

Published on Feb 15, 2019


Spin by RJ

This story is about a developing relationship between two young men who (in Chapter 1) met at a small get-together.

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~ Chapter 2 ~

I try to drown out the noise, but as more people start getting up, things get louder and louder in the room. Which is irritating because I'm so comfortable and want nothing more than to fall back asleep. I think Gus and I ended up cuddling in the middle of the night because I woke up practically spooning him with barely an inch of space between us. I stretch my limbs before sitting up slightly and peering over Gus's shoulder to check if he's awake yet.

Liv interrupts though. "Aww, did you enjoy cuddling last night?" she teases.

I look over at her as she pins her hair up. "Hell yeah," I say, which makes her laugh. "He's the perfect spooning size for me, y'know?"

I hear Gus chuckle slightly, so now I know that he's awake. "Why don't you cuddle ME like that?" Liv asks, readjusting her ponytail and giving me a playfully pouty look.

"You're the one who decided to sleep with Kyle," I point out, pointing towards the bathroom. Pretty sure he's the one showering right now. "And to think, you missed out on all this," I add, gesturing towards my body with a grin.

She just rolls her eyes. "How unfortunate for me," she says sarcastically, quickly changing shirts.

"No need to be rude," I say before sliding out of bed, yawning. I stretch again and adjust myself in my underwear before starting to get dressed. As I'm putting my pants on, I glance at the bed and see that Gus has shifted onto his back and is watching me. "Morning," I say with a little smile.

He looks up at my eyes and blushes but says "Good morning" back to me.

"You gonna get up, or...?"

He bites his lip. "I, uh... need a minute," he says vaguely. I arch my brow, my eyes flickering towards his lower half, which is hidden under the blanket. Morning wood, perhaps? I wonder if he's thinking about what happened under the covers last night. I sure as hell am.

It takes us all about a half hour to get everyone up, dressed, and motivated to clean up around the suite in time for checkout. The clean-up itself takes a while since there are an excessive amount of shopping bags that the girls all mixed up when we got back to the hotel. But finally, just before eleven hits, we all trudge our belongings down the hall to the elevator, quickly check out, and then part ways outside the hotel.

Bruce handles taking half of us home, so Gus, Liv, myself, and Bruce's girlfriend all pile into one car on the way back to the city. I do my best to try to engage in conversation with Bruce's new squeeze (I keep forgetting her name), but still, she seems hell-bent on not being familiar with any of us, scrolling aimlessly on her phone while she sits in the passenger seat. I even give Liv a look and she just shrugs in a "Just give up, Jackie" kind of way. At least I'm getting along with ONE of the newbies. Since Liv is much smaller than either of us, she's sitting in the middle of Gus and myself, talking animatedly. Mostly, though, I just think about last night. Gus and I fooling around a bit. How his cock felt in my hand, and how mine felt in his. It was fun, and it was hot, and I want to do it again. And I have a sneaking suspicion that he might be thinking along the same lines.

We end up dropping him off first. After Bruce parks beside the sidewalk, Gus hops out of the car and heads to the trunk. But he's struggling to open it. We can all hear it. Bruce just sighs, glancing at Gus in the rearview mirror before saying "Jackie, go help him."

I don't really hesitate. I unbuckle my seatbelt and step outside, coming out to help Gus open the trunk. It always gets stuck, so it's not his fault. It's a matter of finesse, really. I have to jiggle the handle and then drive my knee into a particular spot for the trunk to pop open. "There."

He laughs. "Thanks," he says, reaching in to grab his one bag.

I hold the trunk open while he gathers his stuff, biting my lip. "Hey, so. When am I seeing you again?"

He swings his bag over his shoulder, smiling slightly. "Um. Well I have no plans. You free right now?"

Fuck, that's so tempting. But I shouldn't. I'm already a little behind on research because I decided to go to the Outlets with everyone. "I really should get some work done," I say, shutting the trunk. "But... Maybe later?"

"Yeah," he says, looking at me. "Wanna come to the gym with me?"

"Why not?" I say, looking him up and down for a brief second. "Guess I'll see ya later then?"

"Yeah," he says. Now it's awkward since both of us are clearly indecisive as to what we should do: shake hands, hug, or just part ways? I step forward a little, and he responds with a quick but close hug, and we smile at each other before he makes his way up to his apartment.

"You two seem to be getting along," Liv says quietly to me once I hop back into the car. She has that knowing smile on her lips.

