Southern Submissive

By Moore

Published on Oct 31, 2002



Part 10

Chapter XVI

I vaguely remember running and falling and rolling, hitting my head and, and, and...nothing else when I came to. I don't know how long I laid there, looking around, confused, trying to think, but think about what. My mind was blank. The throbbing pain in my head was real, so was the awful smell invading my nose. I was lying next to a pond in a patch of beautiful flowers. Flowers are supposed to smell nice...these smelled terrible. I swallowed hard, worried about my condition, a lovely taste came into my mouth. Sharp and tangy, richly flavored, a hint of salt, familiar and delicious. I couldn't remember where I'd tasted it before.

Aside from the pain in my head, nothing else hurt or seemed to be broken when I carefully examined my body from head to toe. I stood up slowly and looked out at the sunlight dancing across the still waters of the pond. I knelt down to take a drink, gasped and spat. Uch, terrible. The water tasted gross. What was going on here. Bad smelling flowers, foul tasting water.

"Hey, mister. Hey mister." I looked up at the sound of a human voice. Two boys were coming towards me. "Whatcha doin', mister? Howdya get here? How come ya got nothin' on, y'all naked? Goin' for a swim?"

"I...I...I don't know." I really had no idea how I had gotten here or who I was for that matter. As for being naked, well, it seemed right, natural. The boys wore shorts, but I felt no shame standing before them naked.

"What's your name, mister? I'm Tyler and this here's my brother Taylor. We're twins, in case ya didn't notice."

"I don't, can't remember my name," I managed to say while inching closer to the wonderful odor coming from their shiny bodies. The closer I got the better it smelled.

"I came here to cool off and that's what I'm gonna do," Tyler, or maybe it was Taylor, said. I'm sweatin' like a pig and...."

"That's it!" I shouted

"What's it?"

"Sweat!" I shouted again, taking a deep breath. The smell of their sweaty bodies sent a dizzying wave of...of desire, I fell to my knees, of...of need to....

"Lookit, he's gettin' a hardon sniffin' my crotch. Oh man, I don' hardly believe it, Tay, guy's smellin' my stinky balls and jerkin' off. Ya think we got us another one a them homosexuals? One a them queer boys like the one daddy found last year?"

"I dunno, maybe."

"Wanna find out? We sure 'nuf had fun with the last one, 'member?" "Yup, I do indeed, Ty, I do indeed. Be a nice change from jerkin' off and suckin' each other from time t' time. No offense, but you ain't much good at suckin'."

They were laughing and then one of them tapped me on the head. "Hey, queer!" I looked up. "Cocksucker!" I smiled. "You wanna suck my dick?"

Suck my dick, suck my dick? Cocksucker? Where had I heard that before? "Yes! Yes!" I said excitedly, remembering. "I do, I do. I want to suck your cock and, and, lick your balls. In my mouth, my cocksucker mouth. Please, in my mouth, put your prick in my mouth and let me suck. Please cum in me."

The words spilled out of my mouth as a rush of pleasurable memories invaded my being. I couldn't remember my name, where I was from or how I got here. But the taste and feel of a hard dick, and semen, oh god, hot and creamy semen squirting into my mouth, coating my tongue all came back to me: Kneeling in front of a man, kissing his balls, licking them, rolling them in my mouth; burying my face in the funky smell of a man's ass, licking the hole, sticking my tongue way inside to taste the juices; and cocks, lots of wonderful cocks, men and boys too, pushing, thrusting, in my asshole, my boy pussy, fucking me from behind like a dog, mounted between my widespread legs, using my body for their pleasure.

Taylor and Tyler, side by side, let their shorts fall to the ground and proudly displayed their boyish pricks. Twin cocks, identical in every respect, from the neat patches of straw colored pubic hair to the rosy pink uncircumcised heads to the wrinkled skin of their sperm filled nut sacks.

"Whatya' waitin' for?" One of them said. "Start suckin'."

