Spending Time with Brian

By Raven

Published on Feb 18, 2000


Hi guys. Well this is the third chapter so far and I am enjoying writing it. I hope you like reading it. Send me an e-mail and tell me what you think. Blazing_Eagle@yahoo.com

This story is completely fictional and is not meant to suggest anything on the sexuality of Brian Litrell, Nick Carter or any of the other BSB members.

Chapter 3

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing in the living room. I got up groggily and walked into the living room with just a robe on. I picked up the phone after realizing that my parents had to go into the office today.


"Hi, Chris. Brian here."

"Brian? I thought you wouldn't call." I said as I began to wake up.

"Why wouldn't I call?"

"Well first off, I didn't think the trick you pulled on me would work on you. Secondly, I thought that you were just being nice last night. I didn't think you would actually call."

"I have no intention of letting you go after last nights display. You have a lot of talents that I think would be quite useful in a business like this one."

"How do you mean?"

"Chris, I called to ask you an important question."

I sat there confused for a moment "Okay, what's up?"

There was a brief moment of silence as Brian collected his thoughts.

"Well I have actually called to ask you a couple of questions."

"Brian, you're killing me with suspense. What is it?" I said through a small laugh.

"Okay, first question is whether or not you enjoyed last night."

"Yeah I had a lot of fun and I am glad that I can be so open with you guys now."

"Good, cause after talking it over with the guys and management, we have decided to hire you as our bodyguard. You will be going on tour with us. This is a major opportunity Chris and I would hate for you to miss it. We can hire a tutor for you so you can finish up high school."

I sat there in shock at what I was hearing, and then I thought about it and frowned.

"I'm sorry Brian but I can't be your bodyguard. If my abilities are revealed, my parents are afraid that I'll be locked up for some experiment and chopped into pieces."

"Chris, no one is going to find out, as long as you make sure you make it look like it was a natural act caused by your strength, not your mind. Management doesn't even know about it yet."

"Well in that case, I say yes. I would love to be the bodyguard of you guys. As long as my job doesn't get to strenuous."

"It won't. The next question is what are you doing today?"

"I have school till 3:00. After that, nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Well would you mind coming down to the studio? We have some things we need to cover about your new job."

"Okay. I'll find a way to get down there."

"No need. I just made an appointment for you. A limo will arrive to pick you up from school at 3:30. That should give you enough time to return all of your books and get your friends off campus before the limo arrives."

"Return my books? When do I start working?"

"The job starts the moment you sign your contract and health benefits papers. That will happen this afternoon once we cover all the details of your job."

"Umm, okay. I better call my...oh shit. I have to go Brian. I have to get ready for school."

"Okay. I'll see you this afternoon okay?"

"Yeah, alright. Talk to you later. Love you. Bye"

I hung up the phone and walked quickly toward the shower before stopping dead in my tracks. I slapped my forehead harshly as I realized what I had just done. I walked slowly to the shower to get ready for school.


Brian sat there in shock listening to the dial tone of the phone. He snapped out of it when the operator came on the line and he hung up. He got up and went to take his shower. 'He's in love with me. I can't believe that someone so sweet could be in love with me.' He thought as he turned on the shower and adjusted the water to a comfortable setting. He stepped in after removing his silk black boxers, feeling the hot water flow down his smooth chest.

--------Later that day--------

I had just gotten finished returning my books when I got to the front of the school. I glanced at my clock. It read 3:27 p.m. I looked around the now empty campus as I saw the limo pull into view. It drove right up to me and stopped as I reached for the handle. It opened on it's own and I stepped in to see Brian inside waiting for me. I swallowed nervously as I climbed in and sat across from him. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Glad to see you, Chris."


"We have a lot of work to cover for you so we better get a move on." He stated, as the limo started moving, causing me to lurch forward a bit. I stopped myself before falling onto Brian's lap, my face as red as a lobster.

"Sorry" I said bashfully

"Not a problem. These thing can catch you off guard sometimes." He just looked at me and smiled, his eyes sparkling clearly. I just sat there as my heart melted. I sat there, entranced, looking into his eyes lovingly.

"Chris? Are you alright?" Brian waved a hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance and back into reality.

"Uh yeah. Sorry, I was just daydreaming I guess."

"It's alright. Daydreams can be the most fun sometimes." he stated matter-of-factly.

