Sound of music

By Nick Richardson

Published on Feb 21, 2004



This is a gay fantasy about The Sound Of Music. It doesn't imply anything about the sexuality of Nicolas Hammond, who plays Friedrich Von Trapp in the movie. It does imply something about my own though. :)

I made Friedrich a bit older, I changed him from fourteen to sixteen, for obvious reasons.

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THE SOUND OF MUSIC Friedrich's love

By Nicklovesu

I had been working for two years now with the family Steingartner in Salzburg, when they decided they were going to move to the States, because they were worried about the upcoming future, now that the Anschluss was considered an option. They invited me to come with them, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving Austria, the country where I grew up, the people I had known all my life, my friends, the mountains where I used to play before my parents died in a car accident. Though I was only eighteen when it happened, the family Steingartner had invited me to come live with them, and soon I became the governor of their three children. At first I was very hesitant to accept the new job, but after a few days I did, and I still praise myself for that. I thought i'd be with the family forever, but reality proved me wrong.

Though I didn't know what my future was going to be, I declined their invitation, and with sad feelings in my heart I packed my belongings, because the house was already sold, and the family would leave within a week.

But then all of a sudden Mr. Steingartner came up with an idea. A good friend of his, Captain Von Trapp was always looking for new governesses for his children, because they never could cope with the strict discipline there was in the house. On several occasions Captain Von Trapp had asked Mr. Steingartner if he would be interested to let his governor, me, work for him. I had declined every time. But now Mr. Steingartner proposed I should work for him. After all, Captain Von Trapp had expressed his wish several times, and I needed a home. When I reluctantly agreed, he had patted my shoulder and said some encouraging words to me. But I still wasn't sure. I was only twenty and I would have to take care of seven children, the oldest being only three years younger than me.

So now here I am, standing in front of the door of the Von Trapp house. I decided it was time for some peptalk. "Okay, there you go. You just ring the bell and ask for the Captain. He will be glad to see you, you will meet the children and everything will go just fine." I nodded, cleared my throat and pulled the bell. I heard footsteps approaching and the door opened. "Hello. I'm here to see Captain Von Trapp." I said to the stern looking butler. "Come in young man." he said and stepped aside. I entered the large hall and was struck by the cleanliness of the place. On occasions the hall of the Steingartners looked like a tornado had made his way through it. This hall looked clean as a church, but it had the same safe atmosphere.

"I will tell Captain Von Trapp you've arrived." The butler said and left me standing in the middle from the large hall, but took my suitcase with him. I decided to stay where I was, since I already knew the Captain was a man who wanted obedience, and by the look of the hall, it was no joke. I decided not to touch anything, but i couldn't resist to check myself in a hall mirror. I was about six feet tall, blonde-haired and blue-eyed. When working with the Steingartners i had occasionally gotten some admiring looks when we were walking through town, but I never really paid attention to my appearance.

