Special Agent

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 17, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Finn (not his real name, but it's all he'd admit to while on duty as an agent for the CIA) drove his Lincoln up to the back of the old warehouse. His outer demeanor never changed, you'd never guess from looking at him that he was in constant contact with his supervisor, a man he'd never met (only heard from) and who went by the name of "Claude." Another name with no basis and no proof and no further detail to it. As for his contact with Claude, he had a tiny implanted phone ensconced just in front of his right ear, it fed its speaker into his inner ear and its microphone into his larynx so that the barest whisper of his was communicated to Claude who could speak to him in complete privacy even in a crowd. Not that privacy was a problem here, nobody was around, nobody at all. At times like this, he wondered if the Central Intelligence Agency should have the middle word removed from its title as an oxymoron!

Another car approached from the other end of the alley.

"That's your contact." Claude told Finn. "Just follow him into the warehouse, he knows where to go. Leave your heat in the car, you're a pair of innocent civilians on this one."

"Understood." Finn responded subvocally, all he needed to do with the comm implant.

The man who got out of the Cadillac could have been Finn's double, he was equally as tall as Finn's six foot three, equally as broad-shouldered, slim-hipped, and filled out his dark business suit (dark gray, Finn's was dark blue) with the flattering fit that said that underneath the material, there dwelt the form of a living god! If the man had had dark brown hair like Finn's and dark brown eyes as well, instead of being sandy-blond with green eyes, he would have been a perfect double.

The man stopped about five feet away from Finn and gave a grave nod of greeting which Finn returned.

"You can call me Wade." the man told Finn.

"Finn." Finn gave his own moniker.

"This way." Wade led him into the warehouse, using a key. Inside, instead of opening into the main area of the warehouse, Finn found himself inside an office that appeared to have been abandoned some years ago. Its lone items of content were a battered wooden desk perhaps five feet by three feet in size that stood in the geometric center of the room, and a hanging rack with some half-dozen forgotten clothes hangers dangling from it. Nothing else, unless you counted a tattered notice of Worker's Rights that promised every worker a living minimum wage of $1.57 per hour that was tacked to one wall.

"Now what?" he subvocalized to Claude.

"This man has information we need." Claude told him. "But first we must make sure that this isn't some sort of trap."

"I'm listening."

"Check the man for wires." Claude told him. "He's a member of an unfriendly force, so check very carefully. Don't miss anything."

Finn reached for the other man who reached for him. "I'm going to search you for wires." he told Wade.

"That's what I'm going to do." Wade said to him. Finn wasn't worried about his contact with "Claude," not only was the surgery practically impossible to detect, it wasn't even a "wiretap" within the meaning of the term. He could communicate with Claude who could communicate with him. Any other party's actions weren't transmitted, Claude could only hear Finn, and nobody else. Finn didn't doubt that this "Wade" character had something similar under his own skin.

In quiet determination, the two men began to pull each other's jackets off. Neither made any attempt to hinder the other, but didn't aid either. As a result, they ended up stripping each other at the same time, arms around each other, the jackets ending up at their waists behind them, whereupon each man lifted the jacket away with their right hand only and searched them thoroughly for anything that might have been sewn into the fabric. Then their hands went back up to each other's ties. Again, neither man helped or resisted, as their ties were undone and joined the jackets on the desktop. Their eyes were intent for any hint of a listening device, for Finn knew full well how small that modern technology could make the devices. He'd have to study this man's body very carefully.

The shirt buttons were suspect, he examined each as he undid them, as best he could for Wade was working his over at the same time and their faces were side-by-side. The aroma of Wade's aftershave was crisp and musky in his nostrils, an incredibly masculine scent. He wondered with that part of his mind that stayed aloof throughout all his duties if he dared ask Wade what aftershave he was using, it was tremendously alluring. He blinked and forced his brain back into attention on what he was doing. But the buttons were simple faux pearl such as adorned his own shirt, he finished undoing them and pulling the shirt up. It would have to go onto the pile of clothing they were making on the desk.

"Mind if we hang these things up?" Wade asked him. "I hate to get my suit wrinkled so early in the week."

Finn considered it, the hangers were also a danger, hadn't Wade been the one to choose this meeting place. He asked Claude. "No, it was chosen by mutual agreement. Our team swept the place earlier today and it's been under constant surveillance until you got there. They had a team there as well, we made damned sure they didn't leave any presents behind. If there's a bug, it's on his person somewhere, so keep searching."