"That's for sure." I said, sending him a smile. He looked deep into my green eyes, leaning forward slowly. I began to get nervous as he moved closer to me. I felt a shock run through my entire body as his lips met mine. He closed his eyes and moaned lightly. I could feel his hands coming up to my cheeks, bringing me closer into the kiss as his tongue rubbed up against my lips. I parted them slowly, taking his sweet taste into my mouth. I wrestled his tongue with mine, forcing his back as mine entered his warm mouth. I began to tickle the roof of his mouth and he laughed lightly in to the kiss. We separated, leaving me with my eyes shut in pure ecstasy.

I opened my eyes to see him grinning at me.

"Brian, that was... unbelievable." I said softly. I looked to the windows to reassure myself that they were to dark for anyone to look into.

"I enjoyed it, myself."

We pulled up to the studio and hopped out. I looked up at my new place of employment. It was very large and had windows lining the wall. At first glance I almost mistook it for a large greenhouse. We walked inside where I saw the rest of the guys waiting for us.

"So Chris. Did Brian fill you in?" Asked AJ.

"Yeah he did. I would be honored to become your bodyguard." I turned around in a complete circle, admiring the building. I stopped as I noticed some familiar faces walking towards me. It was management trying to grab me to get my signatures so they could all get back to the hotel and rest. I followed them to the conference room as I was stared at by each of them. We walked in and closed the door, leaving the band outside. I felt very nervous because they all kept staring at me as though there was something wrong.

"You are the new bodyguard?" asked one man, who I presumed was the manager of the whole band.

"Uh I hope so. Is there something wrong?"

"You're a little skinny to be a bodyguard." He stated openly.

"Don't let my size fool you. I can hold more than my own." I said nervously.

He just looked at me and nodded. He beckoned one of the security officers over to where we were standing.

"Dave, this is Chris. He's going to be the new bodyguard around here." Dave looked at me and laughed lightly to himself.

"Yeah, and?" He said in a very deep voice. He looked like the eighth wonder of the world. He was huge compared to me in the way of muscle, but I prided myself on being a giraffe. I was 6'5" tall and he barely topped 6'.

"I want you to see what he's capable of but don't hurt him." The manager said. I grunted at his belief in my capabilities. I turned to the door to see the guys looking in through the window. They just nodded as Brian mouthed, "remember what I said earlier". I nodded to him and stood ready for anything. Dave just came up to me and cracked his knuckles, grinning.

"This should be hardly considered a workout"

I just stood there and looked at him, not moving a muscle. He took a quick swing at me, which I dodged with ease. He may be strong but he was slow. I grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand down, causing him to cry out in pain. He pulled back and just looked at me with anger in his eyes, grabbing his wrist.

"I warned you not to under-estimate me." The manager just gawked at me as Dave took another punch, catching me off guard and hitting me in the face. I fell to the ground, clutching my jaw.

"Big mistake." I said as I got up and brushed myself off. He took another swing at me, missing me entirely. I grabbed his forearm and flipped him over my head and onto the floor, punching him in his stomach when he landed. He got up and started towards me again before being stopped by the manager. I lowered my fists, thinking that my test was over. Dave grunted at me and walked off.

"See you later Dave." I said as he slammed the door on his way to get some ice for his hand.

"How did you hurt his hand like that?"

"A little trick on pressure points I learned from my father. If you push a hand towards the wrist while you pinch the wrist with your thumb and forefinger, you cut off circulation to the hand, which causes a lot of pain."

"Obviously. You're hired as far as I'm concerned." I nodded in thanks as he led me to the table where the papers awaited my look over and signature. I signed them after paging through, finding everything satisfactory. He shook my hand and I walked out with a "Welcome aboard" being stated as I left.

"Thanks" I said as I closed the door.

The guys all looked at me with smiles on their faces.

"Where did you learn that hand trick?" Howie asked eagerly.

"Just a little something I picked up from my father."

"Could you teach that to me?"

"Sure, nothing to it really. Hold out your hand, palm face down."

Howie did as I told him and I grabbed his wrist, lowering his hand and causing him to cry out in pain. He yanked his hand free and rubbed his sore wrist.

"Now you know how it's done." I chuckled at him as he held his hand out. I pushed his palm up and back. He rubbed his wrist and smiled. "That's a nifty little trick." He said surprised.

