
By Steve Griffin

Published on Mar 16, 2002



Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and these characters) belongs to UPN, Josh Whedon, the Kuzuis, and 20th Century Fox. I'm making no profit, aside from the pleasure of writing about hot guys. The story is mine, so please don't distribute or archive this without asking me first.

All characters in this are consenting adults, and only consenting adults should read this. If you're not over the age of majority in your area, don't read.

This is a one-off story that I did as a break in-between my "Angel's Investigations" series. I hope you enjoy. If you have any comments, I would love to hear them. Feedback is what keeps authors going.

This is set earlier in the season, but you really don't have to be a fan of the show to understand everything.


Spike stalked back to his crypt, heavy boots digging in the earth as he made his way through the graveyard. Cigarette in his hand, he could only think of that bitch Buffy. The long-suffering Slayer had tugged on his wrinklies one too many times. Month after bloody month he'd nipped at her heels, forgot what it was like to be a man. Too much like the grand poofster Angel. Well, no more.


A twig. Not under his foot. Spike turned around, keen senses honing in on the spot behind a grave where the noise had occured. Every area of the graveyard had a place on his vampire radar, except that small slab. Which suggested a fatigued foe.

Spike clicked his tongue, listening closely to faint whispers emanating from the space.

"...told you he'd see through it..."

"shut up assbrain, can't even stop your girly-man blubbering..."

"whose fault is that, you...eerrrrrrrkkkkkk..."

Jonathan suddenly felt several feet of air between his shoes and the ground. His thin shirt twisted and frayed in Spike's deathlike grip.

Spike could only smirk at them.

"Little boys and their toys."

Their cover broken, Jonathan and Warren could only stare on helplessly.

"We were just...just..." Jonathan babbled.

"Testing for..." Warren had a confident sneer on his evilly-etched face.


Acting seconds before Spike could stop him, Warrend pulled a small remote device from his coat pocket, pointing and clicking at Spike's head.

Snarls, yelps, groans of pain, and then, as Spike lay on the ground clutching his bleached head...freedom.

Jonathan stared Spike down uneasily, Warren confidently striding over to kick at Spike's stomach.

"See what happens when you don't pussy out Jonathan? Now he's ours."

As the nerds continued their eyelock on Spike, waiting for his next move, he slowly stood up, shaking his head over and over like a cartoon character. Finally, his pained face morphed into a schoolmarmish pursing of the lips.

"Just wait'll Buffy gets her mitts on you two."

Warren shook his head.

"Dream on, Peroxide Breath. You're our slave now. First command? Kill Buffy!"

As Warren pressed the button again, he elbowed Jonathan in the ribs. Hesitantly nodding and sputtering attempts at backup, Jon could only come up with:

"We'll show you who's on top now, you, you sex pistol!"

Snickering at the name and at Warren's eye-rolling, Spike lunged for the nerds, then swayed back, watching them react.

"I said, 'go kill Buffy.' "

Spike laughed, diving forward for real this time and grabbing Jonathan by the shirttails. Kid - a man now, but acting and all dressed up like a kid - reminded Spike of one of those yellow Easter bunnies all full of marshmellow inside.

"Heard ya. Problem is, Spike isn't neutered any more. I got my fight back."

Seeing a squirming Jonathan as a sign of failure, Warren turned to flee when, in a matter of milliseconds, Jonathan fell to the ground with a thump and Warren felt a cold, sharp slap against his cheek. A smack that knocked him against a nearby tombstone and drained all the oxygen from his lungs.

When Warren managed to breathe again, his first non-blurry sight was an ample, black-denimed crotch, positioned dangerously close to his panting lips.

"Spike's gonna give ya a real special thank-you present."

As Spike reached for his zipper, a rushing form headbutted into his left hip, knocking him onto the ground.

The tiny tot. Jonathan. Not so yellow after all.

Spike quickly regained his standing position, picking the short man up by the scruff of his neck as he repeatedly threw air punches at Spike. Cute, in a way.

"Wanna play, huh? And I was gonna let you run home."

