Southern Cross Station

By Bastian Ward

Published on Mar 5, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

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By Bastian Ward

While Eric stood at the end of the train carriage, leaning back against the wall, reading his book, almost everyone that was facing in his direction were mentally undressing him with their eyes. Had Eric been looking down the carriage, he would have noticed that even the people standing along the sides of the carriage were turning to look at him. Original they were furtive looks, but as they all realised that he was very intent on his book, their glances turned into leers, and now everyone that could see Eric lounging against the carriage wall reading his book, were staring at him hungrily. As they all began to mentally undress him, some imagined pulling his extremely tight t-shirt off over his head, revealing his large paps, in the process, nestled on the muscles that gave his pecs their invitingly round shape. While the rest just imagined themselves ripping his t-shirt to shreds to get to the flesh underneath. They all mentally peeled his shorts down over the enormous twin globes of his bubble butt. Mentally exposing the creamy white flesh underneath. Some, mentally, left his shorts down around his knees, while others, mentally, pulled his shorts off altogether. By now none of them could wait to imagine freeing Eric's enormous cock and balls from his very overused and stained jockstrap. While some mentally used their hands, hooking their thumbs under the top of his jockstrap's waistband and very slowly sliding their hands down the outside of Eric's thighs, thereby freeing is pendulous cock and balls from their cloth pouch prison. While some of the others, mentally, used their teeth to grab hold of Eric's jockstrap waistband, and by doing so pulled his jockstrap down that way, to free his cock and balls. But the second set could imagine inhaling the musky scent of his non-existent pubic hair and groin. While the others that remained just fantasised about being able to lick and suck his cock and balls through the dirty material of Eric's overused jockstrap. There was a very small minority that just wanted to dream about doing all sorts of unthinkable things to the tall, burly workman as he leaned back against the end wall of their carriage, and none of them cared that they weren't alone with Eric in the carriage. No, that just added fuel to their sick mental musings. Had any of the other passengers, or had Eric happened to look up from his book, they would have noticed that there were a lot of people in that carriage sporting wet patches, that none of them seemed to be aware of. And a lot of the males in that carriage had to try and surreptitiously readjust their own cocks in their pants, which for those poor guys who were sitting down, was a lot more difficult to make the appropriative adjustments. Of course, everyone had theories about his collar, and it would have surprised half of them that they had surmised correctly, and in doing so would have been extremely disappointed that they weren't his `Sir'.

They arrived at Eric's stop, and much to everyone's disappointment, Eric Leaned forward and chucked his book into his bag, and almost everyone in the carriage almost shot there load instantly, while they imagined the sight of Eric bent over, from behind. Straightening up again, Eric grabbed the strap of his bag and threw it over his head as he made his way towards the doors of the carriage. This time everyone on his carriage watched him as he unintentionally worked his arse for his very appreciative, captive, audience, who had to resist the urge to whistle or applaud appreciatively. For the lucky few, who also had to get out at this stop, including those who'd decided it was going to be their stop whether it was or not, got to walk behind Eric as he made his way down the crowded platform. It never occurred to Eric to wonder why it was that he seemed to be able to move down a very crowded platform, almost unimpeded. While the people waiting for their train on the opposite platform were treated to the spectacle of a very tall, and as they all had to admit, very well built male, whether they liked that kind of physic or not. Made his way down the opposite very crowded platform; they got to see the spectacle of the people just flowing around this giant of a man and had they bothered to turn around and check. They would have noticed that more than one of the males standing amongst them were rising to the occasion of seeing such a sculptured mountain of man flesh making his way down the opposite platform. With a lot of the males wishing they could push up against him, accidentally of course, as Eric made his way down the platform. Just so that they could compare their height against his. The width of him against their own, and of course everyone checked out his cock size, and most of them felt they were sorely lacking when they compared themselves against Eric.

