Southern Cross Station

By Bastian Ward

Published on Nov 12, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens next. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else


I am dedicating this story, for the first time ever, to the guy who I had such in-depth dialogue with. I hope you can see how much you helped to crystallise some of the ideas represented here in this chapter of my story.

From the bottom of my heart.






By Bastian Ward

When Eric arrived at work, and after he'd stowed his stuff in his locker, he went and found the super cute foreman, Zane, that he worked for, and really, really liked. When Zane had finished giving Eric his instructions for the day, he reached up and patted Eric on his hardhat, and said, "have you got that boy? Got any questions?"

And before he realised what he was saying, Eric replied, "Um, no, thank you, sir. I understood everything you told me, sir. Thank you, sir."

Both men looked at each other, Eric a little bit sheepishly, and Zane somewhat suspiciously. Eric turned on his heel and went about his day. At the end of his shift, Zane materialised behind Eric as he was putting his tools in his bag, and attaching his hardhat to the strap on the side of his bag. When Eric became aware of Zane standing very close behind him, he turned around, "can I help you with something, boss?" He asked with a smile on his face.

The foreman reached up and ran his hand over Eric's bald head, "I'm glad you got that cap, for when you're out in the sun all day or your head was going to get burnt very badly."

"Yes, thanks, for the suggestion."

"That'd be `thanks for the suggestion, Sir'"

"What?" Eric asked with what he hoped was a blank expression on his face.

"Hmm, I'm really liking the ensemble," Zane replied as he made a circling motion with the first two fingers on his right hand in Eric's direction, "the shaved head. The padlocked collar. Not forgetting the very skimpy outfit."


"Oh," said Zane, as he turned to leave, "how's the new girlfriend going? You two getting along?"

"My girlfr?" Eric replied before he could stop himself, "Oh, my girlfriend. Oh, yeah," he said as he tugged on his collar, with a grin on his face, "everything is great. Thanks for asking."

"No probs," said Zane as he walked out the door. While Eric reached down and absentmindedly rubbed his cock and balls through the material of his jockstrap as he watched Zane sashay his arse out of the locker room. Eric gave his head a good shake to try to dislodge the images that were forming, unbidden, before his mind's eye. He stopped rubbing his crotch and headed home.

When he got home, Eric stripped, as usual, and folded all of Sir's clothes and put them by the front door. When he took off his jockstrap, he held it to his nose and inhaled the heady aroma of his own muskiness and dried piss. Because Sir was teaching him better control over his cock now, there was barely a whiff of pre-cum. And while Eric was a little disappointed about that, he was also quite pleased, as it meant that he was finally learning to control his cock and not having his cock controlling him all the time. He placed Sir's jockstrap on the pile. Then removed his cap and placed that on the very top of the pile. Only after having done all of that, did Eric ring the front doorbell, and went into kneeling display, while he waited for Sir to open the door and let him in.

While Eric was on the front porch, in kneeling display, waiting for Sir to unlock the front door and let him in. Eric had `spaced out,' as he no longer worried about anyone seeing him kneeling naked on the front porch, as they walked past the property. He was broken out of his revere though by a very familiar sounding voice, "So this is what you get up to in your spare time, is it mate?"

Eric looked down at the front fence, right into the face of Zane, who had a very big shit-eating grin plastered all over his face. That was the very moment that Sir decided to open the front door, and Eric could tell from the look on Zane's face that he'd probably worked it all out. But, his conditioning kicked in, without Eric realising it, and he stood up and walked over and picked up Sir's clothes. As usual, he only bent at the waist, keeping his legs ramrod straight, with his feet spread shoulder-width apart. Naturally, it forced his arse cheeks to part slightly, and hearing the low appreciative whistle from Zane; it confirmed Eric's suspicions that his arse cheeks parted enough for someone to be able to see his hole from the street. Picking up Sir's clothes, Eric opened the security door and entered Sir's house. Not knowing what Zane had planned, Eric entered the house, and following what had now become his usual routine, he placed Sir's clothes on the floor. Again, only bending at the waist, while keeping his legs ramrod straight, and this time he was rewarded with a very breathy fuck me!' that escaped from between Zane's' lips. From the sound of the exclamation, Eric surmised that Zane was either now standing on the porch, or in the doorway. Eric stood up and looked down at the top of Zane's head, as Zane seemed to only have eyes for Eric's enormous pendulous cock and balls, as they swung around freely between his legs as Eric moved around. As Zane was now standing in the doorway, Eric now had a dilemma, as Eric was pretty sure that Zane wasn't a guest of Sirs. And Eric certainly hadn't invited him, so he roughly pushed past Zane to get to the security door. Eric was certain that he felt his cock and balls brush past the back of Zane's hand as he pushed up against Zane, and in the process of pulling the security door closed, he actually ushered Zane into the entrance way. Eric had to manhandle Zane out of the way, so he could actually close the front door, and he wasn't too sure if he could feel Zane's cock through his pants or not. Having closed the front door, Eric turned on the spot, again having to move Zane out of the way. Eric then turned around, and again with his legs ramrod straight, Eric bent over and picked up Sir's clothes, once again he heard Zane utter a very breathy Oh, fuck!', and headed for the laundry.

