

Published on Jun 5, 2022


This story is about two previously straight men who found themselves falling for each other. You know the drill: if you cannot legally view this material, do not read this story.

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~ Chapter 5 ~

My parents are the type of people that stand out in most crowds. There's my mother, with her huge blow-out, oversized jewelry, pattern-problem outfits, and thick-lensed glasses that take up half of her face and make her eyes appear larger than they are; and then there's Dad, with his caterpillar eyebrows, his mouth-concealing mustache, his undying love of cargo pants, and his wispy white hair that makes him somewhat reminiscent of Einstein. They both look like oddballs, with Dad on the nerdy side of things and Mom more on the "mystic" end.

Their appearance alone could draw attention, but it's the way that they talk and the volume that they talk at that really seals the deal. For being such a short man, my father has one of the loudest voices I've ever encountered. It's strong, round, and vibrant. My mother, on the other hand, is almost the opposite. She isn't necessarily soft-spoken, but she talks with a comical airiness, always with the tone of surprise. Her primary noise, however, comes from her chunky jewelry. Necklaces of wood and stone and bracelets fashioned from all sorts of metal make her sound a bit like a makeshift wind chime. If I were blind and Dad decided to keep his mouth shut, I could just follow the sound of her crafty jewels.

But I love them dearly. An adopted kid like me couldn't have hoped for more loving parents. They're good, compassionate people with a surprising love for unorthodox adventures. They like to have fun, always taking the less conventional route to achieve that.

Still, Dad could learn to use his inside voice now and again -- because as soon as I enter the restaurant, I don't even have to check in with the host. I just give her an apologetic smile and gesture towards the booming sound of my father practically dictating the menu. The host just laughs, letting me by.

My mother is the first to see me, and she gasps and leaps to her feet, practically bouncing as she approaches me. "Jackiiiiiie!" she cries, and I laugh when we embrace. Even though her jewelry always gets in the way, she gives a damn good hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you!"

"I'm just happy you could make the trip," I say, kissing her cheek before we separate. At Gus' behest, I decided to make extra time to have my parents come visit me. It's been a while, and I was starting to miss them.

Dad isn't a hugger, but he makes the exception for me and Mom, so we hug briefly upon greeting. "Looking fit, son!" he says when we separate, grabbing my upper arms.

I just laugh, pleased by the comment. Between the gym (which I go to reluctantly to spend time with Gus), rock climbing (which I've completely turned Gus onto), and very regular sex, I feel like I've whipped myself into better shape than ever before. Even Gus noticed I've been filling myself out more, enough to rival his thick but tasteful musculature.

"Not so bad yourself, old man," I tease. "How's your back?"

"Bah," he says as if insulted by me bringing that up. "I'll be fine."

"He's supposed to be taking it easy," Mom says, but she grins at me in a way that plainly says he's been doing the exact opposite of what the doctors wanted.

"What do they know?" Dad says, waving us both off as he takes his seat.

I sit across from them, already amused. "More than you, I bet," I say with a smirk.

"Don't sass me, boy," he says before picking up the menu again. For a while, Dad just complains about the lack of vegetarian options, even trying to pick a fight with me when I tell him there's an entire vegetarian menu. I can only shut him up after calling over a waitress, who provides the menu. Dad just mumbles something about "inconsideration," which just makes me laugh.

Mom, in the meantime, wants to know more about me. "So how've you been, honey?" she asks, resting her chin on top of her hand. "How's school?"

"School is crazy," I tell her, "but I've been good. Really good, actually." Then, I laugh, figuring this is as good a time as any. "Let me just get this out of the way now..."

As I shift in my seat and sit up straighter, my mother peers at me curiously. "Get what out of the way?"

"I, uh... I met someone."

My mother gasps and my father puts down the menu, his smile hidden behind his overgrown mustache. Neither of them have been introduced to any of my past girlfriends. Some of my exes would have loved to meet my parents, but the relationships never lasted long enough for me to feel like there was a point. I only ever wanted to show my main squeeze off to my parents if I knew it was going to last. After a few months (that feel like years) with Gus, I have a good feeling about this one -- lots of good feelings.

"About time!" my mother says, clapping a few times before nudging Dad with her elbow. "Weren't we just complaining about this?"