Eric didn't realise, or if he did, he wouldn't have cared anyway, that not only were there going to be a lot of men, and some women. Who were going to have trouble keeping their minds on their work that morning, without finding some excuse to go to the toilet just so they could beat off in the toilets. Surprisingly there were also a lot of schoolboys, and girls, who were going to have exactly the same problem, but because they were going to be in class, they were not going to be as free to be able to go the toilet block to relieve their built-up tension wherever they wanted. In fact, in a lot of schools, there were a lot of `Eric appreciation societies', not that the boys, or girls for that matter, knew his name, and there was a lot of mutual masturbation going on. And for a select few boys, they were being introduced to the pleasures of 'boy on boy' sex, probably a bit younger than they would have, normally, had they reached it in their own sexual maturity.

Again, Eric is totally oblivious to the fact that he had, in fact, spawned a very large `Eric appreciation society', again even though they didn't know his name, amongst a lot of schoolboys all over Melbourne. Being schoolboys, no one paid any attention to them and their comings and goings. Except for the early morning commuters who had to put up with crowded trains full of school kids. It was this freedom of movement, coupled with the fact that their parents were probably glad to get rid of their children so early, so they could get on with their own day sans children. The mostly male contingent of secondary school children had made it their mission to find out what station Eric got on the train, and having found that particular train station, and time that Eric boarded his train. The word went out amongst the school children, and they waited every morning for Eric to arrive at the station, none of the mostly boys, were game enough to actually find out where Eric lived, and oh the sights they all missed out on because of that. Had they found out were Eric lived they could have all taken photos on their phones of a very naked Eric displaying himself on his front porch for all the world to see. The boys also miss out on the chance to watch Eric actually stripping naked on his front porch every time he arrived home, and more than one of those boys would have paid handsomely to have a front row seat to that particular show. But, the school kids were content to accompanying Eric to work and taking their surreptitious photos of him on their phones to share amongst themselves and use them to beat off to. There was also a large contingent in this group of boys who also made it their mission to be able to accompany Eric on his way home, particularly so they were able to engineer it that Eric was always able to get a seat. Just so that those boys who made such an effort and went the extra mile, were rewarded by the sight of Eric's slight manspreading, and if it weren't for the material of his shorts and jockstrap. These boys would have been treated to a very unobstructed view of Eric's genitalia, but the little bit that the boys were able to see was enough for them to fuel their night-time self-ministrations, and dreams. Couple that with the pheromones that Eric was giving off at the end of the day, and it truly was a wonder that the floor of the train carriage wasn't awash with boy cum, on a daily basis.

In fact, it could be said that Eric provided a public service, both to schools and parents alike, as the boys, and some girls, got themselves up early for school and left home without so much as a backwards glance. As for the schools, well all the boys, and some girls were on their best behaviour all day, so as to avoid any kind of detention, and therefore being kept in after school. Of course, there is always a downside to anything so good, and it was mainly manifested amongst the boys than the girls, and that was that a lot more boys were exploring their sexuality a lot earlier, and more public than they would have normally. But the parents, and teachers, being blissfully ignorant of the reasons why, where secretly praying that whatever was going on with the kids never stopped until they graduated secondary school. It must also be said that the more effeminate boys were capitalising on their new-found acceptance at school, and a lot of them were happy to bend over for their fellow students. Some of the more enterprising ones were charging for the chance for the other boys to use them, and it was working out to be quite lucrative for them.

Yes, Eric was totally oblivious to his contribution to ensuring that schoolboys behaved themselves, or to the cottage industry that had sprung up around him. No, anytime that Eric was out of the house all he could think about was getting back home again so he could try and please Sir that much more. Sir, on the other hand, being a teacher in one of the more prestigious all-male private schools in Melbourne, like his fellow teachers knew that something was affecting his students but didn't know what. And had he known the reason, would he have been angry or pleased? As he didn't know or cared about the reason too much, we'll never know, all we'll know is that he along with his fellow teachers were enjoying the ease of their days. Knowing full well that it could change any day just like the wind.