Still draped against the grave, Warren barely had time to breath a sigh of relief before his arm embraced a death grip, a painful vise dragging him to a crypt. He grunted as Jonathan kicked, neither man's approach freeing them.

The next sensation was knees and hands against a cold stone floor as Spike pushed them into the darkness. Panting, choking at the dank air filtering into their nostrils, Warren and Jonathan sharply glanced to their left when a kerosene lamp lit up.

Spike sat on the edge of the bed, his legs obscenely spread. Shrugging his black leather duster off, he smirked at the quivering Jonathan and the pensive, determined Warren.

"Spike, I've got so much money saved up."

"Yeah, he does!" Jonathan piped in.

A snort echoing in his throat, Spike shook his head from side to side, slowly unbuttoning each cuff.

"Shut the sod up and take off each other's clothes."

Both men took their time picking their jaws off the floor, while Spike sighed and untucked his blood red shirt.

"W-We can't do that," Jonathan squeaked.

"Dear, dear, dear. No incentive?"

His smooth, porcelain skin became fangs, bumps, and ridges, a mountain of bloodlust easily channeled by the strong stench of terror in the room. As the monstrous features began sliding back into oblivion, the two nerds commenced their task.

Jonathan's slow, fumbling hands brushed against Warren's loud-print shirt, blocked when Warren raised them above his head to yank Jonathan's shirt off. His t-shirt soon followed, and Spike licked his lips at the creamy, boyish, unblemished skin. Meanwhile, Warren unhooked his cuffs as Jonathan defeated the final button. Warren had a dark, furry pelt to match his intense brown-black eyes and ethnic features.

Both men were surprisingly toned, a trace of a six-pack under Warren's black forest, a sign of muscularuture hidden beneath Jonathan's baby fat.

Spike's imposing boots crashed a few feet away from the newfound slaves, heavy boots freed from Spike's naked toes as quickly as his black T-shirt was sprung from his taut, tight body. Flexing lightly to keep every lean muscle on display, Spike couldn't help noticing Jonathan's open stare, his puppy eyes sheened with clouds of lust.

"Take the rest off."

Warren, staring at the hard stone floor, unzipped and tugged at Jonathan's blue jeans as fast as possible. Jonathan squirmed out of the confining denim, kicking off his sneakers and helping Warren lower his khaki slacks. Through the glint of Jonathan's eye, Spike caught the teasing of this boy-man, the way he oh-so-shyly thrust his tightly packed crotch into Warren's chest as Warren removed his last sneaker.

Desperate to escape his own denim jail, Spike unzipped his jeans, each exhale of metal teeth causing the slaves to stop and look. Spike waved his finger in their direction, motioning for them to explore each other's bodies. Jonathan slid his sweaty hands up and down Warren's body, squeezing the nipples poking out of his trimmed chest lawn. Relucantly, Warren felt Jonathan's youthful body, gliding over smooth skin and a tiny waist before his palms flattened out against surprisingly fit-looking thighs. Spike chuckled slightly, his girth hoisting up to the maximum size, a length that would have busted his jeans open if they weren't already halfway down his ankles.

Walking over to the two frightened and fascinated men, Spike leaned over them, staring intently as he tore their underwear off. So intimidated and entranced by him they were that they didn't make a move to cover themselves. Spike studied their pricks, Warren's maybe an inch longer than Jonathan's, Jonathan's thicker and more veined, Warren's heavy balls sagging nearer to the floor as Jonathan's held tightly. Stroking his erection slowly, he put Jonathan's white Hanes up to his mouth, taking a long whiff. Jonathan nervously chuckled, his thumb unconsciously circling over Warren's mushroom head over and head, Warren trying and failing not to respond as blood soared to his second head.

Warren scowled at him, ignoring his growing excitement.

"Man, that's just SICK."

Spike smiled and shoved the whities directly into Warren's face, forcing him to breathe in Jonathan's most private, personal odors. Warren coughed and accidentally ran his tongue along the cotton.

After a moment, Spike moved the garment away, palm nearly sending himself over the edge. With his free hand, he smoothed over Jonathan's chest and flat stomach as Jonathan chose between flinching and whimpering.