On his way to the laundry, Eric passed Sir coming the other way.

Eric continued on his way to the laundry. As he walked through the kitchen, he picked up the key, to the padlock, which Sir had left on the bench for him. Eric walked into the laundry where he deposited Sir's clothes and unlocked the padlock and attached the chain to the padlock and cinched the padlock closed so that the chain was now attached to the collar he wore around his neck. He fixed the chain, so it was trapped between his butt cheeks, the way he liked it, so it wasn't pulling on his collar so much. When he'd finished all of his tasks, he went back into the kitchen and cleaned up the dishes he found in the sink and tided up the kitchen in general. He heard Sir call him, so he went back into the hall and went and stood just behind Sir and waited until Sir told him what he wanted him to do, while Sir continued to talk to Zane. Totally ignoring Eric altogether.

"...for a true Master, it's not about the sex, although there is a sexual component to it. It is more about having complete mastery over the slave, in this particular case, Eric. For example, Eric is not allowed into the house until he is completely naked, and in kneeling display, as you found him here this afternoon. He is not allowed to speak until I've given him permission too. True, these are rules that I could have told him to memorise, but in a true `Master/slave' relationship, you use conditioning. The slave learns how to behave acceptably for the Master, by the Master rewarding the behaviour that the Master finds acceptable. For instance," and with that, Sir reached up and stroked the side of Eric's face. The moment Sir's palm touched Eric's face, Eric closed his eyes as a low moan escaped his mouth. And when Sir held his hand still, touching Eric's face, Eric rubbed his cheek against Sir's palm; all the while, low moans were coaxed out of Eric. "If he does something I don't like, then there are punishments," with that Sir removed his hand from the side of Eric's face, and Eric, Zane thought, actually looked crestfallen that Sir had removed his hand.

"Are you straight, gay, bi, or just curious?"

"Um, what...?" Zane asked, somewhat a taken back by the question. After he'd taken a moment to process the question, he said, "um, straight, but I suppose... I'm also curious. Why?"

"No matter," Sir replied, "shaving the slave," Sir continued, as he ran his hand down Eric's shaved chest, again eliciting a low moan from Eric, "is about possession and a chance for the slave to give himself freely to his Master. To submit to his Master's will, and his Master's will alone. When I shaved Eric," Sir said, as his hand reached Eric's pubic region, and coming to rest on the base of Eric's cock. "I didn't bind him in any way, other than by the strength of my will alone. I, personally, shaved every hair from his body that I didn't want to remain."

Sir looked over at Zane, and could clearly see that Zane had an erection as his eyes were now trained solely on Eric's naked, bald monster cock. Sir smiled to himself. He noted, as a matter of course that Zane seemed to have a much smaller cock than both Eric and himself, but then Sir didn't really think he'd ever find anyone else with a cock even half as big as Eric's.

"A slave can have a submissive personality, but it is true a testament to the Master's personality if he can take an aggressive personality and make him a slave..."

"So, you're saying you can make anyone a slave?"

