Spending Time with Brian

By Raven

Published on Feb 23, 2000


Hi Guys. I just wanted to thank you for reading my story. I have really been enjoying writing it. I hope you enjoyed reading it just as much. This story is completely fictional and is not meant to imply anything on the sexualities of Brian Litrell or Nicholas Carter.

Chapter 4

After my shower I got dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with two horizontal blue stripes on it and some carpenter jeans. I went off to work in my new Eclipse (my birthday present from Brian :)) listening to Brian sing all the way over on my cassette player. I pulled into the parking lot just as my tape had ended with "That's What She Said". I hopped out of the car and walked in to the building to see Brian and the others stretching for their warm ups. I could not believe how in shape he was.

Brian saw me and asked Fatima for a quick break, which she was reluctant to do, but nodded anyway. He ran over to me and smiled.

"Did your present arrive yet?"

"Of course. How do you think I got here?" I said with a smile. "I have a favor to ask."

"What's up?"

"Well, I told my family that I would be working here and I have a request. I want for my brother to be my back up. He will obey me because we work well together when I am the brain and he is the brawn."

"Okay. We'll run it by management. We should meet him before we try anything on management. When can we see him?"

"I can go back and get him at anytime. Just give the word. He's going to be home all week."

"Okay. We don't need you just yet so why don't you go and grab him now and we can have a look at him when you get back."


Brian looked around to make sure no one was watching us and then he leant in and gave me a kiss on the lips, sending a jolt of energy coursing through my skin. I turned and left the building. On my way to my car I pulled out my cell phone and punched in the house number. Luckily, Tony was the one to answer.

"Tony. Be ready in about ten minutes. I think I may have a job for you."

"Cool Chris. See you then. I might be in the shower when you get here. I'll be out soon so just wait for me."

"Alright. I'll see you soon. Bye."


I hopped into the car and drove home to pick up my big brother. When I got there, he was already dressed and ready to go. I looked him up and down to make sure he won't embarrass me with his attire. After I was satisfied we were on our way.

"So what's this job you've got for me?"

"Back-up bodyguard for the Backstreet Boys. You'll basically be following me, which is how we work anyway. I say and you do. Understand?"

"Yep. I got it. So basically I am the lackey to the bodyguard."

"That about sums it up, yeah. Feel lucky I could even get you this job. Now they are going to want you to demonstrate your abilities. Don't be afraid to show your strength and speed, just keep anything in the abnormal section hidden, okay?"

"Got it. Thanks Chris. I owe you one."

"You owe me a lot more than one. We're here. Your bat is in the trunk. Grab it if you must." I said as I hopped out of the car and made my way back to the studio doors. Tony caught up with me (which is hard to do cause my legs were so much longer than his) and came inside with me. I scanned the area and saw the manager waiting for me. He walked over to me with a curious expression on his face.

"You wanted to show me something?"

"Yes actually. This is my brother Tony. I wish for him to be my back up. If you want me as a bodyguard, you'll have to take him. We are a team."

"Alright. Tony, follow me so I can have a look at you."

Tony picked his bat up off the ground and walked with the manager, clueless as to where they were headed. The manager took him to the same room he had looked me over in. I smiled as I saw Dave come up and smirk at Tony. I was right. They wanted to test his capabilities.

Dave kicked at Tony, who brought his bat down at an even level and blocked it, causing Dave's foot to ram into the aluminum bat. Tony took his bat and swung it at Dave, hitting him square in the chest, knocking him back and taking the wind out of him. The manager just slid the paper over to Tony who signed it without even looking at it. It was the same contract as mine so he felt it unnecessary to page through. Tony walked out with a smile on his face.

"I hope I didn't hurt that security officer too much."

"No. Dave's a resilient guy. I'm sure he'll be fine. Come on. I'll introduce you to the men you'll be protecting."

We walked into the practice room and sat down, watching the guys practice their vocals for tonight's concert. I just sat and watched Brian. When they were done, I applauded their efforts and in turn they each took a bow to Tony and me. We walked over to the entrance of the sound room just as the guys stepped out.

"You guys sound much better in person than you do on the album." I said with a smile.

"Thanks. Who's this?" said Kevin, gesturing at Tony.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my brother and back up bodyguard, Tony. Tony, that's AJ, Nick, Brian, Kevin and Howie."

They exchanged nods and handshakes. Kevin looked Tony up and down.

"Your much more built than Chris. I take it you're the brawn."

"Yep. He says and I do. It's been like that since we were kids. He may be younger but he more often knows the more logical solution. Not to mention he can think of ways not to get caught. So I guess you could call him my boss now." Tony turned to me. "But don't think that I'm going to start calling you sir." Everyone laughed at my brother's words and took off for the front room to sit down. I sat on the longest couch with Brian at my right and Tony on my left. Howie and Nick took one of the loveseats and Kevin and AJ took the other.

"So when are you guys done for the day?"

"We'll be done in a couple of hours. We still have to go over the choreography and Fatima doesn't usually go easy on us. It's good that she's tough though or we would never get it down. Then after that we have nothing until 8:00 when it's time for the concert." Said Kevin.

