Southern Breeze

Published on Jun 20, 2020


Southern Breeze 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

Dexter and Denny were a trip. Dexter was semi virgin. Denny was virginal in a 19th Century way. He was slightly effeminate, and I suspect radar could have identified him as gay a hundred miles away. He knew he was gay and that he wanted sex with men. He had been too sheltered to do it. He was twenty-three- years old, home schooled, and then sent to a Bible Thumper College. He majored in Old Testament studies.

His father died of a surprise heart attack two years earlier, and his mother had a breakdown and was now living with her sister. He discovered that Old Testament Studies were not the pathway to wealth and success. He was now a data entry clerk for a large accounting firm. An aunt had died and left him with little more than a hundred thousand dollars, and he had splurged to come on the cruise.

On the ship, he had seen naked men for the first time, and seen man to man sex, but he hadn't enough nerve to try it himself. Dexter came to the rescue. Dexter was not a world-weary man of the world, but Denny saw him as a friend. Dexter had introduced Denny to the possibility of sex with the "Do unto other as you would have them do unto to you," proverb.

He and Dexter had touched, but oral connections were too much. Denny was afraid he would not like it and would lose a friend. Since Denny didn't know me, I was a possibility for a first sexual encounter.

I was annoyed Dexter put me in that situation and was going to tell then I wasn't interested. Before I had a chance to put that plan into action, I had bent over and was sucking Denny's cock. I was shocked I did that and was going to pull away when I tasted Denny's precum. There was so much of it, I thought it was sperm.

I had expected Denny to pull away in shock. Instead, he melted. He had been afraid it might not be good, but it was better than he could have believed. We went to my bed, but before I could suck him again, he was sucking me with obvious relish. Eventually he was able to suck Dexter and my cocks in his mouth at the same time.

I had assumed Denny wanted a slow introduction to man on man sex. Instead he wanted to do it all. He later told me that he had been afraid that when he went home, he would return to his old rut and sex would be over and he wouldn't have explored sex. Sucking was so good he wanted to know if there were other sexual skills.

Dexter told him I was a nice guy and gentle. That was what Denny wanted. Someone knocked on my cabin door; it was Butkus.

"Damn, you find some good-looking guys!" he said. He walked in the cabin, dropped to his knees, and sucked Denny. I think Denny was too shocked to complain and seconds later he was into it. I figured what's not to like about being sucked off.

Denny was a born-again gay man who had just connected with a redneck, born-again cock sucker. The stars were in alignment. Butkus knew the type and knew sex could be good once you made genital contact. Butkus was the sort of man Denny would have liked if he hadn't been afraid of him. Even timid Denny knew that Butkus had a friendly tongue.

I was with Dexter planning on how to get in his ass. Dexter was making modest suggestions. Butkus and I synchronized our entrance into Dexter and Denny's asses. Doing it with a pal was good for them. As expected, their sphincter objected but some extra lubricant solved the problem.

Remarkably our knobs touched their prostates at the same time, and they understood the allure of anal sex. Dexter's ass molded itself to my cock as I entered him. It was obvious that this was what he had wanted for years. We traded partners a few times and made it to dinner refreshed and happy. Dinner was relaxed and pleasant. Since many of the men and crew had been up all night, most went to their cabins early, including me.

By the next morning, the investigations of the crash were over, and we began the return cruise. There was to have been be a stop in Jamaica, but it was a one-night reservation and another group took our place. By this time, I knew most of the men on the cruise by sight and a good many other the others intimately.

I think I had more sex on the cruise than in the last ten years. I thought I should have felt slutty and cheap, but somehow, I couldn't feel that way. All my Sunday School lessons had failed. It had been great. I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I had also been worried I had been in the Groves of Academe for too long. My adventures with Jones, Edwardo, Otis and Butkus had been good. I hadn't turned into an academic snob.

Jones saw me on the deck and came over. "You were good with the boys the outer day. They enjoyed it a lot," he said, "I enjoyed it too. I hope it was good for you?"

"I certainly did," I replied.

He leaned closer. "At two in the afternoon we have a shift change down below. The boys like to let off some steam before they get to bed. They are really friendly," he remarked.

"That sounds interesting," I replied.

Jones smiled. "We had a passenger a few years ago who said it was too messy and sticky for him," Jones said. "He seems to be been on a number of cruises since then and he has solved the problem with the messy part," Jones added. "He discovered he like being double teamed. He said it was fun and not fattening."

I laughed. I didn't exactly say yes, but he seemed to know my answer. My visit to the men quarters and shower was enjoyable. I had been in the water saving passengers to get into lifeboats. Many of the crew members were muscular and had dragged the ferry's passengers to safety.

