eyes (and hands) on.

Meanwhile Chris was noticing Clark's glances but he didn't mind as they allowed him views of his own. Watching Clark peel off his shirt Chris was certain that he was deliberately flexing his powerful upper body just to tease him. When Clark removed his pants Chris felt his mouth go dry as he saw the massive bulge inside his underwear.

Clark smiled to himself knowing that Chris was watching him. He did everything he could to make the show as appealing as possible. Flexing his arms and chest, seductively removing his pants, turning to give a view of his tight firm ass. He suspected that Chris knew he was performing but he didn't care. As he watched Chris carry out a performance of his own he felt his groin swell, so he turned around to give Chris a show of the farm bred Kansas meat he was packing.

Had someone else been watching they would have been amused (and aroused) at the two men putting on this erotic duet. They both were doing everything they could to drive to other into a sexual frenzy and yet they were both pretending that nothing was happening. It was quite a spectacle. The two finished stripping down and Clark ran past Chris to take a flying dive into the lake. As he did Chris caught a view of very large (and semi erect) penis flapping in the wind.

He quickly followed Clark into the water and the two splashed around the water for several minutes working the sweat and fatigue off of their bodies. It was getting dark now and Chris gasped as he saw the stars burst into the sky like a sea of fire. It was amazing; he'd seen stars all of his life but the view was just beyond belief. The sky was dark and the stars glowed with a light beyond imagining.

Clark called over to Chris and motioned for him to come over to the side of the lake. Chris swam over to where Clark was standing. The water along the edge of the lake was shallow enough to stand up. Chris felt warmth flood his body as Clark 'accidentally' brushed up against his side. He tried to focus on something else, not wanting to look directly at Clark, fearful of what might happen.

As he looked down he saw nothing but darkness, the areas below were all fields and there was therefore no light. It was an impressive view and you could look down at the darkness and feel like you were floating. But he was in for an even bigger surprise. As he looked to his side he realized what Clark had meant, the stars were reflected in the water and it truly was like being surrounded by stars.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," said Chris

"Yes. It certainly is" said Clark with a deep husky voice.

Chris turned and realized with a start that Clark was talking about him, not the stars.

"You mean the stars and the view, right....," he stammered

"No. I mean you. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I've been in love with you since the moment I saw you" said Clark with a hand on Chris' cheek. Clark had the most wonderful sheepish look on his face as he spoke, and Chris knew for certain that he was in love as well.

Chris paused for a moment and then looked downward, his cheeks bright red.

"Well I think you're pretty special too Clark. But why would you want me. Why would you want to complicate things? You know there could be problems"

"Chris, I don't know what will happen. I know this is an unusual situation and we may find that this love will work or we may find that it won't. But I want to explore that with you and I know I want to be here with you tonight."

Clark was still holding Chris' cheek and he raised Chris' head to face his own. He moved forward and began to gently kiss Chris but as he did the kiss deepened and endured. Clark felt Chris' lips soften and he worked his tongue inside the welcoming mouth, running it all around, doing everything he could to give Chris a pure and deep pleasure. As Clark explored his mouth Chris felt like he was on fire. The amazing feeling of this wonderful person showing him such pure love was stunning on both a physical and emotional level.

Clark pushed Chris against the side of the lake and pressed his own body against Chris. He moved to grind their crotches together and both men felt themselves become rock hard. Chris moaned as Clark moved his hands up and down his body, covering his neck and chest with firm wet kisses. Chris worked to return the affection, rubbing his own quivering hands up and down Clark's incredibly fit body. Clark moaned softly as Chris worked at his body. Every part of his body tingled and it felt as if he were filled with an electric charge.

He felt himself approaching release but didn't want things to end so quickly. He reached up and splashed Chris in the face in a playful manner. Chris laughed and splashed back. The two romped around the lake for some time, splashing and laughing with each other. But this was no average play in the water, for each moment was tinged with the erotic. Both men tried to slip in and give the other a kiss or playful touch.

In the middle of the lake they paused with faces inches away from each other and joined in another deep embrace, kissing, touching, pushing and pulling. Rolling back and forth, above and below the surface of the water in sexual ballet. Clark gradually worked then to the side of the lake and moved behind Chris. Every fiber of his being was aching to contact. He wanted to shove himself deep into Chris but he didn't want the first time to be so abrupt, so he pressed himself against Chris, his cock rubbing the cheeks of Chris' ass.

Chris moaned in ecstasy and part of him ached for Clark to shove deeply into him, to meld their bodies into one. But he somehow sensed Clark's reasoning and simply enjoyed the feelings, the kisses. Deciding it was time to make Clark happy he spun himself around and was now pinning Clark to the side of the lake. He began to gently massage Clark's shoulders. Moving back and forth, he gradually increased the intensity of the massage until Clark melted under his talented hands.

He gradually moved down the body, taking the shoulders, arms, chest and abs in turn. Each time he began gently yet sensually, stimulating every inch of skin, firing millions of receptors. One of the few good things about spending years in an out of hospitals and therapy is that you learn how massages are to be given. He reached under the water and massaged the upper legs, the globes of his ass. A few times he built the courage to insert a finger or two in and was amazed how tight Clark was.

