Spending Christmas in an Air BNB

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Dec 4, 2020



Spending Christmas in an Air B N B


Widower, Gregory Barton, raised his son, Chip, by himself. His wife Glenna died of pneumonia two days after his son's fourteenth birthday. Chip's birth certificate read Charles Philip Barton, but everyone called him Chip from the day he was born.

As principal of a high school in Seattle, WA, Greg was probably the handsomest principal in any school in The United States. His female students and a few male students would literally swoon when they saw him. The teachers on his staff were not immune to his good looks either. He had blue eyes, and his hair had remained blond far into his maturity. He worked out several times a week, and his toned and muscled six-foot frame showed it. Only his son knew that he had a five-inch flaccid uncut cock. Chip had seen his father naked several times by accident. He had never seen him hard.

Greg and Chip lived on Mercer Island, about six miles from Seattle. Chip knew nearly everyone on the island. He grew up to be a handsome young man, just like his father. Although not into sports, he was still a BMOC in his high school. He served as president of the student council, and editor-in-chief of the high school newspaper and senior year book.

After his wife died, Greg did everything he could to be close to Chip. He got season tickets to The Mariners and The Seahawks, and he attended every home game with his son. If he had to work, and couldn't make a game, he encouraged Chip to attend with a friend, but Chip always declined the offer. Greg believed that Chip's love and closeness to him was the reason he didn't care to go with anyone else.

Greg could not see the forest for the trees. Not only did Chip have no interest in sports, he felt like his father smothered him. Greg didn't leave him alone. He wanted Chip with him wherever he went. Greg took him to concerts, movies, theaters, art exhibits, craft fairs, and anything else you can think of. Chip would have preferred to hang out at the mall with his friends, but his youth and innocence kept him from being rebellious. Greg believed that he and Chip enjoyed a best friend relationship. Chip saw his father as a big pain in the ass. It's not that he didn't love his father, but he couldn't wait to go to college to get away from him, and become his own man. He wanted to do the things that he enjoyed doing, not what his father liked to do.

The situation came to a head when Chip received his acceptance notice from Harvard, along with a partial scholarship. He had applied there, and to other eastern schools, without his father's knowledge.

"You can't go there," Greg insisted. "It's too far away. We're best friends and I don't want you to be so distant."

Chip got his courage up, and said, "We are not best friends. You're my father and I'm your son, nothing more."

Greg realized that he had said a very foolish thing. He took a step back and approved Chip's choice of school, but his unhappiness showed on his face and in his behavior.

Chip had a real best friend, Ryan Kraft. He and Ryan had gone from kindergarten to twelfth grade together, and when Greg wasn't driving off somewhere with Chip in tow, Chip and Ryan were constant companions.

Chip continued his rebellion before he left for Boston. Now that he had passed his eighteenth birthday, he felt that his independence depended on it,

Every year, Greg booked a room for them at a lakeside resort in Oregon during the last week of August. He considered it his getaway before the new school year began. He and Chip spent their days fishing and communing with nature. Once again, Greg believed that Chip loved it there, and sanctioned and enjoyed the trip as much as he did. As usual, that was the furthest thing from the truth.

One day, early in August, Chip said, "I'm not going to the lake this year, Dad. Ryan and I are going to San Francisco the last week of August. We want to have a little binge before we get separated by the length of a continent. It might be forever, who knows?"

"But you love our annual fishing trip," Greg objected.

Chip took advantage of a rare opportunity to contradict his father. "No, Dad," he said. His voice sounded a little too bitter. "You enjoy it. I hate fishing, and the place bores me to death."

Before Greg could say another word, Chip continued, "I sent away for a brochure listing Air B N Bs available all over the country, and Ryan and I have booked one. It's right in the heart of San Francisco."

He walked away quickly before his father could raise any further objections. Actually, Greg's heart was breaking, and he couldn't speak. His best friend just turned his back on him. He still didn't get it.

Once Chip left the nest, Greg called him constantly. Chip always got at least one call, when he socialized with his friends. They began to kid him and call him, "Daddy's Boy."

Finally, he stopped answering the phone. He would call his father back when he returned to his dorm room, and Greg would want to know why he didn't answer his phone."

"You called at an inconvenient time," Chip would say, as his standard answer.