So Finn let Wade hang up his clothing, while he hung Wade's. That done, he said, "Let's kick off our shoes here while we're at it." Both men wore simple black, laced shoes, they could be slipped off (with difficulty) at need, which Finn did. He wasn't going to let his guard down even though he now felt sure that Wade wasn't armed any more than he was. While surreptitious weapons took as many (or more) disguises than bugs, he had a feeling that this Wade guy was playing by the rules.

With the shoes abandoned, Wade walked over and said, "I get to go first on this one, you go first on the next one." And if Finn had had any doubt about what Wade meant, he saw why, Wade was bending over and undoing Finn's belt. His pants' clasp and zipper followed and then his pants were being slid down his legs. He was glad he'd chosen a neat pair of underwear that morning, if he'd worn his old worn gray pair today, he'd have been mortified. As it was, a neat white bulge met Wade's eyes as he pulled down the slacks and Finn stepped out of them. "Better check all the pockets." Finn advised. "I might have a nuclear missile stuffed in there."

"That's what I was just thinking, only not about the pants." Wade said.

Finn followed his eyes back to his own basket and looked down. Shit! "What can I say, it's like a puppy sometimes, thinks everyone wants to play with it." His cock wasn't at full erection, but it was bulging out his briefs more than a limp prick would have.

"Well, let's get this over with so you can take it home and whip it." Wade said as he finished examining the contents of Finn's pockets (Finn had left all of his pants' normal contents in his car, only a single key on a ring (the car key) remained in one pocket to be found) and he concluded by hanging it neatly on one of the hangers. "Okay, your turn to let my monkey out to play."

"I'll try to restrain it for you." Finn replied as he knelt onto one knee in front of Wade.

"If it acts up on you, you can always beat it until it settles down." Wade smirked.

"Careful there." Claude told him. "He's trying to distract you. Remember that a bug can be made as small as a mole on a man, and they're perfectly willing to put it in places a man doesn't like to stare at. Remember that, Finn."

"I remember, I remember." Finn undid the military-clasp belt at Wade's waist and the belt slid backwards, and the pants nearly fell off those slender hips just from that lack of restraint. He caught the pants top and unfastened and unzipped it, then let it resume its fall.

Wade was wearing a pair of rather ratty boxers, and Finn felt a short wave of victory wash over him, and if he'd had more time, he would have come up with a cutting remark about it, but then he saw that Wade's "monkey" was indeed in danger of escaping. The boxers' opening for the fly had no buttons, it was merely a sewn slit in the middle and through this slit, Wade's dong was engorged and threatening to burst free. He could see a good deal of it through the opening, it was a proud, majestic pud, and though far from fully inflated, it already showed the bulge of veins along the shaft, which must pulse like snakes under a blanket when it plowed into the willing flesh of his lover.

"Finn? Finn?"

"Huh?" Finn subvocalized, then realized that it was Wade who had spoken! "Yes?"

"Can you finish with my pants?" Wade moved a foot up, to illustrate that he was hobbled.

"Oh, oh, sorry!"

"Keeping an eye on the monkey?" Wade asked as Finn felt about the slacks, fishing in the pockets.

"Afraid it's going to jump out and start chewing on my ear." Finn retorted.

"It can be unruly at times. But you'd know about that, wouldn't you?"

Finn turned back and grabbed the boxers and yanked them down almost roughly. It was his turn to be first to remove a garment here, after all. That should have been the undershirts both still wore (Finn had a tanktop, Wade a short-sleeve V-neck), but he was getting back at Wade.

Unsheathed, the dong was an unfurling snake. "Well, now you've done it." Wade noted almost idly. "Done went and woke him up." Wade pulled his undershirt off and displayed a broad chest with only the lightest bit of hair between the breasts, otherwise it was as smooth as a marble statue. The muscles rippled like small rodents under the skin as he lifted the shirt over his head and away from his body, dropped it on top of his shoes.

Finn stood up and took his own t-shirt off, and then his hands went to his waist. Slid them down his hips and stood before Wade as naked as Wade. "Now we're even." he said to Wade in one way and to Claude in another. "Now what do we do?"

"Sorry, but you're not done yet." Claude cautioned him. "You need to investigate every mole on his body. They can make a bug capable of broadcasting speech as small as a millimeter in diameter. It's not very powerful but...."

Claude kept on nattering away in Finn's ear, but he was already busy at Wade's body, looking him over carefully. Wade was doing the same, their bodies were so close together that....

Wade's cock brushed against his, but Wade didn't seem to notice it, he kept finding and picking at small imperfections on Finn's body. The touches weren't painful, small scratches that were just enough to excite that area of his body, and Wade was touching him everywhere he could.

Finn worried that Wade's cock would touch his again, for he didn't have to look down to know that his own prong was now at full erection, it was so hard it was almost painful.

