

Published on Dec 21, 2022


This story is about two previously straight men who found themselves falling for each other. You know the drill: if you cannot legally view this material, do not read this story.

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~ Chapter 6 ~

Finally, fucking finally, I've had a breakthrough in my research. Granted, it hasn't been that long, but ever since I started this project, it's been disappointment after disappointment. Today, though, I had a moment of inspiration (after some sheer dumb luck). It was epiphanous, miraculous, serendipitous -- any positive -ous word I could think of. Even though there's still a long way to go, I now have a path forward. There's a light at the end of this godforsaken tunnel.

It's not like it was super necessary for me to get my PhD. However, the acquisition of a PhD (as my PI once put it) "separates the meek from the ambitious." Besides, I started this. I have to finish it -- and I have too much conviction to let myself fail.

Gus, of course, was the first person I called because I wanted to get some celebratory drinks. Unfortunately, he's busy with work, but Bruce and Liv both had some free time, so the three of us made some last-minute plans to meet up at our favorite bar. They know better than anyone how important this is to me, how much I've slaved over my research, how much time I've lost with my friends because I'm pursuing my career. Now, it at least feels like it's paying off. This is a nice way to thank them.

By the time I get there, Bruce and Liv have already arrived. There's a little bounce in my step that doesn't go unnoticed by either of them. Both of them smirk as I meander towards the bar with a peppy swagger and a smile slapped across my face.

"Someone looks happy," Liv teases, giggling.

"You have no idea," I murmur, giving her a hug so tight it makes her squeal like a squeaky toy.

When I turn to Bruce, he just grins as he embraces me and pats my back. "Let's get some drinks in ya," he says when he pulls back.

"Amen. First round's on me, fuckers," I say, and Bruce and Liv both smile approvingly. I order a round of shots for the three of us, and once the bartender pours out three whiskeys, my friends and I hold up our glasses.

"To our favorite nerd," Bruce says before I can get a word in.

"Hear, hear," Liv says brightly.

I just chuckle before we down the shots, each of us wincing and laughing. With the celebratory shots out of the way, we each order our own cocktails: a cosmo for Liv, a ginger mule for Bruce, and for myself, some sort of lemonade concoction listed as a house special. What can I say? I'm feeling pretty sweet.

Once our order's in, Liv grins and points at my face. "I honestly don't think I've ever seen you look this happy."

I just laugh. "I don't know. I feel like I just got head from God or something," I tell her, and she snorts.

"Still have a long ways to go, though, right?" Bruce asks.

I shrug. "Yeah, but I have a feeling the rest will be a cakewalk."

"What's left, anyway?" Liv asks.

I know neither of them care for science, so I leave out the particulars of the project. "Still a lot of research to do," I say. "It's mostly just gathering more data, but the foundation is so sound that I'm not worried at all. At this rate, I could probably finish a year early."

"That's great!" Liv says excitedly, slapping my arm. "Then you can come back to the real world."

I laugh. "True," I say before placing a hand on one of their shoulders each. Both of them are seated next to each other, but I stay standing in between them, knowing I won't be able to sit still. "Just wanna say... I love you guys," I tell them.

"We love you too, bro," Bruce says, amused by my behavior. This is how I talk when I'm drunk, but I'm not even tipsy yet. I'm just feeling damn good.

"I'm serious," I say. "You guys are my best friends. I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate you, and your support, and... well, yeah. I just love you guys."

"Aww," Liv says, reaching up and tugging on my cheek like a grandma. "He's so cute when he gets emotional."

"Shut up," I say, swatting her hand away. Both of them laugh.

"We're really proud of you," Liv says before smirking towards Bruce. "Well, I am."

Bruce nudges her chair with his foot as if threatening to push it over. "Fuck off."

I grin towards my buddy. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," he says. "I am proud of you. But I'll be much happier when doctorate-Jackie is long gone."

Can't argue with that. "Me fuckin' too," I murmur, and Bruce pats my arm.

"Seriously, though, I'm excited for you."

Just then, our drinks arrive. The bartender slides them over to us, and I slide a handsome tip back, feeling extra generous today. Honestly, this mood is kind of dangerous. At this rate, I'll end up buying the bar.

"Well," Bruce says, nodding his drink towards me, "here's to smooth sailing."

"I'll drink to that," I say, clinking my fruity little cocktail against his before taking a sip. Goddamn. Is it really the drink, or do things just taste extra good today?

