Southern Cross Station

By Bastian Ward

Published on Oct 1, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

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By Bastian Ward

Friday morning dawned hot and clear. Sir could feel the heat the moment he opened the back door. Carrying a bucket of cold water, he made his way down the backstairs and on down to the clothesline, and a sleeping Eric. Eric, surprisingly, was sleeping flat on his back, with an arm thrown carelessly over his shaved chest, while his other arm was folded over the top of his bald head. His legs were flung wide, allowing his cock to hang over his massive balls and lie on the ground pointing towards his feet, Sir was very pleased that he could not see one hair on any part of Eric's exposed body. Sir had complete control over this sleeping body, and he was surprised to realise that a whole week had gone past. He still wondered if he'd made the right decision. He didn't know what had happened to Eric on Wednesday, but by the time he'd returned home, he'd turned into almost the perfect boi.' Sir had been toying with Eric, up till now. Trying to see what Eric's limitations were, and seeing if he could push Eric's boundaries, and so far, it seems that Sir was able to push Eric way past what Eric'd probably thought was his idea of his own limits. But, Sir was growing tired of these kiddie' games, he was growing tired of this pretend' bondage. He wondered to himself, yet again, if Eric was going to be the boi' for him that he so wanted Eric to be.

Well, Sir decided, as he threw the bucket of cold water over Eric's prone form, this weekend should prove Eric's mettle one way or the other. Eric jumped up as soon as the water hit him, and he remained standing on the spot until Sir undid the padlock and freed Eric's chain and him from the clothesline. Eric had a powerful need to piss, but he waited until Sir was ready to hold his cock for him so that he could piss. Sir did eventually grab hold of Eric's cock, but instead of pointing Eric's cock away from them both so that he could piss. Sir rolled back Eric's foreskin and inspected the glans of Eric's cock instead, and just generally played with Eric's cock, essentially just holding of the moment when Eric could release his night piss. But Eric did not utter a single sound but stood passively while Sir inspected and played with his cock, and Eric held his piss until Sir was ready for him to release it. Eventually tiring of the game, Sir held Eric's cock so he could let his piss go finally, and when Eric had finished pissing, and Sir'd shaken the drops off the end, Sir held up his hand for Eric to lick clean. Eric licked Sir's hand clean; then he turned his collar around so that the chain ran down his back, he arched his back and separated his arse cheeks so that the chain fell down the cleft of his arse cheeks. Eric held his cheeks closed while he stood upright so that now the chain was trapped between his arse cheeks. Now the chain wouldn't drag on the ground so much, pulling on his collar and choke him. Having got the chain right, and after Sir gave his permission, he ran inside and ate his breakfast of toast and Wheat Bix. Both of which were already waiting in his bowl, on the floor of the kitchen, together soaking in Sir's, still warm, night piss, Eric got down on all fours on the floor. But, before he plunged his face into his bowl to eat his breakfast, he took the time to inhale the aroma of Sir's piss mixed with the faint smell of the Wheat Bix and toast. Eric wolfed down his breakfast and licked his bowl clean so as not to waste a single drop of Sir's piss before he took his bowl out to the laundry to wash it in the troves. When Eric walked into the laundry he was hit by the strong pungent smell of his pre-cum soaked, piss stained jockstrap. Eric resisted the urge to grab his jockstrap and burying his face in it so he could inhale the tangy aroma. Instead, he washed his bowl and undid the padlock that was locking the chain to his collar around his neck. Eric put the chain on the floor and his collar and padlock on top of his clothes while he headed downstairs to the toilet. After Eric'd had a shit, he ran back out to the backyard and showered under the hose that he'd rigged up just for that purpose.

