Spade Is a Spade

By Andrew Clubs

Published on Jul 23, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not know the sexuality of any celebrity mentioned in this story. This story is FICTION.

What's up everyone?

This is my first submission to Nifty, this story has been floating around in my head for awhile; it's a little different than most stories I have read on here, so please enjoy. Shoot me an email and give me your feed back good or bad. Enjoy!

Spade is a Spade: Prologue

Well, I'm sure if you are reading this you want to know what it's like to be a celebrity. Some of you are just dedicated fans and would like to get to know me a little better. Well, you're in luck, by the end of my story you'll know more about me than you ever thought possible. I guess it's fair to assume that if you are reading this you know who I am; for those of you who don't let me introduce myself. My full name is Sean Paul Aiden also known as Spade. I've been a singer in the music industry for over 10 years now, I look at the success I have and am in awe of it. However, it hasn't been smooth sailing, there's been a lot of up and downs. So I am gonna tell you the story of my life; It's filled with Pain, Love, and Loss. Well let's get this show on the road. It all goes back to when I was 8 years old.


I remember the day so clearly. My Mom, Dad and myself didn't have a lot of money; in fact, we were completely poor. I can't even remember if my parents had jobs, all I can remember is living in Shelters, since I was little. Anyway, I remember it was winter the snow was falling off and on in thick patches. My parents took me out to Central Park, I remember before we left the Shelter we were currently staying at; they were acting very distant, they were barely even talking to me. So, were in The Park by a Bridge, my parents stopped and turned to me, my mom looked down at me and said.

"Honey, your Father and I have something we need to take care of and we need you to be a good boy and wait here for us OK?"

"OK Mommy, I'll stay here, I promise." I said with as much conviction as I could.

"Good, and remember we love you, OK Sport?" Dad said, giving me a weak smile.

"I love you too." I smiled at them.

They turned and walked away quickly without ever once looking back. I waited hours, until the snow started to pound on down, I went and sat on a nearby bench waiting for them, I stayed on that bench waiting for them for two more days, but, they never came back. It was then that I realized I was alone. The first six months on my own were the hardest. Stealing food, living in back alleys, doing anything I could to survive.


It was June, over six months on my own. I had just turned 9, I was sitting in the park when I was approached by an ugly old fat man.

" Hey kid, you want to make a hundred bucks?" he said leering at me.

" Sure, what do I have to do?" I asked. My stomach was hurting, I was hungry.

"Give me some of that sweet ass of yours." He whispered with a smile.

I won't go into details, but, half hour later I walked away with a hundred bucks and a dirty feeling. It was at that moment, I realized the only person in this world I could count on was myself. That is how I started my career as a Hustler. A few weeks later, walking around the city, I found my home for the next two years. A spot under the Brooklyn Bridge, It sheltered me when it rained and kept me out of sight from the damn Police. The Hustling I didn't do all that much, just when I was in desperate need for food.


I was 10 when fate finally dealt me a lucky hand. It was summer in New York, and I was in Central Park when I came across a book to teach yourself how to sing. I tried that night under the bridge and quickly fell in love with it. Everyday I would do as the book instructed. It wasn't long before I started coming up with melodies and writing songs. Back then I had no Idea I could make a living singing. I hadn't heard a radio in my life, so this was a magical thing. That book was the beginning of a life I could have never foreseen for myself. However, it was another year before my life changed drastically.


I was eleven and a half and doing my singing lessons religiously along with writing songs. I remember the day my life changed forever. I was at Madison Square Gardens visiting one of my clients who was a security guard there. I had just finished up with him and was walking down the hallways on my way out of the building. I thought no one was there so I was singing at the top of my lungs; I remember it was the only song, I remember my Mother ever singing to me. It was "Midnight Train To Georgia" by Gladys Knight and the Pipps. Suddenly, one of the doors I just passed opened up, and a big black man stepped out and yelled at me, scaring me to death.

"Hey, kid! Come here a minute!"

Now, the only time someone has said something like that to me was when a Cop wanted to talk to me. So when he said that he scared the crap out of me, so I bolted.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you just come here for a minute!" he said.

Well, I kept running, suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back the way I came. I put up a fight the whole way.

"Get the fuck off of me. You ogre looking mother fucker! I didn't do anything wrong!" I screamed while trying to get out of his grasp.

"I know kid, my boss just wants to talk to you for a minute!" he exclaimed while opening the door to the room he stepped out of.

"Tell your boss to kiss my ass! I don't who the fuck your boss is, but if you don't let me go, I'll kick both of your asses!" I stated angrily.

"Lively one isn't he?" said a feminine voice. I looked up to see a brunette sitting in a very nice dressing room. She was looking at me with a smile.

"He's a lot stronger than he looks." said the bodyguard while stuffing me into a chair in front of the woman.

"Who the fuck are you? What do you want? I didn't do nothin wrong!" I said glaring at the woman.

"I know, I heard you singing and thought you were very good. I wanted to meet you." she stated still with a smile on her face.

"Well, you met me, can I go now?" I replied annoyed by this entire thing. I mean what the fuck did she want? Who is this Bitch?

I didn't do anything, why can't I leave?

"Well, I didn't really meet you did I? I mean, what's your name kid?" she said.

"Why do you want my name? Who are you and what do you want?" I said with attitude. The bodyguard looked at me with wide eyes.

"You mean you don't know who she is?" he replied in astonishment.

"Of course I know who she is, she's the bitch that made you kidnap me!" I yelled.

"That's Madonna!" he said as if I knew her.

" Madonna? Isn't that like a hit man?" I replied confused.

"No, my name is Madonna, I'm a singer." she responded. Clearly amused.

"And?" I was getting annoyed now.

"And, I think you could be a very successful singer."

"Look lady, don't lie to me, I'm not any good. I sing for fun, no one can make singing a career."

"I have, I assure you, you can make a lot of money by singing."

"How much are we talking?" I asked my interest peaked.

"Depends, I make millions." she stated simply.

"I could make millions?" I said in awe.

"You could."

"How?" I asked.

"First, tell me your name." she said.

I looked at her for a minute before speaking.

"My name's Sean." I said evenly.

To Be Continued.

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Next: Chapter 2

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