Soundtrack to Your Life

By N D

Published on Dec 21, 2006


DISCLAIMER: I don't know Ashley Parker Angel. This is strictly in my fantasy. I am in no way affiliated with his record company and anything to do with him. If homosexual content is illegal for you to read or you don't like it then please leave.

The only thing I have remotely in common with Ashley is that we were born on the same day - August 1, 1981.

FIRST THINGS FIRST: Well that last scene between Josh and Ashley was a pretty big hit. I'm glad the readers enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Special thanks to Thomas for the great feedback. He's almost as big of an Ashley fan as I am. :) I'd like to hear from all of you. Please take the time to shoot me an email. Tell me how you like the story.

I'm hoping I can start getting my writing legs back underneath me and get this story moving. Please stay with me as I try to put the updates out as fast as possible.

If you haven't already, go pick up Ashley Parker Angel's new solo CD "Soundtrack To Your Life" for comment and suggestions...or just to talk!

For those of you that want to check out some previous work of mine, check out these stories: -Nick and Ashley (Boy-Bands directory) -Timmy's Love (High School directory)

Here we go...

Soundtrack To Your Life - Chapter 4

The sunlight was making its best attempt to peek in through the window curtains in the hotel suite. It was desperately trying to reach its target which just happened to be two beautiful specimens lying in bed reveling in the feeling of the smooth white sheets and each other's bodies.

Josh was slowly coming back to reality. His head was fuzzy and he felt like he was in between the real world and the dream world. He was unsure of what was real and what wasn't. He was hoping on all hopes that what he experienced last night was real. He opened his eyes to find his arms wrapped around a smooth, lean chest of someone else and a smile came to his face. It was real alright.

He looked up and saw Ashley propped up on one of his pillows, his hands clasped behind his head, looking down at him. Josh admired Ashley's upper body. He was lean yet toned. Josh was extremely turned on by the muscle definition, even the strands of light brown hair that exuded itself from Ashley's armpits. It was all wonderful to him.

"Good morning." Ashley said with a smile.

"Good morning. What time is it?" Josh said with a groan as he stretched his arms.

"'s late. Time to get up and get moving!" Ashley said.

"Oh no you're a morning person." Josh said as he hid his head underneath his pillow.

Ashley laughed. He picked the pillow up off of Josh's head and threw it to the side. He leaned down towards him and kissed the back of his shoulder blade. This prompted Josh to turn around and face him. Ashley took that opportunity to share a kiss with his new friend. Both pulled out of the kiss with a smile on their face.

A knock at the door pulled them out of their trance.

"Uh oh. Should I hide?" Josh asked.

Ashley laughed again. He found himself laughing all the time with Josh. Sometimes just at how quirky he could be. It was a great feeling.

"No, I ordered room service." Ashley said as he got up giving Josh a great view of his beautiful behind. He quickly threw on his pajama pants from the night before.

"When?" Josh asked quizzically.

"I called it in last night." Ashley said as he walked into the next room to answer the door.

'Hmm must have been before everything that happened.' Josh thought to himself.

That got Josh thinking about everything that did happen last night. He was unsure about it all. It felt great and was one of the most amazing sexual experiences he had every encountered but he was nervous. He knew Ashley was on the rebound and didn't want to get himself into a situation where he turned this into something it wasn't. Something he'd love for it to be but was pretty far-fetched.

Ashley came back in the room carrying a large tray with a large lid over the top. He put it down on the bed and lifted the lid off and put it on the floor. The tray had a wide array of breakfast foods on it including eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, pancakes and waffles along with juices and coffee.

"I didn't know what you liked so I got a little bit of everything." Ashley said sheepishly.

"Sounds great. I like everything breakfast related." Josh said

"Good. Let's eat." Ashley said handing him a fork.

"Ever been in the newspaper before?" Ashley asked randomly.

"Huh? Not since high school for sports. Why?" Josh asked.

Ashley responded by throwing the morning paper that was delivered on the front door down onto the bed. Josh picked it up and studied it. In the top corner of the front page there was a small blurb about Ashley being at the game last night and a picture of Dan, Ashley and Josh celebrating after a goal. There was also a larger article about it in the gossip section in the latter part of the paper.

Josh laughed. "I guess I'm famous." He said with a smile.

Both men laughed and grabbed a plate off the tray and dug in. About halfway through the breakfast Josh decided that he needed to talk to Ashley. He didn't want to break the happy times but it was a necessary conversation that needed to be had.

"Ash can we talk about last night?" Josh asked.

"Sure, let's talk." Ashley said somewhat reserved.

"Well, like I said last night I'd understand if you'd like to just forget it ever happened. You don't seem like you're going to but still I just wanna make sure you know that. I'm sure this week will be great but who knows what's going to happen after you leave and..." Josh said but his voice failed him. He was unsure about how to approach this. He couldn't seem to put the thoughts together in his head. It sounded a lot better in his mind before it came out of his mouth.