"Complaining?" I ask, laughing.

"I want grandbabies," Mom says with a frown.

"Whoa now," I say, holding my hands up. "You realize I'm only twenty-four, right?"

"You're not getting any younger," Dad says, and Mom nods as if he couldn't have made a more poignant statement.

"I'm not having kids right now, so you guys can scrap those dreams," I tell them, smirking.

My mother of course looks disappointed. "Not ever?"

I shrug. "The point is not now," I tell her before shaking my head. "But that's not what I wanna talk about." I clear my throat a bit, making sure I have their attention. I have no doubt that my parents will be fine with the gender of my significant other. I'm just not sure what their initial reaction will be. "Don't freak out," I say, "but he's a guy."

They both merely look caught off guard. Dad even needs clarification. "Who is?"

"The `someone' I met is a guy," I tell him. "He's my boyfriend."

They maintain that surprised expression for only two seconds longer. After that, they're all smiles, Dad's eyes twinkling and Mom clutching her wooden necklace. "Well, can we meet him?!" Dad asks.

I smile at the both of them. "Of course. Just play it cool when you meet him," I request. "He gets flustered." I've always used two words to describe my parents: dorky and nosy.

They also crave instant gratification, because Dad immediately asks, "Is he around?"

"Now?" I ask, confused.

"Yes, now," he says, and Mom just nods in agreement.

I try not to laugh. "You don't wanna just have lunch with your only son?"

Dad just scoffs. "No. I wanna meet your boyfriend."

"Me too," Mom chimes in as if she hasn't been looking excited and nodding emphatically since Dad asked if Gus was available.

I'm more amused than anything else. "I mean, I could call him, but--"

"Do it!" Dad insists, waving his hands around a bit obnoxiously.

"Jesus, okay," I say, laughing at his insistence. "Gimme a sec."

As I stand up and excuse myself from the table, I grab my phone out of my pocket and ring up Gus. I don't want my parents overhearing, so I make my way outside the restaurant for a little privacy. After the third ring, Gus picks up. "Hello?"

"Hey, you," I say.

Gus chuckles in that adorable way of his. "Hey," he says before sounding confused. "Aren't you with your parents?"

"I am," I say. "What are you doing right now?" He's been staying over my place the past few nights, so I'm sure he's just lounging about naked in my apartment doing work.

"Um..." He lets out a nervous laugh. "Nothing."

I raise my eyebrows at his tone. "Well now you're being suspicious."

"I was jerking off, if you must know," he says.

"Seriously?" I ask, laughing. "Were you at least thinking about me?"

"...Yes," he murmurs.

I try to resist laughing, but I can't. "And what was I doing in your head, pray tell?"

"That secret dies with me," he says, and both of us chuckle together.

I have to push the thought of him stroking off to me, though, to avoid getting hard. "Well, I hate to interrupt, but... my parents wanna meet you."

"You told them about me already?" he asked.

"Figured I'd get it out of the way. They're really excited to meet you and practically demanded I call you and convince you to come out to lunch."

There's a pause before he speaks. "Like... right now?"

"Sorry," I say with a laugh.

"Oh my God," he says before I hear him shifting on his bed.

"If you don't have time--"

"I'll be there in ten," he says quickly. Then, he hangs up.

Gus was nervous about meeting my parents, but he also made a note to say that he's been like that with all his past lovers. He just wants to make a good impression. I kept trying to assure him that he didn't need to worry, but parents liking him is very important to him -- and I'm sure me putting him on the spot just sent him into overdrive.

When I head back to the table, I inform my parents that he's on his way, so we decide to hold off on ordering any food until he arrives. For the time being, we just chat about their plans to do some traveling before some of their miles expire, and after a sordid debate about France versus Ireland, Gus finally texts me that he's here.

As soon as I turn my head towards the restaurant's entrance, I see Gus waltz in, looking a bit winded. I chuckle, stepping away from the table to greet him so that he doesn't have to walk through the joint alone. When he sees me coming, he smiles a bit, red-faced and catching his breath. "Did you run here?" I tease.

"Practically," he says before allowing me to fix his hair a bit.

I give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Ready?"