Eric ran back inside and, moving his collar and padlock aside, he picked up his jockstrap and plunged his face into it, holding it over his nose and mouth as he inhaled the heady, tangy aroma of dried pre-cum and old piss. Reluctantly, Eric pulled the jockstrap off his face and pulled it on, adjusting his cock and balls until they were comfortable, not that his jockstrap had a hope of ever covering his cock and balls completely. The edge of the pouch, from the waistband, down to the point that connected the pouch to the straps, didn't touch the skin of his groin at all. Consequently, anyone could see a part of the sides of Eric's nut sack, if they'd cared to have a look. And quite a lot of people did care to have a look, both male and female. He pulled on his very skimpy shorts, with the big splits up the sides, and sighed when he felt the back seam disappear into his arse crack. Then he wrestled on his t-shirt that he'd bought a couple of sizes too small for himself on purpose, just so that the hem of the t-shirt didn't have a hope in hell of ever reaching the band of his shorts. Just like his shorts didn't have a hope in hell of ever trying to cover the meaty globes of his huge bubble butt. Nor of being able to cover the waistband of his jockstrap or to contain his jockstrap for that matter. So that the waistband of his jockstrap was always clearly visible above the waistband of his shorts and his jockstrap hung so far below the hem of his shorts, it's probably a wonder why he ever bothered to wear the shorts in the first place.

But, Eric had to obey some social mores, no matter how loosely he chose to do that. When he was finally dressed, and before he pulled on his work boots, Eric put on his collar and made it as tight as he could before cinching closed the padlock. Eric pulled on his boots, grabbed his bag of tools and headed for the front door where Sir waited with the butt plug. When Eric reached Sir, he put his bag of tools on the floor, and he turned around, bent over at the waist, and grabbed his ankles. When Eric turned around, and just before he bent over, Sir took in the sight of Eric, seemingly proud to wear his collar now. His too-small t-shirt that looked as though it was painted on, barely covering the tops of his broad shoulders, and revealing about ten centimetres of his naked midriff. Sir had the passing thought that it could have been classed as a tank top, had Eric been a female. As Sir's eyes continued to travel down Eric's body, they roamed over his very skimpy shorts, which Sir could clearly see the straps of Eric's jockstrap, below the hem of his shorts, without really trying. In fact, he mused, if it weren't for the splits up the sides of the shorts, he wondered if Eric'd be able to get them on in the first place.

So, Sir grabbed the waistband of Eric's shorts and pulled them down over the meaty mounds of Eric's bubble butt, pulling the back seam out of Eric's arse crack as he went. Sir lubed up a finger and inserted it into Eric's exposed hole, while Eric moaned in pleasure at Sir's touch. Sir removed his finger and inserted the metal butt plug with the skull on the base, which had a small D' ring set into its nose.' With the butt plug in situ, Sir checked the tattoo of his hand print on Eric's arse, before he slapped Eric's arse, and walked back into the house. While Eric stood upright. He pulled up his shorts and again felt the back seam of his shorts invade his arse crack, picked up his bag of tools and headed out the front door and got his day under way.

Eric felt it as well, that last Wednesday had been a defining moment for him. This is what he'd always wanted, he realized. Not that he dwelt on it too much on his way to the train station, nor had he noticed that his swagger was back in his step either. No, as far as Eric was concerned he was full of the joy of his new life. For the first time in his life, he had a real, honest to god, Master, who Eric really wanted to please. No matter what he'd decided to do to Eric, it was going to be Ok with him.

He strode onto the platform to wait for the train, totally oblivious to the people who were moving away from him because of the smell, mainly from his jockstrap, but he'd been wearing the same clothes all week as well, and they added their own aroma to the smell emanating from his jockstrap. People tried to give him as much room as they could on the train too, again because of the smell. His co-workers didn't seem to notice the smell, and they'd stopped trying to slap his arse after Wednesday. Eric ran round the site as he always did, but now he couldn't wait for his shift to be over, so he could head home and do Sir's bidding. At the end of his shift, Beau, the very cute foreman caught up to Eric while he got all of his things out of his locker. Beau patted Eric's bald head and suggested he gets a cap or something to cover his head so that he doesn't get sunburnt. Eric smiled and thanked him for his suggestion, he picked up his bag, with his hardhat attached to the side strap and headed home. On the way home, Eric purchased an el cheapo' cap for himself.