In spite of all the hints Chip gave him, Greg still believed that he and his son were best friends, and that Chip loved to do everything together with him.

The first test came when Chip said he wouldn't be coming home for Thanksgiving.

"I've got too much work, and I have to start preparing for first semester final exams," Chip said. "Besides, it's too long a trip for just a couple of days."

"But we haven't missed a Thanksgiving together since you were born," Greg whined.

"Well, I guess we'll miss this one," Chip said. He sounded sarcastic, and he cut the call short.

Greg felt differently about Christmas. He held Christmas in his heart, and considered it to be sacred. So, when Chip said that he couldn't come home, Greg actually began to whine.

"How could you not want to spend Christmas with me? We always spend Christmas together. Besides, we'll have so much fun decorating the house."

"I'm too busy, Dad," Chip said. I have a lot of studying to do, and I'm working on several research projects for my science classes."

Greg still didn't get it. He misread Chip's intent, and he actually believed that Chip regretted that his workload would keep him from spending Christmas with his father. With that monumental misconception, he decided to surprise his son, and go to Boston for Christmas. He was convinced that Chip would be ecstatic that the two of them would spend Christmas together.

"Yes," he thought, "I'll give Chip the happiest surprise of his life."

Greg started to plan his trip. He couldn't stay in the dorms, and hotels in Boston tended to be very expensive. He remembered that Chip had a brochure with available Air B N Bs. He wondered if the brochure was still in Chip's room. He found it right on top of Chip's desk, and decided that God blessed his intended surprise.

He went through the brochure and wondered why it was so thin. He would have thought that available locations would be more plentiful.

Two hours later he could relax. He booked his round-trip flight for Dec. 23rd to Jan. 2nd, and he secured an Air B N B quite close to the university. He kept picturing the happy surprise on Chip's face when he knocked on the door of his dorm room, and he opened it, and saw his father standing there. Greg was about to face reality.

Greg called a number from the brochure. The ad said that the accommodation was a very short walk to Harvard University.

"That's perfect," he thought.

Someone answered the phone with a cheery hello.

"Is this Steven Clark?" Greg asked.

"Yes, this is Dr. Clark. Who's calling, please?"

"My name's Greg Barton. I'm interested in renting your Air B N B for Christmas week."

"That's wonderful," Steve said. "It's unusual for me to have company that week. Everyone wants to be with family. I can't fathom why. Don't they want to be with family at any other time of year? Christmas time is just another week of the year."

"Oh no," Greg disagreed. "It's Christmas, and it's magical. But you're right about one thing, I want to spend it with family. My only family is my son. He's a freshman at Harvard."

"Is he? I teach physics at Harvard."

"His name is Charles Barton. Perhaps you know him."

"Can't say that I do. Anyway, I teach advanced physics classes. I wouldn't have any freshman in my classes."

They finally stopped prattling and got down to business. They agreed on price and dates of occupancy.

They exchanged addresses so that Greg could send Steve a deposit for his booking. Then Greg asked, "Could you please send me explicit driving directions from Logan Airport."

"I can do that, no problem, but why don't you rent a car with a GPS, or use the navigation system in your smart phone, if you have one?"

"I don't travel much, and I hadn't thought about all this modern technology. Thanks for the suggestion," Greg said.

With the help of the GPS, and Steve's explicit instructions, Greg had no trouble finding Steve's house. He pulled into the driveway without one false turn. He only brought with him one heavily packed suitcase. He took it out of the trunk, climbed the front steps, and rang the bell.

When the door opened, Greg got a real surprise. He had a pre-fixed, stereotypical picture of a Harvard Professor in his mind. Greg imagined a middle-aged, balding man, with his eyeglasses slipped down to the tip of his nose. He'd be wearing a cardigan sweater, and slippers. He'd have a pipe in his sweater pocket, or in his mouth.

Steve couldn't be more different. He and Greg were the same age, forty-two. Steve wore a V-neck tee shirt, tight jeans, and sandals. His handsome face surprised Greg. His slim, muscular, body, surprised Greg even more. Greg didn't move, so Steve literally pulled him into the house.

"It's freezing out there. Come in and warm up," he said. "Leave your suitcase in the front hall. We'll put your stuff away later."

Greg shook Steve's hand, and looked around. He could not see a single Christmas decoration. Greg could not believe it. He and Chip always made a big deal out of decorating the house together.