"How's everything else going?" Liv asks, lightly nursing her cosmo.

Bruce just laughs. "She means `How's Gus?'"

"Shut up," Liv says, rolling her eyes at Bruce, which makes me think they were discussing my relationship before I arrived. She peers up at me. "Is he joining us?"

"Nah, he was in the middle of work," I tell them, frowning a little.

"Boo," Liv says, looking disappointed. "I haven't seen him in a while."

"I thought you all hung out last night," I mention. In an effort to get to know Gus a little better, Bruce invited him over for dinner with Liv and his pseudo-girlfriend whose name I can never seem to remember.

"I couldn't make it," Liv says with a dramatic sigh. "But we all gotta get together soon! I demand it."

"Yes, princess," I tease, sipping my drink after dodging her elbow.

"Gus mentioned he met your folks the other day," Bruce chimes in.

Liv perks up even more. "Oh my God! Were they in town? I miss your parents! How are they?"

"Same old same old," I say fondly. "Mom actually mentioned you."

"I wish you told me!" she says, hitting my forearm. "I miss her. I like her more than my own mom."

"Don't be rude to Rachel," Bruce playfully warns.

"Stop crushing on my mom, it's weird," Liv says, and Bruce chuckles while I just grin to myself. Bruce has always had a bit of a thing for Liv's mom -- and I don't blame him. She's the definition of a MILF.

"Whatever," Bruce says.

Liv turns to me. "So? How'd the meet-the-parents thing go?"

"They love him, no surprise there," I say. "I thought they were gonna make a bigger deal about the whole `Here's my gay lover' thing but... it went really well."

"Well good!" Liv says, smiling brightly. "Guess everything's going pretty well for you, huh, Casanova?"

She's not wrong. I smile to myself as I bring my drink to my lips, feeling truly grateful. I've got a great family, great friends, great boyfriend, and the stress of my doctorate has almost evaporated. It almost feels silly to say, but... life is fucking good.

I stay with Bruce and Liv for several drinks, wanting to hear all about their lives. Liv's putting on her big-girl-entrepreneur shoes and considering starting up a yoga studio in town, and Bruce is just doing his normal Bruce thing: taking it easy. For once, Liv doesn't have any boy-related drama. In fact, the only complaint the entire evening is that Liv doesn't feel drunk enough -- and I quickly remedy that by buying us more drinks. Soon, we're all quite toasted, laughing and reminiscing and soaking up each others' company.

After the bar, I walk off the alcohol as best I can (which is not super well) and briefly head home on my way to Gus's to grab an overnight bag. Gus is on babysitting duty yet again, so as usual, I'm going to enjoy the rest of the evening at his apartment. One quick subway ride later and I find myself at Gus's front door. I knock and hear a small voice reply, "It's unlocked!"

When I step inside, the first thing I see is Gus's little brother hanging out on the couch and watching cartoons on the big screen. "Hey Gabe!" I say with a smile, kicking the door shut.

He peers over at me and smiles. "Hi, Jackie," he says, his hand absentmindedly stroking the cat in his lap. He doesn't look surprised to see me. "Gus ran out to get something. He said he'll be right back."

I grin a bit. That "something" must be weed. "Mind if I sit with you, then?" I ask. I'm still a bit drunk, and swaying on my feet isn't a great look. Gabe just shrugs and then nods, and I take a seat beside him. "What are we watching?"

"`Rick and Morty'," he says, eyes still on the TV.

I've vaguely heard about this show. "Isn't that a little... old for you?" I ask. I thought it was for adults.

Gus just turns and grins at me. "Mom hates that I watch it but she never stops me," he says.

I laugh, nodding. "Guess she doesn't hate it that much."

Then, randomly, Gabe has a question. "Are you in love with my brother?"

I glance at him with surprise. He doesn't seem put off. Just curious. "Um... yeah," I say, almost laughing. Should I have said that?

"Weird," he says, wrinkling his nose.

"Why's that weird?"

"Being in love," he says. "It's weird."

I smirk. At least it's not a homophobic thing. "You been in love before, champ?"

In comic fashion, he looks at me like I couldn't have suggested something more vile. "No," he says.

"Don't knock it `til you try it," I tease, patting his thigh.

He wrinkles his nose again, shaking his head. "I'm never gonna be in love," he says defiantly before he looks up at me again. "Are you gonna get married?"

I feel my eyebrows raise. Slow down, kid. "I don't know about that just yet," I tell him.