Had his students known that one of their science teachers was Eric's Master. The man that Eric couldn't wait to get home and please. That Eric fantasised about all day every day. The person who made Eric feel bereft when he was parted from. Had the boys known that one of the teachers they despised the most was, in fact, the object of Eric's desire. Well, they would have sat at their teacher's feet all day every day, just waiting to be able to pester him about what it was like to have total control over the mountain of sculptured man flesh they all fantasised about. Although, had the more aggressive boys in this group known what the two men got up to, mainly behind closed doors. Then those effeminate amongst them may have begun to wish they had remained even deeper in the closet. Yes, school would have and could have been just so very different for so many people.

Instead, the pupils made fun of Sir' behind his back, and without realising it, some of this animosity spilt over into the boy's interactions' with each other both before and after school, as well as during their recess'. While the boys hadn't graduated to physically restraining the more effeminate conquests' amongst them. There was quite a lot of corporal punishment involved in their sex sessions; whether it was enjoyed by all or not, the aggressors didn't care if the subs liked it or not. All the aggressors amongst them knew was that they enjoyed it. Very much. In fact, the Eric movement' had become so big that the boys had to organise a series of lookouts so that they were not caught out in their extracurricular' activities. As more of the boys, wanted to join in with the extra-curricular' activities, the boys actually began to put on shows' for each other, and while the tops' spurred each other onto going bigger and better. The subs also spurred each other on and began to keep score of who amongst the other boys they'd actually had sex with, and as the tops' were becoming more discerning about who they'd fuck. So, the subs worked harder at trying to be able to add more of the upper tops' to their lists of guys who'd fucked them, and so a hierarchy among the `subs' was born.

Had Eric even bothered to notice those around him, he may just have noticed this being played out on the trains by the boys, with the tops' telling the subs' where they could or could not sit. How close the tops' allowed the subs' to get to them. In effect, the boy tops' were actually teaching themselves how to be tops' without even realising it, while the boy subs' were learning how to be subs' and learning their place in life. Again, without realising the true education, they were receiving. Whether this was continued on into adulthood, who's to say?

Eric arrived at his stop and grabbed his bag by the strap, which had been on the floor between his feet, forcing Eric to spread his legs even wider than he probably would have needed to otherwise. Consequently, all the boys could see that the head of Eric's cock actually rested on the seat that he was sitting on. They could also see that sitting down, Eric's balls and ball bag spread over the seat as well, even in the confines of his jockstrap. All the boys were envious of what they could see, and all of them had huge penis envy. Unbeknownst to a lot of the players in this little drama, there had actually grown a little `committee' that decided who got to sit on Eric's seat after the man had vacated it himself.

So, being totally oblivious to the effect he was having on the people around him. Eric got off at his usual stop, and with a spring in his step, Eric headed home to the object of HIS desire. And when he arrived home, Eric stripped on Sir's front porch, rang the doorbell, and went into `kneeling display' and waited for Sir to come and let him into the house.

Friday afternoon, Eric was almost beside himself, with anticipation of spending the weekend with Sir, and a few of Sir's friends Friday night, but then the rest of the weekend it would just be Eric and Sir in the house alone. And Eric couldn't wait. He ran up Sir's short front path and placed his work bag beside the front door, and then he stripped naked and folded all of Sir's clothes and placed them on top of his work bag. Before Eric placed his jockstrap on the very top of the pile, he stood there completely naked and holding the very damp jockstrap to his face he inhaled all the scents and aromas, that had built up over a week of constant use, he could find there. And before he was totally sated, Eric very reluctantly placed the very used jockstrap on the very top of the pile of Sir's clothes. Rang the front doorbell and went into kneeling display and waited patiently for Sir to let him inside. While he waited, Eric could feel the cool breeze as it blew on and around his crotch and arse.