"Come into the kitchen," Steve said. "I'll make you a cup of tea to warm you up, and I have some scones to go with it."

Tea and scones came as no surprise to Greg. Steve spoke with a strong British accent.

While they were sipping the tea, Greg remarked about the lack of Christmas decorations.

"I never decorate. What for? December 25th is just another day on the calendar."

"This is the first year that I can remember that I won't be home for Christmas," Greg said. "Chip and I would decorate the house from cellar to attic, inside and out. It used to take us days to do the whole house. How he loved working side by side with me, and making the house look like a wonderland."

Greg could not be more wrong. Chip hated decorating the house so extensively. It took up so much time; time he would rather have spent with his friend, Ryan. Greg loved the chore, but he projected his needs onto Chip, as he always did.

"I can't wait for tomorrow morning," Greg said. "I'm going to go over to Chip's dorm, knock on the door, and when he opens it, I'm going to yell, `Surprise!'"

"You mean you didn't tell him you were coming?" Steve asked.

"No, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me. He'll be so happy. We've never been apart on Christmas since he was born."

"Did it ever occur to you that he might have different plans for the holiday?"

"Oh no," Greg said. "He told me that he had a lot of work to do, and research to catch up on. I'll try not to disturb him, but we'll have our evenings together."

"Okay then," Steve said. "I have to go to my office at the university for a short while tomorrow. I'll make us breakfast, and then I'll walk with you, and take you to the dorms."

"That's very kind of you. Thanks."

"Grab your suitcase. I'll show you to your room, and give you the key to the house."

Steve dropped Greg off in front of Chip's dorm. "Watch yourself with the boys," he said to Greg. "You're so freaking handsome."

Greg wondered why Steve hadn't said, "Watch yourself with the girls," but he was too excited to think about it.

Greg fidgeted like a school boy, anticipating the pleasure on Chip's face when he saw him. He knocked on the door, and Chip's roommate answered. He looked over the young man's shoulder. He couldn't see anyone else in the room, but he noticed (of course) that the room did not have a single Christmas decoration. How unlike Chip. He wondered if he had come to the right room. Maybe Chip lived elsewhere. He also noticed a half-full suitcase on one of the beds.

"Can I help you?" the young man asked.

"Yes, I'm Chip's father, and I came to surprise him for Christmas."

"Chip?" the young man wondered. "Oh, you must mean Charlie. Didn't he know you were coming?"

It surprised Greg that Chip had dropped his nickname, but he understood why. Chip had grown to adulthood now. Well, no matter, he'd always be Chip to Greg.

"No," Greg answered. "I told you, I wanted to surprise him."


"What's the matter?"

"Charlie and a friend went down to Florida for the winter break. They and some other guys were motorcycling down. They left two days ago."

"Good God. I didn't even know he could drive a motorbike."

"He doesn't drive a bike. He's doubling up with his friend," the young man explained.

"I've got to call him at once, and tell him to come right back."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible. Do you see that dresser over there, and do you see the cell phone on it? It's Charlie's phone. He left it there on purpose. He said that way his father couldn't pester him all week. I'm sorry to tell you that Mr. Barton."

Greg felt like a cannon ball had just exploded in his face. He didn't quite know what to do.

"Will you excuse me now," Chip's roommate said. "I have to finish packing, and I have a plane to catch. I'm going home for Christmas."

When Steve came home, he found Greg sitting on the sofa, looking like he had been hit by a truck. He sat down next to his guest, and took his hand. Greg was surprised, but he didn't mind. He needed some TLC at the moment.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked.

Greg told him what happened at the university. "My son lied to me. He's gone down to Florida for winter break and I'm stuck here in Boston. I should have let him know that I was coming. He's too old for surprises."

They both sat silently for a moment, then Steve said, "Let's make lemonade out of the lemons you were just handed. I'll take Chip's place. I have no family here in The States. I'll be your family for the week. I'll take you sightseeing, and we'll go out together in the evening. I'll take you to really fun places. I promise, you won't be lonely."

"That's very nice of you," Greg said, "but that's not why I'm upset. Loneliness is the last thing on my mind. My son has totally rejected me. Everything I thought he loved, he's thrown aside. He started to give me hints this whole past year, that he didn't like to do all the things I liked to do. I just wouldn't listen to him. I couldn't face the truth."

