Spending Time with Brian

By Raven

Published on Feb 8, 2000


This story is completely fictional and is not meant to imply anything on the sexuality of Brian Litrell or any of the other Backstreet Boys members.

I hope you guys like reading these as much as I liked writing them. Please hold your criticisms (unless they're productive).


Chapter 2

-----------Meanwhile, in the car------------

Brian and Nick had just dropped Alex off and were on their way to the hotel. They kept talking about the events of the night when the topic got around to me.

"I thought he was a pretty cool guy. He didn't treat us like we were extremely special. He treated us like we were normal. I gave him my cell number so I hope he calls."

"Don't worry about it, Brian. I'm sure he'll call. Did you see how he was looking at you all night? You're his idol, man."

"Yeah it was kind of sweet. But I'm not sure if I want to get into anything right now. What with Jason being an asshole and all. I don't know what Jason might try and do if he found out. I couldn't stand to see Chris get hurt cause of Jason's jealousy."

"Yeah you're right about that. Jason can be very hostile when he doesn't get his way."

"Enough about them. I noticed Alex giving you the eye tonight. Didn't you notice how strange he was acting in the car? He was afraid to even look at you."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Why would someone like Alex be interested in me?"

"For that matter, why would anybody be interested in you?" Brian stated playfully. Nick gave him a slug on the arm in mid-laugh.

"Well look at you. I don't exactly see the girls mooning all over you."

"Yeah but who gets the most mail between the two of us?"

"Those are mostly bills you need to pay."

"You wish they were."

The boys got home and went up to their separate rooms and went to sleep. Each one dreamed of something new and fresh arriving.


Brian was awoken by the sound of his phone ringing. He groggily turned to his clock. It read 11:00 a.m. He got up and went over to his phone to answer it. He took a look at the caller ID.

"I don't know this number. I wonder who this is." He said softly as he turned it on to receive the call.


"Hello. Who is this?"

"Brian is that you? It's me Chris, from last night."

It took a minute for Brian to remember my name, as he was still half asleep.

"Oh, Chris. Hi. I see you found my note."

"Yeah. How did you give it to me without me knowing it?"

"I slipped it between your shirt and undershirt when I hugged you. Pretty crafty, huh?

"Yeah I'd say so. I'm usually a lot better with my senses than that. I guess I was just tired. Anyway, when are you free to hang out again?"

"Oh. We will have a small press conference this morning and then rehearsal. After that we're free. Why? Did you want to do something today?"

"Well you're obviously busy so I can call you another time."

"No it's ok. We get out of rehearsal at 4 so we'd have the rest of the afternoon off. What did you have in mind?"

"Well I was figuring maybe dinner. I can't afford an expensive place like we ate at last night so maybe we could go out for Chinese or something."

"That sounds great. I love Chinese food. What time did you want to get together?"

"Whenever your free. I have the entire day pretty much. I forgot to tell mom about today being a staff development day. No school so I am free."

"Well why don't I come get you then?"

"Okay, when?"

"Right now. Our press conference isn't till noon so I have plenty of time. You can hang out with the managers during the press conference and then come hear us rehearse."

"Cool. I'm up for that."

"Great. I'll be there in about 45 minutes. I need to shower and get ready."

"Okay. See you then. Bye."

"Bye." Brian hung up the phone and went into the bathroom to take his shower.

I tossed my cordless phone into the air and caught it with one hand. I was ecstatic. I got to hang out with my favorite band and the sexiest man on earth. I did somersaults all the way to the bedroom to get ready.

45 minutes later I heard a car horn and rushed to the window to see Brian, AJ and Nick waiting for me in the car. I threw on my jacket and rushed out the door and to the car. I hopped in the back seat next to AJ. He looked at me with a slight smile.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Hi, it's going. I can't say much more than that."

We started to drive off back to the city for the press conference. The music of NSYNC came onto the radio. I smiled and started to sing along.

"It's tearing up my heart when I'm with you. But when we are apart I feel it too. And no matter what I do I feel the paaain, with or without you."