"Yeah, he's cool," I say casually. One of her least favorite things about me is how "unreadable" I am, so I know she's trying hard to see if what she suspects is correct. But I don't give her anything. I don't need her being all "I didn't know you were into guys!" or trying to constantly check up on my relationship status. I prefer this to go at my own pace, and without her knowing. If something happens, something happens. Then and only then will I let her in on it.

And honestly, something might happen. I realize this after getting back to my apartment and attempting to do research, but I can barely focus on it. All I'm thinking about is the prospect of seeing Gus later. At the gym, no less. Minimal clothing, working up a sweat... But soon, I manage to get into the proper headspace and make decent headway on a big presentation I have coming up next week. I'm interrupted a number of hours later by a text from none other than Gus himself: "You coming soon?" he asks with a smiley face at the end.

I consider it. I've been working almost non-stop for about five hours. Guess I'm due for a break. So I text him that I just have to change and I'll be over shortly.

When I arrive, donning my running shorts and a tank, his little brother answers the door. He looks up at me wide-eyed before he recognizes me. "Hi," he says with a toothy smile. Seems one of his front teeth is missing.

"Hey Gabe," I say, squatting down and holding my fist out. He smiles slightly before bumping his fist against mine and giggling. "What happened to your tooth?"

"I lost it!" he says excitedly. "But listen--" He blows air out of his mouth and, with the force of it, it almost sounds like he's whistling. I can't help but laugh. "Isn't that cool?"

"Super cool," I say, smiling at him. He's a cute kid. Shy, but he's opened up to me a bit the last few times I've been here. "Where's your brother?" I ask him.

"Right here," I hear Gus say, and he comes out of the kitchen smiling, looking me up and down. "Ready to go, I see."

I chuckle. "I came prepared," I say, setting my bag of spare clothes down on the couch as I discreetly look him over. He's ready too. Short shorts, breezy short-sleeved shirt, high-socks -- just needs his sneakers. "And prepared to kick your ass this time," I add. The plan is to run to the gym, do some workouts there, and then jog back here.

"Oh yeah?" he says, amused. "Willing to put money on the table?"

I'm willing to put a few things on the table besides money. "I'm broke enough as it is, so no thanks."

He laughs. "Fair, fair. Well lemme find my shoes and then we'll go."

I do some quick stretches as Gus gets his sneakers laced up, and then, we're off. It's a short run to the gym -- only a mile. However, three quarters of the way through, I notice how sore my left leg is compared to the right. It just feels heavy, and when we finally get to the gym's locker room, Gus says something.

"You okay, big guy?" he says, noticing me party limping.

"Sore as hell," I say with a laugh. My legs are so out of shape.

He glances at my leg. "Are you sore, or does it hurt?"

"Is there a difference?" I ask.

He laughs. "Yeah." Then he straddles one of the benches, patting the spot in front of him. "Here. Gimme your leg," he says.

I sit on the bench and move my left leg onto the bench in front of him, my foot basically in his crotch. I bite my lip a bit when I feel his hands on my bare leg, already working his fingers in from the ankle to the shin. "Where is it sore?"

"My calf," I say, and he wraps his fingers around my leg to slowly and methodically massage my calf. I let out a slight moan, laughing slightly. Damn, that feels good. I missed his hands.

"You feel kinda tense," he says, working in slow circular motions on a particular spot. "You need to stretch better."

"Sorry," I say.

He just smiles at me, making sure to work over my whole calf before pushing my leg off the bench. "Hopefully that helps a little, but definitely stretch."

"Aye aye, cap'n," I say with a little grin.

We're not at the gym for terribly long. Gus has a method to his workouts, so I kind of just go through a couple of different sections while letting him do his thing. I work out and keep active regularly, but I'm not a gym kind of guy. The only reason I'm here is because Gus invited me. And honestly... when he asks if I can spot him for squats, I'm not upset. I get behind him as he lifts the bar over his shoulders and then sticks his ass out a bit, going through the motions. I have to focus so that I don't bone up at the sight of him. He's got a great ass, and those gym shorts leave little to the imagination since they hug each cheek every time he goes down.

We work up a decent sweat by the end (Gus arguably more so) before taking a light jog back to his apartment. Then, after some quick showers, we relax in his room. He asks if I want to watch a movie or play video games or something, and I just shrug and say "I'm up for whatever." Vague enough to leave fooling around on the table. But he doesn't take the bait. I keep waiting for him to bring up last night, or maybe initiate something, but he doesn't, even when I think he's about to. Maybe he's nervous. I think we both are.