"It sounds to me like Chip is just asserting his independence," Steve said. "It doesn't mean that he doesn't love you."

"How could I have been so deaf, dumb, and blind? I just assumed that he liked to do all the things I liked to do." Greg started to cry. Steve put his arm around his shoulder.

"When's the last time you got laid?" Steve asked out of the blue. "I think you need to get a life of your own. You can't expect your son to fill the voids."

"Maybe you're right," Greg said. "To answer your question, I haven't been with a woman since my wife died four years ago, and for a year before that."

Steve looked confused. "Did you say a woman?" he asked. "Aren't you gay?"

"Good God, no. Where did you get that idea?"

"From your booking," Steve answered. "I only advertise in The Gay Yellow Pages."

He stood up and went to a roll top desk in the living room. He opened the desk, and removed a small book.

"Does this book look like the one where you found my listing?"

Greg looked at it. "Yes," he said. "That's the very one."

Steve turned the book over. The back cover stared at Greg.

"Read this," Steve said.

"A publication of The Gay Yellow Pages," Greg read.

"How did you get this listing?" Steve asked.

"I found the book on my son's desk," Greg said.

"I know it's only circumstantial evidence, but it looks like Chip might be gay. No wonder he's being so rebellious. You're not letting him be himself, and that includes not allowing him to be gay."

Greg began to cry again. "He can't be gay. He took a beautiful girl to his senior prom."

"He might have been attempting to hide his true identity," Steve suggested.

"What am I to do?" Greg moaned.

Steve smiled. "Well, I don't know what you're going to do in the far future, but for the near future, please stay on here with me. My offer to show you a good time is still on the table. In fact, you should extend your stay a couple of days, so when your son gets back, you can apologize to him in person. He'd appreciate that."

"That's fine, but what about my being alone in the house with a gay man?" Greg wondered out loud.

"I'm a gentleman." Steve asserted. "All sex has to be consensual as far as I'm concerned. I'm not going to be inappropriate with you, if that's what you're worried about. Besides, now that I suspect that your son might be gay, I believe you've been living in a house with a gay man for eighteen years."

"Okay, Steve, you win. Chip is probably having a great time in Florida. We always do everything together, so I'll have a good time in Boston." Greg actually laughed at last.

"Terrific. It's Friday, the beginning of the weekend. This evening we're going to have a great dinner in Little Italy, and then I'm taking you to my favorite bar," Steve said.

"Is it a gay bar?"

"You're still worrying. Knock it off. Yes, it's a gay bar, but nobody will bother you. They'll think you're with me. I promise you a very fun evening."

"But I drink very little," Greg said, still expressing hesitancy.

"Promise me, you'll stop making excuses. You can drink cokes all evening. Nobody will care."

I don't think I have appropriate clothes for bar hopping," Greg said.

"We're about the same size. I'll lend you an outfit, and I know just what."

Greg made every excuse not to go out, and Steve worked hard at promising Greg a good time. He desperately wanted Greg to stay the full term, because he fell in love with him when he came through the front door.


They had a delicious dinner. Greg insisted on paying, because Steve's hospitality extended far beyond that of a landlord. Steve argued with him, so they agreed to go Dutch in the future. From there they went to Steve's favorite bar. The crowd tended to be a little older than where the twinkies liked to hang out, but that is not to say they didn't know how to enjoy themselves. They sang along with the piano player, and laughed a lot at bad jokes. It was truly the fun place Steve had promised Greg.

Greg was uncomfortable at first, being in a gay bar, but nobody bothered him. He needed to go to the restroom, but unreasonable fear swept over him. He feared that someone would come on to him in the john, especially because of Steve's outfit. The jeans were too tight, the tee-shirt had no sleeves, and his discomfort made him very nervous. However, he had to admit to himself that he looked very sexy.

At last nature won out, and he went to pee. He relaxed because nobody came on to him in the men's room. When he returned, Steve was talking to a friend. The friend didn't see Greg approaching, and Greg heard him say to Steve, "You really lucked out, fella. He's beautiful." Greg decided to pretend he never heard what Steve's friend said.

Finally, Greg was relaxed enough to order a real drink, a scotch and soda. He joined in the chatter of the men in the bar. He forgot they were gay and he enjoyed their company. For no reason at all, a nasty thought entered his mind. "Fuck you, Chip," he thought. "I can have fun without you." Then he really let his hair down.