"Anyone ever tell you how sexy you are?"

Jonathan sputtered, "N-No..."

"Didn't think so."

Turning to an angry Warren, Spike harshly squeezed his cock to get his attention.

"Tell him, Warren."

Warren's voice was lined with threat and rage. "Or what?"

Raising his eyebrows, Spike scooped a drop of precum from Warren's cock and casually licked it away as he spoke. "Or else."

Warren laughed. "Fuck off faggot. Let's go, Jonathan. Or are you enjoying this? You are, aren't you? You dirty little coc..."

Blah, blah, blah. Spike had warned him, after all. Getting off his haunches and standing up, Spike growled with his final strokes, shooting stream after stream of his 10 inches directly onto Warren's unprepared face and chest. Sputtering and screaming, each opening of his mouth only made him swallow more.

Spike's knees shook with each salvo, until his spent organ sputtered out a final load onto Warren's stomach. Such a sight, that hairy torso matted and drenched, that suddenly scared face smeared as Warren tried to remove the layers of cream with his hands. Jonathan, staring on blankly from shock and lust, had had his eyes on Spike's pink cannon for the entire ejaculation, now running his hands down Warren's arms out of concern.

Leaning down again, Spike took a penis in each hand, preparing to send the two engorged cocks to their final destination. For all Warren's whining, his naughty bits had no complaints. Stroking at a snail's pace, Spike nibbled at Jonathan's lower lip, pulling away slightly to speak to him.

"You know what to do."

Jonathan nodded and moved forward, dipping his head down into Warren's damp chest, tongue licking away at each patch of drenched hair, taking a nipple into his mouth, nipping and teasing, then moving onto the other nipple. Diving further, he ran a path up and down Warren's treasure trail, stopping to swipe at the base of his shaft, at Spike's black-polished thumb nail.

Warren stared on, impassive and refusing to respond, as Spike's jerking of both cocks moved to the next level. Jonathan swabbed his tongue up, up, up, finally stopping to suckle the Adam's Apple, nibbling on his stubbled chin, cleaning the semen dripping from his forehead, nose, eyes, cheeks. As Jonathan tongued the sides of the pouty mouth, Warren had enough, moaning as he grabbed Jonathan's head between his hands and shoved their mouths together. Both men moaned then, tongues duelling and greedily ravaging the other's mouth, both men tasting Spike's residue. As their mouths assaulted each other and their hands pinched and fondled each other's bodies, Spike dipped his thumb nails into their piss slits, causing shuddering and grunting as first Warren, then Jonathan came, spurting on Spike's hands and on all three men's thighs and waists.

They were tired, panting as Spike pulled their mouths apart, but Spike's cock was just coming back to life. Before moving into his next plan, he kissed Warren, feeling him resist for a second and then give in, cold tongue raping his mouth, then kissed Jonathan, the man-boy not bothering to resist as he happily surrendered to Spike's invasion.

Breaking away, Spike ran his hands down their necks, knowing they feared his teeth and getting harder off of their fear.

"Warren, lie down on my bed."

Confused, Warren did as he was told, as Spike led Jonathan there by his flaccid penis.

"Jonathan, suck Warren off."

Without a second of hesitation, eager puppy Jonathan ran his tongue up and down Warren's still-sensitive prick, barely gagging as he took each new inch between his lips.

Grinning at the next stage of his plan, Spike placed Jonathan's tight, hot cheeks between an unsuspecting Warren's mouth. Warren tried to move away, but Spike held him down, clamping his nose shut.

Squirming and cursing, Warren quickly gave in, tentatively prying into Jonathan's dark nether regions with his tongue, his fingers joined with Spike in holding Jonathan's cheeks apart.

Jonathan gasped at the tunnelling, lifting his head from Warren's lap to stare back at them.

"I can't..."

Shaking his head, Spike smirked as he slapped an ample cheek and scratched his own nipples.

"Come off it, boy. With those lips and that bubble butt, there's no way you left high school without a few locker room fucks."