That afternoon found Eric back on Sir's front porch. As usual, he stripped naked and folded all of Sir's clothes and placed them by the front door. When he removed his jockstrap, and while standing naked on the front porch, in front of the front door, in full view of anyone passing on the street, Eric held his damp jockstrap to his nose and inhaled the heady aroma of pre-cum, dried piss, and sweat. Reluctantly Eric put the jockstrap on top of the pile of clothes. He placed the cap on the very top of the pile. Eric rang the doorbell and went into kneeling display and waited for Sir to open the front door and let him in. Sir eventually answered the door, but instead of letting Eric inside he dropped the shopping bags and car keys in front of Eric, Sir told him that he needed Eric to shop for his soiree tonight. So, Eric got himself dressed again and scooped up the bags and keys, and went shopping for finger food for Sir and his guests. When he returned home, again, Eric stripped on the front porch and folded all of Sir's clothes and placed them by the side of the front door. Eric rang the front doorbell and went into kneeling display, only this time he didn't have long to wait for Sir to let him in. As usual, Eric picked up Sir's clothes, remaining straight legged and only bending at the waist so that his arse cheeks separated. So, he showed the skull on the base of the butt plug that was up his arse to anyone who might have been passing on the street and cared to have a look. Eric collected Sir's clothes, and the shopping and took it all inside, again putting Sir's clothes on the floor, keeping his legs ramrod straight which parted his arse cheeks enough so that anyone who wanted to could see the skull set on the base of his butt plug. Eric closed the front door while standing in the open doorway, so he was still in full view of anyone who passed on the street. When he closed the front door, he picked up Sir's clothes, and shopping bags and headed to the kitchen

Eric unlocked the padlock on his collar, with the key Sir had left on the bench for him, and attached the chain to his collar. He turned his collar around so that the chain ran down his back, he arched his back and separated his arse cheeks so that the chain fell down the cleft of his arse cheeks. Eric held his cheeks closed while he stood up so that now the chain was trapped between his arse cheeks. Having got the chain right, Eric set to and prepared all the finger food for Sir's party. While it was all heating in the oven, Sir told Eric to follow him down to the dungeon.

Having removed Eric's collar and chain, which he pulled none too gently out of Eric's arse crack, Sir told Eric to sit on the stool and got out the 12" stiletto, thigh high boots and encased Eric's legs in them. Sir had Eric stand while he laced up the boots. Sir was pleased to see that with the boots on, it pushed Eric's arse cheeks up, so it made Eric's new tattoo of Sir's handprint that much more prominent. Sir gave Eric the set of stocks to carry, as well as a studded ball stretcher, and the tray that Sir used for his guests to leave their keys on, as well as a blindfold, spreader bar, and a length of cord. He told Eric to `come' and walked out of the dungeon fully expecting Eric to follow him.

Sir pointed to a spot on the floor in the passage, not too far from the front door, for Eric to stand on, but, unlike last week, this week Sir had Eric facing into the house so that his arse was displayed prominently to anyone who walked through the front door. Or passed by on the street, for that matter. Sir got a little stool to stand on, and having placed all the bits of equipment on a chair; Sir stood on the stool, he placed the stocks behind Eric's neck and across his shoulders. Eric very obligingly held his wrists in place so that when Sir locked the stocks closed, Eric's hands were held up around his ears. Sir ran an end of the cord through the eyelet set into the back of the stocks and tied it off. Sir then applied Eric's blindfold and cinched it closed tight behind Eric's head. Sir got off the stool, Eric could hear Sir pick something up off the chair, and when he felt Sir apply a little pressure in the small of his back, Eric leaned forwards. Sir attached a weight with a very long shank to the D' ring in the nose' of the skull on the base of the metal butt plug buried deep in Eric's arse. Sir also threaded the other end of the cord through the `D' ring as well. Sir had Eric stand upright, and he tied the cord off tight, so now the stocks were tied to the butt plug in Eric's arse. So, Eric had no other option but to stand up straight.

What Eric didn't know was that the shank, connecting the hook in the `D' ring in the base of his butt plug, was quite long, with a weight permanently attached to the base of it. It also came with extra weights, in the form of washers with a piece cut out of them. So that the shank could pass through the washer into the hole in the centre of the washer so that more weights could be added to the shank. At that moment Eric didn't think that the weight hanging from his butt plug was too bad, sure he had to apply a bit more pressure to his sphincter to keep it closed tight and kept the butt plug in situ. That was until Sir picked up one of the extra free weights and fitted it around the shank, then without any warning, Sir dropped the weight he was holding, onto the weight already fixed to the bottom of the shank. If it hadn't been for his getup, Eric would have jumped. As it was, he let out a yelp of surprise as he held his sphincter closed with a bit more pressure so that the butt plug wasn't pulled out. What Eric didn't know was that Sir had left a small pile of extra weights on the chair behind Eric, so his guests could have some fun with them too.

