Sperm Bank Nurse

By jon white

Published on Apr 23, 2018



I began to slow my stroke to barely moving. "Oh Jeez, I wanna cum and I don't want...I don't...IEEEEEAHHH!!!" She yelled. And cum she did! The first spurt arced over the cup and I managed to pull her dick down to catch the next six. And then the next two were just little gushes. "Well, we lost one but there is still a mighty load in the jar. Do you always ejaculate that much?" I said. She smiled and said, "No, but I don't tease myself like that either," she said.

I looked at my watch and said, "Hey it's about closing time. Let me store your sample and we hop down the street to my favorite pizza joint?"

Mama Santa greeted me with a hug and said, "How nice mister Pat! I was beginning to think you didn't have any friends. And such a pretty one too!" Pat let me pick the wine and after a couple of sips said, "My, this is delicious! I didn't know Chianti could be so yummy!" She let me choose the pizza and we talked. She was working for a fashion design firm and I told her about my studies. After the second glass of wine the pizza arrived and she as pleased about the pizza too. "I never had the thin crust kind before and now I'm hooked."

She had no car, her pay scale didn't allow it but she was due for a raise next month and then she wouldn't depend on Uber. So I drove her to her apartment. On the way we made a date to see "The Shape Of Water" on Friday. I got a sweet kiss at her doorway. "Kissing on the first date isn't my style, but given the circumstances I guess we've gotten past that," she said, and we both got a laugh.

The movie was good, we held hands and dropped in to a little tavern down the block for a drink. A trio was playing and we had a couple of dances. Back at the table she apologized, "Sorry, I'm a little clumsy. Still trying to follow instead of leading." Sitting with a drink afterwards she said, "Pardon my curiosity but I haven't figured you out. I assumed you were gay but you seem to enjoy the company of a lady." I laughed and told her I was a tying to figure me out too. "I mean I am gay but I do enjoy women. How they look, dress, move, their hair and mannerisms, etc. But I'm definitely hooked on, how should I put it, male genitalia. And I've never had an urge to experience both in one person. But I sure as hell have that urge now."

We danced and this time I felt her cock erect on my leg. At her doorstep the goodnight kiss was longer, juicier, and French. As I was about to leave she said, "It's supposed to be warm and sunny this weekend and I know a great place to hike in the woods and birdwatch. I haven't been there for a year with no car but If it appeals to you..." I told her it sounded great and I'd pick her up at 1:00 Saturday.

It turned out to be hot in the sun but quite decent in the woods. We saw a gang of birds. She identified them for me, I only recognized the common ones. After about an hour and a half

I was sweaty and leg weary. We came upon an old abandoned shack on a stream with a rickety dock and I suggested a swim. She cocked her head and said, "We didn't bring any swim gear but what the heck, you've seen all my secrets already and a swim would be terrific!" We shucked our clothes and I was immediately boned up. Her tits were adolescent , more like a smaller thirteen year old girl, and begged to be kissed. So I did, and her cock boned up. Damn it was gorgeous pointing up at the sun. I told her she had the cutest boobs I had ever seen and she laughed and said, "Thank God for padded bras. But they haven't had much time to grow so hopefully..."

"Well, you sure don't need padded panties. Your dick, er clitoris is gorgeous and it talks too." I said. "Oh, what's it saying?" she said. "Kiss me now," I replied. She grinned and said, "Yeah, I can hear it too, but I'm all sweaty. How about a quick swim?" So we did and I used my shirt to dry her off. I dropped to my knees, pulled that nifty cock down a bit and took it into my mouth. I didn't suck much, mostly used my tongue to lavage that tasty thing and after a minute asked her to tell me when she was going to cum so I could watch. "Well, you've seen it before, but I will." Back with my tongue, spending extra time on my most sensitive spot, the underside of her cockhead. "I'll give you just two weeks to keep doing that," she said. Not more than a minute later she very quietly said, "Go easy, I'm getting close and I dearly love this feeling." So I just tickled her piss slit with the tip of my tongue. Her clit, already almost vertical jumped enough off my tongue to squirt square on my nose and I reared back. I licked her jizz dripping off my snoot and watched her dong squirt two feet in the air. I didn't count but there must have been half a dozen before her tool was quiet.

"Worst blowjob I've ever had." She said, and we both had a laugh. "Actually it's only the second and it sure was not second best. Now that poor organ of yours is leaking almost as much as your nose." She picked up my wet shirt and wiped my nose. "Now, can I lick your weenie clean?"


The danger of communication lies in the assumption it has been accomplished." G B Shaw

Next: Chapter 4

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