Greg was easily the best-looking man in the bar at that moment. Not surprisingly, some of Steve's friends were hanging all over him. Not only did he allow it, he did the same to them. Someone felt him up, and caressed his cock. Greg may have been shocked, but it felt so good to the sex starved man, that he pushed harder into the man's fondling palm.

Steve observed what was going on. He could also tell that Greg had an erection. Greg seemed oblivious to it, but his tight jeans confirmed it. Steve walked over to Greg, and told him that it had been a long day, and he wanted to take him home now.

"But I'm having so much fun. I don't want to leave yet," Greg said. "Besides, I'm not at all tired. It's three hours earlier in Seattle."

"I promise you, we'll come back again, but right now, I'm very tired."

On the drive home, Greg kept telling Steve how much fun he had, and what nice friends he had. Steve remained quiet. All he could think about was that Greg had become aroused by a man. He wanted to do something about that, but he didn't know what.

When they entered the house and got rid of their parkas, they both looked as sexy as they had in the bar.

"Sit down," Steve instructed Greg. "I want to talk to you."

He pointed at the sofa and Greg sat down. Steve sat down very close to Greg. In fact, their arms were touching.

"You aren't near to being drunk," Steve said. "How come you let that guy fondle your cock?" He didn't want to sound like he was accusing Greg of anything, but unfortunately, it came out that way.

Greg didn't notice, or he pretended not to. He answered honestly. "It's been about five years since I've slept with a woman. When that guy started to play with me, it felt so good, I didn't give a thought to his gender."

Steve grew bold. "Would you let me do that to you?"

"I'd rather have sex with you than with that stranger," Greg whispered in Steve's ear. It seemed like he didn't want to say it out loud.

"No way, I'll have sex with you," Steve said.

"Why? Aren't I attractive enough for you?" Greg sounded hurt.

"Of course, you are. I fell in love with you the moment I pulled you through the front door. I won't have sex with you, but I'll make love with you. I'll bring you to paradise, if you'll let me. I'll give you the opportunity to experience what Chip experiences when he makes love with a man."

"I didn't think two people of the same sex could love each other. I can understand having sex together, but not being in love," Greg said.

"Believe what you will, but I love you, Greg," Steve said, as he buried his head in his hands.

Greg removed Steve's hands from his face, and wrapped himself around him. He squeezed hard, and said. "I'm really confused at my own feelings. Let's have a go at it, but you better be a good teacher, Professor. I'm new at this."

"If you ask any of my students, they'll tell you that I'm the best teacher they have."

"I wouldn't pat myself on the back," Greg said. "They're flattering you so they can get into your pants, but I'm the lucky one who'll have the pleasure. How do we start?"

"In the shower."

Steve stood Greg facing away from him. His cock caressed Greg's crack. Steve had a bar of soap in his hand. He reached around and enveloped Greg in his arms as he started to soap his chest.

"Yes, please," Greg murmured. "Nobody has held me for years. Hold me tight. Don't let go."

"Hush," Steve said, "I have no intention of letting go of you."

Steve began to soap Greg's chest. His arm lathered Greg in small circles. Little by little his circles went down and down until he reached Greg's pubic hair, and then at last, his soapy hand enveloped Greg's erect cock, and he started to stroke it very gently.

Greg purred like a well-oiled motor, and almost at once, Steve felt him cumming. He stopped stroking him, and fell to his knees. Steve began to rim Greg, and the poor man started to squeal. Steve turned the novice around. He let the water rinse clean the soap suds on Greg's cock. As soon as he felt that Greg's passion had waned somewhat, he started to suck Greg's luscious, pulsating rod.

"Oh Gawd," Greg yelled, "I'm cumming."

"Not yet," Steve said. "Try to hold back." He took the soap and got his asshole good and sudsy. Then he grabbed Greg's cock and got so much lather on it, that the magnificent rod disappeared.

"Fuck me," Steve cried. "Fuck me hard and proper."

Greg may have been a virgin, but he knew what to do. He lined his cock up with Steve's hole. He knew instinctively that he should enter slowly, but Steve said that he wanted it hard, so he pushed right in. Steve screamed, and Greg thought he had hurt him, but Steve yelled out, "That's it. That's how I like it."