"Can I jump in?" Ashley asked.

Josh laughed. "Please do." He said relieved.

"I don't want to ever forget any of this happened. I want to have the best week I possibly can with you and as for after this week is over let's cross that bridge when we get to it. I just want to enjoy being with you as much as I can." Ashley said.

"I know but you're on the rebound right now. I don't want to end up being one of those guys you have in every town." Josh said.

"Josh I'm not like that. I promise you. No one has ever made me feel the way you did last night. You're the only thing that feels right in my life right now. I promise you we'll make it work." Ashley said.

"That makes me feel much better. But what about your career and the press?" Josh asked making sure he covered everything that he felt was necessary.

"Well my career is finally taking off again so unfortunately this will have to be a secret. I mean we could always tell close friends like the O-town guys but I'd rather be on the careful side. I could understand how you'd be frustrated with that though." Ashley said seeming upset at the thought.

"As frustrating as that is, I understand completely. As much as I'd like to tell everyone in the world, I will respect your privacy." Josh said.

"Good now let's stop talking about this. It's depressing me." Ashley said with a smile.

"Ok so what are these big plans you have for us today?" Josh asked.

"Oh you'll see." Ashley said.

A hundred thoughts went through Josh's head wondering what he had in mind. He soon found out and was shocked to say the least what he had planned.

Josh and Ashley found themselves sitting in the waiting room of a hair salon surrounded by women. Ashley was in his hat and sunglasses routine trying not to be noticed. Josh was looking at him with a very questioning look.

"A hair salon?" Josh asked.

"Yeah you mentioned something last night about how your hair was getting too long. I needed to get mine cut anyway." Ashley said.

"Don't you have people that get paid to do that for you?" Josh asked.

Ashley laughed. "When I'm on tour I do. They're just stylists for the most part. I still have to go and get my own haircut." Ashley said.

"Oh, ok. How short are you gonna go?" Josh asked interested.

"Well let me ask you. You said you've been a fan for a while. Which did you like better? The short or the long hair." Ashley asked.

"Well, to be honest with you I liked it shorter but when it had some length to it. Your hair was so short when you tried out for Making The Band and it made you look so young." Josh said.

"Wow you are a fan huh? I miss those Making The Band days. Everything was much easier." Ashley said reminiscing and giving off yet another feeling of the tortured soul. Josh picked up on it right away.

"Alright then. I'm gonna get it cut back to that length you liked then." Ashley said matter of factly.

"Wait wait. You don't have to change just because I said so. I don't want to piss off any publicists or your agent or anything." Josh said.

"One thing I learned from O-Town is never let them control your life. Besides I felt better about myself back then and I'd like to do everything I can to get back to that Ashley. This is a good start." Ashley said.

"Man when you make up your mind on something there's no going back huh?" Josh said with a laugh.

"You got it. What about your hair? Are you gonna get it cut?" Ashley asked.

"I'd love to just shave it but I don't think Im ready for that." Josh said.

Ashley thought about it for a second and then leaned over near Josh's ear so only he could hear.

'I think you'd look sexy with a shaved head. We'll have to save that for another time.' He whispered softly.

It sent chills up Josh's spine. It made him happy that Ashley showed him emotion as well. The more he opened up the better he was going to feel about himself.

"OK then! Gonna have to make a mental note of that one. I'm gonna get mine short too. Long hair is out!" He said excitingly.

Both men were seated somewhat near each other and their respective hairdressers went to work. Both of course tried to flirt with their gorgeous clients but to no avail. If they only knew.

Ashley had a bit of an encounter with the "Hey you look familiar" routine but it was quickly averted by him playing dumb. I guess that came with years of practice. Josh wasn't sure he could handle that sort of invasion of privacy all the time.

The haircuts were done and both men were walking out of there looking like new men. Ashley's cut was very similar to that of the old Ashley. It was very light blond and had length to it but not enough to be considered long. It was enough to style and stick up or push down/off to the side if you like.

Josh's jet black hair was cut a bit shorter. It had enough length that you could style it but short enough to look very clean and professional if necessary. It was a bit longer in front where it came straight out a bit or up if that's what you liked.

Josh was a bit unsure of it but Ashley assured him that it was very sexy. Both men were on their way, Ashley of course covering the bill, much to Josh's dismay.

The two men walked through the streets of New York, both realizing that it had cooled down a bit since their adventure last night on the balcony. Both of them seemed chilly, obviously misjudging the weather and how it can drop drastically when it was nearing winter in this area.

"I'm buying you something today whether you like it or not. I know exactly what we could use too." Josh said.

"Josh you don't have to this is supposed to be my treat." Ashley said pleading with him as Josh headed into a Hollister store with Ashley in tow.

Josh walked around looking for the section he wanted. He found it out of the corner of his eye and made a B-line over to it. He stopped when he got to the outerwear section.

