Southern Cross Station

By Bastian Ward

Published on Apr 18, 2017


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




By Bastian Ward

Saturday dawned hot and clear. Eric slowly came too, wondering why he was awake at this ungodly hour. As well as wondering why the hell he was so stiff and sore, he rolled onto his back and looked up at the clear blue sky. He could feel the slight breeze over his skin. He started to replay the events of last night in his head. Then the realization slowly dawned on him that he was laying naked in his backyard. As their houses were built on a slight hill, everyone's backyard could be seen by all their neighbours for 2-3 houses in both directions.

He got up to go inside before any of the neighbours saw him. He stood up slowly because he was very stiff and sore from sleeping on the concrete all night. That's when he realised that he was collared and chained to the clothesline. Being an imitation Hills hoist it was concreted into the ground, and halfway up the central pole was the winding mechanism. So even if he could get the chain over the folding arms at the top, he couldn't get the chain past the turning mechanism. Consequently, he couldn't go anywhere, until Sir came and released him, that is. Not even to piss, and because he couldn't leave the clothesline, he discovered that he desperately needed to piss. So, he took two steps towards his, um, that's Sir's back fence and pissed for all he was worth. He heard a door opening behind him, and not wanting to be caught, chained naked to his, um, that'd be Sir's clothesline, by any of his, um, that's Sir's neighbours. As he really didn't want them to know that he was in this particular predicament by choice. He hit the deck. Laid on his side facing the clothesline, and curling into as tight a ball as he could, hoping that whoever it was if they saw him, would think he was a basket of laundry that he'd left out. Unless, of course, they could see his arse, then the jig was up, wasn't it? At the thought of him possibly about to moon one of his neighbours, he could feel his cock twitch and start to thicken.

"Get up! We have a big day ahead of us," and he'd never been so relieved to hear anyone's voice in his life. "Standing display." Eric jumped up and complied instantly, remembering to keep his eyes downcast. Sir walked down the stairs and unlocked the padlock that had tethered him to the clothesline, but not the one that attached the chain to his collar. "Come," was his one-word instruction and he followed Sir into Sir's house willingly, with the chain trailing along behind him. Because the chain was at his back, and because it snaked down his back, it found his arse crack, all on its own, and sat snugly in it, and then it continued down and pooled on the ground at his feet. On his way into the house, the chain that had snaked down his back, and down his arse crack to pool on the ground, was now trailing behind him. Then the chain just trailed out behind him, which was good because then it pulled the chain way from his crack a bit. But, when he stood on the first step, it opened his crack a bit more. Consequently, it was enough for a bit more of the chain to work its way into his crack. From then on, the action of his arse cheeks rubbing against each other helped the chain to work deeper into his crack. But as the remainder of the chain caught slightly on the edges of the steps as he walked up them. It only served to pull the chain out of his crack a little bit. So, he had a constant pulling/pushing sensation of the chain in his crack. The combination of the butt plug exerting pressure on his prostate, coupled with the sensations that the chain was supplying; all of which was having an unwelcomed response from his cock.

"Now, boi, for breakfast I have two poached eggs, with a slice of tomato on toast," and so the instructions went on as to how he was to prepare Sir's breakfast. When he'd finished making, and instructing Eric in how to make his breakfast, he sat down at the table and allowed Eric to serve him his breakfast. He told Eric that he'd already prepared his breakfast and it was waiting for him in the kitchen. Eric thanked him and went back to the kitchen to get his own breakfast, but no matter how hard he searched the kitchen, he couldn't find his breakfast anywhere. He was just contemplating going back to Sir and asking him where he'd left his breakfast when he spied a bowl of something on the floor near the rubbish bin. With a feeling of dread, he picked up the bowl and looked at the contents, to discover that there were two Weet-Bix that had been soaking in some foul-smelling liquid. So much so that they were now nothing but mush. Resignedly he carried the bowl back to the table, but when he got to the door of the kitchen. Sir stopped him, "what are you doing?" Sir, demanded, "bois eat in the kitchen. On the floor. And. Before you ask. No! You don't get to use any utensils." With that Sir made a shooing motion with his hands. So, Eric turned on his heel and went back into the kitchen. He put the bowl on the floor and got down on all fours. He found the only way he could eat anything was to stick his whole face into the bowl, and his cereal and proceeded to eat his breakfast. When he got down on all fours, not only did the butt plug make its presence known in a cruel way, but being on all fours opened his arse crack enough so that he could feel the full weight of the chain adding more weight to the butt plug.