He still looks nervous, but he nods. Smiling, I take his hand and lead him towards my parents.

"Guys," I say as if I don't have their undivided attention already, "this is Gus. Gus, Mom and Dad."

"Nice to meet you both," Gus says politely.

Mom, unable to contain her excitement, hops up to her feet and moves in for the hug. "Sooo lovely to meet you!" she says as she embraces him. During the hug, she smiles at me and adds, "I didn't think he'd be this handsome."

"I don't date uglies," I tease, getting her to roll her eyes and Gus to laugh. He is looking particularly good today. There's something about his short, almost-well-kept auburn hair, and adorable doe eyes, and full lips that's getting to me right now.

After the hug, Gus shifts his attention to my father, who doesn't get up from his seat as he extends his hand expectantly. "Nice to meet you, son," he says.

"You too, sir," Gus says, shaking my dad's hand -- and Dad looks impressed by his handshake.

I just poke fun. "`Sir'?" I ask.

"Shut up," Gus mutters before we all retake our seats.

"So!" Mom says, clapping her hands together. "We've known about you for all of ten minutes, so I have lots of questions."

"Same here," Dad chimes in, and I just sigh, buckling in.

At first, the questions are rapid-fire ones so they can get a general sense of the basics: his age, his education, his occupation, some of his top hobbies. Mom, ever the romantic, asks how we met, and when I tell her it was at one of Liv's parties, she starts to go on and on about how she misses Liv before my dad butts in to "keep her on track."

Once the simple stuff is out of the way, though, the questions start getting more uncomfortable and nosy: "Are you gay?" "Jackie is really the first guy you've been with? Do you think that's wise?" "Are you happy in this relationship?" "Do you want kids?"

Eventually I have to put a stop to it. "Alright, no more questions. Let the poor guy breathe," I murmur.

Dad looks affronted for a moment. "I'm just asking if--"

"Seriously," I say firmly.

Luckily, he relents. "Fine, fine, fine. Have it your way."

I look towards Gus, who certainly looks like he's been through a rough interrogation. His eyes are wide and his face has a perpetual redness to it. I just smile and grab his thigh under the table, and although he looks flustered, he smiles back.

Once the questioning stops, we can all just talk like normal people. Things go smoothly after that. As expected, they adore Gus and think he's a total sweetheart. The thing I love most about my parents is that they're honest, too -- and they're not afraid to tell Gus what they think of him. Their forward approach seems to surprise him at first (even though I'm sure he now understands where I get it from), but it does put him at complete ease. The plight to impress my parents is over. Now, he can relax and enjoy himself.

We end up staying long after we've all finished our meals, even ordering two rounds of desserts to justify us taking up space in the restaurant. It's strange how good this feels, chatting so easily with my parents and my man. I didn't expect to feel such a profound sense of appreciation for the people at this table, but here I am, feeling grateful for how Gus seems to fit right in, for how eagerly my parents accepted him as my significant other, for how this one moment is (what I hope to be) the first stepping stone towards a future of family adventures. It nearly makes me tear up -- and nothing makes me tear up.

When it's finally time to say goodbye, my mom gives us each a big hug, and Dad gives Gus another handshake. They're planning a "night on the town," so Gus and I leave them to their fun and head back to my apartment together.

"You did wonderfully," I tell him, bumping him with my hip as we walk.

He laughs, blushing slightly. "Good to know because I was so fucking nervous. I wanted them to like me so badly."

"Mission accomplished, then," I assure him, smiling as we start heading down the block.

"I was... surprised by how nice it felt to be introduced to your parents as your boyfriend," he says.

I glance over at him. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. In a cheesy kind of way," he says before shrugging. "I don't know. It made me wanna tell my mom."

"I thought you said she knew," I say.

"I think she knows," he says. "But we haven't, like, actually talked about it. I get weirdly nervous for some reason. But you just make it look so easy."

"I just... don't care," I tell him. I'm not sure how to properly articulate my feelings in this moment, but I know he knows that I don't care what other people think. I just do what I want, and I want those around me to do the same.

Gus just sighs. "Maybe I care too much," he says.

"About?" I ask, pressing him a bit.