"OK then I'll take Tony here to pick up some lunch and teach him the ropes of the job."

"Sounds good. We'll see you back here in an hour."

Tony and I left the building, leaving the boys to finish their work. As we left, Nick and AJ went up to Brian.

"Alright Brian, you can stop hiding it now." Said AJ with a smile on his face.

"Hiding what?"

"Please. It's so obvious that you like this Chris guy. Does he know?"

"I think so but so far I haven't gotten much feedback on it."

"Then you need to sit him down and have a talk with him. Find out what he's thinking, especially about you. It's not easy to do but you are more than capable of it. Give it a try."

"I guess so. I'll talk to him when we see him later."

"Ok just don't wait too long. You're not getting any younger." AJ replied with a laugh. Brian threw a couch pillow at him, hitting him square in the face.

"Look who's talking, oh old one."

"I'm just saying that you should talk to him."

"I will, but the timing needs to be just right."

On that note, Fatima walked in and told the guys that it was time to get back to work. Each member groaned as they got up and started heading to the dance floor. Brian turned around just in time to see me drive out of the parking lot.

--------At Lunch--------

Tony and I just sat down to eat when he asked me a question.

"So what's going on between you and Brian?"

I looked at him slightly stunned, "What do you mean?"

"You like him don't you?"

"Well, yeah but...."

"No buts. I see the way you two look at each other. You should go for it. He obviously finds you attractive."

"I'm not looking for someone who wants my body. If he wants me, then he is going to have to learn that there is more to me than that."

"Ok it's your decision to make. Just don't leave the poor guy dangling like that."

"Who says I'm leaving him dangling? Just because we aren't a couple yet doesn't mean we haven't expressed how we both feel."

"You're kidding. You've already slept with him?"

"No you horn dog. He kissed me."

"He KISSED you?" said Tony in mock exasperation. "Of course he's going to kiss you. He likes you for who you are. Or haven't you noticed yet?"

"I've noticed but I don't think he has. I'm going to give it a bit more time."

Our food arrived quickly and both of us ate quickly. I had missed breakfast that morning so I was hungry. Tony obviously hadn't eaten for a while either. Then I remembered that he doesn't eat breakfast. We finished our meal in silence and hopped back into the car. I let Tony drive provided that he didn't crash. He smacked me playfully across the arm and took the keys.

--------Back at the Studio--------

The guys were finished for the day so they decided to go wait for us to get back. They didn't have to wait long before my car was pulling into the parking lot in front. We both stepped out of the car and headed towards the main entrance. The guys came out before we got there.

"I think we've all had enough time here for the day. I need a shower so lets go back to the hotel." Said Nick with a smirk at Brian. Brian just blushed slightly and we all hopped in our separate cars. Everyone went in AJs van aside from me, Tony and Brian, who all climbed into my car. I told Tony to sit in back, which he did reluctantly, and Brian took the seat in front next to me. It took us all of ten minutes to get to the hotel, which was overrun with girls. I quickly drove around back so no one could see Brian.

"I've really got to get these windows tinted." I said, closing the car door after getting out. Brian looked at me and nodded.

"It comes with the business I'm afraid."

It didn't take long for the van to pull into view. All the other band members climbed out and started heading towards the service entrance. When we got inside, management was waiting for us.

"I have some bad news guys. The hotel is out of rooms so someone's going to have to room with Tony and someone's going to have to room with Chris. Who takes who?"

Brian raised his hand almost too eagerly. "I'll take Chris." I looked at him and smiled. He mouthed to me "We need to talk." I nodded and we went up to his room to unpack my stuff. Tony wound up staying with Howie.

I dumped all of my suitcases on the floor and lay back on the bed. Brian walked over and stood over me. "This is all too tempting." He said with a smirk. I got up and started to put my stuff in the dresser and closet when I came across a picture. My mind immediately skipped out as a tear fell from my eye. Brian came over to me, having heard me sniffling, and placed a soothing hand on my shoulder. I shuddered at the touch and pulled away lightly, still crying.

"Chris, what's wrong?"

"Zack. My ex-boyfriend. This is him." I held up the picture so Brian could see him.

"He looks like a nice guy. What's wrong with him?"

"That's the problem, there was nothing wrong with him. He was a dream come true. He cared for me, was sweet to me, protected me. He was all I needed in life."

"I don't mean to pry but why do you keep referring to him in past tense?"

I choked back another tear as I made my confession. "Zack is dead." I said in monotone. Brian just looked at me and sighed.


I lowered my head as I felt the tears come like rain. "Me."

"Beg pardon?"

"Me. I killed him." I said solemnly "Before I had control of my abilities, I used to make things and people fly around left and right without even thinking about it. He was one of those victims. I tossed him in the middle of the street where he was hit by a delivery truck." I placed the picture down softly, went over to the bed and buried my face in the pillows for a good, long cry. Brian walked up behind me and brushed my hair lightly back into place. I looked up at him, my face red with tears.