But his cock was enjoying all the attention it thought it was getting, and had started to leak copious amounts of pre-cum. Which in one way was welcomed, as it distracted him from his foul smelling and tasting breakfast, but it was equally unwelcome, as his cock was now about half mast. Eric decided that the only way he was going to get anything to eat was to bury his face into the foul-smelling concoction and lap up the Weet-Bix. He licked the bowl clean, because he was very hungry, and then used his fingers to clean his face of the Weet-Bix that had stuck to it. Eric stood up and felt his arse cheeks close around the chain which held the chain tight and pulled on his collar so that it pulled his collar down his back, and start to choke him. He thought about just pulling it out but, again, wisely decided that it might be something that Sir might frown upon. So, he compromised, he pulled his arse cheeks apart and leant forward curling his back. Then let his arse cheeks close over the chain and held them closed with his hands, while he stood upright. Now the chain wasn't pulling so tightly on his collar. But now, the rest of the chain hung down between his legs and threatened to trip him up with every other step. So, he discovered that if he walked with a wider gait, then he wouldn't get the chain wrapping around his legs so much.

"So, how did you like my morning piss, boi?" Hearing that, Eric almost vomited on the spot, as he wasn't into piss or scat at all, and mentally cursed himself for not forwarding a list of things he would or wouldn't do to Sir before all this starting. But, he wisely thought that Sir would have just dismissed it out of hand. He realised that they hadn't discussed a safe word either, and, again, he decided that it was too late to discuss it now. He was just about to put his bowl in the sink, as Sir walked into the kitchen and stopped him. "What are you doing?" Sir barked mortified.

Eric froze immediately, "you don't wash your things there. Use the troves in the laundry, or the hand basin in the bathroom if you don't have any troves in the laundry. Or under the tap out the back. I don't want my things contaminated with yours, boi! Go and clean up the mess on the table."

Eric scurried off to do Sir's bidding.

When the kitchen was all cleaned up, and he'd washed his bowl in the troves in the laundry.

Sir told him that he would have to go shopping, as there were somethings that Sir could just not live without. Eric went to go upstairs to get dressed.

"Where are you going," Sir barked, "upstairs is reserved exclusively for me now. You will only be allowed to go up there to clean, or if I require any of your other services up there."

Eric just stood and looked at him. "Speak." "But, Sir I have to go and get dressed, Sir, I can't go shopping like this..." he said waving his hand down his body.

"Of course, you can't," Sir said cutting him off. "I have taken the liberty of putting your ensemble in the laundry."

Eric went into the laundry, again, but all he could find was his work gear. He went back to Sir in the kitchen. "Speak." Sir said with a wicked smile on his face.

"Um, Sir. I could only find my work gear in there. There is nothing for me to wear to go to the shops in."

"Your work gear is there. I like you in it so much that that is what you will wear whenever you go outside this house from now on. Understand?"

Eric looked like he was going to argue, but realising that he was standing stark naked in his own kitchen, which now belonged to Sir because he'd invited Sir into his life. He reminded himself that he'd wanted this. He'd wanted to be completely dominated and, up until now, no one else had even come close to servicing his need for complete domination. Until now, that is. So, with full realisation of his situation, he got dressed right there in the kitchen with Sir watching. He pulled the chain out of his arse crack so he could pull his jock and shorts up. He looked at Sir's feet.

"Speak." "Um. Sir, can I remove the butt plug, please, Sir?"

"No! You may not. Speak."

"Um, then could you please remove the collar and chain, please Sir?"

"Oh, alright. Turn around," Sir said somewhat testily. Eric turned around so Sir could undo the padlock. Eric felt Sir undo the padlock and he heard the chain fall to the floor. But before the collar was removed, Eric heard the padlock being done up.

He spun around and looked at Sir's feet "Speak but know this boi. This is getting tiresome."

"I don't have to wear the collar outside of the house, do I Sir?"

"Of course, you do! You are a slave, now, are you not?" Eric nodded glumly. "Well then, how is everyone to know you're a slave without you wearing a collar?" Eric didn't know, so he just shrugged. "Exactly!"