But again, he shrugs. I get it, though. It can be confusing when you haven't lived so openly your whole life -- or when you haven't had parents like mine to set such an example.

"You afraid it'll backfire?" I ask.

"I guess. I know that it won't, but... there's that tiny possibility that holds me back every time I wanna tell her."

I just nod in understanding before putting my hand on the small of his back. "You don't have to tell your mom just because I told my parents," I tell him. "I'm chill. Do things at your own pace."

"Thanks, babe," he says appreciatively, and I smile, quickly leaning in to give him a swift kiss on the lips. Since we're still walking, we both nearly trip, stumbling and laughing.

Gus knows very well what my parents think of him, but for the rest of the walk, we discuss what he thought of them. Of course, he found them eccentric and somewhat comical, but he points out how sincere they felt and how their adoration for me was more than apparent. I just smile, ever grateful that I was chosen by these supportive parents.

Once we finally get back to my apartment, my mind is already thinking about how the rest of the day might unfold. I feel good. Part of me wants to go do something with Gus. Gus doesn't have much work to do, and I elected to take the day off from school, so we have the whole night to ourselves. Maybe I should have a "night on the town" with my lover.

"What do you wanna do later?" I ask him, setting my keys down. "I'm kinda feeling sushi if you're--" But I pause when I see that Gus is just leaning against the door with an odd expression on his face. "Gus?"

He stares at me for a while, and I get the sense that he's debating something. He chews on his bottom lip, holding my gaze, his mind clearly going in several different directions. "I..." he starts to say before he inhales deeply. Then, he spits it out as fast as he can. "I love you."

I blink, momentarily shocked. This is the first time either of us have said those words to each other, and (to my own surprise) I'm just now realizing this. I mean, how often have I been with someone and we're constantly wondering who's going to pull the trigger first, as if that's an essential step to bring things to the "next level"? Weirdly enough, I haven't thought about that once with Gus. It seems that those feelings have just settled in me slowly over time, to the point where I didn't even quite notice the change from "like" to "love." It just feels like it's always been there, as another testament to the ease of our relationship.

I can't help it. I laugh.

Gus blushes and hits me, trying not to smile. "Don't laugh, asshole."

"I'm sorry," I say, trying my best to compose myself -- but that only makes me laugh harder. There's just something about his cute face, the deep breath he had to take to say those fateful words, the hurried way he uttered them, the "This is supposed to be a serious moment" feeling... It's getting to me. It's not just that I find it particularly funny, though. It's that I'm surprised by how grateful I feel, by how fast my heart is racing -- and by how deeply that sentiment is reciprocated.

"You done?" he asks when I'm finally reduced to the occasional chuckle.

"Yes," I say before taking his hands in mine, feeling my cheeks straining from my smile. I'm a little breathless from laughter. Maybe I'm breathless because of him. "I love you, too."

Gus, who just blushes more deeply, decides to make eye contact with my pecs instead. He's smiling from ear to ear, too. "Good," he says.

Again, I start laughing. "`Good'?"

"Shut up," he says, at least joining me in laughter. "I don't know what to say now."

"You don't have to say anything," I tell him. Feeling a surge of affection, I lean in and kiss him squarely on the mouth. We both let go of each other's hands so our arms can wrap around each other as we fall into a deep embrace and an even deeper kiss.

But then, after ten or so seconds, he pauses. "In," he murmurs against my lips.

I break the kiss, confused. "Huh?"

"In," he repeats, still red-faced and sheepish. "I'm in love with you." Then, he gives me a slanted, almost apologetic smile. "I just... wanted to make that clear."

My mouth splits into a wide grin, and I pull him into me. "C'mere," I murmur, full of an impossible amount of affection that needs to be expressed. I kiss Gus hard, squeezing his body to mine, loving him, appreciating him, almost laughing from how accurate that "warm and fuzzy" cliche is right now.

Almost immediately after our bodies connect, there's an extra spark -- the kind that signals a clear shift from affectionate to sexual. Maybe it's emphasized by Gus' hard-on, surely due to the fact that he didn't finish taking care of business before he met my parents. Maybe our emotions are so charged up that it's affecting our impulses. Either way, we want each other.