"I expected you at noon, and you're perfectly on time. That's a good way to begin." I heard a stern voice behind me. Like I didn't know. But I turned around to see the Captain and I responded in a friendly way: "I'm glad you wanted to give me this opportunity Sir. I'll do my very best." Though he had already given me like fifteen opportunities, I decided the friendly was the easiest. "I hope you will young man. Fraulein Maria stayed for three hours, because she didn't do nothing but singing all day. But since I heard nothing but good about you from my good friend Steingartner, I believe you will stay longer." I heard a slight tone of humour through his voice, so I decided the best thing to do was to smile. So I did. "Now let me introduce you to my children. Listen carefully and try to learn the signals." With that he took a whistle, brought it to his mouth and started to give sharp short signals. It was horrible! On the gallery above doors opened and the children ran out of their rooms. The signal changed and they started to march down from the stairs. I started to count them. Seven children! Five girls and two boys came marching down and stopped instantly they reached the middle of the hall. I felt like saluting but I managed not to. "I hope you listened carefully. Here's your whistle, and the children will help you to learn them. I'll see you again tonight at dinnertime." He ignored his children and left the room, and I watched him go. The children started to laugh, but the second I turned, they instantly were silent again. "At ease." I tried. It seemed to work. They loosened up and giggled to each other. Now i had the time to get to know them better. "Hello. As you probably already know, I will be your new governor. I hope we will get to know each other pretty quickly, but maybe we could start with your names?" "I'm Liesl," the eldest girl said, "I'm seventeen years old and I don't need a governor." "Okay then. We'll be friends." I said. "I'm Friedrich," the boy said, "I'm sixteen years old and I'm impossible." I was immediately struck by his wonderful beauty. He had sandy blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, red lips, he was almost as tall me, but much more slender. Only later I realised I fell in love that moment. "Impossible to what?" I asked. I looked him straight in the eyes. "Impossible to get." He fluttered. "I'm Louisa." The next girl said. I turned my attention to her. "I'm thirteen and you are very pretty." "Well thank you Louisa.." but before I could go on she said: "We noticed it immediately." The children started to come closer to me while Louisa kept on talking. "We've seen you passing our gates with the Steingartner children when we were walking in the garden, and we asked father to get you as our governor." I was amazed by what I heard, but I felt not at ease the children coming so close to me. All of a sudden I felt someone's hand on my thigh, and I was pretty sure it was Friedrich's. I couldn't believe it. Was this boy really trying to feel me up, right there in the hall? ".. and now you are here." Louisa ended her story. I was confused. Why was she saying this? She just told me how I arrived at their house, which I of course knew better than them. And why were they coming so close? Suddenly a door opened and I heard a woman's voice: "Come along now children, it's time for your walk." The children immediately backed away and turned to the door slowly. The woman continued talking to me. "My name is Frau Helga. I'm the housekeeper, so if you have any questions concerning the household, direct them to me. Now I'll show you to your room." I took my guitar, still confused, but as I followed her, I felt something moving in my pocket. Not thinking, I put my hand in my pocket, and felt some slippery animal wristling. Instinctly I took it out, and when I saw it was a tiny snake I shrieked and threw it to the ground. The children snickered and suddenly I understood. That's why they came so close, and that's why Louisa had kept on rambling. "You're lucky. Fraulein Maria got a poisonous one." Frau Helga said and continued her way up. The children had sneaked out, and I followed her to my room. And I realised another thing: Friedrich put the snake in my pocket, and that's why I felt his hand. I smiled at the remembrance of his touch.

That evening, after dinner, I decided to take a shower. I had told the captain nothing about the snake-accident, and probably neither had Frau Helga, because the Captain didn't mention it. The children were very quiet, though occasionally Friedrich's eyes and mine met. So after dinner the children went to study, and I decided to wash up, since I had had a long day. I had a bathroom adjoining my own room, so I didn't think about locking the door. After all, the children's rooms were in the other wing of the house. I stepped in the shower and let the hot water wash away all the dust and the tiredness of the day. I started to soap up but let the water running. All of a sudden I heard a sound like the door closing. I checked to see if someone had come in, but there was nobody. But as I closed the curtain again, I suddenly noticed. My clothes were gone! At first I felt like panicking. I couldn't take the risk to leave the bathroom naked and go to my room, though the two doors were very close. But after I calmed down I decided to use a towel. I checked the hallway, and then ran swiftly to my room. But when I came there, I found out it was locked! Now i really felt like panicking! The Captain could pass at anytime, and here i was, standing outside my door, wearing nothing but a towel. The only thing I could do, i thought, was to go to the children, and to ask for the key. I didn't really want to meet the eyes of the younger girls, so I decided I would visit Friedrich's and Kurt's bedroom first, so if I could retrieve the key there I wouldn't have to go to the girls. I sneaked across the hall to their rooms, and after a few moments I knocked gently on the boys' bedroom door and went in. The look on their faces was a joy to behold. They glanced at me with a very surprising look in their eyes, obviously none of their governesses had taken it so far to visit them only in a towel. I noticed Friedrich checking me out, and I decided it was time to pay him back for the snake. Both boys were seated at their desk, both against the wall opposite each other. "Continue with your work Kurt." I said to the other boy who immediately went back to his book. I walked over Friedrich, who all of a sudden looked very nervous and turned his attention to his book too. I took place behind his chair and lightly bend over, as to check out what he had been reading, but I couldn't prevent myself from slightly brushing my nipple against his hair. I placed one hand on his desk, and slid sideways, so my nipple brushed his cheek. His face instantly flushed and I have to admit I started to bone up under my towel. Friedrich nervously shifted in his chair, and I checked him out. It was obvious he was boning up too, because his pijama trousers formed a tent at his crotch. I let my hand, which leant on the desk before, slide lightly to his crotch and I gently groped his dick. He gasped, and immediately I let go. "Meet me in my room after everyone's asleep" I whispered in his ear, and left, picking up the key lying on the corner of his desk on my way out.