Sir squatted in front of Eric and hit the sides of Eric's feet, and obligingly Eric spread his feet apart so that Sir could apply the spreader bar to his ankles. So, with the spreader bar attached to his ankles, Eric couldn't move, even if he wanted too. Sir then fastened the leather parachute ball stretcher, that Sir had just bought, around the top of Eric's ball bag. On the underside of the leather, there were over a hundred sharpened tiny metal spikes, that Eric could feel the moment Sir clamped it into place with the press studs set into the leather. Eric was thinking it stung a bit, but it wasn't too bad. That was until Sir clipped the tray to the ring at the bottom of the parachute, and then let the tray go and it fell into place. Eric felt his ball bag and balls being stretched by the weight of the tray, but worse than that, he felt all the little metal spikes bite into the tender skin of his ball bag, and almost cried out in pain. Eric did think he could feel blood begin to trickle down the sides of his ball bag. It finally dawned on Eric what it was Sir, and his guests used that particular tray for, and as if reading Eric's mind, Sir dropped his set of keys on the tray. Which had a duel effect, the first being that it stretched Eric's ball sack and balls downwards, that much more, as well as forcing the little metal spikes to cut deeper into the tender flesh of his ball-sack.

Eric heard Sir walk to the back of the house. He returned a little while later, and Eric felt Sir grab hold of his cock, and because of his conditioning, Eric let his piss go, without giving it a second thought. It wasn't until he was almost finished that he remembered that he was inside and not outside, and tried to stop the flow, but Sir gave his cock a vicious shake, so Eric finished his piss. Sir shook the drops off as usual and held his hand up for Eric to lick clean, which he did. What Eric didn't know was that Sir had caught his piss in a container, into which Sir inserted a tube. Sir stood on the stool and inserted Earplugs into Eric's ears, and holding Eric's nose so that Eric had to open his mouth; Sir inserted Eric's dirty pre-cum and sweat soaked, pissed stained jockstrap into Eric's open mouth. Sir then taped it into place. As saliva built up in Eric's mouth, it mixed with the flavours of the dried fluids in his jockstrap, so that when Eric swallowed, he found he was very pleasantly surprised with the taste. So much so, that Eric started to suck on his dirty jockstrap in his mouth. But unbeknownst to Eric, Sir picked up a length of tubing; he inserted one end of the tubing into the container of Eric's piss and inserted the other end into Eric's dirty jockstrap. So, as Eric sucked on his jockstrap, he began to draw up his own piss and consequently, to drink his own piss the more he sucked on his dirty jockstrap.

Eric was too busy, sucking on his jockstrap and drinking his own piss, and because he was blindfolded and had earplugs inserted, to notice the time that had passed. But he was soon brought back to reality. When the first of Sir's guests arrived, and made his presence known by inserting two of the weighted discs onto the shank that was hooked onto the `D' ring on the base of Eric's butt plug, and then dropping them onto the weight already attached to the bottom of the shank. Consequently, Eric had to try and apply more pressure to his sphincter so that the butt plug wasn't pulled out. While Eric continued to suck on his dirty jockstrap and drink his own piss, he now had to concentrate harder on holding his sphincter closed. Because he was concentrating so hard on keeping his sphincter closed, he completely forgot about the parachute ball stretcher with over a hundred sharpened metal spikes inside it, digging into his painfully sore ball bag, with the tray attached to the bottom. That is, until the first guest dropped his keys onto the tray, causing his balls and ballbag to be stretched even further away from his abdomen. Not to forget that that caused the tiny spikes to cut even deeper into the very sensitive skin of his poor abused ballbag. Consequently, Eric's attention was instantly ripped away from keeping his sphincter tightly closed, to the pain emanating from his abused ball bag, plus the fact that he now thought it was bleeding profusely.