I licked my parched lips and said, "My mouth is dry, like sandpaper. Don't want to hurt your cocks. I tried the pond water, but it's not fit to drink. Do you think maybe, if it's not too much trouble, you could maybe urinate, you know, pee in my mouth, let me drink your piss, before I suck you off? Please."

"Water in that pond is the best in the county, but if it's piss you want...whatdya say Ty, feel like pissin' in the cocksucker's mouth? He asked real nice and polite, said please."

"Ain't never peed nobody, ah, sure, if he holds it."

I took a hold of both their cocks and pointed them at my open mouth. The golden flow of warm urine pouring into my mouth tasted sweet and smelled wonderful. I gulped and swallowed as much as I could as fast as I could thankful that I wouldn't have to drink the awful tasting pond water. I shook off the last few drops into my upturned mouth then rubbed the rapidly hardening pricks all over my face.

I moaned in satisfaction. A sense of well being filled my soul as I filled my mouth with cock and gently sucked these lovely boys. Naked, on my knees, a hard dick sliding between my lips...I was a cocksucker. No matter I thought, while bobbing my head on one prick and fondling the other, no matter what my life was before I came to this place, this garden of eden, I had been reborn as a cocksucker.

Taylor and Tyler were in my mouth together when they came. Twin spurts of warm semen bounced off the roof of my mouth and coated my tongue. I sucked their cockheads and greedily swallowed each powerful ejaculation of sperm. The memory of awful smelling flowers and gross tasting water was replaced by the wonderful, intoxicating smell and taste of cock and cum. The boys giggled as I suckled their softening pricks, licked their balls and pubic hair, in search of more cum.

Tyler spotted it first. "Lookit," he said to Taylor. "Lookit what suckin' us off did to him." My cock was erect, hardup against my stomach, oozing a steady stream of shiny precum. I sat back on my ass and spread my legs. Ask first, I thought, ask your masters... the word kind off popped into my head. Masters. Taylor and Tyler, teenage twins, years younger than me, were my masters. And I...I, I was their slave boy, their slave boy cocksucker.

"Sure, go ahead cocksucker," Taylor said when I asked permission to jerk off. "Blow a load, shoot cum all over yourself."

My prick was slick with precum. A big drop of the shiny stuff was bubbling out of my wide open pee slit. With my eyes on my young masters I leaned over and licked it off. "Do that again! Didya see that Ty? He licked his own dick! "Do it again."

I not only licked my dick again, but parted my lips slightly and, under the wide eyed gaze of my masters, took the head of my dick into my mouth. Shamelessly, without any embarrassment whatsoever, I sucked my own cock. I laced my fingers behind my head and slid every inch of my dick into my slave boy cocksucker mouth. I gave myself one hell of a blow job, lots of spit and head bobbing. I could have cum with my dick in my throat, but I wanted them to see me shoot cum in my mouth and all over my face. Spurts of cum into my mouth and spurts of cum onto my face. I didn't swallow right away either. I wanted Taylor and Tyler to see me, see their cum covered slave boy, with my mouth filled with cum and watch me swallow.

"Fag," I said softly, nose still buried in my pubic hair which all but covered what was written there. FAG. Upside down, yet clear as the sperm shiny nose on my face. I sat up, thrilled at my discovery, and happily announced that I had remembered my name. My announcement was met with stunned looks of disbelief, snickers, then giggles and finally, outright laughter.

"Pleased t' meet ya, Faggot," Tyler said between fits of laughter. "S'ok we call ya Fag, y'know, for short?" Taylor added. "Faggot's such a mouthful. You know all about mouthfuls, huh? Mouthful of cock, mouthful of cum, guy's nuts stuffed in your mouth? Sound familiar?"

The boys'laughter didn't bother me at all because what they said about cock and cum and nuts, in my mouth, my slave boy cocksucker mouth...I recalled boys, girls too, laughing at me all the time. I was remembering some stuff, not where I was or how I got here, but...."Tyler? Taylor?" Ask them nicely, like a good little slave boy. "Please could I, may I..."

"What is it, Fag?" The said in unison.

"May I suck your cocks again?"