"Not everyone. There are some people out there who just can't bend their will to another person's; no matter how strong-willed the Master. But it also is true that there are straight and gay guys out there who have never bottomed. The guys who play' at bondage as masters' for example, I used to love turning those guys into slaves, and it doesn't always follow that they make good masters either. I find they can be too brutal, but then there are slaves, who like that kind of thing, but I find that they're the ones who are only playing' at bondage, themselves and I don't care if they want to play at bondage' together. I find those kinds of Masters are not able to look after their slaves properly, and generally don't keep them for any length of time. No, a true Master thinks that they will be keeping their slaves forever, and look after them accordingly." Eric's chest swelled at the thought that he could be Sir's slave forever, as he wanted nothing more than to be able to please Sir, and while he didn't think he could; the thought actually made Eric stand up even taller. To the point where Eric thought his chain was actually pulling on his collar a bit more than usual. "It is an incredibly huge responsibility to own and keep a slave; it is my responsibility to keep my slave safe, and healthy. To not ask of him anything that would put him in danger or make him stand out in public. Even though the temptation is always there to make the slave do something irresponsible in public. I must confess that on the odd occasion even I slip up on that, on the very odd occasion. And while His chosen outfit was his choice before I took control, as you would know, being his boss on the building site." Zane nodded absentmindedly. "Slaves also have a need, whether they realise it or not, to be dominated," Sir continued, totally ignoring Eric. "Take boi here for instance," and to Zane, Eric seemed to stand up straighter yet again, when he heard Sir referring to him. "I had him running all over the pub doing crazy stuff because he was so desperate to please me..."

"Is that when you decided he'd be a good slave?"

Sir's nostrils flared at the interruption, ``no..."

"Well, how did you know he'd make a good slave?" Zane pressed.

"I didn't! But the fact that he signed the contract..."


"Yes! I have all my slave's sign contracts, and boi here sent his back in record time. I estimated that he only had enough time to print out the contract. Sign it. Scan it back in and send it to me. That told me that he was very eager to become a boi, but not just any boi. It proved that he was very eager to be MY boi. That is why I decided to spend the time and make him a boi I could be proud of. And then there's the body," Sir said as he wrapped his fingers around Eric's cock, possessively, and to ever so slowly rub Eric's cock with his thumb. But, Sir's touch was so light it barely moved the skin of Eric's cock. But Zane couldn't help himself, as he eyes locked onto Eric's cock as he watched it slowly thickening, and started to slowly rise. Eric'd closed his eyes, and a low moan was escaping from his mouth, as Sir continued to very lightly run his thumb up and down Eric's cock, but as Eric's cock became more engorged and to stiffen, Sir took to rubbing it lightly with his fingers as well.

"But what about him being naked on the front porch? Doesn't that make him stand out and put him at risk?"

"Of course, it does, but it is a calculated risk. The street is extremely quiet, and it is a part of Eric's conditioning and training. If we lived on Punt Road, for example, we couldn't do it, and I'd have to find some other method to remind boi of his station in life

"Could you teach me to be a Master? I think I'd like that. Very much." Zane asked as his voice thickened.

"I already have a slave that I'm training. I just don't have the time or the energy to teach another slave."

"What? No, no, I don't want to be a slave. I want to learn how to `master' a slave."

Sir laughed, "almost everyone learns how to be a master by learning how to be a slave first..." Sir replied as he continued to very lightly rub Eric's cock, which by now was almost fully erect.

"But I don't want to be someone's slave..."

"Well, that's what I'm offering. The chance to learn how to be a slave, and so, by extension, a master." Now, Eric's cock was standing at full mast, and Zane couldn't pull his eyes off it.

"So, Eric is learning to be a Master?"

"Hmm. No!" Sir smiled indulgently. "Some people are slaves to learn to become masters, and some people are slaves because that's all they'll ever be. Boi, here, will be nothing but a boi."

"No! I don't want to be someone's boi," said Zane as he shook his head slowly, and with great strength off will, he barely managed to wrench his eyes off Eric's erect, dripping cock. Zane turned and walked towards the front door.

"Stop," was the one-word command, Sir uttered. He didn't shout it. He didn't growl either. No, instead, he spoke the word quietly, but with authority dripping from his voice. And Zane froze in his tracks. Zane, who liked to think he was a man's man. A man who ran a construction site with five hundred men under him; was stopped in his tracks by a single word. "Turn," and somewhat reluctantly he did, in time to see Sir let Eric's massive throbbing cock go, and as he did, it snapped up and hit Eric on his lower abdomen, with a very audible slap. Dripping precum the whole time, and Zane couldn't help but be memorized by the large throbbing cock. "Isn't this what you want?" Sir asked as he once again began to stroke Eric's engorged erect cock, which had become slick with all the pre-cum Eric's cock was leaking.