What Eric didn't know, was that Sir had got him to pee into a very large container that Sir had pissed into as well. On top of that Sir left a sign, encouraging his guests to piss into the container as well. So, every other guest added more weights to the shank that was clipped onto the `D' ring of his butt plug, until Eric was sure the butt plug was going to rip him a whole new arsehole and nothing was going to be able to stop it. He also felt as though his nuts were going to be ripped right off his body. Eric was sweating profusely, so he was grateful he had something to drink, even if it was only his own piss. Not that Eric ever wondered why his piss was lasting so long. And so, Eric stood there, unable to hear, see, or speak, in his 12" stiletto thigh high boots, sucking on his pre-cum, sweat-soaked jockstrap. Eric kind of got use to the pain emanating from his balls and ball-sack. That was until Sir's little soiree broke up. Now, Eric thought his poor abused ballbag was safe, as all the guests had arrived, but what Eric didn't account for was that when the guests picked up their keys on their way out. Then all the little wounds on his ball-sack were going to reopen, and again Eric was going to be in another whole world of pain. Which Eric discovered when the guests picked up their keys. By the time the last guest had removed their keys from the tray, Eric was screaming into his gag. He stood there, not that he had any choice in the matter, while he tried to get his breathing under control as the pain in his balls and sack dissipated. Eric wasn't sure how long he stood there after he'd got himself under control again when he felt Sir's hand on his left arse cheek as he ran it down over his shaved cheek and down to the top of his boots. With his hand resting on Eric's arse cheek, Sir reached around and removed the tray from the rings of the parachute ball stretcher, and Eric sighed with relief when Sir removed the parachute ball stretcher.

Sir bent Eric over at the waist while he removed the weights from the butt plug buried in Eric's arse. He pulled the plugs out of Eric's ears and removed the blindfold and the, almost clean, jockstrap from Eric's mouth. When Eric's eyes had adjusted to the light, Eric looked down and could see the large container of piss at his feet, and Eric almost puked on the spot when he realised that that was what he had been sucking on through his jockstrap. It also gave Eric an almost desperate need to piss. So, when Sir grabbed hold of Eric's cock, he pissed without giving it a second thought, and it wasn't until he'd started pissing that Eric realised just how full to bursting his bladder really was. He let the last of his piss go with a shudder that shook his whole body. Sir shook the drops off the end of Eric's cock and then held up his hand for Eric to lick clean, which Eric did with relish.

Sir instructed Eric to close the front door, still with his legs encased in his thigh high, 12" stiletto boots, and with his cock and balls able to swing freely again, he walked to the front door and closed it and locked it for the night. `Come,' was the one-word command that Sir uttered, and picking up the tray, blindfold, ball stretcher, butt plug, and weights, Eric followed Sir into the bowels of the house. Eric couldn't help but admire Sir's butt as it was outlined by the leather chaps Sir was wearing over his jeans, and Eric admired the rhythmic rise and fall of each cheek as Sir walked. Eric was daydreaming of drilling his tongue as deep as he could get into Sir's butt hole, so much so that he hadn't realised that they were in the kitchen and Sir had disappeared down the stairs to the dungeon. Eric hurried himself to catch up to Sir. Eric had to admit to himself that he was getting used to walking around in his boots, not that he'd done it too much before Sir had come into his life, but he found walking down the stairs wasn't as difficult for him now. When Eric entered the dungeon, he saw Sir was busy in the kitchen, so he put all the gear he had in his hands away. When he'd finished, Sir told him to turn around, and Sir undid the laces of Eric's boots, and Eric removed the boots. Sir told Eric to lay down on the bench in the middle of the room, and it was then that Eric noticed the stocks that Sir had bolted to one end of the bench. Sir had Eric lay down on the bench so that his arms were stretched over his head and his wrists rested on the bottom cut out of the stocks. Sir then grabbed hold of Eric's ankles and began to raise them up off the bench; Eric continued to raise his legs into the air until Sir pulled his ankles down towards the stocks. When Eric's ankles were resting in the other cut outs in the bottom of the stocks, then with Eric's wrists and ankles in place, Sir bolted top of the stocks in place. So, now Eric was laying on his back with his legs pulled up over his head, so his back was curled nicely, and more importantly, his butt was totally exposed, and his cock and balls were hanging against his lower abdomen.