Blushing, Jonathan let out a sigh at the wet penetration of his still-tight anus ring.

"OK. Maybe o-once, or twice. But that's it."

Spike nodded, not caring of the truth or lie, forcing Jon's head back on Warren's bobbing dick as Warren continued his ass-assault. A pretty picture, seeing this egghead humiliated, tonguing a hot hole, but Spike was seeing red from the blood once again filling his manhood.

He lifted Jonathan's rear away, letting a gasping Warren slick down his penis a few times, grunting as Warren tugged at his foreskin. Replacing his shaft with Jonathan's, Spike ran his thumb up the hairy crack, lining his shaft up to penetrate those shapely buttocks.

The first few inches poured in, Jonathan whining. The next slowly slithered their way inside, light clenches attempting to stop them. His foreskin recoiled inside the tight ass, making both men grunt of pleasure. Taking his time, massaging Jon's hips, playing with his nuts, he eventually fit himself in right up to the root.

Seeing Jonathan complacent, Spike couldn't resist pulling all the way out to the very tip of his pink head, staring at his own reddened boner, foreskin bunched up at the end. He then slammed back in, Jon and Spike screaming, Warren staring at the two joined lovers in fascination. Spike looked down at him, smug and in control, positioning himself so his low-hangers draped over Warren's eyes and nose. To Spike's surprise, Warren breathed in the residue of manhood, briefly detaching from Jon's staff to nip at and take Spike's large balls in his mouth. The boy must have a taste for balls, Spike chuckled to himself.

Warren moved back to pleasuring Jonathan as Jonathan fellated Warren, Spike slowly grinding into Jonathan's lushness, gathering speed over time, his thrusts growing more violent and determined as the bed shook with each shift. Spike remembered the many nights Angelus plowed into him, tearing him in half mercilessly. The memory only made him harder. In some ways, he envied Jonathan, Jonathan's second mouth swallowing, controlling this huge, unexpected piece of man-meat.

With the two sweaty men put into this show just for his pleasure, Spike could barely maintain self-control, and when he felt Warren's hot, wet tongue digging at his cool crack, that was the rimming that broke the vampire's cock. Yelling, he sprayed into the deep canals of Jonathan's ass. Collapsing onto Jonathan's drenched back, he bit into his neck, fangs draining lifeblood away and producing a final, strained load from his spent cock. Jonathan was next, his ravaged ass and suckled neck pouring a river of cum into Warren's mouth, the rest seeping from the sides of Warren's mouth. Finally, Warren shot into Jonathan's mouth, hips thrusting and jerking as he came.

Reluctantly, Spike moved away from Jonathan's neck, standing up as the two men tried to untangle themselves from each other.

Warren sat up on the bed, rubbing his eyes.


Spike rolled his eyes and tossed the garments at Warren, hitting him in the head.

Jonathan wiped at his swollen mouth, licking away the drying semen.

"What the fuck did we just do?"

Spike handed him his clothes, patting his hair.

"We just fucked."

Gently, he kissed the youth's forehead, wiped at his dripping penis with his briefs, swerved down to lick the drying blood from Jon's neck.

"Time to go."

Before either had escaped from grogginess, Spike had grabbed their tired arms, opening his crypt door and shoving them outside. Before he shut the heavy door back, he let them see his naked form a final time, knowing they would look as much as they may not want to.

"See ya around. You know where I live, right?"

Wagging his eyebrows and chuckling, Spike shut the door.

Jonathan and Warren leaned against the cool metal, needing a few minutes before they realized they were buck naked in a cemetary. They tried not to stare at each other as they dressed.

Warren clasped his hand on Jonathan's shoulder.

"This NEVER happened. Got me?"

Jonathan nodded, knowing in the back of his head that neither man could ever forget their threeway of excess and ecstasy. The bite on his neck was reminder enough. Picking up his pants, he realized something.

"Hey...he kept my underwear!"

Inside the crypt, Spike laid on his bed, the sweat from the two departed nerds on his body as sleep calling to him. The white, stained briefs draped across his face were enough to make him smile at the thought of a night that ended much better than it had begun.

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