"Oh," he says, looking a bit disappointed. "Well, when you do, can I be the flower boy?"

I can't resist a smile. What was I like when I was little? Was I anything like Gabe? I make a mental note to reminisce with my parents the next time I see them -- but for now, to make Gabe happy, I nod and say, "You got it, buddy."

He beams up at me, satisfied.

Just then, I hear movement in the hallway before I notice his mother bustling into the room. "Oh, Jackie, sweetheart! So good to see you!" she says, looking hurried as usual. Despite the fact that her shift is consistent, she's always rushing, practically out of breath.

"You too, Mrs. Fenway," I say.

Then, as if remembering something, she pauses. "I'm glad you're here, actually," she says, eyeing the room as if looking for someone -- presumably Gus. "I wanted to talk to you."

Uh oh. There's something in her tone that I don't particularly like. It feels like I'm about to be chastised or hear something that I don't want to hear. Still, when she beckons me over, I slip off the couch and stand next to her, hoping she can't smell the alcohol on me.

She lowers her voice a bit. "What's your plan?"

I blink. "My plan?"

"Yes," she says. "With my son, I mean."

I stare at her blankly, unsure what she's getting at. At first, I thought she was talking about Gabe before I realize she's giving me a knowing look. She's talking about Gus... Me and Gus... Gus and me together...

"Don't be coy," she says, smirking slightly. "I know what's going on between you two."

I wince a bit. I don't want to say anything and put Gus in an awkward position with his mother, but she's basically cornering me. "Sorry," I murmur.

She waves me off. "Oh, honey, that's not a problem. It's rather cute. But," she says, pausing here for dramatic effect, "I just ask that you don't whisk him away from me. Boston is our home and my kids are all I have. That's all I wanted to say."

I gulp a bit. Even though she's smiling and seems rather happy, I can't help but feel a little stressed out. The last thing I want to do is cross Mrs. Fenway. I wouldn't put it past her to haunt the everliving fuck out of me should she die of a broken heart. "We don't have any plans," I tell her.

She claps her hands together. "Good! Keep it that way," she says before rubbing my arm affectionately. Then, she resumes with her bustling in the kitchen and getting ready for work, leaving me confused.

Gus takes a while to return. In fact, his mother has to run off to work, but I tell her I'll keep an eye on Gabe so she won't be late. For about fifteen minutes, I lounge with Gabe, watching a random episode of "Rick and Morty" before Gus finally comes home.

"Hey!" he says, surprised to see me.

"Hey, babe," I say with a little grin, eyeing him up and down. Goddamn, he's fucking cute. Every time I see him, my insides lurch forward as if wanting to be closer to him.

He smiles at the affectionate word and, after kicking his shoes off, comes over to the back of the couch and gives me a quick kiss upside down. He also greets his brother by ruffling Gabe's hair. "Sorry it took me so long. Mom still here?"

"She left," Gabe says, eyes still fixed on the television.

"Cool," Gus says before his eyes turn to mine. "Wanna...?" He gestures to his bedroom.

I nod. "Yeah."

"We'll be in my room, Gabe," Gus says as I stand up. Then, happy to get some alone time with my guy, I follow Gus down the hallway into his bedroom. Once we're inside, he shuts the door to establish a little bit of privacy. "Sorry," Gus says. "Work was stressful and I ran out of weed." He pulls out a baggie from the pocket in his hoodie and tosses it on his desk.

"It's all good," I say, amused.

"Oh, but hey!" he says, turning to me with a bright smile. "Congrats!" Gus saunders up to me and gives me another kiss on the lips. Thankfully, we hold this one for a little longer.

"Mmm. Thank you," I say, resting my hands on his sides to keep him close to me. There are too many clothes in the way, though. Feeling his heat through fabric just seems like a cocktease.

"And sorry I couldn't make it to the bar tonight," he adds.

"It's okay. I'd rather have you to myself," I murmur, leaning in to kiss his neck.

Gus laughs -- and then, those laughs quickly turn into moans, especially when I start to get handsy. Both hands slide around and down, gripping his ass through his sweatpants. "Mmf, don't," he grunts, stopping me. "Wait `til Gabe goes to bed."

I groan. "But I miss you."

"I'm right here," he says, amused.

"Sexually," I clarify, and Gus chuckles.

"He probably won't stay up much longer," Gus tells me, patting my cheek. "Wanna watch a movie or something?"

I just shrug. "Alright. Long as you get partially naked," I say.