Eventually, Eric heard the front door being unlocked, but Sir didn't tell Eric that he could come in but had left the front door wide open. So, somewhat reluctantly Eric stood up, and gathering up Sir's things, keeping his legs ramrod straight as he bent at the waist, he let himself into the house and closed the door behind himself. Again, keeping his legs ramrod straight when he placed them on the floor just inside the door so he could close the front door. He picked up Sir's belongings, still keeping his legs ramrod straight, and took them out to the laundry, as he passed through the kitchen Eric noticed that his collar and chain weren't waiting for him on the kitchen bench. So, he assumed that Sir had left them in the laundry for him, but when he got to the laundry, he couldn't find them there either. Instead what he found was a set of his own clothes left out for him. Unsure what to do, Eric decided that the only reason Sir would have left the clothes there was if, in fact, Sir had wanted him to wear them. So, after placing Sir's clothes on the bench, Eric picked up the pair of jocks that was waiting for him.

It felt strange, to Eric, to be getting dressed in what should have been normal clothes', but after spending the past three or four weeks naked in the house and front and backyards, it now felt foreign for Eric to be pulling on a pair of jocks. It's funny how quickly Eric had forgotten the feel of the fabric of his jocks as he pulled them up over his arse, and it took Eric a minute or two to decide on which side he'd dress his cock as well. He folded it towards the right and pulled the jocks up over it, but that felt a bit too odd, so he pulled down the front of his jocks and folded his cock to the left, but that kinda felt more odder. And the jocks held his balls so much snugger than he liked. How on earth had he ever liked dressing like this', he asked himself, getting frustrated and not realising that it wouldn't be the last time that he posed that same question to himself, as he continued to get dressed. He pulled his shirt over his head, and thought he was swimming in it; it felt so large on him now. He pulled on his shorts, that had also been left out for him and felt as though he was imprisoning himself, and he was deciding that he really didn't like the way that the legs of his shorts encased his thighs. Eric was contemplating just ripping all his clothes off, but then reminded himself that Sir must have a reason for making him dress like this, and Eric didn't like the idea that was forming in the back of his mind. So, he tried valiantly to dismiss it, but it was a struggle. Maybe Sir didn't want him to be his boi anymore. Maybe Sir was going to tell Eric that he was going to leave him tonight. Without realising it, Eric had started to cry, and with the odd tear splashing down on his shirt, Eric left the laundry.

When he walked through the doorway into the kitchen, he found Sir standing at the kitchen bench preparing the food for tonight's gathering. Hi, Eric, how's your day been?"

Eric was almost too stunned to speak, and while he desperately wanted to ask Sir what was going on, he also didn't want to hear Sir's answer as he was sure he wasn't going to like it. Also, when Eric got over the shock of Sir using in name for the second time in all the time they had known each other, Eric noticed that Sir wasn't wearing leather pants or his high lace up boots. And to Eric, it made his Sir look, well, shrunken and old, and that seemed to make Eric even sadder. "I've put a can of beer out for you in the lounge. Why don't you go and watch some TV while I get this all finished? I'll come and join you while we wait for our guests to arrive."

Eric mumbled something in response as he made his way through the kitchen and out into the passage. It was only when he looked up towards the front door, as Eric hadn't realised that he'd kept his eyes downcast in Sir's presence, that he noticed a lot of suitcases in the hall near the front door. The sight of those suitcases was almost too much for Eric, and he managed to make it into the loungeroom before a sop escaped his lips. True to his word there was a can of beer waiting for Eric on one of the side tables. Eric picked up the remote, and for the first time in almost a month Eric actually sat on the chair and turned on the TV. Eric didn't have a clue as to what he was watching, all he could think about was the suitcases in the hall and what they could actually mean.

Without realising it, Eric kept pushing at his crotch trying to get his cock and balls into a more comfortable position in his pants and jocks and wondered yet again how on earth he had ever worn them in the past. Adding to his discomfort was the fact that he was actually sitting in a chair in Sir's house, what killed Eric about it was the fact that had he been asked a month ago, he'd have said it was his favourite chair. But now....