I had one bad moment after the second round of eagerly given blow jobs. I banged my head climbing into the back of their pickup truck and just for a second a cloud of uncertainty descended. I felt shame at being naked, humiliated by what I had done; a sense that sucking cock, swallowing semen and urine, kissing and licking a boy's balls was not normal, were degrading acts performed only by the lowest form of human life. The cloud lifted, was forgotten, as quickly as it came and I happily settled my naked ass down on a bale of hay. An old hound dog lifted his head, gave me the once over with his big sad eyes and went back to licking his red tipped cock and loose balls with his long wet tongue.

The truck came to a squealing, gear grinding, stop in the front yard of a run down place. "Pa, pa, lookit what we found."

A grizzly bear of a man, naked from the waist up, came out of the house and over to the truck. Taylor and Tyler jumped out of the cab to stand at his side.

"Kin we keep him, pa? Keep him for suckin' and fuckin'?" Taylor said excitedly, pointing at me. "His name's Faggot, Fag for short, an' he's one a them gay boys," Tyler added, "You know, queer, like the fella you brung us last year."

"Not so fast, boys, not so fast. Where'd you say you found him, an' what makes you think he's one a them queers?"

"By the pond, side a 248. All naked like he is now an' we didn' do nothin' pa, didn' force'im, he asked. Ain't that right, Ty? Ain't that right?"

"Yessir, yessir, Tay's tellin' the truth," Tyler quickly agreed. He come right out and asked, real polite, if'n he could suck our cocks."

Chapter XVII

Pritchard county, an hour southwest of Lexington, Kentucky, had been home to the Pritchard clan for more than 150 years. Early on, the large family made a fair living by farming, hunting and fishing and selling their homemade moonshine. Not known for intelligence, years of intermarriage and no small amount of incest had further diminished the already challenged gene pool. During the depression years of the 1930s, the practice of selling their prettiest pre-teen daughters to Lexington's whore houses to supplement their dwindling income had decreased their numbers. Jefferson Davis Winslow III, sprawled naked in the back of a pickup truck, was in the company of the last three Pritchards left in the county.

Taylor and Tyler's mother, Ruth, their father Sam's daughter, was, consequently, their step sister too. Ruth's mother was Sam's sister so she was also their aunt. Hardly unusual, Pritchard brothers and sisters, mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, routinely slept with each other which led to a very tangled family tree. During the 1950s, Ichabod Pritchard, Sam's father and half brother, was head of the family. Under his free-wheeling, penny pinching way, scores of Pritchard offspring, scantily clad girls and stark naked boys, roamed the isolated county; copulating like animals in heat with whomever they were with, whenever and wherever they felt the urge to breed.

Due to inbreeding and custom, Pritchard males exhibited many of the same characteristics. They had donkey brains, for sure, reached sexual maturity at an early age, hated clothes, and they had donkey genitalia. Three quarters of an inch a year generally, sometimes more, rarely less. Twelve year old totally naked boys with nine inch erections, testicles swollen with semen, shamelessly coupled with their sisters and cousins during the day and with the adults at night. By age seventeen when the growing stopped, bare assed boys with thirteen inch penises proudly displayed were a common sight in the county and had usually fathered several children.

Homosexual behavior was rare until the 1970s when, for a variety of reasons, the number of sexually receptive young girls and mature women declined. Without females, men accustomed to frequent sex on demand, frequent ejaculations of enormous quantities of sperm, turned for relief to the young boys in the clan. They discovered that boys as young as seven could provide manual and oral service just as good as girls. Boys with mouths large enough to accommodate large organs were praised, singled out to spend hours fellating their kinfolk and ingesting large amounts of semen. Sam was one of the first to use a boy for anal sex, but this was thought to make the boy queer and nobody wanted a Pritchard boy to be labeled queer.

Impregnated by Sam at 13, Ruth had run off with a traveling salesman when Taylor and Tyler turned twelve and began to ejaculate during their nightly forays in her bed with their father. Highly sexed, Ruth had no qualms about taking care of her menfolk, she'd been having intercourse and fellating Pritchard men since she was a little girl. Nor did she mind, in fact, she rather enjoyed having her infant twin sons in bed with her and Sam and suckling their little penises and testicles while Sam's oversized organ filled her vagina.

