Speak French to Mr Addams

By ozzalone65

Published on Mar 2, 2022


This is a fictional story about the tv show from the 60s the Addams Family. I just caught it in TV recently. Did you ever notice that Gomez Addams was kinda hot. A Latin lover is it were. And horny as a rabbit whenever his wife spoke French. Well this if for that original series and the star (John Astin) that played Gomez. 'Let me speak French to this dude and see if he would do me'

Hope you enjoy. ############################################################################

Speak French to Mr Addams (3)

... I woke a few hours later. Looking up and out to the window above. It was getting dark already. I got up and then headed out to the parlor. I did not see anyone there. So was not sure where they were.

"Hmm. Wonder where they all are?" I said aloud

That was when a box on the table opened. And the hand 'Thing' came out. I looked at it. Still not believing all this was real. I figured after my nap I would snap out of this dream. But no I was still here. So i wondered was I dreaming after all. Regardless, Thing pointed to me and towards the conservatory. There were plants and a glass enclosure.

"That way?" I asked

The hand called Thing gave me a motion that said 'okay'. So I assumed that was where they were. I headed in that direction and. I saw the living plant that Morticia fed. Her african strangler. I seemed to notice me and move at me. I back away and moved around it. Then I saw a door to the outside.

"They must be outside then" I figured "She did say something about moon bathing"

I opened the door and headed out. Passed the weeds and vines that covered this side of the bug house. Then turning out towards a path as I saw something shimmering in the growing darkness. I turned and saw some one there. Then Pugsly saw me and called out my name. Then Morticia turned and saw me.she was sitting in a chair similar to the one she used in the parlor. She had one of those sun reflector pans under her. And was taking in the 'moon beams' I figured

"Ah there he is" she said in delight "Come. Sit"

There was a chair next to hers that she offered up to me. Fester was sitting on the ground next to Pugsly. They were playing something that appeared to be jacks. But the tokens were bones. Wednesday was picking out weeds. And Lurch was behind everyone brewing up what Morticia call tea. It was boiling in the caldron and looked almost blood red in color. And then I saw Gomez. He was standing nearby and was gazing into a telescope. Looking through it and up to the sky. But what got me was what he was wearing. The man was in on old fashioned bathing suit. The one he wore on the set. Looking like a prisoners coveralls with the black and white stripes in them. The shirt hanging out over part of his crotch. But the crotch area itself looked mighty loaded with his junk. At least the small part I could see. I was instantly horny as I looked at the man standing there. The bottoms of the swimwear were tight around his hairy legs. And the legs looked almost as nice as the hint if bulge I could see. I wanted to just drop to the ground before him and shive my face into his meaty looking crotch. The lines forming around his class vered dick seemed to bend from the bulge created.

"Man that is hot" said to myself" "Come my good man" he then said to me. "Come see the moon through this" "It's a sight to see"

I licked at my lips and then git up. Stepping over to Gomez where he stood. I cod smell him now. Hints of spice that seemed to radiate off his body. He offered up a look through the eyepiece of the telescope. I moved in closer and bent down to do so. I felt his hand on my shoulder.anf a light squeeze of it as I peered through the scope. I then pulled back and took a fast glance down and at his crotch below. The half hidden bulge looking promising for sure.

"Yeah I want it" I huffed silently to myself "I want his dick" "Looks good from here"

I then stepped away and he asked what I thought. I pondered the question. Considering him talking about his mighty looking crotch. And what I felt about that. I imagined just saying don't know until I feel it's. Then reaching out and groping the man bulge myself. Yes I could gauge how great it appeared if I did. But I knew Gomez was talking about the moon through the scope. What i thought of that. So I blurted out a 'fantastic' to him Again he patted my shoulder. Then Morticia intersected and said something French. 'c'est manifique' or something like that. Gomez rushed over to her and near knocked me down. He grabbed her hand and started to kiss up along it. I was pushed back into my chair and looked over at him. My eyes watching the handsome.man as he smooched up her arm. Then falling back down to see if I could catch more crotch bulge.

"Disgusting ain't it" Fester suggested "He can't control himself"

And Gomez spoke as he kissed Morticia. Suggesting more french to him. And when she stopped him at his act. Saying that I was a guest he did. Then he stood up next to her. Mind you he was but a few feet from me in my seated position. I looked back at his crotch area again. That was when I noticed his bulge had shifted in the swimwear. There was a substantial tube running along the upper leg of them. And then Gomez reached down and adjusted the thing blatantly. Fixing his apparently growing problem.

"Shit the guy is getting excited" I said to myself "Just by a few french words" "Definitely a horny dog"

I could feel my own crotch responding to what I saw. Knowing that I did want to shove my face into his big crotch. And as he saw me looking he smiled. Then turned to his wife and away from me. The rest of the evening was okay. There was a slight chill in the air and Morticia seemed to love it. Grasping her arms tightly. Then she started to smoke. Littering her body did , which I had seen via TV. But this was real. It was almost freaky. Then the family retired for the evening. The kids heading up to their rooms. I watched as Gomez lead his lovely wife upstairs. Calling her his 'carida' as they headed upstairs to their room. and he looked randy as all get out. His hand touching her ass as they headed up I pondered them going up for sex. Knowing how horny the man appeared before that that was more than likely the case. I stayed down stairs as the room I had set up was there. Fester moved through the hall nearby and went to the play room. Something about a head ache. Grand mama went to help him.

"I still cannot believe I am here" I said to myself as I sat in the bed.

I reached over at touch one of the strange objects in the room. Feeling it under my fingers to see if it was real. And it was. Then as I sat there staring at the far wall. Realized ng I could not sleep. I found myself in thoughts of me Addams. The hot Latin father of this family. How much more delicious he was in person. More handsome for sure. The hairy legs in those swim shorts. And the big meaty bulge that he was sporting as he got excited. How he was such a horn dog with his wife. Especially when she spoke french to him.

"Shit!" I the blurted. "He took her to bed to have sex"

I knew I had to find out.aybe hear at their door. But I got up and headed for the stairs. Remembering they hid gone one way and the kinds had gone the other. So I followed the direction the husband and wife had gone. At the top there was a landing that connected the parents side of the top floor from the kids. I went down the hall towards the door at the end of it. It was dark in that hall so I had to watch where I walked. Then I heard moans coming from the door. So I knew I had the right room.... ###################################################### To be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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