So, Eric finished getting dressed and grabbing his green shopping bags, and Sir's list, and left the house. And for the first time in his life, he was embarrassed with his chosen attire. By the time, Eric was in the supermarket; he'd turned the collar around so that the padlock was in the front, resting on his breastbone as he found it more comfortable that way. He didn't think he was going to be strangled by it, mind you' he thought to himself, if Sir hadn't used a full-size padlock it might not have been such a problem.' He was also acutely aware that his cock was leaking pre-cum, thanks to the butt plug pushing on his prostrate, as much as with his embarrassment of his attire. His embarrassment probably was the reason for his semi hardon that was beginning to strain at the fabric of his jock. He was also very conscious of the looks he was getting in the supermarket, and he was sure he was being followed by more than one guy in the shop. In fact, he'd leaked so much precum that his jock was soaking wet by the time he had finished his shopping in the supermarket. So, he got all of Sir's shopping as quickly as he could and left the supermarket. On the way home, he had to stop at a couple of speciality shops to try and get some of Sir's more speciality items and discovered that his jock was so wet that now it was dripping.

He eventually got home, and placing the shopping bags beside the door, he stripped and folded up Sir's clothes. When he removed his jock, it hit the tiles of the front porch with a very wet squelching sound, so he put it beside Sir's other clothes. And then, not knowing what else to do, he rang the doorbell and went into 'kneeling display'. He heard the door open, and Sir told him he was a good boi and that he could come inside now. So, Eric scrambled to get the shopping bags, and Sir's clothes so he could get inside as quickly as possible. But as Sir had already gone back into the house, Eric had to put everything down again and turn around and closed the door, just as a car drove down the street, and he fervently prayed that they hadn't seen him. He scooped up the clothes and shopping bags again and went to put everything away, and to see what Sir wanted him to do next.

By the time, he'd finished putting all the shopping away, Sir had come back downstairs and again was dressed in his boots and leather pants. He complimented boi on getting all the things that Sir had asked for. He went into the laundry and returned a short time later with boi's wet dripping jock held delicately between his thumb and first finger, "Don't put this in the basket to be washed, boi. You will be wearing it all week every time you go outside this house. Is that understood?"

Eric thought about it, for about 30secs to argue as he tried to imagine how it would look and smell by the end of the week, but then he just accepted Sir's instruction without another thought. "Good boi" was all Sir said as he put the jock back in the laundry with boi's other clothes. When Sir returned from the laundry, after first washing his hand in there, Eric was staring meaningfully at Sir's boots. "Speak"

"Um, Sir I have to shit, and I'd really like to have a shower. If I may, Sir," he quickly added.

"Certainly. Follow me," Sir said as he led the way to the downstairs toilet, and lifting the seat, he indicated that Eric should use just the porcelain bowl. He told Eric that from now on he was only allowed to sit directly on the porcelain bowl, or metal bowl if he was out of the house. Eric nodded his understanding and continued to stand and look at Sir's boots. "Turn around and bend over,"

Eric complied, and Sir pulled the chain out of Eric's crack and took a firm grasp on the butt plug in Eric's arse and tried to pull it out, but he couldn't make it budge, and it felt, for Eric, as though Sir was trying to rip his entire innards out. Sir slapped Eric's arse hard and told him to relax and push back on the plug like he was having a shit, but not so hard that he actually has a shit. Sir told him to get on the floor on all fours with his arse in the air and his head resting on his hands. Eric complied, and Sir grabbed hold of the base of the plug and pulled, this time with Eric pushing they got the plug out. But as far as Eric was concerned, it hurt worse coming out than going in.

With the plug, finally, out Eric jumped up to go to the toilet but was stopped in his tracks when he saw the size of the plug, as it had to be almost 25cm in circumference. Eric had never had anything that big up his arse before, in fact, he was so shocked by the size of the plug that he almost forgot he needed to shit. Recovering himself he raced into the toilet and went to close the door behind him, but Sir stopped him. "Oh, no boi. You don't get to have any privacy anymore. You will never close another door behind you anywhere in this house, except for the front or back door. Is that understood? Speak."

"Um, yes, Sir," Eric said as turned his collar around so that the chain now hung down the front of him. He sat on the cold porcelain bowl with the chain pooling between his feet, and with the door open, he finally got to open his bowels and had the biggest shit he'd ever had in a long while. When he'd finished, he wiped his arse and couldn't believe just how much his poor arse was gaping open. He finished cleaning himself up and got off the toilet and went to find Sir. As he couldn't find him anywhere downstairs, and as he wasn't allowed to go upstairs or call out. He decided to look in the backyard, as he was walking around he couldn't believe how empty he felt without that monster of a butt plug up his arse. Now he could feel the chain sitting directly on his hole, and as he walked around, it felt as though the chain was trying to work its way up into his arse.