So in the end, round two doesn't happen. After watching Goodfellas, I stretch a bit and start to stand up. "Getting late," I say.

He looks up at me. "You sleeping over, or...?"

"Nah, I should probably just head out."


Admittedly, it makes me smile seeing that he looks a little disappointed at the fact that I'm going to leave. I'm already thinking about when I'm going to see him next -- then it hits me. "Hey, listen," I say. "There's this stupid grad student party thing on Wednesday. Mostly just a bunch of socially awkward scientists, so I can't guarantee it'll be fun, but... Wanna come?" I originally invited Liv to keep me company, but she has family plans. Which I'm glad about, because I'd love to bring Gus instead. More excuses to hang out.

He smiles a bit. "Yeah, sure. What kind of party is it?" he asks.

I snort. "God knows."

It's almost worse than I expected it to be. There's no music. Every single light is on. The food consists solely of pretzels and unopened bottles of vodka. The environment is totally stale, so when Gus and I walk in, we're both caught off guard a bit at just seeing everyone either split into small groups of conversation or standing around awkwardly holding red solo cups.

I introduce him to a few of my peers (at least the ones that I like, and a few that butt in) but I spare him as much interaction as possible. The thing about a lot of hard scientists is that, for all their smarts, some have very little social skills, and most of our conversations end up with uncomfortably dead air. But Gus is friendly and a good sport so he doesn't complain.

The first ten minutes of our arrival are spent standing around in the living room. This large apartment houses a handful of grad students, all doing some sort of chemistry, so it's the obvious choice to get a bunch of our kind together. When someone finally suggests we do something, the first proposal is something as simple as chugging beer. They pick the nerdiest looking dude and pit him against an attractive older girl I've met a few times. They both chug tall boys and everyone cheers the guy on. Of course, he loses spectacularly, and I smile at the sight of the girl claiming her victory against every male's dismay -- but Gus and I find this very undergrad. Chugging beers is fun when you're in high school. MAYBE even the beginning of college. But who enjoys doing this anymore?

Then, that same girl that I was rooting for offers up another idea after grabbing a bottle. "We should play spin the bottle!"

Gus and I look at each other and burst out laughing. "Wow," I say.

"That's ironic," he says, and it is. Our second get-together/party, and someone suggests this dumb game again.

Just when I'm thinking about how it wouldn't be so bad to kiss him again, I hear my name being called. "Jackie! It's you!" I turn my head towards the voice and find myself looking at Elayna, an exceptionally short girl who's studying organic chemistry. "I thought I recognized that laugh," she says with a giggle of her own, touching my arm.

"How's it going?" I ask with a smile.

She shrugs, gesturing around to this party. "This party is lame but I'm drunk, so... I'm doing okay," she says, smiling before turning to Gus. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Gus," I say, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Gus, this is Elayna."

"Nice to meet you," he says politely.

"You're cute," she says, and when Gus blushes she giggles. "Sorry. I'm super forward when I'm drunk."

"You're super forward when you're sober, too," I say with a grin.

"You're right, you're right." She pulls out a small pink flask from her bra and takes a quick swig before offering a sip to each of us. Both of us decline. "Honestly, I didn't think you'd come tonight, Jackie," she says. Fair. Usually I bail out on any social event. "Did you finish your presentation?"

"Almost. Just have to make some minor edits." Both her and I (as well as a few others) are doing talks at a makeshift chemistry conference tomorrow. Supposed to be a big deal, but I'm not worried.

"Can you can look mine over?" she asks, suddenly sounding pleading.

I sigh. "Can't it wait 'til tomorrow?"

"It's DUE tomorrow," she says. "Please? It'll take like six minutes to read through it."

"Not five?" I tease.

"Shut up," she says, punching my arm.

"Alright, alright, I'll look," I say, laughing and nudging her away. "Let's get this over with." I turn to Gus and gesture for him to follow, and we make our way down a hallway towards Elayna's room. Her room is unsurprising. It's a mess, but only because there are clothes strewn everywhere.

"Ignore the panties," she says as Gus and I step around small piles of clothes.

"Maybe you should, I don't know, do laundry?" I tease.

