South African Love

By John Matthews

Published on Apr 30, 1999


South African Love Part 2

For Matt - my student

Dieter was now Marc's man, but Marc was still only a boy. The lads had worked up quite a sweat, and it was beautiful to see them lying together on the rumpled sheets. Both were breathing heavily as they came down from the heights of their orgasm. Both cocks were still hard.

"Piet," I whispered to my lover, "We should leave and allow them some time together."

"No way, Janie." (I loved the way he called me by my Afrikaans diminutive.pronounced Yahnee) "I want to see Dieter make my brother a man."

"It would be polite to ask," I whispered back.

"Hmmmm, OK, but even if they say no, I'm staying."

He smiled at me, a wicked secret smile, and of course I melted. My heart was so full of him, and I loved him. I could only agree.

Our arms were still around each other, and he was absentmindedly playing with my arse, or so I thought until I felt a finger enter me. My last orgasm had been explosive as I fucked him while we watched his brother and his brother's best friend make love for the first time.

"Enter me now," I whispered. We were whispering so as not to disturb the lads' post coital daze. They were hugging each other, kissing each other and just moaning nonsense words at each other. My man turned me around and just shoved. As I felt his stick enter me I grunted. Twenty hours ago this gorgeous Afrikaaner was a virgin. Now he was my lover, and he knew all the right buttons to push. This was a rape, and it was exactly what I wanted. As he pummelled my arse standing at the foot of the bed, I gazed at the two young lads who had just discovered man's love. I hoped against hope they would discover with each other the joys that Piet and I had. My mind fogged over in a haze of lust as Piet kept at me. Suddenly he stopped.

"Please don't stop, Piet".

"Look ."

My gaze shifted to the bed, where Dieter was now firmly caressing Marc's arse. Dieter kissed Marc hard and quickly on the lips, and moved to Marc's dick. All the time he kept his hand in the crack of Marc's arse. Dieter again kissed hard and quickly. This time the top of Marc's cock. His fingers were continually playing a rough game with the boy's arsehole. His face went into Marc's arse, and we had a wonderful view of tongue play on the virgin hole. Marc was whimpering with pleasure, and we saw Dieter bring his tool up to the point of the love hole and slowly and firmly push forward.

"Oh, God damn me," screamed Marc. (Strangely enough, one of the worst Afrikaaner curses!) It was too late to stop, as Marc was now no longer a virgin. Dieter's face showed concern for his friend and we could see he was about to withdraw. Piet's hand went firmly on Dieter's arse and stopped him. I lay down next to Marc and kissed the tears from his eyes and gently fondled his cock.

"It will be OK now. You have to finish what you started. Just relax and let your lover love you."

I could feel the tension leaving his body, and silently nodded to Piet. Piet whispered something to Dieter, who had been frozen still with his knob just inside Marc's arse. Dieter shook his head, but my beautiful Piet firmly pushed on his arse, and Dieter's manhood slipped further into Marc. Marc gasped, and I cradled his head, petting his hair, and encouraging him to relax. His hand reached out to my cock, and he gently felt it.

"Thank you," he whispered, "It's OK now."

Dieter now had a rhythm going and was slowly and gently fucking Marc. Mar's whimpers and moans were now of pleasure, and not pain. Dieter picked up the pace and started to fuck quickly, and Marc, a quick learner like his brother, matched the pace. It was great to see. I smiled at Piet, and he lay down on the bed next to me so we could watch his brother find the complete joy of man's love.

Dieter started humping frantically and tears streamed down his face. The look of adoration he gave Marc was beautiful to behold. Marc was just groaning and smiling. Suddenly Dieter cried out, and we could just about hear the cum gushing into Marc's warm love tunnel. Marc too, cried out, and spontaneously I shoved my hand under his arched stomach and caught as much of his cream as possible. I tasted my trophy of the new man, and offered some to Piet. He slurped at it, and I gave him a look with my eyes towards Dieter. I offered the precious substance to Dieter, and he licked it from my hand, and then collapsed on Marc's back. His cock had not yet slid out of Marc's arse.

He croaked in that voice lovers know, "I love you, I love you. That was the best gift.I will never hurt you again. I'm sorry. I love you. I won't do it again.I love you too much."

As he was saying this to Marc, his cock slipped out and rested semi-erect on Marc's thigh. Marc reached down and kissed his man, and then his cock.

"How long do you think it will take to get that hard and back in me?"

He smiled at the man who had made him a man and they embraced. Piet and I quietly left the room.

Some hours later, Dieter and Marc came out of the bedroom wearing their swimmers. Piet and I thought we might wait lunch for them, but as the hours dragged on, we decided to eat. We did, and for desert we ate each other. However, when the lads came from the bedroom, we actually had shorts on, and they looked just a little embarrassed.