Resisting every urge to tease him further, I take Gus' hand and lead him straight to the bed. I push him onto it so that he lands on his back with a little laugh, his legs dangling over the edge of the mattress. I grin as I remove my shirt with one swift motion. Focused, Gus watches me, licking his lips slightly. What does he see when he looks at my shirtless body? How much has his physical attraction to me grown as his feelings have deepened? Something about that sentiment makes me feel... sexier.

I bend over him to grab the collar of his shirt and pull him up into a seated position. Here, I can easily help him out of his shirt. After tossing his shirt to the floor, I push him back onto the bed and then get to my knees between his legs. I'm both so touched and so aroused by Gus finding the balls to tell me before I did that all I want to do now is make him cum -- and I know exactly what gets him singing the loudest.

I undo his belt, unzip his fly, and then start tugging down his jeans and underwear in one motion. He lifts his ass for me, making it easier for me to strip him bare. Now, there's nothing to hide that rock-solid cock of his. I grin at the sight of precum already glistening at the tip. Gently, I take hold of Gus and massage my thumb up the underside of his shaft, licking my lips as more precum oozes from the tip. He's already moaning his little head off. So sensitive.

Not wanting to tease him too long, I give him some relief by tilting him towards my mouth and taking him in. He grunts, clutching the sheets he was just jerking off on earlier today. I moan when I taste him, snaking my tongue around the head to lap up all that flavor. I even take a moment to pull off and savor it before I return, wet lips clamping around his manhood as I bob slowly up and down.

"Goddamn it, Jackie," he groans, resting a hand on his face.

I pull off with a little "pop!" noise. "What?" I ask, idly stroking him.

"Feels so fucking good today," he says.

I smirk. "Is that `cause you're in love with me?" I tease.

He rolls his eyes. "Don't ruin it," he mutters, and I just chuckle before continuing to blow him. Maybe that's true, though. Maybe sex is better with that deeper connection. I've never really felt this strongly about someone before, so... it's time to explore that.

I kiss down the length of his cock, giving his balls a little attention before he opens and lifts his legs expectantly. Tongue already dripping with saliva, I dive right into his hole, making Gus throw his head back and moan. I look up at him as I rim him, loving the way he turns up his eyebrows, how he lets out a string of mumbled curses when I get deep with my tongue, how he brings his hand to his face almost as if he can't believe how good I'm making it feel. It's those little things I look for in Gus that make me swoon -- and impossibly hard.

Eventually, I give his hole one more kiss before starting to climb over his body. Gus eagerly grabs at me, tugging me down and kissing me tongue-first, panting, needy. "Fuck me," he mumbles through the kiss.

I grin as we swap spit. "What`s that, babe?" I murmur huskily.

"Fuck me!" he groans. He even reaches between us to paw at my bulge.

"You need it?"

He nods a couple of times, hitting me with puppy-dog eyes.

I sit up between his legs, kneeling tall. "Take it, then," I tell him.

As if in a hurry, Gus scrambles to his knees, undoing my pants and tugging them down my thighs. He gets on all fours, lifts my cock to his lips, and swallows my semi completely. It's clear he's desperate to get me rock hard -- and it doesn't take long at all for me to get there. Now, all you can hear in the room are the sloppy sounds of Gus working my cock and his eager, hungry moans. For a moment, I just close my eyes and calmly revel in the sensations, in my appreciation for Gus. Often, I like to reminisce about our exploration together, how we both had to learn not only what we liked but how to perform. Neither of us had been with a guy before. Now, it's all I can imagine doing for the rest of my life -- as long as it's with Gus, that is.

I look down, watching his lips plump out around my shaft on each backstroke before my eyes travel down his spine. God, his ass looks too inviting. I lick two of my fingers and then bend forward, reaching out to slide those fingers between his cheeks and pet at his hole. Gus immediately groans around my cock, and I keep my free hand on the back of his head so that he doesn't stop his work as I tease his hole. He's so incredibly soft back here. I bring my fingers back to my lips, getting them wetter before reaching back to rub my middle finger against his silky hole. Easily, my finger slips into his heat.