He found Sir waiting for him in the backyard, still with the monster butt plug in his hand. He walked down the backstairs and stood in front of Sir. Sir unlocked the padlock that was holding the chain to Eric's collar and this time Sir removed both the chain and the collar. Sir gave him a scrubbing brush, and some body wash. He turned on the back hose and told Eric to wash himself. So, under the cold water of the hose and the watchful eye of Sir, Eric proceeded to wash himself using the scrubbing brush and body wash. When he had finished, Sir told him to stand with his arms outstretched, and turning the hose on full he gave Eric a final rinse telling him to turn around so he could rinse him all off. He gave Eric an old towel Sir had found in the back shed, and when Eric was dry Sir took some lotion and rubbed it into his pubic area and his pits as well.

When Eric was finally finished, Sir gave him the butt plug and told him to lick it clean before Sir reinserted it into Eric's arse. So, without so much as a second thought, Eric licked the butt plug clean and gave it back to Sir. Without being told, Eric turned around and bent over so that Sir could have access to his arse, and much to Eric's shame the butt plug went in a lot easier this time. Eric thought he was even glad to have it back in, in the short time it'd been out Eric had missed the full sensation that it gave him. Eric picked up the collar and chain, and he placed the collar around his own neck and waited for Sir to lock it in place, which he did with a big smirk on his face.

When they were both back inside, Sir told Eric to stand in `standing display'. While Eric stood still Sir rubbed his hands all over Eric's body, marvelling at the muscle definition that he'd achieved. He asked Eric if he went to the gym, and Eric told him no that working on the construction site was all the exercise he needed. By now, Sir had reached Eric's balls, and he was rolling them playfully in his hands. As he played with them longer, he started to apply some pressure to Eric's balls until it was becoming uncomfortable for him. But still, Sir was increasing the pressure on Eric's balls until Sir was hurting his hand.

Sir told Eric to follow him, and they went down to the dungeon. The dungeon had been built as a two-bedroom unit under the house which could only be entered from inside the house. At the bottom of the stairs is what would have been the front door, which opened right into the lounge /dining area at the end of which was a full-size kitchen with an island bench cutting it off from the lounge/dining area. Behind the front door was a small passage that led to the two bedrooms and bathroom, with a separate toilet.

As Eric had set it up as his dungeon, so against the longest wall in the lounge/dining area, he had built a rack which held all of his whips, paddles, chains, and an assortment of tit clamps, pegs, and other paraphernalia he had collected over the years. It also contained a long wide bench with anchor points spread out around it so that someone could be tied down to it while they were being used and abused. There was a St Andrew's cross secured to the opposite wall. In what would have been the master bedroom was another bench the size of a queen size bed, again with anchor points all around it so that someone could be secured to it as well. There was also a collection of whips and paddles, as well as chains and other paraphernalia a long one of the walls. In the second room was a full-size set of stocks, for obvious reasons.

Sir had Eric pick up his chain and put it on the bench in the lounge/dining room. He had Eric lay himself face first on the bench. Sir then selected a wooden paddle and telling Eric to count out loud, and told Eric that if he lost count, they would start again. Sir hit his upturned arse as hard as he could, and Eric dutifully called out "One. Sir, thank you, Sir. Please, may I have another one, Sir?" And so, it continued, until Sir had given him a total of forty swats with the paddle. Eric's arse was a very deep red colour and even dark purple in places. His arse was so sore his gluts were quivering involuntarily. Sir ran his hand over Eric's abused arse and congratulated himself on a job well done.

Sir released Eric and unlocked the padlock and removed the chain from the collar before doing the collar up again. He told Eric to go upstairs and get dressed as he had another errand to run. Very gingerly Eric tried to stand up, but he soon found out that he was unable to stand upright because of the pain in his arse. So, he made his way back upstairs slightly bent over. He didn't even bother to ask if Sir would remove the butt plug because he'd rightly assumed that the answer would have been no. So very gingerly he got himself dressed, mentally cursing himself for having such a tight jock and shorts to wear. He didn't even notice how wet his jock was until he pulled it up and nestled his cock and balls into the sodden mess. He pulled on his t-shirt, which he found surprisingly difficult in his current state. He went to find Sir to find out what his next errand was to be.