The boys grew quickly, nourished primarily on deer and squirrel and the ample milk that flowed from Ruth's breasts. At six years old, the boys began to sprout five inch erections and have dry orgasms while they nursed at her breasts. No longer content to wait for bedtime, Ruth began to suckle her sweet smelling sons, take them inside her silky wetness during the day while Sam was off hunting or selling his moonshine. She also enjoyed watching her little boys play together naked between her legs, suckle each other they way she had taught them until their small naked bodies writhed with little orgasms, while she masturbated with the fattest corncob she could find. Sam too took great pride in his fine sons and as his performance in bed declined with age he relied more and more on his boys to keep the insatiable Ruth satisfied.

No more babies he warned Ruth repeatedly, claiming he was too old at 65 to put up with the fussing and crying of newborns. So when Taylor and Tyler showed pubic hair at age eleven and started to ejaculate small amounts of semen, Sam put an end to any further intercourse between mother and sons. Suckins' okay, but no fuckin' became the rule. Taylor was the first twin to ejaculate a full load of sperm laden semen while his penis was deep in his mother's mouth. Tyler followed his brother's lead the next day with a big load of creamy sperm which he squirted all over Ruth's face and breasts.

Ruth liked fellating her preteen sons, having them ejaculate in her mouth or on her face, but she sorely missed Taylor and Tyler taking turns between her legs, mounting her like a bitch dog in heat. She missed guiding their turgid organs into her sopping wet vagina and their energetic thrusting and pumping, and the multiple orgasms she got from their couplings. She begged Sam to buy some condoms, but Sam wasn't about to spend scarce money on scum bags, as he called them, when he wouldn't spend money on food or on clothes. They ate what Sam found or caught and they wore what little clothes they owned. The boys preferred going naked anyway.

Ruth was gone within the month and Sam was left to raise his now sexually mature sons alone. Taylor and Tyler took care of each other's sexual needs orally. They took care of Sam too, once a month or so, when he felt the urge or got an erection watching his boys pleasuring each other. Last year when the boys were sixteen and Ruth had been gone more than four years, Sam happened upon two young men, queers, camping on his land. He knew they were queers because he saw one cornholing the other. Suckin's jes' fine, Sam always told his sons, but bendin' over, takin' dick up the ass, that's fer queer boys, One fellow ran off when he spotted Sam, leaving his pal, naked, hog tied ass up across a fallen tree. They had fun with that queer boy for three months, until, as Sam explained it, his boy pussy wore out from too much fuckin', and they let him go. Now it appeared that Taylor and Tyler may have found another one.

Chapter XVIII

Taylor and Tyler climbed onto the bed of the truck with me. "Watch this, pa," Taylor said as he and his twin let their ragged shorts fall to their feet. "See how fast Fag bones up jes' lookin' at us nekkid? We tried him out by the pond an' Fag sucks cock good as the boy ya' brought home last year. Watch, pa."

Hearing my name, Fag, I scrambled to my knees and opened my mouth, eager to show the old man what a good cocksucker I was. "Yes, thank you," I said politely when Tyler asked if my mouth was dry, if I was thirsty again...if I wanted a drink of water or a drink of piss, before I sucked his cock. "No water," I said, remembering how bad the water in the pond tasted. "Fag doesn't like water. Fag likes piss." I liked my name, Fag, short for Faggot, saying it out loud. It suited me and I liked the way it sounded. According to my new friends I was a queer...whatever that meant. My past may be a blank, but at least I had a name and a future as a queer.

I drank deeply of Tyler's golden yellow urine, smacking my lips at the delicious taste of his warm piss as it flowed into my mouth. Taylor didn't have to go, but he promised to save his piss for me to drink later. Instead, he let me lick the sweat under his arms, the hair tickled my nose, and lick between his toes. The smell was so good.