Sir came into the lounge and sat in one of the other chairs and watched TV with Eric. Sir asked Eric about his day and what he'd done, and how he was. And all Eric could do was mumble something in return, when all he really wanted to ask about was the suitcases in the hall and what they really meant. When the front doorbell went, Eric almost shit himself as he shot out of his chair, but Sir put a restraining hand on Eric's arm and told him not to worry about it as Sir went and answered the front door himself. Eric sat back down feeling very glum as he could hear Sir greeting his visitors at the front door. One by one the guests all came into the lounge and greeted Eric by name, and all held out their arms for a hug. Very confusedly Eric stood up and returned their greetings and hugged them all as they then went out to the kitchen and got their drinks. Eric turned off the TV as they all came back into the lounge and sat around and started to talk amongst themselves as well as including Eric in their conversations. No one made any mention of the look on Eric's face as he felt more and more wretched as the night wore on.

Finally, Sir went out and got the food from the kitchen, with the help of one of the guests and brought it all back into the lounge and they continued to talk while they all ate. At some point, but Eric couldn't remember when someone had taken his empty beer can and returned with a glass of wine for him. So, Eric struggled manfully to eat and drink and tried to keep up with the conversation, when all the time inside his head his internal dialogue just ran `round and around and around trying to work out what this all meant. And he didn't like the only answer he could come up with.

So, the night wore on, the empty plates of food were removed and replaced with sweets and cheese and biscuits, all of which was offered to Eric and Eric accepted most of what he was offered. But to Eric, everything he ate or drank was almost tasteless as he longed for the taste of his food soaked in Sir's piss, hot or cold, he didn't care. The night was getting late, and although Eric had only had a couple of alcoholic drinks, he was beginning to feel a little lightheaded, which wasn't helping his internal dialogue very much. When Sir finally stood up in the doorway and Eric thought that now was the time when Sir was going to tell him that he didn't want Eric for a slave anymore, and it almost became too much for Eric, so much so that he missed the beginning of Sir's speech.

"...I normally don't have boi's who are so untrained, which is why I only advertise on the dark web. But, you, somehow or other, found your way onto the dark web, and much to my surprise; not only did you find my ad but you replied. In record time I might add. And having you do all those things in the pub told me that you were very obedient, but I was not prepared for just how untrained you really were. As I told you, that first weekend, I don't usually take on such an untrained boi, but you hinted at being trainable. And I have to admit, that you have taken to your training up to this point..." Eric was sure that Sir was about to tell him he was leaving tonight, and Eric started to cry in earnest, not caring about the other people in the room, as the tears coursed freely down his face. "So, now you have to make a choice, Eric, you've had a little taste of what living as my boi is like." Eric hung his head even lower if that was even possible. ", now you have a choice to make, Eric, as you see I am all packed, and my friends here tonight are more than happy to take me and all my belongings back to my house, and you can have your life back. Or," and with that one-word, Eric's spirits started to lift, "I could remain here and continue training you, in the hope, that, I can train you up into an almost passable boi. Now, Eric, if that is truly want you want, then I want you to come and stand in the middle of the room," Eric made to get up, when Sir's words lashed out at him, like a whip, holding him in his seat. "If you don't want to continue our relationship, then remain in your chair, and we will all leave, never to darken your doorway ever again."