As he couldn't find Sir anywhere downstairs, or in the back yard he stood and waited by the foot of the stairs for Sir to come down so he could ask what Sir's errand was. Sir told him that he wanted to be able to attach the hose to the side of the house so that Sir didn't have to hold the hose while Eric had a shower. Eric asked if he could use the car. Sir gave his permission, along with the keys to the car. Eric made his slow way down the front steps and opened the car. Without thinking he just flopped down into the driver's seat, but almost went through the roof with the pain in his arse. He grabbed hold of the steering wheel until the pain in his arse subsided enough that he could see again. He drove to Bunnings and very slowly got out of the car and still being unable to walk upright he made his slow way into Bunnings.

What Eric didn't know was that the wind had picked up and was blowing his shorts around, so now not only did people get to see how big his cock was, they also could see his very bruised and battered arse as well. Which drew more than a few smirks from those who understood the only way he could get those kinds of marks.

While Eric was busy making his selections of what he needed he felt a hand come to rest on his very sore and bruised arse. So much so that he almost let out a yell, but managed to hold it in, as he turned around to see who was touching up his arse. To discover one of the salesmen standing very close behind him smiling very appreciatively, and as Eric had turned his head. He was able to see the salesman's eyes widen when his hand encountered Eric's wet jock. He held his dripping hand up in front of Eric and waited for Eric to lick it clean, which he did. He told Eric to follow him, as he led the way into the back storage area. He took Eric over into a secluded corner and bent Eric over a bench there. He pulled Eric's shorts down and whistled appreciatively at Eric's very abused arse. He went to finger Eric's arse when he discovered the butt plug in situ. He gave the plug to Eric to hold while he undid his fly enough to get his own cock out. Without any preamble, he rammed his rock-hard cock up Eric's arse and started to fuck him for all he was worth. When he'd finished, he took the butt plug back off Eric and forced it back up his arse. He grabbed Eric by one of his ears and forced him to his knees and forced his dripping shit covered cock into Eric's mouth, and told him to suck it clean. Having no other option, Eric licked and sucked his cock clean. In the process, Eric managed to suck his cock back into life, and it wasn't too long before the salesman was rapping Eric's mouth. After the salesman had cum for a second time down Eric's throat, and Eric had finished sucking all the cum out of his cock. He pushed Eric off his cock, which sent Eric sprawling on the floor. Which only hurt his poor abused arse all the more. The salesman tidied himself up and made himself presentable, reinserted the butt plug and took Eric back out into the main store. He slapped Eric resoundingly on the arse, which brought tears to Eric's eyes, and the salesmen went off whistling to himself.

Eric went back and grabbed the rest of the stuff he needed and made his way over to the cashiers to pay for his stuff. The cashier asked him how his day was going, and unsure of what to say, Eric just told her it was fine. He grabbed his purchases and left the store. He eased himself into the driver's seat and drove home, trying to decide if he should tell Sir what happened or not. But rightly thought it would be worse for him if Sir found out some other way. So once again he put his purchases on the front porch, he stripped, folding Sir's clothes up nicely, then having rung the doorbell he went into kneeling display' facing the street and waited for Sir to answer the door. It seemed like forever before Sir answered the door this time. Eric heard the door open, and it seemed like the longest time before Sir told him to come'.

Eric jumped up and gathered his things and went inside and closed the door. He put Sir's clothes in the laundry ready for the next time he would need them, and took his purchases out the back. While he was setting up a rig to hold the outside hose so that he could shower underneath it, he was feeling guilty about not telling Sir about what had happened at the hardware store as soon as he came home. So as soon as he'd finished, he went inside and found Sir, when he told Sir what had happened. Sir was very angry and back handed him across the face. "This is over! If I can't trust you outside of this house, then how can I ever trust you inside it?" Sir undid the padlock, and turned and started to walk upstairs. "I'll go and pack. Don't worry; I'll reimburse myself out of your account. Pity because you were training up nicely. You still had a long way to go mind. But, oh, never mind..."

Eric couldn't believe what he was hearing, without stopping to think about what he was saying. "Please, Sir, I didn't know what was expected of me. Sir, please, Sir, please. I'll never let anyone touch me again as long as I'm yours. I promise...." Not knowing what else to say he started to cry.