"I reckon you boys are right 'bout this fella bein' queer an' all. Best we wait a day or two, see if somebody don' come 'round lookin' for'im. Nobody comes a callin' we can keep'im t' suck yer cocks an' have some fun fuckin'im. Put a collar on Fag an' lock'im up with the dogs fer now, case he gets a mind to run off. Time fer you boys t' do yer book learnin'. Newspapers inside t' practice yer readin'. Cain't have no dumb Pritchards not knowin' how t' read. No poutin', or sad faces, cocksucker'll keep fer a few days."

"But he ain't blowed us yet, pa," Taylor wailed. "Y'ain't seen how good Fag sucks dick."

"Cocksuckin'll have to wait. You boys best mind me an' keep yer dicks outta Fag's mouth."

I sniffed their balls while the twins protested some before minding the old man. Tyler buckled a collar with a metal leash around my neck and led me and the hound dog to a cage-like enclosure behind the house and next to the barn. I had to crawl in behind the dog since the cage was too low for me to stand up. The dog growled as I settled into a corner. Tyler told me to move because I was in the dog's favorite spot.

Taylor set out two bowls, one for the dog and one for me. The dog's bowl he filled with fresh water from a nearby well...mine he filled with his fresh piss which I greedily lapped up while it was still warm. "Thanks for remembering the piss, master Taylor."

"Your welcome, Fag," Taylor said kindly, pulling on his nuts. He saw me staring at his prick and added. "Sorry, Fag, but you heard what pa said, I can't put my prick in your mouth, you can't suck it. Damn shame too, 'cause I got a big load a sperm heatin' up in my balls."

I was sorry too, and hungry. My stomach was rumbling. A big load of Taylor's sperm, all warm and creamy, delicious, squirting into my mouth, sliding down my throat, was just what I needed to satisfy my hunger. "Master Taylor," I said, the germ of a wonderful idea forming in my brain. "I know your daddy said no cocksucking, keep your dick out of my mouth. Do you think maybe it'd be okay, if it's not too much trouble, you could kind of, you know, jerk off into my mouth? I wouldn't suck it or anything, just keep my mouth open and you could fill it up with the big load of delicious sperm in your balls."

"No suckin', just jerkin' and cummin'?"

"Yes, master, cumming in my mouth."

"Ya want me t' jerk off into ya mouth, fill ya up like a, like a, fill ya mouth up with sperm like a scumbag?"

"Yes! Yes!" I shouted, all excited at the prospect of warm semen, sperm, scum, squirting into my mouth. "Use my mouth for a scumbag!"

"What's all the shouting?" Tyler asked. He was carrying a bowl of sloppy looking stuff, for the dog I guessed. Maybe the dog would share his food with me if Taylor didn't want to jerk off into my mouth.

"It's Fag," Taylor answered. "He's hungry for cum. Since daddy said no cocksucking, keep our dicks outta his mouth, Fag's askin' me t' jerk off, shoot my cum into his mouth. Fill'im up with sperm, sorta like a scumbag."

"Sounds like fun, usin' Fag's mouth for a scumbag. Hey, talkin' 'bout scumbags reminds me of the Christmas when cousin Jeremiah brought a whole box a colored ones an' all us boys came to supper wearin'em over our hard pricks."

"And the girl cousins wouldn't suck our dicks cause they didn't like the rubber taste."

"Best part was tryin' t' put one on Trojan. Remember, Taylor, it kept bustin' cause his cock was way too big."

Taylor pulled Tyler away from the fence and started whispering in his ear. Whatever he was saying...their cocks started growing, they were giggling.

"How'd ya like a really big dick fer ya mouth?" Taylor asked me.

"Big balls too, kinda smelly cause he don't take a bath much, and loaded with sticky sperm." Tyler added.

"Can I suck it," I asked excitedly. "Suck his big dick and eat his cum?"

"You might change yer mind when you see Trojan's cock. It's big! You'll prob'ly have t' lick his balls, asshole too, t' get his dick out and ready fer suckin'. I gotta warn ya, Fag, once ya start suckin' Trojan's cock, ya' cain't stop til he cums or Trojan'll get mean and angry. Think ya' queer enough, Faggot? Queer enough t' do what it takes t' be Trojan's cocksucker?"

