
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author (OfBlessed Memory)

Published on Jan 25, 2019


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The Conqueror

I arrived at Reggie's apartment and let myself in with my key. We still hadn't made up our minds to live together. It was my turn to sleep at Reggie's. Tomorrow, he would sleep with me at my place. Neither of us knew why we were being so foolish, but we were determined to continue our relationship at a slow pace.

Reggie had gotten home before me. He was seated at his desk, writing in a journal.

"Watcha doin'?" I asked.

"I'm recording your past lives. They were very graphic and would make interesting reading. Maybe you and I can make a best-seller out of it." I was thrilled that Reggie included me as a co-author.

"Two stories don't make a novel," I said.

"I know. That's why I want you to let me regress you again and again until we have several juicy tales."

"Okay," I said, "but don't interrupt me like you did last time. We don't know how it came out with me and the Egyptian, and I want the regressions limited to no more than once a week. It's physically exhausting."

"Deal," Reggie said. He jumped up and kissed me.

"To tell the truth, there's one thing that I`m really curious about," I said.

"What's that?"

"In the two past lives you've regressed me to, I was gay, and I'm gay in this one. I wonder if I've been gay in all my incarnations."

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Would you be willing to try again after dinner tonight?"

"Foolish man," I joked, "there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. If I have to delay sucking your cock until after we visit history, so be it."

I was always a little frightened before a regression, so I delayed everything. I took forever putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Reggie was becoming impatient with me.

"Get your ass into the living room," he said. "I'll finish up here."

I started to object, and Reggie reminded me that I had just said I'd do anything for him. Touché. He joined me in the living room a few minutes later.

"Last time you almost got cum all over the host's sofa. I suggest you strip this time, so I can ogle your cock and be ready to catch your stuff in a tissue."

"I love stripping for you," I said. In seconds I was naked.

"I can't stand it," he said, and he was naked seconds later also.

I assumed my usual position on the sofa, and Reggie led me through the soothing meditation. When he felt that I was fully relaxed, he began his regression.

"I want you to leave Egypt now, and continue traveling forward in your time machine. As soon as you get an image, stop, and orient yourself to your surroundings," he suggested.

I placed myself in Mr. Welles's magical time machine and propelled myself forward. After a short period of time, I heard a lot of sounds, and I was in a place of great confusion. I was compelled to end my journey here.

I stood still for a moment and concentrated on learning where I had alighted from the time machine. Things seem to clarify themselves rather quickly in a regression, and I knew in an instant where I was and what was causing all this confusion.

The conquistador, Francisco Pizarro of Castille, had ordered Atahualpa, Emperor of The Incan Empire, to surrender to his forces peacefully. Pizarro had heard that the Incans possessed great stashes of gold. Whether it was true or not, he intended to find out and claim this land for Spain. When Atahualpa refused Pizarro's request, the Spaniard unleashed his forces on the Incan people. The year all this occurred was 1532, and the event came to be known as The Battle of Cajamarca.

When I realized that I was on a battlefield I grew frightened and I began to shiver. I could feel Reggie's hand on my shoulder, and I distinctly heard him say, "Sh, sh." I remember thinking what the hell is he doing here. I did indeed relax when I realized that I couldn't be harmed. I wasn't really there. I was merely an observer to an event in history.

Then I saw him. A young Peruvian was wounded. He was lying on the ground, but he was desperately trying to stand up, and seek assistance. He was yelling for help. I wanted desperately to help the young man, especially when I realized that he was I or I was he, whichever. He looked like me, and I recognized myself immediately. I am fair and this lad had silvery black hair and nearly black eyes. Nevertheless, I knew that he was one of my incarnations. In spite of his pleas for help, he did not have high hopes that he would be assisted.

He saw a horseman approaching him. He was to find out that the rider was Captain Alfonso Alvarez, a member of Pizarro's troops. Alfonso dismounted his horse and helped the young Incan to rise. Now I could see that Alfonso strongly resembled Reggie. My instincts told me that he was Reggie.

"Let me help you," the captain said.

He assisted the Incan to stand and he lifted him onto his horse. That was easy enough. Alfonso was easily twice as big as the wounded youth. They rode off the battlefield and Alfonso took his passenger to the Spanish encampment. When he arrived at his quarters, which was nothing more than a large tent, the captain's aide-de-camp assisted him to take the wounded man into the tent. They laid him down on a cot.

Get me a basin of water, a hot poker, paraffin, and some pieces of cloth," Alfonso instructed his aide-de-camp, "and after you bring me the supplies, please leave. I will attend to the boy myself."

"What is your name," Alfonso asked in Spanish. The boy did not understand so Alfonso slapped his chest and said, "Alfonso."

The Peruvian understood. He slapped his own chest and said, "Tupac."

Alfonso ripped Tupac's clothing off him to examine his wounds. He had two bad slashes across his chest, but fortunately, neither was very deep. When Alfonso had the hot poker in his hand, he sealed the wounds with some paraffin and the glowing hot poker. Tupac screamed out in pain and fainted.

When the Incan woke up, he was lying next to Alfonso, who was naked and sound asleep. The captain was hunkered up to the boy in such a way that Tupac could not have moved if he wanted to. He definitely did not want to. Instead, he let his arm begin to caress Alfonso's body. Alfonso began to make purring sounds, and Tupac was encouraged to rest his hand on his benefactor's oversized prick.

Alfonso stirred and whispered in Tupac's ear, "Don't stop. This feels so good."

Tupac had no idea what Alfonso had said to him, but he correctly interpreted it as Alfonso wanting more. The young lad pushed himself away from Alfonso as best he could. He leaned over and took Alfonso's massive rod into his mouth. He could accommodate very little of it, but what he had, he worked magic on. Alfonso began to moan. His whole body was gyrating, seeking release. Tupac was very pleased. He knew that he was doing a good job based on Alfonso's reactions.

He was totally unprepared for the excessive amount of cum, the captain released into his mouth. Poor Tupac could swallow very little of it. The captain grabbed him and placed his lips on his. Alfonso literally sucked his cum out of Tupac's mouth and swallowed it.

The young man expected nothing from Alfonso, but he got a real shock. Alfonso threw himself on the boy's cock and brought him to glory with his sensuous lips and educated tongue.

For the next year or so, Tupac served as Alfonso's servant. During that time he learned to converse in Spanish. Of course, he was more than a servant. Every night, he and Alfonso made love until the inevitable happened, and their paradise was destroyed.

"I have to return to Spain," Alfonso told Tupac one day.

Tupac had prepared himself for this day. "Take me with you," he begged.

"It would be too dangerous. I've told you about The Inquisition. The evil practices of the church have almost entirely been discontinued, but the statutes are still the law. Some Catholic zealot could have you burned at the stake because you are a heathen."

"I would adopt your religion," Tupac begged. There were tears in his eyes. Alfonso brushed away his tears.

"There is something I must tell you," he said. "Back in Spain, I have a wife and children. As much as I would love to take you home with me, it's impossible."

Tupac ran out of the captain's tent. His legs carried him back to his father's home. He never saw Alfonso again.

Once again, Reggie woke me up. "My darling," he said. "Why so many tears?"

"Because you rejected me," I said.

"Wake up, Norman," he said. "I'm here now and I would never reject you. If it was me in your past life, it would never be me in this one."

When I became fully awake, I realized that Reggie would always be true to me, but still I would wager that Reggie was Alfonso and I was Tupac.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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