Soundtrack to Your Life

By N D

Published on Nov 23, 2006


DISCLAIMER: I don't know Ashley Parker Angel. This is strictly in my fantasy. I am in no way affiliated with his record company and anything to do with him. If homosexual content is illegal for you to read or you don't like it then please leave.

The only thing I have remotely in common with Ashley is that we were born on the same day - August 1, 1981.

FIRST THINGS FIRST: Hey everyone. I want to thank you all for the awesome feedback you gave me on Chapter One of this story. I'm hoping it picks up and takes off the ground very quickly. Special thanks to Jeff who really sparked me to get to writing this next chapter. Much appreciated!

I apologize to everyone who is coming here looking for a quick sex story. When I write here at Nifty I try to develop character base and storylines that lead into situations that make you want to continue to read every new update. Now that doesn't mean that there won't be plenty of sex down the line but be patient!

Writers love feedback!!! It only takes a minute. is where you can reach me...

For those of you that want to check out some previous work of mine, check out these stories: -Nick and Ashley (Boy-Bands directory) -Timmy's Love (High School directory)

I know I know, I'm rambling again...let's get moving!

Soundtrack To Your Life - Chapter 2

Josh took his keys out of his pocket and fumbled with them until he found the right one.

"I don't even know what half these damn keys go to anymore." Josh said with a smile as he looked back to Ashley and semi-laughed.

He finally found the one he was looking for and inserted it into the lock and heard it click as the doorknob turned and opened the door.

Josh and Ashley walked into the medium-sized studio apartment in midtown Manhattan, New York City. Josh threw his keys down on the coffee table near the couch and turned towards Ashley.

"Home sweet home!" Josh said sarcastically as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's really nice." Ashley responded back.

"Yeah right. I saw your house on MTV." Josh said back.

"Nah I'm not like that. I think this is really nice. Besides my house wasn't on MTV cribs and if you remember from the show I was living in Tiff's mom's house for over a year before we bought that house." Ashley said as memories came back into his head.

Thoughts flooded Ashley's head as he began talking about his life back in California. It had been such a crazy morning and Ashley really didn't know where he was headed. He was just going with the flow, which was something new for him, instead of following a schedule someone else had planned for him.

"You're pretty down to Earth huh?" Josh asked rhetorically.

"I try. I think it's important to never let anything go to your head." Ashley answered.

"Good point. Well I think the apartment's's nothing special. There's one thing about it that I love though." Josh said.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Ashley asked.

"Follow me." Josh said as he turned around and headed towards the wall. He stopped right in front of the wall covered by curtains.

"You like the curtains?" Ashley asked confused with a small laugh.

"Huh?" Josh said

He reached up and grabbed the cord for the curtains and pulled it so they would open. The curtains quickly parted and allowed sunshine to flow in through the apartment. Ashley's eyes squinted for a minute as the sun glistened off his face.

Josh revealed double doors that led out onto a balcony. He opened the doors and walked out onto the cement balcony and leaned over the railing. Ashley stepped out to join him and was in awe. He marveled at the view. Josh lived on the top floor about 5 stories up and had somehow moved into the only apartment in this building with a balcony. It was mainly due in part to the shape of the building and where it was situated but it truly provided an amazing sight.

"Wow, this is incredible." Ashley said in admiration as he leaned over the railing next to Josh.

"This is my great de-stresser." Josh said as he looked out at all the people walking the streets below.

"I could use one of those." Ashley said as he put his head down.

A million thoughts raced through his head. Tiffany. Lyric. His music career. His future. It was all too much at once. It was all happening so quickly. He wasn't sure what was happening. A couple years ago he applied for a random TV show with about a million other people called "Making The Band". It quickly developed into a band named O-Town. They toured the world and had multi-platinum singles. The sold out arenas and quickly became a favorite of many. And then it was gone.

His life quickly rolled forward as the pressure of making it on your own was hitting Ashley hard. His son Lyric was born and then finally a single of his own that he wrote made it big. It's been a whirlwind ever since. Nothing but promotions, tours and photo shoots. It's everything that Ashley wanted as long as he had a support structure back home. That seemed to be crumbling down around him now.

A small tear fell from his eye down his cheek as his head faced the ground, leaning out over the balcony.

"Hey Ashley are you ok?" Josh asked him concerned.

"Yeah I'm OK, just a lot on my plate right now." Ashley said as he wiped the tear from his face.

For some reason Ashley didn't have a problem showing his emotions in front of Josh. He was getting more and more comfortable. It was crazy because he just met this kid this morning and he already felt himself becoming very close with him. Ashley was a pretty personable guy and always tried to make friends with everyone. Josh seemed to be the same way.

Josh put his hand on Ashley's shoulder. Ashley looked up into his crystal blue eyes.

"It's gonna be OK bud. Just hang in there." Josh said comforting him.