I tease him for a bit, just gently rocking my finger around before suddenly, Gus pulls away -- but I quickly realize it's because he's scrambling for the lube. He grabs it off my nightstand and then returns to me, already squirting the cool liquid into his palm. He first coats my cock in lube before applying some to himself. Then, without a word, he turns around and gets on all fours, arching his back and nonverbally demanding I fuck him. It all happens so fast that I laugh slightly, but I'm ready to perform.

I shuck off my pants completely, getting fully naked with Gus so that when I position myself behind him, it`s just flesh on flesh. Nothing separates us. My cock lines up perfectly with his hole, and with one sure thrust, I'm embedded inside my boyfriend. He cries out in that pleasured-pained way of his. All this regular sex means we don't have to ease into it anymore. I can fuck him good right off the bat.

Seems he wants to participate, though, because as soon as I find my stride, Gus starts to buck back against me. Wanting to watch, I let go of his hips and stay still, watching him gyrate and rock himself back and forth on my cock. His ass, firm but supple, smacks against me on each downstroke, making my cock fully disappear inside of him.

He gets whiny, though. "Why'd you stop?" Gus groans, turning his head back to me even as he rides me.

"It's kinda hot just watching you," I say with a grin.

"C'mon," Gus whimpers, grinding deep into my groin.

If that's what you want, baby... I reach down, wrapping an arm around him to pull him up to me. I keep him locked against my torso as I start to thrust into him, skin slapping skin as the bed starts to rock. Gus moans out with gratitude, and I lean in to kiss his neck, eager to give him a few commemorative hickeys. Just as my lips make contact, I reach down with my free hand and take hold of his cock. It feels thicker than usual.

Immediately, Gus protests. "Stop stop stop," he cries, grabbing my wrist.

"What?" I ask, pausing altogether.

"I'm gonna cum," he murmurs.

I laugh. "Don't you want to?" I ask, squeezing his cock gently.

"Not so soon," he tells me, trying to pry my hand away from his dick.

"It's not like you can't cum multiple times," I remind him.

"But then I'm all sore," he says. "Just give me a sec."

I chuckle, planting a little kiss on his neck and letting go of his cock to give it a breather. In the meantime, though, I start gently rocking my hips again. I just want a little bit of stimulation. He feels too good to resist.

But even that is too much for him. "Easy," he pants, putting a hand on my hip.


"I'll cum if you go too fast," he says.

"Goddamn, babe," I say with a laugh. "Hair-trigger today."

"Sorry," he says, tensing his whole lower body, clearly trying to hold back his orgasm. I can even feel his hole flexing around me.

I grunt a bit, nipping at his shoulder. "It's taking everything in my power to not fuck you right now," I tell him. "You've got me worked up."

"Just a minute," Gus says.

But I know I can't wait a minute. "I gotta pull out," I tell him, his pulsing heat threatening to make us both cum. I gently ease out of him, and both of us moan lightly.

Gus pauses for a second before saying, "Here." Once I fall out of him, he turns and kisses me, one hand taking the back of my head and the other going right to my cock. I groan against his lips as he starts stroking me slowly, his fingers making sure to stimulate every inch of me. Feeling myself throb in his grip, I deepen the kisses, sliding my tongue past his lips so that we're really making out.

As the kiss progresses, I feel Gus' hand slide down from the back of my head all the way to my ass. He gives one cheek a firm, playful grip -- and then, I feel his fingers dip deeper.

I grunt in surprise when I feel him touch my hole. Part of me thought there was some unspoken agreement that he's the bottom in this relationship. Never once has the idea of me being the recipient of any sort of assplay been part of the discussion.

"What are you doing?" I murmur against his lips.

I feel Gus smiling into the kiss. "Let me make you feel good," he says, circling my hole with the pad of his finger.

"I don't know, Gus," I say back -- but even as those words leave my mouth, I feel... tingly. This new sort of stimulation is already making my head feel a little dizzy. Even my cock likes the idea.

"You're really missing out," Gus tells me. "It drives me nuts."

"You're just good at being a bottom," I tease, and he nips my bottom lip in response.

"I'll make it good for you. I promise," he says. "Just let me try a few things, and you can tell me to stop, okay?"

I smirk a bit. "What brought this on?"

He laughs a little. "Honestly? I've been thinking about it for a while but when it gets time to try it, I just..."