Before the words even had a chance to die out, Eric stood up and walked to the centre of the room. He planted his feet shoulder width apart, and just stood there having not uttered a single word. Because Eric had had his eyes downcast the whole time, he didn't know if Sir had given some kind of signal to his friends or not, and while Eric swayed slightly because of the alcohol, he'd consumed over the course of the night. Suddenly, Eric was surrounded by the people in the room, and they had their hands all over him at once. Someone was rubbing their hands over his head, exploring his bald head and face. Fingers were forced into his mouth as they explored in there as well. Simultaneously, someone was running their hands up under his shirt and popping all the buttons, as they ran their hands over his back, chest, and abdomen. As hands the continued to touch and feel every inch of his upper body, Eric hadn't realised that they had ripped his shirt to shreds in the process, and the shredded remains of his shirt had fluttered to the floor at Eric's feet. While some people were exploring Eric's head and upper body, someone else had ripped the belt out of Eric's shorts and unceremoniously ripped them from his body. And if it hadn't been for the fact that someone's fingers were stuffed into Eric's mouth, he would have moaned at the relief he felt of his genitals being freed from the confines of their cloth prison. Particularly when they ripped his jocks off his body as well, now, apart from his shoes, Eric was almost naked again in Sir's house. Eventually, Eric lost his shoes as well, and Eric gloried in the feel of being naked in the house once again.

But, it didn't take too long for the fingers to begin pinching and pulling at Eric's skin. Eric's arse cheeks were forced apart as someone shoved their dry fingers up his unprepared arse. Eric couldn't tell how many fingers were up his arse because although it hurt like hell, someone else was pulling at his cock and balls, and to Eric, it felt as though they were going to rip his genitals from his body. But Eric didn't care, just as long as his `Sir' kept his promise that Eric could be his boi forever. Someone else was pinching and twisting his paps, and if it weren't for the fact that Eric's mouth was crammed full of exploring fingers, he would have cried out with the pain. Eric couldn't have told you when or how, but he became aware that at some point he'd lost his shoes, as he could, now, feel the wooden floorboards under the soles of his feet. The pain in Eric's arse became so great he thought someone was trying to force their whole hand up his arse, but Eric didn't care. They could have torn him a whole new arse hole if they wanted, all Eric cared about was that he was now Sir's property, and if this is what Sir wanted to do with him, who was he to say any different. At some point, Eric became aware of the fact that someone must have picked up his belt, as they were laying to all over his back, arse and legs. Although how they could do that so well while someone was still trying to force their hand up his arse, Eric didn't care. Someone else had started to rub his cock, and when he was rock hard and standing at attention, the person with the belt had changed their game plan and were now laying into his cock as hard as they could with the belt. It caused Eric's erection to start to flag a bit, so much so, that Eric thought it was going to deflate altogether, but with the stuff, everyone else was doing to his body, it didn't take long for Eric's cock to have a raging hardon again. So much so, that he was now leaking copious amounts pre-cum. Eric saw stars just as the hand trying to force its way up Eric's arse, finally overcame his sphincter, and he could fell the hand invading his insides. At that precise moment, Eric shot his cum all over the loungeroom floor, and anyone who happened to be in the way. Eric would have crumpled to the floor if he hadn't been impaled on someone's arm, and it was only that arm being up his arse that was holding him upright at the moment. Eric was so spent that he couldn't even marvel at the strength the person, with their arm up his arse, was displaying. Even though his upper body had fallen forward, so that now the person with the belt was laying into any part of his upper body, they could access.

Suddenly, Eric felt his upper body being held very tightly, as the person unceremoniously, and almost cruelly pulled their whole arm and hand out of his aching arse in one fell swoop. The second the man's fingers finally left Eric's arse, all the supporting hands were removed from his body, and Eric crumpled to the floor, and he lay their aching both inside and out, but oh, so happy.

It took Eric a minute to realise that he was being spoken too, that is until a boot connected with his cock and balls so hard that Eric almost puked on the spot. He somehow managed to look up enough to see his collar and chain dangling just in front of his face. With shaking hands Eric managed to grab hold of the collar, and with a lot of effort managed to get it around his neck and locked the padlock connecting the collar to the chain. Someone pulled on the chain, cruelly, and Eric stumbled to his feet as best he could, under the circumstances, as he was led out the back door. Eric fell down most of the steps as he was continually dragged along by his collar and chain. It wasn't until he heard the other end of his chain being locked around the base of the clothesline, that Eric allowed himself to finally fall to the concrete and drifted off into a very exhausted, but happy sleep.

Let me know what you think Bastian

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