Surprising, even himself, Zane mastered himself enough to rip his eyes off the sight of a naked hairless collared Eric, with his cock pointing straight up his hairless abdomen, and walked back down the passage and out the front door. As he walked out the front door, Zane didn't think he'd ever be able to get the image of an extremely naked, totally hairless, Eric standing passively while another male stroked his mammoth cock possessively, while Eric stood motionless, and obviously revelled in the touch.

Sir sent Eric to close the front door behind Zane.

Eric was tied down with his ankles secured to both legs at the end of the bench in the dungeon. He was bent at the waist as his body was laid over the top of the bench and his wrists were secured to the other end of the bench. Sir was caning Eric's defenceless arse while Eric counted out loud each stripe and thanked Sir for it and asked for another. At some point, Sir grew tired of switching Eric's arse, but Eric hadn't noticed as he was riding a wave of endorphins that his brain was flooding his system with. He didn't even notice that a blunt object was pushing at his sphincter, and it wasn't until he felt that object overcoming his sphincter and plunging into his arse, that the pain of the intrusion even registered in his brain. While it was only one of a very few times that Sir had ever fucked Eric's arse, Eric realised instantly what it was before he felt Sir's pubic hair being ground into his arse cheeks. He didn't care that Sir hadn't used any lube or done any kind of prep work on his arse, Eric just revelled in the feeling of Sir's cock as it was buried deep in his bowels. Before he felt Eric's, arse accommodate his cock, Sir started to fuck Eric's stretched arse. He started by slow dicking Eric, pulling his cock almost out of Eric's arse all together and only stopped when he felt Eric's sphincter close around the base of the head of his cock. He then pushed his cock back into Eric's arse just as slowly, while he revelled in the feeling of Eric's sphincter stretching as it accommodated the girth of Sir's cock as it pulled the sheath of Sir's cock tight in the process. Sir continued to slow dick Eric until he got tired of it and he picked up the pace until he was pile driving his cock in and out of Eric's very willing arse, again. Sir reached down and could feel Eric's cock swelling, so he pulled his cock out until Eric's sphincter was holding Sir's cock just under the base of the head of his cock again. Sir picked up the paddle he had left on the bench in easy reach just for this eventuality, and he started to paddle Eric's arse as hard as he could until he felt Eric's cock go soft. Sir gave Eric's arse a few more slaps before he put the paddle down and went back to fucking Eric's willing arse.

When Sir felt he was close to coming, he pushed his cock as far up Eric's arse as he could get it and waited for the sensation to pass. While he was waiting for the need to ejaculate to pass, he reached down again to feel Eric's cock to see if he was still soft, but much to his disgust he could feel it beginning to thicken again. Sir picked up the tube of liniment that he'd also put on the bench in easy reach, and he squirted some on his hand. Sir then reached down and lathered Eric's cock liberally with the liniment and felt it deflate almost immediately as the liniment burned Eric's tender cock, and as Sir's need to ejaculate had passed, he went back to fucking Eric's arse. When Sir didn't think he could go on much more, he pulled out of Eric's arse, and while Eric wondered if he'd done something wrong. Sir walked up to the other end of the bench, with his cock pointing the way, he climbed up onto the other end of the bench. He grabbed hold of Eric's ears, and when his face was roughly in the right position, Sir shoved his dripping cock down Eric's throat. But, before Sir had got all his cock down Eric's throat, he heard Eric starting to gag on the intrusion. But Sir ignored any discomfort Eric might be experiencing and continued to force his cock down Eric's throat until he could feel Eric's nose in his pubic hair. Sir held his cock down Eric's throat for a moment, and then he began to rape Eric's mouth until he shot his load down Eric's very battered, willing throat. Sir pulled out enough until only the head of his cock was still in Eric's mouth, and Eric licked and sucked on it until Sir felt it was clean enough, and Eric had sucked all the remaining cum out of his cock.

Sir untied Eric and told him to get into the cage, that was under the bench, that Sir had bought at some point and had it delivered and installed under the bench without Eric knowing, Sir locked the cage, turned out the light and went back upstairs. While Eric sat in his cramped cage and savoured the taste of Sir's cum on his tongue and down his throat in the dark. Eric didn't know how long Sir had left him down there in the dark, in fact, he thought he might have nodded off, as the next thing he knew was the light flooding down the stairwell. Sir unlocked his cage and told him he could get out and go and eat his tea that Sir had left for him. Eric slowly extricated himself from the cage as his body had stiffened up in the cramp quarters. He made his way up the stairs on wobbly legs.