"Eat my ass, Jackie," she says, grabbing her laptop. She logs on quickly and I see that her presentation is already up. She hands me the laptop, biting on her nails. "Be brutal. But not too brutal because I'll probably throw myself off a building if I have to redo everything."

"I'm sure it's not that bad," I say, taking a seat at her desk and scrolling through her PowerPoint.

As I'm reading, I notice Gus and her take a seat on the edge of her bed. "He's the king of presentations," Elayna says to Gus. "Everyone raves about them."

Gus laughs. "I believe it."

"He's THE best," she says before directing conversation towards Gus. She asks him if he goes to school around here, what he does for work, if he's interested in science at all. I get snippets of their conversation but I'm focused mostly on her presentation. And honestly, it's great so far. The flow is appropriate, and it looks professional. I'm just worried she has too much information, but it's easier to scale back than to make additions.

"You sure you can finish talking about all of this in fifteen minutes?" I ask, nearly done with going through everything.

Elayna turns to me. "I can talk fast."

"Okay, but you shouldn't," I say with a laugh. "I'd skim off some of the fat, if you can. If you talk too fast, people aren't going to keep up. Or WANT to keep up."

She nods a bit. "But the rest is okay?"

"So far, so good," I say, smiling.

She beams. "Oh, thank God. I've been stressing about this for two weeks." She sighs with relief, smiling at me and then Gus. She stares at him for a long moment before saying (again) "You're really cute."

I laugh, moving my eyes to the computer screen. "You told him that already. Don't let it get to his head."

"Sorry," she says with a giggle. "Hey Jackie, is your friend here straight?" she asks me.

I laugh. "Why don't you ask him?"

"Are you straight?" she asks bluntly.

"Uh..." I glance at him via the corner of my eye and see him swallow. "Yes."

She smiles. "Do you think I'm cute?"


"You can say no if you don't think so. I won't be offended."

"No, I... I think you're cute," he confirms.

"You're sweet," she says, and I just laugh softly though my nose before getting distracted by her presentation. Her syntax is a little strange on one of the last slides, so I correct some minor grammatical errors and formatting issues that I'm sure she wouldn't mind me tweaking. Once I run through everything again quickly, I nod a bit.

"Looks good, Elayna," I say. "I just made some minor--" But I stop, because when I look over, I see Elayna and Gus making out. I immediately laugh. I hadn't even noticed the progression. Elayna doesn't seem to respond to me saying anything, either -- they're both so focused on each other, so I close her laptop, set it on her desk, and start to head out and give them some space.

Elayna stops me before I even get to the door. "Wait, where are you doing?"

I turn, looking at them both. "Uh... leaving?"

"Come back," she says, beckoning me over. "Was my presentation okay?"

I chuckle, coming over and standing by the bed. "I told you, it's good, but you were too busy macking on my friend, here."

She giggles. "Sorry. He's a nice kisser," she says, patting his thigh.

"I know," I say before I can even stop myself. Gus looks surprised that I blurted that out, but the more I think about it, the less I care.

Elayna, though... She just looks excited. "You guys have kissed?" she asks, looking back and forth between us.

Gus bites his lip a bit. "Once or twice," he says vaguely, and I hold back a laugh.

She freezes for a moment before propelling herself off the bed, rushing to close the door, and then hurrying back onto the bed. She grabs my hand and pulls me down so I'm sitting on the opposite side of her. "I wanna see," she says.

I just laugh. "No."

"Why not?" she asks me.

I mean, if I'm being honest, I wouldn't mind. But I have a feeling Gus might not be super comfortable with that. After all, he pushed me pretty hard when we almost got caught at the hotel room. Although that could have been instinctual. "What's in it for me?" I ask playfully.

She just rolls her eyes. "Uh, you can make a girl VERY happy."

"I don't need your happiness," I tease, and she hits me.

"You're a dick," she says, biting her lip as she looks back and forth between us again. Then: "What if I kiss you?" she asks me.

I snort. "Why?"

"So then it's fair. Everyone got a kiss."

"I'm not kissing you," I tell her.

"Why not?" She does that pouty thing with her bottom lip.

"Because you use too much tongue." Elayna and I have hooked up before. Only once. Everything was good except for the kissing. I didn't particularly enjoy that.

"I've gotten better," she insists.

"Yeah?" I say with a slight smirk. I glance at Gus, and he seems to be amused too rather than upset.

"I promise. Lemme show you."