Greg tried to delay his orgasm, but he was too fired up. He came after a few strokes. When he did, both men began to sob, and they whispered to each other, "I love you," over and over again.

Eventually, they came down from their high. Greg's cock snaked its way out of Steve's ass, and Greg said, "Fuck me, please fuck me."

"Wow," Steve said. "You learn fast. It's a deal, but let's get into bed. We'll both be more comfortable."

Greg started to leave the shower, but Steve grabbed him, and they began a thirty-minute kissing marathon.

By 2 AM Greg had lost his virginity, front and back. He kept thanking Steve for giving him this wonderful Christmas gift. Steve could only shut him up with kisses.

The next morning was the day before Christmas. The men had toast and coffee for breakfast.

Suddenly, Greg asked, "Do you really love me, or were you just saying that in the heat of passion?"

"Listen, old chap, I told you that I was smitten the minute you walked in the door, but now we have a new problem. We live a continent apart. What can we do? I want to be with you forever."

"Who's worrying now? I have it all figured out. That's why I asked you if you truly loved me before presenting you with a proposition."

"You have it worked out already?" Steve asked. "Let me hear."

"I have a Doctorate in World History. With all the high schools and colleges in Boston, I should have no trouble getting a teaching position. When I get back to Seattle, I'll give notice effective with the end of the spring semester. By that time, I should have my house sold. Houses on Mercer Island are at a premium."

Steve stared at Greg in astonishment.

"Shit," Greg said. "I didn't ask you if you would want me to do that."

Steve didn't answer. He jumped up, wrapped himself around Greg, and they began another kissing marathon.

When they disengaged, Greg ran upstairs to his bedroom. He retrieved something from his suitcase, and ran back to the kitchen. He handed Steve a small, artfully wrapped package.

"Merry Christmas," Greg said.

"What's this? I didn't get you anything."

"Open it. It's a diamond tie pin. I intended on giving it to Chip, but I'd rather you have it." This prompted yet another kissing marathon.

When they were disentangled, Steve ran to the rolltop desk and removed the Air B N B brochure. "This is for you," he said to Greg. "Let's bronze it and display it prominently on our mantel."

"Wow," Greg said. "You're more than perfect. You're also a hopeless romantic."

Steve smiled at Greg. "Are you happy, Darling?" he asked.

"I'm ecstatic, but you know what'll make me happier? It's when I confront Chip next week."

"I'd like to join in the fun," Steve said, "but we have to be careful. The evidence that he's gay is all circumstantial."


On Christmas day, at about noon, Greg's cell phone rang. The caller ID showed that the call came from a local Boston number. The number didn't ring a bell, but Greg had a feeling that it might be Chip. Greg took a deep breath, and steadied himself before he answered.

"Hi," Chip said. "I hope I didn't call too early." Greg realized that Chip thought he was in Seattle and it was only 9 AM there.

"No, Son," Greg said, "I've been up for hours. I'm so glad to hear from you."

"I called to wish you a Merry Christmas. How come you didn't answer your land line?"

Greg didn't bother to answer. He could be as sneaky as Chip. "Well, Merry Christmas to you also," he said instead. "I hope you're not working too hard. You really should take today off. It's Christmas."

"Yes, I intend to."

"I've been calling your cell phone and you haven't answered. Is everything okay?" Greg asked, pretending innocence.

"Oh yeah, Dad. I lost my phone and I can't find it. I haven't got time now, but I'll replace it after the holidays."

"Don't work too hard. It's Christmas. Try to sneak in some fun and relax?"

"Absolutely," Chip lied.

He wasn't having fun at all. He had nothing in common with these leathered bikers, and his ass hurt from riding on the back of a motorcycle. They was only a few hours away from Key West. Chip couldn't wait to get there for some respite, he hoped.

"Listen, Buddy," Greg said. "I'm going to church now, so I have to hang up. Until you replace your phone, stay in touch with me, you hear?"

"Sure thing, Dad. I love you."

"I love you too."

When he hung up, Greg started to laugh. Steve ran to a small cabinet, and removed a cricket trophy he had won in school. On the top it had a little statue of a player swinging a wicket. He handed Greg the statue, and announced, "The Academy Award goes to Gregory Barton as lead actor in A Comedy of Errors."

That brought them both to laughter.