He knelt over his bowl and inhaled the aroma of Sirs' piss as it covered most of the pasta that was waiting in his bowl. Eric ate his meal and then took his bowl out to the laundry and washed his bowl in the troves. He went back into the kitchen and cleaned up the mess he found there and in the dining room. When he'd finally cleaned up all of Sir's mess, he followed Sir out to the clothesline in the backyard. Sir grabbed hold of Eric's cock so he could pee, then when he'd finished, and Sir had shaken the drops off the end of Eric's cock, and Eric had licked Sir's hand clean. Sir locked the free end of Eric's chain around the base of the clothesline and leaving Eric in the backyard, Sir went back into the house and turned off the light. Eric made himself as comfortable as he could and went to sleep.

The following morning Eric went and found Zane, as he usually did, but today Zane didn't look his usual happy-let's-get-on-with-business' self. Eric received his orders for the day and trotted off to fulfil his tasks. Zane, who never in the past came and checked up on Eric's work, seemed to be buzzing around Eric all day. Eric'd carry tools, equipment, or supplies, up the scaffolding, and there was Zane. Talking to some of the other workmen, true and seemed to totally ignore Eric, but still there non-the less. When Eric went down the back of the site to organise a concrete delivery, there was Zane already talking to the driver of the cement truck. Even when Eric knocked off for lunch, there Zane was again. He never spoke to Eric, other than to say Hi' in passing, or to give him his usual list of instructions in the morning. No, if Eric really had thought about it, he'd be forgiven for thinking Zane was stalking him around the site. At the end of his shift, there was Zane, yet again, waiting near Eric's locker. Ignoring him, Eric packed up his stuff and headed home.

And so, it went on for the rest of the week. Wherever Eric had to be, there Zane was also. By Friday, if he hadn't known what was going on, Eric could have been totally creeped out by all the attention he was receiving from the great and wonderful Zane. On the plus side, Eric did get to check out Zane as much as he wanted, without fear of being `sprung'. On his way home, Eric'd kinda zoned out, as he really wasn't interested in the other passengers. Well, not since Sir had come into his life, anyway, adding in the fact that he had Zane to perve on during the day at work. Eric wondered if his life could get any better than this? Eric really didn't seem to think so. Sure, neither male in Eric's life had sex with him perse, sure Sir fucked him, and made him suck his cock, but Eric was never the aggressor in these sessions, hell he can't even remember the last time Sir allowed him to cum, but Eric didn't miss it. If he was being honest with himself, that is, and he was. He just wasn't sure what to think about Zane wanting to be a Master. Eric had no desire to be a Master; he'd never been happier since Sir came into his life. Eric took a moment to congratulate himself on answering that ad. Yes! He really thought it was the best thing he'd ever done for himself. Eric walked home, with the biggest goofiest grin plastered all over his face. Stripped and folded Sir's clothes. Having done that, Eric rang the doorbell and went into kneeling display and waited.

"Fuck, buddy. I'll never get tired of seeing you kneeling up naked like that."

Eric looked down once again into the face of Zane as he stood on the footpath in front of Sir's house. Eric was saved trying to come up with some kind of a response, as Sir chose that particular moment to open the front door. Eric stood up and picking up Sir's clothes brushed past Sir, who was standing in the doorway holding the door open. Eric walked as fast as he could to the kitchen and picked up the key that Sir had left on the bench for him. He went into the laundry and left his clothes there, just like he always did. Unlocking the padlock, he attached the chain that was coiled on the laundry floor to the padlock and locked his collar back into place. He made sure the chain was trapped in between his but cheeks, he walked back into the kitchen where he could hear Zane and Sir talking.

"...I don't care what you've found on the internet," Eric heard Sir telling Zane, "all that information is for rank amateurs who have no idea as to what they are doing. Look, Zane, if that is the kind of bondage you like, then there are pubs and clubs all over Melbourne that you can go to and find `like-minded' people who are into that kind of thing. Ok!"

"Yeah, but..."

"BUT, nothing Zane," Sir retorted, "that kind of bondage is not what I and my friends practice. Ours is a purer form of bondage. Ours is based on respect and trust, but no safe words, and with the thought that it was going to be a life-time commitment, not just a couple of hours of `play'." Sir sighed. "Look, Zane, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, but..."

"Good," Sir cut him off, "go home and practice the kind of bondage you found on the internet with her..."