I sigh through my nose. "Fine," I say, leaning forward and meeting her halfway. We kiss slowly, but I let her take the lead and show off her new skills. It's been quite a few months since we last hooked up, and she's a "spirited" sort of girl, so I'm sure she's had lots of practice like she said. And it shows. Her kisses are much more controlled, and she uses her tongue in a way that's not overbearing. I pull back with a smile on my face.

"See?" she says, flicking her hair out of the way.

"Better," I say, patting her thigh.

"Now, you two kiss," she says, sitting back to give us room to get closer.

I arch my eyebrows lightly. I was hoping she'd be drunk enough to forget her "fair deal." "He doesn't wanna kiss me," I say. At least, probably not in front of people.

But Gus surprises me by saying "I'll do it."

I give him an amazed look. "Really?"

He shrugs. "Yeah." I can tell he's blushing slightly. God, he's fucking cute. Is it weird that his blushing turns me on so much? I bite my lip slightly before glancing at Elayna. She's looking between us with intrigue, her eyes waiting to catch who will make the first move.

"Okay," I say, patting the spot in front of me. Gus smiles slightly and slides forward, and we both laugh at how close we are again. Round three. Or four, technically. We both just look at each other for a moment before I put my hand on the back of his head and bring him closer. Then, our lips connect. I press into him a little more deeply, and he gives it right back to me. We keep it slow and tame, matching the same sort of kissing we both did with Elayna. But God, it feels fucking good to kiss him again.

I pull back so that I don't get too lost in it. I turn to Elayna with a little smile and ask "Satisfi--?" But Gus cuts me off by reeling me in for more. Oh shit. He wants it, now. I can tell, because these are more intense kisses. He grabs the back of my head this time and keeps me in place.

I hear Elayna mutter something like "Oh wow" as we go at it, my hand resting on his inner thigh a bit. I give it a slight grip, and he tugs on my hair a little more, giving me just a bit more tongue. I want to touch him. I want to feel him. I want to be on him. And I let myself get one of those things. I lean into him more and more until he's on his back and I'm hovering over him as we kiss. Elayna practically squeals. "This is so hot, you guys!" she says excitedly, and I sense that she's close, watching us intently. I don't care about her right now. I just want to kiss Gus. And I let my crotch nudge against his groin. He moans slightly against my mouth and I swear I can almost taste it.

Then someone's phone goes off. We stop kissing and turn to Elayna as she swears under breath and pulls her phone out of her pocket. She must have recognized the ringtone because she doesn't even check to see who's calling. She just answers the call and says "Not right now, Mom! I'm busy! I-- Yes! I already told you how! Didn't you write it dow--? Jesus Christ, Mom." Gus and I have no idea what she's referring to, but this doesn't surprise me. Elayna complains about her needy mother more than anything else. She hops off the bed in the middle of berating her mom and then, without so much as a second glance at us, pulls on flip-flops, grabs her keys and wallet, and leaves the room altogether.

When the door slams shut, Gus and I look at each other and immediately start cracking up. "What just happened?" he asks between laughs.

"If you hang out with her enough, you'll realize that that's normal," I tell him, trying to compose myself.

He chuckles, but we gradually start to calm down. There's a pause when I think we realize we haven't moved. I'm still hovering over him, between his legs, face close to his. He shifts his lips slightly before asking "Now what?"

Now what? Hm. "Well," I say, glancing between us, "I don't know about you, but I'm hard as hell right now."

He laughs a bit, his face flushing. "Me too," he says simply.

My eyes flicker to his lips. Why stop now? When he doesn't say anything further, I merely lean down and kiss him softly. He kisses me back a little more intently, and I feel his fingers grasping my shirt in tight fists. Then, one of his hands starts to drift lower. A couple inches at a time, until finally, he's close to my crotch. He touches my bulge hesitantly at first before going in again and really gripping my cock through my shorts. I moan softly, laughing a bit against his lips.

He stops kissing for a moment to ask me something. "What if she comes back?"