"Deal," he says.

Both of us strip down to our underwear. As I lounge out on his bed, Gus whips out his laptop from his backpack and logs in, ready to pull up a streaming service. I rest on my side, propped up on my elbow, admiring Gus as I usually do when he's casually showing off his body. My eyes always focus on some key features: his strong, thick thighs; his tapered core; his shapely pecs and bulging arms; and, of course, his deliciously full ass. His boxer briefs hug each cheek perfectly, and I feel my cock twitch. Gabe needs to get to sleep ASAP. I have plans for his big brother.

Speaking of plans... "Oh, hey, by the way," I start to say. "Did you... tell your mom yet? About us?"

Gus focuses on the laptop screen as he speaks. "Not really, no," he says. "Why?"

"She mentioned some stuff."

He turns to me, eyebrows furrowed. "Huh?"

"She, um, pulled me aside earlier and asked me what our plans were."

He just looks confused. "Our plans?"

"Yeah. She knows we're together," I tell him, figuring it's best to just be forward. "She basically flat-out said it."

For a moment, he looks a little horrified, but then it quickly turns to mild anxiety. "Did she seem...?"

"She was totally cool with it," I assure him, happy to see he looks relieved. "But, y'know, I think she has this fear that we're gonna fall in love and elope somewhere far away."

He laughs, bringing the laptop over to the bed. "So we're not in love?"

"Maybe a little," I tease with a grin as Gus gets situated. He lies down next to me, and I spoon him, draping an arm casually over his body as he positions the laptop. "Does it bother you that we don't have plans?" I ask.

"Whatcha mean?" Gus asks, pulling up Netflix.

"Like, we're just... taking it day by day."

"That's exactly what I like about it," Gus says.

"I mean, me too, but..." But what? What am I trying to say? It's not like I have a problem with how things are. I just don't want it to become a problem, I guess.

Gus turns his head towards me and frowns. "Don't tell me my mom got to you."

I laugh. "She didn't," I say. "Well, maybe a little. I don't know. I just wanna know where your head's at."

"My head's right here," he says.

I smile and lean in to give him a quick kiss. "So you don't think we should plan, even a little?"

"It sounds like you think we should plan," Gus says with a smirk.

"I want what you want," I tell him.

Gus pauses for a moment, thinking it over. "Well, think of it this way," he eventually says. "I've got my job, and my mom, and my brother, and you have, at the very least, two years left before you're done with school. I don't think this is something we have to worry about right now. Two years is a long time."

I smile. That's all I needed to hear to settle the nerves. If he's happy with this vibe, then I'm happy. "Works for me," I tell him. He just stares at me for a while before letting out a little laugh. "What?" I ask.

"Do you ever think about how weird it is that we got together?"

I smirk. "Weird how?"

"I mean, both of us only ever dated girls, neither of us were actually into guys that much, but something just... sparked between us," he says. "And now I... Well, can I get sappy for a quick second?"

"Be my guest," I say, smiling.

"Now, I can't imagine my life without you," he says.

I swoon. It's such a simple sentiment, but it resonates in my chest -- especially because I feel the same exact way. "And it's all because of a stupid little game of Spin the Bottle," I mutter.

Gus laughs. "I'm very fond of that game now," he says with a grin.

"I wouldn't go that far," I say, and both of us chuckle.

Because we've been on a bad-movie kick, we pick the lowest-rated film we can find and throw it on. Making fun of terrible films is a much-loved pastime of ours, but for right now, we're really just killing time until Gabe is ready to sleep. For the first half of the movie, we mostly sit in silence, casually touching and chatting and kissing and laughing about how abysmal the acting is. Eventually, Gabe (who has finally learned to knock) makes his presence on the other side of the door known. He announces that he's ready to go to bed but needs help opening the new tube of toothpaste. Going into big-brother mode, Gus heads out to help Gabe. I lie in bed cozily, listening to Gus tuck his little brother in on the other side of the wall. I can't really hear anything, but I can sense them -- and when I close my eyes, I can envision it clearly: Gus fussing with the blankets and pillows and Gabe gazing adoringly up at his brother as he awaits his goodnight forehead kiss. God, Gus is so cute as a big brother. He's so patient and doting when it comes to Gabe. In a weird way, it makes him more attractive.

When Gus returns, he stands next to the bed and eyes me. "Wanna finish the movie in the living room?" he asks.

It would be nicer to lounge on the couch and watch on a bigger screen, but... "Nah," I say, shaking my head. "This movie isn't bad enough to be good."