"Thanks man, I appreciate it." Ashley said back.

They both sat there and stared at each other. As it began to get a bit awkward, the ring of a cell phone broke them out of it. They both jumped a bit.

"Oh that's mine." Ashley said as he grabbed the phone out of his pocket and answered it. Josh went back inside and plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV.

Ashley saw the caller ID and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Mike." He said.

"Hey buddy...what's going on?" Mike greeted him.

" hotel burned down." Ashley said matter of factly.

"Holy shit. Were you inside of it when it happened?" Mike asked freaking out.

Ashley just laughed. "Haha no Mike almost, but thanks for asking." He said.

"Oh OK...well that's crazy. Let me book a new one for you." Mike said.

"Thanks bud. Mike do me a favor. Make it somewhere really nice." Ashley said as an idea popped into his head.

"Is Tiff coming up to stay with you?" Mike asked innocently.

"I'll explain later. Just do that for me." Ashley said quickly trying not to get mad.

"OK sure Ash. I'll text you with the info." Mike said.

"Thanks Mike. I appreciate it. I'll talk to you later." Ashley said as he closed the phone and put it back in his pocket.

Ashley walked off the balcony and back into the room. He smiled at what he saw. Josh laid on the couch with his arm behind his head fast asleep.

Ashley admired his features...the way Josh's black hair fell in front of his face and curled to one side around his eyes. He watched as his firm chest rose up and down peacefully as he slept. He looked so relaxed and Ashley was jealous.

Ashley let him sleep and just watched TV for a while, taking the time to relax as well as it had been a very long time since he had done just that.

Josh woke up what seemed like a couple minutes later but as he turned and looked at the clock he realized it was a couple hours later. He looked around and realized he was by himself in the room. He immediately became disappointed.

'I guess he left. Real smooth Josh...fall asleep when there's a gorgeous celebrity at your place.' Josh scolded himself in his mind.

He heard the water come on in the bathroom sink. After a couple minutes, the door opened and Ashley walked out. A smile came to Josh's face realizing that Ashley had stayed.

"Hey look who's awake." Ashley said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just kinda dozed off while you were on the phone. What time is it?" Josh asked.

"It's not that bad. We've got enough time to grab something to eat and then head to the game" Ashley said.

It was almost weird to Ashley that he was throwing out ideas as if they had been friends for years. It was as if boundaries were breaking with every minute they spent together.

"Sounds great let's go. Let me just catch a shower first." Josh said as he got up and began to run into the bathroom.

" the way the radio station called. They said that they ended up having an extra ticket for the game so they put all 3 in your name at the will-call window. They also said that you should have told them that you were escorting me around the city all day and they would have just given you the day off." Ashley said with a smile.

"Oh." Josh started with a laugh. "I'm guessing you had something to do with that so thanks. So 3 tickets huh? Know anyone? " He said with a laugh as he closed the bathroom door.

Ashley did in fact know someone. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket again and looked for a number. He quickly found it and put the phone to his ear.

After about ten minutes, Josh was done with his shower and walked out with just a towel around his waist, beads of water dripped down his chest and firm pecs. Ashley walked in from his phone call and caught a glimpse of him. 'Wow' was the first thing that came to his mind. His chest was completely hairless except for a small trail under his belly button and was very firm, rounded out around his dark nipples.

It wasn't that Ashley was jealous of Josh's figure but more attracted to it. Wait a second, was this really happening? Was Ashley really attracted to another man? To say that this was a day of change and adjustment in Ashley's life was an understatement.

Josh bounced into his room and quickly put on some clothes. Within a couple minutes he threw on some cologne, adjusted his hair a bit and came out and gave Ashley the 'I'm ready' look. Ashley put on his yellow UCal hat backwards and they both headed out.

"You like sushi?" Ashley asked.

"I love it." Josh responded.

"I know this great place from the last time I was here." Ashley said.

"Sounds great let's go." Josh said.

"By the way, I found someone." Ashley said as they opened the door to leave.

"Huh?" Josh asked.

"To come to the game with us." Ashley said.

"Oh, really? Aren't you the guest? Who is it?" Josh said with a laugh.

"It's a surprise. Come on he's meeting us at dinner." Ashley said as they were off.

The two of them piled into a cab and Ashley gave the driver the name and address of the sushi restaurant. After about 10 minutes, the cab pulled up to a restaurant and dropped them off. Josh reached for his wallet but Ashley stopped him.

"Ash, you don't have to." Josh said.

"It's OK I want to." Ashley said as he gave the cab driver the money.

They both got out and Ashley began to head over to a figure standing in front of the doorway. He was wearing a tan jacket with fake fur lining around the neck. He had dark brown hair somewhat pushed up in front and a little longer in the back. Ashley pulled him into a hug and the two embraced. Josh trailed a bit behind him.

