
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (OfBlessed Memory)

Published on Jan 11, 2019


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The Prince

I know you'll find this hard to believe, but I know someone who is a psychic. Notice, I did not say a friend, because at the time I write of, Reggie was not really in the category I called "my friends." He was a friend of a friend of a friend. In spite of so many degrees of separation, Reggie and I were often at the same social gatherings. You see, we are both gay, and we had so many acquaintances in common that it was inevitable for us to keep running into each other.

Here's the thing about Reggie. He was no ordinary psychic. He did past life regressions. Now I know you are thinking that he was a charlatan making a living off gullible souls, but I assure you, he didn't take a penny for his services. By trade, he was a CPA. I always think of CPA's as bespectacled, serious, nose-to-the-grindstone, sort of folks. In fact, I would swear that they were the exact opposite of a psychic. Be that as it may, Reggie was not a professional psychic. The only time he exhibited his unique talent was at a social gathering. Everyone looked to him to entertain us for the evening.

Generally, he just gave readings, but at least once during the evening, he would do a past life regression for one of the curious guests. The problem with regression is that it is not impossible to verify, but it can be difficult, whereas readings can be checked out to a greater degree. I didn't believe any of his shenanigans, so I always avoided either a reading or a regression. He told me once that his mother's name was Mary, and his father's name was Joseph, so maybe he came by his abilities from some higher power. That bit of information did not change my mind about him.

One day I received an invitation from a friend. He asked me to dinner the following Friday evening. Of course, I accepted it. As a bachelor, who hates to cook, I lived practically full time on frozen dinners. This was my chance to savor a home cooked meal for a change. It turned out to be a small group, just four of us. One of the guests was Reggie. I knew the host and the other guest intimately. I had enjoyed sex with both of them, but this was the first chance for me to get to know Reggie. When I saw him at the dinner party, I admit that I felt a little disdainful. Like everyone else, my first thought was that he was a fake, and I just didn't like him.

That changed drastically before the evening was over. I found Reggie to be witty, affable, and a great storyteller. I also became aware for the first time that he was very good looking. He was a little over six feet tall, with a hunky body. His hair and his eyes were dark brown, his nose was straight, and zowie, he had a deep dimple on each cheek. My cock always rises at the sight of dimples, and I was having trouble containing my emotions. It struck me so suddenly, that I was amazed. I realized that I was very attracted to Reggie. Better yet, I got a real strong vibe, that he felt an attraction to me. Before very long, we also realized that we were ignoring the other people in favor of deep conversations with each other.

Just as we were enjoying a delicious dessert of Peach Melba, the host noted that he and the other guest had once been regressed by Reggie, but I had never been. They urged both Reggie and me to do the deed. I had staunchly refused to be regressed in the past, but this evening I had grown to know and like Reggie, so I agreed to do it.

After dinner, we three guests helped the host to clean the dining room, and load the dishes in the dishwasher. Then we went to the living room to begin my regression. Reggie had me lie on the sofa on my back. When he and I were certain that I was comfortable, Reggie began.

"Before we start, Norman," he said, "I want you to know that nothing I do will harm you. This is not a form of hypnosis. If you should find yourself remembering an uncomfortable situation which is making you uneasy, you can simply stop the regression all by yourself. Do you understand?"

I nodded.

Then Reggie led me through a process of meditation. By the time it was over, I was more than relaxed. I was practically limp. I wanted to sleep but forced myself to stay awake to experience what would happen next.

"I want you to remember back to your very early childhood and try to remember the first thing you can when you were two or three years old," These were Reggie's first instructions.

The earliest memory that came to me was when I was three or four years old. The little girl next door was playing with me on my porch. I could clearly see us playing with dolls. Was that an omen or what?

I described the scene, and Reggie said, "You have to go back further to a time before you were born. Try hard. Go back, go back, go back."

The scene on my porch was suddenly replaced. I saw a young, handsome Asian in some sort of shelter. He was really built like the proverbial brick shithouse. I confess, he looked a lot like me. There were dozens of horses in the building, but the young man was not in a stable. The building looked more like a caravansary, but there were no camels to be seen.

The scene broadened and I could see a slew of young boys attending to the horses. Some were grooming them and some were feeding them. The horses were being pampered. The young man was shouting orders at the boys. I guessed that he was the foreman or the head groomsman, or something equivalent.

I tried to tune into the man's name, but I couldn't. I was receiving all this information through visuals and thoughts. He was speaking in a foreign tongue. It sounded Chinese or Japanese. It didn't matter, I understood every word.

"Prince Toman-Kei will be here any minute," he barked, "to choose his horse for his daily ride. Every one of them must be perfectly groomed and well fed, or you will all lose your heads."

Somehow I knew that this was not an idle threat. The man was serious.

Just then another man came in. He was being followed by three servants. From his dress, the sword at his side, and his demeanor, I knew that this was the prince. He was tall for an Asian, maybe five eleven. For some strange reason, he reminded me of Reggie. I also knew now that we were in a very ancient Asian land. It was a time earlier than the reign of The Khans.

The prince walked haughtily through the stables and chose a steed. The three servants helped him mount the horse. When he was comfortable on the horse, he said to his groomsman, "Ride with me today, Wei-Li. I would like your company."

Suddenly, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I was Wei-Li, or Wei-Li was I in one of my former lives. The moment the prince uttered my name, the enlightenment came to my present self. Wei-Li bowed to the prince, and chose the nearest steed at hand. He mounted it without help from any servants. The prince smiled at him, and off they rode.

The more I viewed the scene, the more I became Wei-Li. I followed the prince. He led me past an extensive rice paddy, and into open fields. Ahead of us, not more than one hundred yards away, I spotted three small hills. We rode around one of the hills and dismounted. The prince took my hand and led me toward a small cave at the foot of the hill. We went into the cave, and immediately the prince grabbed my cock and started to kiss me. There was nothing ancient about that kiss. The prince explored my mouth with his tongue, and then our tongues began to make love.

"I love you," he said in his ancient tongue, but my present-self heard it and understood it telepathically. We disrobed at record speed, and I fell to the ground. I gobbled the prince's precious manhood into my mouth. When he came, I swear that my present-self could taste it.

Suddenly there was a clamor in the cave. The emperor's men were all over us, pulling us apart. They dragged our naked bodies outside, and the emperor began to rave and rant at his eldest son. He wasn't upset at all that the prince was having homosexual sex, but he was appalled that it was with someone of such low station. He gave orders to his men, and they made me watch while one of the soldiers castrated the young prince. Then he turned to me, and cut my head off.

My disembodied head yelled at the bleeding prince, "We are soulmates, you and I. I swear I will find you in our next incarnation."

I became Norman again, immediately. I grabbed my throat, and sat bolt upright, effectively ending my regression, at least this one.

In future meetings with Reggie, he was successful in regressing me through several lifetimes. I can't prove if my visions were true, or a product of my vivid imagination, but it was interesting, and I would like to share the stories with you.

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 2

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