Gus laughs. "Yeah, fair," he says before tapping his chin. "Wanna have sex, then?"

He says it so casually that I almost miss the question -- and then I grin. "No thanks," I say playfully.

Gus almost thinks I'm serious for a second because his eyes go wide before he looks skeptical. "You're kidding."

I laugh. "Of course I am," I tell him before beckoning him to me. "Bring that ass over here."

With a smirk, Gus practically leaps on top of me. I almost fear the bed collapsing, but it just rattles as we bounce and try to connect our lips. As soon as our mouths are on each other's, I feel like I'm finally getting the meal I've been craving all day. Our lips and tongues go right for the kill, emphasized by our arms trying to wrap around each other with a mix of dominance and playfulness.

Barely a few seconds go by and I can already feel how hard we both are. The urgent stiffness in each of our boxers bulge against each other, automatically triggering that classic movement with our hips. We grind slowly, each of us searching for that perfect angle, that most desperate relief, all while feeding each other a healthy helping of tongue. My lips become slick with a mixture of our saliva, and my hands become antsy and indecisive. Should I squeeze his full ass, or dig into his back, or grab a fistful of his hair? Should I be tender and hold his face in my palms, or aggressively express my arousal? In the end, I do it all. There's no reason to choose one expression. Love is about experiencing it all simultaneously, right?

Gus eventually hops off the bed so he can shimmy out of his boxers. His cock, which (because he's so erect) juts out at an angle, so tantalizingly swings free. The tip is already glistening with precum. Licking my lips, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit firmly on the edge as I grab Gus's hips. He nearly trips in surprise as he tries stepping out of the boxers bunched around his ankles, but I keep a steady hold on him.

Then, I lean in and take him into my mouth. One of Gus's hands go right to my head, gripping my hair tightly until he gets used to the initial pleasure. After a moment, he just moans softly and rests his other hand on my shoulder. He cradles my head almost lovingly as I bob back and forth, loving the way I can feel him pulse against my tongue.

When I bring my hand to his balls to give them a gentle fondle, he moans a little louder. "Oh, fuck yes, babe," he says, and I grin around his cock a bit. I focus my manipulations, tugging and squeezing. He somehow feels thicker than usual. He's filling my mouth more than ever, tiring out my jaw, but I keep at it because I love making him feel good. That's my first priority.

My priorities are tested when Gus starts thrusting his hips and getting into it more. As he fucks my mouth, I grunt around his cock, trying to focus on breathing steadily and minimizing my gag reflex. It seems Gus gets lost in it because he just grips my hair tightly and pumps his hips like an eager virgin -- and frankly, that just turns me on more. Even though my whole body is flushed and warm and I'm starting to get dizzy, I don't want him to stop. I want him to use me a bit.

Of course, breathing is an essential function, I need more oxygen than Gus is allowing me, so I eventually pull off and lean back, panting and wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "Jesus," I huff, laughing a bit.

Gus looks down and winces. "Sorry," he says, giving his goods a tug. "Felt good though."

"Just don't kill me," I murmur, smirking up at him. I reach down into my boxers and realize I've been tenting profusely this whole time. My cock feels incredibly sensitive right now.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he says, eyeing me up and down.

He has a curious expression on his face. "What?" I ask.

When his eyes flicker back up to mine, he grins and says "Bend over" in the most commanding voice I've ever heard him use. My eyebrows automatically cock upwards, but I hit him with a half grin when I feel that sensual chill run through me. My boy wants to be in charge, huh? Fine then.

I turn around, get on all fours, and arch my back, letting Gus do the honors and peel my boxers off of me. Once he pulls them down my thighs, I'm effectively presenting myself to him with nowhere to hide. Something about this makes me feel so dirty -- but in a way that's thrilling and heartwarming. I mean, I'd never position myself like this for anyone else. I'm always in control. But with Gus? I feel completely safe to explore all sides of myself, even ones I didn't think existed.

First, I feel his hands, strong and sure as they pry my cheeks apart. Then, I feel hot, moist breath for a split second before Gus's tongue takes over. I groan, my body shivering in delight as I rest my forehead against my hands and lift my ass up as much as possible. My body just wants more and more of it. As Gus dives in, his facial hair tickles me in the most excruciatingly blissful way. God, this sensation still amazes me -- how my body wants to both recoil from his tongue and ride it to death. Tack on the fact that Gus is no longer shy and enjoys giving my ass a few slaps while he eats me out. We can't be too loud in his apartment, but we like toeing the line.