"You did nothing wrong. You had no control over what was done at the time. But you learned from your mistake and harnessed your ability. I'm sure Zack knows that." I leaned up and hugged Brian, thanking him for his comfort and compassion. I got back up after drying my eyes and finished putting my stuff away. Brian just sat on the bed, watching me. When I was done he patted the bed next to him lightly. I walked over to him and sat down, placing my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind at all.

"Be with me." Was all he said. I looked up at him in surprise.

"Excuse me?"

"Be with me. It's a simple request. All I am asking for is a chance with you. I know I like you and I want to give us a chance."

I looked up at him with happiness in my eyes. I just nodded lightly to him, making him smile. He leant down and kissed me gently. It was then that I knew this was no dream. I ran my hands up and down his back lovingly as I enhanced our kiss with my own.

"Shall we tell the guys?" I asked. Brian just held up one finger to his lips. He looked up at the door. He slowly crept up and walked over to it. In one quick motion, he flung the door open, causing the guys to fall down.

"Come on you guys. Spying on me now?"

"Guilty." Said Nick with a smile. "Consider it our way of making sure you're alright."

"How long have you guys been there?" I asked with a slight tremble in my voice.

Nick lowered his head "Long enough to hear about Zack." My tears came back in a flood. I jumped up and over them, running out into the hallway crying towards the elevator. I could hear Brian running after me.

"Chris, stop. Wait. They didn't mean to pry." I merely stepped into the elevator and headed downstairs. I took the front entrance out, leaving my car in back and started walking home. I got there about two hours later, only to be met at the door by my mother. She came running out to me, grabbed me and held me closely.

"Are you okay, hon?" She asked, obviously worried about me.

"Mom, I'm fine. I just needed out for a little while."

"You told them about Zack didn't you?"

I nodded as she walked me into the house, holding me close to her. When we got inside I looked up and nearly fell down at what I saw. Brian was already there, but that's not what surprised me. I knew he would be here before me because I walked. As I looked around the room, I could see flowers everywhere, at least one of every kind they sell in California: Roses, Sunflowers, Tulips, etc. The list went on and on.

Brian walked up to me. "They didn't mean any harm. I will talk to them later about it. Please, don't go. Not now."

I looked down at my mom, who just smiled at me. "Brian told me everything. It's ok hon. you need to be with him. It's your job now, right?"

I nodded and allowed Brian to take me back to the hotel. I didn't say a word throughout the whole car ride. When we pulled in back of the hotel, the rest of the guys were waiting for us. Nick rushed up to the car.

"Chris, I am so sorry for what I ... we did. I hope you can forgive us. We just wanted to know more about the one who holds our Brian. We didn't mean to cause you any grief or harm. Please forgive us."

"It's ok. You guys didn't know. Now you do and so you are forgiven. But don't let it happen again okay? It started raining and I don't like getting wet."

Everyone laughed as we headed back up to our hotel rooms. I stepped into the shower to clean up as I had been running. Suddenly I felt someone in the shower behind me. I turned to see Brian, smiling up at me. I looked at his gorgeous body up and down. He grabbed the soap and started to lather up my body, starting with my arms and chest, ending with my legs. He shampooed and conditioned my hair and rinsed me off before guiding me out of the shower. He wrapped me up in a towel and sent me scurrying to the bedroom to get dressed.

"I'll be out in a minute."

I just nodded, still slightly in shock at what I had just witnessed. Brian came out in a towel and I was still standing there. He laughed lightly and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I snapped out of my trance and grabbed his arms, holding them tightly. He slowly kissed down my neck and to my back and shoulders, kissing my skin lightly. I turned around to face him and look in those beautiful eyes of his. As our heads moved closer, our lips met, causing me to moan in pleasure. Slowly our towels fell to the ground, leaving the both of us naked next to each other. I could feel myself getting more and more aroused as his hands journeyed down to my belly, rubbing it gently.

I gasped as his hand grasped my firm member, stroking it slowly and carefully, sending a wave of pleasure throughout my body. I moaned into our kiss somewhat loudly. He pulled away and led me over to the bed. I lay down next to him, burying my face in his shoulder. I ran my hand down his muscular chest, marveling at his well-sculptured body. I took his cock in my hand and stroked it slowly. I smiled as I heard a groan escape his lips. Our speed increased as we brought each other as close to the other as possible and still trying to go further. I kissed his neck lovingly and repeatedly, running my tongue over the downy surface of his skin. I could feel the familiar rush as I came close to release. I groaned loudly as I shot burst after burst of cum between the both of us. I could feel him getting closer as his cock tensed. He gritted his teeth as he felt himself on the brink of passions release.

We got up and went into the shower again, together. We rinsed off and stepped out, getting dressed and ready to go. We finished up and went down to the lobby where the others were already waiting. AJ and Kevin gave us a look and smiled. Tony tried his best to stifle his laughter at the dreamy look on my face. I blushed and walked out to my car. Brian followed close behind me as the others headed towards the bus. I could tell that this was already turning out to be an interesting tour.

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