Sir smirked to himself, "If I forgive you this one time, it has to be the last."

"I promise, Sir. I will never let anyone else touch me as long as I am yours. See, Sir," he said as he picked up his collar and put it around his own neck. He picked up the chain and padlock and secured the collar and chain to his own neck. He then threw the key at Sir on the steps.

"If I pick up that key then you are mine forever. There is no going back." Sir said smiling to himself.

Eric did not reply. He just got into 'kneeling display' with his eyes trained on his knees and waited.

For a long time, nothing seemed to happen. Eric couldn't hear Sir; he had no way of knowing if Sir had continued on his way upstairs or not. Eventually, Eric felt Sir very lightly run the tip of his finger over the top of his scalp. Eric trembled at the touch of his Master.

"If I accept you as my slave. It will be for all time, boi," he said very quietly.

Eric's body trembled again, but still, he said nothing.

"Come," was all he heard. Eric got up, and with eyes downcast, he followed Sir down into the dungeon. Sir patted the end of the bench in the lounge area, and Eric stood against it. Sir blindfolded him and then applied pressure between his shoulder blades until his chest was on the bench. Sir secured his arms to the outer edges of the bench. Then climbing onto the bench, himself, he removed his boots and pants and stood in front of Eric clad only in his leather jock and top. He laid down and positioned himself in front of Eric and slid backwards until Eric's head was pressed firmly against his arse. He told Eric to lift his head, and then he worked his way backwards until Eric's face was buried in his arse. "Eat." Was the only instruction he gave, and Eric began to rim him out for all he was worth. He forced his tongue as deep into his Master's arse as he could get it. He didn't care that it was musty. He didn't care about how clean his Master's arse was at all. He was going to clean it for him and was grateful for the chance to do it. Anything to make his Master happy with him again.

When he'd had enough, Sir got up. He released Eric and told him to go and make his lunch. Eric ran off to do Sir's bidding. When Sir got upstairs, he asked Eric what he was going to have for lunch, and Eric told him that there was some pasta leftover from the day before and he was going to eat that. Sir told him to put it in his bowl and gave him a jar of his piss to pour over it. Eric put his pasta in his bowl and covered it with Sir's piss and left it on the floor while he finished preparing Sir's lunch. After he had served Sir's lunch, he went back to his bowl on the floor. Got down on all fours and buried his face in his bowl and ate his own lunch. When he had licked his bowl clean, and cleaned up his face. He put his bowl in the troves in the laundry and went to see if Sir had finished so that he could clear the table and wash up.

Sir hadn't finished, so Eric stood to the side of the room with his eyes downcast, naturally. Sir told Eric to get under the table, and somewhat puzzled Eric complied, and he was met with the sight of Sir undoing his pants and taking his own mammoth cock and balls out of his pants. Eric was pleased to see that, in fact, it was bigger than his own monster meat, he crawled towards it on all fours tentatively. When he was close enough, he very gently sucked Sir's cock and balls into his own mouth and sat at Sir's feet. Eric found it very difficult to fit all of Sir's genitalia in his mouth, but he did the best that he could, and gave what he could, a tongue bath while he waited for Sir to finish his lunch. While he basked in Sir's scent as it radiated out of his pants, Eric breathed it in long and deep so that he could recognise it all the more easily.

When Sir had finished eating, he pushed Eric away and dried himself on the napkin. Did himself up and left the table. Eric got up and cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes all with the taste of Sir's cock and balls on his tongue. As Sir had disappeared upstairs, Eric busied himself cleaning up downstairs. He did the dusting, vacuuming, and swept the kitchen and laundry floors, all in the nude, which was a bit of a new experience for Eric. Even though he lived on his own, he'd never spent so much time in the nude, mainly because of the weight of his genitalia hanging between his legs and being hit around by his thighs. Now he not only had to contend with that but with the chain that was hanging, ever present, between his legs as well. He did discover, though, that his new stance, namely having to walk with his legs wider apart so that the chain didn't wrap around his legs. Also, meant that he didn't push his cock and balls around so much, and Eric quite liked that. Then not knowing what else to do he went into `kneeling rest' at the foot of the stairs and waited for Sir to come back down. While he was kneeling there, he was glad that he actually got to rest his cock and balls on the floor, and the bit of foreskin, that hung off the end of his cock, laid along the floor.

Let me know what you think Bastian

Next: Chapter 3

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