Back in my room I started to think about what I had done. Suppose I was wrong, and Friedrich was not interested in me. Probably he was now on his way to his father to tell him everything that had happened. But judged by the look on Kurt's face, stealing clothes was not a regular prank, so it must have been Friedrich's idea. Did he want to see me only wearing a towel? Or was it just a new joke he had come up with? I let all these thoughts run through my mind, and decided to wait what would happen. If the worst turned out, I could still go for the hard way and deny everything.

Someone softly knocked on my door. Since I doubted the Captain would knock so softly, my heart started to beat faster, as I went to the door. I opened it and I saw Friedrich, barefooted and with a shy look on his face. I smiled. "So you came." I simply said. "Yes." He replied nervously. I tried to break the ice. "Come on in." I laughed nervously and he entered my bedroom. I closed the door behind him and locked it. "Have a seat." I said and he sat down on the side of my bed. I went over to him and sat next to him. It was quiet for some moments. In my mind i heard thousands of voices telling me what to do, but I knew it all came down to one question. "Are you sure you want this?" I asked. Nervously he nodded. "Have you ever kissed someone?" He looked confused. "I mean, like lovers do.." He shook his head. I smiled and shifted next to him. Our legs touched and I gently placed my right hand in his neck. I lifted his head and I saw that his eyes were closed. Slowly I brought my mouth to his and gently our lips touched. I felt his arms going round my neck and I started to slide my tongue between his half opened lips. He breathed in heavily, and as my tongue met his, my hands roamed around his slender waist and occasionally brushed the tip of his erect cock. Our tongues touched and slowly we started to kiss eachother like lovers do. I tilted my head and let my hands now freely roam over his chest and back. Friedrich moaned slightly, and I took that as a sign he liked it. I took hold of the rim of his pijama jacket, and I slowly started to lift it. We had to break our hug and I slid of his jacket and let it fall on the floor. Immediately our mouths matched again and we started to kiss more feverishly. My hands gently caressed his back, and I felt his warm, naked skin brush under my fingertips. This boy was just so beautiful. Slowly I let my hands slide under the cotton of his pijama trousers and caress his firm ass. Gently I lifted him and pulled him in a tight hug, so I could undo his trousers. They slid easily off his legs, and fell to the ground. Now I had this cute naked boy in my arms, and it seemed he wanted this as bad as I do. I broke the kiss and pulled him in the middle of the bed. I laid him down on his back, and my hands roamed around his body. I tried not to touch his cock too much, because I was afraid he would come before the good part. I caressed his legs, his chest and I stroked his hair while we kissed again more feverishly. He was on his back in the middle of the bed and I slowly positioned myself on top of him, still wearing the towel. I felt his hands caress my back, meeting the rim of the towel. I guided his hands to the front and I felt him fumbling at the knot. I inhaled, and easily the knot came undone. In one swift movement he pulled the towel off me and threw it on the floor. Now we were both completely naked, and I started to grind our bodies together. I felt my cock touching his and while we kissed passionately, I stroked his nipples. Friedrich started to moan more loudly, as I broke the kiss and started my way down over his chin to his chest. I gently kissed his shoulders while my hands took both his arms and slowly lifted them above his head. I stroked his armpit and then lightly licked the little hairs. Friedrich bucked his hips while my tongue paid more attention to his nipples. He moaned and sighed and stroked my hair as my tongue swiftly formed a trail from his chest to his belly button to his cock. His cock was beautiful. It stood a proud four inches, and he had a nice patch of pubic hair. I gently kissed the tip and started