"Go into bottom mode," he suggests, and we both snort with laughter.

"`Cock-hungry,' one could say," I murmur.

"Whatever," he says, turning me around and pushing me down onto the bed. I grunt when I land on my stomach, glancing back at Gus with mild trepidation. The finger felt good... but what about the rest? What's that gonna be like?

Gus puts his hands on each of my cheeks and massages them a bit before prying them apart -- and I feel so exposed. I don't think anyone I've ever been with has seen my hole before. I don't even know what it looks like. It feels almost embarrassing having Gus get an unhindered view of my most intimate place, so much so that I nearly bow out.

But then, without any sort of hesitation, Gus leans down tongue-first and glides that slick muscle around the rim, and I forget all about embarrassment and hesitation and worry because holy fuck, that feels incredible. I moan out, clutching the bedspread as Gus increases the urgency behind his movements. He moves in circles, then up and down, then in a zig-zag formation, before planting a sloppy French kiss right on me. I feel my eyebrows shoot up, almost seeing stars. Now I'm feeling what Gus has felt all these months. No wonder he goes into bottom mode so easily.

Gus pulls up to say, "How's it feel?"

Quickly, I reach back and grab the back of his head, pulling him back into my ass. "Don't stop," I grunt, lifting my hips up. Just that little bit of stimulation on my cock sends me into overdrive, and I move my hand from Gus' head to my dick. Now I'm face-down-ass-up, stroking myself for all I'm worth while Gus starts to get more ravenous. Even he moans, so now all I hear (besides my own groaning) are his grunts and wet movements.

And then, I feel something more: his tongue entering me. I gasp a bit, my toes curling, my body both trying to move away and get his tongue deeper. It's so confusingly good, so electrifying, that I'm almost fumbling with myself, squirming like a madman. Never before have I had so little control over myself during sex. I'm usually so confident, so at ease. I know what I'm doing. But here? This is so foreign to me. All I can do is let myself be guided by the hands (and tongue) of my boyfriend.

This goes on for several delicious minutes. I keep having to pause my stroking, not wanting to prematurely spray my load all over the sheets. Soon, though, Gus pulls back for air and then drags his tongue up the length of my spine. Once at my neck, I turn to kiss him tongue-first. As we shift to where I'm on my back and he's on top of me, we kiss deeply, swapping my flavor back and forth. It feels so lewd, so nasty, and so fucking hot. I'm vibrating all over. What's going on with me?

Gus pants a bit, breaking the kiss and breathing heavily against my lips. "Can I fuck you?" he asks.

I don't even think about it. I just utter one word, almost like a command: "Yes."

He looks surprised, and he almost laughs. "Really?"

"Do it," I tell him. Out of nowhere, I'm more than willing. Part of me wants to satisfy that curiosity, curiosity that Gus has piqued so intensely and so suddenly. I want to feel what he feels. I've tried fingers on myself before and it merely felt dull and uncomfortable. Maybe I just needed someone else to really tap into that for me.

But the other part of me, I realize, is just gushing for Gus. I'm in love with him -- and when you're in love with someone, you give each other your whole selves, right? It sounds right in my head. I'll run with that.

Plus, now I get to see another side of Gus: the tender provider. Despite the urgency we both feel, Gus takes his time opening me up with lubed-up fingers. I squirm, constantly pawing at my cock. Eventually, he holds one of my wrists down on the bed while he eases his second finger in. He doesn't want me to cum so soon yet, either. He just wants me to focus on his fingers, on the way they stretch me out, the way they press insistently but sweetly against that magic button. I keep laughing and moaning, moaning and laughing. Is this what love really feels like? God, that's so corny to think.

And then, once he feels like I'm loosened up a bit, he coats his cock in lube and then positions himself between my legs. He pauses with his cockhead at my entrance and meets my eyes. "I love you."

I laugh, smiling warmly up at him. "I love you, too."

He smiles back at me, just as warmly, almost privately, like we're in public and he has to be discreet but still wants to show his affection. Fuck, he's so cute.