After ten minutes of me squirming and Gus drooling, he pulls back, stands up, and kisses the head of his cock to my wet hole. It feels so hot against me. "I wanna fuck you so badly," Gus says, grabbing himself and slapping his hard-on right on my hole.

"Do it, fucker" I mutter -- and I can practically feel Gus grinning.

He grabs a handful of one of my cheeks before briefly stepping away. I turn back and watch him fish for his lube. He returns, walking while already squirting down the slick liquid onto his cock. His dick doesn't even move while he walks -- that's how hard he is. Once he's got a healthy amount on his goods, he wraps a fist around his manhood and slowly coats himself. Then, he squirts a little onto me before tossing the bottle onto the bed and then gently rubbing me with his fingers.

I grunt a little when he surprises me by quickly slipping his middle finger inside, but it feels so good it makes my cock lurch precum. I can feel it pulsing out, especially when he curls his finger just right to massage my prostate. I moan, every muscle in my body flexing, eager for more. In fact, I'm feeling a little too eager.

Gus goes up to bat, rubbing his cock against me again, and I turn my head towards him slightly. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What's up?"

"Can you, uh...?" I laugh nervously before taking a breath. "Can you just let loose on me?" I'm thinking about how Gus fucked my face about ten minutes ago, and I want more of that -- just from the other end.

Gus's eyebrows shoot up before he starts smirking. "Let loose? Can you handle that?"

"I'm feelin' it today," I tell him. I may not be as experienced as Gus is, but I'm a big boy. I can tough it out, whatever he wants to throw at me.

He licks his lips, sliding his hands down to grip my hips firmly and dominantly. "We can't be that loud," he reminds me.

"Play some music or something," I suggest. I push back against him. "C'mon, babe. I'm feelin' needy."

He ponders it only for a second. Deciding it's worth the risk, he rushes over to his stereo and starts blasting the classic rock station. I chuckle a bit at the choice in music, but nevertheless, I'm ready. Gus has been so responsive as a bottom that I want to do the same for him. Maybe it's because I'm a little competitive. Maybe it's because I love him. Maybe it's a delicious mix of the two.

Gus repositions himself behind me, and I soon feel pressure at my hole. "Just-- Just work up to it," I say quickly, not wanting my back to be blown out right out the gates.

I hear Gus chuckle. "I gotcha." Then, carefully, he pushes forward and slides into me.

I'm not sure I'll ever get over that initial sensation. It's so intrusive and yet so stimulating, and that duality leaves me breathless. The deeper Gus gets, the more insane this all seems to me -- but the harder my cock gets. I feel my manhood throb when Gus plants himself balls-deep in me, our bodies meeting, his hands taking hold of my sides.

Then, he starts rocking his hips. Respectful of my request, he starts off easy to warm me up and allow me to at least somewhat accommodate him. Every soft thrust elicits a gentle moan out of me. Slowly, though, my moans get sharper, my head starts to bob, and my knees start to get shaky. Gus is focused, I can tell. He's making sure he's consistent in how gradual he's ramping things up, and I appreciate him for that. It's almost like every few thrusts are a test of my limits, and I'm passing with flying colors.

It's when Gus reaches that "reckless abandon" phase that my senses are in overdrive. "Fuck!" I grunt as Gus gives it to me. I'm holding my moans back as much as possible, but if it weren't for the music, the sound of skin slapping skin and the bed threatening to break would be obvious signs to the most naive person. I don't want Gabe to wake up or be suspicious or anything, but I need this. It feels like such a release to just have Gabe fuck away. After all the gratitude I've expressed today, all the relief that I've felt, this seems like the right way to top the night off: to just give it up for the person I'm in love with. Honestly, that thought sounds so weird in my head that I start laughing through the moans. I feel delirious. Between the sharpness of the physicality and the warmth of our emotional connection, I feel drunk all over again.

And then, Gus bends down and bites at my shoulder and neck before murmuring, "This isn't even the half of it."

I feel my skin erupt in chills. Even my knees buckle a bit. Incredibly aroused, I reach between my legs and start to stroke myself, making my eyes roll.

"Just wait `til we're really alone," he says after nibbling on my ear. "I'll fuck you senseless."