"Ummm, we want to be together," mumbled Marc.

"OK, so you want to be together," replied Piet. "What are you going to do about it?"

I had to admit this was something that had crossed my mind with my being with Piet.

Piet said, "Well the first thing we are going to do is open a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Come and sit down, if you can, and I will get us all a glass or two."

His wisecrack made the lads grin, and they laid on strategically placed bean bags. They were close together, and never lost some body contact with each other. I noticed they were lying on their sides facing each other. I grinned to myself and thought about youthful lustiness.

The restoratives were brought and we all sipped our Krueger thoughtfully. Piet sat next to me, and his hand idly dropped to my thigh. I breathed out in contentment.

"Let's go for a swim," suggested Piet.

The day was really warming up, and that just seemed to be what the doctor ordered.

We stood up ready to go, but Dieter and Marc had something else they wanted to say.

They held hands and Marc finally got out, "John, Piet, we just want to thank you for helping us through this morning.especially've given us a gift, you will never know the worth of. Thanks guys."

"Ach, shut up you fools and give us a hug," growled Piet. "I know the worth of it, Jannie gave it to me."

"Yeah, I noticed," quipped Marc.

And suddenly there was a flurry of blond hair and flashing bodies as Piet tackled Marc back down to the bean bag.

"Get his swimmers off, Jannie. Bag him! He thinks now he's a man, he can cheek his big brother. Get 'em off.quick."

I was about to comply, when I suddenly felt a bear hug from behind. I was startled, but Dieter had come in to protect his man. I grinned, and told my Piet that I guess it was all up to him. Dieter did not release his grip, but gently nuzzled his head to my shoulder, and kissed me gently on the neck. I tried to move my arms, but Dieter held me firmly. This was between the brothers, and the lovers were out of it. It was great to watch the two brothers play like big blond puppies, wrestling each other.

"Oh, oh," shouted Piet. " Little brother can't beat me in a wrestle, so he thinks to bring in other weapons. The heavy artillery."

We all laughed, as Piet jumped up off Marc, and there he was with a hard on sticking through the band of his swimmers. I noticed Piet had grown a bit as well. He pulled his brother up, and crushed him to his chest. He kissed him deeply, while feeling his arse.

"Is it sore, little bro?"

"Yeah, just a bit, but each time it got better and easier."

Piet hooted. "Each time! How many times did you guys do it." He laughed. "Sheee! The stamina of the youth of today."

He lightly smacked his brother's arse. Marc winced, and we all set out racing down to the beach. We stripped off, and dove into the lovely waters of the Indian Ocean. We swam, horsed around, try to grab each others' arses and dicks, and finally after an hour or so just lay on the beach soaking the sun. I rolled over a little, just to examine my lover's cock. I had never really seen him flaccid, as every time I decided to have a look, he was almost instantly hard. I noticed the foreskin not quite enclosing the head, and as I reached out my hand to just feel it, a sudden steel rod was in my hand.

"When will I get to play with that thing soft?", I complained.

"Never, I hope," replied my lover. "Anyway, I have never felt you soft, either."

He was right of course. He pulled me towards him and our lips locked. I searched every millimetre of his mouth with my tongue, and I was on fire to be in him again. However, the fine golden sand is a bit rough as lubricant, so we decided to go back to the house. He kissed the tip of my rather solid member, and I returned the favour. We hugged some more, and with our cocks waving in the air, we headed off for the beach house. Marc and Dieter, in the same state, and with the same idea followed a metre or two behind. Suddenly my lover broke his handhold on me, and stopped dead. Naturally I did too. The other two, not looking where they were going bumped into the back of us. The brief encounter with Dieter's cock on my arse was quite titillating. However, the expletive that fell from the lips of my man was not. "Boers lul." [This quaint expression means 'farmer's cock' and is actually quite rude and doesn't carry anything erotic with it at all.]

"Wazzamatta?" I stammered, confused.

"BOSS is here."


The dreaded Bureau of State Security was the nightmare of nearly everyone in the Republic. It was basically an Afrikaaner institution, and was government, had far reaching powers, and was very, very powerful. I felt the blood in every part of my body drain to my toes. What we had been doing was quite illegal.

"Fuck," said Marc. "I was hoping we could work something out before this happened."

I was really scared. But I moved towards my lover, and he put his arm around me. Now I was confused. It seemed like the brothers knew BOSS would be here. I knew it wasn't a setup, because the love between Piet and me was palpable; and likewise between Marc and Dieter. I knew it wasn't a "gay hunt".

"What's happening?"

"My dad's name is Andries De Vries."

"Oh shit", I said in English.