He then moved up front, massaging and rubbing the long and thick shaft, moving his hands down to the firm, amazingly large balls. As his hand held on of them, he could feel the power within, he could swear the balls were throbbing with every beat of Clark's heart.

By now Clark was in another world. His eyes were tightly closed as he felt Chris massage every part of his body. He tensed as he felt himself approaching the final release. He had stopped it once before but this time there was no stopping anything. He climbed higher and higher as if reaching for the sky. Every muscle in his body tensed and he took on the appearance of a Greek god. With one final gasp he exploded and poured wave after wave of cum into the lake, some coated Chris' lower body while others felt like they were shooting to the other side of the lake.

Clark moaned in pleasure and was weak for a moment. He looked at Chris and saw a look of anticipation on his face.

"Was that ok. Did I do it right?" asked Chris

"Oh Man, you did it perfect" gasped Clark.

Chris smiled and moved away from Clark, allowing him to move from the side of the lake. He gave a crooked smile as a fire lit in his eyes. It was time to give back what he had received. He pressed Chris against the side of the lake, and told him to lean back and enjoy. Clark began to return the same sensual massage he had received, working first with the shoulders and neck, rubbing and caressing his angelic face.

As an athlete, Clark had learned about massages, but he wasn't nearly the expert that Chris was. However he did have one special advantage over Chris, he had his superpowers. Over the years Clark had experimented with what he could do and worked to refine his skills. One thing he had learned was how to use his hands, to vibrate them in a way that would create what science called a sympathetic vibration. Initially he could only use it to shatter glass or break things, but he had learned to control it to influence things. As he entered puberty he'd learned just what he could do to his own body and now for the first time he would use it on another.

Clark moved his hands up and down, running along Chris' shoulders, chest and abs. He was careful to approach but not quite touch the groin, teasing and tempting Chris in the hopes of focusing attention on that area while he worked his own magic. He began to vibrate his hands, running them up and down the body, stimulating every part of it. He could feel the body begin to quiver under his ministrations and knew that the pleasure would soon build.

Chris felt like his brain was going to overload with the stimulation. He had been concentrating on what Clark was doing and kept wanting him to move his hands down the rest of the way. But suddenly he began to feel something else. His body began to vibrate and it was like waves of sensual pleasure shooting through his body. It began to build and build, and it was amazing. Then his body reached the vibration point and Chris gasped, he felt like the most intense orgasm of his life was shooting through his body but he realized he hadn't actually cum. Then it happened again, and again. It was like he was having climax after climax, over and over.

Clark was intensely concentrating on his efforts, knowing that Chris was going through amazing pleasure. When he had first perfected this technique it had simply resulted in one powerful orgasm. But now that he had improved his skills things lasted much longer. The key was to avoid the penis entirely. What felt like orgasms were actually reactions of the other parts of the body. So in theory he could keep it going forever. But he knew that it couldn't go on that long. He increased his efforts, preparing to give Chris one last wave of pleasure before finishing him off.

Chris thought that if he were to die now he would do so as the happiest person in the world. His body had ceased to be real; it was like he was part of the lake, part of Clark, part of the sky. He felt a level of pleasure and excitement that he never imagined, that no other person had ever felt. It was literally the most erotic experience he felt any human being could go through.

Clark sensed Chris was ready and he also saw from the sky that it was time for him to take the final step. He took a deep breath and plunged under the water. Chris was momentarily confused as he felt the waves of ecstasy begin to wane but then he felt a warmth envelope his penis. Clark was sucking him off! He couldn't believe it was really happening.

Clark took every inch of Chris inside his month, which was an effort in itself as the stimulations had caused Chris to swell to amazing proportions. Clark moved back and forth, rolling his tongue all over the thick head. Chris wouldn't last long in this state so Clark was careful to make it as intense as possible. Up and down, over and over until he felt the head swell even bigger.

Chris screamed as he exploded inside Clark's mouth. Waves of cum poured out of him, more than he'd ever felt before. Clark massaged Chris' balls with the same vibration technique to extend the event as long as possible, taking every bit of sweet cum into his mouth and throat, making Chris part of him forever.

As Chris came he felt the world around him burst and it was like the sky was on fire. Chris realized that Clark had brought him to climax at the moment the meteor shower was beginning. It was like he was surrounded by light, fire and pleasure and he wanted to make this last forever. He was shaking as Clark surfaced and took him in his arms. The two held onto each other for the next hour as the sky seemed to celebrate their union with a fiery display.

Eventually they moved out of the water and dried each other off, then moved to their campsite. They sat together watching the meteor display continue deep into the night. As the storm ended for the night they headed into the tent, and Chris was pleased to see that Clark had zipped the two sleeping bags together. They climbed in and Chris quickly fell asleep, safe in Clark's arms. Clark lay there a while longer, with Chris' head resting on his chest.

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