Jesus, now I'm dizzy and sweating. I groan, rutting right back against him. Gus never talks this way. Even when he has fucked me, he doesn't usually fall into the dom role when it comes to verbal. That's always me. But experiencing this side of Gus like this is so... exciting. It's hard to believe that Gus can do even more, because this feels carnal and intense. What'll happen when he amps it up for me? What's my man got in store for us?

Suddenly, Gus abruptly pulls out of me -- an odd sensation that leaves me breathless. Before I can question it, I feel his strong hands gripping my hips and maneuvering me. I find myself on my back within seconds, dazed. It's not like I've ever been manhandled before. Now I get why some girls like that so much. Hell, now I get why Gus likes it.

Without sacrificing his stride, Gus grabs hold of himself and plunges right back into me. I grunt loudly, clenching my teeth and eyes as Gus's hips go wild. There's so much to feel right now: the heat of his cock, the incessant pegging of my prostate, the breath-stealing depth of his penetration, the speed of his thrusts sending electric signals around the outer ring of my hole, the force of his pelvis slamming into me rapidly... It's like I'm truly alive and on the brink of death simultaneously. I can't even look at him. I can only stare up at the base of the top bunk, mouth agape, barely breathing, and loving every second of this helplessness. Even my orgasm feels outside of my control. I may be stroking myself, but my orgasm is building internally. I can feel it. It's like it's deeper inside me rather than centered around my cock like usual. It's building, and it's building strong.

And then, I feel Gus's hand at my throat. His fingers grip either side, lightly restricting blood flow, making my head feel fuzzy and light while the base of me is overstimulated. Oh God, Gus. I'm getting what I asked for, aren't I? I vaguely feel a smile forming on my face as my stroking hand goes limp -- but it doesn't even matter, because Gus's thrusts are making me give myself a lazy handjob. As my head gets fuzzier, my rising orgasm starts to feel broader and brighter until finally, I'm cumming. I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming. My moans come out as choked sounds as tidal waves of pleasure crash down so intensely it's like I'm being destroyed in the best way. I feel it throughout my entire body, my whole being. I could cry, but I don't think my body could handle much more.

I don't know if seeing me cum sends Gus over the edge, but he follows suit right after. He lets go of my neck and leans over me a bit more, keeping our bodies as close as possible so that he can breed deeply. He groans through gritted teeth, trying his best to keep quiet too as he gives me a few final thrusts. This could be more psychosomatic than anything else, but when Gus fills me, I feel a resonating warmth that seems to calm the post-orgasmic vibrations in me.

When Gus finishes, both of us are panting like we just ran for our lives and only just now found shelter. As we each attempt to regain control of our breath, we catch each other's eyes and then start laughing. It's exhausted laughter, but it's laughter nonetheless.

"Fuck," Gus says through soft, breathy chuckles.

"You're a monster," I murmur tiredly.

"Learned from you," Gus says with a smile.

I smile back at him as I take a moment to admire his figure again, with his muscled torso glistening with sex-induced sweat. He looks extremely attractive right now. If I had any semblance of life left in me right now, I'd jump his bones all over again. "You look hot," I tell him.

Gus grins down at me, giving my semi a little tug. "You look hotter."

I just smile up at him before I realize the music is practically ringing in my ears. "Maybe we should--"

"Right," Gus says, getting the hint. Very, very slowly, he pulls out of me, and I wince and whine a bit, feeling incomplete when he leaves. He heads over to his stereo to shut it off before returning to the bed, standing once again between my legs.

"I feel like you ruined me," I murmur, reaching between my legs to paw lightly at my hole. Fuck, it's sensitive.

Gus laughs. "Lemme see," he says. Then, he grabs my legs and pushes them back, giving himself an unobscured view of my hole.

"What's the damage, doc?" I ask.

"Totally normal," Gus says with a grin, running the pad of his thumb across my hole. "Just, y'know... open."

I snort. "Yeah, wonder why," I say, pushing him away by pressing my foot into his chest.

He stumbles but smiles, just smiling down at me for several moments. "Thanks for that," he finally says.

"You're welcome?" I say teasingly, laughing.

"I'm serious," he says, offering his hand. I take it, allowing him to help me to my feet. "I feel closer to you every time we have sex, especially if we do something... kinda new, you know?" he says.

I smile at him, pulling his body into mine. "I know, babe. I feel the same." I lean in and give him a soft kiss on the lips. "And thank you, too."

He laughs. "Yeah, I guess saying `thank you' sounds a little weird," he murmurs.