Sir put a penis gag into Eric's mouth and then walked out of Eric's line of sight to get something from of the rack on the wall. Eric knew that Sir had picked up a paddle the moment it made contact with the stretched skin of his arse. Eric groaned into the penis gag in his mouth. Eric lost count of how many times Sir hit his exposed arse with the paddle after about the twenty-fifth swat, by then Eric was losing himself in the pain that was emanating from his bright red arse. Eric didn't realise that Sir had stopped swatting his arse with the paddle until he felt the bite of the narrow rattan cane that Sir had switched too. The first time the rattan made contact with Eric's paddled arse served as a catalyst to break Eric out of his endorphin high. The second time the rattan made contact with Eric's arse sent an explosion of pain erupting in Eric's arse and head, which coursed Eric to scream around the penis gag in his mouth. By the time Sir had stopped switching Eric's arse with the rattan, both of their chests were heaving.

Sir replaced the rattan on the rack and went into the kitchen and collected something from off the stove. He carried it over to the bench, then scooping up some of the molten wax, Sir allowed it to drip onto Eric's exposed, abused arse. When the first drop of molten wax landed right on one of the welts left by the rattan, Eric screamed around the penis gag in his mouth. He continued to scream each time a drop of molten wax made contact with the abused skin stretched taught over the meaty globes of his bubble butt. Eric hadn't even realised that Sir had stopped dripping the wax onto his arse until he felt Sir's hand massaging his cock and balls, and poor Eric couldn't help himself, he started to groan with pleasure as Sir continued to massage his cock and balls. How Eric longed for the day that Sir would do exactly this, give him some kind of pleasure. It wasn't until he felt the burn in his cock and balls that Eric realised that Sir was actually rubbing lineament into his cock and balls. Eric looked up in time to see Sir tying a plastic bag full of lineament around his cock and balls. Having satisfied himself that the bag wouldn't come loose, Sir left the dungeon and turned off the light as he left to the sound of Eric's dying screams as he screamed himself hoarse form the pain of the burning sensation emanating from his cock and balls.

Eric's not sure how he managed it, what with the way he was trussed up on the bench with his arms and legs locked into the stocks, and as he'd started flat on his back; he'd had to curl his back so that they could get into the stocks in the first place. Added to his extremely uncomfortable position, his cock and balls had been soaking in a bag of lineament all night, but through all of that, he had, in fact, fallen asleep. The first thing Eric knew about it was when he came to with Sir flicking the wax off his arse with a riding crop, non-too gently either. Eric tried to scream, but all he could manage was a croak. When Sir had had his fun whipping all the wax off Eric's arse, he undid the lock on the stocks and removed the top beam. He gave permission to Eric to move, and it was only after Eric was given permission did he attempt to move at all. He slowly lifted his legs out of the stocks, and slowly uncurled his back, until his back was flat on the bench again, but because he'd moved, he'd disturbed the bag of lineament, and it recoated most of his cock and balls with almost fresh lineament. Which caused his cock and balls to burn that much more, which caused Eric to try and scream around his gag yet again. Sir waited for his hoarse cries to die down, and then he undid the bag and removed it. Sir got some paper towel and wiped the excess lineament off Eric's cock, which only added to the pain in Eric's cock and balls. When the pain finally subsided, and Sir had given his permission once again, Eric rolled off the table and tried to stand upright, but because of the position he slept in all night, Eric couldn't stand upright, but he stood up as straight as he could and followed Sir out to the backyard. As he walked, Eric looked down at his poor abused cock and balls, as he tried not to slap them around too much with his thighs as he walked, they were bright red, almost as if they had been scolded in boiling water. Eric tried to shy away from Sir when he reached down to grab hold of Eric's cock so Eric could piss, but Eric was too slow; consequently, Sir grabbed hold of Eric's cock tighter than Eric thought was necessary.

