Spending Time with Brian

By Raven

Published on Feb 8, 2000


Okay, this is my first attempt at writing a story like this so please keep your criticisms to a dull minimum. I am trying my best.

This story is completely fictitious and not meant to imply anything on the sexuality of Brian Litrell or any of the Backstreet Boys members.

Spending Time with Brian


Chapter 1

I woke up fairly early. Today was the day I had been waiting for for two weeks. It was my birthday and I was getting to go see the Backstreet Boys in Concert. I was up and ready to go four hours before the concert. I was finally getting to see my idol, Brian Litrell in person. My mother had gotten me some backstage passes.

We left early so I could see the band prepare to perform. By the time we got there, the entire parking lot was packed. My parents pulled over to the side and let me out with my best friend Alex.

"Chris, you and Alex go on ahead while your father and I find a place to park. We'll meet you in back. Make sure you tell the guard that we're coming so he'll let us in too." "Okay mom." I said.

Alex (who is also gay and has the hugest crush on Nick Carter) and I went backstage and showed our passes to the guard and informed them of my parents coming. Then we made our way to the dressing rooms to see the guys get ready.

Alex and I walked in to see the guys getting ready with their makeup. I looked around and saw all the Backstreet Boys, except Brian. Then I heard some screaming coming from the back room.


The door opened and out walked a crying Brian, right into me. We both fell on the floor, him on top of me.

"Oh, sorry man." Said Brian as he started to get up and dust himself off. I turned my head to hide my blushing; with no success I'm afraid. Brian extended his hand out to help me up and I took it. I felt a shiver run through my body at his touch.

"Thanks," I said coyly "but what was that all about?"

"It's nothing." He said, getting some control of himself. I could see from his eyes that he must have been crying for quite some time.

I turned around as I heard someone else walk through the door and into the room. I looked at him and frowned. "This must be Jason." I thought to myself.

I did my best to keep my temper under control, promising myself that if I ever ran into Jason again, I would make him suffer for whatever it was he did.

"Why'd you leave? We aren't done yet." Jason said, looking to Brian.

"I have nothing more to say to you, Jason. GET OUT!" said Brian, his tears beginning to well up again.

Jason walked out the door solemnly with his head hung low. Immediately I was concerned. What could Jason have done to make Brian so angry? I turned to the rest of the guys, who were hugging Brian, trying to get him to calm down.

"Don't worry about it Brian. Things will get better soon enough for you." Said Nick with a very concerned look on his face.

I coughed lightly to get their attention. It worked.

"Hi" I said lightly "My name is Chris and this..."I gestured to Alex" is my friend Alex" Alex nodded and said his "hello".

I heard a quintet of hello's as each one introduced themselves. We all shook hands and I looked to Brian.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah I'll be fine. He's just a jerk that did something a bit to fucked up for me to forgive."


My parents turned into the room. I turned to look at them and gasped to see my father leaning on my mother with a pained look in his eyes. I rushed over to help him.

"Dad, what happened?"

"We were walking in and some strange guy knocked right into your father, tossing him to the floor. He didn't even turn around or apologize. Help me get him to the couch." My mom said breathlessly.

I clenched my fist into a tight ball before grabbing my father and pulling him carefully to the couch. My mom shot me a warning glance, having caught the sight of fist. Not a word was spoken between the two of us, as I knew what it was she was going to say. I unclenched my fist and forced myself to calm down. Alex came up behind me and started to rub my shoulders. I immediately calmed down and looked at him, my eyes saying all he needed to hear.

I turned back to my father who was trying to sit up. I slowly and gently pushed him back down.

"You're not getting up until I say so. I don't want to have to tie you down so stay put." I said while looking at my father who just nodded and looked helplessly to my mother. She just shrugged and held out her hands.

Brian walked over to my father and apologized.

"That was Jason who hit you. I made him angry and I'm sorry that he stormed right into you like that."

"It's alright. There was nothing you could have done to have stopped him at the rate he was going." Said my father.

My mother turned to me. "I'm sorry hon., but we should take your father home so he doesn't get injured further. I'm sorry you have to miss your concert, but we'll order it on Pay Per View and have your birthday party at the house."

I just looked down at the ground as Brian walked up to my mother.

"I'll take him home after the concert if you wouldn't mind. It's the least I can do."

I looked up at him with "Thank you" written all over my face. My mother just looked at him awkwardly.

"Are you sure? You don't have to do that. I know how busy you guys can get. I listen to Chris rant on about where you guys are going and where you have been. You sound very busy."

"No it's alright. I would hate for a fan to have to miss out on the fun, especially on his birthday."

I said nothing but glanced at my mom with a pleading look on my face. She sighed lightly and smiled at me.