"But," Zane cut Sir off, "I don't think she'd be into it..."

"So, what," Sir said sounding indignant, "you thought I'd be so overcome with your looks that I'd beg you to let me teach you how to be a Master. Was that it?"

Zane's face flamed red, "Well..." he started as he rubbed the back of his neck while staring fixedly at the floor.

"Oh, fuck off out of my sight."

Eric was so surprised to hear Sir swear, that his head shot up, without him realising it. He closed his eyes instantly, but burnt into the retinas of his eyes, was Sir's profile, and Eric drank in the image hungrily. From the leather peaked hat on the top of Sir's head. To the salt and pepper sideburns that Eric could see were cut with razor-sharp precision. Sir's high cheek bones. His almost gaunt looking cheeks. Sir's `Romanesque' nose sitting above his very well-manicured moustache. His almost full lips, that sat perched above his manly square jaw-line. And it was all topped off by his equally rugged manly chin, that Eric couldn't quite see if it was dimpled or not, but he seriously hoped it was. While Eric was indulging himself in the glimpse he had of Sir's face, even though it was in profile, unfortunately, it was having an involuntary effect on his flaccid cock. The more he indulged himself in the Sir's image burned into his retinas; the more his once flaccid cock started to grow and thicken.

Before Eric had a chance to get himself under control again, he was snatched out of his revere when Sir's brought his two fingers down and clipped the head of Eric's cock, with as much force as he could muster. Eric's eyes flew open, but this time he remembered to keep his eyes trained on the floor, he also restrained himself from grabbing his throbbing cock and cradling it in his hands, as much as he wanted too. Instead, he remained on the spot with his hands by his side.

"Now see what you've done," Sir rounded back onto Zane. Get out of here with your pretend bondage and leave us in peace."

"But, Sir," Zane fired back, "I really want to learn."

"Why?? Why do you want to learn from me, when you know boi, and I are gay. Go to one of the clubs and find a straight `Master' to learn from..."

"But, Sir, this," he said spreading his hands wide in the direction of Sir and Eric, "this is what I want to learn. Please, Sir. Please, teach me." Zane said as he fell to his knees and he hung his head.

Sir turned on his heel, and as he walked past Eric, he said, "shave him."

Wisely, it would seem, Zane didn't utter a sound. Eric went and stood in front of Zane and told Zane to follow him. Noiselessly Eric walked back down the corridor towards the kitchen, and down the stairs to the dungeon. All the while Zane got to check out Eric's very naked bubble butt, as it was now Eric's turn to sashay his arse for Zane, and even though Zane's arse wasn't that big, it looked no more than a very hard bee sting, Eric did enjoy it non-the less. Having removed his collar and chain, Eric turned the water on in the shower, he turned around and began to undress Zane. He knelt at his feet and unlaced Zane's boots and removed them, and placed them to the side. Eric then pulled down Zane's socks, and as he lifted each foot, Eric pulled his socks off and stuffed them into Zane's boots. Eric stood up and unbuttoned Zane's shirt and pushed it off over Zane's shoulders and down his arms. Eric tugged the remaining material out of the top of Zane's jeans, which also pulled Zane's t-shirt of the top of his jeans. Folding Zane's shirt, Eric laid it on top of Zane's boots. Eric then pulled the t-shirt off over Zane's head. As Eric revealed Zane's abdomen and chest, Eric marvelled at Zane's eight-pack of very taught pecs. When Eric had pulled the t-shirt free, he folded that up as well and laid it on top of Zane's shirt. Eric knelt in front of Zane again and undid Zane's belt and the top button of Zane's jeans. Eric slid the zipper down over Zane's growing mound in his jeans. When he had undone the zip on Zane's jeans all the way, Eric leaned in and inhaled the manly muskiness of Zane's crotch. Forgetting that they weren't the only two people in the world, Eric reached around to free the material at Zane's lower back, so that the jeans fell from just below Zane's hips, to pool around his knees. Eric feasted on the sight of Zane's genitals as they were held firmly in place by his very tight pair of jocks, straining at the fabric to break free. Zane lifted each leg in turn so that Eric could work his tight jeans off over his feet. When Zane's jeans were finally free, Eric folded them up and placed them on top of Zane's t-shirt. With nothing left to remove, Eric knelt up and very slowly slid the back of Zane's jocks over his arse, until the front of Zane's jocks had no other option but to follow the rest of his jocks, as they headed south. And as Eric pulled Zane's jocks down his legs, he was in the perfect position to see Zane's cock and balls fall free from the confinement of the material and free fall until they reached the limits of Zane's ballbag and the length of Zane's cock. They hung there and flopped around until they found their natural resting place between the tops of Zane's thighs. Eric drank in the sight of Zane's small balls, and thickened cock, as it pointed to a spot on the floor just past Zane's toes, while he wondered how much Zane's cock would actually grow too.