When Eric'd finished pissing Sir held up his hand for Eric to lick clean, and then Sir gave his permission for Eric to go and get his breakfast. Eric made his way up the backstairs, and he made his way, gingerly, into the kitchen where he found his breakfast of Weet-Bix and toast soaking in Sir's night piss, in his bowl on the floor. Eric got down on all fours, gingerly, as his cock and balls still hurt like hell. Even hanging freely, not making contact with either leg, just with the swaying of his body as he slurped up his breakfast, caused his genitals to move around too much and caused him a world of pain. When he'd finally finished his breakfast, Eric got to his feet very cautiously and went and washed his bowl in the troves in the laundry. He went downstairs and had a shit, then finally made his way out to the backyard and had a shower. He dried himself off, went back inside and found his collar and chain in the laundry. He collared himself and cinched the padlock closed. He turned it around until the chain was snaking down his back before it pooled on the floor. Eric arched his back and pulled his arse cheeks apart to allow the chain to run down his arse crack and over his hole. What Eric didn't realise, was that in doing this the chain actually made contact with the base and underside of his ball sack. Consequently, Eric nearly jumped out of his skin when the chain made contact with his ball sack. With tears streaming from his eyes, Eric let his arse cheeks close over the chain before he stood slowly stood upright, and allowed the last bit of chain to pool on the floor.

With all of Eric's bending and stretching, his back didn't feel quite so stiff, so he found he could stand more upright now. With his legs spread as wide as he could, Eric cleaned up the dining room and kitchen, as he hadn't cleaned up after Sir's little soiree last night, there was quite a bit for him to do. When he'd finally finished, all Eric wanted to do was find a quiet corner somewhere and nurse his aching cock and balls, but naturally, Sir had other ideas. Sir gave Eric a shopping list. Which Eric took without protest. He went back to the laundry and removed the chain from his collar, and very gingerly got himself dressed. Almost seeing stars in the process when he pulled up his very crusty jockstrap and adjusted his cock and balls to the most comfortable position he could. Sir was waiting for him at the front door with Eric's butt plug in his hand. Eric turned around, and bent over and grabbed his ankles when he was in front of Sir, and Sir pulled Eric's shorts down over the meaty globes of his huge bubble butt. Eric was sure Sir kept knocking his genitals in the process, on purpose; consequently, Eric had tears streaming down his face once again by the time Sir had finally finished inserting Eric's butt plug. Sir slapped Eric's arse and left him to it to pull his shorts back up and go shopping.

Eric tried to sit in the driver's seat with his legs spread as wide as he could in the confines of the driver's seat to try and ease the pressure on his poor genitals. He gingerly got out of the car, and grabbing Sir's shopping bags he headed into the supermarket and made his slow way around the supermarket getting Sir's shopping. As he came to the end of one isle, a young man accidentally bumped into Eric, but unfortunately, he was carrying a heavy hard plastic shopping basket, and he caught Eric right in the groin. Eric saw stars and doubled over, and if it weren't for the fact that Eric had lost most of his voice, he would have screamed blue bloody murder. But as it happened it, it came out as nothing more than a few raspy squeaks. The young man grabbed Eric by the shoulder and tried to pull him upright, asking Eric if he was Ok? Eric just pushed him away while he tried to get his breathing under control. Eric managed to get the rest of the shopping done, without any further incidents. He gingerly got back into the car and drove home.

Eric put the shopping bags down on the front porch and stripped all Sir's clothes off and placed them in a pile beside the front door. He then rang the front doorbell and went into kneeling display. It seemed as though he had to wait for an eternity for Sir to open the front door and order him inside. Gingerly, Eric got to his feet, scooped up Sir's clothing and grabbing the shopping bags went inside where he placed everything on the floor before turning around and closing the front door. Eric made his slow way to the kitchen where he found his chain waiting for him on the bench as well as the key to the padlock. Eric unlocked the padlock and attached the chain to it before he cinched it closed again. He turned the collar around, so the chain snaked down his back to pool on the floor. Eric arched his back and pulled his arse cheeks apart to trap the chain between them, because the butt plug was in situ, the full weight of the chain didn't fall against the base and underside of his ball bag. Eric had never been so grateful for a small mercy in his life. He let his arse cheeks close over the chain before he stood upright. He put Sir's clothes back in the laundry, wondering when he'll be able to get clean clothes, returning to the kitchen he put all of Sir's shopping away.

"I think we'll go for a walk this afternoon, seeing how it's such a nice day. Go and get dressed. I'll meet you at the front door." Sir said.