All I heard was big dick, big balls, loads of sperm...the rest, the rest was unimportant. Whoever Trojan was I wanted to be his cocksucker, suck him off, his sticky semen spurting into my mouth. I wanted Trojan's cock, Trojan's sperm....I wanted it bad. "I'm queer enough, master Taylor, a total queer," I said proudly.

Tyler opened the cage, Taylor picked up my leash. I docilely followed behind my two masters. Not to the house where I expected Trojan to be waiting for his blow job, but into the old barn which was empty except for an old tractor and a sad looking old horse. "Here he is, Fag," Tyler said, leading me to the stall.

"Here who is?" I replied impatiently, looking around for the person who was going to let me suck his dick.

"Here's Trojan."

"Trojan is a horse? I get to suck a horse's cock?"

"Sure, why not," Taylor said. "You're a queer and queers'll suck anything. Take a look, Fag, see what ya think. See if you wanna be a horse's cocksucker."

I climbed into the smallish stall and sat down in the damp hay under Trojan's big body. The warm comforting smell of sweaty horse flesh, urine and manure, washed over me. His big shiny horse cock and heavy balls swayed freely over my head as he shifted his hind legs and lowered his head to look at me with his big brown eyes. "Easy boy," I said softly, stroking his nose. "Easy Trojan." We looked at each for a minute or so, face to face, bonding.

I reached up and touched Trojan's ball sack and the leathery flesh of his thick shaft, with my hand first and then with my tongue. The smell alone made me shiver with excitement as I pressed my face into him. I licked around his balls, back and forth along the length of his cock which extended halfway up his belly, delighted with the ripe taste of unwashed horsemeat. Trojan whinnied his approval and showed his appreciation with a loud fart followed by a gusher of steamy piss which rained down on my body. I scrambled to get the pissing end of his cock pointed towards my face. Horse piss filled my mouth again and again, so quickly that I couldn't swallow fast enough and I let the endless stream of urine spray all over me.

Taylor and Tyler were laughing as I struggled in vain to get my mouth around the end of Trojan's powerful cock. Every time I got a bit of him into my mouth, Trojan would flex his cock and send me sprawling into a pile of old manure. It was no easy task being a horse's cocksucker, but I was determined to make him cum. I kept my hands moving up and down the growing shaft, jerking him off, used my tongue on the huge flaring cock head and after much hard work a gusher of hot semen blasted me in the face. I cried out in pain from the forceful blast and lost my grip on his cock. Cum was raining down, shooting out all over the stall, all over my naked body. All that lovely horse cum going to waste when it could have been going into my mouth to satisfy my insatiable appetite for semen.

I licked Trojan's shrunken, but still massive cock and around his sweaty balls hoping to get him aroused again. I got the head in my mouth and sucked hard for several minutes. Marble sized nuggets, a mixture of sperm and piss, rewarded my efforts.

"What's goin' on in here? Didn't I tell you boys to...well I'll be damned, the queer's suckin' Trojan's dick."

"Fag was hungry, pa. He's still hungry. Trojan cummed all over 'im 'cept in his mouth and..."

"Put'im back in the cage and git t' work on yer book learnin' like I tol' ya. The queer can suck the dog if he's hungry."

Back in my cage I crawled over to the sleeping dog and looked between his legs. The dog stirred when I licked his balls, whined when I took one in my mouth and growled when I sucked it gently. An inch of red doggy dick poked out of the furry sheath. I quickly took the thin cock in my mouth and swallowed the piss that squirted out. The dog seemed to like my cocksucking talents because his cock continued to expand in my mouth and I felt the knot try to push its way into my throat. I rubbed the dog's balls while sucking his dick and happily swallowed the small load of thin dog cum he produced.

I closed my eyes curled up with the dog, feeling safe and secure in my new home...happy to be a queer.

Next: Chapter 11

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