"Yeah it's a good prank to pull on friends to." I said with a smile.

"Is anyone else here hungry?" Nick chimed in.

I looked at my watch. "Whoa it's almost 7:00. Yeah we should go grab something to eat."

We all walked out and I guided them to my favorite restaurant in the area. Kevin drove while Nick sat next to him. AJ, Howie, Brian and myself were all in the back of the van, AJ and Howie next to each other while I sat next to Brian. About halfway there I felt a brush against my hand. I looked down to see Brian creeping his hand under mine. I looked up at him and smiled, giving his hand a light squeeze.

We pulled into the parking lot and all hopped out. Brian let my hand go which made me sigh, but I knew he had an image to keep up and I was not going to ruin his career. We strolled in as my friend Kat walked up to us. She took one look at me and then at the group. I rushed over to her and covered her mouth to keep her from screaming.

I slowly leaned over and whispered in her ear. "We are here for some food and privacy. Please seat us and keep it quiet ok, preferably someplace away from other people. I'll get them to give you an autograph." She nodded as I removed my hand from her mouth. She walked us upstairs to a secluded area where it was dimly lit. She took our orders and our napkins after everyone had signed them.

"Well Chris. Welcome to the tour. Be packed and ready to go in two days okay." Said Kevin, taking authority as usual.

"Two days? My parents... oh my God my parents. I forgot to call them." I reached to the side of my carpenter jeans and grabbed my phone, flipping it open. I called my house and groaned as my brother answered.


"Tony, hi. It's Chris. Is mom home yet?"

"Yeah hang on a sec. I'll get her." I heard some muffling and a few voices. Then I heard my mom's voice on the phone.

"Hi hon. What's going on? Where are you? Are you alright?" She asked with much concern in her voice.

"I'm fine mom. I'm at a restaurant with the guys having dinner. I have some good news and some bad news."

"Okay what's the good news?"

"I got a job as a bodyguard for the buys. I start right away."

"Oh honey. I'm not sure I like this job. I don't want you getting hurt and I certainly don't want your abilities leaking out to the press."

"Mom, it's ok. I'll be fine and no one is going to find out. I have found a way to make it look like my natural strength. I just need to get in close enough to make it look like I'm throwing them and then let my mind take care of the rest. I'll be fine."

"Okay hon. Your old enough to make your own choices. What's the bad news?"

"I'm going on tour with the guys. I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. I already turned my books in at the school. The guys are hiring a tutor to go on tour with me so I can finish up school."

I heard my mom sigh, then, in a teary voice, she said "Okay hon. I will see you when you get home. I love you. Bye." She hung up without another word. I started to get a little worried as I put my phone away. I turned to the rest of the group and hid my feelings; something I had gotten used to doing when I found out I was gay.

The food arrived shortly thereafter. I tried to remember to have a talk with my mother when I got home. In the meantime, we were all having fun and talking. Kat was on her break so she joined us, getting to know the guys as much as she could. I smiled on the drive home as I looked back and noticed that she was paying an awful lot of attention to Howie. We pulled into the driveway and I hopped out, thanking the guys for the ride home

I opened the door to the house and walked in. I was met at the door as usual by my calico. She looked up at me and just yowled. I smiled down at her and picked her up. I heard my mom coming down the stairs as I scratched her head gently. I looked up at my mom and noticed that she had been crying. I set Harli down slowly and walked over to the bottom of the stairs.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She said nothing as she walked down and hugged me tightly.

"I can't believe my little baby boy is all grown up. Becoming a bodyguard is very dangerous, so I want you to be very careful you hear me?"

"Mom, don't worry about me. I can hold my own in a fight. Please don't cry."

"I can't believe that you're moving out so soon. It's only been two days since you turned 18 and you are already leaving me."

"Mom I'm not leaving you. I'm just going to be on a really long road trip." I smiled as I finally got her to laugh. I grabbed her and hugged her again. "I will always be your baby boy, and you will always be the best mom."

We sat down and I let her cry a few minutes on my shoulder, going through an entire box of Kleenex. After that we talked until dawn about my childhood, my future, her future, how much this might affect my brother psychologically being the older brother and not having a job before his baby brother does. Before I knew it the sun was rising and shining through the window. My mom went upstairs and called her work to tell them she wasn't coming in today. I went to go take a shower and get ready to go to work.

Next: Chapter 4

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