Ashley pulled out of the hug and turned towards Josh.

"Josh this is my good buddy Dan." Ashley said.

Dan reached his hand out and shook Josh's hand as he recognized him as Dan Miller from Ashley's former band O-Town. Josh was with two celebrities now. He certainly didn't think this would be happening when he woke up this morning.

All three men walked in and ordered a combination of different types of rolls and raw fish assortments.

"So Dan do you live around here?" Josh asked as he picked up a Spicy Tuna Roll and put it in his mouth.

"Well, I'm actually originally from Ohio but after O-town split I picked up a place here in the city. Trying to get my solo career going." Dan said.

"That's cool, how's it going so far?" Josh asked.

"Not bad. Not as good as this guy over here." Dan said as he pointed to Ashley.

Ashley had just finished putting a piece of salmon into his mouth and looked up with a full mouth.

"What?" He mumbled as soy sauce dribbled out of his mouth. He immediately tried to catch it but to no avail.

Dan and Josh just laughed at Ashley as he fumbled to keep his face clean.

"Well, Dan whenever you need to get something on the radio just let me know. I got a couple connections with Z100." Josh said.

"Oh wow that would great. Thanks a lot man. I'll definitely let you know." Dan said.

All three men enjoyed the food and the conversation and before they knew it they were on their way to Madison Square Garden to watch the New York Rangers. They found their seats trying to be as incognito as humanly possible. Ashley was truly enjoying himself and wasn't in the mood to sign autographs right now. This was unsuccessful however as halfway through the first period the cameramen found them and put their faces up on the scoreboard.

"Unbelievable." Ashley said out loud.

"Don't worry about it Ash. Doesn't it feel good to have them want to put a camera in your face again? I miss it personally." Dan said.

"I guess you're right Danny." Ashley said.

"I'm gonna go grab some beers, you guys want some?" Josh asked not really being able to relate to the conversation.

Both men responded with a resounding 'yes' so Josh got up and headed for the concessions stand. He purchased 3 Coors Lights and began to head back down the stairs to the seats that were given to him by the radio station.

'How the hell did this happen?' Josh began to think to himself. 'Don't get caught up in it...they're probably just gonna ditch you tomorrow and you're back to being just an intern again. Oh well, might as well enjoy it while it lasts.' Josh thought in his head.

"HEY DOWN IN FRONT!" Someone yelled from behind Josh so he quickly got into his seats.

"Gotta love New York right?" Dan said as Josh passed out the beers.

As the beer kept coming, the three men began to really get into the game. This was probably because they began to get more and more drunk. The game was tied 2-2 late in the third period with the Rangers on the power play. They worked it around to Jaromir Jagr, their captain, and he fired the puck into the back of the net for what would turn out to be the game winner.

The arena went absolutely crazy and so did Ashley, Dan and Josh. All three leaped up out of their seats and threw their arms in the air in celebration. All three cheered and slapped hands. They were all having a great time. Something that Ashley was truly loving at the moment. Something that he hadn't done in a long time. Have fun.

After the game was over, Dan hugged them both and thanked them for a great evening. He caught the first cab as Ashley and Josh caught the next one.

"I had a really great time tonight. Thanks for the tickets." Ashley said in somewhat slurred speech.

He put his head back on the seat and closed his eyes, trying to shake off the effects of the alcohol. This gave Josh a great opportunity to look him over, his eyes becoming a bit more adventurous with the beer consumption kicking in. Ashley was a beautiful specimen. He had let his blond hair grow out since they started O-town and it seemed to get longer and longer every time he saw a picture of him.

'I kinda liked it when it was shorter.' Josh thought to himself.

Ashley was slender yet with very defining features. Josh couldn't believe that he was sharing a cab with him and he had just spent a great night with him. Ashley opened his eyes back up and Josh looked back to the road.

"Excuse me driver, can you please take us to the Carlyle Hotel on the Upper East Side." Ashley said out loud.

"Huh? What's going on?" Josh asked confused.

"You really helped me out in a tough time today. I wanna repay the favor. I got us a couple of suites. Let's live like rockstars." Ashley said with a wild look in his eyes.

"Yeah but Ash that hotel is really expensive. That's too much." Josh contested.

"I don't wanna hear it. I gotta be here in New York all week so we're gonna enjoy it." Ashley said obviously not letting Josh argue his point at all.

Josh was too drunk to fight with him.

"Alright man, I appreciate it though." Josh said.

The cab traveled through the city on their way to the five-star hotel reserved usually for high society, both men a bit excited and a bit nervous about what the future held.


<<<<So tell me what you guys thought. is the email address.

Like I said, sorry for the lack of sex but I'm really trying to put a couple storylines in place so that the story has a future. So calm your hormones!!! Haha jk.>>>>

Keep dreaming...


Next: Chapter 3

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