He concentrated on Wade's body, though this body held oddly few blemishes, for every human body is rife with such, so much that an industry exists for no reason other than to cover and blot and diminish them. No pimples at all, and no moles so far, he had found a few freckles oversized enough to be barely possible culprits, but no further.

And now they had to examine each other further down that was possible from a standing position. Finn looked at Wade, puzzled. "Shall we take turns again?"

Wade shook his head. "Just lay down on the desk. I'll get on top of you, the other way around and we can take it from there."

Finn agreed and lay upon the desk. He expected Wade to crawl up with him immediately, but Wade instead leaned over his right shoulder and began to investigate Finn's ribcage and stomach area. This put his own midsection at Finn's disposal, though again there was precious little to see beyond perfection of flesh and form, the position Wade was in put every abdominal muscle out in stark relief, he was staring at a delicious-looking six-pack.

And Wade moved closer, about to crawl up on the desk over Finn's head, and that put Wade's schlong right up against Finn's shoulder. Shit, it was hard! Rock hard! But then, so was he!

Wade's cock slid across Finn's shoulder and then he was up on the desktop with Finn, his knees on either side of Finn's head and Finn realized that he was now checking out Finn's genital region. And his cock which had subsided somewhat during the stomach inspection had now surged again to full tumescence.

"What is your status of investigation?" Claude asked Finn. "Have you finished yet?"

"Not quite." Finn admitted. Wade had just grabbed hold of his cock. "Uhhh!"


"No. We're still checking each other for bugs."

"Well, do a thorough job, yes. But when you're done, for God's sake, get the information and get back here!"

"A thorough job, yes sir." Finn said as Wade's lips enclosed his cock. "Will do, sir, will do."

And then, to Wade, "What are you doing?"

"Checking out this cock."

"Checking it out?"

"Yeah, it looks suspicious to me." Wade declared. "All thick and hard. Good place to hide a bug, don't you think? Plenty of room in a fake hard cock to hide anything you want."

"I guess so." Finn admitted.

"So I figure I'll check it out, make sure it acts like a cock is supposed to." Wade went on. "You got a problem with that?" Wade then dove back down onto Finn's prong, sending a wave of warm wet pleasure washing over Finn.

"No." Finn agreed. Wade's dong was dangling over him, and he caught it in his hand, "but you remind me that I'd better do the same."

"That sounds reasonable." And Finn took that huge pud into his mouth, and Wade gave out a contented sigh as Finn's lips plied over the thick hunk of manflesh.

Finn was just beginning to get into this session when Claude again contacted him. "You're groaning a good deal." he said. "And what is that other noise I'm hearing? It sounds like you're drinking a glass of water."

Finn mumbled a response as best he could, "I'm still investigating."

"Well, you be sure to tell me if you get into any distress." Claude allowed. "Last time I heard someone groaning like this, he had been hit by a bullet fired from a silencer."

"I'm fine, Claude, fine." Finn went on.

But he had interrupted his sucking on Wade in responding to Claude. Wade let go of his cock, and at first Finn wondered if he'd offended the big stud.

But Wade moved on down and said, "Another area I'd better check out." He lifted Finn's legs up and held them high above and his head dipped down.

When Wade's tongue first flicked over Finn's anus, Finn moaned from the very depth of his soul. That felt so fucking good, he couldn't believe it! The tongue found and probed his sphincter, and his butt pulsed in response to the delightful caress of Wade's tongue.

Finn reached for Wade's asshole, but before he could get close to that sweet tucker, Wade got off the desk on him. Moved around to the other side of the desk and crawled back on, this time between Finn's legs. He was crawling up and his hands grabbed Finn's ankles on the way as he sidled forward and Finn suddenly realized what he planned.

"Need to check out another place." Wade murmured as he got into position. "You fine with that?"

"I'll need to check yours, too." Finn grunted. "Go ahead and stick it up my ass."

Claude heard that. Damn, they ought to give an agent an "off" button on this damned implant. Did the guy listen in when he was off-duty? How many secrets did he even have any longer? Honestly, sometimes the tactics the CIA used were enough to make you question their motives. And their common sense! But he was a loyal agent, after all.

And so was Claude "My apologies." was what he answered. "You are getting the treatment, aren't you? Okay, I'm going to go for a cup of coffee. Give you a chance to get your composure back and get dressed."

That was unexpected, but Finn wasn't going to refuse a gift from the gods.

"Come on, hurry!" He panted at Wade. "We got about ten minutes here!"

"Five more than I'll need."

"I'll count on that." Finn gasped. Wade's cock was lubed up from Finn's mouth, his saliva had increased itself when he'd attempted to suck and subvocalize at the same time. If he'd actually been speaking, he would have sounded like he was underwater--glub, glub!