Everyone just looked at me dumb-founded as I closed my eyes and really got into the music, singing along as best I could. When the song finished I heard a small applause and I opened my eyes and realized where I was. I looked around and sank into my chair I was so embarrassed. Brian looked at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Where did that come from?"

I just sank lower and kept quiet.

"No, no. It was good. It was damn good. Why didn't you sing along louder last night so we could all hear you?"

"I didn't like that song as much as I liked "Tearing Up My Heart" so I just kept it down."

"You should send in a demo tape. You'd make a lot of money with that voice."

"No thank you. I couldn't handle having all that attention. I'd get stage fright in no time. Besides, Alex is a much better singer than I am."

"I haven't heard Alex sing so I couldn't tell. But you would make a great singer. At least consider it."

Nothing more was spoken about my embarrassment. We got to the press conference and I went and stood next to the bands managers. The guys went up in front of the cameras and answered some questions about where they were going next and about their new album "Millennium."

Then it was off to their rehearsal. I went into the control booth as the guys went in to start practicing. I had earphones on with their music playing while they sang it as I sat down and read my book. Before I knew it they were saying my name. I looked up at them and they motioned for me to get in there. Thinking they were done I walked into the sound room. I stood right in front of a microphone, not even realizing that it was still turned on.

"I love you guys' music. I can never get tired of it."

AJ, Brian and Nick looked at Howie and Kevin with a smile on their faces.

"Lets give him a little personal performance. Chris, why don't you sing with us?" AJ said with a wide grin.

"I'd only mess up your music. You don't want me to do that."

"Come on. It's just for fun."

"Well okay if you want me to."

"What's your favorite song of ours?"

"I would have to say "Perfect Fan" cause that's how I always imagined my mother."

"Okay guys. Perfect Fan on three." AJ reached over and turned on the background music. "One.... Two.... Three."

I closed my eyes again, really getting into the music.

"It takes a lot to know what is love. It's not the big things but the little things that can mean enough. A lot of prayers to get me through. And there is never a day that passes by, I don't think of you. You were always there for me. Pushing me and guiding me, always to succeed."

I went through the entire song, not realizing that after the first line, I was singing it on my own. When the music ended, I opened my eyes and looked around. Howie and Kevin were staring wide-eyed at me.

"Oh you set me up. Not fair." I started to run out of the room when someone grabbed my arm. I turned and looked right into Brian's eyes.

"We just wanted to see how you sounded on your own. And, I must admit, to see the look on Howie and Kevin's faces when they heard you sing. We did set you up and we want you to listen to yourself sing and realize how good you really sound."

"What do you mean, "listen to myself"?" I asked. Then I looked up and saw the record light go out. "You were recording me?"

"Just listen to the playback. That's all I ask."

I was understandably upset seeing as how I was just deceived but I couldn't say no to him. I sat down with my headphones on and listened to the playback. When the music ended I took the headphones off.

"Alright, you've convinced me but I still think you guys sing that better."

The guys all applauded on a job well done. I felt strange being the one to sing a song that they wrote, and right in front of them no less. Brian came over to me and picked me up off the bench and into the air, giving me a bear hug to express how proud he was. I had to duck to make sure I didn't hit my head.

After the celebration on my hidden talent was over, we all went out to go bowling before dinner. Brian was kicking my butt and I was kicking everyone else's butt. I am not used to being anything but first when I bowl with my friends but I was having too much fun to care.

After Brian won the first three consecutive games, we decided to leave and go out for our dinner. It was already 7:00. We all walked out of the bowling alley and started heading down the street towards the corner. It was a pretty empty street. Not a car or person was in sight.

All of a sudden, somebody charged Brian and shoved him into a dark alley, punching him in the face. I cried out as Brian was in front of me one moment and gone the next. I turned and ran down the alleyway towards Brian and the man who grabbed him. As I reached them, I grabbed Brian's attacker and turned him around. It was Jason.

"Alright, start from the top." I said to him calmly as I held him by his collar. "Why did you attack Brian?"