When he pulled Zane's jocks of his feet, Eric straightened up, he knew what Sir's instructions were, and they didn't include anything else but showering and shaving Zane. But Zane had been the object of Eric's desires for a long time, and now here he was standing naked in front of Eric. Eric couldn't help himself, and he leaned forward and nestled his nose in Zane's thick bush of pubic hair, and inhaled the very essence of Zane's odour that he could smell there. He could feel Zane's cock continuing to grow as it began to push against his chin. Eric continued on his way down Zane's cock, inhaling deeply of the smell that was radiating off Zane's cock. Piss and sweat, but not in equal measure. Until he reached the tip of Zane's cock just as it peeped out of Zane's foreskin. Eric's tongue slowly snaked out and lightly licked the very tip of Zane's growing cock, Eric hooked his tongue on the underside of Zane's cock and drew it into his waiting, willing mouth. Meanwhile, Zane's hands explored Eric's bald head, until they came to rest at the back of Eric's head, just as Eric's tongue was drawing Zane's cock into his mouth. And ever so slowly Zane pulled Eric's head to its inevitable meeting with his pubic area and didn't stop until he could feel Eric's nose buried deep in his pubic hair once again.

When he felt Eric trying to push himself off his cock, Zane released some of the pressure on the back of Eric's head, but just enough so that Eric could pull back and take a breath, before Zane forced his cock down Eric's throat once again. Zane's cock was nowhere near as big as Master's cock, and Eric had no problems with accommodating it at all, in fact, Eric forced as much of Zane's cock down his throat just so he could bury his nose in Zane's damp, musky pubic hair. With his nose buried as deep in Zane's pubic hair as he could possibly get it, Eric reached around and parted Zane's butt checks and circled the opening of Zane's anus with a finger while he continued to suck Zane's cock. When the tip Eric's nose came into contact with Zane's skin, he could actually feel the vibrations of Zane's low moans as Eric continued to deep throat Zane's cock.

When Eric could feel Zane's balls being pulled up to the base of his abdomen, Eric pulled himself off Zane's cock, much to Zane's disappointment. That was until Eric spun Zane around and applied enough pressure to Zane's lower back the Zane had to bend at the waist, which caused his arse cheeks to separate, and Eric got his first whiff of the musky smell of Zane's arse crack. Eric couldn't wait any longer; he just had to sample Zane's hole right there and then. Consequently, he buried his face between Zane's arse cheeks and began to drill Zane's incredibly virginally tight hole, and revelled in the smell and taste of Zane's musty arse. When Eric's tongue had forced its way into Zane's hole, he could feel Zane working his hole as it would trap and release Eric's tongue occasionally. Even though Eric thought he'd never get enough of Zane's hole, eventually he did, and he moved down to Zane's perineum and licked and sucked up all the sweat he could find there.

Then very reluctantly, Eric pulled himself off Zane, and he pushed Zane under the shower and Eric began to wash all of Zane. Beginning with the top of Zane's head he worked his slow way down Zane's face, and on down Zane's neck, and while he was concentrating on Zane's neck, Eric could actually see the blood pulsating through the vein in Zane's neck. Reluctantly Eric made his way down to Zane's impressive pectoral muscles, that looked like the two very impressive slabs of flesh they actually were. Disappointingly, Zane's paps were very small, but still, Eric couldn't resist the urge to reach his tongue out and give them both a very light feathery lick. Eric lifted Zane's right arm up over his head, and before he used the face washer on it, Eric licked and sucked all the watery sweat there he could find, and when he was satisfied that it was clean, Eric finally washed it with the face washer. Before moving over and doing the same to the other armpit. Reluctantly Eric moved on down and washed Zane's eight-pack, ridge by solid ridge, before he spun Zane again so Eric could wash his back. Eric watched the soapy water as it disappeared down Zane's arse crack as it continued on its way to the base of the shower recess. Eric pushed Zane in the small of his back, and Zane obliged by leaning forward so that Eric had unfettered access to his arse. Eric washed the very small but incredibly taut globes of Zane's arse before he parted them and washed Zane's arse crack for him. When it was cleaned to Eric's satisfaction, he spun Zane around again and lovingly washed Zane's very erect cock and balls. Eric made his way down Zane's incredibly muscular legs. Eric loved the definition Zane had achieved with his legs as he marvelled at the promise of strength Zane's muscles spoke of.