"Then she can join us," I say, though I'm hoping she doesn't come back soon. I want him to myself. I smile slightly as I sit up on my knees, take his hand, and pull him up to me so that we're kneeling in front of each other. I rope him back in with my lips, kissing him as my hands start to undo his shorts. He does the same to me simultaneously, and we both work to get each other's cocks out in the open. He manages to get mine out first, and I moan softly, looking down at my cock in his grip. He gives me a few tugs, and I lick my lips as I unzip his fly, reach inside, and pull out his dick. I hold it in my palm a bit, loosely stroking it -- mostly, though, I want to get a good look at it. Gus has a really nice dick. Maybe an inch or more above average, a good amount of thickness -- the type of dick you wouldn't mind seeing in porn if you're not into enormous cocks (which I'm not). I've always preferred to see dicks more like mine -- more so seven inches in length rather than nine-plus, and a thickness that looks good without verging on beer-can territory. Seems Gus and I match pretty well.

We play with each other in every sense of the word: playfully. Now that we're not under the sheets in some dark hotel room in the middle of the night, we can check each other out, feel up our lengths, push and slap them together a bit, fondle each other's balls. We both laugh slightly, enjoying the closeness, even with a party going on just down the hallway.

Then, Gus speaks up. "Can I...? Um..."

"What?" I ask when he doesn't finish his sentence.

"I wanna try something."

"Okay," I say.

"Stop me if you don't wanna... if you don't want me to," he says, his face all red again.

I smirk slightly. I doubt what he has in mind will make me want to stop him, but sure. "Will do," I say with a slight laugh. He gives my cock a few more strokes before putting his free hand on my chest and pushing me onto my back. I lie down, my heart racing as I get the hint. Without looking up at me, he moves his face right to my cock. I think he got a little too eager because he misses his open mouth, the head of my cock just hitting his cheek. Both of us share a laugh, and Gus, though he looks embarrassed, plays a good sport.

"I can't drink with straws either," he jokes. "Depth perception or something."

"You should see a doctor," I tease.

He chuckles slightly before licking his lips and trying again, this time moving down a little slower. My mouth opens as I watch the head of my cock plus an inch or two disappear in his mouth, and I let out a long moan when I feel his lips close around me. "Fuck," I whisper, feeling him grip me tight with his fingers as he bobs up and down slowly. I just lean back and sigh heavily, enjoying the feeling. Damn, it's been a while since I've had a mouth on my cock. And it's Gus's this time. He's exploring a bit, letting his tongue do a lot of the work, but being on the receiving end is great. I bite my lip as I watch him get into it a little more. His lips glide so smoothly up and down my shaft, and he does a hell of a good job keeping his teeth away from me. All in all, I'm impressed. And feeling amazing. My cock throbs in his mouth, and I'm sure he's getting his fill of precum. Hope he doesn't mind the taste.

He pulls off slowly after a few minutes, suckling on the very tip just before he moves away, sitting back on his heels. He licks his lips a bit and then brings his fingers to his jaw as he stretches out his mouth. "That's work," he says with a slight laugh.

"Sore?" I say with a chuckle.

"A little."

"Lemme try," I say, and I sit up in front of him. I grab his hips and have him kneel in front of me to give me easy access. With his cock hard and jutting out of his shorts, all I have to do is open my mouth and lean forward. Here goes nothing... I guide him right into my mouth and he gasps slightly, resting a hand gently on the top of my head before thinking twice and moving it away. I can't help but smile slightly, even with my mouth full of cock. And full it is. He seems so much bigger when I'm blowing him than just in my hand. But, I kind of like it. The slight musky scent of him, the strangely bland flavor, the heat of his cock and the softness of his skin, it all turns me on a bit. I look up at him and see he's watching me closely. I suck on just the tip gently while we make eye contact before I try something I've always been a little curious about: deep-throating. I've always wondered how chicks manage it, what it feels like. I grab his hips a little tighter and open my mouth slightly wider as I ease myself down on his cock. He moans out when I push him into my throat, and I gag slightly but persevere. I take him a little deeper. Just a smidge more. Fuck, I'm so close to getting it all the way... Just a little more...

But I can't do it. I gag again and have to pull off, coughing heavily to clear my airway of saliva. "Jesus," I say, half-laughing through my coughing fit. "Almost had it."

"You were just trying to show me up," he says with a smile.

"Maybe a little," I say, grinning at him.

He leans down and kisses me again, shifting us both so that I'm back lying down and he's on top of me. I spread my legs a bit so that he can grind our cocks together nicely while we kiss. And the kissing is much more erotic now, full of tongues and soft moans as we rut slowly against each other. This is what I first pictured us doing in the hotel room, before we were interrupted. Some good old fashion frottage. It's an excuse to touch his body too. Even through his clothes, his shoulders, his back, his sides, they all feel good. Muscular, but not hard. I even slide my hands down to his ass and grip him there, surprised to feel such a full, easy-to-grab bottom. He lets out a deeper moan against my lips when I grope him, and I grin slightly, feeling his grinding get a little more intense.