"Here try this on." Josh said as he handed Ashley a jacket.

"You know that I don't want you to pay for this." Ashley said.

"Just try it on." Josh said laughing.

The jacket was a dark tan corduroy with lighter fake fur around the neck. Very comfortable yet very stylish.

"It looks great on you." Josh said.

Ashley just gave him a sad look and puppy dog eyes.

"Look I know you can buy me jackets a million times over. But you'll always remember the time I bought you a jacket." Josh said as he gave him a wink, somewhat frustrated that he couldn't just give him a kiss and show him affection in public.

Ashley gave a small smile. "I love it. Thank you." He said.

"There we go. Now I wanna find a jacket too. What do you suggest?" Josh asked.

Ashley looked around for a minute and then grabbed one off a hanger and handed it to Josh.

It was one of Hollister's brand new lines of Solimar Utility jacket and it was a faded grayish color. Josh walked over to the mirror to check it out. Ashley joined somewhat behind him and the two looked at the reflection. What they saw was two hot guys with great bodies, new stylish jackets and nice new haircuts to top it all off. They could have been one of the Hollister models!

Josh made the purchase which was fairly expensive but Ashley didn't say a word this time, not wanting to annoy Josh anymore. They walked out of the store and put the jackets on right away removing the tags in the meantime. They both walked on enjoying each other's companies.

"These jackets are great." Ashley said smiling.

"Just something to say thanks. And if you can't handle that then consider it an early birthday present." Josh said

"My birthday is in August though it already passed." Ashley said with a smile.

"I know that. August 1st." He said sheepishly.

"I'm beginning to think that you're a stalker." Ashley said with a laugh.

"Nah, just a big fan." Josh said a bit embarrassed. "So what do we have planned for the rest of the day?"

"Wanna go ice skating?" Ashley suggested.

"Uh, sure." Josh said unsure if he had mentioned his ice hockey background to Ashley before.

The two men hailed a cab and headed over to Lexington Ave. where the Ice Studio was, one of the only ice rinks in the city that is not located in one of the outer boroughs. Ashley went up and got them both a pair of rental skates. Josh was playing dumb until they got on the ice not sure how good Ashley was at skating. Judging by the way he was struggling tightening up his skates Josh ventured a guess at not that much.

The two men finally got onto the ice and Josh's thoughts were confirmed. Josh sort of just stood there watching Ashley struggle.

"What?" He asked hanging onto the boards.

"Don't skate much huh beach boy?" Josh asked with a smile.

"Sorry there's not a lot of ice in California. Why are you really good or something?" Ashley asked.

Josh hesitated for a second and then took off. He exploded off of his skates and accelerated through the corners and eventually opening up in the straightaway of the sides of the rink. He crossed his skates over one and another as he went into the corner and eventually came all the way around back to Ashley. He stopped in a full hockey stop motion sending ice flying up in the air.

"What the hell was that?" Ashley asked astonished.

"I played ice hockey my whole life. I skate all the time." Josh said smiling.

"Showoff." Ashley said as he scampered his way over to Josh trying to keep his balance.

"Do you want me to teach you?" Josh asked.

"Please do. This is much harder than it looks." Ashley said.

"That's what everyone says." Josh started. "It's all about balance. You have to feel comfortable on your skates even if that means you have to fall in order to gain that comfort." Josh said.

He proceeded to do his best to teach Ashley to skate to the best of his ability. He was used to this as he used to teach little kids when he was in high school at the local rink. That comfort level that Josh talked about was a very thing to achieve as Ashley was showing but he was making noticeable improvements. That doesn't mean that he didn't meet the ice numerous times face to face. By the end of the session Ashley was skating on his own, although a bit gingerly and awkwardly, but on his own nonetheless. He also looked like he was having a great time, which was the most important thing.

As the session ended, signaled by the zamboni getting ready to come onto the ice and loud speaker announcing that they had to leave the ice, Ashley and Josh made their way over to a bench to take their skates off.

"That was fun." Ashley said wincing as he sat down.

"Yeah you're gonna be sore later." Josh said.

"It was a good time though." Ashley said.

"Good. I'm having a blast today." Josh said.

"Well, one more big thing planned then we should go get dinner." Ashley said.

"Ok what is it?" Josh asked.

"Can't tell you it's a surprise." Ashley said.

"I knew that was coming." Josh said.

Both men laughed. They both took their skates off and handed them back to the people at the skate rental desk. They put their shoes back on, walked out of the ice rink and hailed another cab, this time Ashley leading the direction.


<<<<< Small cliffhanger there but no worries that will be clear up shortly in the next chapter. I'm really enjoying writing this story and I hope you're all enjoying reading it as well. I'm trying to get these two to know each other and really spend time together. I don't want to rush anything. Stay tuned though because those chapters will eventually get here and they're gonna be great, trust me! for comments and suggestions...or just to talk!>>>>>

Keep dreaming...


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