I hadn't even thought of talking with Piet about his family. We were too wrapped up in each other. I guess by now I had known him 24 hours. If I had even thought of it, I would have assumed the family money (and it was obvious there was plenty of it) had come from diamonds or gold or farming. However, I had just discovered that my lover's father was the Director of the Bureau of State Security for both Northern and Southern Transvaal. I now noticed beyond the house was an uncovered jeep with a rather well built man in soldier's uniform, and next him was a younger lad of about 18. On the stoop, facing the beach stood a man with a very craggy and ruggedly handsome face. He had short cropped hair, perfectly blond, and I guessed stood at about 2 metres. My god, he was big. I also noticed binoculars, dangling from his meaty paw. He had obviously seen our hi jinx on the beach. He did not look either amused or doting.

"My father," whispered Piet in my ear, as his arms around my shoulder pulled me closer to him. I slipped my arm around his waist, and told him I loved him.

"I love you too, Jannie. The chappie next to him is his secretary. Where dad is, there is also Henk. He's not a bad guy. A bit quiet - career BOSS."

Piet took a deep breath, changed his tone to one of jocularity, and said, "Well babe, come and meet the family. I s'pose you will have to ask for my hand formally."

I grinned weakly, and muttered something about being to scared to ask him for the time.

"C'mon, he won't bite.too hard, and for chrissake, don't act scared of him."

We arrived at the stoop. Piet and Marc kissed their dad on both cheeks. Piet made the formal introduction.

"Andries de Vries my father, John Matthews my Afrikaans lecturer (I felt a little easier) and as of yesterday my lover and life partner. (My heart plummeted.) Dieter, of course, you know."

We rather solemnly shook hands, and I was pleased to note my handshake was firm, and my palms were not sweaty. ("Yes," I thought, "There is a god.")

He nodded. "Mr. Matthews. Dieter." His greeting was rather terse. "Perhaps Mr. Matthews and Dieter will go and put some clothes on and go for a walk with my secretary here. I saw some Vervet monkeys along the road. You may want to watch THEM play. Take my binoculars. They are very strong."

Piet pulled a monkey face at me behind his father's back. I tried very hard not to giggle and managed it. A 30 year old man giggling is almost as bad a 30 year old man simpering.

"Now would you all please get dressed (I was glad he didn't say, 'get decent'), as I wish to catch up with my sons."

It did not go unnoticed by Piet's father that Piet and I went into the same bedroom, and Marc and Dieter went together into the other bedroom.

"Don't worry, it will be OK," whispered Piet in my ear, as I struggled into my shorts and tee shirt. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He rubbed my arse, just as I left the room. The old man noticed and remarked in English,

"I see you got your Christmas goose early."

I laughed out loud, but the old man didn't crack a smile. However there did seem to be a slight loosening of tension behind his eyes. Dieter and I wandered off with the secretary.

Henk introduced himself, and did seem to be a nice guy. He said very little as we explored the lush bush, looking for vervets. He would not be drawn on anything except where perhaps they had seen the monkeys. Ultimately we were rewarded with a sight of the little fellows playing in the bush. I exclaimed in English, and received a terse,

"Prat Afrikaans, ek Engels prat nee." (Speak Afrikaans, I don't speak English)

I apologised, and translated what I had said. I took this very much as a warning, or even a gentle reminder, that I had to speak only one language now. I knew Henk was lying, because he would have had to speak English to be employed by BOSS, and probably Zulu and some other native languages as well.

After what seemed an interminable time, the young soldier I had initially seen came looking for us. We were to return to the house.

When we arrived, a couple of bottles of wine were on the floor in the sitting room. Piet and Marc looked quite comfortable, each with a long glass of Cape Red.

"Please sit down, Mr Matthews, Dieter," said Mr. de Vries. "Please have a glass of wine."

I rather thankfully gulped down a mouthful, and said "Thank you Mr de Vries, I really needed that."

"Ja, I suppose you did," was the old man's riposte. "Incidentally, call me Andries, and I will call you Jan. My son tells me I may not call you Jannie, as that is his name for you."

I looked at my lover, and smiled. My heart went out to him as he grinned backed at me. I just wanted to kiss him, make love and make more love to him at that moment. Somehow, by not allowing anyone else to use Jannie, he had claimed me as his own.

"So Jan, I want to know a couple of things. I want to know your attitude to my son, and what you see as your own future, your plans."

I felt OK with him. I told of my love for Piet, and how long it had been. He knew from his son's side of the story, that we had only been more than passing acquaintances for only about 24 hours (Jeesus, it felt like weeks!). I told him I had just applied for tenure at the university, and was hopeful I would get it, as I knew I was the best Afrikaans scholar in my field. I told him I had just applied for a research grant for my PhD, and needed a Masters student for my assistant. I told him of my dream to be the first native English speaker to write a definitive work on Afrikaans language development. I told him of my hopes to be with Piet for the rest of my life. Everything came out.

"So, that's you Jan. Now how about you Dieter. Incidentally, you call me Andries as well.