Eric finished Zane in the shower and turned the water off and taking Zane by the hand he led him out of the shower cubicle and proceeded to dry Zane off. Eric got the shaving crème, and starting with the very light dusting of hair on Zane's chest; Eric proceeded to lather up and shave Zane's entire chest. Having finished with Zane's chest, he moved to his armpits and then down Zane's arms, before moving back and doing Zane's abdomen. Eric turned Zane around and lathered up and shaved the dusting of hair at Zane's lower back. Eric continued down and shaved Zane's surprisingly hairy arse before he got Zane to help him by getting Zane to separate his own arse cheeks so that Eric could shave his cleft and hole for him. When he was satisfied, Eric shaved the backs of Zane's legs, before turning Zane around again and this time starting at Zane's impossibly narrow ankles, he made his slow way up Zane's legs until he could finally shave Zane's pubic region. Eric shaved Zane's treasure trail and pubic hair. As he got closer to the base of Zane's cock, he raped his fingers around Zane's ball bag and with his thumb holding onto Zane's cock, Eric applied enough pressure to pull the skin as taut as he could. Eric finished saving all around Zane's cock and balls before he pulled the skin taut on Zane's ball bag and proceeded to shave there as well. Eric shaved the odd stray hairs he could find around the base of Zane's cock and pronounced him finished by giving Zane's cock a light kiss.

Never having shaved himself before, or have anyone else shave him before, Zane was so aroused by the experience and the feel of his now denuded crotch that Zane felt as horny as hell. In fact, he was so horny that he grabbed Eric by one ear and bent him over the stool that was in the corner of the room, and without so much as a please or thank you, Zane rammed his cock as far as he could get it down Eric's very willing hole. Without waiting to see if Eric's arse would be able to accommodate his cock, Zane just started to pile drive his cock in and out of Eric's arse for all he was worth. Eric, meanwhile, was enjoying being used and abused by his very hunky foreman that he'd just had the pleasure of showering and shaving. And before too long Eric could feel Zane's cock bucking inside his arse as it spewed Zane's first load of hot fresh cum deep into Eric's bowels. Zane collapsed onto Eric's back as he felt his cock buck and erupt shooting its load of hot cum deep inside Eric's arse. When Eric thought Zane had recovered himself enough, and before Zane's cock softened enough to fall out of Eric's arse. Eric bucked Zane off his back and spun around on the spot, and in doing so, he pulled Zane's cock out of his arse very reluctantly. But once again Eric hovered Zane's softening cock into his mouth, and Eric proceeded to suck Zane's cock back into life until Zane took over and began to rape Eric's very willing mouth for all he was worth.

After Zane had shot his second load of cum down Eric's very willing throat, he collapsed in a heap on the floor. Eric got up and retrieved the clippers from off the bench. Zane grabbed Eric's arm as he brought the clippers close to Zane's head. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, boi?"

Eric looked at Zane with a puzzled expression on his face, "I'm going to shave your head. Sir said I was to shave you, and now I'm going to finish the job, so you look just like me."

"No fuckin' way," Zane retorted. "No one is going to shave my fuckin' had thank you very much."

"Well then," Sir cut in before Eric could reply, "I think that this has gone on far enough, don't you? I knew you didn't have it in you to go all the way and become my `boi'." Sir said as he looked down on a very naked and hairless Zane. "I think it's time you left. Don't you?"

Zane knew that he'd lost. So, he got dressed, and walked over to Eric and kissed him long and deep, and thanked him for the great fuck. He pushed past Sir and made his exit.

Eric, meanwhile, came to the sudden realisation that he'd violated one of Sir's rules and was sitting on the floor, eyes cast down and waited for Sir to pronounce his punishment.

"Just so you don't think I can't treat you occasionally, boi, I do hope you enjoyed the fuck!"

Without saying anything, Eric threw his arms around Sir's lower legs and began kissing Sir's boots in base gratitude.

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Next: Chapter 7

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