Many of the passengers were terrified and had been too scared to be helpful. They were dead weight, and the men Jones called the Big Boys had no problem with that. The Big Boys thought I was pretty. You don't work in the bowels of a ship because you were tired of your modeling career. The Big Boys were not handsome. They were polite, but I think that was company policy. They seemed to think I might be breakable. Jones later told me that they wanted to get off with me before someone broke me.

I am not breakable, and I was sexually versatile and willing. There were four guys in addition to Jones, Edwardo, and Otis. We all had a good time. Rudy and Tom were the biggest of the men, Tony was my size and Carlo was short, a little above five feet tall.

I remembered Carlo from the boats since his small frame was 100% muscle. He had been actively helpful. I was wrong about his muscle. Somewhere in his body there was room for quarts of sperm. I discovered that when I was on my back, Otis sucked me, Carlo sat on my cock and Tony fucked me. It was three-dimensional fornication. I was in that position for about a half hour and the men rotated positions. Whoever shot off was replaced with fresh talent. It was a surprisingly calm and restful position, except for the orgasms.

Jones thought if would be fun to try to coordinate orgasms. Rudy apparently could control himself and shoot on command. We were never entirely coordinated, but we came close. I shot off when Rudy made a sperm present.

My ass was full and dripping. Jones surprised me when he began licking my ass and coaxing his men's cum from my ass. He seemed to like it and the men liked watching him licking my ass savoring their man seed.

It was only 3:30 in the afternoon, so I returned to my cabin to rest. Butkus came by to chat. "Does it bother you to have another guy's cock up your ass?" he asked after a little small talk.

"I thought you might have guessed. I seem to like it," I replied.

"I first thought it was punishment for being a looser," he said. "I was fucked a few times for losing a wrestling bout. I didn't realize the guys were shooting off in me at first. When I realized that I figured it wasn't all punishment."

"After I got out of high school, I still messed around with some of the guys," Butkus continued. "I eventually realized fucking was the reason I liked wrestling. I also discovered some guys liked losing to me. There was one guy that I made a point of losing too. I have been thinking my whole approach to sex is fucked up."

"You don't choose to hear, taste or smell," I said. "Those things are automatic. They are built into us. Cocks are a mostly a utilitarian feature to drain waste products. Eventually we discover they are sometime sensory organs, like ears or mouths. We can't decide if we want that. It happens and we have little, if any, choice. When was maturing, I thought that it was confusing and erratic. I thought you could avoid it."

"Good luck with that," Butkus remarked.

"I sometimes joke that a cock has a mind of its own. You can try to control it, but that is difficult and often turns you into someone you don't want to be," I added. "I think it's best if you accept it and try to keep it in line."

"I liked fucking you. It had seemed low key and relaxing. When I shot off it was relaxing and exciting," he said. "Was it good for you?"

"You noticed that I shot off as soon as you let go?" I asked. Butkus smiled.

"Fucking seems to cover many things. You gave my ass a massage with your cock. I was trying to jack you off with my sphincter. I knew I had done it right when I felt you spurting. I think when I felt you shoot, my cock decided to get in on the fun. We both got what we wanted."

"I don't think of myself as gay," he said.

"Butkus, as long as your cock think's it gay when it is erect, that is fine with me," I said as I got on the bed, laid back and pulled my legs up so he saw my ass. He pushed his cock into my welcoming ass. it was lovely.

"Jones told me you made his guys happy this afternoon," Butkus remarked.

"Does that bother you?" I asked.

"To tell you the truth, it turned me on," he said. "How many guys fucked you?"

"Six guys did me; seven with Jones," I said.

"It's really smooth in your ass. How many of them shot off in you?" he asked.

"All of them did."

"Did you like it? Did you get tired?" he asked.

"They were quite different. It was good," I said. "The men loved it. They liked my ass. but they also liked using their buddies cum as lube. It's nice to be appreciated. Do you like it?"

"I love it," Butkus replied. "I feel like my cock belongs in you." He began to shoot off. I told him that was beautiful. I felt a sense of brotherhood with Butkus and the other men. We had shared our bodies and sperm.

We had an excellent dinner that night and everyone seemed relaxed and happy. The Captain gave a little speech. He thanked us for being so understanding and helpful during the crash and the aftermath. He apologized for having no planned entertainment for the rest of the return trip.

"Since we have had a successful and eventful voyage, I think we can relax our dress standards in the public areas of the ship for the next two days. We have always encouraged men to let it all hang out," he continued. "I suspect there have been many intimate interludes in the cabins. If you want to enjoy your special friends and acquaintances openly, feel free."

"This new rule applies to the main deck of the ship. The previous rules apply to the top deck, the formal salon and the card room," the Captain explained.

"How about the crew?" someone asked.

"Please do not bother the crew while they are on duty. What they do on their own time is up to them," he added.