"Alright. I guess that would be okay. You behave yourself and do as Mr. Litrell tells you, or we will have words when you come home." She gave me a stern look, showing me that she meant business. I stepped back, cowering behind Alex playfully, which made the entire room bust up laughing. My mom just winked at me and came over to give me a kiss. I helped my mom and Alex take my father to the car and watched them drive off before going back inside and seeing the guys with smiles on all their faces.

"So it's your birthday today, huh?" Said Brian "How old are you?"

"18" "Wow, 18 years old. An adult fan that is also male. Now that is something we don't see often." He smiled as the guys busted up laughing at the embarrassed look on my face. The backstage manager walked into the room.

"Two minutes guys. Better get on stage and get ready."

"Alright." They all chimed.

Alex and I turned to leave and take our seats.

"Where are you two going?" said Nick with a meaningful expression on his face.

"We're going to take our seats and watch the concert."

"Why? Do you want to be out there with all the screaming teenage girls?"


"Then get over here. You can have a couple seats backstage and watch us up close."

Alex and I just looked at each other and smiled excitedly. Not only were we there but also we were just invited to sit backstage. We couldn't believe our luck as we walked out and sat down in a couple of directors' chairs next to the stage. We exchanged high fives with the band members and wished them a good show. They all walked out on stage and took their places just as the background music started to play.

"Everybody groove to the music. Everybody dance."

I kept staring at Brian while Alex's attention was focused on Nick....

We stood up and applauded as the band and singers all came backstage, exchanging high fives for a successful show. Brian came up to Alex and me and smiled.

"So how did you guys like the show?"

"It was great. You guys are the best in the business. Your voices interact so well with one-another." I said wholeheartedly.

"I'm glad you think so. It took us a long time to get that effect. Anyway, we were gonna go out for some dinner. Why don't you two join us?"

"Thanks anyway but we're broke." Alex and I said simultaneously

"It's ok. You two are our guests. It's my treat to the birthday boy." He flashed me that gorgeous smile and I got weak. It took all my strength just to keep from falling down.

"Okay, but I should call my mom and let her know what's happening so she doesn't get worried. Do you have a phone?"

Brian handed me his cellular phone. I took it thankfully and punched in my home number. My mother answered the phone.

-------On the phone-------- "Hello?"

"Hi mom, it's me."

"Oh, hi honey. How was the concert?"

"It was awesome. To bad you missed it. Anyway, the guys invited us to go out for dinner. Is that okay?"

"Sure, you guys have fun. Just be home before 1:00 cause you have school in the morning."

"Okay mom. I will. Bye"

"Bye babe."

I hung up the phone and handed it back to Brian, who took it and fastened it to his belt. We all went out for dinner to a very expensive restaurant. Brian turned to us after dinner.

"I guess it's time I took you guys home. It's almost midnight and we have a hell of a drive ahead of us."

I sighed and looked at my watch. It was indeed almost midnight. Brian, Alex and I hopped into the car. Alex let me sit up front with Brian. We started pulling out of the parking lot when Nick came out to the car and knocked on Brains window. Brian rolled his window down and looked at Nick curiously.

"Mind if I join you guys?"

"Sure if you don't mind sitting in the back."

"Cool." Nick hopped in next to Alex. We drove off onto the freeway when I pressed play on the cassette player. I was surprised to hear NSYNC blare on.

"You guys listen to NSYNC too?"

Brian looked at me, embarrassed. "Yeah we like their music, even though they are our prime competitors."

I just looked at him dumbfounded. We all sang along to the music as we drove down to my house in Bay Point. The freeway was practically empty considering the time so we pumped up the music to a higher volume. I kept quiet as I listened to Brian match the volume of the stereo with ease, his beautiful voice over powering it.

We pulled up to my house as I noticed the lights were all off.

"My parents must be asleep." I muttered. I turned to look at Brian who was unbuckling his seat belt.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in earnest.

"It is only polite to escort your guest to the door when you bring them home." He retorted.

"Oh okay. Bye Nick, bye Alex. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Chris. Happy birthday." They both chimed in.

Brian walked me to my door and hugged me, which totally took me by surprise. He turned around and started walking to his car.

"Happy birthday man"

"Thanks. It was nice meeting you Brian. Say bye to the others for me."

He was gone before I could finish. I just sighed and walked into the house. I went up to my room quietly so as to not wake up my parents. I began to get ready for bed when something fell out of my shirt. I leant over and picked it up.

"I had fun tonight. Hope to hear from you soon. Call me at 1 (111) 555-3210

Love Brian"

I couldn't believe my luck. Brian Litrell, the man I had been admiring since their first album came out, just asked me to spend more time with him. I went to bed with a smile on my face.

Next: Chapter 2

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