Chip called twice more during the week. Both calls were short and sweet. It sounded to Chip that his father had no time to talk to him for a change. It shouldn't have bothered him, but somehow it did.

On the morning after Christmas, Steve took Greg to the administration office at Harvard. Greg filled out an employment application, and presented his credentials.

"When do you think I'll know something?" he asked the personnel director.

"You should hear something around spring break. I want to tell you something confidentially. You know how it's easier to get accepted to Harvard if a near relative graduated from here. By the same token, it's easier to get hired as a teacher, if another teacher, who's working here, recommends you. So, stay positive."

Steve and Greg left her office feeling good.

With Steve's help, Greg also submitted applications to MIT, Boston University, Boston College, and several local high schools. Greg stayed optimistic about getting work in Boston, but he hoped to get a teaching position at Harvard.

All week long, Steve and Greg confined their activities to just three things, sightseeing, making love, and socializing at their favorite bar. The camaraderie made Greg wonder what madness he had indulged in all these years. He had doted so much on Chip, he had denied himself his own chance at happiness. He only did things with Chip, that he sincerely believed would give Chip pleasure, only to learn that Chip hated most of what they did together. Now, the things he did with Steve gave pleasure to both of them. What a pleasant eye-opening revelation that turned out to be.

Classes would resume on January 5th in Harvard, and on January 3rd in Greg's high school. He called the assistant principal and informed her that he would not be returning home until January 6th, and to please cover for him.

"No problem," she assured him.

On January 4th, Greg and Steve knocked on Chip's door at about 8:30 AM. They assumed he'd be back by then. He had indeed returned, but he was sound asleep, and he was alone in the room. They kept knocking, and finally Chip woke up and answered the door in his jockey shorts.

Greg had once pictured Chip screaming out and expressing a happy surprise. It didn't happen. The young man just stared at his father in disbelief.

When he found his tongue, at last, he asked, "What are you doing here, Dad?"

"A hug would be nice," Greg said, and he held out his arms. He got his hug and it was a good one. "Are you going to invite us in, or are we going to visit in the hallway?"

"Of course, please come in."

Greg spotted Chip's cell phone on his dresser. "I see you found your phone," Greg said.

"Yeah, it was under my bed."

Chip kept looking at Steve. "Are you going to introduce us, Dad?" he asked.

"Yes, that was very rude of me, Chip, or would you rather I call you Charlie?" Chip wondered how his father knew that. "This is Steve Clark, Professor Clark to you. Steve teaches advanced physics courses here at the university."

The two men shook hands, and Chip said, "No shit, I'm a physics major."

"Then sooner or later you'll be in one of my classes," Steve promised.

"How did you guys meet each other?" Chip asked.

"It's a very long story," Greg said. "Get dressed, and we'll take you to breakfast, and tell you all about it."

"I can't wait, but I have to go to the bathroom first."

Steve took them to a coffee shop near the university. After they ordered, Greg said to Chip, "Let me start at the beginning."

Greg held nothing back. He started with his erroneous assumption that Chip would be happily surprised to see him, and be together with him for Christmas. He told him how he found The Air B N B brochure on his desk, booked a place, and got airline tickets.

"The house I'm staying in belongs to Steve," Greg explained. "Somehow, during one of our conversations, Steve realized that I was straight, and he wanted to know how I came to book an Air B N B that only advertised in the gay yellow pages. I was just as shocked as he was."

Chip turned ten shades of red.

Greg went on to tell him that when he came to surprise him, his roommate told him he had gone to Florida on a motorcycle, and that he purposely left his phone behind so "his father wouldn't pester him."

Chip looked down. He couldn't face his father.

Greg told Chip how Steve talked him into staying. "He promised to show me a good time, and he did," Greg said.

Chip was speechless. When he got his tongue back, he asked, "Didn't it make you uncomfortable staying with a gay man all week? No offense, Professor."

"I guess I was at first, but brace yourself, Sonny, Steve and I fell in love. I don't know how it happened. I just know that I have never had so much fun in my life. I've made more friends in one week, than in my whole lifetime on Mercer Island. I'm moving to Boston at the end of the school year, Chip. I can't bear to be separated from Steve."

"If you expect me to have something to say after all this news, you are sadly mistaken," Chip said. "I have no comments. All I can do is tell you that I'm happy for you, and wish only good things for both of you."

