Southern Hospitality

By Take Notice

Published on Feb 12, 2012


When I moved into my new dorm at college, I was nervous to meet my roommate, who I knew nothing about except for a first name: Andrew. I had just accepted to a large state university in Alabama, even though I grew up much further North, in Delaware. I was excited to get away from my family, and finally get a chance to be on my own. My nervousness was due to the fat that, for the past five years, I had known I was gay, and still hadn't told anyone or acted on it in any way (well besides looking at porn and reading Nifty, that is). My lack of experience wasn't due to poor looks, more to shyness and personal reservations about being perceived as "one of those" gay sluts (little did I know at the time?).

I am a little over 6 feet tall, and thin, weighing 145 lbs, with short brown hair and hazel eyes. I am completely straight acting, another reason for my lack of exposure in the gay world. As a result, I wasn't too nervous about Andrew, since I figured he'd never know I was gay. I worried slightly about how I was going to continue what at that point had become a pretty healthy porn habit. Anyways, my parents and I were in the room, organizing my stuff, waiting for Andrew and his family to arrive. I stopped my parents from putting too many things in place, insisting first that we need to check where Andrew would like to put things.

As we talked casually, moving things about, a large 270 lb, 6'5 man opened the door, speaking with a thick Southern accent, "Who's Kyle?" I nervously raised my right hand, wondering who this guy was.

My mom spoke first to ask, "Oh hi. Are you here to fix the air conditioner?" The man looked at her confused then, shrugging her off, yelled "Andrew, get the hell in here. I think your roommate's here. And he's a little guy," he added laughing. Then he looked at me and said "I guess Andrew won't have much trouble keeping you in line." Next, Andrew entered the room. The first thing I thought was He's definitely taking the bottom bunk. Andrew was about the same weight as his dad, 270 lbs, but shorter, and fatter, at just 6 foot 2. He wore huge jeans, a button down that looked like it had been made from a table cloth, and shoes that were at least size 14. He had brown, buzzed hair

Trying to get things started off on the right foot, I stepped forward and put out my hand "Hey Andrew, I'm Kyle. I guess we'll be living together for the next year." I laughed nervously as Andrew nonchalantly walked around me, ignoring my hand, and tossed his bag on the bed. "Bottom bunks mine."

My parents made some awkward small talk with Andrew's father before they had to go. My parents eyed me nervously, before my dad clapped my shoulder and said "Well, we'll leave you guys to it. We have a long drive ahead of us."

Before they stepped out, Andrew's father said to them, in what was the first show of the legendary southern hospitality I had heard about, "Just know, I'm sure Kyle will spend plenty of time at our place this year. We're only three hours out. He'll always be welcome." My parents thanked him, and were on their way. His father hung around for another 20 minutes. Before he left, he made one comment I wasn't really sure about. He walked up to me, put his hands around my waist, almost reaching all the way around, then shook his head, "Damn, you are a skinny one." Then, "Try to get my son out of the room every once and a while. He spends too much time playing computer games and watching TV." With that, he left.

Throughout the night, I tried making uncomfortable small talk with Andrew, who was friendly, but clearly played a little rough. "Fuck, so you're a real Yankee huh? Jesus, your parents sound like they walked out of a country club. Anyways, we should probably clear a couple things up before we get started. I'm gonna set my desk up by the window, so I can see the stadium while I'm on my computer. I'll need the bottom bunk, because let's face it, I'm twice your weight." I laughed nervously, agreeing that it was probably the best idea. He reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of Whiskey. "You want some?" We both poured glasses and he sat on his bed and drank, while I sat in my desk chair.

I still couldn't believe how big he was. His forearms were coated with black hair, which I could only assume covered most of his body. "I definitely needed a drink, after the time I spent in the car with my parents."

Andrew stood up after downing his glass. He filled it back up and said "Yeah they seemed pretty fucking lame. I'm sure you're glad to be away from them." I was somewhat taken aback by his willingness to bash on my parents in front of me. I considered saying something, but lost my train of thought when he stepped out of his jeans and I saw he was wearing a pair of grey boxer briefs which were, by nature of his size, stretched tight across him. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and tossed them on, before taking another big swig of his drink. "Masterbation."

"Umm? What?" I responded to his surprising non-sequitur.

"We gotta talk masterbation." He was looking me directly in the eyes now. "Listen, I like to masterbate a lot, and having a roommate is gonna be tough for me."

I responded nervously, "OK."

"But the way I see it, every guy our age wants to masterbate, when other options aren't available. Even Northerners." He laughed loudly. "As you'll probably find out, I'm a pretty unembarrassed person, so you're gonna catch me jackin' it eventually. I just want to get it out of the way now to let you know, we're both guys here. It's gonna happen."

I was shocked by what we were talking about. "OK, I guess that's cool. I may not be as open, but I guess I don't have any huge problem with that."

"Well good," he said, finishing another glass of whiskey, "I'm glad I didn't get some fairy roommate who'd be watering every time I took out my cock. I think we're gonna get along fine."

We spent a couple hours drinking, and the topic of masterbation didn't come up again. There were a few questions about my dating life, which I dodged, as I always have, by referring to a few hook ups but saying I wasn't into relationships. "That's cool. I have a girlfriend. She's kind of a bitch but she puts out and doesn't really give a shit what I do when I'm not around her, so it kind of works." He was clearly very drunk at this point. I watched the TV lambently as I listened to him talk about her. "I mean she'll do anything. Two things I love: 69ing and anal sex, and she gives me plenty of both." I thought for the moment of all 270 hairy lbs of Andrew, carrying an upside down girl on his torso, or pounding into her ass with his cock. I wondered for a moment how big it was, and wondered when I would finally see it.

The night went on in a similar fashion. Eventually, I told him I'd need to pass out, and climbed to the top bunk after brushing my teeth in the bathroom. Andrew finished his whiskey, and dropped his sweatpants, along with his boxer briefs. I looked at his big, round, hairy ass. He scratched his right cheek, before turning off the light. I heard as he climbed into bed. We laid in silence for a few minus before I heard him say, "Kyle you still awake?" I laid in silence, wondering if I should say anything.

I was about to say something, when I started to feel a slight rocking. I remained silent, realizing he was masterbating. Now, a 270 lb man masterbating on the bunk below you can really get things moving. I wondered how he could possibly think i was still sleeping. I could hear the squishing of a wet cocked rubbing its precum against his hand. Along with the rhythm of his hand, I could tell he was gyrating his pelvis, which rocked the bed to a different cadence. I took out my cock and slowly started rubbing it. With the movement of the bed, there was no way he'd be able to tell. Not to mention, he was kind of in his own world. After about 15 minutes, I came, and, unable to move, rubbed it off with my sheet. Andrew was still going, however, for another 30 minutes! I could feel his hips bucking below me, the entire bed now shaking, as he moaned loudly. I wondered how much semen he shot, how big his cock was. He clearly had an impressive stamina.

My eyes, having adjusted to the light, watched his silhouette stand, and walk over to my hamper, where he pulled out one of my shirts. His back turned, he wiped the semen off of his dick, stomach, and even his chest before tossing it in my hamper. What an asshole. I thought. With that, he climbed back into bed. My head was spinning as I tried to sleep. As I nodded off, I could hear chips crunching, as he ate below me.

Next: Chapter 2

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