It may be hard to believe, but some gay men like to gossip. The word about my adventure with the crew got around. I was uneasy about that. I soon discovered that improved my status with most of the passengers.

The passengers had watched me work with the crew saving the people from the ferry. I think most of passengers helped one way or another, but many were older and not in good shape. The men thought I looked good and did what they would have like to do. The brawny crew members looked great. That we connected seemed fitting.

While the cruise was nude, erections and open sex in the public spaces were discouraged. There was a recognition that cocks aren't obedient, but most sex was in the cabins, sauna and underwater. Once and a while there was a quick lick or fondling balls.

I went to the whirlpools and they were busy. I think everyone had made friends on the cruise and this was a chance to introduce friend to other friends, and friends of friends. It seems as if most of the shy and timid men had branched out and some had blossomed. Some of the clusters of men who had joined the cruise as a group had not expanded membership, but that was the exception rather than the rule.

I was with Butkus, Dexter and Denny. Dexter and Denny had been making friends, and three guys joined us: Chis, Marty, and Jules. Chris was tall and thin, Tony was short and thick, and Jules would make the Virgin Mary seem macho. Apparently, Dexter and Denny had told them about our adventures. They were titillated and uneasy. Butkus went to Chris; Dexter to Jules and I was with Denny and Tony. Tony was a muscular, hairy fireplug. His problem was with an over controlling mother and fundamentalist version of Catholicism.

Tony chatted with Denny and I bent over and sucked his cock. He jumped a little when my tongue touched his puckered foreskin. He was hard and oozing three minutes later. In another three minutes he shot off in my mouth. He muttered that he had to go. I told him I wasn't done yet. I kept on sucking and a few minutes later he was hard again.

I got up and Denny began to suck him.

"I didn't expect that," Tony said. "I thought I was done for the night."

"We all have the same equipment," I said. "Your balls must have been filled. You shot a big load."

"You like to eat the stuff?"

"I do. It's more exciting when you share your orgasm. I knew what you were feeling. You were outwardly calm, but I could tell what you were feeling," I said. "It was beautiful."

"I tend to think of it as dirty," he muttered. "I didn't think I should like it."

"There are a lot of things to like about sex with men," I said.

"Have you ever fucked?" Butkus asked. "Our pal likes it in the ass."

"I might like it, but I'm afraid I might shoot off," Tony said.

Butkus smiled. "I have a feeling that most of the guys on this ship wouldn't mind a shot of virgin cum in their backside," he said.

"Would you like it?" Tony asked of Butkus.

"I sure would, but there is a problem. I'd want to fuck you too. I'm a big boy and my cock might be too big for your christening," Butkus said. "I'm not sure you are ready to have my big, old, redneck, dong give your ass a sperm bath."

Much to everyone surprise, Tony was ready. He asked if he could come to my room. He had roommates, so we went to my room along with Butkus and Jules. Like Tony, Jules had a case of virginity he wanted to cure. Tony and Jules got on the bed and pulled their legs over their chests, so their asses were exposed and undefended.

Jules looked like a young Sam Elliot, but with an entirely different personality. He wasn't my type, except for being a size queen. He had a bad childhood and had discovered himself in the early 20ies. He was a decorator for a party planner. I asked him how he had avoided getting fucked.

"I am a loudmouth life of the party guy in pubic, but I'm a wimp privately," he explained. "You don't scare me."

"Have you seen me erect?" I asked.

He nodded. "I loved it," he replied.

Butkus and I jointly deflowered the them. We took our time. There were one or two rough spots, but they were good sports. We alternated partners. Jules and Tony liked that. It gave them breathing breaks since Butkus and I took out time re-opening their asses. I liked to spend time massaging their sphincters. I liked to retrain it to be more accepting company using the back door.

I also liked using Butkus's precum as lube. I was fucking Tony when I sensed him getting close. I told Butkus and he was able to take Tony load. A little later, Butkus was screwing Jules and Jules was close, and I took his load. Jules was okay, but he was too swishy for me. However, his semen was all male. I know that isn't a rational reaction. He was a gay man squirming on another guy's cock, but that is the way it tasted.

Butkus had a lengthy orgasm. His whole body twitched with each ejaculation, so I knew how many times he squirted. When he pulled out, sperm drooled from Jules' ass. I used my cock to push it in again.

"Oh yes!" Jules moaned, "Make it last! It's beautiful." His ass was unexpectedly tight, but Butkus must shot a few pints of sperm into Jules' ass. Somehow, Jules' swishy ass filled with macho Butkus' man seed turned me on big time. I think it was good for Jules too.

I had thought of cock ooze as a by product of sex. I now realized I thought of precum and cum as an important part of sex. They are involuntary parts of sex. You can't make your cock ooze precum, and you can't fake an orgasm when a guy is sucking you.

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