Wade's cock jabbed at Finn's ass and Finn moaned. Wade hesitated and Finn groaned and grabbed Wade's ass (such a trim, compact little set of buns!) and pulled hard on him, and Wade's dong plunged into Finn's butt!

"Aw, shit!" Wade moaned. "You've done this before, haven't you?"

"Are you complaining?"

"Hell, no!" Wade bent over and put his face close to Finn's. "I was worried about hurting you."

"Shut up and fuck!" Finn grunted and Wade proceeded to take him at his word. Suddenly his entire world was pinned up into a single region of his body, his ass, and it was filled to the brim with hard male dong thrusting in and out of him. Wade rammed his butt with the vigor that only a young man at the height of physical perfection and the apex of virility can manage. Finn was lucky in that he could match this stud thrust for thrust and he did, he used his legs and arms as levers and held onto this horny blond god and helped him fuck his ass as fast as he could.

Wade hadn't lied about his speed, less than two minutes into this rabbit-fuck he was throwing into Finn, he clenched his teeth, his face flushed and he moaned, shoved his cock deep into Finn's bowels and exploded, a huge hot load spraying into him and he groaned himself, oh, God, not now, not yet! He fought off his orgasm with every reserve he had and when Wade finished slumping down, he was ready and more than ready. Payback time! He fought himself free of Wade's hold and rolled off the desk.

A quick hawk of spit to relubricate his cock which had dried some since being sucked on by Wade, and then he was ready. Wade was face down on the desk, still gasping, and Finn grabbed him by the hips, pulled him down so that his feet were back on the floor and then he was busy worming his cock into Wade's asshole. Wade's ass wasn't as easy to get into as Finn's had been, the guy was more of a virgin! But a promise is a promise, and Finn persevered, and Wade didn't fight him, soon he had enough of his cock into that warm pucker that his heated-up pud would settle for it. And every thrust he made sent it a bit deeper!

He was humping this blond hunk for all he was worth, for he sure didn't want Claude listening to him fucking an agent for another power! Hell, in all that had happened, he had nearly forgotten that! Oh, God, he was fucking an enemy spy! The thought seized upon his sex-sotted brain and his cock revenged itself by throwing him into the height of orgasm!

He moaned, ejaculated into Wade's ass while he continued to thrust at him hard, the motions caused his spunk to fly everywhere, spurting out of Wade's ass and coating both of them with hot, white, man love-juice. Done, he fell onto Wade's back, panting hard. Oh, God, oh, God, so fucking hot!

"Well, do you think we've finished searching each other?" Wade asked him.

"Yeah, I guess we've covered everything." Finn admitted, as he rose back to vertical. Damn, he was sticky all over his crotch.

"So let's get dressed again and we'll get started." Wade said.

Claude checked back in again as they were getting dressed. "Is it over?" he asked Finn.

"All over. We're getting dressed." he reported.

"Fine. Hate to break it to you, after all you've been through, but don't stick around. Mission has been called off. Report back to base, right away."

"What the hell?" Finn burst out, and Wade looke at him quizzically.

"Them's the orders." Claude said with faint sympathy. "Looks like you got your ass fingered for nothing."

More than fingered, Finn thought, but carefully, VERY carefully, didn't subvocalize.

The next day he was called in to the Director's office. The Director wasn't alone, there was a man sitting in the other visitor's chair. A very familiar, blond-haired man, who looked at Finn with the same incredulity that Finn looked at him. Wade! "What the hell?" Finn asked.

"Sit down, Agent Finn." the Director said. "Meet Agent Wade."

"Pleased to meet you." he said to Agent Wade and they shook hands like complete strangers.

"The two of you are needed for a special mission. Intelligence monitoring station in northern Alaska. Completely isolated station, you'll be given essential supplies for a year and resupplied with mail and perishables once a month."

The Director looked at the two men. "The stations are lonesome, lonely places. We have to choose agents that we think can get along with each other very well for that time. They have to be as close as possible. You'll be living so close together, you might as well be married. Your only entertainment outside of the job will be what you get on the computer. Your only company will be each other." He looked at them again significantly. "It takes special agents with some special abilities. We think the two of you possess those abilities. What do you say? Will you volunteer for the job?"

A year of living in a cabin with only this big, blond stud and nothing to do but record communications, something machinery could do mostly all by itself. All that time alone together.

"I would be pleased to volunteer." Wade said.

"Same here." Finn put in. "It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it."

"I knew I could depend on you two." the Director's smile was as broad as Finn's and Wade's. Maybe the agency knew what they were doing after all!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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