So, Eric went and undid the padlock on his collar and let the chain fall free. After cinching the padlock closed again, he very gingerly got dressed, taking particular care to try and not knock his poor abused cock and balls too much. Finally, he finished getting dressed and went to meet Sir who was waiting at the front door.

Sir was standing at the front door with his hands behind his back. Eric stood in front of Sir with his feet shoulder width apart and his hands behind his back. Naturally, his eyes were trained on the floor as they always are, to ensure that Eric never makes eye contact with Sir, in fact, Eric doesn't think he's ever seen Sir's face in all the time he's known him. Sir broke Eric out of his reverie by grabbing the waistband of Eric's jockstrap and shorts and pulled them straight down. Exposing Eric's cock and balls in the process, as well as hitting them which caused Eric a lot of pain. Sir told Eric to hold, and Eric replaced Sir's hand with his own, continuing to expose his cock and balls to Sir. Sir brought his other hand around from behind his back, and Eric could see he was holding some kind of leather strap. Sir reached down and rolled Eric's foreskin back exposing the glans of his cock. Eric watched as Sir looped a thin cord, that was attached to one end of the leather cord, around the glans of his cock. When he'd finished, Sir allowed Eric's foreskin to rollback over his cock head. The thin cord began to irritate Eric's cock almost immediately. Sir took over holding the waistband of Eric's jockstrap and shorts, while he allowed the leather strap to fall through one of the leg holes in Eric's jockstrap and shorts. When Sir saw that the strap had fallen down Eric's leg, he let the waistband of Eric's jockstrap and shorts go, which instantly snapped back to their original position around Eric's waist. Knocking Eric's cock and balls around in the process.

Sir pulled the leather strap up, and Eric could see that it was, in fact, a lead, almost like a dog's lead, but instead of a clip on the end to clip onto a collar. There was a small loop of thin cord that Sir had secured under the glans of Eric's cock. When sir had his end of the lead in his hand, he turned and opened the door, and because the other end was tethered to Eric's cock, he had no other choice but to follow wherever Sir led him. Sir walked out the front gate and along the street, and at every tree, bush, telephone pole, or fire hydrant they came to. Sir'd fish Eric's cock out of his jockstrap, and Eric had to produce a small amount of piss, just like a dog, and every single time Sir'd put Eric's cock back he held up his hand for Eric to lick clean. While Eric was really scared of getting caught pissing in a public place, he didn't mind too much on their street, as it was very quiet and they rarely had any foot or vehicular traffic. But when Sir turned onto the main road at the end of Eric's street, um, that'd be at the end of Sir's street, Eric really hoped and prayed that Sir didn't expect him to piss on the street out here. Mind you; Eric didn't give the lead a single thought. But sure enough, when they came to a tree, Sir fished Eric's cock out of his jockstrap, and Eric had to produce a few drops of piss. When he'd finished, Sir still held up his hand for Eric to lick clean, with the whole world being able to see what was going on.

Eric did eventually run out of piss; then Sir just contented himself walking along leading Eric around by the lead attached to Eric's cock. Eric tried to walk close enough behind Sir so that people they passed wouldn't necessarily notice the lead, or if they did Eric hoped that they wouldn't be able to see what it was attached to. Eventually, they made it to the Commercial Rd in Prahran and went into a gay pub. He sat on a stool and told Eric to sit, and as there were no more stools available, Eric sat on the floor. Sir ordered himself a beer and asked the bartender if he had a bowl for his boi, the bar tender handed one over and Sir pissed in it and placed it on the floor beside Eric, and Eric got down on all fours and drank from his bowl. It wasn't long before the other patrons of the pub were offering to refill Eric's bowl for him. Sir accepted each and every offer until Eric was very full of all the piss he'd drunk. When Sir had finished his beer, he stood up and led Eric out of the pub and on the way home Sir stopped wherever he could to allow Eric to very slowly empty his bladder.

By the time they got home, and Sir removed the cord from around Eric's cock the glans of his cock was looking very red and angry. Sir left Eric at the front door while he disappeared into the house to do whatever he had to do. Meanwhile, Eric stripped and went looking for his chain and to get the evening meal ready for Sir and himself.

Let me know what you think Bastian

Next: Chapter 6

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