Gus breaks the kiss after a minute, panting a little more and digging his hips more deeply against me, and I quickly realize why: he's about to cum. He swears under his breath and then lifts himself up slightly, just enough to reach between us and grab his cock. He strokes himself fast, and I quickly lift the hem of my shirt right before he shoots his load all over my cock and lower stomach. He moans out, but I'm watching his dick with amazement. Seeing the cum actually spill from the head of his cock was a sight to behold. And now I have his warm load all over me. Again.

"Sorry," he says, eagerly apologizing.

I laugh. "I mean, this was the point, wasn't it?" I tease, reaching in between to give his cock a feel. He removes his own hand and lets me wrap my fingers around it, and I squeeze out another string of thick cum. I run my thumb across the underside of the slit and he twitches slightly. I just chuckle. "Sorry," I say, returning the apology.

"I'll forgive you," he says with a breathy laugh before licking his lips a bit. Then he reaches down for my dick after scooping up a good amount of his cum to use as lube. As soon as he's got me in his sloppy fist, I feel nothing but the highest pleasure. I close my eyes, swearing and tensing my whole body as he jerks me with expert motions.

In less than a minute, I'm right there. "I'm gonna cum, dude," I say, grabbing his wrist to try and slow him down. But he doesn't slow down. If anything, he speeds up. I grip the sheets with my free hand and clench my teeth, raising my hips as my cock spits out quite the load. It makes a total mess of Gus's hand, and I get some on my shorts, but thankfully he had the sense to hold my shirt up for me.

He reduces his stroking to a slower, looser motion, and I wait for my heart to relax. "Fuck," I moan, expelling a heavy breath. And then, Gus grips the head of my cock tightly and jerks me off as fast as possible. Total sensory overload. I almost knee him in the face by accident since my legs twitch so violently, and I push him away from me. "You fucker," I groan, totally out of breath.

Gus just laughs hard. "Couldn't resist," he says, still laughing a bit as he holds up his messy hand. He spreads his fingers slightly, watching the sticky substance web a bit. I just rest my eyes for a moment, catching my breath and letting my muscles loosen up. That was intense. I definitely need a breather. After a little while, I feel Gus's non-messy hand nudging my leg. "Don't fall asleep on me," he says.

"I won't," I say, smiling slightly. I feel him shifting a bit, and I open one eye to watch him turn around and lie next to me on his back. He gets a little more comfortable but still holds his hand up a bit, trying not to get cum on anything. "You're dripping," I tell him.

"Huh?" Then he notices the cum dripping off of his wrist, and he swears when it lands on his shirt. "Damn it."

"Just wipe it on the bed or something."

"Won't she be pissed?"

I shrug. "Honestly there are probably cum stains all over this blanket."

Gus snorts. "That's disgusting," he says, but he takes my advice anyway, wiping his hand on the corner of the blanket. I just cover my stomach with my shirt. It's a dark shirt anyway, and I can just wash it when I get home.

Both of us just rest next to each other for a long moment, our cocks still hanging out of our flies, spent. We just listening to the muffled sounds of the party just down the hallway. Sounds like people are actually having fun now. But I'm right where I want to be.

"I've never done this before, you know," Gus says, breaking the silence. When I turn my head to look at him, he adds "With a guy."

I smile slightly. "Me neither."

He looks at me and seems a little more comfortable. "So this is new for you too?"

"Foreign territory, my friend," I say.

He nods a bit before looking back up at the ceiling. "Okay, cool. That makes me feel better."

"Do you not feel good?"

"No, it's not that," he says. "It's just embarrassing if I'm... in this boat alone."

I chuckle a bit. "You're so quick to be embarrassed."

Again, he blushes. "I just get self-conscious."

"I wish you wouldn't," I tell him, and he glances at me. "You're an incredible guy, Gus. You have nothing to be self-conscious about." He smiles a little bit. "Trust my opinion, because I would know. I mean, I just sucked your dick." There's that redness again, firing up in his cheeks, but he hits me with those pearly whites of his as he laughs. I gently pat his hip with the back of my hand once he stops laughing. "You're not in this boat alone," I tell him.

"I know," he says, and he smiles softly at me.

Next: Chapter 3

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