
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (OfBlessed Memory)

Published on Jan 20, 2019


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The Slave

After the night that Reggie was successful in regressing me to a sad, short life in Ancient Asia, we saw a lot of each other. We began to date and make love together. Reggie was a fantastic lover. He knew how to excite every erogenous inch of my body, and how to push all my sexual buttons.

We were going with each other about three months when we both realized one night that we were being monogamous. When that epiphany hit us, we knew we had something special going on. As much as we both loved our bachelorhoods and the freedom of living alone, we began to talk about moving in together. It was a big decision for both of us, and we didn't rush anything. I think we both knew that it was inevitable.

While we were debating the issue, he with himself, and I with myself, we were invited to a dinner party at the home of a mutual friend. After the food was consumed, we all sat around socializing, and one of the men begged Reggie to give him a reading. He graciously did, and the man he read for proclaimed how accurate he was.

Then one of the guys yelled, "Regress someone, Reggie. Let's see what the past held."

Reggie took my hand. "Let me regress you," he said. Maybe it will help you decide on our future together."

"Sure, what the hell," I said. I was still treating the whole idea as fun and games.

Reggie took me through the meditation exercise once again, and I completely relaxed.

Then, as if he were miles away, I heard him instruct me. "Go back to your life in Ancient Asia to a time when you were still in The Emperor's favor. You are still happy with the prince, your lover. Are you there yet?"

The prince and I were making love. He was fondling my cock, and I found myself mewling. "I'm there," I mumbled.

"Good, now project yourself forward to another incarnation. Just imagine speeding along a railway track, taking you years ahead in time."

I conjured up a vision of HG Welles's time machine as imagined by the movie makers. Suddenly, I was traveling faster than the speed of light. In seconds, the machine stopped. Everything was fuzzy, and I had no idea where I was. Little by little, my eyes cleared and I knew exactly where I had projected myself."

"I've arrived," I informed Reggie.

"Great, where are you?"

"I'm in Egypt at Giza. The pyramids are under construction. Sunburned slaves are lugging blocks of limestone up to the base, and then raising the blocks one step at a time until they reach the last completed summit. They are all near to exhaustion."

"Are you one of them?" I heard Reggie ask me. He still sounded miles away.

"I'm positive that I am one of them, but I haven't identified me as yet."

"Concentrate hard," Reggie advised me.

I let myself wander among the slaves, and I spotted someone who looked a lot like me. The only difference was that I am fair, and this slave's skin was darkened by the sun. He had dark brown hair, but his eyes were blue like mine. I desperately wanted to help him with his load, but I couldn't. I wasn't really there, after all.

Suddenly I felt myself being sucked into the body of the slave. I found myself lugging the incredibly heavy limestone block. It became too much for me, and I stopped to rest.

I had not seen a slavemaster anywhere near me, but without warning, one of them was flogging me. His whip was stinging my back, and I knew I was bleeding.

"Get up and work, Hebrew dog," he yelled at me.

I couldn't move so he continued to flog me. Just as I was about to pass out, he stopped, and I heard a very authoritarian voice order him to stop whipping me. I looked up to see a very handsome man seated on a fast horse. He resembled Reggie. From the looks of his garments, I reckoned him to be a very high ranking army officer. I looked into his eyes. They were dark and sensuous and looked at me with pity.

"Fool," he yelled at the slavemaster, "don't you know that healthy, well-fed slaves are more productive than sickly, beaten ones? Leave this man to me,"

My present-self remembered the bible story, and I dared hope that I was the slave who was rescued by Moses. Then this man would be Moses. My whole body shook, both from the beating and from the possibility that I stood in his presence.

"Yes, General Demos," the slavemaster, answered him and then rode off. Well, now I knew that the general wasn't Moses.

"Can you stand up?" he asked me.

Without answering him, I stood up.

"Follow me," he ordered

He walked his horse slowly, and I obediently followed him. We must have walked more than a mile when we came upon an army encampment. He led me to the largest tent, where we were greeted by a beautiful young Hebrew slave. She looked back and forth from Demos to me, trying to decipher what was happening.

"Bring me a salve to apply to this man's back," he ordered the slave girl.

She returned quickly, and when Demos took the salve from her, he asked her to leave us alone. He secured the flap of his tent and looked at me.

"What is your name?" he asked. His voice was soft and kindly. I was not afraid.

"Avram," I answered in as soft a voice as his.

Demos led me to a carpet, and bade me strip and lie on the rug on my stomach. It didn't take me very long. All I wore were a loincloth and a pair of sandals. He began to apply the salve to my wounds. At first, he was very gentle, but after the first coat covered the open sores, he began to rub in the salve with a little more muscle.

"Don't move," he said. "I want to apply some oils to your sores in addition to the salve."

I was too stunned to move. This man was treating me as a loved one, not a slave at all.

He began to apply the ointment all over my back. I thought that would be it, and I would be allowed to turn over, but I was wrong. His hands, oily from the ointment, were descending down my body and caressing my buttocks. He applied more ointment to my balls, and reached under me, found my cock, and anointed it. My cock was erecting quickly.

"Now," he said, "you can turn over."

When I turned on my back, I was surprised to see that Demos was completely naked. He was flaccid, and I gazed longingly at the first uncircumcised cock I had ever seen. As I stared at it, it began to harden and rise. When Demos was fully aroused I determined that he also had the biggest cock I had ever seen.

"I couldn't help myself. Without thinking I said, "You are the most beautiful man in the world."

"Thank you," he said. "But it is you who are so beautiful."

He smiled at me, lay down on the carpet beside me, and began to fondle me.

I whispered in his ear, "I'm a virgin. I have never lain with a man or a woman. Please tell me what to do. What are your desires?"

"I will instruct you in all you need to know, and if you please me, I shall make you my personal slave I don't really care to have that girl around. I much prefer young men."

"I understand," I muttered.

Demos got to his knees and told me to raise my legs onto his shoulders. Then he took the ointment he had rubbed my back with and started to oil my asshole. (Young Avram in Egypt was shocked, but my present-self was getting very aroused.) Finally, Demos oiled his cock and started to enter me. He didn't try to stretch me at all, and it hurt me very much. I was filled with both pain and pleasure as Demos relieved himself far up my bowels, and I climaxed all over my chest.

I was enjoying myself immensely when I realized that Reggie was shaking my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's wrong. I don't know where you were or what you were doing, but you took your cock out, and you were masturbating wildly in front of these guys."

"Nothing we haven't seen before," one of them laughed.

"Anyway," Reggie said, "you were embarrassing yourself, and me. I decided to bring you back"

"Too bad," I said. "I was having sex with a handsome Egyptian soldier who looked just like you. He was going to make me his personal slave if I satisfied him. Now I'll never know."

Everybody's attention was hanging on every word I spoke. They were all hoping to learn more about my "past life."

There was a lot of tension in the room, so Reggie said, "Let's go home, Norman. Your journey to Egypt was quite enough for one night."

To be continued ...

Next: Chapter 3

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