Jason just looked at me unperturbed. "If I can't have him, no one can. He was mine until I made a mistake and he dumped me. So I'll get rid of him and I can be the only one who he ever had."

I was floored. Did I just hear right? Did Jason say that Brian DUMPED him? I turned my attention back to Jason. "Alright, listen up pencil dick. If you ever go near him again, you will regret it. You have no idea what you're up against."

"Right. What can a little SHIT like you do to me?"

My pupils dilated. I motioned with my hand, hurling him against a wall 10 feet behind me. He hit it hard and fell to the ground, on his head, unconscious. The boys just looked at me with amazement. My eyes went back to normal and I lowered my head. No one said a word. I just turned and walked out of the alley and headed home.

"CHRIS. WAIT UP." I froze dead in my tracks as I heard Brian running up behind me. I was happy that he was all right but I was scared at what he might say. I kept my head down, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"How did you do that?"

"Brian. Thank you for being my friend. I'm glad you're all right. I'll leave you alone now." I said as a single tear found it's way out of my eye and to the ground.

"No, don't go. That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. How did you do that?"

"I just... reacted. I couldn't stand there and let him hurt you. So I snapped and you know the rest. I'll go now. I'm sure you don't want to hang out with a freak like me. I don't want to ruin your good name."

"No you're not leaving yet. How did you pick him up like that? Where did you get such strength?"

"I'm no stronger. I just lifted most of him up with my mind. I'm telekinetic. Why are you doing this? Aren't you going to make fun of me and call me a freak?"

"No I'm not. Why would I do that? You just saved my life."

I could hear the others walking up behind us. I just shivered and stood still.

"How did you become a telekinetic?"

"I was born that way."

"I'd love to hear more about it. Lets go get our dinner and we can talk."

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"Do I mind? Hell no. I was thinking about hiring you as a bodyguard."

We went to the restaurant in silence as I tried to absorb what had just happened. I couldn't understand how they could be so calm around me. Until I learned to control my power, I was making things and people fly around left and right. I was not used to people accepting me. Most were afraid of what I could do. We arrived at the restaurant and placed our orders after being seated. Brian was the one to break the silence.

"So where does this power come from?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes of course."

"Okay. Each person is born with some super-human abilities. These abilities are referred to as latent abilities. There are people, like me, who never loose these abilities and then there are people who's abilities remain dormant."

"So everyone has these abilities, even us?"

"Yes even you. But like most people, your "powers" remained dormant all throughout your life."

"So are you saying that I can move things with my mind?"

"Not necessarily. Most abilities are different. In degree, all abilities are different."

"So I could have your ability but just have it weaker?"

"Or stronger. There is no way to tell for now."

After dinner we all went back to the hotel and talked and watched TV for about 3 hours. Then Brian got into the car with me to take me home. For a long time, nothing was said. Then it was my turn to break the silence.

"So what really happened between you and Jason?"

Brian sighed. "I can only tell you if you promise not to tell anyone else."

"I will promise only if you promise not to tell about my telekinesis."

"Okay. That sounds fair enough." He sighed again. "Jason got angry at me because... well... he cheated on me and I blew up at him."

"I knew that must have been it."

Brian looked at me with shock in his eyes. "You knew? How?"

"Well the way Jason told me why he attacked you I knew that must have been it."

"Then your okay? With me being gay?"

"Okay? Hell it's the most I could have hoped for. I'm gay too and I have had a crush on you since your first album."

Brian just looked at me and smiled. I smiled back going weak in the knees again so it was a good thing I was sitting down. We pulled into my driveway and we both got out. Brian walked me to my door and hugged me again. Then he did something I never expected. He KISSED me. When he let go, I had this blank expression on my face. The only thing that showed that I was alive was my mile long smile. I stood up, snapping out of my blissful trance. He walked back to his car. I ran up to the window as he got in, leant in and kissed him again, my arm reaching around him. I let go of him and flashed him a smile. He smiled back and drove off. I went in to the house and up to my room to go to sleep. It had been a most eventful day.

Next: Chapter 3

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