Then, Gus slowly pushes forward, and we connect. The more his cock stretches me out, the more my mouth opens wide. "Holy fuck," I grunt. It's shocking. Gus just keeps opening me up more and more. Is he really this thick? I stare up at the ceiling, amazed by what's happening. It definitely hurts a bit, but there's something more there that's stimulating me. It's not the depth of his cock, either. I think it's the rim. All that pleasure is centered right where our flesh meets, that first point of contact where he's stretching me out. Something about it is making my skin erupt in goosebumps. In fact, I have to let go of my cock so that I don't cum right away.

"You're so fucking tight," Gus grunts, and when I look at him, I see his clenching his jaw. He moves his hips very slowly, making my toes curl.

"You're so fucking thick," I grunt back.

"You feel okay?" he asks me, and when I look at him, his face is so full of genuine concern that my eyes nearly water.

In response, I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him down by the back of his head so that our lips lock. We both moan into the kiss as Gus grinds into me, styling his thrusts in a way that can only be described as making love. It's so intense that it feels like I'm right on the edge of orgasm the entire time, like Gus' careful thrusts are keeping me there, just barely threatening to tip me over.

What sends me into overdrive, though, is when he loses a bit of control. "Fuck, you feel so good," he gasps. Then, his eyes roll and he starts thrusting like he can't hold back. I moan out louder, loving how he's getting into it so much that I can't resist, either. I need to cum.

The thing is, I don't even think I have to touch myself. I feel it building, feel it filling my cock, and I know that this will be the most intense orgasm I've ever had. I just know it. Only two minutes into my first bottoming experience and I'm about to have the cum of a lifetime.

Gus almost ruins it, though. "Shit," he whispers, almost about to pull out.

Quickly, I wrap my legs around his hips to keep him secure. "Don't you dare fucking stop," I warn him, digging my heels into his ass to make him thrust again.

"But I'm gonna cum if--"

"Don't, Gus," I say again, adding extra steel to my voice. I'm not sure if I sound demanding or desperate, but luckily, Gus picks up on it. He continues working his hips, thrusting in and out of me, making my orgasm build until finally, when Gus leans down to kiss me, his stomach nudges my cock and catapults me into my climax. I nearly start crying. The orgasm is so powerful that my entire body shudders with force to rival that of our fucking. I keep twitching as if electrified, my cock pulsing and pulsing and pulsing, spilling out cum with what feels like no end in sight.

I think what helps elongate it is Gus finishing simultaneously. I'm barely cognizant of him throughout my orgasm, but I can hear his moans, his "I'm cumming" noises. He thrusts in deep and plants his cum inside of me, and that notion alone sends a rushing wave of goosebumps all over me.

When we both finish, we're both catching our breath. I don't know about Gus, but I'm still vibrating. I can still feel it in my toes and my fingertips. My extremities are lightly tingling and shaking, still feeling the aftereffects of a mind-blowing cum.

"Holy fuck," Gus says, panting as he laughs.

"Jesus fucking Christ," I whisper back, feeling winded when I laugh.

"That was..." Gus starts to say, but he can't find the word.

So, I offer a suggestion. "Fast?" I say with a chuckle.

He blushes but smiles. "You're too tight," he tells me.

"Maybe you need to work on your game," I fire back. "I mean, what was that? Two, three minutes? Did I even lose my virginity?"

"I'm gonna kill you," he says -- and then, he pounces. Suddenly, we find ourselves laughing and playfully wrestling, each of us trying to pin the other despite being absolutely exhausted from our explosive orgasms. Eventually, we find ourselves settling with lying side by side, limbs tangled up, faces close to each other. Gus rests an almost protective hand on my ass. "How was it?" Gus asks. "Really."

"It was... surprising," I tell him. "Confusing, really. The weirdest mix of I'm uncomfortable and this is too much" and Jesus Christ, don't stop, Lord, please don't stop."

Gus laughs. "Invoking the name of our Lord, I see," he playfully chastises.

"Not once but twice," I say, grinning.

"It's very serious then."

"It is," I say, chuckling before I kiss him again. "I'll be honest though... I'm a little mad at us for cumming so quick. I wanted to keep going."

Gus just hits me with a seductive grin. "You're telling me you don't have another one in you, Casanova?" he teases, grabbing my balls with a sure grip.

Instantly, I'm hard.

Next: Chapter 6

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