"Chip," Steve said, "your father is too afraid to ask, but since the brochure was yours, we want to know if you're gay."

"Geez, I wanted to come out, but I never dreamed it would be this way," Chip said. "Dad, I've known about my sexual orientation since about the time Mom died. I've been so afraid to tell you. You kept smothering me with love, and I didn't want to shatter your dreams."

"That's impossible," Greg said. "I'll love you until the day I die. No matter what!"

"Is there someone special in your life?" Steve asked. "Like any of the boys you went to Florida with?"

"All the guys I went away with are gay, but there's nobody special. My high school friend, Ryan, was someone special, but we're so far apart now, I doubt that I'll ever see him again, especially since Dad intends on moving east. Only time will tell. We're staying in touch."

"Don't rush it," Greg said. "Look how long it took me to find my knight in shining armor."

Steve leaned over and kissed Greg on the cheek.

"It's funny, I've always loved Christmas," Greg said, "but if I wasn't erroneously convinced that you would be delighted to spend Christmas with me, Chip, I would never have come to Boston, and I would never have met Steve. So, because of all that, I now love Christmas more than ever. Nevertheless, I still need to apologize to you, Son, for my obsessive behavior, and for smothering you."

"If that's the case," Chip said, "I accept your apology, but you owe me a favor."

Anything," Greg said.

"Take me to your favorite gay bar, Steve. I'm old enough to go in, but not old enough to drink. I hang out with my buddies at a place where everyone is too young to drink. The bar is practically a malt shop. Buy me a real drink. I want to celebrate your union. After that I promise not to drink the hard stuff until I'm twenty-one."

"The place we go to caters to more mature men. Those vultures will be all over you. Can you handle it?" Steve asked.

"Sure, I can. Maybe I want them all over me, especially if they look like you two guys."

That embarrassed Greg and Steve, so to change the subject, Greg raised his coffee mug. "Here's to Christmas, and to the best Christmas I ever had. Even if I didn't spend it with Chip, I celebrated with someone else I love."


Even before Greg got to Boston, Chip moved into Steve's house. He wasn't sure it would work out, but he couldn't go back to Washington State. He needn't have worried. By the time another Christmas was on the horizon, the three men were more than comfortable with each other, and they thought of themselves as a family.

On December 21st the two Harvard Professors, and their son, a Harvard sophomore, went out to lunch to celebrate the completion of modestly decorating the house for Christmas. As Steve put it, "I have a reason to decorate now." They were also celebrating the first day of winter break.

While they were eating, one of the waiters called out, "Charlie, is that you?"

Chip and the server gave each other a rather long-lasting hug. At least, the two fathers thought it was an exceptionally long hug.

Chip introduced Ken Cline to Steve and Greg.

They shook hands all around, and Chip said, "Ken's parents disowned him when he came out. He's been working his way through college. I guess this is one of his jobs, that I didn't know about. I admire him for having made it through to his junior year."

"I just got this job," Ken said. "It's my first day of work here."

As an afterthought, and a slight nod of his head, Chip added, "We're really close friends." Greg and Steve got the picture.

"If you're such good friends," Steve asked, "why haven't we seen Ken around the house?"

Both students looked sheepishly at each other.

"Because we went to Ken's apartment," Chip said. "I was too embarrassed to do anything in our house, and Ken's place is more private."

"We've never been shy with you," Greg said. "Frankly, I'm disappointed if you thought you couldn't trust us."

"Yes, we'll expect you to come around as often as you'd like, Ken," Steve added.

That's how it happened that when he wasn't working, Ken spent Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and all of winter break with his newly adopted family. On New Year's Day, Ken moved into Chip's bedroom. His reduced expenses went a long way toward tuition. Ken had only one problem. He couldn't get used to calling Charlie, Chip. After a while, he gave up trying.

Who can explain how fate conspires? PhD or not, because his love for his son blinded him, Greg had been an absolute idiot in judging Chip's desires and needs. Nevertheless, if he hadn't been so oblivious to how Chip really felt, these four happy men might be spending many future Christmases all by themselves. If not alone, Chip might be spending a lot of miserable Christmases with his father, doing everything his father loved to do, and that he hated.

Without any more secrets between them, they lived a tranquil life, doing things together that all of them liked to do. They were truly blessed, not only at Christmas, but all year long.

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