"It doesn't. I promise," I assure him, appreciating him, loving him. God, he's perfect for me. I give his ass a little squeeze before pulling back. "Mind if I shower quick?" I ask.

"Go for it," he says. "I should probably check on Gabe."

I let Gus get dressed and exit the bedroom first so that I'm not flashing a little kid as I scamper to the bathroom walk-of-shame style. While I wait, I stretch a bit and catch a glimpse of myself in Gus's mirror. For some reason, I'm intrigued by the sight of myself. I take a moment to appreciate my defined musculature, praising the work I've put into my chest, my core, my arms, my legs. Damn. I look great. What is it about taking dick? Do you just suddenly feel stronger?

Gus returns while I'm mid-pose and starts laughing. "The fuck are you doing?"

"What? I look good," I say with a smirk, flexing a bicep and kissing it.

"You look like a douche," he teases.

"Well, you never tell me I'm sexy, so I gotta practice self-love," I joke.

"Idiot," he mutters before kissing me and then patting my chest. "Coast is clear. I don't even think Gabe woke up."

"Thank God," I murmur, laughing. "We got a little... crazier than intended, I think."

I start to grab my clothes from off the bed and the floor so I can bring them to the bathroom. When I bend down to grab my underwear, that's when the soreness really hits me. It's all over, almost like a post-workout soreness -- and I sure as hell got a major workout tonight, didn't I? The thought makes me laugh lightly to myself, and I chuckle as I roll my clothes into a bundle, eager to clean up.

When I stand up and start to move towards the door, Gus stops me. "Hey -- random question," he says.

I turn to him and see that he looks a little nervous about something. "Shoot."

"Remember when we were talking about plans and all that?"

I arch a brow. "You mean, like, tonight?" I ask, somewhat amused.

"Yeah," he says before clearing his throat. "Just curious where do you stand on... kids."

I blink, confused. Kids? What is he talking about? The question catches me so off-guard that all I can say is "Huh?" at first.

"Like, having kids of your own one day," Gus says.

"Uh..." I laugh a little, rubbing the back of my head. "Honestly? I never really imagined having kids."

Clearly that was the wrong answer because Gus immediately looks crestfallen. "Oh," he says.

Shit. "Do you want kids?" I ask.

"Well, I mean, yeah, eventually," he says, doing that shuffling thing with his fingers he does when he's feeling awkward.

I try to lighten the mood. "You'd be a good dad, for sure."

He smiles appreciatively before gesturing to me. "So would you, I think."

"Pffft," I scoff. "I'm a little too..." I trail off, unable to find the right word.

"Too what?"

"I don't know. Independent?" I suggest.

Gus just nods a bit. "Yeah, I guess so."

I eye my boyfriend with calculating eyes. It's evident that this is a bigger deal than he's letting on. I can tell. Frankly, he must have known that I haven't really been into the idea of having kids. That must be why he's a little off right now. I mean, before Gus, I didn't even want a committed relationship. But that's the thing, right? Sometimes you just need the right person at the right time for things to set in motion.

I toss my clothes onto the bed and walk over to Gus, taking both his hands in mine. "Be straight with me," I ask him. "This is important to you, right?"

Gus bites his lip anxiously but nods.

I smile at him. "I'll be honest. I've never liked the idea of having kids. It always seemed... just... It didn't make sense to me, I guess. I couldn't imagine fitting kids into my life. But part of that is because I never thought I'd find the right person for me, someone I'd even consider making that jump with."

Gus gives me a shy little smile, looking down for a moment in thought. Then, his eyes flicker back up to mine. "And do you feel like you've found that right person?"

"Yeah. Your mother," I joke -- and for a moment, he gawps before laughing.

"Be serious," he says.

"Of course it's you, you dumbass," I say, pulling his arms around me so that we can hug each other. "You're the most important thing to me. And if this is important to you, it's important to me, too."

Gus blushes. I swear his eyes even get a little watery, but he puts his face in my neck before I can tell. "I'll take it," he says.

"Good. Let's keep it on the table," I tell him. It's something that will have to be on the table for a while, anyway. I mean, raising a family? There are so, so, so many logistics to consider. And it's like Gus said earlier: we both still have a good two years before we need to be making any life-altering decisions. It'll be good to keep this idea in the periphery moving forward, but for now, I keep things light. "I do have one condition, though."

Gus pulls back, looking nervous. "What?"

"If we have kids, you have to start calling me `Daddy,' too."

Gus just glares at me and I burst out into laughter.

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