to lick it from the base up. While I rolled his balls around in my hand, I started to suck on his dick. Friedrich moaned in pure extasy when I let my fingers gently slide under his balls and pressed my thumb against his pucker. Just when his pucker opened and my thumb slid gently inside, Friedrich started to yell and buck his hips against my mouth. I felt his balls tremble and his body tense. "I'm cumming, i'm cumming!" he yelled. "Aaaaaahh^Å^Å yes!!" he shouted as his sperm shot out of his cock. I stopped sucking just in time and started jerking him. Three spurts of his cum landed on his belly and the fourth one landed in his pubic hair. The salty smell of his cum hit my nose, as I laid my body down on him and kissed him deeply. Our tongues met and our cocks grinded together. Gently I rolled off him and I pulle him with me, so I was on my back and he was on top of me. "I'm.. not sure.." he started but I put a finger to his lips. "Don't worry, I'll guide you. I promise you will love it." Slowly he started copying me. Obviously he was a fast learner, because my nipples immediately went hard under the touch of his inexperienced tongue. I gently stroked his hair and guided his head down to my cock. I felt him trembling as he licked my cock. It was great! He gently licked my cock like a lollipop, while his hands roamed around my chest. "Try sucking it. Just watch your teeth." I hissed through my breat and I gasped when Friedrich went down on my cock. He sucked it like a pro, and I felt my balls tense, as his fingers slowly strolled around them. Because I didn't cum after sucking him, it didn't take much to bring me off now, and I just had the time to pull Friedrich's horny mouth of my cock before I came. Thick bursts of cum shot out of my cock as I yelled: "I'm cumming! Ooooh Friedrich, I love you so much!" I didn't realize at once what I was saying, and as Friedrich laid his body down on me, we mixed our cum together. Our eyes met. "I love you too." He said and I realised what it meant. We closed our eyes and our tongues met again for another passionate lovers' kiss. I gently rolled him back as I sat up. "Friedrich, there's one thing I would like to do with you." As his eyes encouraged me to go on, I said: "I want to be in you." "I trust you." He said and smiled. I smiled too, and turned my attention to his cock. I slowly lifted his legs, and as I caressed his balls with one hand, my other hand gently stroked his hole. I collected some spit and used it as lube. Slowly I inserted my index finger and started to push in and out. Friedrich moaned and on his face flashed a look of pain. I slowly continued until he started to enjoy it, and I added a second finger. Again I went slowly and waited for him to enjoy. I kept on talking to him, how beautiful he was and how much I loved him as I inserted a third finger. He was getting used to it, cause it didn't take nearly as long as the first two. I decided he was ready for my cock. I placed the tip against his pucker and slowly pushed in. "Relax. I love you, I won't hurt you." I assured my lover, and with that his ass muscles relaxed and my cock slid in. His face flashed in pain and I kept on moving gently in and out. Slowly the look on his face changed to pure bliss, and I started to fuck him faster. We picked up speed and I placed my hands on his chest while I was driving my cock in and out his hole. We were in heaven. Friedrich moaned gently, and while I could feel the cum rising in my balls, I slowly jerked Friedrich off. As i felt him coming close I pulled out and with three more jerks I brought myself to orgasm. In the meantime Friedrich jerked himself and in a collective orgasm, spurts of cum flew out of our cocks, and landed high on Friedrich's chest. We moaned loudly and I fell on top of my lover, exhausted. We kissed, and I pulled the lightcord. We cuddled up to eachother, and I pulled a blanket across our naked, intertwingled bodies. We fell asleep shortly after.

The End.

PS: Feel free to make up further adventures, for example on a mountain meadow :)

PS2: Comments (good or bad) welcomed, flames ignored. Nicklovesu1

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