Dieter spoke of his dream of going to University, but naturally that was not possible. His family was not that rich. He spoke of getting an apprenticeship, and that it soon would be arranged. He also, with a poetry of speech which is only possible in Afrikaans, spoke of his love for Marc, and that Marc was his idol, his god, his life. He would do anything for him, and that's how it had always been since he met Marc, and how it would always be, even into eternity's eternity.

Marc got up and walked determinedly to Dieter, and put his arms around him. Their tears silently mingled. Andries looked over to them and muttered "God damn me!" Henk looked up, startled, probably, never having heard his chief use such a curse. (As I said, it is very severe in Afrikaans.)

"Well, now it is my turn. Firstly, have some more wine, and indeed, get some more bottles Piet, and we'll have one each. This will take a bit of time."

Piet complied. Each of us had his own bottle of red. Piet sat next to me, and put his arm around my shoulders. He nestled into the side of my head.

de Vries commenced. "Firstly, Jan. Your tenure at the university will be secured. You will have, above your salary, a personal de Vries corporation grant of 25,000 rand. Your research assistant, whoever he is, will be also paid by the de Vries Corporation. That salary will be negotiated."

I could only say my eyes boggled and my jaw hung open. I looked a proper oik, for want of a better word. I felt rather than heard, my Piet chuckling beside me. He whispered to me, "Did I tell you I was enrolling for my Masters this year."

"You're hired," I whispered back.

"Now Dieter," the old man went on. "You will receive notification of a scholarship you have won. It will be very official and through the University. I know your marks have been excellent, and you will have no problem getting into any faculty. What do you wish to study?"


"Fine. You will study medicine. The scholarship will pay all your fees, your books, and your accommodation and food. You will also receive an annual grant of 15,000 rand for incidentals, such as CDs, nightclubs and other necessary student activities."

Dieter started to cry.

"Ehh, come on man. You are my son now. Come on. The old man got down to the floor and gave the lad a hug and petted his hair. Marc just hung onto Dieter and gave his father the biggest and most loving kiss I have ever seen a son give his father. Andries turned to Henk and told him to fix all that, and by tomorrow lunchtime would be good. Henk walked to the telephone, and I noticed a lovely bulge in his tight jeans. I must be getting over my shock. Piet noticed me notice, and gave me a dig in the ribs.

de Vries continued, ignoring our horseplay. Accommodation is the next thing. I have a bit of a property out towards Rietsvlei. It is completely private, and is sure as hell bigger than this batch. So you will be comfortable. I will let you kids stay there. The drive to the city can be a pain, but you can also use the townhouse if you don't want to go out to the property. Once every three months you will have a party at the townhouse, and you will invite as many straight people as you can find. Piet will have his photo in the society pages with some girl hanging off his arm. You too, Jan. People are going to talk a bit, but at least this will be some camouflage. Because you a working on an Afrikaans project, it will be natural for you to be quite friendly with your research assistant and his family. My position will not be a hindrance to social acceptance."

(And that from one of the most powerful men in the Republic was quite an understatement.)

He continued. "Marc and Dieter will also be living with you. All four will have total access to the both properties. Now lastly, I want to tell you Jan, that we de Vries men are totally loyal, and expect nothing other than total loyalty from those men whom we accept into our family. Women don't count. I have two brothers, and we are all divorced. We also breed sons. There is not a single de Vries daughter. All the boys are with their fathers, because the women liked the payouts. We will have Christmas at the property, and you will be the first non-Afrikaaner to ever be at one of our family gatherings. You will enjoy it because you will meet my brothers and my nephews. Incidentally, Piet, you had better draw up a list of the servants you want to run the place. I know you will want Josh as houseboy. He has a nice arse and a lovely cock. And Jan, don't worry, all of the servants are very closely vetted."

He stood up and stretched. I noticed a very healthy bulge in his trousers. He beckoned me to him.

"I now have another son. That makes five."

He reached out to me and took me into a giant bear hug which just about took my breath away. He then kissed me, deeply, on the mouth, and that did take my breath away.

Piet leaped up, and pushed his father away.

"Piss off, old man, he's mine."

The guffaw from Andries nearly brought the house down. "I forgot to mention too, that apart from being loyal, we de Vries men are possessive."

He turned to Henk. "Tell the guards to relax. We'll be OK here. Take them some wine or beer and we'll have a rest. It has been a long day. We stood around for a couple of minutes. I was trying to find words to thank him, but was atypically tongue-tied. He radiated such presence and power.

Henk returned, and Andries said, "You and I will take the middle room, Henk. The boys have the main bedroom and the other one. The guards can have the small one. We need to test that young chappie after supper."

"Oh," he said to us when he noticed our jaws hanging open at his disposition of the rooms, "Did I forget to mention Henk is one of my lovers."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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